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Two basic patterns of exine ultrastructure are found in theCompositae, the caveate Helianthoid pattern and the non-caveate Anthemoid pattern. TheHeliantheae, Astereae, Inuleae, Sececioneae, Calenduleae andEupatorieae all have pollen with caveate exines. TheMutisiseae, Vernonieae andCardueae have predominately Anthemoid pollen. TheAnthemideae, Arctoteae andLactuceae have pollen with exines of both patterns. Recent investigations of pollen in theVernonieae suggest that these exine ultrastructures in the family have evolved in response to mechanical stresses on the wall which are caused by changes in volume of the grain as it loses or gains water from its environment.  相似文献   

Physiological and morphological characters were recorded from 55 strains of 17 Phoma taxa and one Pyrenochaeta. The results were subjected to numerical analysis and UPGMA dendrograms produced. The full results were compared with TLC profiles of secondary metabolites. Seven distinct clusters were recovered from dendrograms based on full and partial character sets and the grouping of strains within each cluster discussed. The new combination Phoma sambuci-nigrae (Sacc.) Monte, Bridge & Sutton is proposed for P. herbarum f. sambuci-nigrae Sacc.  相似文献   

Methods for forecasting harvest yields have been improved considerably in the last 20 years with the development of new data survey (remote sensing) and statistical techniques. One of these methods, based on pollen release in the atmosphere, is especially important for anemophilous species such as olive. The aim of the present work is to use a different approach to forecast the olive harvest by considering the pollen variable as “endogenous” because it is involved in the consequential processes from the formation of pollen to fruiting, the complex of which determines, more or less, the final production. Unlike models built upon a single equation (multiple linear regression analysis), the proposed estimate, based on an incomplete system of equations, recovers the consistency associated with the inference of parameters while avoiding the errors of “over-estimation.” The study, based on 17 years of data considers the quantity of olive pollen monitored and the relative annual olive production in addition to climatic, agronomic, and pathological variables associated with production. The harvest forecast provides the possibility for planning and optimizing the various stages of olive production from cultivation to distribution, including sound management of the olive supply.
Une nouvelle approche pour considérer la variable pollen dans les modèles de prévision des rendement de récolte
Résumé  Pendant les vingt dernières années les méthodes de prévision des rendements de récolte ont été considérablement améliorées grace au développement de nouvelles techniques statistiques et d’ enquête des données (télédétection). Parmi ces méthodes celle basée sur l’émission du pollen dans l’atmosphère se révèle particulièrement importante pour les espèces anémophiles comme l’olivier. Le but de ce travail est celui d’arriver à employer une méthode différente dans la prévision des rendements de récolte de l’olivier, le tout en considérant comme “endogène” la variable pollen. Ce dernier est, en effect, impliqué dans les processus d’évolution qui vont de sa formation à la fructification, de manière à déterminer la production finale. Contrairement aux modèles établis sur une équation simple (analyse multiple de régression linéaire), l’évaluation proposée, basée sur un système inachevé d’équations, récupère la consistance connexe à l’ inférence des paramètres tout en évitant les erreurs de “surestimation”. L’étude, basée sur dix-sept ans de données, considère la quantité de pollen d’olivier détectée et conséquemment la production oléicole annuelle, outre aux variables climatiques, agronomiques et pathologiques liées à la production. Les modèles de prévision offrent la possibilité de rationaliser les différentes phases de la filière oléicole en optimisant les procédés, de la production à la distribution, y compris la gestion rationnelle des stocks.

