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As digital media become increasingly affordable and accessible, visual representation in archaeology is expanding across several dimensions. In this essay, I examine some emerging forms of visual media in archaeology, including online documentaries, maps and photographs, hypermedia, experimental films, and peripatetic video. Visual media offer powerful opportunities for engagement with the public. In addition, archaeologists are finding new ways to use the visual in interpretation, analysis, and critique. Experimental visual works often are self-consciously reflexive, questioning and exposing the ways archaeological knowledge is constructed, represented, and disseminated.  相似文献   

This brief essay reflects on the meaning and significance of ‘non-racialism’ in South Africa's recent past and present. I consider the version of non-racialism that shaped the transition from apartheid to a constitutional democracy as having had dual dimensions, ethical and strategic. Ethically, non-racialism has signified a principle of human recognition that exceeds the mere tolerance of difference. Strategically, non-racialism has afforded ways of managing and disciplining the historical realities of racial differences. The politicization of race in recent years has rendered the project of non-racialism more precarious: both its ethical and strategic dimensions merit further scrutiny, if the project is to be revitalized.  相似文献   

Premo LS  Kuhn SL 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e15582
The persistence of early stone tool technologies has puzzled archaeologists for decades. Cognitively based explanations, which presume either lack of ability to innovate or extreme conformism, do not account for the totality of the empirical patterns. Following recent research, this study explores the effects of demographic factors on rates of culture change and diversification. We investigate whether the appearance of stability in early Paleolithic technologies could result from frequent extinctions of local subpopulations within a persistent metapopulation. A spatially explicit agent-based model was constructed to test the influence of local extinction rate on three general cultural patterns that archaeologists might observe in the material record: total diversity, differentiation among spatially defined groups, and the rate of cumulative change. The model shows that diversity, differentiation, and the rate of cumulative cultural change would be strongly affected by local extinction rates, in some cases mimicking the results of conformist cultural transmission. The results have implications for understanding spatial and temporal patterning in ancient material culture.  相似文献   

This essay explores responses to the Paris cholera epidemic of 1832 to show how medical ideas shaped popular conceptions of the social world, while at the same time this world influenced how scientists posed their basic hypotheses. It demonstrates how responses to the epidemic were shaped by two major realities: the population of Paris was exploding and France had recently experienced a second major revolution.  相似文献   

At the end of the nineteenth century, the drive to "professionalize" anthropology in the United States promoted the development of particular patterns of interaction between archaeologists and their patrons, which had a significant impact on the conduct of research. The expansion of fieldwork and the acquisition of collections required the financial backing of sponsors, whose own ambitions often diverged from those of the scholars whom they supported. This essay explores shifts in patron-professional relationships in southwestern archaeology at the turn of the century, using the case of the Hyde Expedition to Chaco Canyon (1896-1909). [archaeology, history, patronage, U.S. Southwest]  相似文献   

This essay has three parts. First, I posit that much research in contemporary evodevo remains steeped in a traditional framework that views traits and trait differences as being caused by genes and genetic variation, and the environment as providing an external context in which development and evolution unfold. Second, I discuss three attributes of organismal development and evolution, broadly applicable to all organisms and traits that call into question the usefulness of gene- and genome-centric views of development and evolution. I then focus on the third and main aim of this essay and ask: what conceptual and empirical opportunities exist that would permit evodevo research to transcend the traditional boundaries inherited from its parent disciplines and to move toward the development of a more comprehensive and realistic theory of developmental evolution? Here, I focus on three conceptual frameworks, the theory of facilitated variation, the theory of evolution by genetic accommodation, and the theory of niche construction. I conclude that combined they provide a rich, interlocking framework within which to revise existing and develop novel empirical approaches toward a better understanding of the nature of developmental evolution. Examples of such approaches are highlighted, and the consequences of expanding existing frameworks are discussed.  相似文献   

