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Developing efficient delivery vectors for bioactive molecules is of great importance within both traditional and novel drug development, such as oligonucleotide (ON)-based therapeutics. To address delivery efficiency using cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), we here present a protocol based on splice correction utilizing both neutral and anionic antisense ONs, either covalently conjugated via a disulfide bridge or non-covalently complexed, respectively, that generates positive readout in the form of luciferase expression. The decisive advantage of using splice correction for evaluation of CPPs is that the ON induces a biological response in contrast to traditionally used methods, for example, fluorescently labeled peptides. An emerging number of studies emphasize the role of endocytosis in translocation of CPPs, and this protocol is also utilized to determine the relative contribution of different endocytic pathways in the uptake of CPPs, which provides valuable information for future design of novel, more potent CPPs for bioactive cargoes.  相似文献   

The role of endosomal acidification and retrograde transport for the uptake of the highly basic cell-penetrating peptides penetratin, Tat, and oligoarginine was investigated. The effect of a panel of drugs that interfere with discrete steps of endocytosis or Golgi-mediated transport on uptake and cellular distribution of fluorescein-labeled peptide analogues was probed by confocal microscopy, flow cytometry, and fluorescence spectroscopy of whole cell lysates. The analyses were carried out in MC57 fibrosarcoma cells and in HeLa cells. While MC57 fibrosarcoma cells showed some vesicular fluorescence and a pronounced cytoplasmic fluorescence, in HeLa cells little cytoplasmic fluorescence was observed. In MC57 cells the inhibitors of endosomal acidification chloroquine and bafilomycin A1 abolished the release of the peptides into the cytoplasm. Release into the cytosol preserved endosomal integrity. In addition, cellular uptake of the peptides was inhibited by brefeldin A, a compound interfering with trafficking in the trans-Golgi network. In contrast, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, a drug that stimulates the rapid retrograde movement of both Golgi stacks and trans-Golgi network to the endoplasmic reticulum, promoted a cytoplasmic localization of Tat peptides in peptide-pulsed HeLa cells. The effects of these drugs on trafficking shared characteristics with those reported for the trafficking of plant and bacterial toxins, such as cholera toxin, which reach the cytoplasm by means of retrograde transport. A sequence comparison revealed a common stretch of 8-10 amino acids with high sequence homology to the Tat peptide. The structural and functional data therefore strongly suggest a common mechanism of import for cationic cell-penetrating peptides and the toxins.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane represents an impermeable barrier for most macromolecules. Still some proteins and so-called cell-penetrating peptides enter cells efficiently. It has been shown that endocytosis contributes to the import of these molecules. However, conflicting results have been obtained concerning the nature of the endocytic process. In addition, there have been new findings for an endocytosis-independent cellular entry. In this study, we provide evidence that the Antennapedia-homeodomain-derived antennapedia (Antp) peptide, nona-arginine and the HIV-1 Tat-protein-derived Tat peptide simultaneously use three endocytic pathways: macropinocytosis, clathrin-mediated endocytosis and caveolae/lipid-raft-mediated endocytosis. Antennapedia differs from Tat and R9 by the extent by which the different import mechanisms contribute to uptake. Moreover, at higher concentrations, uptake occurs by a mechanism that originates from spatially restricted sites of the plasma membrane and leads to a rapid cytoplasmic distribution of the peptides. Endocytic vesicles could not be detected, suggesting an endocytosis-independent mode of uptake. Heparinase treatment of cells negatively affects this import, as does the protein kinase C inhibitor rottlerin, expression of dominant-negative dynamin and chlorpromazine. This mechanism of uptake was observed for a panel of different cell lines. For Antp, significantly higher peptide concentrations and inhibition of endocytosis were required to induce its uptake. The relevance of these findings for import of biologically active cargos is shown.  相似文献   

This review summarizes the contribution of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry in the study of cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) internalization in eukaryote cells. This technique was used to measure the efficiency of cell-penetrating peptide cellular uptake and cargo delivery and to analyze carrier and cargo intracellular degradation. The impact of thiol-containing membrane proteins on the internalization of CPP–cargo disulfide conjugates was also evaluated by combining MALDI-TOF MS with simple thiol-specific reactions. This highlighted the formation of cross-linked species to cell-surface proteins that either remained trapped in the cell membrane or led to intracellular delivery. MALDI-TOF MS is thus a powerful tool to dissect CPP internalization mechanisms.  相似文献   


Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are promising delivery vehicles. These short peptides can transport wide range of cargos into cells, although their usage has often limitations. One of them is the endosomatic internalisation and thus the vesicular entrapment. Modifications which increases the direct delivery into the cytosol is highly researched area. Among the oligoarginines the longer ones (n > 6) show efficient internalisation and they are well-known members of CPPs. Herein, we describe the modification of tetra- and hexaarginine with (4–((4–(dimethylamino)phenyl)azo)benzoyl) (Dabcyl) group. This chromophore, which is often used in FRET system increased the internalisation of both peptides, and its effect was more outstanding in case of hexaarginine. The modified hexaarginine may enter into cells more effectively than octaarginine, and showed diffuse distribution besides vesicular transport already at low concentration. The attachment of Dabcyl group not only increases the cellular uptake of the cell-penetrating peptides but it may affect the mechanism of their internalisation. Their conjugates with antitumor drugs were studied on different cells and showed antitumor activity.


Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) have shown great potency for cargo delivery both in vitro and in vivo. Different biologically relevant molecules need to be delivered into appropriate cellular compartments in order to be active, for instance certain drugs/molecules, e.g. antisense oligonucleotides, peptides, and cytotoxic agents require delivery into the cytoplasm. Assessing uptake mechanisms of CPPs can help to develop novel and more potent cellular delivery vectors, especially in cases when reaching a specific intracellular target requires involvement of a specific internalization pathway. Here we measure the overall uptake kinetics, with emphasis on cytoplasmic delivery, of three cell-penetrating peptides M918, TP10 and pVec using a quenched fluorescence assay. We show that both the uptake levels and kinetic constants depend on the endocytosis inhibitors used in the experiments. In addition, in some cases only the internalization rate is affected by the endocytosis inhibitors while the total uptake level is not and vice versa, which emphasizes importance of kinetic studies when assessing the uptake mechanisms of CPPs. Also, there seems to be a correlation between lower total cellular uptake and higher first-order rate constants. Furthermore, this may indicate simultaneous involvement of different endocytic pathways with different efficacies in the internalization process, as hypothesized but not shown earlier in an uptake kinetics assay.  相似文献   

Arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides are short cationic peptides capable of traversing the plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells. While successful intracellular delivery of many biologically active macromolecules has been accomplished using these peptides, their mechanisms of cell entry are still under investigation. Recent dialogue has centered on a debate over the roles that direct translocation and endocytotic pathways play in internalization of cell-penetrating peptides. In this paper, we review the evidence for the broad range of proposed mechanisms, and show that each distinct process requires negative Gaussian membrane curvature as a necessary condition. Generation of negative Gaussian curvature by cell-penetrating peptides is directly related to their arginine content. We illustrate these concepts using HIV TAT as an example.  相似文献   

We report a first test of the hypothesis that the mechanism of antimicrobial, cytolytic, and amphipathic cell-penetrating peptides in model membranes is determined by the thermodynamics of insertion of the peptide into the lipid bilayer from the surface-associated state. Three peptides were designed with minimal mutations relative to the sequence of TP10W, the Y3W variant of transportan 10, which is a helical, amphipathic cell-penetrating peptide previously studied. Binding to 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) membranes and release of dye from those vesicles were assessed by stopped-flow fluorescence, and the secondary structure of the peptides on the membrane was determined by circular dichroism. The Gibbs energy of binding determined experimentally was in excellent agreement with that calculated using the Wimley-White interfacial hydrophobicity scale, taking into account the helical content of the membrane-associated peptide. Release of dye from POPC vesicles remained graded, as predicted by the hypothesis. More significantly, as the Gibbs energy of insertion into the bilayer became more unfavorable, which was estimated using the Wimley-White octanol hydrophobicity scale, dye release became slower, in quantitative agreement with the prediction.  相似文献   

