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The effects of acute temperature change on the cost of bluegill Lepomis macrochirus swimming were quantified. At 14° C, maximum labriform swimming speed ( U lab,max) was reduced relative to that at the acclimation temperature of 22° C, but total cost of transport ( T TC) remained unchanged. At 30° C, U lab,max was the same as at 22° C, but T TC was 66% greater.  相似文献   

The effect of obstructions in steady flow on swimming by rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss was examined in a respirometry swim tunnel to test the prediction that fish interacting with obstructions require less energy to hold station. When an obstruction was present, O. mykiss altered the kinematics of swimming and the rate of oxygen consumption was significantly reduced. The fish employed both entrainment and Kármán gait swimming strategies, permitting greater locomotor efficiency.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the extent to which chasing, handling and confining Oncorhynchus mykiss to a small respirometer chamber during respirometric experiments is stressful and affects metabolic measurements. The study observed increased cortisol levels in animals tested using a chase protocol and subsequent intermittent‐flow respirometry, suggesting that this procedural treatment may stress animals.  相似文献   

Juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were exposed to two concentrations each of 17β‐oestradiol (E2; natural oestrogen hormone) or 17α‐ethinyl oestradiol (EE2; a potent synthetic oestrogen hormone) to evaluate their potential effects on burst‐swimming performance. In each of six successive burst‐swimming assays, burst‐swimming speed (Uburst) was lower in fish exposed to 0·5 and 1 µg l?1 E2 and EE2 for four days compared with control fish. A practice swim (2 days prior to exposure initiation) in control fish elevated initial Uburst values, but this training effect was not evident in the 1 µg l?1 EE2‐exposed fish. Several potential oestrogen‐mediated mechanisms for Uburst reductions were investigated, including effects on metabolic products, osmoregulation and blood oxygen‐carrying capacity. Prior to burst‐swimming trials, fish exposed to E2 and EE2 for 4 days had significantly reduced erythrocyte numbers and lower plasma glucose concentrations. After six repeated burst‐swimming trials, plasma glucose, lactate and creatinine concentrations were not significantly different among treatment groups; however, plasma Cl? concentrations were significantly reduced in E2‐ and EE2‐treated fish. In summary, E2 and EE2 exposure altered oxygen‐carrying capacity ([erythrocytes]) and an osmoregulatory‐related variable ([Cl?]), effects that may underlie reductions in burst‐swimming speed, which will have implications for fish performance in the wild.  相似文献   

In this study, clonal lines from North American resident and migratory populations of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss adapted to different geographical conditions and with different domestication histories were characterized morphologically. Lines reared in a common‐garden experiment were characterized for external shape and meristic values, searching for a general pattern of morphological variation due to exposure to captive conditions. A sharp distinction was identified between wild and captive lines. The body profile was deeper in captive lines, with longer dorsal and anal fins and shorter and deeper caudal peduncles. Highly significant differences were also identified in meristic values among the lines but no consistent relation between meristic values and domestication status was detected. This morphological characterization will facilitate the selection of lines with divergent phenotypes for subsequent quantitative trait loci analysis, aimed at identifying genome regions linked with morphological adaptive response to captive conditions.  相似文献   

为确定虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)是否能将日投放两次食物的不同时间和地点联系起来,在30天内,于09:00-10:00将食饵投放在水族箱一侧,于15:00-16:00将食饵投放在水族箱另一侧.在第21天和28天,不放食饵以确定虹鳟对时间-地点的学习记忆.结果表明,虹鳟将不同时间和地点联系起来以获取食物,并且在水族箱两个投放食饵之处均表现出预取食活动,提示该物种具有控制时间-地点学习任务的内在机制.  相似文献   

The 34% increase in relative ventricular mass (Mrv) resulting from chronic anaemia (induced by an intraperitoneal injection of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride) was accompanied by a 117% increase in coronary vascular volume of diploid rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Coronary vascular volume of normocythemic triploid fish was similar to that of normocythemic diploid fish despite a larger Mrv. These observations, in combination with previous studies, suggest that the vascularity of compact myocardium in O. mykiss can vary independently of Mrv.  相似文献   

