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Egg capsules of the Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjacksoni were examined during underwater visual census surveys at two sites in New South Wales, Australia, during the 2002–2005 reproductive seasons (austral winter). Embryonic mortality was high (0·783–0·896 per annum) with the majority (99·2%) resulting from predation. The crested horn shark Heterodontus galeatus and common tent shell Astralium tentoriformis (Gastropoda, Turbinidae) were positively identified as egg predators. Gastropod predation was insignificant, accounting for only 2·0 and 2·1% of total mortality at Terrigal Haven and Dent Rock, respectively. Most capsules appeared to have been depredated by large predatory fishes with the eastern blue groper Achoerodus viridis (Labridae) and the black stingray Dasyatis thetidis (Dasyatidae) as possible candidate predators. The rate of embryonic mortality in H. portusjacksoni is higher than that reported for other oviparous elasmobranchs. This high level of mortality has significant consequences for the conservation and management of this species, especially when combined with an understanding of their low fecundity, late maturity and protracted reproductive life.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and ecology of the Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjacksoni was investigated at three locations on the central and southern coast of New South Wales (NSW), Australia from January 2002 to December 2005 using underwater visual census surveys and samples obtained from a commercial fishery. Adults displayed sexual dimorphism in total length ( L T) at sexual maturity, with males maturing between 762 and 772 mm L T and females between 902 and 905 mm L T. The mean ovarian fecundity was estimated at 16 offspring per female but was unrelated to female L T. Male gonado-somatic ( I G) and hepato-somatic ( I H) indices and female I G declined from July to November as did maximum ovarian follicle diameter and the diameter of the three largest follicles. Adults were absent from inshore reefs between December and July. Hence, H. portusjacksoni has a synchronous annual breeding season in NSW, which occurs between July and November (the austral winter to spring), with a peak in oviposition from August to October. Heterodontus portusjacksoni copulatory and ovipository behaviour are reported for the first time. Copulation was observed and involved oral grasping of the female's pectoral fin by a single male, which wrapped his body around hers to insert one clasper. Ovipositing females appeared to search crevices in the reef prior to delivering a single capsule, which was washed into the crevice by water movement, with the female departing very soon after oviposition. This study represents the first rigorously quantitative analysis of H. portusjacksoni reproductive biology and ecology in NSW waters.  相似文献   

To investigate behavioral or morphological traits importantas mate choice cues, we measured selection differentials (s)as the covariances between each trait and male mating success,and directional selection gradients (J3) from multiple linearregression of the standardized traits on male mating success.Data from two leks in four consecutive years were included,and the annual data were analyzed separately. The main findingsare: (1) the distribution of male mating success proved to beless skewed than those found in many other lekking species,(2) only a few traits yielded significant selection gradients,(3) the importance of age on male mating success changed acrossyears, (4) females may use traits with a high variance as matechoice cues, and (5) individual males achieved similar matingsuccesses between years. Attendance and age were the traitsmost consistently correlated with male mating success, but notraits showed significant selection gradients in all years.Our results indicate that variable sexual selection pressuresexisted between years, but the high correlation found betweenthe mating success of individual males in successive seasonsalso indicates that permanent differences in male traits areimportant. Key words: lek, mate choice, sexual selection.  相似文献   

Red deer hinds play a significant role in selecting stags for mating. We tested the hypotheses that in red deer ( Cervus elaphus ) the probability of becoming a harem holder (and hence achieving reproductive success) occurs in stags bearing larger, branched antlers and showing low fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Eleven antler characteristics were measured; absolute and relative FA were calculated on 51 cast antler sets from 19 individually recognized stags. Probability of becoming a harem holder (PBHH) was originally analysed separately, i.e. for antler size and FA of each antler characteristic and calculated factors for both antler size and FA. If analysed separately, large antler size and low relative but high absolute FA increased PBHH. When we combined antler size and FA of antler characteristics in one model using antler size and FA factors, however, PBHH and achieving reproductive success were mainly dependent on increasing antler size and enhanced antler branching rather than on FA. We conclude that in contrast to antler size, FA is unlikely to play any significant role in sexual selection as an indicator of individual quality.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 87 , 59–68.  相似文献   

