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王丹  赵亚辉  张春光 《动物学报》2005,51(3):423-430
长期以来,国内绝大多数有关研究者将海鲇属Arius中腭骨齿单侧3群的个体鉴定为海鲇A.thalassinus。基于中国科学院动物研究所标本馆馆藏海鲇标本的研究发现,标本中存在两种腭骨齿的分化类型;经文献查证,其中一种应为双线海鲇A.bilineatus,该种在我国尚未见有研究报道,为一新记录种。双线海鲇与海鲇外形相似,但前者吻较钝,唇薄,腭骨齿于前部相连,游离脊椎骨数目较多(46—51 vs 38—43),臀鳍鳍条数较多(15—18 vs 1316),无囟门沟,从而可与后者相区别[动物学报51(3):423—430,2005]。  相似文献   


An account is presented of the chemistry and algal flora of two streams in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The two streams, one of which is much warmer than the other, are separate upstream but subsequently merge. A comparison of the springs revealed that while they differed markedly in temperature, colour, turbidity, conductivity, solids, total alkalinity, total hardness, Ca, SiO3, SO4, Mg, Cl- and dissolved oxygen, they showed some similarities in pH, Fe, Na, K, PO4 and NO3. In the cold spring, while total alkalinity, conductivity and silicate increased in the wet season, total hardness decreased slightly and other variables exhibited fluctuations with season. For the warm spring, except for increased total alkalinity and total hardness, dissolved oxygen and pH decreased in the wet season. However, most parameters of the warm spring were unaffected by season. Floristically, the springs were rich in species with a total of 84 taxa: 56 in the warm spring, 33 in the cold spring, 44 at the confluence and 40 beyond the confluence. The warm spring was dominated mainly by blue-green algae such as Lyngbya birgei, Synechococcus aequalis and Oscillatoria spp.; the cold spring was dominated by Rhizoclonium hieroglyphicum and Navicula spp. The confluence was dominated by Terpsinoe musica, R. hieroglyphicum and Lyngbya birgei, while the site downstream of the confluence was dominated entirely by R. hieroglyphicum. In most cases, the confluence and downstream area beyond the confluence of the springs exhibited intermediate characteristics between the two springs. This study is a contribution to the dearth of information on streams in West Africa.  相似文献   

The morphology of ampullary organs in Plicofollis argyropleuron, collected from a southeast Queensland estuary, was examined by light and electron microscopy to assess the morphological characteristics of teleost ampullary organs in environments with fluctuating salinities. This catfish possesses both macroampullae and microampullae. Both have the typical teleost arrangement of an ampullary pore linked by a canal to a single ampulla that is lined with receptor and supportive cells. The canal wall of macroampullae consists of a collagen sheath, a basement membrane, and two layers of squamous epithelial cells adjacent to the lumen, joined by desmosomes and tight junctions near the surface of the epithelium. Ampullary pore diameters are similar in range for both the macroampullae and the microampullae, with microampullae always arising from the larger pores within a single region of the head. Canal length of the macroampullae is longer than those of the microampullae. Macroampullae also contain approximately 10 times as many receptor cells compared with the microampullae. In both organs, these pear‐shaped receptor cells alternate with supportive cells along the entire luminal surface of the ampulla. The apical region of receptor cells extends into the lumen and bears numerous microvilli. The basal region of receptor cells adjoins to either individual or multiple unmyelinated neural terminals. The coexistence of two markedly different ampullary organ morphologies within a single species support theories concerning the possible multifunctionality of these sensory organs. J. Morphol., 276:1405–1411, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Populations of the phytoseiid predator Amblyseius(=Neoseiulus) idaeus (Denmark & Muma) from northeastern Brazil, have been successfully introduced into Benin, West Africa, as part of a classical biological control campaign to control the exotic cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar). Monthly follow‐up surveys revealed the presence of A. idaeus in most release sites. Some populations have persisted for at least 18 months, including two cycles of potentially limiting wet and dry season conditions. In some sites A. idaeus has been the numerically dominant phytoseiid predator on cassava Manihot esculenta, where it is associated with the tetranychids M. tanajoa and Oligonychus gossypii Zacher. During periods of low M. tanajoa densities A. idaeus disappeared from cassava, but were found on weeds with O. gossypii until prey densities on cassava increased.  相似文献   

