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We studied the population dynamics of Mastus by investigating the effects of population structure, spatial ecology and biology of reproduction on the genetic diversity of two sympatric Mastus species endemic to the island of Crete. Over a period of 27 months, we carried out both mark–recapture and random quadrat sampling techniques in order to assess the dispersal trends, the aggregation patterns, the neighbourhood size and the habitat preferences of these species. There were 154 recorded movements for M. butoti and 114 for M. cretensis . Mean monthly dispersal was estimated at d  = 0.5 m for M. butoti and d  = 1 m for M. cretensis . Both species showed a random dispersal pattern but tended to aggregate in the field. Their populations were found to be highly structured owing to their highly parsimonious dispersal behaviour and the very low population densities, estimated at D  = 2.07 ± 0.16 and D  = 0.73 ± 0.16 individuals m−2 for M. butoti and M. cretensis , respectively. The neighbourhood size did not exceed 150 individuals for either species. The habitat occupied by each species changed during the active season, but both the immature and the adult individuals of each species seemed to prefer the same habitats throughout the active season. Partial population activation during the active season was observed in both species. We conclude that the population structure, the partial population activation and the species-specific reproductive strategies have a profound effect on maintaining the genetic diversity of the genus' populations.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 131–144.  相似文献   

Habitat utilization and the life history of browntrout Salmo trutta and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were investigated in fivesympatric populations and five allopatric brown troutpopulations in Høylandet catchment, a atmosphaericlow deposition area in Mid Norway. There was asignificant inverse correlation in abundance ofepibenthic Arctic charr and brown trout in theselakes, indicating that the latter species is dominant.The largest numbers of sympatric brown trout andArctic charr were caught in epibenthic habitat. In twolakes, brown trout to some extent also occurredpelagically, while pelagic individuals of Arctic charrwere found in all five lakes. The main food items forboth epibenthic and pelagic brown trout wereterrestrial surface insects and chironomid pupae.Zooplankton was the primary food item for Arctic charrin both habitats. Although the age distribution wasvery different in the populations, neither speciesseem to suffer from recruitment failure. There was nosignificant difference in survival rates betweensympatric populations of brown trout and Arctic charr.We found a significant inverse correlation betweenepibenthic catches of brown trout and the mean weightof 4+ fish, the most abundant age group. However, ifusing weight data for three-year-old fish, no suchrelationship was found for Arctic charr. Brown troutand Arctic charr reached asymptotic lengths of197–364 mm and 259–321 mm, respectively. Both speciestypically reached sexual maturity at age 2–3, and nomaturation-induced mortality was evident. We concludethat fish populations in Høylandet lakes areregulated throughout their lifes by inter- andintraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Lake Thingvallavatn supports four trophic morphs of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.); two of the morphs are benthic (small and large benthivorous charr) one exploits pelagic waters (planktivorous charr) and the fourth is found in both habitats (piscivorous charr). The morphological variation among these morphs was analysed by use of principal component analysis and canonical discriminant analysis. The benihic morphs have a short lower jaw and long pectoral fins. The benthic fish also have fewer gillrakers than the other morphs. Small and large benthivorous charrs attain sexual maturity from 2 and 6 years of age, and at fork lengths from 7 and 22 cm, respectively. Small benthivorous charr retain their juvenile parr marks as adults, have beige ventral colours, and are frequently melanized under the lower jaw. Planktivorous and piscivorous charr attain sexual maturity from 4 and 6 years of age, from fork lengths of 15 and 23 cm, respectively. This phenotypic polymorphism is associated with habitat utilization and diet of the fish, and has probably arisen within the lake system through diversification and niche specialization. The pelagic morphs apparently stem from a single population, and are possibly diversified through conditional niche shifts which affect ontogeny. Juveniles reaching a body length of 23 cm may change from zooplankton to fish feeding. Asymptotic length increases thereby from 20.5 cm in planktivorous charr to 30.2 cm in piscivorous charr. The benthic morphs appear to represent separate populations, although both feed chiefly on the gastropod Lymnaea peregra. Their co-existence seems to be facilitated by size dependent constraints on habitat use. The small morph (asymptotic length 13.3 cm) exploit the interstitial crevices in the lava block substratum, whereas the large morph (asymptotic length 55.4 cm) live epibenthically.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and sequencing of 400–550 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of eight species of Sparidae (Perciformes, Teleostei). This sequence information allowed us to design specific primers to one of these species (Pagellus bogaraveo). The new set of primers was used to test a rationalized approach to study the mtDNA nucleotide variability at the intraspecific level. The single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) technique was applied to detect sequence variation in two non-overlapping fragments of the control region of 32 individuals of P. bogaraveo. To assess the sensitivity of the method, the nucleotide sequence of the analysed region was determined for all the specimens. The results showed that, for one of the two fragments, SSCP analysis was able to detect 100% of the underlying genetic variability. In sharp contrast, nucleotide variation of the second DNA fragment was completely unresolved by SSCP under different experimental conditions. This suggests that the resolution power of SSCP is crucially dependent on the nature of the fragment subjected to the analysis; therefore, a preliminary test of the sensitivity of the method should be performed on each specific DNA fragment before starting a large-scale survey. A rationalized approach, combining the SSCP technique and a simplified sequencing procedure, is proposed for studying intraspecific polymorphism at the mtDNA control region in fish.  相似文献   

