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A bioenergetics model was constructed for ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus , and the model was used to estimate the food consumption of a native G. cernuus stock in Pyhäjärvi, a large mesotrophic lake in south-west Finland. The parameters for the bioenergetics model were determined through laboratory experiments conducted at several temperatures between 5 and 22° C for different sized G. cernuus (from 6 to 27 g). The model was verified and validated with independent laboratory growth experiments. The validated model was applied to field data from Pyhäjärvi to estimate the food consumption of G. cernuus and its effects on the zoobenthos community during the years 2002–2004. The total annual food consumption of the G. cernuus stock ranged from 11·6 to 15·7 g m−2 (wet mass). Chironomidae was the most abundant prey, 81% of the total consumption. The annual total production of zoobenthos in Pyhäjärvi was 15·2 g m−2 (wet mass). Therefore, it can be concluded that G. cernuus stock is likely to exert a significant influence on the zoobenthos community in this lake, indicating a potential role of G. cernuus as an influential invasive species in many freshwater ecosystems in Europe and North America.  相似文献   

Rapid and dramatic change in the fish community of Loch Lomond has resulted from a series of fish introductions in recent years. A comparison of the diet of pike, Esox lucius L., in 1989–1990 with data from 1955–1967, prior to recent introductions, demonstrates a shift in prey choice. In 1955–1967 powan, Coregonus lavaretus (L.), dominated in the diet (57% of prey by number) by 1989–1990 the introduced ruffe, Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.), was the commonest prey species (44% by number). This shift in pike predation to an abundant population of introduced ruffe has consequences for native species. Assuming that the pike population has not increased in response to increased food availability due to the introduction of ruffe, pike predation pressure on native species will be relieved. This is likely to have the greatest effect on powan. Comparison of the predation rate in 1955–1967 with 1989–1990 supports the hypothesis that the rate of predation on powan has declined, although the effect that this may have on the powan population is unclear, as the role of predation in the regulation of population size is unknown for this species.  相似文献   

The diet of ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus was studied in two native populations in lakes of different productivity in south-west Finland using both traditional stomach content analyses and stable isotopes. According to stomach content analyses, chironomids were the most important prey type in both lakes and the diversity of the other prey reflected the zoobenthos community in the lake. Stable isotope analyses of carbon and nitrogen showed distinctive lake-specific and total length ( L T)-related patterns in both δ13C and δ15N values, which could not be explained solely with diet changes. In the large mesotrophic Pyhäjärvi, both 13C and 15N isotopes became slightly enriched with increasing ruffe L T, although stomach contents analyses did not suggest any diet change in larger ruffe. In the hypereutrophic Köyliönjärvi, the carbon isotope signatures of ruffe especially showed wide variation (−33·5 to −24·1‰), which was probably due to variable consumption of prey items with highly negative carbon isotope signatures. Overall, this study emphasizes that the interpretation of stable isotope results requires extensive background data of the system and that even then the diet composition of a consumer may be very difficult to define due to large variation in the signatures.  相似文献   

The effect of growth rate, body weight, age, and season on ovarian development and maturation was investigated for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) reared in the laboratory over 10 months, for each of two consecutive years, 1978–1980. Cod were also collected from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Scotian Shelf, Georges Bank, the Flemish Cap, and the N.E. Newfoundland Shelf.The state of maturity was recognized by oocyte size. Stage I oocytes did not vary in size with growth rate, season, age, or maturity, while the size of stage II oocytes was positively correlated with maturity and negatively correlated with maximum stage of development achieved. Ovarian wall thickness was positively correlated with age and maturity.The frequency distribution of stage I and II oocytes distinguished the state of maturation, with cod that would mature by the next spawning season having a minimum of 20% (x? = 42%) of their oocytes at stage II or greater level of development.Maturing 3-yr-old cod had greater life specific growth rates than immature 3-yr-olds, but growth rates during the third year itself were not significantly different. A hypothesis of a three-part density-dependent mechanism controlling fecundity is postulated. Future reductions in partial recruitment and total fecundity are predicted for the Gulf of St. Lawrence cod stock based on calculated growth rates for Gulf cod in 1979.  相似文献   

