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为了挖掘新的猪肉品质及胴体性状的候选基因,揭示猪肉质及胴体性状的遗传机制,文章将丙酸代谢通路作为候选通路,将通路内基因与猪肉质及胴体性状进行关联分析。实验采用37头三元杂交商品猪作为研究对象,首次针对丙酸通路中7个基因的36个SNP位点利用SNaPshot方法进行基因分型,分别用最小二乘模型及MB-MDR模型与肉质及胴体性状进行关联分析。结果发现,基因PCCB、MUT、MCEE及ACSS2上的4个SNP位点分别与肌内脂肪含量、背膘厚等性状显著相关(P<0.05),ACSS2与猪脂肪含量显著相关;MCEE及MUT与猪的背膘厚显著相关;PCCB基因与脂重显著相关。通过MB-MDR方法检测到多个SNP位点具有互作效应,并与背膘厚、水分含量、脂肪含量显著相关(P<0.05)。另外,丙酸代谢通路中的基因间的互作效应对猪肉品质有显著影响。 相似文献
Pascale Le Roy Jean-Michel Elsen Jean-Claude Caritez André Talmant Hervé Juin Pierre Sellier Gabriel Monin 《遗传、选种与进化》2000,32(2):165-186
A three-step experimental design has been carried out to add evidence about the existence of the RN gene, with two segregating alleles RN- and rn+, having major effects on meat quality in pigs, to estimate its effects on production traits and to map the RN locus. In the present article, the experimental population and sampling procedures are described and discussed, and effects of the three RN genotypes on growth and carcass traits are presented. The RN genotype had no major effect on growth performance and killing out percentage. Variables pertaining to carcass tissue composition showed that the RN- allele is associated with leaner carcasses (about 1 s.d. effect without dominance for back fat thickness, 0.5 s.d. effect with dominance for weights of joints). Muscle glycolytic potential (GP) was considerably higher in RN- carriers, with a maximum of a 6.85 s.d. effect for the live longissimus muscle GP. Physico-chemical characteristics of meat were also influenced by the RN genotype in a dominant way, ultimate pH differing by about 2 s.d. between homozygous genotypes and meat colour by about 1 s.d. Technological quality was also affected, with a 1 s.d. decrease in technological yield for RN- carriers. The RN genotype had a more limited effect on eating quality. On the whole, the identity between the acid meat condition and the RN- allele effect is clearly demonstrated (higher muscle GP, lower ultimate pH, paler meat and lower protein content), and the unfavourable relationship between GP and carcass lean to fat ratio is confirmed. 相似文献
Xinyan Hou Ruili Han Yadong Tian Wanying Xie Guirong Sun Guoxi Li Ruirui Jiang Xiangtao Kang 《Molecular biology reports》2013,40(4):3437-3443
Thyroid peroxidase (TPO), which located on the apical membrane surface of thyrocytes, is the key enzyme involved in thyroid hormone synthesis, mainly catalyses the iodination of tyrosine residues and the coupling of iodotyrosines on thyroglobulin to form thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The objectives of this study were to identify genetic polymorphisms of the chicken TPO gene and to analyze potential association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and growth and carcass traits in chicken. Partial sequences of TPO gene were cloned firstly. The nucleotide sequence was found to have 72 % identity with that of humans. The chicken TPO amino acid sequence was 71 %. Through polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing methods, three novel mutations of the chicken TPO gene were detected in the F2 resource population from Gushi chickens and Anka broilers. The association analysis indicated that all of the three SNPs showed association with chicken growth at different periods. The g.29996C>T polymorphisms was significantly associated with body weight, breast bone length, pectoral angle at 12 weeks, claw weight and leg muscle weight (P < 0.05). In addition, individuals with the TT genotype had higher value for almost all the traits than CC and CT genotype. Meanwhile for CLW, the additive effects were significant (P < 0.05). Hence, we suggest that genotype TT can be regarded as a potential molecular marker for later growth and carcass traits in chicken. 相似文献
猪CAST基因的单核苷酸多态性及其对肉质性状的效应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
