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<正>2005年7月5日.人工饲养条件下第一头江豚在武汉白鱀豚馆繁殖成功。除了就地保护和迁地保护之外,建立一定规模的饲养群体并开展人工繁殖研究是保护长江江豚这一濒危物种的另外一种重要保护策略。自1996年开始.中国科学院水生生物研究所白鱀豚馆先后从长江石首、嘉鱼和城陵矶江段引入3头江豚(2雌1雄)并取得  相似文献   

<正>①,江豚救护行动开始之前,中科院水生所郑劲松博士及王先艳、张新桥、张培君、吴海萍、董黎君等研究生在岸边清理出一块20多平方米的平坦区域.铺好海绵垫,准备好各种器材,作为受伤江豚体检和救护平台。②,水生所王克雄博士等人对江豚进行外形测量。③,在处理好受伤动物的伤口之后,吴海萍、李海燕、王京真等同学为雌性江豚实施B超检查,以确定是否怀孕。⑤,当捕起的江豚被送至救护平台之后,工作人员发现,几乎所有的个体都遭受了不同程度的外伤,有些部位已经感染甚至化脓。于是中科院水生所兽医赵庆中高工赶紧为受伤动  相似文献   

<正>2008年2月初,50年不遇的雪灾席卷了我国南方大部,天鹅洲故道在历史上也首次发生了大范围水面结冰,导致保护区江豚群体面临窒息死亡的危险。在接到保护区管理处的告急电话之后,中科院水生所鲸类保护生物学学科组立即组织人员火速赶往保护区协助破冰救豚工作。保护区工作人员开动大功率铁船碾碎湖面上厚厚的冰层,为  相似文献   

食用菌产业发展需要科学研究的强力支撑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张金霞 《菌物学报》2014,33(2):175-182
我国是世界食用菌产业大国,产量占全球总产80%,拥有全球最多的食用菌基础科学和应用技术研究者,近年来在这两个领域都取得了显著成绩,但仍远远不能满足产业发展的科学需求。我国食用菌产业的发展需要科学研究的强力支持。本专刊集结了食用菌的资源与利用、遗传育种、组学分析、生理栽培、加工技术、活性成分、保健功效评价等方面的论文共计32篇。本刊论文还涉及了食用菌与病原菌的互作研究、野生菌的种类产地鉴定等方面的研究。  相似文献   

昆虫资源在经济、科学和环境诸方面同人类有密切的关系。我国昆虫资源丰富,但有关资源保护问题,尚未引起人们的重视,关于昆虫种类绝灭的报道,目前几乎还是空白。今后应在设立保护区、进行基础研究、摸清濒危种类、制定管理措施和培养专门人才方面,着手进行工作。  相似文献   

我国的北方防沙生态屏障带是国家生态安全战略格局和重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程建设的组成部分,涵盖了“两屏三带”的北方生态脆弱区域,是我国防风固沙及北方草地生态恢复的关键地带.该区域涉及黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、北京、天津、河北、内蒙古、甘肃、新疆(含新疆兵团)9个省(自治区、直辖市),是我国脆弱生态区的自然保护和生态修复的...  相似文献   

缺少对原因的准确判断和建设性的途径,人与野生动物和谐相处就总是一种空幻。如今,雪豹的命运再一次把这个问题摆在我们面前。请听一位国际雪豹基金会高层人士的见解。  相似文献   

<正>更濒危的物种总能吸引更多的目光与投入,可遗憾的是,当许多动物真正成为国家一级保护动物而被重视时,却已错过了挽救的最佳时机。  相似文献   

江豚脊神经式:C8T13Lc23。脊神经腹根较背根粗;腰尾神经根入入脊髓时呈内、外侧两束或单束连于脊神经节。背支与腹支分别分布于水平隔上方和下方。背支中的肌支分布至升尾肌(背棘肌、背最长肌、髂肋肌和尾上肌)。腹支在椎体两侧横突间,分支数目少于背支,其肌支分布至降尾肌(尾下肌、轴下肌和坐导肌)。Lc7 ̄Lc10神经腹支形成异常粗大的外阴神经,并有掌状分支至坐尾肌;Lc10 ̄Lc20神经腹支在脊柱腹面  相似文献   

