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Laminin, a glycoprotein of basement membranes, binds to a specific receptor on the surface of neoplastic and non-neoplastic cells. The laminin receptor purified from human breast carcinoma plasma membranes was used as an antigen to generate two types of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Both types of mAbs bind to (a) the purified receptor coated on a solid phase; (b) isolated breast carcinoma plasma membranes; and (c) the surface of cultured MCF-7 human breast carcinoma cells by immunohistology. Using immunoblotting, both types of mAbs recognize a single 67 000 Dalton protein among all the proteins extracted from breast carcinoma plasma membranes. The mAbs differed in their ability to block binding of laminin to the plasma membrane receptor. Antibody LR1 inhibited virtually 100% of the specific binding of laminin to both the isolated human breast carcinoma plasma membranes or the living MCF-7 cells. In contrast, antibody LR2 had no effect on laminin binding under identical conditions. Thus, the two types of mAbs may recognize structurally distinct sites on the laminin receptor. These mAbs should be useful to dissect the biology and the molecular genetics of the laminin receptor.  相似文献   

Human serum samples derived from a case-control study of patients with cervical carcinoma (n = 174) or condyloma acuminatum (n = 25) were tested for the presence of immunoglobulin G antibodies to human papillomavirus type 6 (HPV6) L2 and HPV11 L2 recombinant proteins in a Western immunoblot assay. Thirty-six samples (18%) were positive for HPV6 L2 antibodies alone, 25 (13%) were positive for HPV11 L2 antibodies alone, and 34 (17%) were positive for both HPV6 L2 and HPV11 L2 antibodies. Thirty samples that were positive for both antibodies were tested for the presence of HPV6-HPV11 L2 cross-reactive antibodies. Fifteen (50%) serum samples contained HPV6-HPV11 L2 cross-reactive antibodies, and 15 (50%) contained independent, type-specific HPV6 L2 and HPV11 L2 antibodies. Altogether, 82% of the HPV6 L2 and HPV11 L2 antibody reactivities were type specific and 18% were HPV6-HPV11 cross-reactive. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of antibody reactivities between samples from patients with cervical carcinoma and those with condyloma acuminatum. Deletion mapping identified five HPV6 L2 regions that reacted with HPV6 type-specific antibodies: 6U1 (amino acids [aa] 152 to 173), 6U2 (aa 175 to 191), 6U3 (aa 187 to 199), 6U4 (aa 201 to 217), and 6U5 (aa 351 to 367). Five HPV11 L2 regions that reacted with HPV11 type-specific antibodies were identified: 11U1 (aa 49 to 84), 11U2 (aa 147 to 162), 11U3 (aa 179 to 188), 11U4 (aa 180 to 200), and 11U5 (aa 355 to 367). Two HPV6-HPV11 cross-reactive regions were identified: 6CR1 (HPV6 L2 aa 106 to 128)/11CR1 (HPV11 L2 aa 103 to 127) and 6CR2 (HPV6 L2 aa 187 to 199)/11CR2 (HPV11 L2 aa 180 to 200).  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are pluripotent cells in the bone marrow that have the capacity to differentiate along a number of connective tissue lineages, including cartilage, bone, adipose tissue, and stroma. The SH-3 and SH-4 monoclonal antibodies recognize epitopes present on the surface of human MSCs. This study describes the isolation and characterization of the antigen that is recognized by these antibodies. A protein of molecular weight approximately 67 kDa was immunoprecipitated from a solubilized membrane preparation of human MSCs using the SH-3 antibody. Analysis of peptides derived from this protein by mass spectrometry and sequencing identified it as CD73 (ecto-5'-nucleotidase). The SH-4 antibody was also shown to react with purified bovine CD73 by immunoblotting, but the SH-3 antibody failed to react with the bovine protein. These results indicate that both SH-3 and SH-4 epitopes are present on CD73, but they are distinct. CD73, present in lymphoid tissue, plays a role in the activation of B-lymphocytes and in signal transduction in the hematopoietic compartment of bone marrow. The role that CD73 may play in bone marrow stromal interactions and in the differentiation of MSCs is discussed.  相似文献   