This study examines whether injections of the commonly used bacterial-challenge pathogen Listonella anguillarum (formerly Vibrio anguillarum) negatively impact the ability of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum to perform repeat swimming trials. Fish were given intraperitoneal injections of either a sub-lethal (10(5) colony forming units; CFUs) or a lethal (10(7) CFUs) dose of L. anguillarum, held for 48 h, and then given 2 successive ramp critical swimming speed (Ucrit) tests separated by 45 min. Compared with saline-injected control fish, the low-dose injection did not significantly impair swimming performance and recovery. Similarly, Ucrit and re-performance for fish surviving the high-dose injection were comparable to control (2 of 6 fish died after injection and before testing). In contrast, a positive control test of seawater challenge did impair recovery of swimming performance. In view of these results and common use of L. anguillarum as a challenge pathogen for toxicological studies, it seems unlikely that the consequences of pathogenesis impact the important cardiorespiratory changes associated with exercise.  相似文献   

We investigated intra- and interspecific variation in swimming performance and related physiological parameters in two members of the salmonid family. For our comparisons, we sourced juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from one hatchery and a second strain of rainbow trout from another. The hatcheries maintain genetic stocks obtained several decades ago from very different environments. We tested competing hypotheses: that there would be greater interspecific (across species) variation or that there would be greater intraspecific (within species) variation, owing to regional adaptations. To test these hypotheses, individual and small schools of five fish were taken to fatigue using the critical swimming speed test (U(crit)), and three post-exercise physiological metrics, packed red cell volume (hematocrit), citrate synthase and lactate dehydrogenase activity, were assessed. The majority of the results in swimming performance and hematocrit support that intraspecific variation was greater than interspecific variation, i.e. the location had a stronger effect than did genus. Variation in lactate dehydrogenase activity supported neither intra- nor interspecific variation as determining factors. In sum, our findings suggest that the performance of different species of salmonids from the same locale can be more similar than those of the same species from different areas.  相似文献   

During normal development, rainbow trout undergo a shift in red muscle contraction kinetics and swimming kinematics. Young trout parr have faster muscle kinetics and faster tailbeat frequency during swimming than older, larger juvenile trout. In this study, the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T(4)) was used to induce these changes in trout parr. This allowed a comparison of swimming kinematics, through the use of video analysis and electromyography, and red muscle contractile properties, through the use of in vitro muscle preparations, between natural parr and same-sized induced juveniles. The red muscle of natural parr has faster contractile properties than induced juveniles, including faster twitch time and a faster maximum shortening velocity (V(max)). Further, natural parr swim with faster tailbeat frequencies than induced juveniles. The results suggest that the natural shift in red muscle contraction kinetics observed during parr-smolt transfomation in trout directly affects swimming behavior in these fish. Also, thyroid hormones appear to induce a shift towards slower isoforms of the muscle protein myosin heavy chain (MHC), a result distinct from work on rats where thyroid hormones induce shifts towards faster forms of MHC. J. Exp. Zool. 290:115-124, 2001.  相似文献   

