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MS/MS and associated database search algorithms are essential proteomic tools for identifying peptides. Due to their widespread use, it is now time to perform a systematic analysis of the various algorithms currently in use. Using blood specimens used in the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project, we have evaluated five search algorithms with respect to their sensitivity and specificity, and have also accurately benchmarked them based on specified false-positive (FP) rates. Spectrum Mill and SEQUEST performed well in terms of sensitivity, but were inferior to MASCOT, X!Tandem, and Sonar in terms of specificity. Overall, MASCOT, a probabilistic search algorithm, correctly identified most peptides based on a specified FP rate. The rescoring algorithm, PeptideProphet, enhanced the overall performance of the SEQUEST algorithm, as well as provided predictable FP error rates. Ideally, score thresholds should be calculated for each peptide spectrum or minimally, derived from a reversed-sequence search as demonstrated in this study based on a validated data set. The availability of open-source search algorithms, such as X!Tandem, makes it feasible to further improve the validation process (manual or automatic) on the basis of "consensus scoring", i.e., the use of multiple (at least two) search algorithms to reduce the number of FPs. complement.  相似文献   

We report the first metabolic labeling of Arabidopsis thaliana for proteomic investigation, demonstrating efficient and complete labeling of intact plants. Using a reversed-database strategy, we evaluate the performance of the MASCOT search engine in the analysis of combined natural abundance and 15N-labeled samples. We find that 15N-metabolic labeling appears to increase the ambiguity associated with peptide identifications due in part to changes in the number of isobaric amino acids when the isotopic label is introduced. This is reflected by changes in the distributions of false positive identifications with respect to MASCOT score. However, by determining the nitrogen count from each pair of labeled and unlabeled peptides we may improve our confidence in both heavy and light identifications.  相似文献   

MassMatrix is a program that matches tandem mass spectra with theoretical peptide sequences derived from a protein database. The program uses a mass accuracy sensitive probabilistic score model to rank peptide matches. The MS/MS search software was evaluated by use of a high mass accuracy dataset and its results compared with those from MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA. For the high mass accuracy data, MassMatrix provided better sensitivity than MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA for a given specificity and the percentage of false positives was 2%. More importantly all manually validated true positives corresponded to a unique peptide/spectrum match. The presence of decoy sequence and additional variable PTMs did not significantly affect the results from the high mass accuracy search. MassMatrix performs well when compared with MASCOT, SEQUEST, X!Tandem, and OMSSA with regard to search time. MassMatrix was also run on a distributed memory clusters and achieved search speeds of ~100 000 spectra per hour when searching against a complete human database with eight variable modifications. The algorithm is available for public searches at http://www.massmatrix.net.  相似文献   

Database search is a standard technique for identifying peptides from their tandem mass spectra. To increase the number of correctly identified peptides, we suggest a probabilistic framework that allows the combination of scores from different search engines into a joint consensus score. Central to the approach is a novel method to estimate scores for peptides not found by an individual search engine. This approach allows the estimation of p-values for each candidate peptide and their combination across all search engines. The consensus approach works better than any single search engine across all different instrument types considered in this study. Improvements vary strongly from platform to platform and from search engine to search engine. Compared to the industry standard MASCOT, our approach can identify up to 60% more peptides. The software for consensus predictions is implemented in C++ as part of OpenMS, a software framework for mass spectrometry. The source code is available in the current development version of OpenMS and can easily be used as a command line application or via a graphical pipeline designer TOPPAS.  相似文献   