The swordlike exaggerated caudal fin extensions of male swordtails are conspicuous traits that are selected for through female choice. Swords are one of only few examples where the hypothesis of a pre-existing bias is believed to apply for the evolution of a male trait. Previous laboratory experiments demonstrated that females prefer males with longer swords and even females from some swordless species show an affiliation for males of sworded species. Earlier phylogenetic studies based on maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA placed the sworded southern swordtail Xiphophorus clemenciae with swordless platies, contradicting its morphology-based evolutionary affinities. The analyses of new nuclear DNA markers now recover its traditional phylogenetic placement with other southern swordtails, suggesting that this species was formed by an ancient hybridization event. We propose that sexual selection through female choice was the likely process of hybrid speciation, by mating of platy females with males of an ancestral swordtail lineage. In artificial crosses of descendent species from the two potential ancestral lineages of X. clemenciae the hybrid and backcross males have swords of intermediate lengths. Additionally, mate choice experiments demonstrate that hybrid females prefer sworded males. These experimental lines of evidence make hybridization through xeno-specific sexual selection by female choice the likely mechanism of speciation.  相似文献   

We used a breeding design involving 18 sires and 108 dams tostudy the heritabilities of male ornaments in red jungle fowl(Gallus gallus). Ornaments used by females to choose mates showedlow heritabilities, with the exception of comb and wattle measures.The general absence of heritability suggests that a geneticcovariance did not exist at the time of this study between mostmale ornaments and female preferences for those ornaments. Thisresult is contrary to a key prediction of the arbitrary or Fisherianhypothesis of sexual selection. Comb size and color are condition-dependenttraits that reflect short-term changes in health, and comb sizeof males was positively correlated with offspring weight. Ourresults are consistent with the expectation of good-genes hypothesesthat male ornaments reflect the ability of males to withstandenvironmental stresses.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of three species in the genus Artedius ( A. harringtoni, A. lateralis and A. fenestralis ) was studied, including parental behaviour, mate choice, fertilization mode, gamete morphology and behaviour, and gonad morphology to help understand the coevolution of reproductive characteristics with potentially different modes of fertilization. In all three species, males guard multiple clutches at oviposition sites. In laboratory mate‐choice experiments, males appearred to prefer to defend sites containing eggs and were better able to attract mates at these sites. There was evidence that internal gomete association, although more pronounced in A. harringtoni , existed in all three species. Sperm behaviour and morphology and histological analysis of gonads suggested that A. fenestralis and A. lateralis were more likely to engage in typical external fertilization. The adoption of eggs and their effect on female mate‐choice patterns appearred to reduce the importance of certainty of paternity in these species, and probably increased the evolutionary stability of male parental care.  相似文献   

Under the indicator models of mate choice, female preferences evolve to exploit the condition-dependence or "indicator value" of male traits, which in turn may cause these traits to evolve to elaborate extremes. If the indicator value of a male trait changes, the payoff function of the female preference for that trait should change and the preference should evolve to a new optimum. I tested this prediction in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, a species in which the indicator value of a sexually selected male trait, carotenoid coloration, varies geographically. Carotenoid coloration is thought to be an indicator of foraging ability and health because animals must obtain carotenoid pigments from their diet. The primary dietary source of carotenoids for guppies is unicellular algae, the abundance of which varies among natural streams because of variation in forest canopy cover. Carotenoid availability limits male coloration to a greater extent in streams with greater forest canopy cover. Thus, the indicator value of male coloration covaries positively with canopy cover. To test the indicator model prediction, I measured genetic divergence in the strength of female preferences for carotenoid coloration between high- and low-carotenoid availability streams in each of three river drainages. Second-generation laboratory-born females were given a choice between full-sib males raised on three different dietary levels of carotenoids. For all six populations, male attractiveness (as determined from the responses of females to male courtship displays) increased with dietary carotenoid levels. However, the strength of female preferences differed between populations in the predicted direction in only one of three river drainages. These results fail to support a crucial prediction of the indicator model. More studies taking an interpopulation approach to studying mate preference evolution are needed before the explanatory value of the indicator models can be rigorously assessed.  相似文献   

