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Cryopreservation of sperm in Brazilian migratory fish conservation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Simple, effective protocols for cryopreserving milt of five Brazilian migratory characids ( Brycon orbignyanus , Prochilodus lineatus , Piaractus mesopotamicus , Salminus maxillosus and Leporinus elongatus ) and one Brazilian migratory catfish ( Pseudoplatystoma corruscans ) are described. Milt was frozen and stored in dry shippers immediately after collection, making the procedure practical for use in the field. A diluent of 5% glucose, 10% dimethyl sulphoxide and 10% egg yolk was effective for all of the characid species, and a diluent of 10% methanol and 15% powdered milk was effective for P. corruscans . Milt was thawed in an ambient temperature water bath (28–30° C). Activation of thawed milt was effective with either saline (0·9 or 0·45% NaCl) or bicarbonate (1% NaHCO3). Fertilization rates with frozen milt varied between 49 and 300% of the control. Application of the technology for increasing genetic diversity in hatchery programmes for enhancement, mitigation or conservation breeding is discussed, as is its application in aquaculture. Inappropriate use of the technology can threaten wild biodiversity and appropriate legislation and education may be required for its responsible use.  相似文献   

Ovarian fluid enhances sperm movement in Arctic charr   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Like the spermatozoa of most other fish species spawning in fresh water, Arctic charr Sahelinus alpinus sperm were short-lived (mean 42 s) after activation and their swimming speed declined rapidly during this period, e.g. from a mean speed of 106 um s−1 at 10 s after activation in fresh water to 21 μm s−1 only 20 s later. Ovarian fluid significantly influenced sperm longevity (duration of forward mobility), per cent motility, swimming speed and the linearity of sperm movement. All of these variables generally increased as the concentration of ovarian fluid increased from 0 to 50%, even though ovarian fluid is more than three times as viscous as fresh water. It is concluded that ovarian fluid enhances sperm movement in this species and thus has the potential to influence both fertilization success and the outcome of sperm competition.  相似文献   

This study dealt with the development of cryopreservation protocol for Nandus nandus, which entailed a number of experiments. Sperm was collected by sacrificing males. The collected sperm was suspended in extenders. Activation of sperm motility was evaluated in different osmolalities of NaCl. Motility of sperm decreased as the osmolality of the extender increased and was completely inhibited at almost 319 mOsmol/kg. To evaluate the toxicity of cryoprotectant, sperm was incubated with DMSO, methanol and ethanol at 5%, 10% and 15% concentrations, respectively, for 5–35 min. Five and ten percent of cryoprotectants produced better motility during 5 and 10 min incubation. Sperm incubated with 15% cryoprotectant seemed to be toxic and this concentration was excluded in the subsequent trials. Three extenders, namely, Alsever’s solution, egg-yolk citrate and urea egg-yolk and three cryoprotectants, DMSO, methanol and ethanol were employed to preserve the sperm. Alsever’s solution with 10% DMSO showed best performance producing 90.0 ± 1.8% and 75.0 ± 2.5% equilibration and post-thaw motility followed by that of 82.5 ± 4.2% and 62.5 ± 5.5% with Alsever’s solution plus methanol, respectively. Between two diluents, sperm preserved with Alsever’s solution plus DMSO produced highest fertilization (76.7 ± 3.3%) and hatching (43.8 ± 7.9%) while fresh sperm yielded 83.3 ± 6.7% and 64.0 ± 10.4% fertilization and hatching, respectively. The protocol developed through the study can be applied for long-term conservation of genetic materials of the endangered fish N. nandus and the cryopreserved sperm can be used in artificial breeding for generating new individuals.  相似文献   

Environmental relevant concentrations of glyphosate‐based herbicide as 50 µg l?1, 300 µg l?1 and 1800 µg l?1 can affect sperm quality of yellowtail tetra fish Astyanax lacustris . Viability of sperm cells was impaired at 300 µg l?1, a concentration that is within legal limits in U.S.A. waterbodies, while motility was impaired at 50 µg l?1, which is the more stringent limit set in Brazilian law. Therefore, environment protection agencies must review regulations of glyphosate‐based herbicides on water bodies.  相似文献   

The mature sperm of A. perniciosus are organized into bundles, about 350 μm long by 9–10 μm wide. Each bundle contains 32 sperm enclosed by a common sheath. The sperm contains an elongated ‘central core’, representing nuclear material, surrounded by a spiral microtubular sheath and cytoplasm. The electron-dense nuclear material is localized in the more pointed half of the sperm. The spiral microtubular sheath is composed of 30— 100 microtubules (depending on the cross-sectional level), situated parallel to the longitudinal axis of the sperm. On the basis of this ultrastructural organization, the motility of the sperm and sperm bundle as a whole is discussed. The sperm of A. perniciosus provide strong evidence that the microtubules arranged asymmetrically represent the elements directly involved in sperm motility.  相似文献   