Climatic change often affects life history aspects of aquatic insects. Long‐term monitoring was conducted to understand the life history variability of the riverine mayfly Ephemera orientalis in the Han river, where habitat is largely disturbed by summer floods. Water level of the study site, Godeok‐dong area in Seoul, is regulated by the Paldang Dam located approximately 14 km above the study site. E. orientalis often emerged in large numbers around the study area. Larvae were sampled monthly from April 2006 to July 2010 using a Surber sampler (50 × 50 cm, mesh 0.25 mm, two replicates). Additional qualitative sampling was conducted using a hand net. As a result, based on the larval body size distribution, E. orientalis had a univoltine life cycle with two distinct slow growing cohort groups: the S1group emerged during May–June and the S2 group emerged during August–September. Our previous study conducted in Gapyeong stream in Gyeonggi‐do showed that E. orientalis normally had three cohort groups, S‐1 and S‐2 groups and the F‐group (a fast growing cohort developed during May–August). However, the Han River population of E. orientalis lacked such a fast growing cohort. It is most probable that habitat disturbances caused by high water level during the rainy season negatively affected the development of the fast growing cohort (F‐group) in the Han River area. The relationships between monthly E. orientalis population data and water level in the Han River are presented.  相似文献   

Callimico goeldii, Saguinus fuscicollis, and S. labiatus are sympatric in northern Bolivia and differ from each other in patterns of spatial and structural use of their environment. C. goeldii has a home range five times larger than that of mixed-species troops of S. fuscicollis and S. labiatus. The larger overlapping home range of C. goeldii allows it to move among Saguinus troops, giving it access to a wide range of different microhabitats. All three species use the most common microhabitat in the area, primary forest with dense understory, more than any other microhabitat type. C. goeldii habitat use varies by season, with bamboo and Heliconia microhabitats used more during the dry season. Each species shows preferences for different height classes: C. goeldii is found almost exclusively in the understory, S. fuscicollis uses the understory and middle canopy, and S. labiatus is found mostly in the middle canopy. These height class preferences are reflected in each species' locomotor styles, with C. goeldii showing the highest rates of vertical clinging and leaping, and S. labiatus showing the highest rates of branch-to-branch leaping and quadrupedal movement. The results suggest that C. goeldii may be restricted to forests with dense understory and a mosaic of other microhabitats. Furthermore, C. goeldii does not appear to use its tegulae for large branch foraging, but rather for vertical clinging and leaping between small vertical supports.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution, microhabitat use and territorial and feeding behaviours were compared between the juveniles of two sympatric territorial damselfishes Stegastes variabilis and Stegastes fuscus on a small tropical reef in the south-western Atlantic Ocean. Juvenile S. variabilis were most abundant at sites subject to stronger hydrodynamics and with mixed benthic cover, whereas juvenile S. fuscus were most abundant at sheltered sites with dense turf algae cover. No differences regarding feeding habits were detected, with both species preferentially feeding on turf algae. Also, despite similarities in territory area and agonistic encounter rates, the identity and proportion of intruders involved in agonistic interactions differed significantly between species. These interdependent traits suggest strong asymmetric competition, with juvenile S. fuscus dominating high-quality sites and evicting juvenile S. variabilis to low quality, marginal areas of the reef.  相似文献   