A simple electrophoretic technique for separating Rubiscoholoenzyme (ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase) from crude extracts is introduced. No preliminary purification steps are required. To prove the validity of the technique we rely on well studiedBrassica spp., tobacco and spinach. We recommend this method for studies concerned with intrageneric relationships and for proving the intraspecific constancy of Rubisco.  相似文献   

Fossil onagraceous pollen grains from two Upper Miocene localities in E. Austria were investigated by LM and EM. Exine structure and sculpture as well as viscin threads suggest affinities with the extant genusCircea.  相似文献   

Staminate flowers of giant ragweed,Ambrosia trifida L. (Asteraceae, tribeHeliantheae, subtribeAmbrosiinae) were processed into resin and sectioned 1–2 µm thick. The invasive (amoeboid) anther tapetum remains parietal until microspores are released from tetrads, then it swells and invades the locule, merging gradually into a single protoplast that flows among the microspores. After the tapetal membrane ruptures at late microspore stage, tapetal debris fills the locule, then disappears as pollen matures. Pollen becomes tricelled before anthesis. The two sperm cell nuclei are slender and wormlike. The present report supports the two generalizations that invasive tapetum and tricelled pollen are attributes of theAsteraceae.  相似文献   

Reticulate and microechinate pollen forms withinSilene latifolia (S. alba, S. pratensis) were first described from N. America, where the species is an introduced weed. A previous study showed that the two forms also exist in Europe and intergrade along a zone roughly congruent with intergradation zones in seed morphology and flavone glycosylation genotypes. The present survey of pollen from herbarium specimens is more extensive and covers localities from nearly the whole of the species' native Eurasian and North African range. The first axis of a detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of qualitative characterstate data for 11 pollen morphological characters shows a gradient between the two extreme exine types, reticulate and microechinate. When mapped, the co-ordinates of pollen samples on this axis indicate a broad zone of intergradation which coincides approximately with the somewhat sharper transition between low- and high-tubercle seeds in C. and N. Europe, but becomes diffuse in Italy and the Mediterranean region and diverges from the seed transition zone in SW. Asia and the Middle East. The biological significance of the pollen morphs is unknown; the variation pattern in pollen morphology, unlike that in seeds, is not consistently correlated with macroclimate.  相似文献   

C. Kerhoas  G. Gay  C. Dumas 《Planta》1987,171(1):1-10
A multidisciplinary approach (freeze-fracture, nuclear magnetic resonance, differential scanning calorimetry, isoelectric focusing and fluorochromatic reaction test) has been used to follow the behaviour of Zea mays pollen during dehydration - and to estimate its quality. At anthesis, the water content of maize pollen is 57–58% and the vegetative plasma membrane is continous and well structured with a very low density of intramembraneous particles on the extraplasmic fracture face. Maize pollen grains can withstand the drying process until a water content of 28% is reached, at which point 60–80% of the individuals show a negative reaction in the fluorochromatic test. At this water content, there is no more crystallizable water and thus metabolism decreases, leading to oxidative damage and the formation of gelphase microdomains in the plasma membrane. Consequently, the plasma-membrane permeability is modified. At 15–13% water content, all pollen grains show a negative fluorochromatic reaction, and gel-phase microdomains are more numerous but membranes still have a bilayer structure. Relaxation-time experiments indicate the occurrence of water replacement at the membrane level. Thus, sugar may stabilize the membrane structure at water contents as low as 3%. During the dehydration process, pollen walls act as elastic structures and remain closely applied to the protoplast. The combination of wall deformation and water replacement would permit pollen survival until oxidative damage occurs in the dehydrated grain.Abbreviations EF extraplasmic fracture face - FCR fluorochromatic reaction - IMP intramembraneous particle - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - PF protoplasmic fracture face - T2 relaxation time  相似文献   

We review terms that describe the levels of group structure in Pan paniscus.We discuss points of confusion that result from unclear definition of terms, which could lead to inaccurate intra- and interspecific comparisons. We recommend terms that are applicable to captive populations.  相似文献   