Semen was collected repeatedly from captive haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus and the effect of seasonality on various sperm parameters was investigated. No differences in sperm traits were observed for wild and cultured haddock. A highly significant positive relationship existed between spermatocrit and spermatozoa density. A significant increase in mean spermatocrit occurred throughout the spawning season but the amount of variability explained by collection date was low (35·1%) due to variability between males. Each of 10 males sampled repeatedly throughout the spawning season demonstrated an increase in spermatocrit. No relationship existed between spermatocrit and proportion of motile spermatozoa when spermatocrit was ≤70%. Motility was reduced in semen samples with spermatocrits >70%. The proportion of spermatozoa that were motile decreased with time since activation. Some motility was still observed after 60 min in sea water (0·1–15·2%) for sperm collected at all times within the spawning season. Of those spermatozoa that were motile, the proportion that exhibited forward swimming motion decreased and the proportion that had only vibratory movement increased with time post‐activation. The speed of forward swimming spermatozoa showed no significant relationship with spermatocrit at any time between 0 and 60 min after activation. Swimming speed was negatively related to time since activation, decreasing from 174–240 μm s−1 at 0 min to 80–128 μm s−1 at 60 min after activation.  相似文献   

Sperm from the electroejaculate of captive Siberian tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) penetrated zona pellucida-free hamster ova in vitro, evidenced by a decondensation reaction. This assay, when used in conjunction with semen analysis, may be useful in assessing the fertility potential of males of this and other related felids. Such information is an important step in developing successful long-term management strategies for captive and wild populations of this severely endangered species.  相似文献   

Our previous studies demonstrated that osmolality is the key signal in sperm motility activation in Sparus aurata spermatozoa. In particular, we have proposed that the hyper-osmotic shock triggers water efflux from spermatozoa via aquaporins. This water efflux determines the cell volume reduction and, in turn, the rise in the intracellular concentration of ions. This increase could lead to the activation of adenylyl cyclase and of the cAMP-signaling pathway, causing the phosphorylation of sperm proteins and then the initiation of sperm motility. This study confirms the important role of sea bream AQPs (Aqp1a and Aqp10b) in the beginning of sperm motility. In fact, when these proteins are inhibited by HgCl2, the phosphorylation of some proteins (174 kDa protein of head; 147, 97 and 33 kDa proteins of flagella), following the hyper-osmotic shock, was inhibited (totally or partially). However, our results also suggest that more than one transduction pathways could be activated when sea bream spermatozoa were ejaculated in seawater, since numerous proteins showed an HgCl2(AQPs)-independent phosphorylation state after motility activation. The role played by each different signal transduction pathways need to be clarified.  相似文献   

In internally fertilizing species, sperm transfer is not always immediately followed by egg fertilization, and female sperm storage (FSS) may occur. FSS is a phenomenon in which females store sperm in a specialized organ for periods lasting from a few hours to several years, depending on the species. Eusocial hymenopterans (ants, social bees, and social wasps) hold the record for FSS duration. In these species, mating takes place during a single nuptial flight that occurs early in adult life for both sexes; they never mate again. Males die quickly after copulation but survive posthumously as sperm stored in their mates' spermathecae. Reproductive females, also known as queens, have a much longer life expectancy, up to 20 years in some species. Here, we review what is currently known about the molecular adaptations underlying the remarkable FSS capacities in eusocial hymenopterans. Because sperm quality is crucial to the reproductive success of both sexes, we also discuss the mechanisms involved in sperm storage and preservation in the male seminal vesicles prior to ejaculation. Finally, we propose future research directions that should broaden our understanding of this unique biological phenomenon.  相似文献   

