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Germ cell transplantation was developed by Dr. Ralph Brinster and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania in 19941,2. These ground-breaking studies showed that microinjection of germ cells from fertile donor mice into the seminiferous tubules of infertile recipient mice results in donor-derived spermatogenesis and sperm production by the recipient animal2. The use of donor males carrying the bacterial β-galactosidase gene allowed identification of donor-derived spermatogenesis and transmission of the donor haplotype to the offspring by recipient animals1. Surprisingly, after transplantation into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules, transplanted germ cells were able to move from the luminal compartment to the basement membrane where spermatogonia are located3. It is generally accepted that only SSCs are able to colonize the niche and re-establish spermatogenesis in the recipient testis. Therefore, germ cell transplantation provides a functional approach to study the stem cell niche in the testis and to characterize putative spermatogonial stem cells. To date, germ cell transplantation is used to elucidate basic stem cell biology, to produce transgenic animals through genetic manipulation of germ cells prior to transplantation4,5, to study Sertoli cell-germ cell interaction6,7, SSC homing and colonization3,8, as well as SSC self-renewal and differentiation9,10.Germ cell transplantation is also feasible in large species11. In these, the main applications are preservation of fertility, dissemination of elite genetics in animal populations, and generation of transgenic animals as the study of spermatogenesis and SSC biology with this technique is logistically more difficult and expensive than in rodents. Transplantation of germ cells from large species into the seminiferous tubules of mice results in colonization of donor cells and spermatogonial expansion, but not in their full differentiation presumably due to incompatibility of the recipient somatic cell compartment with the germ cells from phylogenetically distant species12. An alternative approach is transplantation of germ cells from large species together with their surrounding somatic compartment. We first reported in 2002, that small fragments of testis tissue from immature males transplanted under the dorsal skin of immunodeficient mice are able to survive and undergo full development with the production of fertilization competent sperm13. Since then testis tissue xenografting has been shown to be successful in many species and emerged as a valuable alternative to study testis development and spermatogenesis of large animals in mice14.  相似文献   

睾丸体外生殖模型的发展为体外研究睾丸的精子发生分子机制和睾丸毒理学提供了实验工具。很多报道的模型都无法真正地模拟体内复杂的生化分子及功能性相互作用从而导致研究价值有限。该实验拟建立一个体外长期维持睾丸生殖细胞存在,并能持续产生精子细胞的支持细胞/生殖细胞共培养体系。体系中的支持细胞和生殖细胞均由曲细精管组织块迁移到培养皿上,在不添加任何生长因子的情况下维持体外精子发生至圆形精子细胞超过2个月。RT-PCR分析显示,共培养细胞稳定表达cdh1、scp3、tnp2;免疫荧光染色结果显示,CDH1、PLZF、SCP3以及SOX9阳性细胞存在。这些结果例证了体系中同时存在精原干细胞、精母细胞、精子细胞和支持细胞。简单高效的支持细胞/生殖细胞体外共培养体系可用于雄性生殖的分子机制和毒理学研究。  相似文献   

FANCL在原始生殖细胞的形成和范可尼贫血中的功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵庆国  卢柏松  黄培堂 《遗传学报》2005,32(9):993-1000
Fanconi氏贫血是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传性疾病,表现为进行性骨髓衰竭、先天性骨骼畸形和易患癌症等。Fanconi aremia(FA)病人细胞染色体自发不稳定,并对DNA交联剂如丝裂霉素C高度敏感。目前已发现11种FA蛋白参与形成了一种DNA损伤应答途径。新蛋白FANCL是FA复合物蛋白,作为E3连接酶催化FANCD2单一泛素化,泛素化FANCD2导向染色质与BRCA2相互作用,修复DNA损伤。FANCL、FANCC和FANCA等FA蛋白缺失造成生殖细胞缺失性不育,胚胎期生殖细胞中FA途径可能调控原始生殖细胞的增殖。FANCL和睾丸特异性蛋白质GGNBP1、GGNBP2以及OAZ3都与睾丸特异性蛋白质GGN1相互作用,形成睾丸特异性复合物,有可能在成年睾丸中影响精子生成。  相似文献   

