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This study measured the quantities of effective pollen vectors and their pollen loads arriving at the canopies of dioecious tropical rain forest trees in north-east Queensland. Population flowering synchrony, effective pollinator populations and pollen loads transferred between staminate and pistillate trees were compared among three insect-pollinated tree species. All three were visited by a wide range of insects, 75% of which (mostly 3–6 mm long) carried conspecific pollen. Fewer than 8% of individual insects were found to be carrying single-species pollen exclusively and none could be described as specialist pollen foragers. The introduced honeybee carried greater quantities of pollen than any native species but was not necessarily a reliable pollinator. The brief flowering periods in Neolitsea dealbata (3–4 weeks) and Litsea leefeana (4–5 weeks) populations were synchronized among individuals. Flowering in the Diospyros pentamera population extended over 15 weeks and most individuals were in flower for most of this period. Staminate trees began flowering earlier, produced more flowers and attracted relatively more insects than did pistillate trees, suggesting a density-dependent response of pollinators to flowering performance. Pollen was trapped in greater quantities on insects at staminate trees than at pistillate trees. Insect numbers increased at peak flowering periods and Diptera were the most abundant flower visitors. Anthophilous Coleoptera were more numerous at staminate than at pistillate trees in all three tree species populations. Larger quantities of pollen were mobilized during peak flowering times although the greatest quantities were transferred to pistillate canopies towards the end of the population flowering periods. Diptera carried pollen more often to pistillate N. dealbata and L. leefeana trees than did other groups whereas Coleoptera carried pollen more often to pistillate D. pentamera trees. The two contrasting flowering performances in the three tree species are discussed with reference to mechanisms that facilitate pollen transfer between staminate and pistillate trees.  相似文献   

We examined factors affecting the duration of the staminate and pistillate phases in the protandrous flowers of Campanula rapunculoides L. (Campanulaceae). Under conditions of natural pollinator visitation, flowers experiencing low rates of pollen removal lasted significantly longer than flowers that had faster rates of pollen removal. Experimental manipulations showed that low levels of pollen removal resulted in extension of the staminate phase. Hand-pollinations in which we varied the amount and source of pollen showed that when the number of fertilized ovules within an ovary is low, senescence of the flower is delayed, resulting in extension of the pistillate phase. We also report on pollinator foraging patterns within the vertical inflorescences of C. rapunculoides and the limiting factor for seed set in this population. The results are relevent to recent suggestions that floral characters often serve to reduce interference between the sexual functions in cosexual plants.  相似文献   

The balance of pollination competition and facilitation among co-flowering plants and abiotic resource availability can modify plant species and individual reproduction. Floral resource succession and spatial heterogeneity modulate plant–pollinator interactions across ecological scales (individual plant, local assemblage, and interaction network of agroecological infrastructure across the farm). Intraspecific variation in flowering phenology can modulate the precise level of spatio-temporal heterogeneity in floral resources, pollen donor density, and pollinator interactions that a plant individual is exposed to, thereby affecting reproduction. We tested how abiotic resources and multi-scale plant–pollinator interactions affected individual plant seed set modulated by intraspecific variation in flowering phenology and spatio-temporal floral heterogeneity arising from agroecological infrastructure. We transplanted two focal insect-pollinated plant species (Cyanus segetum and Centaurea jacea, n = 288) into agroecological infrastructure (10 sown wildflower and six legume–grass strips) across a farm-scale experiment (125 ha). We applied an individual-based phenologically explicit approach to match precisely the flowering period of plant individuals to the concomitant level of spatio-temporal heterogeneity in plant–pollinator interactions, potential pollen donors, floral resources, and abiotic conditions (temperature, water, and nitrogen). Individual plant attractiveness, assemblage floral density, and conspecific pollen donor density (C. jacea) improved seed set. Network linkage density increased focal species seed set and modified the effect of local assemblage richness and abundance on C. segetum. Mutual dependence on pollinators in networks increased C. segetum seed set, while C. jacea seed set was greatest where both specialization on pollinators and mutual dependence was high. Abiotic conditions were of little or no importance to seed set. Intra- and interspecific plant–pollinator interactions respond to spatio-temporal heterogeneity arising from agroecological management affecting wild plant species reproduction. The interplay of pollinator interactions within and between ecological scales affecting seed set implies a co-occurrence of pollinator-mediated facilitative and competitive interactions among plant species and individuals.  相似文献   