CAST基因作为肉质性状的主要候选基因.以80头外来猪和190头地方猪为材料,在CAST基因内含子24上检测到两个多态性位点(A916G 和C1633G ).在916位点上,长白猪和大白猪以A基因为优势基因,其频率分别为0.88和1.00;莱芜猪,大薄莲猪,沂蒙黑猪和里岔黑猪以B基因为优势基因,其频率分别为0.93, 0.97, 0.78和0.68.在1633位点上,长白猪和大白猪以C基因为优势基因,其频率分别为0.82和0.79:莱芜猪,大薄莲猪,沂蒙黑猪和里岔黑猪以D基因为优势基因,其频率分别为1.00, 1.00, 0.88, 0.78.在试验猪种中,共检测到6种单倍型(AACC,AACD,AADD,ABCC,BBCC,BBDD).单倍型分布的多重比较结果表明,外来猪种(长白猪和大白猪)与地方猪种(莱芜猪,大薄莲猪,沂蒙黑猪和里岔黑猪)比较差异极显著(P < 0.01).固定效应模型分析结果表明,嫩度,屠宰45 min后pH值和滴水损失单倍型间差异显著(P < 0.05).最小二乘分析结果表明,外来猪种与地方猪种在嫩度,屠宰45 min后pH值和滴水损失间差异显著(P < 0.05).BBDD单倍型个体与其它单倍型个体比较,嫩度及滴水损失差异显著(P < 0.05);AADD,BBCC,BBDD单倍型个体与其它单倍型个体比较,屠宰45 min后pH值差异显著(P < 0.05).因此,在育种过程中将CAST基因应用于标记辅助选择,将有利于改善猪肉品质,加快育种进程. 相似文献
Associations between PRLR/AluI gene polymorphism with reproductive,growth, and meat traits in pigs 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
N. V. Mihailov A. V. Usatov L. V. Getmantseva S. U. Bakoev 《Cytology and Genetics》2014,48(5):323-326
The aim of this study was to determine the associations between genotypes of the prolactin receptor gene (PRLR) and reproductive, growth, and meat traits in pigs. Genetic groups of sows were used: Large White (LW), Danish Landrace (LD), and Landrace × Yorkshire × Duroc hybrids (L × Y × D). Reproductive traits studied were the total number of born (TNB) and the number born alive (NBA). The growth traits were the number of days to 100 kg and the average daily gains (ADG). The meat traits were the average backfat thickness (BFT), half carcass weight (HCW), area of M. longissimus dorsi (MLT), and lean meat content (LM). The polymorphism was detected using the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment-length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. It was found that the genotype BB is associated with the best NBA. In sows LD, the AB genotype is associated with best number of days to 100 kg; in hybrids L × Y × D, the AA genotype is associated with better meat traits as compared to the genotype BB. 相似文献
Association of PIT1, GH and GHRH polymorphisms with performance and carcass traits in Landrace pigs 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
The study of candidate genes, based on physiological effects, is an important tool to identify genes to be used in marker-assisted selection programs. In this study, a group of halothane gene-free, non-castrated, male Landrace pigs was used to study the association between polymorphisms in the PIT1 (n = 218), GH (n = 213) and GHRH (n = 206) genes and fat thickness, average daily gain, and the EPD (expected progeny difference) for fat thickness, average daily gain, and litter size. These genes are potential candidate markers because of their important physiological effects. The pigs were genotyped by PCR-RFLP, and the statistical model used to analyze the association between genotypes and the traits measured included genotypes as a fixed effect and age and weight as covariates. PIT1 polymorphisms were associated with fat thickness (P = 0.0019), EPD for average daily gain (P = 0.0001) and EPD for fat thickness (P = 0.0001), whereas GH polymorphisms were associated with fat thickness (P = 0.0326) and average daily gain (P = 0.0127), and GHRH polymorphisms were associated with the average daily gain (P = 0.0001) and EPD for fat thickness (P = 0.0004). These results confirmed the potential usefulness of these genes in marker-assisted selection programs for pig breeding. 相似文献
Li-jun Wang Xiao-lin Liu Hong-liang Wang Hua He Zhi-xiong Li Ling Chen 《Molecular biology reports》2013,40(3):2335-2346