Zooplankton samples were collected from 49 small reservoirs of northern Ivory Coast in April 1997. Thirty taxa were identified, including 20 rotifers, 3 copepods and 6 cladocerans. The number of taxa per lake ranged between 12 to 22 and decreased with the total abundance of zooplankton. Copepods dominated standing biomass. Coinertia analysis suggested the role of seston food abundance, oxygen depletion and turbidity for zooplankton abundance and community structure. Rotifers, and particularly Brachionus angularis, Polyarthra and Filinia, were more abundant than copepods in the most eutrophic, turbid and deoxygenated reservoirs. The role of oxygen as a determinant of community structure is probably linked to the specific tolerance of taxa, but turbidity role could not be evaluated with certainty in the absence of information on visual predators.  相似文献   

Aim In order to enhance the effectiveness of comparisons between modelled and empirical data for present and past vegetation, it is important to improve the characterization of tropical grass‐dominated biomes reconstructed from fossil tracers. This study presents a method for assigning phytolith assemblages to tropical grass‐dominated biomes, with the objective of offering a new tool for combining pollen and phytolith data in the reconstruction of tropical biomes. Location The West African latitudinal transect studied here extends from 12° N (southern Senegal) to 23° N (southern Mauritania), passing through the Guinean, Sudanian, Sahelian and Saharan bioclimatic zones. Methods Modern phytolith assemblages were extracted from 59 soil surface samples taken throughout the study area and allocated, a priori, to three current biomes: (1) desert C4 grassland, (2) short grass savanna, and (3) tall grass savanna. Five out of nine phytolith types identified were used as predictors in a discriminant analysis (with calibration and validation steps) for assigning phytolith assemblages to biomes. In addition, 74 modern pollen spectra from the West African transect, acquired from the African Pollen Database ( http://medias.obs‐mip.fr/apd ), were processed by the biomization method. This mathematical procedure involves assigning palynological taxa to one or more plant functional types, which represent broad classes of plants. The plant functional types, in turn, are combined to define biomes following a specific set of algorithms and rules. The resulting maps of the phytolith biomes thus derived were compared with maps of pollen biomes and of contemporary ecosystem classes. Results In the calibration and validation steps, 91.5% and up to 83%, respectively, of the phytolith samples were assigned to the correct biome. The short grass savanna and tall grass savanna biomes were assigned with similar accuracy by both the phytolith and pollen biomization methods, but the phytolith method gave substantially superior results for the desert C4 grassland biome, providing seven out of seven correct assignments, compared with just one out of four by pollen biomization. Comparisons between an existing ecosystem map and the maps created from phytolith estimation showed close correspondence for desert C4 grassland, short grass savanna and tall grass savanna, the latter providing correct assignments in 88, 62 and 91% of cases, respectively. Main conclusions The phytolith discriminant analysis method presented here accurately estimates three C4 grass‐dominated biomes that are widespread in West Africa. Complementarities between the phytolith method and pollen biomization are highlighted. Combining complementary phytolith and pollen data would provide more accurate assignments of C4 grass‐dominated biomes than pollen biomization alone.  相似文献   