Morphological disparity arises through changes in the ontogeny of structures; however, a major challenge of studying the effect of development on shape is the difficulty of collecting time series of data for large numbers of taxa. A proxy for developmental series proposed here is the age at sexual maturity, a developmental milestone potentially tied to the development of structures with documented use in intrasexual competition, such as cranial appendages in Artiodactyla. This study tested the hypothesis that ruminant cranial appendage shape and size correlate with onset of sexual maturity, predicting that late sexual maturity would correlate with larger, more complicated cranial appendages. Published data for cranial appendage shape and size in extant taxa were tested for correlations with sexual maturity using linear mixed‐effect models and phylogenetic generalized least‐squares analyses. Ancestral state reconstructions were used to assess correlated variables for developmental shifts indicative of heterochrony. These tests showed that phylogeny and body mass were the most common predictors of cranial appendage shape and sexual maturity was only significant as an interaction with body mass. Nevertheless, using developmental milestones as proxies for ontogeny may still be valuable in targeting future research to better understand the role of development in the evolution of disparate morphology when correlations exist between the milestone and shape.  相似文献   

Sire, J.‐Y. and Arnulf, I. 2000. Structure and development of the ctenial spines on the scales of a teleost fish, the cichlid Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum. — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 139–158 Numerous teleost species possess ctenoid scales characterized by the presence of ctenial spines arranged in rows (the cteni) along their posterior, free margin. Whilst the morphology and function of the ctenial spines are similar to those of odontodes (extra‐oral teeth), e.g. in armored catfish, their homology is questionable. To address this problem, we have studied ctenial spine development, structure, attachment to a bony support, and replacement with the aim of comparing these features to those described for odontodes. The ctenial spines have been studied in a growth series of the cichlid Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum, using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Ctenial spines are entirely constituted of a collagen matrix. They lack a pulp cavity and, although their distal end can be in contact with the epidermal basal layer cells, they are not covered by an enameloid‐like tissue. They are attached to the scale by means of a narrow strand of unmineralized collagen matrix acting as a ligament and allowing spines to be movable. The ctenial spines develop as prolongations of the external layer of the scale, a woven‐fibroid collagen matrix, and subsequently grow by addition of parallel‐fibred collagen matrix. New ctenial spines are added at the posterior scale border in waves that follow the same rhythm as the deposition of circuli in the anterior region. From the focus region to the scale border, the ctenial spines constitute lines in which only the most posterior ctenial spine is functional. The other spines that are no longer functional are not shed but resorbed from the top, and their attachment region mineralizes and thickens by deposition of new material. The remnants of spines constitute the main part of the superficial layer of the scale in which anchoring bundles attach; this region is covered afterwards by the limiting layer, a tissue devoid of collagen fibrils. Because of their tooth‐like morphology (shape and size), their posterior orientation and their attachment to the scale surface, the ctenial spines resemble odontodes. Moreover, both elements perform a similar hydrodynamic function. Nevertheless, the structure and development of the ctenial spines differ completely from those of odontodes and consequently, they cannot be considered homologous elements. Ctenial spines and odontodes in teleosts provide us with a beautiful example of homoplasy; they share shape and function, but have a different origin as evidenced by their different structure and process of development.  相似文献   

Reserpine causes some changes in the morphology of developing egg chambers when administered to the last (7th)-instar larvae of Galleria mellonella. Among the alterations, there is a numerical change in the number of egg chambers produced in one ovariole. The number of previtellogenic and postvitellogenic egg chambers was decreased significantly. Histological study revealed a series of pathological alterations in the follicular epithelium, oöcytes and trophocytes. Atrophy or proliferation of follicular cells was often observed. Strong vacuolation of the cytoplasm of cells forming the egg chambers appeared in all developmental stages, mainly at the vitellogenic stage. Changes also occurred in the surface of the ovariole tube.The observed disturbances in the developing ovarioles of the wax moth are probably the consequence of reserpine action on the neuroendocrine system.  相似文献   