In the order Coniferales, only the family Cupressaceae is regarded as being a significant source of airborne allergens, withJuniperus ashei characterized as the most significat aeroallergen. Pollen of the closely related speciesJ. virginiana has been shown to cross-react withJ. ashei pollen, however,J. virginiana pollen is not considered an important aeroallergen. Although there have been several reports of allergies toPinus pollen, the pollen of this genus is regarded as hypoallergenic. Our previous studies have shown that pollen extracts ofJ. ashei, J. virginiana, J. pinchotii, Cupressus macrocarpa, Pinus echinata andP. taeda all contained several proteins with the same molecular weights including the reported allergen ofJ. ashei. The present study compared the biochemistry ofJ. ashei, J. virginiana andP. echinata pollen. A time course experiment ofJ. ashei, J. virginiana andP. echinata showed thatJ. ashei released a greater quantity of protein within the first minute of moistening. SDS-PAGE analyses showed that the reported allergen ofJ. ashei pollen extracts was released in large quantities within the first minute of extraction. It was also determined that individual pollen grains ofP. echinata contained a greater quantity of protein than the pollen ofJ. ashei andJ. virginiana, but due to the large size of pine pollen there was less protein per gram of pollen. Lipid analysis of these three taxa showed that the pollen ofP. echinata contained more lipid per grain and per gram of pollen. Results indicate that the rapid release of the reported allergen fromJ. ashei pollen contributes to the allergenicity of this species compared to bothJ. virginiana andP. echinata.  相似文献   

曾蕾  闫瑞亚  张梅  许为斌  张林静  于胜祥 《广西植物》2016,36(10):1245-1252
棒凤仙亚属代表着凤仙花属最先分化出的一支,以多年生草本,多于5朵花的总状花序,侧生萼片4枚,3沟花粉,心皮四室且每室具1枚种子,果实棒锤状,种子椭圆形以及三沟花粉其极面观为三角形而区别于其它种类。该亚属主要分布于中国南部,少数种类辐射分布至华中和中南半岛地区。已有报道证实花粉的形态特征对凤仙花属植物的属下分类具有重要意义,但对棒凤仙亚属的种类少有涉及。为了进一步探讨该亚属花粉的形态特征及其分类学价值,该研究应用扫描电镜技术对国产棒凤仙亚属植物的14种以及凤仙花亚属的窄萼凤仙花的花粉进行了观察。结果表明:棒凤仙亚属的花粉以单粒存在,具3条萌发沟,辐射对称,极面观为三角形或三角状圆形,花粉粒外壁具均匀的网状纹饰,网脊平滑或具波状边缘,网眼中具不同密度的颗粒状突起。棒凤仙亚属的花粉形态与水角属的花粉形态相似,表现出了其原始性;其花粉形态特征与花部形态性状等相关性差,对该亚属的组级分类意义较小,但对于该亚属的种间界定具有重要意义;而其花粉的极面观形状、赤道面观形状以及网状纹饰等变异相对稳定,对于界定该亚属具有重要的分类学价值。  相似文献   

Crocus cartwrightianus andC. cartwrightianus cv.albus pollen have been studied from structural and ultrastructural points of view and the germination assayed in vivo and in vitro.C. cartwrightianus pollen is regularly shaped and sized, has a low percentage of anomalous grains and has a high germination rate in vitro, whileC. cartwrightianus cv.albus is less regularly shaped with some variation in size and has a high percentage of anomalous grains and a low germination percentage in vitro. Ultrastructural observations have revealed, in the pollen of both the taxa, the presence of a thin elongated vegetative nucleus and a generative cell surrounded by a thin membrane. However,C. cartwrightianus pollen shows a thicker intine, andC. cartwrightianus cv.albus shows numerous pollen germination anomalies which are in common withC. sativus.  相似文献   

Light and first SEM observations on the pollen ofAegialitis indicate that the two species of the genus are clearly distinguishable from all other genera of the tribeStaticeae to whichAegialitis presently is relegated. Intraspecific exine or aperture dimorphism which appears frequently in this tribe, is not recorded in this genus.A. annulata andA. rotundifolia have distinct monomorphic pollen and show a great resemblance in exine features with the tribePlumbagineae, particularly species ofPlumbago. Considering these and other features, separate subtribal status forAegialitis within thePlumbagineae is proposed.  相似文献   

