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Developmental information on the structure and composition of the cartilaginous and bony skull in the large African barb Labeobarbus (=Barbus) intermedius (Teleostei; Cyprinidae) is provided. Sequences of cartilages and bones appearance from a large series of cleared and Alizarin red- and Alcian blue-stained laboratory-reared specimens ranging from prehatching larvae to juvenile stages are described. Comparisons of cranial development are made among cyprinids: L. intermedius, Danio rerio, Barbus barbus, and Cyprinus carpio.  相似文献   

The ovaries of the largescale yellowfish, Labeobarbus marequensis (Teleostei: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), are made up of the germinal epithelium, nests of late chromatin nucleolus stage oocytes, and ovarian follicles. Each follicle is composed of a single oocyte, which is surrounded by somatic follicular cells and a basal lamina covered by thecal cells. We describe polarization and ultrastructure of oocytes during the primary growth stage. The oocyte nucleus contains lampbrush chromosomes, nuclear bodies and fibrillar material in which multiple nucleoli arise. Nuage aggregations composed of material of a nuclear origin are present in the perinuclear cytoplasm. The Balbiani body (Bb) contains aggregations of nuage, rough endoplasmic reticulum, individual mitochondria and complexes of mitochondria with nuage (cement). Some mitochondria in the Bb come into close contact with endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and vesicles that contain granular material. At the start of primary growth, the Bb is present in the cytoplasm close to the nucleus. Next, it expands towards the oocyte plasma membrane. In these oocytes, a spherical structure, the so-called yolk nucleus, arises in the Bb. It consists of granular nuage in which mitochondria and vesicles containing granular material are immersed. Later, the Bb becomes fragmented and a fully grown yolk nucleus is present in the vegetal region. It contains numerous threads composed of granular nuage, mitochondria, lysosome-like organelles and autophagosomes. We discuss the formation of autophagosomes in the cytoplasm of primary growth oocytes. During the final step of primary growth, the cortical alveoli arise in the cytoplasm and are distributed evenly. The eggshell is deposited on the external surface of the oocyte plasma membrane and is made up of two egg envelopes that are pierced by numerous pore canals. The external egg envelope is covered in protuberances. During primary growth no lipid droplets are synthesized or stored in the oocytes.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the only known intact species flock of large cyprinids, the 16 Labeobarbus species of Lake Tana (Ethiopia), has been extensively studied for the past two decades. Seven species of Labeobarbus are known to migrate >50 km upstream into tributary rivers for spawning during the rainy season (July to October), whereas eight other species are absent from these rivers and probably developed a new strategy of lacustrine spawning (macro-spatial segregation). One species (L. intermedius) probably spawns in the lake as well as in the rivers. Between the early 1990s and 2000s, the riverine spawners showed a decline of 75% in both biomass and number in both fishery independent surveys and in commercial catches. Reproductive migration makes fishes vulnerable to fisheries and other threats like habitat modifications. Lacustrine spawners are probably more resilient as they are not known to form spawning aggregations that can easily be exploited by fishermen. In addition, upstream rivers and catchments around Lake Tana are highly degraded by erosion and recently subjected to intensive habitat modification for irrigation and hydroelectric power generation. This article reviews results of field studies on the Labeobarbus spawning migration from Lake Tana to spawning rivers, giving emphasis on segregation and homing. It also summarizes existing and emerging threats which form potential causes for the decline of the migratory Labeobarbus species. Knowledge gaps on the reproductive biology are identified for further investigation.  相似文献   

In a study of the fishes of the Euphrates River (Persian Gulf basin) three species of Squalius belonging to the cephalus-group were found: The Tohma population was identified as S. seyhanensis and the Merzimen and Hilvan populations as S. berak. The comparison of 28 metric and 5 meristic parameters and morphological characters showed that the populations of the northern Euphrates River drainages are distinct and belong to a hitherto unnamed species. We describe it here as Squalius semae sp. n.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D195B69C-C6CB-4DEB-B85D-5B695F917CE5  相似文献   