A novel hybrid methodology for the automated identification of peptides via de novo integer linear optimization, local database search, and tandem mass spectrometry is presented in this article. A modified version of the de novo identification algorithm PILOT, is utilized to construct accurate de novo peptide sequences. A modified version of the local database search tool FASTA is used to query these de novo predictions against the nonredundant protein database to resolve any low-confidence amino acids in the candidate sequences. The computational burden associated with performing several alignments is alleviated with the use of distributive computing. Extensive computational studies are presented for this new hybrid methodology, as well as comparisons with MASCOT for a set of 38 quadrupole time-of-flight (QTOF) and 380 OrbiTrap tandem mass spectra. The results for our proposed hybrid method for the OrbiTrap spectra are also compared with a modified version of PepNovo, which was trained for use on high-precision tandem mass spectra, and the tag-based method InsPecT. The de novo sequences of PILOT and PepNovo are also searched against the nonredundant protein database using CIDentify to compare with the alignments achieved by our modifications of FASTA. The comparative studies demonstrate the excellent peptide identification accuracy gained from combining the strengths of our de novo method, which is based on integer linear optimization, and database driven search methods.  相似文献   

Reliable statistical validation of peptide and protein identifications is a top priority in large-scale mass spectrometry based proteomics. PeptideProphet is one of the computational tools commonly used for assessing the statistical confidence in peptide assignments to tandem mass spectra obtained using database search programs such as SEQUEST, MASCOT, or X! TANDEM. We present two flexible methods, the variable component mixture model and the semiparametric mixture model, that remove the restrictive parametric assumptions in the mixture modeling approach of PeptideProphet. Using a control protein mixture data set generated on an linear ion trap Fourier transform (LTQ-FT) mass spectrometer, we demonstrate that both methods improve parametric models in terms of the accuracy of probability estimates and the power to detect correct identifications controlling the false discovery rate to the same degree. The statistical approaches presented here require that the data set contain a sufficient number of decoy (known to be incorrect) peptide identifications, which can be obtained using the target-decoy database search strategy.  相似文献   

Li N  Wu S  Zhang C  Chang C  Zhang J  Ma J  Li L  Qian X  Xu P  Zhu Y  He F 《Proteomics》2012,12(11):1720-1725
In this study, we presented a quality control tool named PepDistiller to facilitate the validation of MASCOT search results. By including the number of tryptic termini, and integrating a refined false discovery rate (FDR) calculation method, we demonstrated the improved sensitivity of peptide identifications obtained from semitryptic search results. Based on the analysis of a complex data set, approximately 7% more peptide identifications were obtained using PepDistiller than using MASCOT Percolator. Moreover, the refined method generated lower FDR estimations than the percentage of incorrect target (PIT) fixed method applied in Percolator. Using a standard data set, we further demonstrated the increased accuracy of the refined FDR estimations relative to the PIT-fixed FDR estimations. PepDistiller is fast and convenient to use, and is freely available for academic access. The software can be downloaded from http://www.bprc.ac.cn/pepdistiller.  相似文献   

We present a wrapper-based approach to estimate and control the false discovery rate for peptide identifications using the outputs from multiple commercially available MS/MS search engines. Features of the approach include the flexibility to combine output from multiple search engines with sequence and spectral derived features in a flexible classification model to produce a score associated with correct peptide identifications. This classification model score from a reversed database search is taken as the null distribution for estimating p-values and false discovery rates using a simple and established statistical procedure. Results from 10 analyses of rat sera on an LTQ-FT mass spectrometer indicate that the method is well calibrated for controlling the proportion of false positives in a set of reported peptide identifications while correctly identifying more peptides than rule-based methods using one search engine alone.  相似文献   

Identification of large proteomics data sets is routinely performed using sophisticated software tools called search engines. Yet despite the importance of the identification process, its configuration and execution is often performed according to established lab habits, and is mostly unsupervised by detailed quality control. In order to establish easily obtainable quality control criteria that can be broadly applied to the identification process, we here introduce several simple quality control methods. An unbiased quality control of identification parameters will be conducted using target/decoy searches providing significant improvement over identification standards. MASCOT identifications were for instance increased by 13% at a constant level of confidence. The target/decoy approach can however not be universally applied. We therefore also quality control the application of this strategy itself, providing useful and intuitive metrics for evaluating the precision and robustness of the obtained false discovery rate.  相似文献   