吴金凤  王秀红 《生态学报》2017,37(9):2904-2912
以中国东部山东省平度市为案例区,通过识别重要的农地利用碳排放源和构建碳排放测算体系,包括农用化学物质投入间接碳排放、耗能碳排放、氮肥施用后导致的土壤直接N_2O释放、秸秆燃烧碳排放和牲畜养殖CH_4和N_2O排放,测算了1995—2013年农地利用的碳排放量;结合农产品产值分析了农地利用碳强度变化特征,结合农作物碳吸收分析了农地利用的碳可持续指数的变化规律。研究得出:(1)1995—2013年平度年均碳排放量的次序是:农资投入22.50万t牲畜养殖17.41万t秸秆燃烧6.62万t,其中秸秆燃烧碳排放呈逐年增加态势,而农资投入和畜牧养殖均呈逐年减少趋势。(2)平度农地利用碳强度变化结果表明,农产品产值增加速度超过农地利用碳排放速度,单位产值碳排放已从1995年的1.24 t/元降至2013年的0.35 t/元。(3)碳可持续性指数变化特征表明,平度农地利用过程中碳吸收大于碳排放,且碳可持续性指数以年均7.12%速率增长,故平度农作物生产期的碳吸收能够完全消纳农地利用过程中所产生碳排放。该研究不仅为中小尺度以及我国东部区域的农地利用碳排放及可持续发展提供科学依据,而且有益于推进我国农业的碳减排,并为国际全球环境变化人文因素计划中LUCC、碳循环等重大问题的研究提供基本素材。  相似文献   

Seabreams are among the most valuable fish, not only for small-scale and semiindustrial fisheries but also for aquaculture throughout the Mediterranean. Nevertheless, their phylogenetic relationships are not at all clear. The current taxonomy is based solely on trophic morphology and rests on the assumption that each trophic type evolved only once from a less specialized ancestral condition. We analyzed a 486-bp segment of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA of all 24 seabream species described for the northeastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean to elucidate their generic and subfamily-level relationships. Three major mitochondrial lineages, each comprising species of different feeding strategy and dentition, were found that do not agree with the present taxonomic assignments. Most of the investigated genera were resolved paraphyletically, indicating that the structure and arrangement of oral teeth must have repeatedly evolved from a less specialized ancestral condition. Further, the genus Sparus was resolved as distantly related to the genus Pagrus, in that it was assigned to a different major mitochondrial lineage. Oblada melanura was consistently placed within the Diplodus radiation as sister group to Diplodus puntazzo. Our phylogenetic hypothesis thus suggests multiple independent origins of similar trophic specializations within the Sparidae and indicates that the currently recognized three or four subfamilies need to be redefined. Received: 5 October 1999 / Accepted: 9 November 1999  相似文献   