Sustaining a Traumatic Brain Injury results in familial strain due to the significant impact the injury has upon the role and function of individuals and their families at home and in the community. Using the Stress Process Model of Caregiving, a caregiver needs assessment survey was developed and conducted to better understand the needs of individuals with a Traumatic Brain Injury and their caregivers. Survey results indicate that caregivers experience many challenges including unmet needs in areas of relational supports such as maintaining relationships, long-term emotional and financial support for themselves and the survivor, and the need for a patient or caregiver advocate. Implications for future practice are presented.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2011,17(1):51-57
ObjectiveTo determine knowledge, competence, and attitudinal issues among diabetes specialists and primary care providers (PCPs) regarding the use of insulin delivery devices such as insulin pens and insulin pumps and the role of glucose monitoring devices and systems in the care of patients with diabetes.MethodsA quantitative survey tool was developed that contained 51 questions directed to diabetes specialists and 49 questions directed to PCPs. A 5-point, Likert-type scale or multiple-choice format was used. Data were collected from attendees at live symposia across the United States. Results were analyzed for frequency of response and significant relationships among the variables.ResultsThe survey was completed by 136 specialists and 418 PCPs. There were higher usage rates for insulin pens among specialists than PCPs, although there were higher usage rates among more experienced PCPs. Regarding glucose monitoring, most specialists and PCPs did not recommend “block checking,” which has been commonly thought of as a reasonable compromise checking schedule for patients with type 2 diabetes not using insulin. PCPs who were more experienced and used outside educational resources, such as a certified diabetes educator, and specialists who saw more patients on a weekly basis were more likely to prescribe the use of continuous glucose monitoring. There was a general underuse of continuous glucose monitoring in eligible patients.ConclusionsThese findings underscore the discordance between PCPs and specialists with regard to advanced knowledge and confidence required for the use of newer technologies for glucose monitoring and insulin replacement. We have identified important remedial opportunities for qualityand performance-based educational interventions. (Endocr Pract. 2011;17:51-57)  相似文献   

长江江豚野外健康状况的调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对铜陵江段捕获的7头长江江豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)进行了体征与血液学分析。结果表明,健康的个体有2头,2头个体有明显的病变,余者营养不良,患不同程度的贫血症。这可能与长江渔业资源日趋枯竭有关。  相似文献   

长岛海域是黄渤海东亚江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri)的热点分布区域之一。为了掌握长岛海域东亚江豚的种群密度与分布特征,2019年10月至2021年10月采用截线抽样法进行了5次东亚江豚目视考察。5次考察总航程2 421 km,共发现东亚江豚614次,1 156头次。相同月份调查种群遇见率无显著性差异(P> 0.05),不同月份种群遇见率差异极显著(P <0.01),提示东亚江豚种群在该水域可能存在季节性迁移。按照考察月份对数据进行合并处理,长岛海域5月和10月东亚江豚平均种群密度为(0.56±0.11)头/km2(0.46~0.68头/km2)和(3.63±0.25)头/km2(3.38~3.88头/km2),平均种群数量为(20 209±202)头和(2 971±681)头,这在目前已知所有东亚江豚分布区中是最高的。尽管不同季节种群数量差异显著,但东亚江豚种群在长岛海域的空间分布特征相似,砣矶岛-大钦岛西北侧和东南侧均为高密度分布区,因此...  相似文献   

An unprecedented 85 harbour porpoises stranded freshly dead along approximately 100 km of Danish coastline from 7–15 April, 2005. This total is considerably above the mean weekly stranding rate for the whole of Denmark, both for any time of year, 1.23 animals/week (ranging from 0 to 20 during 2003–2008, excluding April 2005), and specifically in April, 0.65 animals/week (0 to 4, same period). Bycatch was established as the cause of death for most of the individuals through typical indications of fisheries interactions, including net markings in the skin and around the flippers, and loss of tail flukes. Local fishermen confirmed unusually large porpoise bycatch in nets set for lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) and the strandings were attributed to an early lumpfish season. However, lumpfish catches for 2005 were not unusual in terms of season onset, peak or total catch, when compared to 2003–2008. Consequently, human activity was combined with environmental factors and the variation in Danish fisheries landings (determined through a principal component analysis) in a two-part statistical model to assess the correlation of these factors with both the presence of fresh strandings and the numbers of strandings on the Danish west coast. The final statistical model (which was forward selected using Akaike information criterion; AIC) indicated that naval presence is correlated with higher rates of porpoise strandings, particularly in combination with certain fisheries, although it is not correlated with the actual presence of strandings. Military vessels from various countries were confirmed in the area from the 7th April, en route to the largest naval exercise in Danish waters to date (Loyal Mariner 2005, 11–28 April). Although sonar usage cannot be confirmed, it is likely that ships were testing various equipment prior to the main exercise. Thus naval activity cannot be ruled out as a possible contributing factor.  相似文献   

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