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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with an unknown molecular pathogenesis. A recent molecular focus has been the mutated neuroligin 3, neuroligin 3(R451C), in gain-of-function studies and for its role in induced impairment of synaptic function, but endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress induced by mutated molecules also deserves investigation. We previously found two missense mutations, H246N and Y251S, in the gene-encoding synaptic cell adhesion molecule-1 (CADM1) in ASD patients, including cleavage of the mutated CADM1 and its intracellular accumulation. In this study, we found that the mutated CADM1 showed slightly reduced homophilic interactions in vitro but that most of its interactions persist. The mutated CADM1 also showed morphological abnormalities, including shorter dendrites, and impaired synaptogenesis in neurons. Wild-type CADM1 was partly localized to the ER of C2C5 cells, whereas mutated CADM1 mainly accumulated in the ER despite different sensitivities toward 4-phenyl butyric acid with chemical chaperone activity and rapamycin with promotion activity for degradation of the aggregated protein. Modeling analysis suggested a direct relationship between the mutations and the conformation alteration. Both mutated CADM1 and neuroligin 3(R451C) induced upregulation of C/EBP-homologous protein (CHOP), an ER stress marker, suggesting that in addition to the trafficking impairment, this CHOP upregulation may also be involved in ASD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

alpha-1-Proteinase inhibitor (A1Pi) is a monomeric secreted protein glycosylated at asparagines 46, 83, and 247. For this study cDNAs for M (normal) and S (Glu264-->Val) variants of A1Pi were altered by site-directed mutagenesis to produce the combinations of single, double, and triple mutants that can be generated by changing the codons normally specifying these Asn residues to encode Gln. The fates of the mutant proteins were followed in transiently transfected COS-1 cells. All variants with altered glycosylation sites are secreted at reduced rates, are partially degraded, accumulate intracellularly, and some form Nonidet P-40-insoluble aggregates. The carbohydrate attached at Asn83 seems to be of particular importance to the export of both A1PiM and A1PiS from the endoplasmic reticulum. All mutations affecting glycosylation of A1PiS notably reduce secretion, cause formation of insoluble aggregates, and influence degradation of the altered proteins. The variant of A1PiS missing all three glycosylation sites is poorly secreted, is incompletely degraded, and accumulates in unusual perinuclear vesicles. These studies show that N-linked oligosaccharides in A1Pi are vital to its efficient export from the endoplasmic reticulum and that the consequences of changing the normal pattern of glycosylation vary depending upon the sites altered and the variant of A1Pi bearing these alterations.  相似文献   

It is challenging to study regulatory genetic variants as gene expression is affected by both genetic polymorphisms and non-genetic regulators. The mRNA allele-specific expression (ASE) assay has been increasingly used for the study of cis-acting regulatory variants because cis-acting variants affect gene expression in an allele-specific manner. However, poor correlations between mRNA and protein expressions were observed for many genes, highlighting the importance of studying gene expression regulation at the protein level. In the present study, we conducted a proof-of-concept study to utilize a recently developed allele-specific protein expression (ASPE) assay to identify the cis-acting regulatory variants of CES1 using a large set of human liver samples. The CES1 gene encodes for carboxylesterase 1 (CES1), the most abundant hepatic hydrolase in humans. Two cis-acting regulatory variants were found to be significantly associated with CES1 ASPE, CES1 protein expression, and its catalytic activity on enalapril hydrolysis in human livers. Compared to conventional gene expression-based approaches, ASPE demonstrated an improved statistical power to detect regulatory variants with small effect sizes since allelic protein expression ratios are less prone to the influence of non-genetic regulators (e.g., diseases and inducers). This study suggests that the ASPE approach is a powerful tool for identifying cis-regulatory variants.  相似文献   