生殖细胞及性腺移植   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生殖细胞和性腺移植研究近年来已取得了突破性进展。这两项技术对于农业、医学及动物繁殖学的研究具有深远的意义和很大的应用价值。本文从同源移植、异源移植、移植技术及其它移植相关问题等方面对生殖细胞和性腺移植进行了简要介绍,并阐述了近年来在这方面所取得的进展。  相似文献   

Prdm1(PR domain zinc finger protein 1),又称为Blimpl(B—lymphocyte-induced maturation protein-1),是一个具有锌指结构的转录因子,通过调控多个基因的表达影响哺乳动物多种类型细胞的发育分化。从1991年发现至今,有关Prdm1的研究进展迅速,Prdm1在促进B细胞向浆细胞终末分化过程中的作用已经得到共识。但是,在小鼠及其他哺乳动物的胚胎发育过程中,尤其是关于Prdm1在生殖细胞发育分化中的作用机理研究则起步相对较晚。近期发现,在哺乳动物胚胎发育过程中,Prdm1在原始生殖细胞的形成、干细胞全能性的维持以及其他组织器官的形成中都发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

Nanos3与生殖细胞发育分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小鼠Nanos3基因是果蝇Nanos的同源基因,是Nanos基因家族的一员. Nanos3是一种RNA结合蛋白,靠近其C端有两个非常保守且连续的Cys-Cys-His-Cys特异锌指结构域.研究显 示,Nanos3在小鼠生殖细胞中特异表达,不仅在原始生殖细胞(primordial germ cells, PGCs)的维持方面发挥重要作用,而且是一种启动雄性生殖细胞分化程序的内源性因子, 其在精子发生中的重要作用已引起越来越多的关注.探讨Nanos3的生物学功能,有助于了解生殖细胞发育过程中的部分重要机制.本文就Nanos3维持生殖细胞更新和原始生殖细胞的 维持等作用作一综述.  相似文献   

We aimed at comparing the binding characteristics of adenosine A1 and A2A receptors (A1Rs and A2ARs) in high-expressing cerebral areas, the cortex and striatum respectively, of human, bovine and rat brain. Adenosine A3 receptor (A3R) binding was studied in rat and bovine testis. Results confirmed species differences in AR saturation-displacement binding parameters. To investigate A3Rs in CNS, we carried out immunoblot in human brain, resolving two signals, a 52 KDa band with the highest density in hippocampus and a 48 KDa one, slightly more expressed in cortex. Subsequently, A3R binding was performed by [125I]-4-aminobenzyl-5′-N-methylcarboxamidoadenosine ([125I]-AB-MECA) in human hippocampus, revealing an high affinity population of sites and another non saturable component. [125I]-AB-MECA first site displacement by N6 (3-iodobenzyl)adenosine-5′-N-methyluronamide (IB-MECA) and 1,3-dipropyl-8-cyclopenthyl-xanthine (DPCPX) distinguished two affinity sites, being only in part identified as A3Rs. Therefore, A3Rs result clearly expressed by Western blot in human brain, but their full CNS characterization needs further investigation.  相似文献   

小鼠胚胎干细胞(ESC)在体外可以分化为多种细胞类型,其中包括各阶段的生殖细胞,甚至精细胞和成熟卵母细胞。ESC向生殖细胞分化的效率受到包括生长因子、激素和体细胞等多种因素的影响,在体外形成的是雌性配子还是雄性配子与ESC是XX型还是XY型没有必然联系。简要综述了小鼠生殖细胞在体内外的分化发育、性别决定和增殖等,并总结和展望了ESC向生殖细胞分化研究面临的问题和应用前景。  相似文献   

生物丁醇产业因发酵法的产量、产率和比例低等原因受到限制。菌种改良是解决问题的一个重要和根本的策略。诱变育种仍然是工业育种的主要方法,复合诱变和理性化筛选更有效。基因工程育种对丙酮丁醇梭菌和大肠杆菌丁醇合成途径进行改造和构建优化,还可改造途径外影响合成的其它基因,以获得高产菌株,发展最为迅猛,但效果仍低于诱变育种。今后的菌种改良方向仍为提高产量和比例。  相似文献   

