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The present study describes the seasonal changes of the fish species composition in three areas of the main channel of the Caeté River estuary, Brazil. The fish faunas of each habitat differed in density, biomass and species composition. Mean fish density and biomass for the Caeté River estuary channel was 0·25 individuals m−2 and 0·9 g m−2 respectively. Analysis of catch data showed that the number of species, total density and total biomass differed significantly between areas and seasons. For the most important species, the mean density of Cathorops spixii, Aspredinichthys filamentosus, Aspredo sp. 2, Pimelodus blochii, Pseudauchnipterus nodosus and Macrodon ancylodon , differed significantly between seasons while the mean density of Stellifer rastrifer , Stellifer microps, Aspredo aspredo , Aspredo sp. 1 and Cynoscion acoupa did not. The mean biomass of these species, with exception of S. microps and Aspredo sp. 1, also differed significantly between seasons. In the Caeté estuary seasonal salinity fluctuations appeared to be the main factor that structured the fish assemblage in the entire estuarine system. At least 85% of the species captured by the artisanal and subsistence fisheries in the Bragantine region required estuarine conditions to complete their life cycle.  相似文献   

From December 2005 to November 2006, 216 samples were taken from the main channel of the Goiana Estuary, representing a total sampled area of 23 ha. Ariidae species were the most abundant in density (1600 individuals ha?1, 53%) and biomass (18 813 g ha?1, 63%). Cathorops spixii was the most abundant in density (1340 individuals ha?1) and biomass (14 203 g ha?1). The variables: number of species, total density and biomass, showed significant interactions between the factors of areas and seasons (P < 0·01). The highest total density (7394 individuals ha?1) and biomass (70 292 g ha?1) occurred in the middle and upper estuaries, respectively, during the early‐rainy season. The density of C. spixii differed significantly between areas and seasons (P < 0·01), while Cathorops agassizii differed significantly only between seasons (P < 0·01). The biomass differed significantly for the species C. spixii, C. agassizii and Sciades herzbergii between seasons, and C. spixii and C. agassizii between areas. Also, the density and biomass of C. spixii and C. agassizii showed interaction between areas and seasons. Only the biomass of S. herzbergii showed interaction between areas and seasons (P < 0·01). This indicates that seasonal variations influenced the distribution of Ariidae species in the different areas of the Goiana Estuary. Moreover, canonical correspondence analysis highlighted a strongly significant correlation (P < 0·01) between the seasonal variations of the environmental gradients (salinity and water temperature) and distribution of catfishes. The management and conservation of estuaries should take into account the life cycle of these species in different estuarine areas and hydrological seasons.  相似文献   

Anaesthetic effects of clove oil on seven species of tropical reef teleosts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The anaesthetic potential of the clove oil was tested on the following species of tropical reef fishes: Abudefduf saxatilis , Stegastes variabilis , Pareques acuminatus , Acanthurus chirurgus , Sparisoma axillare , Lutjanus apodus and Bathygobius soporator . Induction and recovery times from anaesthesia were compared using various concentrations (20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mg l−1). Induction and recovery times were not affected by variations in fish total length. When exposed to any of the five tested concentrations of clove oil, specimens achieved a deep state of anaesthesia, with induction and recovery times of <180 and <300 s, respectively. Nevertheless, to maximize safety and reduce fish mortality and stress, the lowest concentration (20 mg l−1) is recommended during field sampling.  相似文献   

This study provides the first assessment of a heavily traded West African seahorse species, Hippocampus algiricus, and the first information on short‐snouted seahorse Hippocampus hippocampus biology in Africa. A total of 219 seahorses were sampled from fisher catch in Senegal and The Gambia, with estimated height at reproductive activity for H. algiricus (161 mm) larger than mean ± s.d . catch height (150 ± 31 mm). Catch composition, height at reproductive activity and potential biases in fishery retention are discussed with regard to the current Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) guidelines.  相似文献   