Protease inhibitors (PIs) are crucial drugs in highly active antiretroviral therapy for human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) infections. However, resistance owing to mutations challenge the long-term efficacy in the medication of HIV-1-infected individuals. Lopinavir (LPV) and darunavir (DRV), two second-generation drugs are the most potent among PIs, hustling the drug resistance when mutations occur in the active and nonactive site of the protease (PR). Herein, we strive for compounds that can stifle the function of wild-type (WT) HIV-1 PR along with four major single mutants (I54M, V82T, I84V, and L90M) instigating resistance to the PIs using in silico approach. Six common compounds are retrieved from six databases using combined pharmacophore-based and structure-based virtual screening methodology. LPV and DRV are docked and the binding free energy is calculated to set the cut-off value for selecting compounds. Further, to gain insight into the stability of the complexes the molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) is carried out, which uncovers two lead molecules namely NCI-524545 and ZINC12866729. Both the lead molecules connect with WT and mutant HIV-1 PRs through strong and stable hydrogen bond interactions when compared with LPV and DRV throughout the trajectory analysis. Interestingly, NCI-524545 and ZINC12866729 exhibit direct interactions with I50/50′ by replacing the conserved water molecule as evidenced by MDS, which indicates the credible potency of these compounds. Hence, we concluded that NCI-524545 and ZINC12866729 have great puissant to restrain the role of drug resistance HIV-1 PR variants, which can also show better activity through in vivo and in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

We conducted a clinical trial to compare the molecular and cellular responses of human melanocytes and keratinocytes in vivo to solar‐simulated ultraviolet radiation (SSUVR) in 57 Caucasian participants grouped according to MC1R genotype. We found that, on average, the density of epidermal melanocytes 14 days after exposure to 2 minimal erythemal dose (MED) SSUVR was twofold higher than baseline (unirradiated) skin. However, the change in epidermal melanocyte counts among people carrying germline MC1R variants (97% increase) was significantly less than those with wild‐type MC1R (164% increase; P = 0.01). We also found that sunscreen applied to the skin before exposure to 2 MED SSUVR completely blocked the effects of DNA damage, p53 induction, and cellular proliferation in both melanocytes and keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Genetic and biochemical evidence demonstrated that Eps8 is involved in the routing of signals from Ras to Rac. This is achieved through the formation of a tricomplex consisting of Eps8-E3b1-Sos-1, which is endowed with Rac guanine nucleotide exchange activity. The catalytic subunit of this complex is represented by Sos-1, a bifunctional molecule capable of catalyzing guanine nucleotide exchange on Ras and Rac. The mechanism by which Sos-1 activity is specifically directed toward Rac remains to be established. Here, by performing a structure-function analysis we show that the Eps8 output function resides in an effector region located within its COOH terminus. This effector region, when separated from the holoprotein, activates Rac and acts as a potent inducer of actin polymerization. In addition, it binds to Sos-1 and is able to induce Rac-specific, Sos-1-dependent guanine nucleotide exchange activity. Finally, the Eps8 effector region mediates a direct interaction of Eps8 with F-actin, dictating Eps8 cellular localization. We propose a model whereby the engagement of Eps8 in a tricomplex with E3b1 and Sos-1 facilitates the interaction of Eps8 with Sos-1 and the consequent activation of an Sos-1 Rac-specific catalytic ability. In this complex, determinants of Eps8 are responsible for the proper localization of the Rac-activating machine to sites of actin remodeling.  相似文献   

Differential expression of the tetracycline-controlled transactivator (tTA)-driven human cytochrome p450 (CYP) 1B1 gene was found in the livers of male mice, at high levels in neonates, but at low levels in adults. The goals of this study were to determine whether the differential expression of the tTA-driven human CYP1B1 (hCYP1B1) gene in neonates and adults was testosterone dependent and whether flutamide, a representative potent antiandrogen, led to the induction of hCYP1B1. This was tested by treating castrated transgenic mice with testosterone propionate and musk extracts. It was concluded that: (i). the levels of expression of both tTA and hCYP1B1 gradually declined, with clear changes being apparent between 2 and 4 weeks of age, (ii). castration of adult males resulted in the increased expressions of both tTA and hCYP1B1 to levels similar to those found in adult females, (iii). treatment of castrated male and adult female mice with testosterone propionate and musk extracts led to the restoration of the levels of expression of hCYP1B1 in the adult males, and (iv). treatment of adult males with flutamide caused an increase in the levels of expression of hCYP1B1 in the adult females, as indicated by the antiandrogenic activity. Thus, the differential expression of the tTA-driven hCYP1B1 gene in the transgenic mice was caused by androgen, and it is possible that castrated male and adult female mice expressing the tTA-controlled hCYP1B1 could be used as the basis for a strategy for the detection of androgens and antiandrogens.  相似文献   

