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Penicillin-binding protein 5 (PBP 5) of Escherichia coli functions as a d-alanine carboxypeptidase (CPase), cleaving d-alanine from the C terminus of cell wall peptides. Like all PBPs, PBP 5 forms a covalent acyl-enzyme complex with beta-lactam antibiotics; however, PBP 5 is distinguished by its high rate of deacylation of the acylenzyme complex (t(1/2) approximately 10 min). A Gly105 --> Asp mutation in PBP 5 markedly impairs deacylation with only minor effects on acylation, and abolishes CPase activity. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of a soluble form of wild-type PBP 5 at 1.85-A resolution and have also refined the structure of the G105D mutant form of PBP 5 to 1.9-A resolution. Comparison of the two structures reveals that the major effect of the mutation is to disorder a loop comprising residues 74-90 that sits atop the SXN motif of the active site. Deletion of the 74-90 loop in wild-type PBP 5 markedly diminished the deacylation rate of penicillin G with a minimal impact on acylation, and abolished CPase activity. These effects were very similar to those observed in the G105D mutant, reinforcing the idea that this mutation causes disordering of the 74-90 loop. Mutation of two consecutive serines within this loop, which hydrogen bond to Ser110 and Asn112 in the SXN motif, had marked effects on CPase activity, but not beta-lactam antibiotic binding or hydrolysis. These data suggest a direct role for the SXN motif in deacylation of the acyl-enzyme complex and imply that the functioning of this motif is modulated by the 74-90 loop.  相似文献   

The U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) involved in pre-mRNA splicing contain seven Sm proteins (B/B', D1, D2, D3, E, F, and G) in common, which assemble around the Sm site present in four of the major spliceosomal small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs). These proteins share a common sequence motif in two segments, Sm1 and Sm2, separated by a short variable linker. Crystal structures of two Sm protein complexes, D3B and D1D2, show that these proteins have a common fold containing an N-terminal helix followed by a strongly bent five-stranded antiparallel beta sheet, and the D1D2 and D3B dimers superpose closely in their core regions, including the dimer interfaces. The crystal structures suggest that the seven Sm proteins could form a closed ring and the snRNAs may be bound in the positively charged central hole.  相似文献   

K J Edwards  T C Jenkins  S Neidle 《Biochemistry》1992,31(31):7104-7109
The crystal structure of the complex formed between the dodecanucleotide d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 and the drug pentamidine, which is active against the Pneumocystis carinii pathogen in AIDS patients, has been determined to a resolution of 2.1 A and an R-factor of 19.4%. Analysis of the structure has shown the drug to be bound in the 5'-AATT minor groove region of the duplex, with the amidinium groups H-bonded to adenine N3 atoms in an interstrand manner. The drug molecule adopts an extended conformation, and the immediate binding site spans four base pairs. Structural details of the drug-DNA interactions are discussed, and comparison is made with the dodecamer complex of the structurally similar berenil ligand.  相似文献   

Consensus-designed ankyrin repeat (AR) proteins are thermodynamically very stable. The structural analysis of the designed AR protein E3_5 revealed that this stability is due to a regular fold with highly conserved structural motifs and H-bonding networks. However, the designed AR protein E3_19 exhibits a significantly lower stability than E3_5 (9.6 vs. 14.8 kcal/mol), despite 88% sequence identity. To investigate the structural correlations of this stability difference between E3_5 and E3_19, we determined the crystal structure of E3_19 at 1.9 A resolution. E3_19 as well has a regular AR domain fold with the characteristic H-bonding patterns. All structural features of the E3_5 and E3_19 molecules appear to be virtually identical (RMSD(Calpha) approximately 0.7 A). However, clear differences are observed in the surface charge distribution of the two AR proteins. E3_19 features clusters of charged residues and more exposed hydrophobic residues than E3_5. The atomic coordinates of E3_19 have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank. PDB ID: 2BKG.  相似文献   

NifS-like proteins are ubiquitous, homodimeric, proteins which belong to the alpha-family of pyridoxal-5'-phoshate dependent enzymes. They are proposed to donate elementary sulphur, generated from cysteine, via a cysteinepersulphide intermediate during iron sulphur cluster biosynthesis, an important albeit not well understood process. Here, we report on the crystal structure of a NifS-like protein from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima (tmNifS) at 2.0 A resolution. The tmNifS is structured into two domains, the larger bearing the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-binding active site, the smaller hosting the active site cysteine in the middle of a highly flexible loop, 12 amino acid residues in length. Once charged with sulphur the loop could possibly deliver S(0) directly to regions far remote from the protein. Based on the three-dimensional structures of the native as well as the substrate complexed form and on spectrophotometric results, a mechanism of sulphur activation is proposed. The His99, which stacks on top of the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate co-factor, is assigned a crucial role during the catalytic cycle by acting as an acid-base catalyst and is believed to have a pK(a) value depending on the co-factor redox state.  相似文献   