Sewage disposal in natural waters is a common problem in most countries. Large inputs of organic matter and nutrients from raw sewage to a weak hydrodynamic environment may lead to deterioration of the water quality. Widely available riverine and estuarine models such as QUAL-2E and MUDLARK can be used to adequately model these situations. Beberibe is a low hydrodynamic estuary that runs through a densely populated region in the Recife Metropolitan Area (RMA), Northeast Brazil, and receives untreated domestic sewage from aproximately 200000 inhabitants. The mouth of the estuary is shallow and tortuous, causing a large reduction in tidal propagation. The low river flow is strongly influenced by rain seasonality at the upstream boundary, with mean values varying from 4.9 m3 s–1 in the wet winter to 1.4 m3 s–1 during the dry summer. A major program to build sewage plants was planned to increase the water quality of the RMA rivers. This study focuses on water quality modelling of the Beberibe estuary basin, formed by the Beberibe River and two small tributaries. Numerical simulations of temperature, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate and faecal coliforms were carried out, targeting the expected population growth in the following 20 years. The QUAL-2E and the MUDLARK models were coupled at the tidal intrusion limit, with the estuarine sector modelled by the MUDLARK while QUAL-2E was used in the upper river. A longitudinal dispersion coefficient related to tidal excursion was introduced into the MUDLARK algorithm to better determine the tidal effect on the distribution of water quality variables. Both models were calibrated successfully and verified with a 4 year water quality data series from the Pernambuco State Environmental Agency (Companhia Pernambucana do Meio Ambiente – CPRH). Results showed that the river flow is a major factor controlling the water quality. Even the most efficient treatment applied was not able to bring water quality up to all desirable levels during dry summer months, mainly considering dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand. Results also confirm that the spring-neap cycle does not significantly affect water quality, probably due to the strong tidal attenuation at the estuary mouth.  相似文献   

This study identified the bacterial community composition associated with Barbour's seahorses (Hippocampus barbouri). Seahorses and samples from the surrounding environment (sediment and water) were collected from Cantiasay Island in Surigao del Norte, Philippines. Genomic DNA was isolated from these samples, and the V1–V3 region of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified and sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq platform. There were 929 803 sequence reads corresponding to 859 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), which were obtained from the six genomic libraries. The results showed that the most abundant OTUs were affiliated to the phylum Proteobacteria, particularly those belonging to the genera Shewanella, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Aeromonas, which were found to be dominant in seahorse gut samples. The only exception was for the skin of male seahorses, which was dominated by members belonging to the genus Bacillus (phylum Firmicutes). These findings on bacterial community structure and composition may shed light on therapeutic claims of Barbour's seahorses and help in the conservation of this species.  相似文献   

Smita Mitbavkar 《Biofouling》2013,29(6):415-426
Seasonal variations in the fouling diatom community from a monsoon influenced tropical estuary were investigated. The community composition did not differ significantly between stainless steel and polystyrene substrata due to dominance by Navicula spp. The experimental evidence suggests that Amphora, which is a dominant fouling diatom in temperate waters, ultimately dominates the community in tropical regions when conditions are favourable. These observations reveal that a faster onset of macrofouling interferes with the microfouling community wherein the faster recruiters that have a higher abundance in ambient waters, dominate the community. Seasonal variations were observed in the fouling diatom community. Navicula delicatula dominated during the post-monsoon and tychopelagic diatoms (Melosira and Odontella) were observed during the monsoon. Low diatom abundance was recorded during the pre-monsoon season. The results indicate that although the fouling diatom community composition does not vary between substrata, there is a seasonal change in the community depending on the physical, chemical and biological interactions.  相似文献   

We present the first synthesis of the life history and ecology of seahorses, compare relationships for seahorses with other marine teleosts and identify research needs. Seahorses occurred primarily amidst temperate seagrasses and tropical coral reefs. Population densities were generally low, ranging from 0 to 0·51 individuals m?2, but reached 10 m?2 in some patches. Inferred life spans ranged from 1 to 5 years. Seahorses consumed live prey and possibly changed diet as they grew. Growth rates are poorly investigated to date. Reproduction and mating systems are the best‐studied aspects of seahorse ecology. The relationship between size at first maturity and maximum size in seahorses conformed to that for other marine teleosts. All seahorse species were monogamous within a cycle, but some were polygamous across cycles. Direct transfer of clutches to the brood pouch of the male fish made it difficult to measure clutch size in live seahorses. After brooding, males released from c. 5 to 2000 young, depending on species and adult size. Newborn young measured from 2 to 20 mm in length, which was a narrower size range than the 17‐fold difference that occurred in adult size. Newborn body size had no relationship to adult size. Both eggs and young were larger than expected among marine teleosts, even when considering only those with parental care, but brood size at release was lower than expected, perhaps because the young were more developed. The size of adults, eggs and young increased with increasing latitude, although brood size did not. Considerable research is needed to advance seahorse conservation and management, including (a) fisheries‐dependent and fisheries‐independent abundance estimates, (b) age‐ or stage‐based natural and fishing mortalities, (c) growth rates and age at first maturity, and (d) intrinsic rates of increase and age‐ or size‐specific reproductive output. Current data confirm that seahorses are likely to be vulnerable to high levels of exploitation.  相似文献   