Recently, we described a new strategy for the delivery of proteins and peptides into mammalian cells, based on an amphipathic peptide of 21 residues, Pep-1, which was designed on the basis of a protein-interacting domain associated with a nuclear localization sequence and separated by a linker. This peptide carrier constitutes a powerful tool for the delivery of active proteins or peptides both in cultured cells and in vivo, without requiring any covalent coupling. We have examined the conformational states of Pep-1 in its free form and complexed with a cargo peptide and have investigated their ability to interact with phospholipids and the structural consequences of these interactions. From the conformational point of view, Pep-1 behaves significantly differently from other similarly designed cell-penetrating peptides. CD analysis revealed a transition from a nonstructured to a helical conformation upon increase of the concentration. Determination of the structure by NMR showed that in water, its alpha-helical domain extends from residues 4-13. CD and FTIR indicate that Pep-1 adopts a helical conformation in the presence of phospholipids. Adsorption measurements performed at the air-water interface are consistent with the helical form. Pep-1 does not undergo conformational changes upon formation of a particle with a cargo peptide. In contrast, we observe a partial conformational transition when the complex encounters phospholipids. We propose that the membrane crossing process involves formation of a transient transmembrane pore-like structure. Conformational change of Pep-1 is not associated with complexation with its cargo but is induced upon association with the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Studying the uptake of cell-penetrating peptides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
More than a decade ago, it was discovered that cationic peptides could traverse the cellular plasma membrane without specific transporter proteins or membrane damage. Subsequently, it was found that these peptides, known as cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), were also capable of delivering cargos into cells, hence the great potential of these vectors was acknowledged. Today, many different research groups are working with CPPs, which necessitates efforts to develop unified assays enabling the comparison of data. Here we contribute three protocols for evaluation of CPPs which, if used in conjunction, provide complementary data about the amount and mechanism of uptake (fluorometric analysis and confocal microscopy, respectively), as well as the extent of degradation (HPLC analysis of cell lysates). All three protocols are based on the use of fluorescently labeled peptides and can be performed on the same workday.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides can translocate across the plasma membrane of living cells and thus are potentially useful agents in drug delivery applications. Disulfide-rich cyclic peptides also have promise in drug design because of their exceptional stability, but to date only one cyclic peptide has been reported to penetrate cells, the Momordica cochinchinensis trypsin inhibitor II (MCoTI-II). MCoTI-II belongs to the cyclotide family of plant-derived cyclic peptides that are characterized by a cyclic cystine knot motif. Previous studies in fixed cells showed that MCoTI-II could penetrate cells but kalata B1, a prototypic cyclotide from a separate subfamily of cyclotides, was bound to the plasma membrane and did not translocate into cells. Here, we show by live cell imaging that both MCoTI-II and kalata B1 can enter cells. Kalata B1 has the same cyclic cystine knot structural motif as MCoTI-II but differs significantly in sequence, and the mechanism by which these two peptides enter cells also differs. MCoTI-II appears to enter via macropinocytosis, presumably mediated by interaction of positively charged residues with phosphoinositides in the cell membrane, whereas kalata B1 interacts directly with the membrane by targeting phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipids, probably leading to membrane bending and vesicle formation. We also show that another plant-derived cyclic peptide, SFTI-1, can penetrate cells. SFTI-1 includes just 14 amino acids and, with the exception of its cyclic backbone, is structurally very different from the cyclotides, which are twice the size. Intriguingly, SFTI-1 does not interact with any of the phospholipids tested, and its mechanism of penetration appears to be distinct from MCoTI-II and kalata B1. The ability of diverse disulfide-rich cyclic peptides to penetrate cells enhances their potential in drug design, and we propose a new classification for them, i.e. cyclic cell-penetrating peptides.  相似文献   

Arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) can enter cells non-endocytotically, despite that transport of charge across a membrane should be formally associated with an extremely high Born energy barrier. We studied partitioning of several derivatives of the CPP penetratin in a water-octanol two-phase system in presence of natural phospholipids to explore if solvation by ion-pairing to hydrophobic counter-ions may serve as a mechanism for cell internalisation. We demonstrate that anionic lipids can aid peptide partitioning into octanol. Particularly efficient partitioning into octanol is observed with an arginine-rich penetratin compared to a lysine-rich derivative. Substituting tryptophans for phenylalanines results in poor partitioning into octanol, due to decreased overall peptide hydrophobicity. Partitioning into octanol is dependent of phospholipid type and the peptides induced structural changes in the lipid assemblies found in octanol. Attachment of carboxyfluorescein as a model cargo was found to enhance peptide partitioning into octanol. We discuss our results with respect to theoretical electrostatic energies, empirical hydrophobicity scales and in terms of implications for CPP uptake mechanisms. An important improvement of the theoretical transfer energies is obtained when, instead of singular ions, the insertion of ion-paired dipolar species is considered.  相似文献   

Although their contribution remains unclear, lipids may facilitate noncanonical routes of protein internalization into cells such as those used by cell-penetrating proteins. We show that protein C inhibitor (PCI), a serine protease inhibitor (serpin), rapidly transverses the plasma membrane, which persists at low temperatures and enables its nuclear targeting in vitro and in vivo. Cell membrane translocation of PCI necessarily requires phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). In parallel, PCI acts as a lipid transferase for PE. The internalized serpin promotes phagocytosis of bacteria, thus suggesting a function in host defense. Membrane insertion of PCI depends on the conical shape of PE and is associated with the formation of restricted aqueous compartments within the membrane. Gain- and loss-of-function mutations indicate that the transmembrane passage of PCI requires a branched cavity between its helices H and D, which, according to docking studies, precisely accommodates PE. Our findings show that its specific shape enables cell surface PE to drive plasma membrane translocation of cell-penetrating PCI.  相似文献   

The uptake of different cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) in two yeast species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans, was studied using fluorescence HPLC-analyses of cell content. Comparison of the ability of penetratin, pVEC and (KFF)(3)K to traverse the yeast cell envelope shows that the cellular uptake of the peptides varies widely. Moreover, the intracellular degradation of the CPPs studied varies from complete stability to complete degradation. We show that intracellular degradation into membrane impermeable products can significantly contribute to the fluorescence signal. pVEC displayed highest internalizing capacity, and considering its stability in both yeast species, it is an attractive candidate for further studies.  相似文献   

Terrone D  Sang SL  Roudaia L  Silvius JR 《Biochemistry》2003,42(47):13787-13799
Fluorescent-labeled derivatives of the Antennapedia-derived cell-penetating peptide penetratin, and of the simpler but similarly charged peptides R(6)GC-NH(2) and K(6)GC-NH(2), are shown to be able to translocate into large unilamellar lipid vesicles in the presence of a transbilayer potential (inside negative). Vesicles with diverse lipid compositions, and combining physiological proportions of neutral and anionic lipids, are able to support substantial potential-dependent uptake of all three cationic peptides. The efficiency of peptide uptake under these conditions is strongly modulated by the vesicle lipid composition, in a manner that suggests that more than one mechanism of peptide uptake may operate in different systems. Remarkably, peptide uptake is accompanied by only minor perturbations of the overall barrier function of the lipid bilayer, as assessed by assays of vesicle leakiness under the same conditions. Fluorescence microscopy of living CV-1 and HeLa cells incubated with the labeled peptides shows that the peptides accumulate in peripheral vesicular structures at early times of incubation, consistent with an initial endosomal localization as recently reported, but gradually accumulate in the cytoplasm and nucleus during more extended incubations (several hours). Our findings indicate that these relatively hydrophilic, polybasic cell-penetrating peptides can translocate through lipid bilayers by a potential- and composition-dependent pathway that causes only minimal perturbation to the overall integrity and barrier function of the bilayer.  相似文献   