The proteomic profile of hypothalamus, a key organ of CNS, is explored here by employing two widely used MS techniques, i.e. HPLC/ESI‐ion trap and HPLC/ESI‐quadrupole‐TOF MS. Strong cation exchange is used for the fractionation of peptides and protein search engine MASCOT is employed for data query. One hundred and thirty six proteins with 10 973 peptides were identified by HPLC/ESI‐ion trap MS, while 140 proteins with 32 183 peptides were characterized by HPLC/ESI‐quadrupole‐TOF MS. Among the total 198 proteins identified in both experiments, 78 proteins were common in both sets of conditions. The rest of the 120 proteins were identified distinctly in both MS strategies, i.e. 58 unique proteins were found using the quadrupole‐TOF while 62 were found with the HPLC/ESI‐ion trap. Moreover, these proteins were classified into groups based on their functions performed in the body. Results presented here identified some important signal and cellular defense proteins inevitable for survival in stressed conditions. Additionally, it is also shown that any single MS strategy is not reliable for good results due to loss of data depending on sensitivity of the instrument used.  相似文献   

Alves G  Ogurtsov AY  Yu YK 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e15438
Statistically meaningful comparison/combination of peptide identification results from various search methods is impeded by the lack of a universal statistical standard. Providing an E-value calibration protocol, we demonstrated earlier the feasibility of translating either the score or heuristic E-value reported by any method into the textbook-defined E-value, which may serve as the universal statistical standard. This protocol, although robust, may lose spectrum-specific statistics and might require a new calibration when changes in experimental setup occur. To mitigate these issues, we developed a new MS/MS search tool, RAId_aPS, that is able to provide spectrum-specific-values for additive scoring functions. Given a selection of scoring functions out of RAId score, K-score, Hyperscore and XCorr, RAId_aPS generates the corresponding score histograms of all possible peptides using dynamic programming. Using these score histograms to assign E-values enables a calibration-free protocol for accurate significance assignment for each scoring function. RAId_aPS features four different modes: (i) compute the total number of possible peptides for a given molecular mass range, (ii) generate the score histogram given a MS/MS spectrum and a scoring function, (iii) reassign E-values for a list of candidate peptides given a MS/MS spectrum and the scoring functions chosen, and (iv) perform database searches using selected scoring functions. In modes (iii) and (iv), RAId_aPS is also capable of combining results from different scoring functions using spectrum-specific statistics. The web link is http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/CBBresearch/Yu/raid_aps/index.html. Relevant binaries for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X are available from the same page.  相似文献   

Chromatographed peptide signals form the basis of further data processing that eventually results in functional information derived from data‐dependent bottom‐up proteomics assays. We seek to rank LC/MS parent ions by the quality of their extracted ion chromatograms. Ranked extracted ion chromatograms act as an intuitive physical/chemical preselection filter to improve the quality of MS/MS fragment scans submitted for database search. We identify more than 4900 proteins when considering detector shifts of less than 7 ppm. High quality parent ions for which the database search yields no hits become candidates for subsequent unrestricted analysis for PTMs. Following this rational approach, we prioritize identification of more than 5000 spectrum matches from modified peptides and confirmed the presence of acetylaldehyde‐modified His/Lys. We present a logical workflow that scores data‐dependent selected ion chromatograms and leverage information about semianalytical LC/LC dimension prior to MS. Our method can be successfully used to identify unexpected modifications in peptides with excellent chromatography characteristics, independent of fragmentation pattern and activation methods. We illustrate analysis of ion chromatograms detected in two different modes by RF linear ion trap and electrostatic field orbitrap.  相似文献   

Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is frequently used in the identification of peptides and proteins. Typical proteomic experiments rely on algorithms such as SEQUEST and MASCOT to compare thousands of tandem mass spectra against the theoretical fragment ion spectra of peptides in a database. The probabilities that these spectrum-to-sequence assignments are correct can be determined by statistical software such as PeptideProphet or through estimations based on reverse or decoy databases. However, many of the software applications that assign probabilities for MS/MS spectra to sequence matches were developed using training data sets from 3D ion-trap mass spectrometers. Given the variety of types of mass spectrometers that have become commercially available over the last 5 years, we sought to generate a data set of reference data covering multiple instrumentation platforms to facilitate both the refinement of existing computational approaches and the development of novel software tools. We analyzed the proteolytic peptides in a mixture of tryptic digests of 18 proteins, named the "ISB standard protein mix", using 8 different mass spectrometers. These include linear and 3D ion traps, two quadrupole time-of-flight platforms (qq-TOF), and two MALDI-TOF-TOF platforms. The resulting data set, which has been named the Standard Protein Mix Database, consists of over 1.1 million spectra in 150+ replicate runs on the mass spectrometers. The data were inspected for quality of separation and searched using SEQUEST. All data, including the native raw instrument and mzXML formats and the PeptideProphet validated peptide assignments, are available at http://regis-web.systemsbiology.net/PublicDatasets/.  相似文献   

Recently, Yang et al. reported that estrogen receptor beta (ERbeta) is a mitochondrial protein rather than a nuclear receptor. Because this claim would lead to a significant change in our understanding of estrogen signaling, we have attempted to reproduce the MALDI-TOF data of Yang et al. We separated proteins extracted from mouse liver mitochondria by SDS-PAGE and analysed a gel band covering the molecular weight range of 50-65 kDa by MALDI-TOF/TOF. Analysis of the data with the MASCOT database algorithm provided no evidence for the presence of ERbeta in the mitochondria. If we search (as the authors did) with only the peptide masses which match to tryptic fragments of ERbeta, ERbeta is identified with a significant score of 69. However, fragmentation of these peptides shows that they are not from ERbeta. Our conclusion is that ERbeta cannot be identified by MALDI-TOF from a mixture of mitochondrial proteins resolved on SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   



The interest in prognostic reviews is increasing, but to properly review existing evidence an accurate search filer for finding prediction research is needed. The aim of this paper was to validate and update two previously introduced search filters for finding prediction research in Medline: the Ingui filter and the Haynes Broad filter.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Based on a hand search of 6 general journals in 2008 we constructed two sets of papers. Set 1 consisted of prediction research papers (n = 71), and set 2 consisted of the remaining papers (n = 1133). Both search filters were validated in two ways, using diagnostic accuracy measures as performance measures. First, we compared studies in set 1 (reference) with studies retrieved by the search strategies as applied in Medline. Second, we compared studies from 4 published systematic reviews (reference) with studies retrieved by the search filter as applied in Medline. Next – using word frequency methods – we constructed an additional search string for finding prediction research. Both search filters were good in identifying clinical prediction models: sensitivity ranged from 0.94 to 1.0 using our hand search as reference, and 0.78 to 0.89 using the systematic reviews as reference. This latter performance measure even increased to around 0.95 (range 0.90 to 0.97) when either search filter was combined with the additional string that we developed. Retrieval rate of explorative prediction research was poor, both using our hand search or our systematic review as reference, and even combined with our additional search string: sensitivity ranged from 0.44 to 0.85.


Explorative prediction research is difficult to find in Medline, using any of the currently available search filters. Yet, application of either the Ingui filter or the Haynes broad filter results in a very low number missed clinical prediction model studies.  相似文献   

Lin W  Wu FX  Shi J  Ding J  Zhang W 《Proteomics》2011,11(19):3773-3778
In our recent work on denoising, a linear combination of five features was used to adjust the peak intensities in tandem mass spectra. Although the method showed a promise, the coefficients (weights) of the linear combination were fixed and determined empirically. In this paper, we proposed an adaptive approach for estimating these weights. The proposed approach: (i) calculates the score for each peak in a data set with the previous empirically determined weights, (ii) selects the training data set based on the scores of peaks, (iii) applies the linear discriminant analysis to the training data set and takes the solution of linear discriminant analysis as the new weights, (iv) calculates the score again with the new weights, (v) repeats (ii)-(iv) until the weights have no significant change. After getting the final weights, the proposed approach follows the previous methods. The proposed approach was applied to two tandem mass spectra data sets: ISB (with low resolution) and TOV-Q (with high resolution) to evaluate its performance. The results show that about 66% of peaks (likely noise peaks) can be removed and that the number of peptides identified by MASCOT increases by 14 and 23.4% for ISB and TOV-Q data set, respectively, compared to the previous work.  相似文献   