Ever since the publication of The Origin of Species, anthropologists and archaeologists have been in turns enchanted and repulsed by the idea that cultural diversity can be explained by a Darwinian model of descent with modification. Over the last decade, this debate has intensified following the publication of a number of studies that have sought to reconstruct cultural histories using modern computational methods of phylogenetic analysis imported from biology. In this paper, I focus on evolution of tribal textile assemblages in Iran and Central Asia. Using cladistic phylogenetic analysis, I show that similarities and differences among the assemblages can be largely explained in terms of descent with modification from ancestral assemblages. Interestingly, the phylogenetic signal in design characters is just as strong (if not stronger) than the signal in technical characters. This may seem surprising given that techniques, like genes, are transmitted “vertically” from mothers to daughters whereas designs are frequently transmitted “horizontally” among peers. However, a closer examination reveals that the transmission of designs between weavers mainly occurs within, rather than between groups, and that, as in many cultures past and present, there are important constraints on the latter. This highlights that differences in the ways in which genes and cultural traits are transmitted among individuals should not be assumed to lead to differences in macro-level patterns of evolution, as many archaeologists and anthropologists have supposed.  相似文献   

Historical archaeologists should be leaders in examining the archaeological dimensions of race and racism in the United States. With few exceptions, though, this has not been the case, as most archaeologists have conflated race and ethnicity. American historical archaeologists have a great opportunity to provide new insights to the anthropological investigation of race and racism if they choose to take this course of action,  相似文献   

Metacommunity theory has advanced understanding of how spatial dynamics and local interactions shape community structure and biodiversity. Here, we review empirical approaches to metacommunities, both observational and experimental, pertaining to how well they relate to and test theoretical metacommunity paradigms and how well they capture the realities of natural ecosystems. First, we show that the species-sorting and mass-effects paradigms are the most commonly tested and supported paradigms. Second, the dynamics observed can often be ascribed to two or more of the four non-exclusive paradigms. Third, empirical approaches relate only weakly to the concise assumptions and predictions made by the paradigms. Consequently, we suggest major avenues of improvement for empirical metacommunity approaches, including the integration across theoretical approaches and the incorporation of evolutionary and meta-ecosystem dynamics. We hope for metacommunity ecology to thereby bridge existing gaps between empirical and theoretical work, thus becoming a more powerful framework to understand dynamics across ecosystems.  相似文献   

The Draw-an-Archaeologist Test (DART) is an easy way to elieit students' conceptions about archaeology and can be adapted to other subject matter. When implemented as the first activity of an archaeology unit, it provides a starting point for introducing archaeology and addressing students' misconceptions about it. In this drawing activity, students are asked to describe not only what archaeologists do, but who they are in terms of gender and ethnicities. This activity can be used to generate a discussion on equity and to access differences between genders and ethnicities, which fulfills one of the national science education standards for the history and nature of science.  相似文献   

The white Batswana of the Okavango identify as African, are strongly nationalistic and express deep senses of belonging to the social and physical environments of their birth and upbringing. Yet, claims to belonging by white people to extra-European territories are often perceived as inauthentic at best and neocolonial at worst. This raises the question of how the empirical realities of such connections can be analytically rendered without threatening or appropriating indigenous identities. Through making a case for the heuristic utility of the concept of experiential autochthony, I argue that emplacement and belonging can be fruitfully explored for migrant and settler groups.  相似文献   

Mary Leighton 《Ethnos》2013,78(1):78-101
Death and the bodies of the dead are managed and handled in contemporary Western society by various professions that include archaeology. The bodies of the dead exist in a variety of material forms, and generate conflicting responses from the archaeologists who work with them. Positioning archaeologists as professionals within a wider society, this article explores the relationship between the physicality of the body, the (de)construction of personhood and the problem of mortality in contemporary Western (British) society.  相似文献   

Mediating Nationalism and Archaeology: A Matter of Trust?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recognizing that the past is a property of value, archaeologists have traditionally presented themselves as "trustees" of that property. Yet they have in fact become contractors who try to divorce themselves from the consequences of their work. The two roles are very different, and there is much to be gained from re-creating the idea of archaeological trusteeship. A trustee is a disinterested protector of property for the beneficiaries; a contractor is responsible only to the signatories to the contract and has no impartial obligations. Recognizing the distinction is crucial to the argument that archaeologists can "make a difference" in how cultural property is negotiated.  相似文献   

