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Primary stem vasculature was investigated in seven genera and 69 species of the Cotyledonoideae, Kalanchoideae and Sedoideae. Vascular patterns in whole cleared stems were determined by number of leaf traces per leaf, number of leaf-trace sympodia per stem, and connections between traces and sympodia. Four patterns were found in the Cotyledonoideae, eight in the Kalanchoideae and four in the Sedoideae. Similarities and differences among the patterns are discussed and possible phylogenetic trends are suggested. Changes in vasculature during ontogeny were observed in the Kalanchoideae and related to patterns found in mature stems. Many species in all three subfamilies reveal a relationship between phyllotaxy, number of sympodia per stem, and the intervals at which leaf traces are connected to each sympodium. Patterns of vasculature were found to support many of the intergeneric relationships suggested by other studies of this family.  相似文献   

The organization of the morphophysiological unit in Anagallis arvensis L. is conditioned by vegetative growth, which is expressed as indeterminate under short-day conditions and as determinate under long-day ones. The perpetuation mechanism is a function of the environment. Under SD conditions ontogenetic morphogenesis is incomplete, and the unit does not form specific reproductive structures; indeterminate growth and permanent rooting capacity provide an efficient mechanism for perpetuation. Under LD complete ontogenetic morphogenesis assures perpetuation by seeds. The appearance of senescence is independent of the nature of the morphophysiological unit and is directly related to growth cessation. It affects organs only when growth is indeterminate (SD) and the whole organism when growth is determinate (LD). Organ senescence seems related to growth itself, and organism senescence would appear closely related to photoperiodic effects. Photoperiod controls organization of the unit, ontogenetic morphogenesis, and organism senescence simultaneously. The number of leaves per node, flowering, organization, and senescence of the organism are all directed toward a more or less evolved state by the effects of the photoperiodic condition.  相似文献   

The primary xylem connection between the diarch parent root and the diarch lateral root was derived from the pericycle and stelar parenchyma. Early in lateral root development stelar parenchyma that was positioned between the parent xylem and the primordium divided transversely. These transverse divisions produced a plate of cells, most of which subsequently differentiated into vessel element connectors. After emergence of the lateral root, xylem maturation began in the stelar vessel element connectors and maturation proceeded acropetally into the lateral root. Protoxylem of the lateral root was connected to the metaxylem of the parent root via stelar vessel element connectors. The circular phloem connection was pericyclic in origin. Axial phloem connections which vascularized the lateral root were established with sieve tube elements of both parent phloem poles. Maturation of the phloem connection occurred prior to lateral root emergence. Transaxial phloem, positioned in arches above and below the lateral root vascular cylinder, was derived from the pericycle; and each arch consisted of three to four sieve tube elements. No transfer cells were found in the transaxial phloem.  相似文献   

葛莱德拉幼苗初生维管系统的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾伟平  张友民 《植物研究》1995,15(4):473-476
葛莱德拉(Garidillamngellastrum)幼苗的子叶节区中部保留有管状中柱阶段和具单隙双迹的子叶节,这在被子植物幼苗中是十分罕见的,并且对研究被子植物的起源也提供了一份基础资料。  相似文献   

用临床细胞免疫学检测方法,对损毁大脑前额叶背外侧部皮层手术前、手术后7天和手术后30天的猕猴外周血液淋巴细胞的4种免疫花环(Et、Ea、ZYC和ME花环)进行了跟踪监测,并与假手术组进行对照。结果表明:损毁大脑前额叶皮层后,其外周血活化T淋巴细胞花环率(Ea)和B淋巴细胞的小鼠红细胞花环率(ME)均在手术后7天显著下降;直到手术后30天仍显著低于手术前。而总T淋巴细胞花环率(Et)和酵母多糖补体复合物花环率(ZYC)则在手术后7天显著下降,在手术后30天又回复。这些结果提示:大脑前额叶皮层对机体免疫机能具有一定的调节联系作用,损毁大脑前额叶皮层后,可引起机体淋巴细胞免疫功能下降,其作用机理尚待进一步研究  相似文献   