Biogeography and conservation of the genus Ficus (Moraceae) in Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim The main objective of this study is to document the biogeographical patterns, endemism and degree of conservation of the species of Ficus (Moraceae) in Mexico. There are over 750 species of the genus Ficus distributed worldwide, and Mexico practically represents its northernmost limit in the American continent. Detailed studies at regional scales may help to understand the biogeography of large genera such as Ficus. Location Mexico. Methods The biogeographical patterns of Mexican Ficus were obtained from information of fig specimens available in two of the main herbaria of Mexico (2140 vouchers), collecting figs throughout this country, and revising the specialized literature. The presence of each species of Ficus was recorded for every one of Mexico's states and several tropical countries of America. Besides, the Mexican territory was divided into cells of 1° × 1° and the presence or absence of all species of the genus was recorded. Rarity of species was classified based on the width of geographic distribution, habitat specificity and population size. Results A total of 21 species of Ficus occur in Mexico, including six species (28.6%) that are endemic to this country. Five species are included in subgenus Pharmacosycea and 16 species are documented under subgenus Urostigma. Affinities of Ficus flora with other tropical countries in America generally decreased as geographical distances from Mexico increased. Mexican states and cells with highest values of Ficus species richness (both total and endemic species) were located. Ten species, including three endemics, presented a wide distribution. Five species, including two endemics, possess the three attributes of rarity (narrow geographical distribution, high habitat specificity and scarce local populations). Three species of Ficus, including the endemic and very rare Ficuslapathifolia (Liebm.) Miq., are not recorded in any protected area existing in Mexico. Main conclusions Most of the Mexican Ficus show a great morphological variation and occupy different habitats along their geographic distribution. The biogeographical patterns described here establish a fundamental scenario for ongoing studies on Ficus–pollinator interactions. However, many local populations are considered to be at risk, as there have been significant reductions in the number and size of local populations. Further studies are needed to understand the process of colonization, maintenance and persistence of fig–pollinator mutualism in species with different patterns of geographic distribution. Mexican Ficus require special policies for conservation due to their complex degree of rarity, particularly their geographic distribution in different types of vegetation, ranging from dry scrublands to tropical rain forests.  相似文献   

This study is the first to examine the morphology of fish sperm using automated sperm morphology analysis (ASMA). The technique was applied to investigate the effect of an environmental pollutant, mercury, on the sperm morphology of goldfish Carassius auratus , and the effects on sperm morphology were compared with those on sperm motility. Goldfish sperm flagellar length was significantly shortened after instant exposure to 100 mg l−1 (368 µM) mercuric chloride, while curvilinear velocity (VCL) and the percentage of motile sperm were significantly decreased at mercuric chloride concentrations of 1 and 10 mg l−1 (3·68 and 36·8 µM), respectively. After 24 h exposure to 0·001 mg l−1 (0·0037 µM) mercuric chloride, flagellar length was significantly reduced in 38% of the spermatozoa. Following exposure to 0·1 mg l−1 (0·37 µM) mercuric chloride for 24 h, however, the majority of spermatozoa (98%), had significantly shortened flagella and increased sperm head length, width and area. Sperm motility was also significantly decreased at 0·1 mg l−1 (0·37 µM) mercuric chloride, probably due to the significantly reduced flagellar length at this concentration. This study shows that the morphological examination of fish sperm by ASMA provides, not only, an excellent tool for monitoring reproductive disruption caused by environmental pollution, but also has applications to other areas of fish reproductive biology, such as cryopreservation and aquaculture.  相似文献   

Postcopulatory processes might play an important role in sexualselection. In theory, fertilization success could be controlledby females via selection of particular sperm within their reproductivetract, or it could be determined by sperm competition per se.In practice, these two mechanisms are difficult to disentangle.To assess the relative importance of both mechanisms we usedartificial insemination in combination with measurements ofsperm quality (swimming speed and motility) in mallards. Inthis species, females often lack behavioral control over copulationsand hence may use postcopulatory mechanisms to optimize theirreproductive output. One important factor affecting female fitnessmay be selection of genetically compatible males. To investigatethe influence of sperm quality and parental relatedness on paternitywe inseminated 12 groups of related females with a sperm mixturecontaining equal numbers of sperm from a brother and from anunrelated male. Paternity was independent of the relatednessof the siring male to the female but was significantly affectedby long-term sperm swimming speed and motility. No interactionbetween relatedness and sperm quality on paternity was observed.These results suggest that female mallards are not able to selectsperm on a purely genetic basis and emphasize the importanceof sperm quality in gaining paternity.  相似文献   