Mitbavkar S  Anil AC 《Biofouling》2008,24(6):415-426
Seasonal variations in the fouling diatom community from a monsoon influenced tropical estuary were investigated. The community composition did not differ significantly between stainless steel and polystyrene substrata due to dominance by Navicula spp. The experimental evidence suggests that Amphora, which is a dominant fouling diatom in temperate waters, ultimately dominates the community in tropical regions when conditions are favourable. These observations reveal that a faster onset of macrofouling interferes with the microfouling community wherein the faster recruiters that have a higher abundance in ambient waters, dominate the community. Seasonal variations were observed in the fouling diatom community. Navicula delicatula dominated during the post-monsoon and tychopelagic diatoms (Melosira and Odontella) were observed during the monsoon. Low diatom abundance was recorded during the pre-monsoon season. The results indicate that although the fouling diatom community composition does not vary between substrata, there is a seasonal change in the community depending on the physical, chemical and biological interactions.  相似文献   

Nutrification impacts on coral reefs from northern Bahia,Brazil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Costa  O. S.  Leão  Z. M. A. N.  Nimmo  M.  Attrill  M. J. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):307-315
Coral reefs extend for 20 km along the north coast of the state of Bahia, Brazil. Over the last 15 years, this region has experienced an acceleration of generally unplanned urbanisation, with the irregular and indiscriminate use of septic tanks in urban centres contaminating the groundwater. This infiltration of nutrients and pathogens is facilitated by both the soil permeability and an accented hydraulic head, which eventually leads to the percolation of nutrient-rich groundwater seaward to the reefs. The groundwater nutrient concentrations (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate and silicate) from Guarajuba beach (a highly urbanised area) are over 10 times higher than groundwater from Papa Gente beach, an area of low human occupation. The pH values of the groundwater samples also indicate the predominance of reducing conditions in Guarajuba, due to the high availability of organic matter and consequent bacterial activity. Additionally, faecal coliform data indicate domestic wastewater as the source of groundwater contamination. High densities of macroalgae and heterotrophic organisms on the impacted reefs, as well as higher concentrations of nutrients, evoke the effects of eutrophication on this coral reef ecosystem. These data suggest that the high availability of nutrients is affecting the trophic structure in the study area, especially in Guarajuba, with the increased turf and macroalgae growth reducing light penetration to the coral colonies, competing with them for space and inhibiting the settlement of new coral larvae.  相似文献   

Feasible mechanisms for algal digestion in the king angelfish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determine the ability of the king angelfish Holacanthus passer to digest algae, three algal species were immersed in acidic conditions similar to that found in the stomach of fish. Only one of them was not susceptible to acidic lysis; two were affected after 40 and 60 min at pH 2·0. King angelfish have an expanded region of the intestine called here the hindgut chamber (HC) containing populations of micro-organisms. Some of these micro-organisms have the capacity to grow in cellulose, agar, and alginic acid; the main components of algal cell walls. Micro-organisms grew in carboxymethylcellulose cultures under aerobic and micro-aerobic conditions. The HC is highly vascularized, which could increase absorptive efficiency of material digested in it.  相似文献   

Cochin estuary, one of the largest tropical estuaries of India, supports high levels of human pressure throughout the year and natural stress during monsoon season. Six stations were monitored between 2002 and 2004 covering the pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon seasons. Ecological status of macrobenthos was assessed using the AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and the multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI). The overall ‘moderate’ disturbance classification (according to AMBI) and ‘moderate-poor’ ecological status (according to M-AMBI) indicate that the macrobenthos in the estuary experiences stress. There was a gradient of increasing quality from the most degraded northern site to the main estuary, downstream. Monsoon caused further reductions in quality of macrobenthos in the main estuary, while the degraded northern station showed improvement in 2003, when the monsoon was strong. The assessment of the Cochin Estuary using AMBI and M-AMBI indicates where this water body stands in comparison to European and other water bodies, which may be useful for developing required protective measures in tropical systems and to design monitoring strategies.  相似文献   

Bacterial uptake of algal exudates has been estimated in a tropicalestuary, Dona Paula, where the seasonal fluctuations in hydrographicand nutrient parameters as well as dissolved organic matterconcentrations and phytoplankton species composition are dominatedby the monsoon regime. A close coupling existed between algaland bacterial trophic levels. Algal exudation products wererapidly assimilated with short turnover times. An average 80%of the excreted material was removed by heterotrophic bacteriaand there was a significant correlation between algal extracellularproduction and net bacterial uptake of algal exudates.  相似文献   