The three barredDanio species known from the Irrawaddy River drainage are redescribed. Two species are known from southwestern Yunnan:Danio interruptus in the Husa He and Longchuan, Jian watersheds, andD. apogon abundantly in the main river and tributaries of the Daying Jiang basin. The third species,D. shanensis, occurs in the Myitnge basin of northern Shan State, Myanmar.Danio interruptus differs from other barredDanio species by having a short, incomplete lateral line, a deeper head, and shorter thicker dark vertical bars or blotches anteriorly on the sides.Danio shanensis has the lateral line either complete or incomplete, lesser head depth, and a series of deeper narrower vertical bars.Danio apogon has no lateral line, narrow or indistinct dark vertical bars, and a wide, but indistinct, horizonatal P stripe.Danio choprae, previously considered, as a barredDanio species, is more closely related to theD. dangila species group.  相似文献   

Synopsis We surveyed 86 lakes affiliated to the Yangtze River to assess the status of natural freshwater icefishes, and to study their spatial distribution patterns and environmental relationships. Results showed that the spatial patterns of icefish diversity and the occupancy of each species related closely to the historical process of habitat fragmentation. Statistical analyses indicated that the spatial structure of the icefish assemblage significantly related to the area- and isolation-related environmental variables. These results illustrated the significant impacts of hydrological engineering (dykes and floodgates) on the historical dynamics of the icefish populations, and shed light on the essentiality and feasibility of conserving and wise using freshwater icefishes by managing suitable habitats and re-connecting the river-lake network in the Yangtze River basin.  相似文献   

Barbus xanthos, a new species, is described from the Eşen, Dalaman, Tersakan and Büyük Menderes rivers in south-western Anatolia. It differs from other Barbus species in the adjacent basins by having 53–60 lateral line scales, a weakly ossified last unbranched dorsal-fin ray (about 33–50%), numerous small irregular-shaped black or dark-brown spots smaller than scales, often forming large, black or dark-brown blotches on back and flank in juveniles and adults, and a straight or slightly convex posterior dorsal-fin margin. B. xanthos differs from its most closely related congener, B. pergamonensis, by nine nucleotide substitution sites in the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I barcode region.  相似文献   

A new barbine cyprinid fish, Acrossocheilus multistriatus sp. nov., is described from the Zhujiang River(Pearl River) basin in South China. It is separated from all other barred congeners except A. monticola by its unique coloration pattern of 8–12 vs. 5–7 vertical dark bars on the dorsum and flank. Although 8 vertical black bars are also present in specimens of A. monticola, the new species is distinct from it by having a well-developed(vs. poor-developed) lower lip, with or without a median interruption(vs. with a median interruption which wider than 1/2 mouth width) on lower jaw, the lower jaw entirely covered(vs. uncoverd) by the lower lip, body depth 22.57%–25.22% SL(vs. 25.64%–32.26% SL). Additional characteristices as follows: last simple dorsal-fin ray soft without serration; dark stripes on membranes between dorsal-fin rays; dark stripes absent on membranes between anal fin rays; maxillary barbels longer than eye diameter, extending to posterior edge of eyes.  相似文献   

The influence of physical and hydrologic stabilization on habitat niche overlap among three native cyprinid species: flathead chub Platygobio gracilis , sicklefin chub Macrhybopsis meeki and sturgeon chub Macrhybopsis gelida , in riverine segments of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers in western North Dakota and eastern Montana, was evaluated. Collectively the three species exhibited higher niche overlap in quasi‐natural river segments than in segments highly altered by a mainstem dam based on relatively high percentages of individuals in quasi‐natural river segments that were classified correctly, according to species, in discriminant function analyses of resource use, compared to lower percentages of individuals classified correctly in the altered river segments. The lower niche overlap in altered river segments resulted primarily from the lower overlap between flathead chub and the remaining species; this appears to be related to a decline in the diversity of natural habitats and conditions that provided a wide range of habitat conditions suitable for all three species. Results from this study suggest that selective segregation and habitat changes, rather than interactive segregation and competition, is probably the mechanism responsible for the pattern of habitat use and niche overlap among the three species in the altered segments.  相似文献   