The reproductive ecology of a dioecious Caribbean seagrass, Thalassia testudinum was studied in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Flowering in Thalassia coincided with spring tides with anthesis and anther dehiscence in staminate plants occurring at night. As predicted by search theory, pollen is dispersed in negatively buoyant rafts of pollen grains (that superficially resemble strings of frog spawn) which are bound by a slime of apparent thecal origin. Dispersal of pollen is submarine and approximately two-dimensional along the plane of the substratum. The stigmas on pistillate plants are linear, stiff, and densely papillate; they protrude from the mouth of the subtending leaf. Floral ratios of staminate to pistillate flowers were 60 to 1 with an average distance of 4.0 cm from pistillate flower to the closest staminate flowers. Populations included a high proportion of short shoots with numerous (> 100) leaf scars indicating ages for these axes of up to 3–4 years. Nonflowering shoots can be sexed and frequency of flowering can be assessed from scars of old inflorescences. Preliminary results suggest that there is no regular pattern of flowering, since the interval between flowering events is variable.  相似文献   

Juglans nigra and Juglans regia are phylogenetically divergent species. Despite the economic interest in Juglans?×?intermedia (J. nigra?×? J. regia), walnut hybridization is rare under natural conditions and still difficult using controlled pollination. Here, we evaluated some reproductive mechanisms that may prevent successful natural hybridization. The study of flowering phenology of 11 J. nigra and 50 J. regia trees growing in a plantation provided information regarding the opportunity for interspecific crosses. Variation in flower size, pollen quality of putative donors, and variation in seed yield and rate of hybrid production among putative maternal trees were examined. DNA fingerprinting and parentage analyses based on nine microsatellites permitted the identification of hybrids and hybridogenic parent. Our data indicated that overlap occurred between the staminate flowering of protogynous J. regia and the beginning of pistillate flowering of protogynous J. nigra. Differences in floral size were computed between walnut species. Only three hybrids among 422 offspring of eleven J. nigra progenies were identified. Interspecific hybridization involving pollination of one early-flowering-protogynous J. nigra by three protogynous J. regia trees was detected. The correct development of J. regia male gametophytes, high pollen viability (86.5 %), and germination (57.6 %) ruled out the possibility that low pollen quality contributed to depressed hybrid production. Our findings indicated that these two species tended to remain reproductively isolated. The substantial disjunction in flowering time and additional prezygotic barriers such as differences in floral size and conspecific pollen advance may affect interspecific gene flow between J. regia and J. nigra.  相似文献   

Pollination of Neotropical dioecious trees is commonly related to generalist insects. Similar data for non‐tree species with separated genders are inconclusive. Recent studies on pollination of dioecious Chamaedorea palms (Arecaceae) suggest that species are either insect‐ or wind‐pollinated. However, the wide variety of inflorescence and floral attributes within the genus suggests mixed pollination mode involving entomophily and anemophily. To evaluate this hypothesis, we studied the pollination of Chamaedorea costaricana, C. macrospadix, C. pinnatifrons and C. tepejilote in two montane forests in Costa Rica. A complementary morphological analysis of floral traits was carried out to distinguish species groups within the genus according to their most probable pollination mechanism. We conducted pollinator exclusion experiments, field observations on visitors to pistillate and staminate inflorescences, and trapped airborne pollen. A cluster analysis using 18 floral traits selected for their association with wind and insect pollination syndromes was carried out using 52 Chamaedorea species. Exclusion experiments showed that both wind and insects, mostly thrips (Thysanoptera), pollinated the studied species. Thrips used staminate inflorescences as brood sites and pollinated pistillate flowers by deception. Insects caught on pistillate inflorescences transported pollen, while traps proved that pollen is wind‐borne. Our empirical findings clearly suggest that pollination of dioecious Chamaedorea palms is likely to involve both insects and wind. A cluster analysis showed that the majority of studied species have a combination of floral traits that allow for both pollination modes. Our pollination experiments and morphological analysis both suggest that while some species may be completely entomophilous or anemophilous, ambophily might be a common condition within Chamaedorea. Our results propose a higher diversity of pollination mechanisms of Neotropical dioecious species than previously suggested.  相似文献   