The apolipoprotein E (ApoE) gene is an important component of plasma lipoprotein, and Fas apoptosis inhibitory molecule (FAIM) is a novel anti-apoptotic gene. In this study, we researched and discussed seven genes in eight different tissues in Qinchuan cattle by quantitative Real-time PCR. The result of analysis showed that ApoE and FAIM 2 genes had a correlation with muscle and fat. PCR–RFLP was applied to analyze the genetic variations of the ApoE and FAIM 2 genes and verify the effect on growth and carcass traits in a total of 365 Qinchuan cattles. The result of haplotype analysis showed that nine different haplotypes were identified among the four SNPs in ApoE and FAIM 2 genes. The statistical analyses indicated that the four SNPs were significant association with growth and carcass traits (P < 0.05, N = 365); and the four SNPs were significant association between nine combined genotypes of candidate genes and growth and carcass traits. Taken together, our results provide the evidence that polymorphisms in candidate genes are associated with growth and carcass traits in Qinchuan cattle, and may be used as a possible candidate for marker-assisted selection and management in beef cattle breeding program. 相似文献
Hou GY Yuan ZR Zhou HL Zhang LP Li JY Gao X Wang DJ Gao HJ Xu SZ 《Molecular biology reports》2011,38(7):4705-4708
Thyroid hormones play an important role in regulating metabolism and can affect homeostasis of fat deposition. The gene encoding
thyroglobulin (TG), producing the precursor for thyroid hormones, has been proposed as a positional and functional candidate
gene for a QTL with an effect on fat deposition. In the present study, we identified 6 novel SNPs at the 3′ flanking region
of the TG gene. The SNP marker association analysis indicated that the T354C, G392A, A430G and T433G SNP markers were significantly
associated with marbling score (P < 0.05). Animals with the new homozygote genotype had higher marbling score than those with the other genotypes. Otherwise,
the linkage disequilibrium analysis indicated that these four SNPs were completely linked (r
2 = 1). Results from this study suggest that TG gene-specific SNP may be a useful marker for meat quality traits in future
marker assisted selection programs in beef cattle. 相似文献
A A Paszek P J Wilkie G H Flickinger L M Miller C F Louis G A Rohrer L J Alexander C W Beattie L B Schook 《Animal biotechnology》2001,12(2):155-165
An autosomal scan of the swine genome with 119 polymorphic microsatellite (ms) markers and data from 116 F2 barrows of the University of Illinois Meishan x Yorkshire Swine Resource Families identified genomic regions with effects on variance in carcass composition and meat quality at nominal significance (p-value <0.05). Marker intervals on chromosomes 1, 6, 7, 8 and 12 (SSC1, SSC6, SSC7, SSC8, SSC12) with phenotypic effects on carcass length, 10th rib backfat thickness, average backfat thickness, leaf fat, loin eye area and intramuscular fat content confirm QTL effects identified previously based on genome wide significance (p-value <0.05). Several marker intervals included nominally significant (p-value <0.05) dominance effects on leaf fat, 10th rib backfat thickness, loin eye area, muscle pH and intramuscular fat content. 相似文献
Estimation of genetic parameters for growth performance and carcass traits in Mukota pigs 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The objective of the study was to determine genetic parameters for growth and carcass traits in Mukota pigs, maintained on a fibrous diet. Records (n = 1961) were obtained from a population housed at the University of Zimbabwe Farm (Harare, Zimbabwe) between January 1998 and August 2003. Backfat thickness was measured at 50 and 75 mm (K5 and K7.5), respectively. Carcass length (CL) was measured from the anterior edge of the first rib to the pubic bone using a measuring tape. Variance components were estimated using a model that accounted for direct, common environmental litter and maternal genetic effects, using average information restricted maximum likelihood. Heritability estimates for average daily gain from birth to weaning (ADGW) and average daily gain from weaning to 12 weeks (ADG1) were 0.15 and 0.27, respectively. Maternal genetic effects accounted for 2.6% of variation for ADG1. Heritability for average daily gain from 12 weeks to slaughter (ADG2) was 0.20. Common environmental litter effects accounted for 18% of phenotypic variance for cold dressed mass (CDM). Heritability estimates for CDM and CL were 0.32 and 0.62, respectively. Maternal genetic effects accounted for 10.5% of variance in CL. Heritability estimates for K5 and K7.5 were 0.64 and 0.40, respectively. The CDM was positively genetically correlated to K5, but negative to K7.5. The K5 and K7.5 had a high genetic correlation (0.88). Genetic correlations between ADGW and K5, K7.5 and CL were 0.30, 0.05 and 0.35, respectively. The existence of sufficient genetic variation makes genetic improvement for many growth and carcass traits in the Mukota breed possible through effective selection methods. 相似文献