To develop effective protected area policies, scholars and practitioners must better understand the mechanisms through which protected areas affect social and environmental outcomes. With strong evidence about mechanisms, the key elements of success can be strengthened, and the key elements of failure can be eliminated or repaired. Unfortunately, empirical evidence about these mechanisms is limited, and little guidance for quantifying them exists. This essay assesses what mechanisms have been hypothesized, what empirical evidence exists for their relative contributions and what advances have been made in the past decade for estimating mechanism causal effects from non-experimental data. The essay concludes with a proposed agenda for building an evidence base about protected area mechanisms.  相似文献   

New developments in neuroimaging have demonstrated that the basic capacities underpinning human social skills are shared by our closest extant primate relatives. The challenge for archaeologists is to explain how complex human societies evolved from this shared pattern of face-to-face social interaction. We argue that a key process was the gradual incorporation of material culture into social networks over the course of hominin evolution. Here we use three long-term processes in hominin evolution-encephalization, the global human diaspora and sedentism/agriculture-to illustrate how the cultural transmission of material culture allowed the 'scaling up' of face-to-face social interactions to the global societies known today. We conclude that future research by neuroimagers and archaeologists will need to investigate the cognitive mechanisms behind human engagement with material culture as well as other persons.  相似文献   

Stewards in a Chicago union local agree that having the whole industry organized is the most important factor in getting good contracts for their local, but they do not see organizing as important to their roles as stewards. I bring ethnographic work among Chicago union locals to bear on the question of the relationships among structure, thought, and action and argue that everyday realities are more powerful in determining patterns of thought than patterns of thought are in determining everyday realities. The consciousness of stewards reflects the realities of power at their workplaces. This is not because of the hegemony of another class over the cultural apparatus or its ability to shape ideas that form culture but, rather, its power to shape the realities of workplace life and the daily lives of workers, realities that become encoded as patterns of thought. [Key words: class, unions, consciousness, culture, structure, work]  相似文献   

This study examines both edible plants and non-food uses of plants in a limited area to provide clues for archaeologists, to interpret their findings including the reconstruction of former diets. The results are based on an ethnoarchaeological study conducted in 1994-1995 on the traditional subsistence economy of a contemporary village, in close proximity to a pre-ceramic Neolithic site, A?ikli, in the Aksaray province of Central Anatolia. As a part of this study, about 600 plant specimens were collected, of which over 300 were considered useful by the villagers. Through this study the floral potential of a limited area, and the richness of the traditional knowledge of plants was documented to provide clues to archaeologists, archaeobotanists, botanists, pharmacologists, economists, and perhaps to the planners of future local development projects.  相似文献   

Archaeology's main contribution to the debate over the origins of modern humans has been investigating where and when modern human behavior is first recognized in the archaeological record. Most of this debate has been over the empirical record for the appearance and distribution of a set of traits that have come to be accepted as indicators of behavioral modernity. This debate has resulted in a series of competing models that we explicate here, and the traits are typically used as the test implications for these models. However, adequate tests of hypotheses and models rest on robust test implications, and we argue here that the current set of test implications suffers from three main problems: (1) Many are empirically derived from and context-specific to the richer European record, rendering them problematic for use in the primarily tropical and subtropical African continent. (2) They are ambiguous because other processes can be invoked, often with greater parsimony, to explain their character. (3) Many lack theoretical justification. In addition, there are severe taphonomic problems in the application of these test implications across differing spans of time. To provide adequate tests of these models, archaeologists must first subject these test implications to rigorous discussion, which is initiated here.  相似文献   

对九件手斧标本的再研究和关于莫维斯理论之拙见   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2  
林圣龙 《人类学学报》1994,13(3):189-208
本文对中国发现的九件手斧标本进行了再研究,结果表明有几件标本还是应维持原研究者的意见,如平梁P.3468号、三门峡P.2768号和梁山P.4171号标本应归入镐的范畴,丁村P.0684号标本是三棱镐.沙女沟标本(原丁村P.1889号标本)为似乎斧石器,丁村P.1844号标本为多边砍砸器.关于乾县P.5786号和百色P.8203号标本,笔者倾向于认为可能是石核斧.涝池河标本的类型归属暂且存疑.在此基础上,评论了莫维斯的理论.  相似文献   

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