Cellular responses to DNA damage require the formation of protein complexes in a highly organized fashion. The complete molecular components that participate in the sequential signaling response to DNA damage remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) in resting cells plays an important role in the formation of ionizing radiation-induced foci that assemble on the 53BP1 scaffold protein during the DNA damage response. The kinase VRK1 is activated by DNA double strand breaks induced by ionizing radiation (IR) and specifically phosphorylates 53BP1 in serum-starved cells. VRK1 knockdown resulted in the defective formation of 53BP1 foci in response to IR both in number and size. This observed effect on 53BP1 foci is p53- and ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM)-independent and can be rescued with VRK1 mutants resistant to siRNA. VRK1 knockdown also prevented the activating phosphorylation of ATM, CHK2, and DNA-dependent protein kinase in response to IR. VRK1 activation in response to DNA damage is a novel and early step in the signaling of mammalian DNA damage responses.  相似文献   

Cultured mouse D3 embryonic stem (ES) cells differentiating into embryoid bodies (EBs) expressed several Wnt isoforms, nearly all isotypes of the Wnt receptor Frizzled and the Wnt/Dickkopf (Dkk) co-receptor low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) type 5. A 4-day treatment with retinoic acid (RA), which promoted neural differentiation of EBs, substantially increased the expression of the Wnt antagonist Dkk-1, and induced the synthesis of the Wnt/Dkk-1 co-receptor LRP6. Recombinant Dkk-1 applied to EBs behaved like RA in inducing the expression of the neural markers nestin and distal-less homeobox gene (Dlx-2). Recombinant Dkk-1 was able to inhibit the Wnt pathway, as shown by a reduction in nuclear beta-catenin levels. Remarkably, the antisense- or small interfering RNA-induced knockdown of Dkk-1 largely reduced the expression of Dlx-2, and the neuronal marker beta-III tubulin in EBs exposed to RA. These data suggest that induction of Dkk-1 and the ensuing inhibition of the canonical Wnt pathway is required for neural differentiation of ES cells.  相似文献   

Summary We report here the first molecular characterization of maternally inherited atrazine resistance in a monocot. As has been found in dicots, resistance in the grass Poa annua is correlated with a decrease in the ability of herbicides to bind to thylakoids and with an alteration in the gene for the D1 protein of photosystem II which would result in a change from a serine to an alanine residue at position 264 of the protein. Azidoatrazine, a photoaffinity-labelled analogue of atrazine, binds to the putative product of this gene in sensitive but not resistant biotypes of P. annua. The wheat gene and protein are shown to resemble those of the atrazine-sensitive P. annua biotype.Now Institute of Plant Science Research (Cambridge Laboratory)  相似文献   

Formation of coated carrier vesicles, such as COPI-coated vesicles from the cis -Golgi, is triggered by membrane binding of the GTP-bound form of ADP-ribosylation factors. This process is blocked by brefeldin A, which is an inhibitor of guanine nucleotide exchange factors for ADP-ribosylation factor. GBF1 is one of the guanine nucleotide-exchange factors for ADP-ribosylation factor and is localized in the Golgi region. In the present study, we have determined the detailed subcellular localization of GBF1. Immunofluorescence microscopy of cells treated with nocodazole or incubated at 15 °C has suggested that GBF1 behaves similarly to proteins recycling between the cis -Golgi and the endoplasmic reticulum. Immunoelectron microscopy has revealed that GBF1 localizes primarily to vesicular and tubular structures apposed to the cis -face of Golgi stacks and minor fractions to the Golgi stacks. GBF1 overexpressed in cells causes recruitment of class I and class II ADP-ribosylation factors onto Golgi membranes. Furthermore, overexpressed GBF1 antagonizes various effects of brefeldin A, such as inhibition of membrane recruitment of ADP-ribosylation factors and the COPI coat, and redistribution of Golgi-resident and itinerant proteins. These observations indicate that GBF1 is involved in the formation of COPI-coated vesicles from the cis -Golgi or the pre-Golgi intermediate compartment through activating ADP-ribosylation factors.  相似文献   

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