H. Kokko 《Ecology letters》2001,4(4):322-326
“Good genes” models of mate choice are commonly tested by examining whether attractive males sire offspring with improved survival. If offspring do not survive better (or indeed survive less well), but instead inherit the attractiveness of their father, results are typically interpreted to support the Fisherian process, which allows the evolution of preferences for arbitrary traits. Here, I show that the above view is mistaken. Because of life‐history trade‐offs, an attractive male may perform less well in other components of fitness. A female obtains a “good genes” benefit whenever males show heritable variation in quality, even if high‐quality males invest so much in sexual advertisement that attractiveness has no positive correlation with any other life‐history trait than male mating success itself. Therefore, a negative correlation between attractiveness and viability does not falsify good genes, if mating with a high‐quality male results on average in superior offspring performance (mating success of sons included). The heritable “good genes” benefit can be sustained even if sexually antagonistic genes cause female offspring sired by high‐quality males to survive and reproduce less well. Neglecting the component of male mating success from measurements of fitness returns from sons and daughters will bias the advantage of mating with a high‐quality male downwards. This result may partly account for the rather weak “good genes” effects found in a recent meta‐analysis.  相似文献   

Significant additive genetic variance often occurs for male advertisement traits in spite of the directional selection imposed by female choice, a problem generally known in evolutionary biology as the lek paradox. One hypothesis, which has limited support from recent studies, for the resolution of this paradox is the role of genotype x environment interaction in which no one genotype exhibits the superior performance in all environments--a crossover of reaction norms. However, these studies have not characterized the actual variation of reaction norms present in natural populations, and the extent to which crossover maintains genetic variance remains unknown. Here, we present a study of genotype x environment interaction for the male calling song in populations of Achroia grisella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae; lesser waxmoth). We report significant variance among reaction norms for male calling song in two North American populations of A. grisella as measured along temperature, food availability, and density gradients, and there is a relatively high incidence of crossover of the temperature reaction norms. This range of reaction norm variants and their crossover may reflect the co-occurrence of plastic and canalized genotypes, and we argue that the different responses of these variants along environmental gradients may contribute toward the maintenance of genetic variance for male song.  相似文献   

A prediction of handicap and signalling theories is that there should be a positive relationship between ornament size and viability. This prediction was tested in scarlet-tufted malachite sunbirds ( Nectarinia johnstoni ). These birds are endemic to the high-altitude zones of East African mountains. They are bright iridescent green with elongated central tail feathers and red pectoral tufts. The elongated tail is believed to be a mate choice cue, and the red tufts play a role in aggressive encounters between males. As adults, they feed almost exclusively on the nectar of Lobelia telekii flowers, which males defend from conspecifics. The long term survival of individually identifiable males colour-marked in 1989 and 1990 was investigated. Territorial adult males had an average annual survival rate of 72%, which is at the top of the range reported for tropical birds. The effects of morphology and territory characteristics on male survival were examined by adding covariates to the survival model. This analysis showed that male N. johnstoni with longer tails had a higher probability of survival than did short-tailed males. There was no apparent relation between tuft size or the number of L. telekii inflorescences on the territory and survival. The results presented here suggest that long-tailed males may be of intrinsically higher quality than are shorter tailed males. If this is true then females may benefit by using this trait as a mate choice cue through increased viability of their offspring.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 125–133.  相似文献   

Intersexual conflicts over mating decisions may have an important impact on the evolution of mating behaviours and strategies and may develop into an arms race between the sexes. In waterstrider species, where intersexual conflict is known to occur, the evolution of male traits that allow them to overcome female reluctance to mate is expected. Reproductively active waterstriders,Aquarius remigis, were videotaped in the laboratory to examine the influence of total body length and front femoral width of males, male: female body size ratio, and female reproductive condition (number of mature eggs) on three variables associated with mating success: duration of the premating struggle, duration of mating, and number of successful matings. None of these behaviors was significantly correlated with the size ratio of the mating pair. However, total body length was negatively correlated with premating struggle duration, male front femoral width was positively correlated with number of successful matings, and number of mature eggs in females was positively correlated with duration of both the premating struggle and the mating itself. The relative influence of male sexual armaments and female choice on the outcome of mating interactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Natural selection maintains wing polymorphism in populationsof water striders. Long-winged females benefit from being ableto migrate because they avoid the risk of pool evaporation,but early in the season their fecundity is lower than that ofshort-winged females. We tested preferences of 18 long-wingedmales and 29 short-winged males in spring. Males preferred long-wingedfemales, and there was no difference between the two male morphs.The preference was only observed when the long-winged femalewas heavier; when the short-winged female was larger, the malesshowed no preference. There was a positive relationship betweenlong-winged female weight and number of eggs laid per day, andthe males behaved as if they were taking into account that large,long-winged females are more fecund. We suggest that males preferredlong-winged females because this preference increases the proportionof long-winged individuals in the autumn F2 generation.  相似文献   