Selfing in Trientalis borealis is reduced by spatial separation of stigma and anthers during anther dehiscence and by internal self-incompatibility. Artificial self-pollination resulted in low levels of fruit set (2.0%). Crosses made within patches of plants yielded variable (0–72.7%), but generally low fruit set (x̄ = 21.4%). This may be caused by patches often consisting of a single genet. In contrast crosses made among patches resulted in uniformly high levels of fruit set (x̄ = 84.3%). Pollinator activity was higher at open sites than at heavily shaded sites and was correlated with fruit set. Pollinator activity, however, showed no correlation with seed set. We conclude that the primary pollinators, Halictid and Andrenid bees, play an important role in the breeding system of the plant by promoting outcrossing but that availability or efficiency of pollinators may limit seed set.  相似文献   

The primary vascular connection between primary and secondary root of Glycine max (L.) Merr. was derived from stelar parenchyma and pericycle. Inner stelar parenchyma, associated with the parent metaxylem and outer stelar parenchyma adjacent to the pericycle, were resonsible for the histogenesis of the primary xylem connection. Acropetal maturation of the diarch xylem connection occurred after the lateral root emerged from the parent root. Development of tetrarchy occurred distal to the diarch xylem connection. The concentric primary phloem connection was derived from the pericycle and outer stelar parenchyma. Acropetal maturation of the primary phloem connection occurred prior to lateral root emergence from the parent root. Secondary growth quickly augmented the primary vascular connection. A substantial amount of mature secondary xylem formed prior to maturation of the secondary phloem. The structure of the primary and secondary vascular connections is described.  相似文献   

山西高原植被与土壤分布格局关系的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
利用CCA、DCCA等多元分析方法,在景观尺度上对山西高原植被与土壤分布格局之间的关系进行了分析,所得结论表明:纬向上主要是栗褐土、褐土、风沙土和栗钙土与植被的变化格局相关性较强,由于山西高原南北跨度大,土壤和植被格局纬向变化趋势的一致性十分明显;黄绵土、栗钙土、山地草甸土与植被的经向分布格局密切相关,由于山西高原东西向跨度较小,且大部分地区处于吕梁山与太行山之间,植被和土壤的经向格局梯度不明显;随海拔高度的增加,棕壤、山地草甸土、亚高山草甸土与山西高原植被的垂直分布格局相平行,由于山西高原相对高差较大,这种趋势也非常明显。综合分析还表明了气候、土壤与植被格局的一致性,也反映了地貌对其分布格局的影响  相似文献   

An actively growing cottonwood bud was embedded in epon-araldite and serially sectioned at 2 μm. The sections were analyzed microscopically with the optical shuttle system of Zimmermann and Tomlinson, and all data were quantitatively recorded relative to the apex and to leaf plastochron index (LPI). Analysis of the sections revealed an acropetally developing procambial system organized according to a precise phyllotaxy. Six procambial strands could be recognized and followed long before the leaf primordia that they would enter were evident at the apex. Origin of these strands coincided with developmental events both in the parent trace and its primordium and in the antecedent leaf on the same orthostichy. Once a primordium and its trace attained a certain stage of development, trace bundles began to develop basipetally from the primordium base. These trace bundles appeared to be the earliest progenitors of wood formation in cottonwood. It was concluded that the concept of residual meristem and its corollary, the hypothesis that acropetally developing procambial strands determine the inception sties of new primordia, apply to the cottonwood apex.  相似文献   

大花翠雀(Delphiniumgrandiflorum)幼苗初生维管系统的解剖学研究表明,子叶节区是客观存在的,并以子叶节区为中心存在两个过渡区,即向上的子叶节─茎过渡区和向下的子叶节一根过渡区。在子叶节区下部存在原始的外始式二原型十字形单中柱。本研究为进一步揭示毛茛科植物的起源和演化积累一份新资料。  相似文献   

吴中林 《昆虫学报》1978,(3):233-242
水稻栽培制度的变革,改变了稻螟赖以生存的环境条件,导致二、三化螟的发生世代、发生型和为害程度发生了深刻的变化。本地单季晚稻区从开始发展双三熟制,到双三熟制稳定在100%的过程,螟害为由轻到重,由重到轻。显然,螟害程度的轻重,与稻螟的发生型以及水稻危险生育期是否与大量蚁螟活动期相配合有关。几年来的实践表明,采用合理的耕作制度:进一步提高良种纯度,加强田间肥水管理,促使稻株生育健壮,抽穗整齐:必要时再辅以少量药剂:确能控制稻螟的种群,使它稳定在低密度状态。  相似文献   