Maternal size, age, and allostatic load influence offspring size, development, and survival. Some of these effects have been attributed to the release of glucocorticoids, and individual variation in these stress hormones is related to a number of traits. Correlated traits are often clustered and used to define the proactive and reactive stress coping styles. Although stress coping styles have been identified in a number of animal groups, little is known about the coupling between stress coping style and offspring characteristics. In the present study, plasma cortisol levels in ovulated mothers and cortisol levels in non-fertilized eggs from two rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) strains selected for high (HR) and low (LR) post-stress plasma cortisol levels were compared. Offspring characteristics such as egg size, larval growth, and energy reserves also were compared between the two strains. Maternal plasma and egg cortisol levels were correlated, but no difference between the HR and LR strains was detected in either parameter. LR females produced larger eggs, and larvae with larger yolk sacs compared to HR females, however no differences in larval body size (excluding the yolk) was detected between strains. Considering that the HR and LR strains have a number of correlated behavioral and physiological traits that resemble the reactive and proactive stress coping styles, respectively, the results suggest that proactive mothers invest more energy into their offspring, producing larvae with larger energy reserves. It is possible that larger energy reserves in proactive larvae support the energy requirement for establishing and defending territory in salmonid fish. Furthermore, in the present study we found a positive relationship between mother plasma cortisol and egg cortisol; however neither mother plasma cortisol nor egg cortisol differed between strains. These results indicate that cortisol endowment from the mother to the offspring plays a minor role in the transfer of the behavioral and physiological traits which separates these strains.  相似文献   

Residues of maternal nuclear DNA in the form of chromosome fragments were observed in the healthy and morphologically normal androgenetic rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. A hypothetical model for formation of chromosome re‐arrangements caused by the incomplete maternal nuclear DNA inactivation in the androgenetic rainbow trout was proposed in the present paper.  相似文献   

To quantify cardiorespiratory response to experimental anaemia in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, a 24 h phenylhydrazine treatment was used to reduce haematocrit to almost one third of its initial value over 4–5 days. In response, relative blood velocity in the ventral aorta (an index of cardiac output) progressively increased to more than double to its normocythaemic value and there was no significant change in routine oxygen uptake. Thus, the primary compensatory response to anaemia was an increase in cardiac output.  相似文献   

Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus and green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus were examined using geometric morphometrics to evaluate the variation in morphology between fishes that reside in lentic (e.g. lakes) and lotic (e.g. streams) ecosystems. Live fishes were collected from reservoirs and rivers in central Indiana, while additional fishes were sampled from museum collections at Ball State University and the Illinois Natural History Survey. Male and female L. macrochirus and female L. cyanellus from lentic systems display a deeper body than those from lotic systems, while no differences were found in male L. cyanellus morphometry. A deeper body promotes greater manoeuverability, typically desirable in lentic systems. In contrast, the more streamlined body of the fishes found in lotic systems reduces drag as it contends with flowing water, ultimately maximizing energy efficiency. The absence of morphological differences, such as those found in male L. cyanellus, may be caused by fish occupying both lentic and lotic systems, from the population not having been present in the body of water long enough to display any adaptations, or from a lack of statistical power caused by the small sample size.  相似文献   

This study presents data on myosin Va localization in the central nervous system of rainbow trout. We demonstrate, via immunoblots and immunocytochemistry, the expression of myosin Va in several neuronal populations of forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord. The neuronal populations that express myosin Va in trout constitute a very diverse group that do not seem to have many specific similarities such as neurotransmitters used, cellular size or length of their processes. The intensity of the immunoreactivity and the number of immunoreactive cells differ from region to region. Although there is a broad distribution of myosin Va, it is not present in all neuronal populations. This result is in agreement with a previous report, which indicated that myosin Va is approximately as abundant as conventional myosin II and kinesin, and it is broadly involved in neuronal motility events such as axoplasmatic transport. Furthermore, this distribution pattern is in accordance with what was shown in rats and mice; it indicates phylogenetic maintenance of the myosin Va main functions.  相似文献   