Analyzing the courtship behavior of long-legged flies (Diptera:Dolichopodidae), we focus on the evolutionary development ofcourtship signals. Long-legged flies may serve as a model forthis evolutionary process, because males of some species presentsexually dimorphic badges during courtship, whereas others donot exhibit such conspicuous signals but present lavish courtshipbehavior, including dynamic flight maneuvers. A comparison ofthese two groups within a single taxonomic family provides insightinto the evolution of courtship signals and the correspondingbehavior. Males of the closely related Empididae do not possesssuch badges. Within the super-family Empidoidea, we proposean evolutionary shift from dynamically courting and mating onthe wing (in Empididae) to courting and mating on ground (inDolichopodidae), accompanied by signaling through badge-waving.By comparing previously published data and observations on courtshipbehavior in Dolichopodidae, we present the hypothesis that thelatter replaced the former energetically expensive behavioras a case of automimicry and sensory trap.  相似文献   

Leking moths present an evolutionary problem in their apparently simultaneous reversal of male–female attraction. The mating system of Phymatopus (or Hepialus) hecta embraces an unusually wide range of procedures. Both males and females use medium‐range olfactory attractants (also probably visual signals), and both sexes will lure, and both will approach, the other, either when flying or perched. This produces an ‘infinite variety’ which includes the classic moth mating procedure (males fly to sessile female); a typical lek procedure (female flies to sessile male); a mating swarm (hovering male follows passing female); and intermediates such as a mutual courtship dance. Male behaviour includes a flying display, two sessile displays, and an escalating war of attrition. The system is versatile, persistent, and probably evolutionarily stable. The lek site has a high density of perches suitable for copulation which facilitate predator‐escape by means of a dead drop. The whole supports a model for the evolution of resource‐based leks which commence with a concentration of females on a hotspot, leading to a concentration of males; and then an escalating process of sexual selection as males become increasingly attractive over a distance to females, and females use the males as a way of locating the resource. The main stabilizing pressure may be selection for efficient mate acquisition, and as with grouse leking systems, the precondition for evolution was probably having travelling females that actively sought a reproductive resource or a predator free space. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 114 , 184–201.  相似文献   

Synopsis In both Malacoctenus hubbsi and Malacoctenus macropus, males defended preferred oviposition sites from both other males and potential egg predators. In M. hubbsi, adult females were larger than adult males. Larger M. hubbsi males were not associated with territory parameters that were correlated with higher mating success, and male size was not correlated with mating success. Male size did affect mating success when territory parameters were statistically controlled for, but the failure of large males to associate with better territories eliminated any mating advantage for larger males. In M. macropus, males are larger than females. Larger males defended preferred oviposition sites, and had higher mating success than did smaller males. Male M. macropus also had much higher site fidelity than male M. hubbsi. These results suggest that the evolution of the differences in site fidelity and sexual size dimorphism between these two species may be due to sexual selection acting differentially in these two species.  相似文献   

In the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens), a polygynous species with a high degree of sexual dimorphism, pups form groups during maternal foraging trips. The aim of this study was to investigate the existence of sexual differences in aggregation behavior and association patterns in O. flavescens pups at Isla de Lobos, Uruguay, during the first 2 mo of life. Scan samplings of marked pups were conducted every hour from 0700 to 1800 to register behavior. Association patterns were analyzed in SOCPROG (using the Half-Weight Index of Association). We did not find significant sex differences in any variable (time spent in groups, average group size, time interacting with other pups, and time in groups at sea). Each pup showed preference for at least one partner. Associations between individuals of the same and different sex were not significantly different. As expected, during the first month, pups associated more strongly with pups born in the same zone than with those born in a different zone. This research provides new evidence on the development of social behavior in otariids and serves as a basis for future studies focusing on sexual differences in pup behavior and association patterns among individuals (e.g., related with kinship).  相似文献   

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