The sera of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and drug-induced lupus (DIL) were used to study the antigenic epitopes on nuclear histones that bind antibodies in these sera. ELISA and immunoblotting techniques showed that antibodies from both patient groups bound all classes of intact histone: H1 greater than H2B greater than H2A greater than H3 greater than H4. The different classes of histone were enzymatically or chemically cleaved to produce a series of peptide fragments which were then used to map the reactive epitopes by ELISA and immunoblotting. Ten of 11 DIL sera and 11 of 12 SLE sera bound the carboxy and amino terminal peptides. Only one sera of each group bound to the central hydrophobic polypeptide. The reactivity of DIL sera with fractionated histone polypeptides was similar to that observed with SLE sera. This observation suggests that the histone epitopes reacting with DIL sera are no less restricted than those reacting with SLE.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) which distinguish Type 3 protein kinase C (PKC) from Types 1 and 2 have been obtained from mice immunized with purified Type 3 PKC from rabbit brain cytosol. Most of these mAbs (seven out of eight) selectively recognize Type 3 versus Types 1 and 2 PKC in both enzyme-linked immunosorbent and immunoblot assays. Trypsin treatment of Type 3 PKC reduced the immunoreactivity with 82-kDa PKC and generated immunoreactive fragments of 45 and 35 kDa. The mAbs can be divided into two classes based on their ability to recognize the 45-kDa catalytic fragment (5/8) or the 35 kDa regulatory domain fragment (3/8). Each of the mAbs inhibits phosphorylation of histone or lipocortin by PKC, although the extent of the inhibition varied. Only those mAbs that recognize the 35-kDa regulatory domain inhibited phorbol ester binding. The inhibition of both kinase and binding activities by this group of mAbs was sensitive to the concentration of phospholipid used in the assay. This functional inhibition suggests that these mAbs may be useful for defining the phospholipid binding domain(s) of Type 3 PKC. The mAbs recognized 82-kDa PKC in a variety of cell types; the presence of smaller molecular weight fragments was not consistently found. Distinct immunofluorescence staining patterns were observed with mAbs directed toward different epitopes, suggesting that there may be heterogeneity in the subcellular localization of PKC. The type specificity of these mAbs will make them valuable tools for studying activation and regulation of Type 3 PKC in cell culture model systems.  相似文献   

Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is a well-characterized model of autoantibody-mediated autoimmunity, which presumably depends on autoreactive Th cells that promote the activation of autoreactive B cells. The two major autoantigens of BP are BP180 and BP230, two components of dermoepidermal adhesion complexes. Both, autoreactive Th cell responses and autoantibody profiles were characterized in 35 patients with acute onset BP using BP180 and BP230 proteins. Our findings indicate the following: 1) autoreactive Th cells recognized epitopes within the NH2-terminal (77.1%), COOH-terminal (65.7%), and central portion (57.1%) of the BP180 ectodomain; 2) IgG autoantibodies were found to exhibit similar or identical reactivity against the NH2-terminal (82.8%), COOH-terminal (77.1%), and central portion (37.1%) of the BP180 ectodomain; 3) T and B cell reactivity with the NH2-terminal portion of the BP180 ectodomain was associated with extensive BP, whereas the central portion was more frequently recognized in limited BP; 4) only 7 of 16 (43.7%) and 6 of 16 (37.5%) BP patients showed a Th cellular response against the COOH- and NH2-terminal regions of BP230, respectively, whereas 5) IgG reactivity against the COOH- and NH2-termini of BP230 was detected in 5 of 16 (31.3%) and 6 of 16 (37.5%) patients, respectively. These results demonstrate that Th and B cell reactivities against BP180, are, in contrast to BP230 reactivity, almost constantly detectable in BP patients, and differential epitope recognition of BP180 seems to be associated with distinct clinical severity. These observations support the concept that BP180, but not BP230, is the primary autoantigen of BP critical for disease development.  相似文献   