In order to estimate pollen tube attrition and to relate it to the breeding system, numbers of microgametophytes within the stigma and at the bottom of the style were scored in species of theBrassicaceae, 17 sporophytically self-incompatible, 11 predominant inbreeders, 4 facultative outcrossers. Attrition was evident in almost all species. The mean number of tubes at the bottom of the style, and mean number of stylar tubes per ovule were significantly lower in outbreeders. The degree of attrition, measured as attrition rate (the proportion of tubes in the stigma that do not reach the bottom of the style) was higher in outbreeders; it was positively correlated with the pollen : ovule ratios as estimates of the degree of outbreeding in the species involved. In outbreeders, sexual selection seems to be rather effective in inhibiting certain microgametophytic genotypes from reaching the ovules. Because of the low number of tubes per ovule in most cases, we assume that, in theBrassicaceae, female choice may be more effective in sexual selection and in ensuing pollen tube attrition.  相似文献   

All genera ofAnnonaceae endemic in Australia (Ancana, Fitzalania, Haplostichanthus) show almost exactly the same type of disulcate (disulculate) pollen with intact exine extending over the sulci. Tetrad stages inHaplostichanthus andAncana reveal a latudinal subequatiorial orientation of the two sulci at the proximal hemisphere. Sometimes they fuse into a ±zonosulcate aperture.Fissistigma pollen grains are ±globose and have a flattened pole with a central elevation and a concentric groove, covered by a somewhat reduced exine. This palynological characters give further support for separating the generaAncana andFissistigma. Germination was observed inHaplostichanthus where the pollen tube emerges at one of the two sulci and inFissistigma where the flattened part breaks up during germination. The aperture types described here are obviously transitional stages between aperturate and inaperturate pollen grains and are discussed in regard to pollen evolution.  相似文献   

Data on pollen nuclear number are presented for 74 of the 111 currently accepted genera of theAraceae — one of only three monocot families in which both bi- and trinucleate pollen are known to occur. Binucleate pollen, which characterizes 65% of aroid genera, is regarded as the primitive type inAraceae and monocots as a whole. The trend toward the trinucleate condition appears to be irreversible, and to have occurred many times within the family.Syngonium becomes the sixth angiosperm genus in which both character-states are known to occur; otherwise, the character is highly conservative at the generic level. Pollen nuclear number shows no evident correlation with pollen size, starch content or pollinator type.  相似文献   

Pollen heteromorphism, defined here as the production within all flowers of a plant of several pollen morphs differing in aperture number, is common in angiosperms. We have focused on the evolution of pollen heteromorphism in the genusViola, in which about 1/3 of the species are pollen-heteromorphic. We have studied the distribution of pollen heteromorphism in the genusViola using a molecular phylogeny based on ITS sequence data. We show that pollen heteromorphism has evolved independently at least six times inViola. A comparative analysis shows that the occurrence of pollen heteromorphism is correlated with sporophytic polyploidy in all sections of the genus apart from sectionMelanium. This section differs from all other sections on several aspects such as flower morphology, absence of cleistogamous flowers, and a high proportion of heteromorphic species. We discuss the possible adaptiveness of pollen heteromorphism in this section.  相似文献   

Celery (Apium graveolens L. var Dulce) is a high value crop affected at different growth stages by a variety of nutrient disorders. Each nutrient concentration can be corrected for its dependence on concentrations of other nutrients by recognizing plant composition as a closed system whose components add up to one. New variables z i are computed as logratioed values of individual nutrients, where each nutrient concentration is corrected for the geometric mean of all nutrient concentrations. The z i are used together with principal component analysis (PCA) to relate celery composition to yield, deficiency symptoms and quality parameters. A survey of commercial celery fields suggested that (1) celery growth is most often limited by P and N deficiencies associated with Fe toxicity; (2) K uptake is most likely to become limiting when the crop reaches 15 cm in height; (3) blackheart incidence can be traced to low levels of K and Mg in external petioles, and (4) cracked stem incidence is related to low B when the crop is 30 cm in height.  相似文献   

The species ofBriza L. s. l. are disjunctly distributed between Eurasia and South America. A taxometric analysis has been carried out, using data from electrophoresis of seed polypeptides and published morphological characters. Evidence from a cluster analysis of seed polypeptide data strongly supports the recognition of two different natural groups, a S. American group and a Eurasian group, and is consistent with karyotype data, but does not support the generic groupings of South American taxa derived from the morphological data.  相似文献   

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