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Incipient sexual isolation between genotypes, lines, or populations of the same species is commonly measured in Drosophila by choice tests. Results of these tests are known to be influenced, in an undetermined manner, by the mating propensity of competitors and by discriminatory factors during courtship. We have approached the problem by measuring male and female propensities in separate, independent tests, and by examining whether these estimates could explain the results of the choice tests. First, male and female choice tests were used to measure sexual isolation between populations of Drosophila melanogaster and between populations of D. simulans. Significant deviations from random mating occurred in 31 out of 48 tests, in agreement with the propensity values of the tested genotypes. We conclude that mating propensity instead of discrimination is directly involved in the estimation of sexual isolation in our populations, and advise against the application of male and female choice tests to assess intraspecific isolation without a proper knowledge of the mating propensities of competing individuals. Second, multiple choice tests were used to assess isolation between D. melanogaster populations. In examining the dynamics of matings throughout the test, we show that if competing individuals differ in mating propensities and tests are long enough to allow most matings to happen, a spurious sexual isolation can appear. We recommend that multiple choice tests be terminated once 50 percent of matings had been observed.  相似文献   

Mating behavior was studied in two laboratory populations of Drosophila sechellia and their reciprocal hybrids. The ancestral population was reared on a special medium, optimal for this species, while the derived population was reared on a standard Drosophila food, and underwent a bottleneck while adapting to this new medium, in a manner similar to the “founder-flush” process of Carson (1971). A significant tendency towards mating asymmetry was found, with ancestral females mating significantly less frequently with derived males than derived females with ancestral males. Analysis of hybrids suggested an important role for the male's X chromosome or for a maternal effect. No significant differences were found among parental types for their main female cuticular hydrocarbons, the proportion of courtship spent in various behavioral elements, body weight, or wing length. Significant differences were found in the structure of courtship, male locomotor activity, male cuticular hydrocarbon levels, and male courtship song inter-pulse interval (i.p.i.). None of these differences showed an X-linked effect in the reciprocal hybrids. Hypotheses put forward to explain interspecific mating asymmetries are discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   

Direct studies of mating success or mating pattern associated with Mendelian factors rarely have been carried out in nature. From the samples taken for the standard analyses of selection components, it is not usually possible to obtain the mating table, and only directional selection for male mating success can be detected. Both processes, mating pattern and differential mating probability, together with other fitness components, have been investigated for the inversion polymorphism of a natural population of the cactophilic species Drosophila buzzatii. Two independent samples of adult flies were collected: nonmating or single individuals (base population) and mating pairs (mating population). All individuals were karyotyped for the second and fourth chromosomes. A sequence of models with increasing simplicity was fitted to the data to test null hypotheses of no selection and random union of gametes and karyotypes. The main results were (1) no deviations from random mating were found; (2) differential mating probability was nonsignificant in both sexes; (3) inversion and karyotypic frequencies did not differ between sexes; and (4) karyotypic frequencies did not depart from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. These results are discussed in light of complementary evidence showing the need for interpreting with caution no-effect hypotheses such as the ones tested here. The use of complementary selective tests in these studies is suggested.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of sexual isolation to speciation, few studies have analyzed the genetic basis of interspecific mating discrimination, particularly using hybrid males. In this study, I investigated the genetic basis of sexual isolation using male hybrids of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. Hybrid male mating success was caused by interactions between the X-chromosome and autosomes (or Y-chromosome), and different arms of the X-chromosome contributed to mating success with females of each species. Further, although there was an X-chromosome component to mating success, its magnitude was not disproportionately large when compared with the proportion of the genome contained on this chromosome. Some hybrid males courted with an anomalously low intensity, so I simultaneously mapped the genetic basis of this “courtship dysfunction.” The courtship dysfunction was caused by an interaction between the left arm of the X-chromosome in D. persimilis with the autosomes or Y-chromosome from D. pseudoobscura. Anomalous courtship behavior in interspecific hybrids can obscure the conclusions of studies of the genetics of sexual isolation, so courtship intensity should be evaluated in all such investigations.  相似文献   

The efficacy of bottlenecks to stimulate divergence in courtship behavior and consequent premating isolation was tested by serial founder-flush episodes of three sizes (one, four, or 16 pairs) on a population of houseflies established in the laboratory from a single field population. After the fifth founder-flush episode, intraline and interline crosses were performed to detect divergence in mating propensities and patterns of assortative mating. Videotapings of intraline courtships for the bottleneck lines and the control were evaluated for changes in courtship repertoire. All bottleneck lines showed significant divergence from the control in male and/or female mating propensity and in courtship behavior. Divergence from the control was bidirectional for both male and female mating propensities as well as for courtship element utilization. Out of 15 tests for assortative mating between bottleneck lines and between bottleneck lines and the control, only two cases of positive assortative mating and one case of negative assortative mating were detected. Because some bottleneck lines showed increased courtship element utilization and because decreased courtship utilization in some bottleneck lines was related to higher male mating success, the mechanisms behind the Kaneshiro model (which is based upon ancestral females discriminating against bottleneck males that had “lost” courtship elements) were not supported in general. A partitioning effect of the bottlenecks upon the intrinsic variation in the ancestral population for courtship pattern appeared to explain a large component of the directions of divergence from the control. Still, the pattern of divergence of some bottleneck lines apparently was not constrained by the intercorrelation structure of courtship behaviors detected in the control. Because previous studies showed that the bottleneck lines had rebounded from inbreeding depression to fitness levels of the control, this study documents nondebilitating differentiation in the courtship repertoire that can account for divergent mating propensities and premating isolation.  相似文献   

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