This study investigated the overall clinical impact of anti-α-actinin antibodies in patients with pre-selected autoimmune diseases and in a random group of anti-nuclear antibody (ANA)-positive individuals. The relation of anti-α-actinin antibodies with lupus nephritis and anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibodies represented a particular focus for the study. Using a cross-sectional design, the presence of antibodies to α-actinin was studied in selected groups, classified according to the relevant American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (n = 99), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (n = 68), Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) (n = 85), and fibromyalgia (FM) (n = 29), and in a random group of ANA-positive individuals (n = 142). Renal disease was defined as (increased) proteinuria with haematuria or presence of cellular casts. Sera from SLE, RA, and Sj?gren's syndrome (SS) patients had significantly higher levels of anti-α-actinin antibodies than the other patient groups. Using the geometric mean (± 2 standard deviations) in FM patients as the upper cutoff, 20% of SLE patients, 12% of RA patients, 4% of SS patients, and none of the WG patients were positive for anti-α-actinin antibodies. Within the SLE cohort, anti-α-actinin antibody levels were higher in patients with renal flares (p = 0.02) and correlated independently with anti-dsDNA antibody levels by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (p < 0.007) but not with other disease features. In the random ANA group, 14 individuals had anti-α-actinin antibodies. Of these, 36% had SLE, while 64% suffered from other, mostly autoimmune, disorders. Antibodies binding to α-actinin were detected in 20% of SLE patients but were not specific for SLE. They correlate with anti-dsDNA antibody levels, implying in vitro cross-reactivity of anti-dsDNA antibodies, which may explain the observed association with renal disease in SLE.  相似文献   

This study investigated the overall clinical impact of anti-α-actinin antibodies in patients with pre-selected autoimmune diseases and in a random group of anti-nuclear antibody (ANA)-positive individuals. The relation of anti-α-actinin antibodies with lupus nephritis and anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibodies represented a particular focus for the study. Using a cross-sectional design, the presence of antibodies to α-actinin was studied in selected groups, classified according to the relevant American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (n = 99), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (n = 68), Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) (n = 85), and fibromyalgia (FM) (n = 29), and in a random group of ANA-positive individuals (n = 142). Renal disease was defined as (increased) proteinuria with haematuria or presence of cellular casts. Sera from SLE, RA, and Sjøgren's syndrome (SS) patients had significantly higher levels of anti-α-actinin antibodies than the other patient groups. Using the geometric mean (± 2 standard deviations) in FM patients as the upper cutoff, 20% of SLE patients, 12% of RA patients, 4% of SS patients, and none of the WG patients were positive for anti-α-actinin antibodies. Within the SLE cohort, anti-α-actinin antibody levels were higher in patients with renal flares (p = 0.02) and correlated independently with anti-dsDNA antibody levels by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (p < 0.007) but not with other disease features. In the random ANA group, 14 individuals had anti-α-actinin antibodies. Of these, 36% had SLE, while 64% suffered from other, mostly autoimmune, disorders. Antibodies binding to α-actinin were detected in 20% of SLE patients but were not specific for SLE. They correlate with anti-dsDNA antibody levels, implying in vitro cross-reactivity of anti-dsDNA antibodies, which may explain the observed association with renal disease in SLE.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that a monoclonal anti-DNA antibody, spontaneously produced in lupus B/W mice, recognizes the same protein(s) at the surface of several human cell types involved in lupus pathogenesis including normal human erythrocytes, normal platelets and rat neuronal tissue. This cell-surface protein(s) cross-react(s) with double-stranded DNA. We suggest to call this protein(s) LAMP [lupus associated membrane protein(s)]. Here we show that: immunoglobulins eluted from kidneys of autoimmune MRL/lpr/lpr mice strongly react with LAMP. Anti-LAMP antibodies are present in large amount in MRL/lpr and B/W mice sera. Anti-LAMP are present in 25 out of 25 human SLE sera ranged as SLE on the basis of revised American Rheumatism Associated classification. Interestingly, two of these sera did not display anti DNA anti-body activity. Taken together, these results strongly suggest a role of LAMP in the pathogeny of SLE.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleases (DNases) are key enzymes for digesting DNA. Abnormalities in the function of these enzymes may contribute to the development of anti-DNA antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). In this study, we used bovine DNase 1-coated ELISA plates to screen anti-DNase antibodies in SLE patients. About 62% of the sera of SLE patients (63/101) were positive for anti-DNase antibodies compared to only 8% of normal controls (8/98). A positive correlation was also found between the concentrations of anti-DNase and anti-DNA antibodies in sera of SLE patients. Affinity-purified anti-DNase immunoglobulin G (IgG) from pooled sera of SLE patients bound to bovine DNase as well as DNA. A synthetic peptide, corresponding to the catalytic site of DNase, was able to completely inhibit the binding of anti-DNase IgG to DNase. In addition to bovine DNase, the anti-DNase IgG also bound to and inhibited the enzymatic activities of DNase present in streptococcal supernatants and human urine. Immunization of lupus-prone NZB/NZW mice with bovine DNase enhanced the production of anti-DNase and DNA antibodies, and accelerated the occurrence of proteinuria. Taken together, these results suggest that DNase-inhibitory antibodies which recognize a conserved epitope near the catalytic site of DNase may act in the pathogenesis of SLE.  相似文献   