Sex differential nectar production, floral longevity and pollinator foraging were examined in Lobelia cardinalis, a self-compatible, protandrous species that is hummingbird pollinated. The staminate phase of the flowers lasts significantly longer and produces significantly more nectar (total sugar) per day than the pistillate phase of the flowers. Additional pollen is presented throughout the staminate phase. Because inflorescences of L. cardinalis mature acropetally, the nectar reward on any given day is greatest at the top of the inflorescence (where staminate phase flowers are located). Hummingbirds appear to be sensitive to this pattern of nectar presentation as they most commonly began foraging in the middle of an inflorescence and proceeded upward. This foraging pattern tends to promote outcrossing and suggests that staminate phase flowers are visited more often than pistillate phase flowers. We conclude that L. cardinalis emphasizes the male function at anthesis. Others have hypothesized that the features of this species are a logical consequence of intrasexual selection, but further research is needed before we place great confidence in a sexual selection interpretation of our data.  相似文献   

A continuous 15 month study of the floral ecology of four syntopic understorey palm species of Genoma was conducted in Amazonian Peru lowland rainforest. The spicate inflorescences of G. macrostachys, G. acaulis and G. gracilis are strictly protandrous and the plants are functionally dioecious. Data suggest that in G. macrostachys and G. acaulis pollination is based on a mimicry system, the pistillate flowers mimicking the staminate ones in colour, shape and scent. Pollen-collecting meliponine bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponinae) and pollen-feeding syrphid flies (Diptera, Syrphidae) which visit inflorescences during both sexual stages are the pollinators of G. macrostachys. Geonoma acaulis is pollinated by small pollen-feeding weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Derelomini) that visit male and female spikes. Additionally, in G. macrostachys another pollinator type, viz. euglossine bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Euglossinae), which are attracted and rewarded by both types of flowers may account for long-distance pollination. The palm G. gracilis shows a very distinct pollination system. Although opportunistic insect visitors are attracted to the inflorescences of this species it seems to be mainly anemophilous because pollen becomes powdery during an thesis. The branched inflorescences of G. interrupta are also protandrous, but unlike the other species of Geonoma observed, staminate and pistillate anthesis of individual flowers are, for the most, overlapping. A broad spectrum of visitors is attracted (bees, wasps, flies, and beetles), which all may act as pollinators. Outcrossing is especially encouraged during the purely female phase at the end of the flowering cycle when there are no more staminate flowers in the inflorescence. Effects on the reproductive biology and population structure of different pollination systems and breeding system are discussed.  相似文献   

Male plants of spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) senesce following flowering. It has been suggested that nutrient drain by male flowers is insufficient to trigger senescence. The partitioning of radiolabelled photosynthate between vegetative and reproductive tissue was compared in male (staminate) versus female (pistillate) plants. After the start of flowering staminate plants senesce 3 weeks earlier than pistillate plants. Soon after the start of flowering, staminate plants allocated several times as much photosynthate to flowering structures as did pistillate plants. The buds of staminate flowers with developing pollen had the greatest draw of photosynthate. When the staminate plants begin to show senescence 68% of fixed C was allocated to the staminate reproductive structures. In the pistillate plants, export to the developing fruits and young flowers remained near 10% until mid-reproductive development, when it increased to 40%, declining to 27% as the plants started to senesce. These differences were also present on a sink-mass corrected basis. Flowers on staminate spinach plants develop faster than pistillate flowers and have a greater draw of photosynthate than do pistillate flowers and fruits, although for a shorter period. Pistillate plants also produce more leaf area within the inflorescence to sustain the developing fruits. The (14)C in the staminate flowers declined due to respiration, especially during pollen maturation; no such loss occurred in pistillate reproductive structures. The partitioning to the reproductive structures correlates with the greater production of floral versus vegetative tissue in staminate plants and their more rapid senescence. As at senescence the leaves still had adequate carbohydrate, the resources are clearly phloem-transported compounds other than carbohydrates. The extent of the resource redistribution to reproductive structures and away from the development of new vegetative sinks, starting very early in the reproductive phase, is sufficient to account for the triggering of senescence in the rest of the plant.  相似文献   