A new minnow species, Enteromius thespesios, is described from the south-eastern part of the upper Congo River; that is, the Kalule Nord, the Luvilombo and the Chambeshi Rivers. Enteromius thespesios belongs to the group of the soft-rayed species of Enteromius from the Congo Basin; that is, those with a weakly ossified, flexible last unbranched dorsal-fin ray that lacks serrations along its posterior edge. Within this group, E. thespesios is most similar to E. humeralis, from which it is distinguished by a higher number of circumpeduncular scales and shorter anterior and posterior barbels. Enteromius thespesios is a rheophilic and territorial species. It exhibits a marked sexual dimorphism, with males having: a red band towards the distal edge of dorsal, caudal and, to a lesser degree, anal fin; nuptial tubercles; a longer snout; longer pectoral fins; a shorter anal fin. This study gives extensive consideration to sexual shape differences for a species of Enteromius and also briefly reviews the current knowledge of sexual dimorphism in the species of Enteromius from the Congo Basin. Some conservation issues related to the new species are also highlighted.  相似文献   

The Lake Van basin located in eastern Anatolia is inhabited by two species of Alburnus: Alburnus tarichi is a migratory species foraging in the lake and spawning in all tributaries, while A. timarensis is resident in streams and is known only from one tributary of the lake, the Karasu. It could be shown that A. timarensis is a valid species, which is rediagnosed here. Both species are syntopic during the spawning season, but are well distinguished by size, gill raker and lateral line scale counts.  相似文献   

Jawad  L. A.  Abed  J. M.  Hussain  S. A.  Ünlü  E. 《Journal of Ichthyology》2018,58(6):780-794
Journal of Ichthyology - The morphological study of the axial skeleton of the nine species of the genus Carasobarbus Karaman, 1971 enabled to confirm the division of this bony structure into five...  相似文献   

Labeobarbus altianalis and L. bynni bynni are hexaploid cyprinid fishes in the genus Labeobarbus. In the Great Lakes region of Africa, these two large-bodied barbs exhibit considerable morphological variations. Their intraspecific classification, currently based on geographical distribution and morphological variation, is of limited application due to the overlapping nature of the water systems. Patterns of genetic variation in the Albertine and Victoria drainage basins in Uganda were assessed using mitochondrial sequences of the control region (470 basepairs) and the cytochrome b gene (627 basepairs). At the control region 36 distinct haplotypes were observed in a total of 177 individuals. Relatively low overall nucleotide diversity (π = 0.010) was observed. Hierarchical analysis of the molecular variance revealed significant differentiation between populations in the total sample (F ST = 0.172, p < 0.001), among populations within each basin (F SC = 0.047, p < 0.001), but no significant subdivision among basins (F CT = 0.131, p > 0.05). Phylogenetic analysis of the control region haplotypes resulted in a star-shaped phylogeny, with no clusters that reflect current taxonomic designation, morphotypes or basins. Phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome b gene sequences resulted in a tree topology similar to that observed for the control region. Thus the morphological characteristics separating the two species are intraspecific variation and the whole sample probably belongs to the same species.  相似文献   

Labeo rosae, a species with a native range in Southern Africa, was discovered in the Congo basin by re‐identification of two museum specimens previously identified as Labeo mesops. The occurrence of this species in the upper Congo implies a range extension of the species of more than 1000 km. Although the species' distribution is mirrored by that of some other Cypriniformes, its occurrence in the Congo might be due to introduction by humans.  相似文献   