Anti-elastin antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunological response to elastin-derived peptides may cause tissue damage with subsequent degradation of the elastic fibres. Therefore, an incidence of anti-elastin antibodies in sera of patients with the systemic lupus erythematosus was studied. Sixty sera from 50 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and 50 healthy subjects were assayed with dot-immunobinding technique. Titre 1:10 was considered diagnostically significant. Anti-elastin antibodies were diagnosed in 19 patients (31%) where as they were absent in the control group. In all cases anti-elastin antibodies were IgG.  相似文献   

The IgG subclasses of anti-tetanus toxoid (anti-TT) antibodies were quantitated in normal sera and sera from patients with rheumatic disease. Detection relied on a set of four mouse monoclonal antibodies, each of which showed specificity for the respective isotype, independent of gamma-chain allotype or light chain class of the human antibody. Approximately 90% of the total anti-TT activity in normal adults and patients with Sjogren's syndrome was IgG1. In addition, IgG4 antibodies were detected in one-half the samples, but IgG2 and IgG3 antibodies were observed in only two out of 36 sera. However, antibodies elicited in children immunized with TT were exclusively IgG1 and IgG3, with IgG4 antibodies detectable only at birth (presumably due to transplacental passage of antibody) in three of 12 children. In contrast to normal adults, patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and drug-induced autoimmunity (DIA) had a more promiscuous isotype profile. IgG2 and/or IgG3 anti-TT antibodies were detected in 13 of 22 SLE patients and IgG3 antibodies in six of 11 patients with DIA. IgG4 anti-TT antibodies were predominant in seven of these 33 patients. These findings suggest that IgG isotypes may depend on the frequency of the stimulus, but global alterations in immunologic status as reflected in systemic autoimmune disease may override the homeostatic mechanisms that control isotype restriction.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) that contain unmethylated CpG dinucleotides trigger a strong innate immune response in vertebrates. CpG ODN show promise as vaccine adjuvants, anti-allergens, and immunoprotective agents in animal models. Their transition to clinical use requires the identification of motifs that are optimally stimulatory in humans. Analysis of hundreds of novel ODN resulted in the identification and characterization of two structurally distinct "clusters" of immunostimulatory CpG ODN. One cluster ("D") preferentially stimulates IFN-gamma production by NK cells, whereas the other ("K") stimulates cell proliferation and the production of IL-6 and IgM by monocytes and B cells. The distinct immunostimulatory properties of K and D ODN can improve the design of CpG-based products to achieve specific therapeutic goals.  相似文献   

