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Length control is a fundamental requirement for molecular architecture. Even small wall-less bacteria have specially developed macro-molecular structures to support their survival. Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a human pathogen, forms a polar extension called an attachment organelle, which mediates cell division, cytadherence, and cell movement at host cell surface. This characteristic ultrastructure has a constant size of 250–300 nm, but its design principle remains unclear. In this study, we constructed several mutants by genetic manipulation to increase or decrease coiled-coil regions of HMW2, a major component protein of 200 kDa aligned in parallel along the cell axis. HMW2-engineered mutants produced both long and short attachment organelles, which we quantified by transmission electron microscopy and fluorescent microscopy with nano-meter precision. This simple design of HMW2 acting as a molecular ruler for the attachment organelle should provide an insight into bacterial cellular organization and its function for their parasitic lifestyles.  相似文献   

Attachment of Mycoplasma pneumoniae to host cells initiates disease, and the attachment components may represent important protective immunogens for preventing disease. We have studied the mechanisms of attachment using in vitro cell culture systems and selected pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains of M. pneumoniae. Attachment of the pathogenic strains M129 and PI-1428 was several fold greater than attachment of the nonpathogenic strain, and attachment of strains M129 and PI-1428 was reduced by 21 to 63% when human WiDr cell monolayers were exposed to neuraminidase, supporting the concept that M. pneumoniae attaches to mammalian cells by a neuraminidase-sensitive glycoconjugate. While attachment of the two pathogenic strains was markedly reduced by treating the WiDr cells with glutaraldehyde, glutaraldehyde treatment produced minimal effects on the attachment of the nonpathogenic strain B176. Glutaraldehyde treatment also altered the temperature dependence of attachment by the pathogenic strains. Because glutaraldehyde-treated WiDr cell monolayers showed little difference in attachment between pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains, glutaraldehyde-treated cells are not appropriate cell substrates for studying M. pneumoniae attachment mechanisms or identifying immunogens for vaccine development.  相似文献   

A method was developed for protein localization in Mycoplasma pneumoniae by immunofluorescence microscopy. The P1 adhesin protein was revealed to be located at least at one cell pole in all adhesive cells, as has been observed by immunoelectron microscopy. Cell images were classified according to P1 localization and assigned by DNA content. Cells with a single P1 focus at one cell pole had a lower DNA content than cells with two foci, at least one of which was positioned at a cell pole. Those with one focus at each cell pole had the highest DNA content, suggesting that the nascent attachment organelle is formed next to the old one and migrates to the opposite cell pole before cell division. Double staining revealed that the accessory proteins for cytadherence-HMW1, HMW3, P30, P90, P40, and P65-colocalized with the P1 adhesin in all cells. The localization of cytadherence proteins was also examined in cytadherence-deficient mutant cells with a branched morphology. In M5 mutant cells, which lack the P90 and P40 proteins, HMW1, HMW3, P1, and P30 were focused at the cell poles of short branches, and P65 showed no signal. In M7 mutant cells, which produce a truncated P30 protein, HMW1, HMW3, P1, P90, and P40 were focused, and P65 showed no signal. In M6 mutant cells, which express no HMW1 and a truncated P30 protein, the P1 adhesin was distributed throughout the entire cell body, and no signal was detected for the other proteins. These results suggest that the cytadherence proteins are sequentially assembled to the attachment organelle with HMW1 first, HMW3, P1, P30, P90, and P40 next, and P65 last.  相似文献   

We had previously separated the ribosome-complexed and -free membrane fractions of Bacillus subtilis by sedimentation in a biphasic sucrose gradient. We now have found that the complexed fraction is contaminated with ribosome-free vesicles and that these can be removed by equilibrium density centrifugation. With this improved preparation, it could be shown that the penicillin-binding proteins are present almost exclusively in the ribosome-free membrane fraction. It thus appears that the fragmentation of the membrane in the lysing protoplast yields separate vesicles for the domains involved in protein translocation and for those involved in the synthesis and reshaping of the peptidoglycan. An enzyme of lipid synthesis (phosphatidylserine synthase) and also H+-ATPase were similarly found to be concentrated, but less exclusively, in the ribosome-free membrane fraction.  相似文献   

The proteins required for adherence of the pathogen Mycoplasma pneumoniae to host respiratory epithelial cells are localized to a polar structure, the attachment organelle. A number of these proteins have been characterized functionally by analysis of noncytadhering mutants, and many are components of the mycoplasma cytoskeleton. Mutations in some cytadherence-associated proteins have pleiotropic effects, including decreased stability of other proteins, loss of adherence and motility, and abnormal morphology. The function of protein HMW3, a component of the attachment organelle, has been difficult to discern due to lack of an appropriate mutant. In this paper, we report that loss of HMW3 resulted in decreased levels and more diffuse localization of cytoskeletal protein P65, subtle changes in morphology, inability to cluster the adhesin P1 consistently at the terminal organelle, reduced cytadherence, and, in some cells, an atypical electron-dense core in the attachment organelle. This phenotype suggests a role for HMW3 in the architecture and stability of the attachment organelle.  相似文献   