家黑种草幼苗初生维管系统的解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王立军  张友民 《植物研究》1995,15(2):215-219
家黑种草幼苗子叶节区中部存在中始式二原型管状中柱阶段的事实,就足以说明,Namboodiri和Beck(1968a,b,c)的理一即认为在前裸子植物一种子植物的初生维管系统中不存在管状中柱阶段,从而主张种子植物在起源上与真蕨类毫无亲缘关系的理论是不够慎重的,作者信息,随着管状中柱阶段的不同断发现,就预言它产两者之间,在系统发育的守,可能有关个“共同的祖先”。  相似文献   

赵丽辉  谷安根 《植物研究》1997,17(4):431-435
大白菜是子叶出土幼苗,子叶节区下部具木质部中部凹缢的中始式二原型单中柱,特称芸苔型。作者在白菜幼苗子叶节区中部也发现了属于管状中柱范畴的疏隙中柱阶段,从而进一步证明管状中柱和疏隙中柱在种子植物体内并非毛莨科某些属所特有,至少在十字花科的芸苔属也存在。  相似文献   

The relationship between social structure and partitioning of genetic variance was examined in two red howler monkey populations (W and G) in Venezuela, one of which (G) was undergoing rapid growth through colonization by new troops. Rates and patterns of gene flow had been determined through radiotelemetry and direct observation data on solitary migrants, and 10 years of troop censusing. Standard electrophoresis techniques were used to examine 29 loci in blood samples taken from 137 of the study animals. Analysis of genetic variance demonstrated: (1) a significantly high level of genetic variation among troops within populations (FST = 0.225 for W and 0.142 for G), and (2) a significant excess of heterozygosity within troops relative to expected (FIS = -0.136 for W and -0.064 for G), despite relatively high levels of observed and inferred inbreeding in W. Differences between the populations in FST values conformed to those predicted based on differences in colonization rate. Comparison of partitioning of genetic variance among different genealogical subsets of troops demonstrated that the pattern of genetic differentiation observed among troops within populations was promoted by an essentially single-male harem breeding structure, a very low rate of random exchange of breeding males among troops, and a high degree of relatedness among troop females. Between-troop genetic differentiation (FST) was thereby increased relative to that expected from other types of social organization, while the correlation between uniting gametes within troops (FIS) was decreased. Genetic differentiation between populations (2%) corresponded to that predicted from migration rates. Such a mosaic of genetic variation, combined with differences in reproductive success observed among troops and a high troop failure rate, create conditions in which interdemic selection could result in more rapid spread of advantageous gene combinations than would be expected in a panmictic population, particularly in a colonizing situation in which the founder population is small.  相似文献   

The vascular bundles in the inflorescence axis of Andropogon gerardii occur in inner and outer systems. The inner system is made up of large, early developing strands that, at earliest stages of development, are precocious (= the appendage they are to serve has not yet been initiated). The outer system consists of later developing smaller strands that are open ended in a proximal direction (= strands differentiate basipetally in the cortex below the appendage they serve). Bundles of both the inner and outer systems are not connected to other procambium early in their development but exist as isolated strands. The veins of the inner system of the inflorescence axis occur as sympodia. The presence of inner and outer systems in the vascular tissue is common to most monocotyledons. However, amongst monocotyledons, only certain grasses have been shown to have strands of the inner system that are isolated early in development. Many dicotyledons have large strands which are precocious and some have smaller, later developing strands which are open ended in a proximal direction, hence they occur as isolated strands. These smaller strands in dicotyledons occur between large strands. Certain dicotyledons have an inner and an outer system of veins. Of these, some have veins of the inner system that differ from the inner system bundles of monocotyledons in that they also form part of the outer system of veins, or develop at a different time. One other dicotyledon with an inner and outer system, Bougainvillea, differs from monocotyledons only in that the bundles of the outer system do not seem to be isolated early in their development and anastomoses are seen between the inner and outer systems. Thus, it appears that monocotyledons differ from dicotyledons only in the presence of independent inner and outer systems of vascular bundles in the former. Thus, the hypothesis of Zimmermann and Tomlinson that there are basic differences between monocotyledon and dicotyledon vascular systems is not substantiated. It is even suspected that monocotyledon and dicotyledon vascular systems will be demonstrated to be modifications of a basic plan consisting of large, acropetally differentiating and smaller, basipetally differentiating strands.  相似文献   

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