淡明江  吕军  胡卫列  张长征  童亮 《生物磁学》2011,(21):4081-4083
目的:探讨睾丸间质细胞瘤的临床病理特点及诊疗方法。方法:分析并总结3例睾丸间质细胞瘤患者的,J盏床病理资料并文献复习。结果:1例术中冰冻切片诊断为睾丸间质细胞瘤,2例术前细针穿刺病理诊断为睾丸间质细胞瘤,病理组织学表现为瘤细胞呈团、条索或弥漫分布,体积较大,呈多角形胞质丰富嗜酸性,边界清楚。2例患者行单侧睾丸切除,1例行睾丸肿瘤剜除术,术后分别随访24、15、10个月未见复发。结论:睾丸间质细胞瘤发病率低,临床表现缺乏特异性,易误诊,确诊需依赖病理组织学检查,细针穿刺病理可明确诊断并有助于手术的选择及手术范围的确定。  相似文献   

In this study, the ovarian germ cell number was counted in 3-week-old Duroc × Meishan (DM, n=30) and PIC × (Landrace × Large White) (PLL, n=53) gilts, and the mRNA expression levels of four reproduction-related genes were investigated by quantitative RT-PCR. Correlation of germ cell number with the expression level of these genes was analyzed. Results showed that the germ cell number of DM was significantly higher than that of PLL gilts (P<0.01), although there was no significant difference between the ovarian weight of DM and PLL gilts (P=0.269). No significant correlation existed between germ cell number and ovarian weight in the two gilt groups (R=0.335, P=0.07; R=0.119, P=0.398, respectively). A significant correlation was found between the germ cell number and expression level of ESR and IGF1R mRNA in DM gilts (R=0.648, P<0.05; R=0.757, P<0.01, respectively), but the correlation between the germ cell number and expression level of FSHR and INHBA mRNA did not reach statistical significance. Significant correlation was found between the germ cell number and the expression level of ESR, FSHR, and IGF1R mRNA in PLL gilts (R=0.435, P<0.01; R=0.438, P<0.01; R=0.292, P<0.05, respectively), but not with INHBA mRNA in PLL gilts.  相似文献   

两猪群间繁殖相关基因表达与生殖细胞数性状相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集三周龄杜洛克×梅山(DM,n=30)杂种母猪与PIC-长大(PLL,n=53)杂种母猪卵巢,测定其生殖细胞数目,比较2个猪群间生殖细胞数的差异,并对4个卵泡发育相关基因在2个猪群卵巢中的mRNA表达进行定量分析,研究了这些基因的表达与生殖细胞数之间的关系.结果表明DM杂种猪生殖细胞数显著高于PLL杂种母猪(P<0.01);DM猪和PLL仔猪卵巢重没有明显差异(P=0.269),两猪群内生殖细胞数和卵巢重的相关性均不显著(分别R=0.335,P=0.07;R=0.119,P=0.398);DM杂种猪ESR和IGF1R的mRNA表达量与其生殖细胞数存在相关(分别R=0.648,P<0.05;R=0.757,P<0.01),FSHR和INHBAmRNA的表达与其生殖细胞数无显著相关;PLL母猪ESR、FSHR和IGFlRmRNA的表达与其生殖细胞数有相关性(分别R=0.435,P<0.01;R=0.438,P<0.01;R=0.292,P<0.05),INHBA mRNA的表达与其生殖细胞数无显著相关.  相似文献   

Lin28为一种保守的RNA结合蛋白质,在细胞代谢、细胞周期和多能性维持中具有重要调控作用。近年来,发现Lin28在哺乳动物原始生殖细胞形成和分化、精原干细胞的形成、自我更新和分化调控中具有不可替代的作用。本文对Lin28作用及其对哺乳动物干细胞和生殖细胞发育分化影响的研究进展作一简述。  相似文献   