The study was conducted in the Capibaribe river estuary in Recife (Brazil) to assess the role played by cladocerans in a eutrophic environment. Samplings were carried out monthly at 4 fixed stations along the estuary from July 1987 to June 1988. Collections were made with a plankton net of 65 micrometers mesh size. Six cladocerans species were registered: Penilia avirostris, Diaphanosoma spinulosum, Chlydorus barroisi, Ceriodaphnia rigaudi, Ilyocryptus spinifer, and Moina micrura. The most frequent species was Moina micrura with 49%. The only true marine species was Penilia avirostris, which was registered at station 1 (close to the river mouth), during high and low tide and in the dry season. The Cladocera average density decreased from 329 ind.m'3 (August 1987, high tide) to 2 ind.m(-3) (March 1988, high tide) due to the high load of organic and chemical pollution received by the estuary. At all stations, D. spinulosum, M. micrura, and C. barroisi occurred with a wide distribution, mainly during the rainy season. C. rigaudi and I. spinifer were rare, occurring only during the rainy season. Cladocerans played an important role in the food webs of the plankton community of the Capibaribe tropical estuary and the dominance of a few small species indicated a hypereutrophic environment. A high level of disturbance was indicated by the decline in diversity of specialized species and the increase in abundance of opportunistic species like M. micrura.  相似文献   

Feeding and reproductive biology of eleotrid fishes in a tropical estuary   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Five species of eleotrid fishes ( Gobiomorus dormitor, Dormitator maculatus, Eleotris amblyopsis, Eleotris pisonis and Leptophilypnus fluviatilis ) are known from the Tortuguero estuary of Costa Rica. One, E. amblyopsis , appears tightly linked to the presence of mats of macrophytes and two others, E. pisonis and D. maculatus , are largely limited to this habitat in the lower estuary. All three of these species feed on hyacinth roots. Despite certain food and habitat specializations among the forms, there is evidence of competition and predation among four species. Individuals of breeding size have never been found in the system for D. maculatus and L. fluviatilis . Alternative means of establishing and maintaining eleotrid populations are suggested.  相似文献   

Larval body shape changes and developmental timing were examined in two clingfish species from the south‐east Pacific Ocean, Gobiesox marmoratus and Sicyases sanguineus. Ontogenetic allometry showed no interspecific variation and <7 mm standard length (LS) larvae of both species occupied similar morphospace, but larger G. marmoratus showed increased body depth while larvae of S. sanguineus developed a flattened head and maintained a hydrodynamic body. Estimated developmental timing suggests that larval body shape changes were faster in G. marmoratus than in S. sanguineus prior to settlement.  相似文献   

This study examined the distribution and dispersal of corophiid amphipods (Paracorophium spp.) in a temperate New Zealand estuary. Individuals in the sediment (resident population) and those caught in bed-load (local-scale movement) and suspended-load (larger-scale movement) were counted, measured, and sexed, during two tidal cycles at 4-6 week intervals spanning 13 months. Gravid females and juveniles were present in the resident population on all sample dates suggesting near continuous reproduction. Juveniles (< 2.2 mm body length) accounted for 49.8% of individuals in the sediment, compared to 65.4% of those caught in the bed-load and suspended-load traps. For the majority of sample dates, there was a net export of juveniles from the estuary. The total number of juveniles captured in suspended-load traps was significantly greater during the ebb tide relative to the flood tide (n = 541 versus 256), whereas no significant differences were found for adults. Similarly, numbers in the bed-load traps were significantly greater for juveniles during the ebb versus the flood tide (n = 900 versus 484), and also for adult females (n = 180 versus 86). Juvenile sex ratios were female biased in the sediment (9.8:1) and in suspended-load traps (7.6:1) and both were significantly more female-biased than that recorded for juveniles caught in bed-load traps (5.8:1). By contrast, there was a significantly lower proportion of adult females to adult males found in bed-load traps (1.7:1) and in suspended-load traps (0.98:1) compared to the resident population in the sediment (3.6:1). The mean size of juvenile females caught on a flood tide was significantly larger compared to those on the ebb tide, yet juvenile males were not significantly different, suggesting that smaller females were not returning on the flood tide. We suggest that female-biased juvenile dispersal for estuarine Paracorophium spp. lowers the risk of inbreeding and reduces competition. This may have evolved in response to a polygamous breeding system with little or no social organisation where a female produces more female offspring to maximise her inclusive fitness.  相似文献   

Technical, biological and socioeconomic factors act as obstacles in the development of fishing activity in the Guaratuba Bay, southern Brazil. Amongst the difficulties registered, the following stand out: there was little variety of fishing gear; the purchasing power of the fishermen was low; there was a lack of regularity in the presence of the target species in the estuary; legislation restricted the use of certain gear at particular times; the size of the individual fish was small when compared to those from the continental shelf. Aquaculture could offer an alternative to the revenue of the fishermen, but cultural tradition and the lack of financial resources make it difficult to introduce aquaculture as an activity for the fishermen. The pessimism encountered in the community indicates that the future of artisanal fishing in this estuary is uncertain.  相似文献   

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