Although cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), also denoted protein transduction domains (PTDs), have been widely used for intracellular delivery of large and hydrophilic molecules, the mechanism of uptake is still poorly understood. In a recent live cell study of the uptake of penetratin and tryptophan-containing analogues of Tat(48-60) and oligoarginine, denoted TatP59W, TatLysP59W and R(7)W, respectively, it was found that both endocytotic and non-endocytotic uptake pathways are involved [Thoren et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 307 (2003) 100-107]. Non-endocytotic uptake was only observed for the arginine-rich peptides TatP59W and R(7)W. In this paper, the interactions of penetratin, R(7)W, TatP59W and TatLysP59W with phospholipid vesicles are compared in the search for an understanding of the mechanisms for cellular uptake. While R(7)W, TatP59W and TatLysP59W are found to promote vesicle fusion, indicated by mixing of membrane components, penetratin merely induces vesicle aggregation. Studies of the leakage from dye-loaded vesicles indicate that none of the peptides forms membrane pores and that vesicle fusion is not accompanied by leakage of the aqueous contents of the vesicles. These observations are important for a proper interpretation of future experiments on the interactions of these peptides with model membranes. We suggest that the discovered variations in propensity to destabilize phospholipid bilayers between the peptides investigated, in some cases sufficient to induce fusion, may be related to their different cellular uptake properties.  相似文献   

In order to develop future therapeutic applications for cell penetrating peptides (CPPs), it is essential to characterize their internalization mechanisms, as they might affect the stability and the accessibility of the carried drug. Several internalization mechanisms have been described in literature, such as endocytosis and transduction. In this work we study the internalization mechanism in HeLa cells of two TIRAP derived peptides: pepTIRAP and pepTIRAPALA, where some of the cationic amino acids were replaced with alanines. Detailed analysis of internalization and the peptides electrostatic potential was carried out, to shed light on the internalization mechanism involved. Molecular modeling studies showed that the main difference identified between pepTIRAP and pepTIRAPALA is the distribution of their electrostatic potential field. The structure of pepTIRAP displays a predominantly positive potential when compared to pepTIRAPALA, which has a more balanced potential distribution. In addition, docking experiments show that interactions between pepTIRAP and negatively charged molecules on the cellular surface such as heparan sulfate are stronger than the ones exhibited by pepTIRAPALA. A mathematical model was proposed to quantify the amount of peptide internalized or non-specifically bound to the membrane. The model indicates a stronger interaction of pepTIRAP with the plasma membrane, compared to pepTIRAPALA. We propose these discrepancies are related to the differences in the electrostatic potential characteristics of each peptide. In the case of pepTIRAP, these interactions lead to the formation of nucleation zones, which are the first stage of the transduction internalization mechanism. These results should be considered for effective design of a cell penetrating peptide.  相似文献   

Probing of molecular oxygen in mammalian cells is important for the analysis of mitochondrial function, metabolic responses, and energetic status of the cells. We describe a new panel of intracellular O2-sensitive probes based on phosphorescent porphyrin dyes conjugated to cell-penetrating peptides. The probes comprising the uncharged derivatives of Pt(II)-coproporphyrin I covalently linked to positively charged TAT-derived peptides are shown to effectively load live mammalian cells without any transfection reagents. The probes work well with all cell types tested, show similar subcellular localization, and produce characteristic responses to cell stimulation with mitochondrial uncouplers and inhibitors. They provide a simple and versatile tool for O2 monitoring in live cells and in tissue, and an alternative to the existing O2 probes which require facilitated transport into the cell.  相似文献   

The ability of three primary amphipathic Cell-Penetrating Peptides (CPPs) CH3-CO-GALFLGFLGAAGSTMGAWSQPKKKRKV-NH-CH2-CH2-SH, CH3-CO-GALFLAFLAAALS LMGLWSQPKKKRKV-NH-CH2-CH2-SH, and CH3-CO-KETWWETWWTEWSQPKKKRKV-NH-CH2-CH2-SH called Pβ, Pα and Pep-1, respectively, to promote pore formation is examined both in Xenopus oocytes and artificial planar lipid bilayers. A good correlation between pore formation and their structural properties, especially their conformational versatility, was established. This work shows that the cell-penetrating peptides Pβ and Pep-1 are able to induce formation of transmembrane pores in artificial bilayers and that these pores are most likely at the basis of their ability to facilitate intracellular delivery of therapeutics. In addition, their behaviour provides some information concerning the positioning of the peptides with respect to the membrane and confirms the role of the membrane potential in the translocation process.  相似文献   

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