Studies of development time of marine and freshwater copepods have taken separate tracks. Most studies on marine copepods report development time of each individual development stage, whereas studies on freshwater copepods report only development time, from egg to nauplius and nauplius to adult. This bias allows comparison of total development time but prevents detailed comparisons of patterns in stage-specific developmental schedules. With respect to egg to adult development time, three general relationships are known: developmental rates are dependent upon temperature and food concentration but independent of terminal body size; freshwater calanoids develop significantly slower than marine calanoids; freshwater cyclopoids develop at the same rate as marine calanoids. Two rules describe stage-specific developmental rates: the equiproportional rule and the isochronal rule. The first rule states that the duration of a given life history stage is a constant proportion of the embryonic development time; the second rule states that the time spent in each stage is the same for all stages. This review focuses on the second rule. From the 80+ published studies of copepod stage-specific developmental times, no species follows the isochronal rule strictly: Acartia spp. come closest with isochronal development from third nauplius (N3) to fourth copepodite (C4). The only pattern followed by all species is rapid development of the first and/or second naupliar stages, slow development of the second and/or third nauplius and prolonged development of the final copepodite stage. Once adulthood is reached, males are usually short-lived, but females can live for weeks to months in the laboratory. Adult longevity in the sea is, however, on the order of only a few days. The evolution of developmental patterns is discussed in the context of physiological constraints, along with consideration of possible relationships between stage-specific mortality rates and life history strategies. Physiological constraints may operate at critical bottlenecks in development (e.g. at the first feeding nauplius, N6, and the fifth copepodite stage). High mortality of eggs may explain why broadcast eggs hatch 2–3 times faster than eggs carried by females in a sac; high mortality of adults may explain why adults do not grow rather they maximize their reproductive effort by partitioning all energy for growth into egg production.  相似文献   


Vitellogenesis in ticks is known to be induced by engorgement and mating. In this paper, the synthetic pyrethroid cypermethrin (CyM) is shown to induce production of yolk protein precursor, vitellogenin (Vg), and ovarian development in unengorged mated adult female Ornithodoros moubata. The levels of Vg found in the hemolymph and ovarian development induced by CyM were dose-dependent. i.e., CyM doses of more than 0.2 and 1.0 μg/tick were needed for significant increase of Vg titer in the hemolymph and yolk deposition in oocytes, respectively. Immunological and electrophoretical analyses of Vg and Vitellin (Vn) induced by CyM were identical with those induced by engorgement. Vg titer induced by CyM in unengorged females followed approximately the same time course as that in the normal engorged females. However, Vg titer induced by CyM continued to increase after day 8 and reached a maximum (95 μg/μ1) on day 10 after treatment, while Vg titer induced by engorgement decreased again after reaching a maximum (60 μg/μ1) on day 6, correlated with yolk Vn deposition in oocytes. Ovarian development induced by even high doses (10 or 20 μg/tick) of CyM was slow compared to normal development stimulated by engorgement. Oviposition was not observed in females treated with CyM.  相似文献   

The effects of interspecific competition from roach on gonad development in O+ and 1+ perch were studied in a pond experiment by varying the roach density between treatments. The proportion of mature O+ males first increased and, thereafter, decreased with increasing roach density and increasing somatic weight. O f females were immature and all I+ males were mature. The proportion of mature 1+ females decreased with increasing roach density and decreasing somatic weight. The gonad weight of O+ and 1+ males as well as 1+ females decreased with increasing roach density and decreasing somatic weight. For 1+ males, which were individually marked, both start weight as well as somatic end weight were positively related to gonad weight. One possibleexplanation for the hump shaped relationship between the proportion of mature O+ males and somatic weight is that behavioural interactions between O+ and I+ males in the absence of roach affected maturing in O+ males. This study supports previous suggestions that annual variation in resource availability may give rise to variance in fecundity-body size relationships.  相似文献   