Sperm competition occurs when the gametes of or more males compete for opportunities to fertilize a given set of ova. Previous studies have demonstrated that certain morphological characteristics are affected by sperm competition intensity (e.g. relative testes size and sperm midpiece volume). This study examined whether aspects of sperm energetics may also be affected by sexual selection. We compared the membrane potential of mitochondria in live sperm between H. sapiens (single partner mating system) and P. troglodytes (multiple partner mating system). Flow cytometry of sperm stained with the carbocyanine fluorescent dye JC-1 (an assay for mitochondrial membrane potential) revealed marked differences in red fluorescence intensity. P. troglodytes sperm showed significantly higher mitochondrial membrane potential. Mitochondria provide a substantial part of the energy required for sperm motility. A higher mitochondrial loading may therefore be associated with enhanced sperm motility and/or longevity. Additionally, examination of JC-1 red fluorescence levels before and after in vitro capacitation revealed further differences. Whereas chimpanzee sperm showed maintenance of membrane potential after capacitation (in some cases even an increase), sperm from humans consistently showed reduction in membrane potential. These results indicate that the sperm of human beings and chimpanzees exhibit marked differences in mitochondrial function, which are affected by selection pressures relating to sperm competition and that these pressures differ significantly between humans and chimpanzees.  相似文献   

《Biotechnic & histochemistry》2013,88(3-4):181-193

Motility is an essential characteristic of all flagellated spermatozoa and assessment of this parameter is one criterion for most semen or sperm evaluations. Computer-aided sperm analysis (CASA) can be used to measure sperm motility more objectively and accurately than manual methods, provided that analysis techniques are standardized. Previous studies have shown that evaluation of sperm subpopulations is more important than analyzing the total motile sperm population alone. We developed a quantitative method to determine cut-off values for swimming speed to identify three sperm subpopulations. We used the Sperm Class Analyzer® (SCA) CASA system to assess the total percentage of motile spermatozoa in a sperm preparation as well as the percentages of rapid, medium and slow swimming spermatozoa for six mammalian species. Curvilinear velocity (VCL) cut-off values were adjusted manually for each species to include 80% rapid, 15% medium and 5% slow swimming spermatozoa. Our results indicate that the same VCL intervals cannot be used for all species to classify spermatozoa according to swimming speed. After VCL intervals were adjusted for each species, three unique sperm subpopulations could be identified. The effects of medical treatments on sperm motility become apparent in changes in the distribution of spermatozoa among the three swimming speed classes.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of the milt of the northern pike   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seven published extenders, three thawing media and two thawing temperatures were tested in order to determine their suitability for cryopreservation of northern pike ( Esox lucius L.) sperm. Sperm motility during successive steps of cryopreservation was evaluated. Erdahl and Graham's extender with the addition of egg yolk proved to be the most efficient (maximum hatching rate of 74.5%) when semen was thawed in 120 m m NaCl solution warmed up to 30° C. No correlations between motility of sperm (diluted in extenders or diluted in extenders and then activated with thawing solution) and the subsequent hatching success were observed. The relationship between motility of thawed sperm and its fertilization ability was considerable, but correlation was not significant. Spermatozoa frozen in some extenders were frequently motile after thawing but they were not able to fertilize the eggs, this resulted in a poor hatching rate. Depending on the extender, the addition of yolk induced either positive or detrimental effects on fertilization success.  相似文献   

Relationships between spermatozoal design and swimming behaviour were investigated using the significant natural variance in sperm traits in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. In vitro motility and fertilization experiments were conducted with 86 Atlantic salmon to measure sperm form and function under natural fertilization conditions. Spermatozoal traits of Atlantic salmon showed narrow variance within individuals but differed extensively between samples: mean sperm length varied from 32·3 to 39·5 μm, mean velocity ranged from 18 to 127 μm s−1, and ejaculate longevity varied from 18 to 78 s. In addition to variation in sperm morphometry between fish, a negative relationship was also found between sperm head length and flagellum length. This natural variation in sperm form and function between males is counter-intuitive since measures are from a single Atlantic salmon population where all males are adapted to a common fertilization environment. No evidence was found that longer sperm, or sperm with longer flagella, achieved faster swimming velocities. Also no evidence was found for a trade-off between mean sperm velocity and ejaculate longevity. There were significant negative associations, however, between sperm total and flagellum length and ejaculate longevity, so that males with longer sperm had shorter-lived gametes. This finding has previously been reported in a study across fish species, supporting the theory that increased hydrostatic forces generated by longer flagella may trade against sperm cell longevity.  相似文献   