新型树种猫儿屎的繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猫儿屎(Decaisnea fargesii Franch.)是木通科猫儿屎属的一种野生植物资源,用途广泛,值得开发利用。采用扦插繁殖和种子播种繁殖,提高苗木产量和苗木种植成活率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨睾丸间质细胞瘤的临床病理特点及诊疗方法。方法:分析并总结3例睾丸间质细胞瘤患者的临床病理资料并文献复习。结果:1例术中冰冻切片诊断为睾丸间质细胞瘤,2例术前细针穿刺病理诊断为睾丸间质细胞瘤,病理组织学表现为瘤细胞呈团、条索或弥漫分布,体积较大,呈多角形胞质丰富嗜酸性,边界清楚。2例患者行单侧睾丸切除,1例行睾丸肿瘤剜除术,术后分别随访24、15、10个月未见复发。结论:睾丸间质细胞瘤发病率低,临床表现缺乏特异性,易误诊,确诊需依赖病理组织学检查,细针穿刺病理可明确诊断并有助于手术的选择及手术范围的确定。  相似文献   

Cryopreservation has become an integral component of any cell transplantation technique helping to overcome the issues associated with known spatial and temporal barriers between donor and recipient. The aim of this study was to develop a protocol for large quantity cryopreservation of bovine testicular germ cells. The impact of 3 different packaging methods (5 ml semen straw, 20 ml freezing bag and 1.5 ml cryovial) and varying cell densities (3 × 106, 9 × 106, or 18 × 106 cells/ml) on the survival of testis germ cells was examined. Cells processed in 5 ml semen straws had a significantly higher viability (70.7 ± 1.2%, P < 0.05) compared to those cells in 20 ml freezing bags (46.7 ± 0.1%) or 1.5 ml cryovials (46.3 ± 2.2%). For 5 ml straws, a 20 min cooling prior to cryopreservation resulted in a higher post thaw viability (73.2 ± 0.6%) than a 10 min cooling (56.0 ± 2.2%), while the density of the cell suspension did not impact on post thaw viability. Thus cryopreservation of testicular germ cells in 5 ml straws at a density between 3 × 106 and 18 × 106 cells/ml in liquid nitrogen vapour for 20 min cooling appears to be a simple and practical way to preserve cells. Subsequent testing of frozen/thawed cells exhibited viable cultures and retained the ability to proliferate. The freezing protocol does not preferentially preserve type A spermatogonia. However, the cell surface properties of somatic cells appear to be affected by the freezing procedure and therefore the frozen/thawed cells are less suitable for enriching type A spermatogonia by differential plating.  相似文献   

水稻转基因技术的现状及在育种上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近十几年来,随着分子生物学的飞速发展,人类对植物基因的结构、功能和表达有了较为清晰的了解,分子生物学对作物育种的促进作用越来越明显。与植物基因组的研究、RFLP和PCR等辅助选择手段相比,转基因技术以其把外源基因主动导入、定向改造植物的优点日益为世人所瞩目。转基因技术使基因可以在植物、动物、微生物之间相互转移,克服了物种间的隔离,已成为一种新的育种手段。水稻是我国主要农作物之一,而且一直是我...  相似文献   

The main goal in animal breeding is to select individuals that have high breeding values for traits of interest as parents to produce the next generation and to do so as quickly as possible. To date, most programs rely on statistical analysis of large data bases with phenotypes on breeding populations by linear mixed model methodology to estimate breeding values on selection candidates. However, there is a long history of research on the use of genetic markers to identify quantitative trait loci and their use in marker-assisted selection but with limited implementation in practical breeding programs. The advent of high-density SNP genotyping, combined with novel statistical methods for the use of this data to estimate breeding values, has resulted in the recent extensive application of genomic or whole-genome selection in dairy cattle and research to implement genomic selection in other livestock species is underway. The high-density SNP data also provides opportunities to detect QTL and to encover the genetic architecture of quantitative traits, in terms of the distribution of the size of genetic effects that contribute to trait differences in a population. Results show that this genetic architecture differs between traits but that for most traits, over 50% of the genetic variation resides in genomic regions with small effects that are of the order of magnitude that is expected under a highly polygenic model of inheritance.  相似文献   

胡萝卜是高度异花授粉作物,由于存在近交衰退,因而很难通过系内授粉培育出综合性状优良的品种。随着雄性不育系的发现,进而培育出整齐一致的一代杂种。本文综述国内外胡萝卜育种与科研现状,提出胡萝卜育种的主要目标,着重介绍雄性不育在胡萝卜育种中的应用,为加快胡萝卜育种研究提供思路。  相似文献   

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