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An unknown ninhydrin positive spot on the paper chromatogram of the endogenous metabolites of mixed rumen ciliates was isolated by using ‘Dowex’ 50–X8 column and silica gel column and identified as δ-aminovaleric acid by the data of elementary analysis, specific optical rotation, mass spectrum, paper chromatogram and infrared spectrum.  相似文献   

Effect of phenoxazine derivatives (actinomycin D, l,8-dimethyl-3-aminophenoxazone-2, 3-aminophenoxazone-2, sodium resazurate, gallocyanine, fluorescent blue and capri blue) on amino acid transport in rat small intestine was investigated using tissue accumulation method. Capri blue (CI–51015) inhibited the accumulation of l-leucine, l-alanine and l-valine, and scarcely inhibited that of D-glucose. Kinetic analysis showed that the inhibition of amino acid accumulation by this pigment was non-competitive. Actinomycin D had no effect on amino acids and d-glucose accumulation in vitro at the high and low concentrations of these substances. High concentration of actinomycin D and long period of incubation had no effect, too. Accumulation of amino acids into the intestinal tissue was not significantly decreased or increased by the presence of other phenoxazine derivatives.  相似文献   

Cell walls containing α,ε-diaminopimelate-l,7-14C (DAP) was prepared from Escherichia coli isolated from the rumen. After incubation of ciliates with the cell walls, 22.0% of DAP contained in cell walls of E. coli was converted to lysine and pipecolate. Heat-treated mixed rumen bacteria and heat-treated cell walls of mixed rumen bacteria added to the culture medium of rumen ciliates increased 0.572 and 0.934 μmole/ml of sum of lysine and pipecolate, respectively.

From these results, it is clear that rumen ciliate protozoa can form lysine from DAP contained in the mucopeptide of bacterial cell walls. One of the nutritional significance of inhabitation of ciliates in the rumen was revealed.  相似文献   

The possibility of lysine formation from α,ε-diaminopimelate (DAP), acetate, aspartate or α-aminoadipate (AAA) in rumen ciliates was examined. DAP-1,7-14C added to the medium was decarboxylated and converted to radioactive lysine in great amounts and radioactive pipecolate in small amounts by rumen ciliates. Difference of the ability to form lysine from DAP between genus Entodinium and Diplodinium was not observed. With sodium acetate-U-14C, amino acids fraction of the supernatant fluid of the incubation medium and ciliates contained only 0.56 and 0.59% of the total radioactivity, respectively. In the case of l-aspartate-U-14C, 95.1% of the radioactivity of the supernatant fluid desalted and 62.2% of the radioactivity incorporated into ciliates (1.5% of the total radioactivity) remained as aspartate. Autoradiograms revealed the negligible spots of lysine in ciliates in both cases. AAA-6-14C remained almost unchanged, even after incubation with rumen ciliates.  相似文献   

Eight cases of males with persistent Müllerian structures are reported in four pairs of unrelated siblings. A genetically inherited failure to produce or to respond to the Müllerian-inhibiting substance elaborated by the fetal testis is postulated.  相似文献   

Legionnaires’ disease (LD) is an acute form of pneumonia, and changing weather is considered a plausible risk factor. Yet, the relationship between weather and LD has rarely been investigated, especially using long-term daily data. In this study, daily data was used to evaluate the impacts of precipitation, temperature, and relative humidity on LD occurrence in Taiwan from 1995–2011. A time-stratified 2:1 matched-period case-crossover design was used to compare each case with self-controlled data using a conditional logistic regression analysis, and odds ratios (ORs) for LD occurrence was estimated. The city, gender and age were defined as a stratum for each matched set to modify the effects. For lag day- 0 to 15, the precipitation at lag day-11 significantly affected LD occurrence (p<0.05), and a 2.5% (95% CIs = 0.3–4.7%) increased risk of LD occurrence was associated with every 5-mm increase in precipitation. In addition, stratified analyses further showed that positive associations of precipitation with LD incidence were only significant in male and elderly groups and during the warm season ORs = 1.023–1.029). However, such an effect was not completely linear. Only precipitations at 21–40 (OR = 1.643 (95% CIs = 1.074–2.513)) and 61–80 mm (OR = 2.572 (1.106–5.978)) significantly increased the risk of LD occurrence. Moreover, a negative correlation between mean temperature at an 11-day lag and LD occurrence was also found (OR = 0.975 (0.953–0.996)). No significant association between relative humidity and LD occurrence was identified (p>0.05). In conclusion, in warm, humid regions, an increase of daily precipitation is likely to be a critical weather factor triggering LD occurrence where the risk is found particularly significant at an 11-day lag. Additionally, precipitation at 21–40 and 61–80 mm might make LD occurrence more likely.  相似文献   