Pollen was collected from ten cultivars of Juglans regia and three cultivars of the later-blooming species, J. nigra. Extensive phenological data were available for these cultivars. Cultivars were chosen on the basis of staminate bloom date to include the earliest and latest blooming individuals available and a representative range throughout the bloom season. Mean staminate bloom dates for the cultivars examined covered a period of 46 days over which time mean daily temperatures rose 6 C. In order to determine if adaptations to temperature were expressed by the gametophyte generation, pollen was subjected to controlled temperatures from 5 to 40 C in 2 to 4 C increments and analyzed for germination percentages and pollen tube elongation. A positive relationship was found for pollen germination percentage and mean staminate bloom date such that earlier blooming individuals showed lower minimum temperature thresholds for germination, and optimum temperature for pollen germination was positively correlated with mean staminate bloom date. Differences in pollen tube growth, determined separately from hydration and germination responses, were less clear. Most J. regia clones had lower minium temperature thresholds for growth than the J. nigra clones, but there was no clear relationship to earliness of bloom within the species. No differences were discerned in optimum temperatures for pollen tube growth either between the two species or within species.  相似文献   

In Samoa, field observations, experiments, and SEM micrographs of hair and feather samples indicate the dioecious lianaFreycinetia reineckei to be both chiropterophilous and ornithophilous with the principal pollinators being an endemic flying fox,Pteropus samoensis, and an endemic starling,Aplonis atrifuscus. Nutritional analysis of staminate and pistillate inflorescenses indicate qualitative and quantitative differences between the rewards offered by the two sexes. No nectar is presented, the principal pollinator rewards being fleshy bracts and pollen. As a result, staminate and bisexual inflorescenses sustain higher levels of pollinator damage, a factor which may tend to maintain dioecism within the population.  相似文献   

  • Analyses of resource presentation, floral morphology and pollinator behaviour are essential for understanding specialised plant‐pollinator systems. We investigated whether foraging by individual bee pollinators fits the floral morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis, whose flowers are characterised by a nectar scale‐staminode complex and pollen release by thigmonastic stamen movements.
  • We described pollen and nectar presentation, analysed the breeding system and the foraging strategy of bee pollinators. We determined the nectar production pattern and documented variations in the longevity of floral phases and stigmatic pollen loads of pollinator‐visited and unvisited flowers.
  • Bicolletes indigoticus (Colletidae) was the sole pollinator with females revisiting flowers in staminate and pistillate phases at short intervals, guaranteeing cross‐pollen flow. Nectar stored in the nectar scale‐staminode complex had a high sugar concentration and was produced continuously in minute amounts (~0.09 μl·h?1). Pushing the scales outward, bees took up nectar, triggering stamen movements and accelerating pollen presentation. Experimental simulation of this nectar uptake increased the number of moved stamens per hour by a factor of four. Flowers visited by pollinators received six‐fold more pollen on the stigma than unvisited flowers, had shortened staminate and pistillate phases and increased fruit and seed set.
  • Flower handling and foraging by Bicolletes indigoticus were consonant with the complex flower morphology and functioning of Blumenbachia insignis. Continuous nectar production in minute quantities but at high sugar concentration influences the pollen foraging of the bees. Partitioning of resources lead to absolute flower fidelity and stereotyped foraging behaviour by the sole effective oligolectic bee pollinator.