Gonad development of the silver therapon Leiopotherapon plumbeus in two volcanic crater  lake  habitats (Sampaloc Lake, Taal Lake) in south Luzon, Philippines was examined during the annual reproductive cycle. The minimum body size‐at‐maturity of fish in these two lake habitats was also compared. Four gonad development stages were characterized as basis for the classification of ovarian (immature, maturing, mature, spawned) and testicular maturation (immature, maturing, mature) phases. The occurrence of all development stages in individual gonads suggest an asynchronous development whereby advanced stages are recruited continuously from a pool of younger stage germ cells to result in elevated female and male GSI throughout the annual cycle due to active gonadogenesis. Together with the increasing occurrence of advanced stage oocytes and spermatozoa from March until October, the elevated GSI of fish may indicate peak gonadal growth during the onset of the dry season (December–January) for eventual spawning from the beginning (May–June) until the end of the wet season (October–November). In both lake habitats, male fish were smaller than females but, regardless of sex, the minimum size‐at‐maturity of fish in Sampaloc Lake was significantly smaller than fish in Taal Lake. Overall, asynchronous development during oogenesis and spermatogenesis allows for year‐round reproduction of silver therapon, with elevated gonad growth in the dry season in preparation for spawning during the wet season. Compared with fish in Taal Lake, a smaller size‐at‐maturity of fish in Sampaloc Lake may be a response of the wild fishery stock to long‐term high fishing mortality and degradation of the lake habitat.  相似文献   

In ectotherms, temperature induces similar developmental and evolutionary responses in body size, with larger individuals occurring or evolving in low temperature environments. Based on the occasional occurrence of opposite size clines, showing a decline in body size with increasing latitude, an interaction between generation time and growing season length was suggested to account for the patterns found. Accordingly, multivoltine species with short generation times should gain high compound interest benefits from reproducing early at high temperatures, indicating potential for extra generations, even at the expense of being smaller. This should not apply for obligatorily monovoltine populations. We explicitly test the prediction that monovoltine populations (no compound interest) should be selected for large body size to maximise adult fitness, and therefore size at maturity should respond only weakly to temperature. In two monovoltine populations (an Alpine and a Western German one) of the butterfly Lycaena hippothoe, increasing temperatures had no significant effect on pupal weight and caused a slight decrease in adult weight only. In contrast, two closely related, yet potentially multivoltine Lycaena populations showed a greater weight loss at increasing temperature (in protandrous males, but not in females) and smaller adult sizes throughout. Thus, the results do support our predictions indicating that the compound interest hypothesis may yield causal explanations for the relationship between temperature and insect size at maturity. At all temperatures, the alpine population had higher growth rates and concomitantly shorter development times (not accompanied by a reduction in size) than the other, presumably indicating local adaptations to different climates.  相似文献   

The size at first maturity, sex ratio and fecundity of L. niloticus in Lake Kyoga have been examined, and compared with the situation in other aquatic systems. The species has the ability to reproduce enormously. It produces up to 16 million eggs. In Lake Kyoga, fecundity (F) increases with length (L) in cm according to the equation: % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaciOraiaac2% dacaGGGaGaaiinaiaac6cacaGG0aGaai4maiaacAdacaGGGaGaaiiE% aiaacccacaGGXaGaaiimamaaCaaaleqabaGaaiylaiaacAdaaaGcca% GGmbWaaWbaaSqabeaacaGGYaGaaiOlaiaacMdacaGGYaaaaaaa!44D8!\[\operatorname{F} = 4.436 x 10^{ - 6} L^{2.92} \]Information from different habitats shows that females grow to a larger size than males but the growth rate is the same in both sexes. Males mature earlier than females at 50–65 cm total length with females maturing between 60–95 cm. There are about twice as many males as females. The rapid establishment of L. niloticus in Lake Kyoga and the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria following its introduction is attributed to the high reproductive potential of the species under favourable environmental conditions.  相似文献   