One novel SNP of growth hormone gene and its associations with growth and carcass traits in ducks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this study, the growth hormone (GH) gene was studied as a candidate gene for growth and carcass traits of three duck populations (Cherry Valley duck, Muscovy duck and Jingjiang duck). Three pairs of primers were designed to detect single nucleotide polymorphisms of introns 2, 3 and 4 of the GH gene by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequencing methods. Only the products amplified from intron 2 displayed polymorphism. The results showed one novel polymorphism: a variation in intron 2 of GH gene (C172T, JN408701 and JN408702). It was associated with some growth and carcass traits in three duck populations including birth weight, 8-week weight, carcass weight, breast muscle weight, leg muscle weight, eviscerated weight, lean meat rate, dressing percentage, etc. And the TT and CT genotypes were associated with superior growth and carcass traits in carcass weight, dressing percentage and percentage of eviscerated weight. Therefore, the variation in intron 2 of GH may be a molecular marker for superior growth and carcass traits in above duck populations. 相似文献
Association analysis of thyroglobulin gene variants with carcass and meat quality traits in beef cattle 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gan QF Zhang LP Li JY Hou GY Li HD Gao X Ren HY Chen JB Xu SZ 《Journal of applied genetics》2008,49(3):251-255
Thyroid hormones play an important role in regulating the metabolism and can affect the homeostasis of fat deposition. The gene encoding thyroglobulin (TG), producing the precursor for thyroid hormones, has been proposed as a positional and functional candidate gene for a QTL with an effect on fat deposition. In the present study, we identified 6 novel SNPs at the 3' flanking region of the TG gene. The SNP marker association analysis indicated that the SNP markers G133C, G156A, C220T and A506C were significantly associated with marbling score (P<0.05, N=271). Animals with the new homozygote genotype had higher marbling scores than those with the other genotypes. Besides, the linkage disequilibrium analysis indicated that these 4 SNPs were completely linked (r2 = 1). Results of this study suggest that the TG-gene-specific SNP may be a useful marker for meat quality traits in future marker-assisted selection programmes in beef cattle. 相似文献
Qiong Wang Yi-Ping Liu Xiao-Song Jiang Chao-Wu Yang Hua-Rui DU Mo-Han Qiu Qing Zhu 《遗传》2007,29(9):1089-1098
PCR-SSCP technique was designed in this study to investigate the effect of MyoG on quality meat chicken (developed by Sichuan Dahen Poultry Breeding Company using local breeds). Four mutations at base position in promoter were detected among individuals in each line, i.e. T/C in locusA and T/A, T/C and A/G in locus B . The least square analysis showed that there were a significant difference between genotypes and breast muscle percentage and some carcass traits (P<0.05for locus A. There were a significant difference (P <0.05) in breast muscle weight between ACAA and AB geno- types; a significant difference (P <0.05) in leg muscle percentage between CC and AC for locus B, and a extremity signifi-cant difference (P <0.01) in the frequency of genotype muscle Fibre Density for Bothlocus A to locus B. There was no sig-nificant difference (P >0.05) in the other triats. It was concluded from the results that MyoG gene is the major gene affect-ing the muscle fiber traits of chicken or it links with the candidate gene, and the mutation could be used as the molecular genetic marker to select the chickens for Meat Quality traits. 相似文献