Two forms (GS1 and GS2) of glutamine synthetase have been isolated, separated by ion exchange chromatography, and partly characterized from cells of the green alga Chlorella kessleri. Both forms are present in cells grown autotrophically or heterotrophically on various nitrogen sources, but under all nutritional conditions GS1 was found to be the major isoenzyme present (60-80%). The activity of both isoenzymes was greatest in cells grown under nitrogen-limiting conditions. Both isoenzymes have molecular weights in the range 340 to 350,000 daltons. GS1 was found to have a greater thermostability than GS2: GS1 was stable at 30°C while GS2 lost 95% of its activity in 30 minutes. GS1 was much less sensitive to thiol reactive reagents than GS2.  相似文献   

Melioidosis is an often fatal infectious disease affecting humans and animals in tropical regions and is caused by the saprophytic environmental bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei. Domestic gardens are not only a common source of exposure to soil and thus to B. pseudomallei, but they also have been found to contain more B. pseudomallei than other environments. In this study we addressed whether anthropogenic manipulations common to gardens such as irrigation or fertilizers change the occurrence of B. pseudomallei. We conducted a soil microcosm experiment with a range of fertilizers and soil types as well as a longitudinal interventional study over three years on an experimental fertilized field site in an area naturally positive for B. pseudomallei. Irrigation was the only consistent treatment to increase B. pseudomallei occurrence over time. The effects of fertilizers upon these bacteria depended on soil texture, physicochemical soil properties and biotic factors. Nitrates and urea increased B. pseudomallei load in sand while phosphates had a positive effect in clay. The high buffering and cation exchange capacities of organic material found in a commercial potting mix led to a marked increase in soil salinity with no survival of B. pseudomallei after four weeks in the potting mix sampled. Imported grasses were also associated with B. pseudomallei occurrence in a multivariate model. With increasing population density in endemic areas these findings inform the identification of areas in the anthropogenic environment with increased risk of exposure to B. pseudomallei.  相似文献   

Microfolicoumarin (1), a prenylcoumarin from Cedrelopsis microfoliata, was synthesized from 2,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde in five steps. 1 did not show significant antioxidative activity, but the key intermediates, esculetin (3) and 5-prenylesculetin (6), exhibited strong antioxidative activity in both the superoxide-radical and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging models.  相似文献   

The durations of the phases of the cell cycle were measured at different levels in the jejunal crypts of male Balb/c mice. A mean cell cycle time of 12.3 h was found for the whole crypt. In cell positions 1 and 2, the cell cycle time was 16.7 h, and this time steadily decreased to a value of between 10 and 11 h for cell positions above 11. It is concluded that basally situated crypt cells in the mouse are cycling relatively slowly, and that they form the functional stem cell pool for the crypt. These cells may also compose the potential stem cell pool which repopulates the crypt after death of proliferative cells.  相似文献   

植物的水分来源是荒漠地区植物水分关系研究的重要方面, 有助于理解荒漠植物对干旱环境的适应。为了研究古尔班通古特沙漠主要建群种梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)生长季的水分利用动态, 以及其对发生在不同时期相似量级降水脉冲的响应, 利用稳定性同位素技术测量了梭梭小枝木质部水、降水、0-300 cm不同土层的土壤水和地下水的δ 18O值。水源依据深度划分为4个: 浅层土壤水(0-40 cm), 中层土壤水(40-100 cm), 深层土壤水(100-300 cm)和地下水。然后, 应用IsoSource模型计算了梭梭对潜在水源的利用比例。结果表明: 4月份, 梭梭主要利用浅层土壤水, 利用比例为62%-95%; 5-9月份梭梭主要利用地下水, 利用比例为68%-100%。梭梭对不同时期发生的两场相似量级的降水具有不同程度的响应。5月22日, 6.7 mm降水后第1天, 梭梭对土壤水的吸收达到最大值, 由降水前的9.8%增长为降水后的40.4%, 同时降低了对地下水的吸收, 由降水前的83%-98%下降为42%-81%。8月31日7 mm降水后, 梭梭对土壤水的吸收没有增加, 仍然保持对地下水的高比例利用, 达71%-98%。低的土壤含水量可能抑制了表层根系的活性, 导致梭梭对降水不敏感。由冬季融雪和春季降水补给的浅层土壤水和地下水是梭梭种群可利用的两个重要水源。梭梭的水分利用动态反映了其对干旱环境的适应。  相似文献   