The sequences of the variable regions of three monoclonal antibodies with different specificities to cholesterol monohydrate and 1,4-dinitrobenzene crystals were determined. The structures of their binding sites were then modeled, based on homology to other antibodies of known structure. Two of these antibodies were previously shown to specifically recognize each one well-defined face of one of the crystals, out of a number of crystal faces of closely related structure. The binding site of the antibody which recognizes the stepped (301) face of the cholesterol crystal is predicted to assume the shape of a step with one hydrophobic and one hydrophilic side, complementary to the corresponding crystal surface. Within the step, the hydroxyl groups of five tyrosines are located such that they can interact with the hydroxyl and water molecules on the cholesterol crystal face, while hydrophobic contacts are made between the cholesterol backbone and hydrophobic amino acid sidechains. In contrast, the modeled binding site of the antibody which recognizes the flat (101) face of 1,4-dinitrobenzene crystals is remarkably flat. It is lined by aromatic and polar residues, that can make favorable contacts with the aromatic ring and nitro groups of the dinitrobenzene molecules, respectively.  相似文献   

We have obtained two new mAbs to the carboxy-terminal region of fibronectin, namely P3D4 and P1F11, and have studied their binding sites and their ability to block lymphocyte adhesion to fibronectin. ELISA and Western blot analyses showed that P3D4 reacts with both fibronectin chains and both Hep II-containing fragments (58 kDa and 38 kDa). P1F11, raised against the synthetic peptide CS-1, reacted with the 38 kDa fragment and with a 190 kDa fragment derived from the A chain of fibronectin. P1F11 did not react with the 58 kDa fragment thus clearly establishing that 58 kDa comes from the B chain of fibronectin and lacks the CS-1 sequence. mAbs P3D4 and P1F11 were used to evaluate the contribution of the Hep II and CS-1 sites in cell attachment to fibronectin. P3D4 effectively inhibited B cell adhesion to 38 kDa, 58 kDa and fibronectin; P1F11 however produced only limited inhibition, suggesting that lymphocyte interaction with Hep II may modulate further binding to the CS-1 site.  相似文献   

Summary A highly enriched coated vesicle fraction has been isolated from cotyledons of developing pea seeds. This, and coated vesicles isolated from bovine brain as well as from bean leaves were subjected to SDS-PAGE followed by Western blotting with legumin antibodies. A distinct cross reaction with two polypeptides at around 60 kDa was seen, but only with the coated vesicles isolated from peas. Since legumin is synthesized as a 60 kDa precursor, but occurs as 40 and 20 kDa polypeptides in the protein body, we interpret our results as giving support to the idea that reserve proteins, like lysosomal proteins, are transported via coated vesicles.Abbreviations CV coated vesicle - DTT dithiothreitol - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies are described that are directed against cell surface components of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas eugametos. These antibodies recognize strain-specific epitopes which occur at the surface of vegetative and gametic cells. Two different groups of epitopes are distinguished that are never detectable together in one clonal cell culture. Evidence is presented showing that the antigenicity of cell surface molecules is a consequence of the presence of particular O-methylated sugars. Monoclonal antibodies reacting with one group of epitopes were studied in more detail, and immunoprecipitation and Western-blot studies showed that these epitopes can be arranged into four classes. The use of these monoclonal antibodies as strain-specific markers in light- and electron-microscopical techniques is illustrated.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - mt +/- mating type plus or minus - PAS periodic acid Schiff - Mab monoclonal antibody - PBS phosphate-buffered saline  相似文献   

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