In prokaryotes, Hfq regulates translation by modulating the structure of numerous RNA molecules by binding preferentially to A/U-rich sequences. To elucidate the mechanisms of target recognition and translation regulation by Hfq, we determined the crystal structures of the Staphylococcus aureus Hfq and an Hfq-RNA complex to 1.55 and 2.71 A resolution, respectively. The structures reveal that Hfq possesses the Sm-fold previously observed only in eukaryotes and archaea. However, unlike these heptameric Sm proteins, Hfq forms a homo-hexameric ring. The Hfq-RNA structure reveals that the single-stranded hepta-oligoribonucleotide binds in a circular conformation around a central basic cleft, whereby Tyr42 residues from adjacent subunits stack with six of the bases, and Gln8, outside the Sm motif, provides key protein-base contacts. Such binding suggests a mechanism for Hfq function.  相似文献   

B-cell activating factor (BAFF) is a key regulator of B-lymphocyte development. Its biological role is mediated by the specific receptors BCMA, TACI and BAFF-R. We have determined the crystal structure of the extracellular domain of BAFF-R bound to BAFF at a resolution of 3.3 A. The cysteine-rich domain (CRD) of the BAFF-R extracellular domain adopts a beta-hairpin structure and binds to the virus-like BAFF cage in a 1:1 molar ratio. The conserved DxL motif of BAFF-R is located on the tip of the beta-turn and is indispensable in the binding of BAFF. The crystal structure shows that a unique dimeric contact occurs between the BAFF-R monomers in the virus-like cage complex. The extracellular domain of TACI contains two CRDs, both of which contain the DxL motif. Modeling of TACI-BAFF complex suggests that both CDRs simultaneously interact with the BAFF dimer in the virus-like cage.  相似文献   

The Hfq protein was discovered in Escherichia coli in the early seventies as a host factor for the Qbeta phage RNA replication. During the last decade, it was shown to be involved in many RNA processing events and remote sequence homology indicated a link to spliceosomal Sm proteins. We report the crystal structure of the E.coli Hfq protein showing that its monomer displays a characteristic Sm-fold and forms a homo-hexamer, in agreement with former biochemical data. Overall, the structure of the E.coli Hfq ring is similar to the one recently described for Staphylococcus aureus. This confirms that bacteria contain a hexameric Sm-like protein which is likely to be an ancient and less specialized form characterized by a relaxed RNA binding specificity. In addition, we identified an Hfq ortholog in the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii which lacks a classical Sm/Lsm gene. Finally, a detailed structural comparison shows that the Sm-fold is remarkably well conserved in bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, and represents a universal and modular building unit for oligomeric RNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

SNAP proteins play an essential role in membrane trafficking in eukaryotic cells. They activate and recycle SNARE proteins by serving as adaptors between SNAREs and the cytosolic chaperone NSF. We have determined the crystal structure of Sec17, the yeast homolog of alpha-SNAP, to 2.9 A resolution. Sec17 is composed of an N-terminal twisted sheet of alpha-helical hairpins and a C-terminal alpha-helical bundle. The N-terminal sheet has local similarity to the tetratricopeptide repeats from protein phosphatase 5 but has a different overall twist. Sec17 also shares structural features with HEAT and clathrin heavy chain repeats. Possible models of SNAP:SNARE binding suggest that SNAPs may function as lever arms, transmitting forces generated by conformational changes in NSF/Sec18 to drive disassembly of SNARE complexes.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of alpha-galactosidase from the mesophilic fungus Trichoderma reesei and its complex with the competitive inhibitor, beta-d-galactose, have been determined at 1.54 A and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. The alpha-galactosidase structure was solved by the quick cryo-soaking method using a single Cs derivative. The refined crystallographic model of the alpha-galactosidase consists of two domains, an N-terminal catalytic domain of the (beta/alpha)8 barrel topology and a C-terminal domain which is formed by an antiparallel beta-structure. The protein contains four N-glycosylation sites located in the catalytic domain. Some of the oligosaccharides were found to participate in inter-domain contacts. The galactose molecule binds to the active site pocket located in the center of the barrel of the catalytic domain. Analysis of the alpha-galactosidase- galactose complex reveals the residues of the active site and offers a structural basis for identification of the putative mechanism of the enzymatic reaction. The structure of the alpha-galactosidase closely resembles those of the glycoside hydrolase family 27. The conservation of two catalytic Asp residues, identified for this family, is consistent with a double-displacement reaction mechanism for the alpha-galactosidase. Modeling of possible substrates into the active site reveals specific hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions that could explain peculiarities of the enzyme kinetics.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of a Salmonella enterica aminoimidazole riboside (AIRs) kinase, its complex with the substrate AIRs, and its complex with AIRs and an ATP analog were determined at 2.6 angstroms, 2.9 angstroms, and 2.7 angstroms, respectively. The product of the Salmonella-specific gene stm4066, AIRs kinase, is a homodimer with one active site per monomer. The core structure, consisting of an eight-stranded beta sheet flanked by eight alpha helices, indicates that AIRs kinase is a member of the ribokinase superfamily. Unlike ribokinase and adenosine kinase in this superfamily, AIRs kinase does not show significant conformational changes upon substrate binding. The active site is covered by a lid formed by residues 16-28 and 86-100. A comparison of the structure of AIRs kinase with other ribokinase superfamily members suggests that the active site lid and conformational changes that occur upon substrate binding may be advanced features in the evolution of the ribokinase superfamily.  相似文献   