A proactive-reactive continuum integrating multiple (i.e., 3+) dimensions of animal behaviour has been reported as a major axis of behavioural differentiation, but its stability along a biological hierarchy from individuals to populations remains speculative. Piscivore and insectivore rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) represent closely related ecotypes with strong ecological divergence driven by selection for a large-bodied piscivorous lifestyle with fast juvenile growth vs. selection for smaller adult body size and lower growth associated with an insectivorous diet. To evaluate whether differences in behaviour between ecotypes are consistent with a proactive-reactive axis and consistent along a biological hierarchy, the authors examined variation in emergence time from a shelter, exploration, activity and predator inspection among individuals, populations and ecotypes of juvenile piscivore and insectivore rainbow trout O. mykiss. As expected, the faster-growing piscivore ecotype was more proactive (i.e., shorter emergence time, exploration and predator inspection) than the more reactive insectivore ecotype. This behavioural contrast was partly maintained across populations, although activity differences were most pronounced among populations, rather than emergence time. Insectivore fry showed substantial variation in behavioural expression among individuals within populations; by contrast, piscivores showed highly similar proactive behaviours with significantly lower inter-individual variation in behavioural expression, suggesting intense selection on behaviour supporting their faster growth. This work suggests that piscivore and insectivore O. mykiss broadly differ in behaviour along a proactive vs. reactive continuum, and highlights the greater multidimensionality of behavioural expression within the insectivore ecotype. Contrasting behaviours between ecotypes may result from differential selection for slow vs. fast juvenile growth and associated metabolism, and may contribute to adult trophic specialization.  相似文献   

Mobility is essential to the fitness of many animals, and the costs of locomotion can dominate daily energy budgets. Locomotor costs are determined by the physiological demands of sustaining mechanical performance, yet performance is poorly understood for most animals in the field, particularly aquatic organisms. We have used 3‐D underwater videography to quantify the swimming trajectories and propulsive modes of bluegills sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus, Rafinesque) in the field with high spatial (1–3 mm per pixel) and temporal (60 Hz frame rate) resolution. Although field swimming trajectories were variable and nonlinear in comparison to quasi steady‐state swimming in recirculating flumes, they were much less unsteady than the volitional swimming behaviors that underlie existing predictive models of field swimming cost. Performance analyses suggested that speed and path curvature data could be used to derive reasonable estimates of locomotor cost that fit within measured capacities for sustainable activity. The distinct differences between field swimming behavior and performance measures obtained under steady‐state laboratory conditions suggest that field observations are essential for informing approaches to quantifying locomotor performance in the laboratory.  相似文献   

In the present study, the pattern of immuno-reactive ladderlectin and intelectin in healthy rainbow trout is compared to rainbow trout infected with a variety of infectious agents. In healthy rainbow trout, both proteins were localized to individual epithelial cells of the gill and intestine and both proteins were clearly demonstrated within cytoplasmic granules of polymorphonuclear leucocytes and macrophages/monocytes found in blood vessels, hepatic sinusoids, renal interstitium, mucosal epithelium and submucosa of normal intestine. In tissue from infected rainbow trout, there was an overall relative increase in both lectins compared to healthy fish and both proteins were detected in extra-cellular spaces surrounding bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Increased distribution and density of both RTLL and RTInt was demonstrated along mucosal surfaces and within inflammatory leucocytes in infected tissues and immune related organs. These findings represent one of the few examples of in vivo association of defence lectins and infectious agents.  相似文献   

Patterns of transgene inheritance in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been very few studies of the inheritance of introduced genes (transgenes) in fish. We have followed the inheritance of the mammalian fusion gene MTrGH from founder generation transgenics (originating from eggs microinjected with the MTrGH DNA) to offspring in crosses with control fish. Initial screening of the founder generation transgenics was by analysing DNA from blood samples. Only three out of six fish which carried the novel gene in blood DNA transmitted it to their offspring, despite the presence of the gene in DNA extracted from the sperm of all four male fish in this group. The frequency of transgenics in the progeny groups from the three fish which transmitted the gene varied widely: in one of these groups more than one type of MTrGH restriction pattern was found. These results suggest widespread mosaicism in founder generation transgenics.  相似文献   

Behavioural fever, manifested as an increased preferred temperature, was shown in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss following an injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Simulated behavioural fever, through a 2·5° C water temperature rise following bacterial lipopolysaccharide injection, enhanced the expression of the cytokine interleukin-1β, in comparison with an untreated group held at the initial temperature. The present findings show that an important mediator in the immune response can be boosted through behavioural fever in fishes.  相似文献   

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