Plant–plant interspecific competition via pollinators occurs when the flowering seasons of two or more plant species overlap and the pollinator fauna is shared. Negative sexual interactions between species (reproductive interference) through improper heterospecific pollen transfer have recently been reported between native and invasive species demonstrating pollination‐driven competition. We focused on two native Impatiens species (I. noli‐tangere and I. textori) found in Japan and examined whether pollinator‐mediated plant competition occurs between them. We demonstrate that I. noli‐tangere and I. textori share the same pollination niche (i.e., flowering season, pollinator fauna, and position of pollen on the pollinator's body). In addition, heterospecific pollen grains were deposited on most stigmas of both I. noli‐tangere and I. textori flowers that were situated within 2 m of flowers of the other species resulting in depressed fruit set. Further, by hand‐pollination experiments, we show that when as few as 10% of the pollen grains are heterospecific, fruit set is decreased to less than half in both species. These results show that intensive pollinator‐mediated competition occurs between I. noli‐tangere and I. textori. This study suggests that intensive pollinator‐mediated competition occurs in the wild even when interacting species are both native and not invasive.  相似文献   

The Philodendron bipinnatifidum complex of Philodendron subgenus Meconostigma may comprise four species, which because of only slight and not very distinct morphological differences are not all unanimously recognized as good species. To find out whether these species are reproductively isolated, we studied the flowering rhythm, thermogenesis and pollination biology of three species of this complex, namely of P. bipinnatifidum, P. aff. bipinnatifidum (provisionally named “P. form selloum”) and P. mello-barretoanum in Brazil. Of the first two mentioned taxa, floral scent was collected and scent compounds were identified by GC–MS. The results showed that the coastal forest species P. bipinnatifidum has a two-, or three-night flowering rhythm, with the pistillate stage in the first night and the staminate stage lasting the second and sometimes also the third night. Strong thermogenesis with extended heating periods of several hours during the first part of the usual two subsequent nights and the maximum temperatures of up to 40 °C absolute heating of the spadices occurred in the pistillate and staminate stages. Concomitant with the heating periods, relatively low amounts of principally (Z)-2-pentenyl acetate and (Z)-jasmone were emitted by both the pistillate and staminate stage inflorescences. The dynastid scarab beetle Cyclocephala variolosa was the only pollinator attracted. The upland forest P. form selloum always had a two-night flowering rhythm with the pistillate stage in the first and the staminate stage in the subsequent night. This world-record holder of thermogenesis can heat up to the remarkable 45 °C during a relatively short period in the evening of the pistillate stage. During the thermogenic period, enormous amounts of principally 4-methoxystyrene and 3,4-dimethoxystyrene were produced and which could attract a large number of female and male individuals of the dynastid scarab beetle Erioscelis emarginata. In the staminate stage of P. form selloum, temperature elevation is significantly lower and the scent compounds are different from the pistillate stage. The cerrado biome species P. mello-barretoanum has a flowering rhythm similar to P. form selloum, reaching a maximum heating of about 40 °C during the pistillate stage. The sole pollinator attracted was Cyclocephala atricapilla. The differences observed and analyzed among the taxa, including the flowering rhythm, thermogenic activities, scent compounds emitted, pollinating dynastid scarab beetles attracted, as well as slight morphological differences and apparent geographical exclusiveness noted in these three taxa are strong indicators that P. bipinnatifidum, P. form selloum and P. mello-barretoanum are different enough to be considered good species. The morphological affinities of these species might be a hint that speciation has been a recent event and/or also that reproductive isolation based on different, non-overlapping distribution areas, different scent compounds and different pollinators was effective enough to need further morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