Occurrence and breeding of Hirudo medicinalis were recorded in birds’ nests in the fishing ponds and water bodies used extensively by anglers in south-eastern Poland, in 4 of 11 studied bird species (Circus aeruginosus, Fulica atra, Cygnus olor, Chroicocephalus ridibundus). Factors important for the distribution and density of this leech were: nest height, pH of the water and oxygen concentration in the water inside the nests, the body-length of the nesting birds. Our data show that (1) H. medicinalis chooses nests as habitats that are safe in water bodies rich in predators (particularly fish) and provide stable feeding conditions; (2) fishing ponds and other water bodies used extensively by anglers in a landscape modified by human pressure can be an important secondary habitat for the medicinal leech. As the nesting activity of some aquatic birds apparently favors the occurrence of H. medicinalis, active protection of aquatic birds and creating sites appropriate for their breeding may be an indirect way for the conservation of the leech in such areas.  相似文献   

Cells at the apical part of developing stolons of the potato (Solatium tuberosum L. cv. Norin 1) were analyzed for the occurrence of putative precursors to amyloplasts, designated “amyloplast initial.” Ultrastructural studies showed that the cells contained the expected novel organelle. It was about 1 μm in diameter, devoid of thylakoid membranes, and was stained to a similar extent as the stroma of amyloplasts by uranyl acetate and lead citrate. Formation of thylakoid membranes and starch granules takes place at an early stage of development of these initials when they are just a few μm in diameter. At this stage, proliferation of the initials takes places by division at random sites.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, including pulmonary embolism (PE), has been reported; however, recent large‐scale, population‐based studies conducted in the United States did not confirm such seasonality. The aim of this large‐scale population study was to determine whether a temporal pattern in the occurrence of PE exists. The analysis considered all consecutive cases of PE in the database of all hospital admissions of the Emilia Romagna region in Italy at the Center for Health Statistics between January 1998 and December 2005. PE cases were first grouped according to season of occurrence, and the data were analyzed by the χ2 test for goodness of fit. Then, inferential chronobiologic (cosinor and partial Fourier) analysis was applied to monthly data, and the best‐fitting curve for the annual variation was derived. The total sample consisted of 19,245 patients (8,143 male, mean age 71.6±14.1 yrs; 11,102 female, mean age 76.1±13.7 yrs). Of these, 2,484 were <65 yrs, 5,443 were between 65 and 74, and 11,318 were ≥75 yrs. There were 4,486 (23.3%) fatal‐case outcomes. PE occurred least frequently in spring (n=4,442 or 23.1%) and most frequent in winter (n=5,236 or 27.2%, goodness of fit χ2=75.75, p<0.001). Similar results were obtained for subgroups formed by gender, age, fatal/non‐fatal outcome, presence/absence of major underlying co‐morbid conditions, and specific risk factors. Inferential chronobiological analysis identified a significant annual pattern in PE, with the peak between November and December for the total sample of cases (p<0.001), males (p<0.001), females (p=0.002), fatal and non‐fatal cases (p<0.001 for both), and subgroups formed by age (<65 yrs, p=0.012; 65–74 yrs, p<0.001; ≥75 yrs, p=0.012). This pattern was independent of the presence/absence of hypertension (p=0.003 and p<0.001, respectively), pulmonary disease (p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively), stroke (p<0.001 and p=0.004, respectively), neoplasms (p=0.005 and p=0.001, respectively), heart failure (p=0.022 and p<0.001, respectively), and deep vein thrombosis (p=0.002 and p<0.001, respectively). However, only a non‐statistically significant trend was found for subgroups formed by cases of diabetes mellitus, infections, renal failure, and trauma.  相似文献   

Elimination of inoculated Vibrio cholerae (≥107 cells ml−1) within a brackish water bacteria assemblage (Mecoacán Lagoon, State of Tabasco, Mexico) was studied in laboratory microcosms with filtration‐fractionated water. Feeding of a ciliate, Cyclidium glaucoma was evaluated using fluorescently labelled V. cholerae o1. Even though V. cholerae was not exploited as the major food source, ciliates were able to eliminate it efficiently. An addition of chitin directly supported the growth of bacteria, although not so much of V. cholerae, and indirectly the growth of the protistan assemblage. Generally, the changes in a bacterial assemblage structure were the most important in V. cholerae elimination.  相似文献   

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