A novel database search algorithm is presented for the qualitative identification of proteins over a wide dynamic range, both in simple and complex biological samples. The algorithm has been designed for the analysis of data originating from data independent acquisitions, whereby multiple precursor ions are fragmented simultaneously. Measurements used by the algorithm include retention time, ion intensities, charge state, and accurate masses on both precursor and product ions from LC‐MS data. The search algorithm uses an iterative process whereby each iteration incrementally increases the selectivity, specificity, and sensitivity of the overall strategy. Increased specificity is obtained by utilizing a subset database search approach, whereby for each subsequent stage of the search, only those peptides from securely identified proteins are queried. Tentative peptide and protein identifications are ranked and scored by their relative correlation to a number of models of known and empirically derived physicochemical attributes of proteins and peptides. In addition, the algorithm utilizes decoy database techniques for automatically determining the false positive identification rates. The search algorithm has been tested by comparing the search results from a four‐protein mixture, the same four‐protein mixture spiked into a complex biological background, and a variety of other “system” type protein digest mixtures. The method was validated independently by data dependent methods, while concurrently relying on replication and selectivity. Comparisons were also performed with other commercially and publicly available peptide fragmentation search algorithms. The presented results demonstrate the ability to correctly identify peptides and proteins from data independent acquisition strategies with high sensitivity and specificity. They also illustrate a more comprehensive analysis of the samples studied; providing approximately 20% more protein identifications, compared to a more conventional data directed approach using the same identification criteria, with a concurrent increase in both sequence coverage and the number of modified peptides.  相似文献   

De novo interpretation of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) spectra provides sequences for searching protein databases when limited sequence information is present in the database. Our objective was to define a strategy for this type of homology-tolerant database search. Homology searches, using MS-Homology software, were conducted with 20, 10, or 5 of the most abundant peptides from 9 proteins, based either on precursor trigger intensity or on total ion current, and allowing for 50%, 30%, or 10% mismatch in the search. Protein scores were corrected by subtracting a threshold score that was calculated from random peptides. The highest (p < .01) corrected protein scores (i.e., above the threshold) were obtained by submitting 20 peptides and allowing 30% mismatch. Using these criteria, protein identification based on ion mass searching using MS/MS data (i.e., Mascot) was compared with that obtained using homology search. The highest-ranking protein was the same using Mascot, homology search using the 20 most intense peptides, or homology search using all peptides, for 63.4% of 112 spots from two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels. For these proteins, the percent coverage was greatest using Mascot compared with the use of all or just the 20 most intense peptides in a homology search (25.1%, 18.3%, and 10.6%, respectively). Finally, 35% of de novo sequences completely matched the corresponding known amino acid sequence of the matching peptide. This percentage increased when the search was limited to the 20 most intense peptides (44.0%). After identifying the protein using MS-Homology, a peptide mass search may increase the percent coverage of the protein identified.  相似文献   

Protein identification using MS is an important technique in proteomics as well as a major generator of proteomics data. We have designed the protein identification data object model (PDOM) and developed a parser based on this model to facilitate the analysis and storage of these data. The parser works with HTML or XML files saved or exported from MASCOT MS/MS ions search in peptide summary report or MASCOT PMF search in protein summary report. The program creates PDOM objects, eliminates redundancy in the input file, and has the capability to output any PDOM object to a relational database. This program facilitates additional analysis of MASCOT search results and aids the storage of protein identification information. The implementation is extensible and can serve as a template to develop parsers for other search engines. The parser can be used as a stand-alone application or can be driven by other Java programs. It is currently being used as the front end for a system that loads HTML and XML result files of MASCOT searches into a relational database. The source code is freely available at http://www.ccbm.jhu.edu and the program uses only free and open-source Java libraries.  相似文献   

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