Finn Ervik  Jan P. Feil 《Biotropica》1997,29(3):309-317
Prestoea schultzeana is a monoecious, protandrous palm in the forest understory of Amazonian Ecuador. We studied its leaf production, population density, sexual expression, phenology, pollination, and the specificity of the floral visitors. On average, 1.4 leaves and 0.9 inflorescences are produced per individual per year. The number of staminate flowers per inflorescence is relatively constant compared with the number of pistillate flowers which varies greatly. Flowering occurs in staminate and pistillate phases of approximately 19 and 0–7 days duration, respectively. Flowers open in the morning, and staminate flowers abscise in the afternoon of the same day whereas pistillate flowers last for two days. Flowers are whitish-yellow with a sweet odor and produce nectar. They were visited by Coleoptera (Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae, Nitidulidae, Ptiliidae, Staphylinidae), Hemiptera, Diptera (Drosophilidae, Syrphidae, Ceratopogonidae), Lepidoptera (Nymphalidae), and Hymenoptera (Formicidae, Halictidae). All examined individuals of the syrphid fly Copestylum sp. visiting pistillate flowers carried 100–500 grains of P. schultzeana pollen. Pollen occurred on all body parts, but especially on the legs, and this makes Copestylum sp. the most important pollinator. Most floral visitors were also frequent on the flowers of co-occurring plant species; notably the palm Hyospathe elegans shared most visitor species with P. schultzeana.  相似文献   



Domestication of plant species results in phenotypic modifications and changes in biotic interactions. Most studies have compared antagonistic plant-herbivore interactions of domesticated plants and their wild relatives, but little attention has been given to how domestication influences plant-pollinator interactions. Floral attributes and interactions of floral visitors were compared between sister taxa of the genus Cucurbita (Cucurbitaceae), the domesticated C. moschata, C. argyrosperma ssp. argyrosperma and its wild progenitor C. argyrosperma ssp. sororia in the place of origin.


We conducted univariate and multivariate analyses to compare floral morphological traits and analyzed floral reward (nectar and pollen) quantity and quality between flowers of wild and domesticated Cucurbita taxa. Staminate and pistillate flowers of all three taxa were video recorded, and visitation and behavior of floral visitors were registered and analyzed.


Most floral morphological characteristics of flowers of domesticated taxa were larger in both staminate and pistillate flowers. Staminate and pistillate flowers presented distinct correlations between floral traits and integration indices between domesticated and wild species. Additionally, pollen quantity and protein to lipid ratio were greater in domesticated species. Cucurbit pollen specialists, Eucera spp., had the highest probability of visit for all Cucurbita taxa.


We provide evidence that floral traits of domesticated and wild Cucurbita species experienced different selection pressures. Domesticated Cucurbita species may have more resources invested towards floral traits, thereby increasing attractiveness to pollinators and potentially plant reproductive success. Wild ancestor plant populations should be conserved in their centers of origin to preserve plant-pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies of 19 diclinous species endemic to Australia help to clarify the nature and evolution of andromonoecy, androdioecy, and dioecy in the genus Solanum. Ten species are andromonoecious; typically these species bear inflorescences with a single, large basal hermaphroditic flower and 12–60 distal, smaller staminate flowers. We suggest that the andromonoecious condition was derived from hermaphroditic-flowered ancestors in part by hemisterilization of flowers but largely by addition of staminate flowers. The resultant larger inflorescences are hypothesized to serve both to attract and to entrain pollinators, yielding more or higher-quality seed set in hermaphroditic flowers and/or greater dispersion of pollen from staminate flowers. We suggest that andromonoecy may also serve to reduce selling. Nine other species are morphologically androdioecious but functionally dioecious. In these species, staminate flowers, like those of the andromonoecious species, bear anthers with copious tricolporate pollen and a highly reduced gynoecium. The morphologically hermaphroditic flowers are functionally pistillate and borne singly in inflorescences, and they bear anthers with inaperturate pollen. The inaperturate pollen, although viable, never germinates and is hypothesized to be retained in pistillate flowers as a reward to pollinators in the nectarless Solanum flowers. All other species of Solanum studied with pollen dimorphism in which one pollen morph is inaperturate are also best treated as functionally dioecious. We conclude that there is no evidence for androdioecy in Solanum. A review of other families suggests that there is little support for this unusual breeding system in any other angiosperm group either. Preliminary analyses suggest that andromonoecy and dioecy are polyphyletic in Solanum. Furthermore, dioecy is as likely to have arisen from hermaphroditic as from andromonoecious ancestors.  相似文献   