Genes involved in the physiological control of energy and triglyceride synthesis, such as malic enzyme 1, NADP(+)-dependent, cytosolic (ME1) and nuclear receptor subfamily 0, group B, member 2 (NR0B2), are key candidates that may have effects on meat and carcass quality traits. These genes were sequenced in Aberdeen Angus beef cattle, and the possibility of associations between SNPs and economically important carcass and meat quality traits was tested. Six novel SNPs, five in ME1 and one in NR0B2, were identified. A SNP in exon eight of ME1 resulted in a non-synonymous amino acid change from valine to isoleucine. Phenotypic data were recorded on 536 commercial Aberdeen Angus-cross beef cattle, which comprised 28 carcass quality, tenderness and sensory traits. The majority of the SNPs were associated with at least one of these traits, including an association between the NR0B2 SNP and fat class, and associations between at least one of the ME1 SNPs and eye muscle area, sirloin weight before maturation, sirloin steak tail length, and juiciness. 相似文献
Gong-Wei Zhang Lian Gao Shi-Yi Chen Xiao-Bing Zhao Yao-Fu Tian Xia Wang Xiao-Song Deng Song-Jia Lai 《Gene》2013
Fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) gene is an excellent candidate to affect the fatness and growth-related traits in pig and cattle. The aim of this study was to reveal the association between FTO and growth and meat quality traits in rabbits. A total of eight coding SNPs were detected, and four SNPs of them in exon 3 were further genotyped for association analysis in 442 rabbits from three breeds, including 248 New Zealand rabbits, 92 Ira rabbits, and 102 Champagne rabbits. Because there were significant differences for the allele and genotype frequencies among breeds, the association analysis was independently conducted in each breed only for these SNPs with minor allele frequency > 5.0%. The results revealed that non-synonymous SNP c.499G > A (p.A167T) was significantly associated with body weight (BW) at 35, 70, and 84 days of age in New Zealand rabbits (P < 0.01). The CC genotype of synonymous SNP c.660T > C was significantly associated with higher BW84, average daily weight gain, and intramuscular fat content of longissimus lumborum than TT and TC genotypes in Ira rabbits (P < 0.05). There were no associations between the four SNPs and growth and meat quality traits in Champagne rabbits. Meanwhile, FTO SNPs were not associated with meat pH value. Our data indicated that FTO gene could be a candidate gene associated with growth and meat quality traits in rabbits. However, the breed-specific effect should be carefully taken into consideration. 相似文献
Monoacylglycerol acyltransferase (MGAT3, also known as MOGAT3) catalyzes the synthesis of diacylglycerol (DAG) using 2-monoacylglycerol and fatty acyl coenzyme A. This enzymatic reaction is believed to be an essential and rate-limiting step for the absorption of dietary fat in the small intestine. However, similar research for the bovine MOGAT3 gene is lacking. Therefore, in this paper, polymorphisms of the bovine MOGAT3 gene were detected in 1145 individuals from five cattle breeds by DNA pooling, PCR-RFLP, and DNA sequencing methods. The results showed that 26 novel SNPs were identified, which included 16 mutations in the coding region and the others in the introns. Additionally, association analysis between two missense mutations, g.A229G and g.G1627A, and growth traits in Nanyang cattle up to 2 years of age and adult Qinchuan cattle was performed. The results indicated that polymorphisms were significantly associated with Nanyang cattle, but no convincing associations were observed for Qinchuan cattle for the studied traits. 相似文献