This study dealt with the development of cryopreservation protocol for Nandus nandus, which entailed a number of experiments. Sperm was collected by sacrificing males. The collected sperm was suspended in extenders. Activation of sperm motility was evaluated in different osmolalities of NaCl. Motility of sperm decreased as the osmolality of the extender increased and was completely inhibited at almost 319 mOsmol/kg. To evaluate the toxicity of cryoprotectant, sperm was incubated with DMSO, methanol and ethanol at 5%, 10% and 15% concentrations, respectively, for 5–35 min. Five and ten percent of cryoprotectants produced better motility during 5 and 10 min incubation. Sperm incubated with 15% cryoprotectant seemed to be toxic and this concentration was excluded in the subsequent trials. Three extenders, namely, Alsever’s solution, egg-yolk citrate and urea egg-yolk and three cryoprotectants, DMSO, methanol and ethanol were employed to preserve the sperm. Alsever’s solution with 10% DMSO showed best performance producing 90.0 ± 1.8% and 75.0 ± 2.5% equilibration and post-thaw motility followed by that of 82.5 ± 4.2% and 62.5 ± 5.5% with Alsever’s solution plus methanol, respectively. Between two diluents, sperm preserved with Alsever’s solution plus DMSO produced highest fertilization (76.7 ± 3.3%) and hatching (43.8 ± 7.9%) while fresh sperm yielded 83.3 ± 6.7% and 64.0 ± 10.4% fertilization and hatching, respectively. The protocol developed through the study can be applied for long-term conservation of genetic materials of the endangered fish N. nandus and the cryopreserved sperm can be used in artificial breeding for generating new individuals.  相似文献   

Terada Y 《Human cell》2004,17(4):181-186
In human fertilization, the sperm introduces the centrosome-the microtubule organizing center-and microtubules are organized within the inseminated egg from the sperm centrosome. These microtubules form a radial array, the sperm aster, the functioning of which is essential for pronuclear movement for the union of the male and female genomes. We established functional assay for human sperm centrosomal function, by using heterologus ICSI system with bovine and rabbit eggs. After human sperm incorporation into mammalian egg, we observed that the sperm aster was organized from sperm centrosome, and the sperm aster enlarged as the sperm nuclei underwent pronuclear formation. The normal human sperm aster formation rate at 6 h post-ICSI were 60.0% in bovine egg and 36.1% in rabbit egg, respectively. However, sperm aster formation rate following heterologus ICSI into bovine eggs with teratozoospermia (globozoospermia, dysplasia of fibrous sheath) were low. These data indicate that human sperm centrosomal function is low in abnormal shaped sperm. Wherus, elucidation of human sperm centrosomal function can lead us to find a new type of failure in "post ICSI events in fertilization".  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that selection will favor phenotypic plasticity in sperm traits that maximize fertilization success in dynamic fertilization environments. In species with external fertilization, osmolality of the fertilization medium is known to play a critical role in activating sperm motility, but evidence for osmotic‐induced sperm plasticity is limited to euryhaline fish and marine invertebrates. Whether this capacity extends to freshwater taxa remains unknown. Here, we provide the first test for plasticity in sperm‐motility activation in response to osmotic environment in an anuran amphibian. Male common eastern froglets (Crinia signifera) were acclimated to either low (0 mOsmol kg−1) or high (50 mOsmol kg−1) environmental osmolality, and using a split‐sample experimental design, sperm were activated across a range of osmolality treatments (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 200 ± 2 mOsmol kg−1). Unexpectedly, there was no detectable shift in the optimal osmolality for sperm‐motility activation after approximately 13 weeks of acclimation (a period reflecting the duration of the winter breeding season). However, in both the low and high acclimation treatments, the optimal osmolality for sperm‐motility activation mirrored the osmolality at the natural breeding site, indicating a phenotypic match to the local environment. Previously it has been shown that C. signifera display among‐population covariation between environmental osmolality and sperm performance. Coupled with this finding, the results of the present study suggest that inter‐population differences reflect genetic divergence and local adaptation. We discuss the need for experimental tests of osmotic‐induced sperm plasticity in more freshwater taxa to better understand the environmental and evolutionary contexts favoring adaptive plasticity in sperm‐motility activation.  相似文献   

Non-vascular plants rely on sperm to cross the distance between male and female reproductive organs for fertilization and sexual reproduction to occur. The majority of non-vascular plants have separate sexes, and thus, this distance may be a few millimetres to many metres. Because sperm need water for transport, it has been assumed that sperm lifespans are short and that this type of sexual reproduction limits the expansion of non-vascular plants in terrestrial environments. However, little data is available on the lifespan of sperm in non-vascular plants, and none is available for bryophytes, the group thought to have first colonized terrestrial habitats. Here, we documented the lifespan of sperm of Pohlia nutans, collected from a geothermal spring''s area, and tested the effects of variation under environmental conditions on this lifespan. Surprisingly, 20 per cent of the sperm were still motile after 100 h, and sperm lifespan was not significantly affected by temperature variation between 22 and 60°C. Lifespan was significantly affected by sperm dilution and temperatures above 75°C. These results suggest the need to reconsider the importance of sperm motility in bryophyte fertilization.  相似文献   

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