The subcellular location of the phase-variable cytadherence-accessory protein HMW3 in Mycoplasma pneumoniae has been examined by biochemical and immunoelectron microscopic techniques. Analysis by Western blot (immunoblot) with HMW3-specific antiserum established the presence of this protein within the M. pneumoniae Triton X-100-insoluble fraction or triton shell. Immunogold labeling of Triton-extracted mycoplasmas with affinity-purified antibodies localized HMW3 to the terminal knob on the rodlike extensions of the triton shell, a location that would correspond to the adherence organelle in whole mycoplasmas. Treatment of triton shells with KI resulted in the selective removal of the adherence-accessory proteins HMW1 to HMW4. Analysis of these triton shells by transmission electron microscopy revealed dramatic ultrastructural changes in the filamentous network and core structure. Immunogold labeling of KI-extracted shells reflected the removal of HMW3 from the disrupted tip structure. An examination of ultrathin sections of wild-type cells by transmission electron microscopy following labeling with HMW3-specific antibodies provided further evidence for the nonrandom distribution of HMW3 and its localization to the terminal portion of filamentous cell extensions. Most colloidal gold molecules were associated with the cell interior, but limited peripheral labeling of the terminal region was also observed. Postfixation antibody labeling of whole cells suggested limited exposure of HMW3 on the mycoplasma surface at the tip structure. However, prefixation antibody labeling failed to indicate surface exposure, raising some uncertainty regarding the relationship of HMW3 with the mycoplasma membrane.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural Features of Mycoplasma pneumoniae   总被引:37,自引:12,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
The ultrastructure of Mycoplasma pneumoniae cultivated in broth on glass and plastic surfaces was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The organisms grew as filaments, which by over-crossing eventually formed a dense network on the surface and in colonies composed mainly of rounded and elongated forms. The filaments were usually thinner at the ends and terminated with a knob-like structure. Some filaments possessed short ramifications which also ended with a knob, and others showed constrictions. Sectioned organisms were seen to contain ribosome-like structures. Many organisms had a specialized structure at their thinner end, which consisted of a dense rod surrounded by electron-lucent cytoplasm and ending with a platelike thickening.  相似文献   

Motility of Mycoplasma pneumoniae.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cell of Mycoplasma pneumoniae FH gliding on a glass surface in liquid medium were examined by microscopic observation and quantitatively by microcinematography (30 frames per min). Comparisons were made only within the individual experiments. The cells moved in an irregular pattern with numerous narrow bends and circles. They never changed their leading end. The average speed (without pauses) was relatively constant between o.2 and 0.5 mum/s. The maximum speed was about 1.5 to 2.0 mum/s. The movements were interrupted by resting periods of different lengths and frequency. Temperature, viscosity, pH, and the presence of yeast extract in the medium influenced the motility significantly; changes in glucose, calcium ions, and serum content were less effective. The movements were affected by iodoacetate, p-mercuribenzoate, and mitomycin C at inhibitory or subinhibitory concentrations. Sodium fluoride, sodium cyanide, dinitrophenol, chloramphenicol, puromycin, cholchicin, and cytochalasin B at minimal inhibitory concentrations did not affect motility. The movements were effectively inhibited by anti-M. pneumoniae antiserum. Studies with absorbed antiserum suggested that the surface components involved in motility are heat labile. The gliding of M. pneumoniae cells required an intact energy metabolism and the proteins involved seemed to have a low turnover.  相似文献   

The frequency of fulminant pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae is relatively rare despite the high prevalence of Mycoplasma species infection in the general population. We recently encountered such a case and have reviewed the English-language literature on cases of M pneumoniae pneumonia that have resulted in respiratory failure or death. Due to host factors or on epidemiologic grounds, fulminant cases seem to be more common in young healthy adults, in males, and possibly in smokers among the 46 patients we found. An enhanced host cellular immune response may be responsible for the development of severe cases. A spectrum of small airways disease is characteristic, including cellular bronchiolitis and bronchiolitis obliterans with and without organizing pneumonia. Based largely on anecdotal experience, corticosteroid use may be salutary in patients with respiratory failure. For reasons that are not well known, the incidence of pulmonary thromboembolism is increased in fatal cases.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA gyrase genes   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
We have identified a clone from a λEMBL3 library containing a 19kb insert of Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA which includes the genes that encode both subunits of DNA gyrase. The gyrB gene and the 5’end of the gyrA gene have been subcloned into M13. The gryB gene is 1953bp in length and overlaps the gryA gene by a single base. The nucleotide sequence of these subclones has significant homology to previously reported gyrase genes. In terms of the size of gyrB gene and its proximity to the gyrA gene, M. pneumoniae is more similar to Bacillus subtilis than to Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Cytokines in Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (M. pneumoniae) is one of the smallest free-living bacteria known. Along with other unique characteristics of this genus, it lacks the typical peptidoglycan cell wall of most eubacteria. Best known for causing tracheobronchitis and atypical pneumonia in humans, this pathogen also causes a number of extrapulmonary syndromes such as meningitis/encephalitis and arthritis. Recent studies also suggest that infection may be associated with chronic conditions such as asthma. Although the mechanisms of M. pneumoniae pathogenesis remain to be elucidated, one important component of M. pneumoniae infections is the induction of proinflammatory and other cytokines in both acute and chronic conditions. In this review, we survey the induction of cytokines by M. pneumoniae in different model systems, and we discuss the possible role of induced cytokines in M. pneumoniae pathogenesis.  相似文献   

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