Eels have fascinated biologists for centuries due to their amazing long-distance migrations between freshwater habitats and very distant ocean spawning areas. The migratory life histories of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, in the waters of south China are not very clear despite its ecological importance, and the need for fishery regulation and management. In this study, strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) microchemical profiles of the otoliths of silver eels were measured by X-ray electron probe microanalysis based on data collected from different habitats (including freshwater and brackish habitats), in the large subtropical Pearl River. The corresponding habitat preference characteristics were further analysed using redundancy analysis (RDA). A total of 195 Japanese eels were collected over 6 years. The collected individuals ranged from 180 to 771 mm in total length and from 8 to 612 g in body weight. Two-dimensional pictures of the Sr:Ca concentrations in otoliths revealed that the A. japonica in the Pearl River are almost entirely river eels, spending the majority of their lives in fresh water without exposure to salt water, while the catadromous migration time has delayed about 1 month in the Pearl River estuary in the past 20 years. RDA analysis further indicated that juveniles and adults preferred water with high salinity and high tide levels. Youth preferred habitats with high river fractals. Our findings contribute to a growing body of evidence showing that the eels are extremely scarce currently and conservation measures against them are imminent, including the protection of brackish and freshwater areas where they live in south China.  相似文献   

Mobile species will migrate considerable distances to find habitats suitable for meeting life history requirements, and stream‐dwelling salmonids are no exception. In April–October 2014, we used radio‐telemetry to examine habitat use and movement of 36 Colorado River cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus (CRCT) in a 14.9‐km fragment of Milk Creek, a relatively low‐elevation stream in the Rocky Mountains (Colorado). We also used a network of data loggers to track stream temperature across time and space. Our objectives were to (1) characterize distribution and movement of CRCT, (2) evaluate seasonal differences in distribution and movement of CRCT, and (3) explore the relationship between stream temperature and distribution and movement of CRCT. During the course of our study, median range of CRCT was 4.81 km (range = 0.14–10.94) and median total movement was 5.94 km (range = 0.14–26.02). Median location of CRCT was significantly further upstream in summer than in spring, whereas range and movement of CRCT were greater in spring than in summer. Twenty‐six of the 27 CRCT tracked through mid‐June displayed a potamodromous (freshwater migratory) life history, migrating 1.8–8.0 km upstream during the spring spawning season. Four of the seven CRCT tracked through July migrated >1.4 km in summer. CRCT selected relatively cool reaches during summer months, and early‐summer movement was positively correlated with mean stream temperature. Study fish occupied stream segments in spring and fall that were thermally unsuitable, if not lethal, to the species in summer. Although transmitter loss limited the scope of inference, our findings suggest that preferred habitat is a moving target in Milk Creek, and that CRCT move to occupy that target. Because mobile organisms move among complementary habitats and exploit seasonally‐unsuitable reaches, we recommend that spatial and temporal variability be accounted for in delineations of distributional boundaries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. Two superficially similar species of Microbembex, M.monodonta (Say) and M.cubana Bohart (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Nyssoninae), occur syntopically on Staniel Cay, a small Bahamian island (15 km2).
2. Nesting (female) and territorial (male) aggregations of M.cubana were smaller and more numerous than those of M.monodonta in the study site and on the island as a whole.
3. Both species had regular patterns of daily activities that required them to use a variety of microhabitats in the study area.
4. Males of both species defended territories from c. 09.00 to 12.00 hours EST (in May) and the left to feed on nectar until they retired to sleeping burrows, typically from 13.00 to 15.00 hours. Male M.monodonta were active longer each day and intermixed feeding and territorial defence more than did male M.cubana.
5. Females of both species were active for longer each day, from c. 08.30 to 15.30 hours, and intermixed their respective activities – hunting for provisions, feeding, and nest digging and maintenance – during each day more than did males. Female M.monodonta were active longer each day, rising earlier and retiring later, than female M.cubana.
6. In M.monodonta , females were larger (length, X =11.00 mm) than males (10.5 mm). In M.cubana , males were larger (11.1 mm) than females (10.4 mm). Although mean differences were small, they were highly significant ( F =22.42; P <10−4) for the species-sex interaction.
7. Differences in activity budgets, habitat use, and sexual size dimorphism appear to be related. A combination of factors, particularly thermal constraints, possible competition, and different mating systems, could explain these patterns.  相似文献   