A 924 bp segment of the mitochondrial control region (d-loop) was sequenced and analyzed in 334 specimens of Sinibrama macrops from 13 sites in Qiantang River Basin, China. Haplotype diversity (h = 0.724 ± 0.063) and nucleotide diversity (π = 0.00263 ± 0.00027) were lowest in Shengzhou population which had been separated from mainstream of Qiantang River Basin by seawater. The results of pairwise Fst values and average genetic distance revealed significant divergence between Shengzhou and other populations. No geographic clustering was observed in haplotype network, suggesting that there were gene flow among populations except Shengzhou. Pairwise mismatch distributions and Tajima's d-test showed demographic history of Shengzhou population was different from others. Base on the analysis of mitochondrial control region, the differentiation of Shengzhou population was considered to be the result of the transgression and regression in the last interglacial period.  相似文献   

The main aim of the survey was to describe the diversity and richness of Chilopoda in the selected area of the Bug River valley. The study sites were located in two regions differing in the shape of the valley, the presence of thermophilous habitats and the size of riparian forests. Pitfall traps were used as a sampling method. As a result, 444 specimens belonging to 12 centipede species of two orders – Geophilomorpha (four species) and Lithobiomorpha (eight species) were caught. Lithobius (Monotarsobius) curtipes C.L.Koch, 1847, Pachymerium ferrugineum (C.L.Koch, 1835), Lamyctes (Lamyctes) emarginatus (Newport, 1844) and Lithobius (Monotarsobius) dudichi Loksa, 1947 were the most common and the most numerous species. Of particular note is Lithobius dudichi found in Poland for the first time and previously known based on a single specimen. Two to 10 Chilopoda species were found in each habitat under investigation. The greatest species richness was found in thermophilous thickets (10 species), sandy grasslands (eight), xerothermic grasslands (eight) and mesic meadows (six). The fewest number of species (two) was found in rushes at oxbows and in wet meadows. We found differences in the species composition and the number of Chilopoda between the lower (102 specimens, six species) and the middle (324 specimens, 11 species) section of the river valley. Our results confirm the need to protect xerothermic habitats, unique almost throughout entire Central Europe, which due to their distribution and their small area covered are fairly easily subject to the process of destruction.  相似文献   

Local adaptation is often invoked to explain hybrid zone structure, but empirical evidence of this is generally rare. Hybrid zones between two poeciliid fishes, Xiphophorus birchmanni and X. malinche, occur in multiple tributaries with independent replication of upstream‐to‐downstream gradients in morphology and allele frequencies. Ecological niche modelling revealed that temperature is a central predictive factor in the spatial distribution of pure parental species and their hybrids and explains spatial and temporal variation in the frequency of neutral genetic markers in hybrid populations. Among populations of parentals and hybrids, both thermal tolerance and heat‐shock protein expression vary strongly, indicating that spatial and temporal structure is likely driven by adaptation to local thermal environments. Therefore, hybrid zone structure is strongly influenced by interspecific differences in physiological mechanisms for coping with the thermal environment.  相似文献   

A new species, Sinocyclocheilus xingyiensis, is described based on specimens collected from a karst cave in Guizhou Province, China. The authors used an integrated taxonomic approach, including morphological and molecular data, to identify the new species as a member of the Sinocyclocheilu angularis group, and it can be distinguished from all other members of this group by a combination of the following features: two pairs of long barbels and long pectoral fins, 42–46 lateral-line scales, 7 (13–14) on outer (inner) side of the first gill arch and 35 (14–15 + 4 + 16 − 17) vertebrae. Phylogenetic analyses based on the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene fragment suggest that S. xingyiensis is a sister lineage to Sinocyclocheilus flexuosdorsalis. The genetic distance (Kimura 2-parameter) between the S. xingyiensis and S. angularis groups of Sinocyclocheilus species based on cyt b gene fragment ranged from 1.2% to 15.4%.  相似文献   

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