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Clarkia arcuata and C. lassenensis are the 2 members of the subsection Flexicaules. Although closely related morphologically, they show very different patterns of chromosomal variability in nature. About 25% of the plants grown from wild seed of C. arcuata, a predominantly cross-pollinating species, were heterozygous for 1 or 2 translocations; such heterozygotes were found in 5 of the 9 populations sampled. An analysis of the chromosome pairing in intraspecific crosses indicated that at least 5 different translocations giving a ring of 4 with the “standard” strain, 2 giving a ring of 6, and 2 giving a ring of 8 are present in nature. No arrangement was found with widespread distribution, and it is impossible to say at present what might be the primitive arrangement of this species. One population was found to contain an inversion, a rearrangement which is very rare in Clarkia at the intraspecific level. In C. lassenensis, a predominantly self-pollinating species, only 6% (3 plants) of a sample of 53 were translocation heterozygotes, and these heterozygotes were found in only 2 of 13 populations. Intraspecific crosses indicated that one chromosome arrangement, the “standard,” was present throughout the species range.  相似文献   

Snow , Richard . (U. California, Davis.) Cytogenetic studies in Clarkia, section Primigenia. I. A cytological survey of Clarkia amoena. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(4): 337–348. Illus. 1963.—Clarkia amoena (2n = 14) shows great cytological diversity based on reciprocal translocations. About ½ the plants sampled were heterozygotes; in 2 of the subspecies the frequency was as high as ⅔. The metaphase configurations were varied, including rings of 4, 6, 8, 4 + 4, 6 + 4, and more unusual types forming a chain of 3 + a univalent or a chain of 4 + a univalent. The latter have only 13 chromosomes but are not true monosomies. Some plants with supernumerary chromosomes were found, in addition to a plant with only 12 chromosomes which was derived from a “monosomic” type. From crosses of various homozygous lines to a standard strain, it was found that the standard end arrangement of chromosomes occurs widely and commonly throughout the species. A minimum of 7 different end arrangements, giving a ring of 4 with the standard strain, and 1 giving a ring of 6, account for the chromosome pairing found in interstrain crosses. No doubt more would be found with further testing. Some of the translocations may be components of adaptive polymorphic systems, though there is no proof of this yet. No balanced lethal systems similar to those in the closely related genus Oenothera were found.  相似文献   

Clarkia gracilis (2n = 28) is an allotetraploid which combines genomes from two subsections of section Primigenia. Natural populations consist of plants homozygous for a single chromosome arrangement, which may differ from the arrangements in other populations by one or more reciprocal translocations. One arrangement, the “standard,” was widespread. Cytological observations on plants derived from crosses between populations of C. gracilis, and on triploid plants derived from crosses with C. amoena subsp. huntiana, one of the parents of the tetraploid, were used to determine the end arrangements present. Ten arrangements were identified, and it was found that the standard amoena subgenome of C. gracilis is identical in end arrangement to the previously defined standard arrangement of the diploid C. amoena. Hence a race of C. amoena with this arrangement was involved in the hybridization which gave rise to C. gracilis. Evidence was found that other arrangements of C. amoena have probably been introduced into C. gracilis by subsequent introgressive hybridization. Cytological differences, coupled with differences in morphology, ecology, and distribution indicate that C. gracilis should be subdivided into four subspecies instead of the three presently recognized.  相似文献   

红蓝石蒜和中国石蒜的种间杂交   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 一、引言 石蒜属Lycoris Herb.植物是园林绿化中的一类颇有开发前景的夏季球根花卉,不仅花色丰富多采,使盛夏少花季节的庭园景色面目一新,而且生长势强,既耐干、涝和贫瘠的土壤,又少病虫害。本文继换锦花L.sprengeri Comes ex Spreng,()×中国石蒜L.  相似文献   

Jackson , R. C. (U. Kansas, Lawrence.) Interspecific hybridization in Haplopappus and its bearing on chromosome evolution in the Blepharodon section. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49 (2) : 119–132. Illus. 1962.—Cytological analyses of interspecific hybrids between H. gracilis (n = 2) and H. spinulosus ssp. australis (n = 8) indicate that ssp. australis is a segmental allotetraploid, derived from past hybridization between 2 taxa with chromosome numbers of n = 4. Analysis of hybrids between H. gracilis (n = 2) and H. ravenii (n = 4), a previously undescribed species, has shown that the chromosome segments of these 2 species are almost completely homologous. Differential contraction is suggested as the explanation for the disappearance in late pachytene of presumed non-homologous segments which were evident in some cells at early pachytene. The pairing relationship of gracilis and ravenii chromosomes at pachytene and later prophase I stages of meiosis indicates that gracilis has evolved from ravenii by an aneuploid reduction process similar to that described for Crepis. The close morphological relationship of the 2 species adds further support to this proposition. Data from the cytological analysis of both interspecific hybrids indicate that x = 4 is the basic chromosome number for the Blepharodon section of Haplopappus.  相似文献   

以陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)做母本,野生的瑟伯氏棉(Gossypium thurberi Tod)和克劳茨基棉(Gossypium klotzschianum Anderss.)做父本,并以陆地棉自交为对照,取杂交授粉后两天的胚珠进行离体培养,研究胚胎发育。在培养条件下,三种遗传型合子启动的时间不一致,而且胚乳的发育也存在差异。珠心和胚囊腔的生长变化在有胚胚珠和无胚胚珠之间,存在明显的不同。球形胚时期,是杂种胚能否正常发育的关键时期。离体培养,改变了自然杂种状态的胚和胚乳以及胚和母体组织的不协调关系,因此产生了较多的杂种胚。  相似文献   

日本沼虾与海南沼虾的人工种间杂交及其同工酶分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
日本沼虾(Macrobrachium nipponense),又名青虾,是我国重要的淡水养殖虾类。但近年来,青虾的性状出现了严重的退化,包括性早熟、规格变小、商品率低、抗病力下降等,严重地影响了青虾养殖业的效益,因此有必要对青虾进行遗传改良。由于虾类种内变异很小1,种间杂交可能是遗传改良的有效途径,但沼虾类的人工种间杂交未见有成功的报道。本文主要研究日本沼虾与海南沼虾(Macrobrachium hainanense)的人工种间杂交,并借此探索虾类的遗传改良途径。    相似文献   

本文比较了不同酶液、渗透压稳定剂、酶解温室及菌丝培养基成份等因素对木耳属(Auricularia)中木耳(Auricularia auricula)和毛木耳(Auricularia polytricha)菌丝释放原生质体的作用及影响。用0.5%纤维素酶加0.5%蜗牛酶的混合酶液,以0.6M的MgSO_4为稳定剂,在34℃下可自两种菌丝体获得大量原生质体。对原生质体再生条件的研究表明,纤维二糖和菌丝体培养物浸提物对再生有明显促进作用,再生率达20%左右。本文还用VBL型荧光增白剂观察了菌丝脱壁以及原生质体细胞壁再生的过程。  相似文献   

大山雀和褐头山雀种间关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘nai发  李岩 《动物学研究》1989,10(4):277-284
在地理分布重叠地区的大山雀Parus major和褐头山雀Parus montanus栖息地海拔高度不同。大山雀栖于海拔2,370米以下,集中于次生杨桦林和老年人工杨树林;褐头山雀栖于海拔2,300米以上,集中于混交林和山杨栎林。它们的栖息地有一定重叠,但重叠值较低。重叠地带觅食生态位的四维中,树种选择一维有所不同,其余三维生态位重叠值均较大。两个种营养生态位有一定重叠,食物大小的重叠值更大。在进化发展过程中,两种山雀间完全的生态分离没有发生。  相似文献   

Patterns of variation within and between Carex gynodynama and C. mendocinensis were investigated by studying allozyme and chromosome variation in natural populations and structural variation using herbarium specimens. Multivariate analyses of structural data demonstrated that C. gynodynama is clearly distinct from C. mendocinensis, and that sterile specimens similar to C. mendocinensis are intermediate between that species and C. gynodynama. The mean genetic distance between the two species, based on allozyme phenotypes at 17 enzyme-coding loci, was 0.22 ± 0.12. The sterile putative hybrids had the expected heterozygous pattern at three enzyme-coding loci at which the parental species were fixed for different alleles. Chromosome numbers are reported for the first time for both species and their putative hybrid. Carex mendocinensis had a different number in each of the three populations examined with n = 28, n = 29, or n = 30. Chromosome counts from one population of C. gynodynama revealed five plants with n = 25 and one with n = 26. Putative hybrids from this population exhibited irregular pairing at meiosis with 2n = ca. 55–57. Patterns of allozyme variation also suggest that C. mendocinensis has an outcrossing or mixed mating system but that C. gynodynama is an inbreeding species. Carex gynodynama exhibited very little variation in structure, habitat, or at the enzyme-coding loci examined, suggesting that it may have experienced a genetic bottleneck relatively recently. Carex mendocinensis had higher levels of variation both within and between populations at enzyme-coding loci and in structural features. This pattern of variation and a geographic distribution centered in serpentine areas of the Klamath–Siskiyou region, with disjunct smaller populations in serpentine areas farther south, suggest that C. mendocinensis once may have been a more widespread species.  相似文献   



本文用中华猕猴桃和毛花猕猴桃为材料进行种间杂交试验,初步结果表明,两物种间具有一定程度的杂交亲合性。正反交组合的座果率与对照组一样,均为100%;其当代果重和种子数量,均低于对照组;与亲本类似,杂交组合当代果重与种子数量呈正相关。本文可供猕猴桃育种工作及种系发生研究参考,  相似文献   

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