Xerospermum intermedium, a fairly common understorey species in the West Malesian lowland dipterocarp forest is androdioecious, with delayed self-compatibility. It flowers annually, and has an extended flowering period, with individuals flowering somewhat asynchronously, presenting small flowers with minimal visual lures. The flowers are visited by an unrestricted array of apparently imprecise opportunistic feeders, predominated by trigonid bees and butterflies. Most of these visitors exhibit low fidelity and forage opportunistically on numerous competing tree species. Presentation of nectar in alternating rhythms between the male and hermaphrodite trees appears to induce pollinator movement between them. Out of such alternating visits between the sexes, a low level of short-range inter-tree pollen transfer by trigonids and butterflies seems to occur. Despite the elaborate system which promotes pollinator movement between the sexes, this species has retained a low level of self-compatibility. The physical barriers to pollinator movement in the understorey, and high interspecific competition for pollinators by a large number of tree species, appear therefore to make it difficult to maintain an obligate outbreeding system. Hence, androdioecism may be one of the explanations for the survival of X. intermedium.  相似文献   

Both pollen and seed dispersal components of gene flow were examined in the annual plant Chamaecrista fasciculata (Leguminosae) and quantified in terms of Wright's neighborhood area. Pollen dispersal was estimated by measuring pollinator flight movement throughout the flowering season and the contribution of pollen carryover to pollen dispersal was determined by comparing pollinator flight movement with dispersal of electrophoretic markers in an experimental transect. Phenological effects on the probability of fruit set were measured to determine whether pollinations should be weighted differentially across the flowering season. The outcrossing rate, a major determinant of the role of pollen dispersal in gene flow, was estimated from electrophoretic analysis of progeny arrays and by measuring the proportion of nongeitonogamous pollinator flight movements. Seed dispersal was measured in a prairie habitat and in experimental plots without surrounding vegetation. Seed dispersal was small in comparison to pollen dispersal in both environments. Fruit set was low at the beginning and end of the flowering season, periods when flower density is low and pollinator flight distances are large. Although the outcrossing rate was high (t = 80%) and pollen carryover substantial, pollen dispersal was limited. Averaged over 4 years, neighborhood area, based on both seed and pollen dispersal, was 17.6 m2, and corresponds to a circle of radius 2.4 m. The observed limited gene dispersal suggests the population of C. fasciculata is genetically subdivided into small breeding units of related individuals.  相似文献   

Distinctive monocolpate and reticulate-acolumellate pollen grains with a coarse, loosely attached reticulum have long been known as a conspicuous element of many palynological assemblages from the Early and mid-Cretaceous. These grains are now described in situ in staminate structures and on the surface of pistillate organs from two Early Cretaceous (Barremian or Aptian) mesofloras from Portugal (Vale de Agua and Buarcos). Staminate organs include a staminate axis with spirally arranged stamens and many isolated stamens. Stamens consist of a short filament, a dithecate, tetrasporangiate anther, and a short apical extension of the connective. Anther dehiscence is extrorse by longitudinal slits and in situ pollen is monocolpate, semi-tectate with a coarse, loosely attached reticulum composed of narrow muri with a spiny ornamentation. The infratectal layer of the pollen wall is thin, granular, and lacking columellae; and the foot layer is distinct. The endexine is thin, except under the aperture where it is thick. The pistillate organs are minute consisting of a simple unilocular ovary containing a single thin-walled seed. Associated with staminate and pistillate structures are many coprolites consisting almost exclusively of pollen grains of this distinctive type. The staminate and pistillate organs are not found in organic connection, and two new genera are established to accommodate the new floral structures: Pennistemon comprising the staminate structures and Pennicarpus comprising the pistillate structures. A new genus, Pennipollis, is also established for the dispersed grains, based on the type species Peromonolites peroreticulatus Brenner, since no appropriate genus has yet been described for these acolumellate grains. Features of the pollen grains strongly indicate affinity with members of the Alismatales and characters of the mesofossils also support this assignment. This is the first record of putative monocots in the early Cretaceous based on combined pollen and floral features.  相似文献   

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