Aim In recent decades there has been a marked decline in the numbers of African lions (Panthera leo), especially in West Africa where the species is regionally endangered. Based on the climatological history of western Africa, we hypothesize that West and Central African lions have a unique evolutionary history, which is reflected by their genetic makeup. Location Sub‐Saharan Africa and India, with special focus on West and Central Africa. Method In this study 126 samples, throughout the lion’s complete geographic range, were subjected to phylogenetic analyses. DNA sequences of a mitochondrial region, containing cytochrome b, tRNAPro, tRNAThr and the left part of the control region, were analysed. Results Bayesian, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses consistently showed a distinction between lions from West and Central Africa and lions from southern and East Africa. West and Central African lions are more closely related to Asiatic lions than to the southern and East African lions. This can be explained by a Pleistocene extinction and subsequent recolonization of West Africa from refugia in the Middle East. This is further supported by the fact that the West and Central African clade shows relatively little genetic diversity and is therefore thought to be an evolutionarily young clade. Main conclusions The taxonomic division between an African and an Asian subspecies does not fully reflect the overall genetic diversity within lions. In order to conserve genetic diversity within the species, genetically distinct lineages should be prioritized. Understanding the geographic pattern of genetic diversity is key to developing conservation strategies, both for in situ management and for breeding of captive stocks.  相似文献   

Bruno Massa 《ZooKeys》2015,(472):77-102
The results of the study of many specimens preserved in different European museums are reported. The tribe Terpnistrini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 is resurrected. The distribution of the following species is enhanced: Pardalota asymmetrica Karsch, 1896, Diogena denticulata Chopard, 1954, Diogena fausta (Burmeister, 1838), Plangiopsis adeps Karsch, 1896, Poreuomena sanghensis Massa, 2013 and Tylopsis continua (Walker, 1869). Further, for their peculiar characteristics, two African representatives of the American genus Symmetropleura Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878 are included in two new genera: Symmetrokarschia africana (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878), comb. n. and Symmetroraggea dirempta (Karsch, 1889), comb. n. A new genus and species from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angustithorax spiniger gen. n., sp. n., and a new genus and species from Tanzania, Arostratum oblitum gen. n., sp. n. are described. Finally Melidia claudiae sp. n. and Atlasacris brevipennis sp. n. are described and compared with related species.  相似文献   

Between March 2000 and April 2001, 63 specimens of N. barba from Angra dos Reis, coastal zone of the State of Rio de Janeiro (23 degrees 0' S, 44 degrees 19' W), Brazil, were necropsied to study their infracommunities of metazoan parasites. Fifteen species of metazoan parasites were collected: 2 digeneans, 1 monogenean, 2 cestodes, 1 acantocephalan, 2 nematodes, 6 copepods, and 1 hirudinean. Ninety-six percent of the catfishes were parasitized by at least one metazoan parasite species. A total of 646 individual parasites was collected, with mean of 10.3 +/- 16.6 parasites/fish. The copepods were 37.5% of the total parasite specimens collected. Lepeophtheirus monacanthus was the most dominant species and the only species with abundance positively correlated with the host total length. Host sex did not influence parasite prevalence or mean abundance of any species. The mean diversity in the infracommunities of N. barba was H = 0.130 +/- 0.115 with no correlation with host's total length and without differences in relation to sex of the host. One pair of endoparasites (Dinosoma clupeola and Pseudoacanthostomum floridensis) showed positive association and covariation between their abundances and prevalences. The parasite community of N. barba from Rio de Janeiro can be defined as a complex of species with low prevalence and abundance and with scarcity of interspecific associations. However, because of both the presence of assemblages of sympatric ariid species as well as the spawning behavior characteristic of these fishes, additional comparative studies of the parasite component communities of ariids are necessaries to elucidate this pattern.  相似文献   

Halicyclops korodiensis Onabamiro was recorded in plankton samples of the brackish waters of the Warri River, Nigeria, West Africa. It is redescribed and figured.  相似文献   

Locris rubens (Erichson) (Cercopidae: Homoptera) and Poophilus costalis (Walker) (Aphrophoridae: Homoptera) are endemic pests of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in Nigeria and some other countries in West and Central Africa. Other hosts are maize, pearl millet, rice, sugarcane, and grasses. On sorghum, L. rubens lays eggs in the epidermis of the leaf sheath. There are five nymphal instars and development from egg to adult takes about 33 days. Both species of spittle bugs feed on all growth stages and all parts of sorghum, including the panicle. Feeding symptoms include yellow leaf blotching. Severe infestations often kill young leaves and plants. Under artificial infestation in cages, the severity of damage and associated symptoms as well as grain yield loss increased with an increase in the population density of spittle bugs. Infestation by 15 pairs of adult L. rubens  相似文献   