Understanding of the physiological responses of kelp to environmental parameters is crucial, especially in the context of environmental change that may have contributed to the decline of kelp forests all over the world. The current study presents the photosynthetic characteristics of the macroscopic sporophyte and microscopic gametophyte stages of the brown alga Alaria crassifolia from Hokkaido, Japan, as determined by examining their photosynthetic responses over a range of temperature and irradiance using dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Net photosynthetic rates of the sporophyte were consistently higher than those of gametophyte across temperature gradients and irradiance levels. Photosynthesis–irradiance curves at 8°C, 16°C, and 20°C revealed similar initial slopes (α = 0.4–0.9) on the two life history stages, but higher compensation (E c = 4–7 μmol photons m?2 s?1) and saturation irradiances (E k = 53–103 μmol photons m?2 s?1) for the sporophyte than for the gametophyte (E c = 0–7 μmol photons m?2 s?1; E k = 7–10 μmol photons m?2 s?1). Both stages exhibited chronic photoinhibition, as shown by the failure of recovery in their maximum quantum yields (F v/F m) following high irradiance stress, with greater possibility of photodamage at low temperature. Gametophytes were less sensitive to low temperatures than sporophytes, given their relatively stable F v/F m response. Nevertheless, temperature optima for photosynthesis of both stages coincide with each other at 20–23°C, which correspond to the growth and maturation periods of A. crassifolia in Japan. This species is also likely to suffer from thermal inhibition as both GP rates and F v/F m decreased above 24°C.  相似文献   

Synopsis The reproductive biology, growth and age composition ofOreochromis mossambicus (Peters) were studied in two Brisbane reservoirs during 1981–1983. The life history was assessed in terms of altricial and precocial tendencies after Noakes & Balon (1982). Fish from both reservoirs had a precocial life history style, showing delayed maturation at 12–15 months, at minimum sizes of 152 mm standard length in males and 174 mm standard length in females. The minimum size of fish at maturity was 0.51–0.73 of maximum size. Mean fecundity was 1360 (± 117.2 standard error) in North Pine Dam and 2107 (220.4 standard error) in Tingalpa Reservoir. This difference was significant (p<0.01). Oöcyte diameter ranged from 1.7–2.6 mm. Overall sex ratio was 1:1 but males predominated amongst fish larger than 200 mm standard length. Stocks consisted mainly of three age groups and the oldest fish caught were 3+ years old. Growth rates were high in both populations. Length-weight relationships conformed to the allometric formula W = aLn and were consistent with data on growth rates. High growth rates are attributed to the high productivity of both reservoirs and the small size of the populations relative to food resources, which are not utilized directly by other fishes. These factors probably also account for the precocial life history style exhibited, compared to the altricial life history style ofO. mossambicus in Lake Sibaya, South Africa, a food-restricted environment.  相似文献   

Millipedes (Diplopoda) and woodlice (Crustacea, Isopoda), with a total of about 15000 described species worldwide, contribute substantially to invertebrate biodiversity. These saprophagous macroarthropods, which are key regulators of plant litter decomposition, play an important role in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems in tropical and temperate areas. Herein we review current knowledge on the effects of climate, food quality and land cover on millipede and woodlouse species to explore their potential responses to global change. Essentially similar trends are observed in the two taxa. Experiments have shown that climate warming could result in higher rates of population growth and have positive effects on the abundance of some temperate species. This is consistent with signs of northward expansion in Europe, although the mechanisms of dispersal remain unclear. The generality of this finding is evaluated in relation to the life histories and geographical distributions of species. At low latitudes, interactions with more severe droughts are likely and could affect community composition. Elevated atmospheric CO2 levels and changes in plant community composition are expected to alter leaf litter quality, a major determinant of macroarthropod fertility via the link with female adult body size. Although food quality changes have been shown to influence population growth rates significantly, it is proposed that the effects of warming will be probably more important during the coming decades. Land cover changes, mainly due to deforestation in the tropics and land abandonment in Europe, are critical to habitat specialists and could override any other effect of global change. Habitat destruction by man may be the main threat to macroarthropod species, many of which are narrow endemics. At the landscape scale, habitat heterogeneity could be a good option for conservation, even at the cost of some fragmentation. Two principal areas are identified which require further work: (i) the effects of climate change across broader geographic ranges, and on species with different ecologies and life histories; (ii) the effects of global change on both macroarthropods and their natural enemies (predators, parasites and pathogens), to improve predictions in field situations.  相似文献   