In the assembly of the Clostridium cellulolyticum cellulosome, the multiple cohesin modules of the scaffolding protein CipC serve as receptors for cellulolytic enzymes which bear a dockerin module. The X-ray structure of a type I C. cellulolyticum cohesin module (Cc-cohesin) has been solved using molecular replacement, and refined at 2.0 A resolution. Despite a rather low sequence identity of 32 %, this module has a fold close to those of the two Clostridium thermocellum cohesin (Ct-cohesin) modules whose 3D structures have been determined previously. Cc-cohesin forms a dimer in the crystal, as do the two Ct-cohesins. We show here that the dimer exists in solution and that addition of dockerin-containing proteins dissociates the dimer. This suggests that the dimerization interface and the cohesin/dockerin interface may overlap. The nature of the overall surface and of the dimer interface of Cc-cohesin differ notably from those of the Ct-cohesin modules, being much less polar, and this may explain the species specificity observed in the cohesin/dockerin interaction of C. cellulolyticum and C. thermocellum. We have produced a topology model of a C. cellulolyticum dockerin and of a Cc-cohesin/dockerin complex using homology modeling and available biochemical data. Our model suggests that a special residue pair, already identified in dockerin sequences, is located at the center of the cohesin surface putatively interacting with the dockerin.  相似文献   

The methionine salvage pathway (MSP) plays a crucial role in recycling a sulphahydryl derivative of the nucleoside. Recently, the genes and reactions in MSP from Bacillus subtilis have been identified, where 5-methylthioribose 1-phosphate isomerase (M1Pi) catalyzes a conversion of 5-methylthioribose 1-phosphate (MTR-1-P) to 5-methylthioribulose 1-phosphate (MTRu-1-P). Herein, we report the crystal structures of B. subtilis M1Pi (Bs-M1Pi) in complex with its product MTRu-1-P, and a sulfate at 2.4 and 2.7 A resolution, respectively. The electron density clearly shows the presence of each compound in the active site. The structural comparison with other homologous proteins explains how the substrate uptake of Bs-M1Pi may be induced by an open/closed transition of the active site. The highly conserved residues at the active site, namely, Cys160 and Asp240 are most likely to be involved in catalysis. The structural analysis sheds light on its catalytic mechanism of M1Pi.  相似文献   

Factor VIII is a procofactor that plays a critical role in blood coagulation, and is missing or defective in hemophilia A. We determined the X-ray crystal structure of B domain-deleted human factor VIII. This protein is composed of five globular domains and contains one Ca(2+) and two Cu(2+) ions. The three homologous A domains form a triangular heterotrimer where the A1 and A3 domains serve as the base and interact with the C2 and C1 domains, respectively. The structurally homologous C1 and C2 domains reveal membrane binding features. Based on biochemical studies, a model of the factor IXa-factor VIIIa complex was constructed by in silico docking. Factor IXa wraps across the side of factor VIII, and an extended interface spans the factor VIII heavy and light chains. This model provides insight into the activation of factor VIII and the interaction of factor VIIIa with factor IXa on the membrane surface.  相似文献   

XRCC4 is essential for carrying out non-homologous DNA end joining (NHEJ) in all eukaryotes and, in particular, V(D)J recombination in vertebrates. Xrcc4 protein forms a complex with DNA ligase IV that rejoins two DNA ends in the last step of V(D)J recombination and NHEJ to repair double strand breaks. XRCC4-defective cells are extremely sensitive to ionizing radiation, and disruption of the XRCC4 gene results in embryonic lethality in mice. Here we report the crystal structure of a functional fragment of Xrcc4 at 2.7 A resolution. Xrcc4 protein forms a strikingly elongated dumb-bell-like tetramer. Each of the N-terminal globular head domains consists of a beta-sandwich and a potentially DNA-binding helix- turn-helix motif. The C-terminal stalk comprising a single alpha-helix >120 A in length is partly incorporated into a four-helix bundle in the Xrcc4 tetramer and partly involved in interacting with ligase IV. The Xrcc4 structure suggests a possible mode of coupling ligase IV association with DNA binding for effective ligation of DNA ends.  相似文献   

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