In Mali, adolescent girls face many physical stresses which, with a history of poor nutrition, can result in delayed growth and development. Despite the fact that adolescent girls encounter nutritional demands, most research in Mali has focused only on young children. This study examines anthropometric and reproductive data on 1,056 adolescent girls (aged 10-17 years) from the Segou Region of Mali. When compared to the reference population, the Malian girls exhibited poorer indicators of growth and development. Z-scores for height-for-age and weight-for-age were below 0 at all ages. Urban girls had better indicators of growth than rural girls. The body composition data show that the Malian girls have lower body fat than reference girls. Menarche was delayed by about 1.5 years compared to girls from the United States and Europe. Delayed growth and development may be due to many factors, including a history of undernutrition, poor socioeconomic status, and increased energy demands.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing interest in the role of African savannah and woodlands on the global carbon cycle, little is known about the above-ground biomass (AGB) and the factors affecting it in these ecosystems in West Africa. We estimated AGB in different vegetation types of a forest–savannah mosaic in Togo, and we investigated the relationship between AGB, structural and diversity attributes. We also assessed the effects of using the ≥5 or ≥10 cm diameter threshold on AGB estimates. We sampled tree diameter, height and species of all trees ≥5 cm diameter following standardised protocols in 160 plots of 50 × 20 m (50 × 10 m for riparian). Above-ground biomass (AGB) (all trees ≥5 cm diameter) ranged from 6.2 Mg/ha in shrub savannah to 292 Mg/ha in riparian forest and showed significant differences between vegetation types. Differences in AGB were related to structural attributes, with little influence of diversity attributes. The effects of minimum tree diameter size (5 or 10 cm) on AGB estimates were negligible. At a landscape level, closed-canopy and open forests stored important quantities of carbon. We highlight the importance of the forest–savannah mosaic as a large carbon pool, which could be released if converted to another land cover type.  相似文献   

An organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst analysis was carried out on 53 surface sediment samples from West Africa (17–6°N) to obtain insight in the relationship between their spatial distribution and hydrological conditions in the upper water column as well as marine productivity in the study area.Multivariate analysis of the dinoflagellate cyst relative abundances and environmental parameters of the water column shows that sea-surface temperature, salinity, marine productivity and bottom water oxygen are the factors that relate significantly to the distribution patterns of individual species in the region.The composition of cyst assemblages and dinoflagellate cyst concentrations allows the identification of four hydrographic regimes; 1) the northern regime between 17 and 14°N characterized by high productivity associated with seasonal coastal upwelling, 2) the southern regime between 12 and 6°N associated with high-nutrient waters influenced by river discharge 3) the intermediate regime between 14 and 12°N influenced mainly by seasonal coastal upwelling additionally associated with fluvial input of terrestrial nutrients and 4) the offshore regime characterized by low chlorophyll-a concentrations in upper waters and high bottom water oxygen concentrations.Our data show that cysts of Polykrikos kofoidii, Selenopemphix quanta, Dubridinium spp., Echinidinium species, cysts of Protoperidinium monospinum and Spiniferites pachydermus are the best proxies to reconstruct the boundary between the NE trade winds and the monsoon winds in the subtropical eastern Atlantic Ocean. The association of Bitectatodinium spongium, Lejeunecysta oliva, Quinquecuspis concreta, Selenopemphix nephroides, Trinovantedinium applanatum can be used to reconstruct past river outflow variations within this region.  相似文献   