We monitored the birth patterns of sympatric brown howler monkeys (Alouatta fusca clamitans) and northern muriquis (Brachyteles arachnoides hypoxanthus) during a 4‐yr period from October 1996 to August 2000 at the Estação Biológica de Caratinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Brown howler monkey births (n = 34) occurred throughout the year, and birth frequencies did not differ between rainy and dry season months. The aseasonal birth patterns of the howler monkeys differed significantly from the dry season concentration and dry month peak in muriqui births (n = 23). We found no effects of infant sex or the number of females on interbirth intervals (IBIs) in our 10 howler monkey study troops. IBIs of brown howler monkeys averaged 21.2 ± 2.5 mo (n = 8, median = 21.0 mo), and were significantly shorter following dry season births than rainy season births. Their IBIs and yearling survivorship (74%) were similar to those reported for other species of howler monkeys, but yearling survivorship was much lower than that of muriquis (94%), whose IBIs were more than 12 mo longer than those of the howler monkeys. Our study extends comparative knowledge of birth patterns in Alouatta to a poorly known species, and provides insights into the different ways in which diet and life history may affect the timing of births in large‐bodied platyrrhines under the same seasonal ecological conditions. Am. J. Primatol. 55:87–100, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This is the first study to relate syrphid life history traits to environmental variables with a multi‐trait approach. We aimed to answer two questions: 1. Do syrphid species respond to small scale changes in environmental variables in seasonally flooded grasslands in a Central European floodplain (Elbe)? 2. Can species response to environmental variables be explained by the biological characteristics of the species expressed by their life history traits? Despite their large mobility, syrphids did respond significantly to small scale changes in environmental variables (groundwater (GW) depth, cation exchange capacity, amplitude of variation of the GW‐depth). On the other hand, the biological traits of the syrphids did not sufficiently explain syrphid occurrence at the sites. Possible explanations are discussed and an outlook for further studies is given. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Zaira cinerea (Fallén) is a parasitoid fly (Diptera: Tachinidae) that attacks adult carabid beetles. To better understand mechanisms of population persistence in this species, we examined seasonality of host beetle abundance, the frequency of parasitism, and the timing of fly eclosion. In addition, we evaluated host quality using numbers of larvae or puparia per individual beetle as a measure of quality. The fly parasitized only large carabids (≥15 mm body length); the lengths of fly puparia reached 7.4–10.8 mm during development in beetle abdomens, and larger hosts are likely essential. Of the 18 large carabid species collected in this study, we chose two, Carabus maiyasanus Bates and Leptocarabus procerulus (Bates), because they were large and abundant (87% of total catch). The two carabids had different phonologies; C. maiyasanus was abundant from spring to summer, and its abundance dropped sharply in autumn, while L. procerulus was abundant in autumn and rare from spring to summer except July. Parasitism was observed in all the months from May to November except June, and adult flies eclosed more than once a year (in early summer, late summer, and mid‐autumn), indicating that the species is multivoltine. Host quality of L. procerulus was higher than that of C. maiyasanus. Carabus maiyasanus was mainly used as a host from spring to summer, and L. procerulus was used in autumn. Thus, adult beetles of one or both species are available over most of spring, summer, and autumn, allowing population persistence of this fly species over time.  相似文献   

Xanthism in fishes has a genetic basis that causes abnormal skin colouration of yellow to orange-gold. Xanthochromic specimens are rare in nature. We report two cases of adult xanthochromic specimens from the Mediterranean Sea: Epinephelus marginatus from Israel and Diplodus vulgaris from Greece and discuss the reason for the paucity of reports of xanthochromic fish from the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

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