The lugworm, Arenicola marina L. has an annual cycle of reproduction with epidemic spawning and external fertilisation. The spermatozoa of Arenicola are unusual in that they are held immotile (as plates of several hundred cells known as morulae) in the coelomic fluid until activated just prior to spawning. Activation of Arenicola sperm is brought about by a sperm maturation factor (SMF) from the prostomium and can be carried out in vitro using an assay technique developed by Bentley (1985). Scanning electron microscopy is used here to examine the changes which occur during in vitro activation. This revealed that the bundles of flagella of inactive sperm become disorganised as flagella beating commences but the flagella at this stage are still bound together at their tips. The sperm heads then become separated from the cytophore and finally the distal binding of the flagella is broken to give free-swimming spermatozoa. Coelomocytes present in the coelomic fluid resorb unspawned gametes prior to the initiation of the next gametogenic phase.  相似文献   

The dormancy status ofFraxinus excelsior embryos at different developmental stages under environmental conditions was examined over a period of 2 years. For each sampling date the length of the fruit, of the seed, and of the embryo were measured, and the embryological stage determined. The depth of dormancy was assayed by the germination behaviour of isolated embryos under aseptic conditions on an agar medium without nutrients. As an approach towards a quantitative estimate of the dormancy status, the degree of inhibiton of germinative growth in the embryonic organs was evaluated on the basis of four categories from none to full germinative growth. From these ratings a dormancy index was calculated, expressing the mean dormancy status of the embryos at a given date. Embryo dormancy already became apparent during embryogenesis and reached its highest level during the later phase of reserve deposition in the seed. A marked loss of embryo dormancy occurred during the phase of maturation drying in autumn, followed by a moderate increase in winter. In hydrated seeds in spring the embryo was gradually released from dormancy and enlarged further. In maintaining the embryo ofF. excelsior in a developmental but not germinative mode, dormancy mechanisms within the embryo and the endosperm, combined with environmental factors, may be involved.  相似文献   

Cell surface glycans, such as glycocoproteins and glycolipids, encode information that modulates interactions between cells, or between cells and the extracellular matrix, by specifically regulating the binding to cell surface-associated or soluble carbohydrate-binding receptors, such as lectins. Rapid modifications of exposed carbohydrate moieties by glycosidases and glycosyltransferases, and the equally dynamic patterns of expression of their receptors during early development, suggest that both play important roles during embryogenesis. Among a variety of biological roles, galectins have been proposed to mediate developmental processes, such as embryo implantation and myogenesis. However, the high functional redundancy of the galectin repertoire in mammals has hindered the rigorous characterization of their specific roles by gene knockout approaches in murine models. In recent years, the use of teleost fish as alternative models for addressing developmental questions in mammals has expanded dramatically, and we propose their use for the elucidation of biological roles of galectins in embryogenesis and innate immunity. All three major galectin types, proto, chimera, and tandem-repeat, are present in teleost fish, and phylogenetic topologies confirm the expected clustering with their mammalian orthologues. As a model organism, the zebrafish (Danio rerio) may help to overcome limitations imposed by the murine models because it offers substantial advantages: external fertilization, transparent embryos that develop rapidly in vitro, a diverse toolbox of established methods to manipulate early gene expression, a growing collection of mutations that affect early embryonic development, availability of cell lines, and most importantly, an apparently less diversified galectin repertoire. Published in 2004.  相似文献   

Seed coat structure in Solanum L. section Solanum (Solanaceae). Seed coat structure in Solanum L. section Solanum was examined using SEM. The seed coat patterns observed were fairly uniform throughout the section, and thus of little diagnostic use. Moreover, all species are characterized by their seeds being covered by hairlike structures, which are bands of lignified thickening in the lateral (and basal) walls of the outer epidermal cells of the testa, and which only become obvious when the seeds are wetted. The development of the seed coat and its characteristic thickening was followed from the unfertilized ovule to the mature seed in vouchered material of Solanum nigrum L. since this species is the generic type, using sections of freshly fixed material.  相似文献   

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