Synopsis The shapes of juveniles of nine species of the family Sparidae (Diplodus annularis, Diplodus puntazzo, Diplodus sargus, Diplodus vulgaris, Lithognathus mormyrus, Pagellus acarne, Sarpa salpa, Sparus aurata, Spondyliosoma cantharus), collected in the tide channel of the Caprolace Lagoon (Central Tyrrhenian Sea—Italy) were studied using geometric morphometry. These species have different ecologies. The trophic ecology of each species, reported as TROPH values, are related to shape. For the first time the relationship between shape and trophic ecology in sparids was studied in a quantitative way giving an ecomorphological meaning to the shape differences. Mean shapes of carnivorous, omnivorous and herbivorous fish were extracted, analyzed and found to be unique. Strict herbivores such as Sarpa salpa have a small mouth gap; omnivores such as the four species of the genus Diplodus have a higher body (discoidal) and a caudal peduncle shorter and higher; carnivorous species such as Lithognathus mormyrus, possess a relatively larger head region, a larger mouth gap, a longer body and a caudal peduncle longer and narrower.  相似文献   

Marine catfishes use estuaries and bays as part of their life cycle for spawning and feeding purposes, respectively. We compared three species of the family Ariidae in two different environmental conditionsa relatively stable bay site and an estuarine site, which differ in their magnitudes of environmental fluctuation to investigate effects of spawning on condition. We found differences in the parameter b (slope) and in they-intercept (a) among species and sexes. The parameter a varied inversely with b, and thus is not a good indicator to express fish condition. Condition factor did not differ between the two sites for species and sexes when we consider the pooled data. Overall condition was associated with reproductive process, and was high before the reproductive season, decreasing during the spawning period in the estuary, then increasing when fish move to the bay (April–August). Temporal segregation in the reproductive period and small-scale movements between the estuary and the bay are the probable mechanisms to optimize the use of the area by the three species.  相似文献   

The examination of material representing one of Lake Tanganyika's six previously recognized endemic catfish lineages, has revealed the presence of an additional genus of clariid, described here as Pseudotanganikallabes new genus. This genus is represented by a single species, Pseudotanganikallabes prognatha sp. nov., which is distinguished from all other clariids by its lack of an infraorbital series, the presence of multiple osseous connections between the swim bladder capsules and elements of the neurocranium, the absence of an ethmoid notch, the presence of a very large, egg‐shaped occipital fontanelle and the extension of the lower lip beyond the margin of the upper jaw. A combination of additional external and molecular characters serves to further distinguish this taxon from all currently recognized clariid species. Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial (cytb) and nuclear (18S‐ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2‐28S) sequence data supports the creation of a new genus for this species, as it appears to represent an independent, monophyletic lineage within the family Clariidae.  相似文献   



Seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) of the Caribbean Islands (primarily West Indies) is floristically distinct from Neotropical SDTF in Central and South America. We evaluate whether tree species composition was associated with climatic gradients or geographical distance. Turnover (dissimilarity) in species composition of different islands or among more distant sites would suggest communities structured by speciation and dispersal limitations. A nested pattern would be consistent with a steep resource gradient. Correlation of species composition with climatic variation would suggest communities structured by broad‐scale environmental filtering.


The West Indies (The Bahamas, Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia), Providencia (Colombia), south Florida (USA) and Florida Keys (USA).


Seed plants—woody taxa (primarily trees).


We compiled 572 plots from 23 surveys conducted between 1969 and 2016. Hierarchical clustering of species in plots, and indicator species analysis for the resulting groups of sites, identified geographical patterns of turnover in species composition. Nonparametric analysis of variance, applied to principal components of bioclimatic variables, determined the degree of covariation in climate with location. Nestedness versus turnover in species composition was evaluated using beta diversity partitioning. Generalized dissimilarity modelling partitioned the effect of climate versus geographical distance on species composition.


Despite a set of commonly occurring species, SDTF tree community composition was distinct among islands and was characterized by spatial turnover on climatic gradients that covaried with geographical gradients. Greater Antillean islands were characterized by endemic indicator species. Northern subtropical areas supported distinct, rather than nested, SDTF communities in spite of low levels of endemism.

Main conclusions

The SDTF species composition was correlated with climatic variation. SDTF on large Greater Antillean islands (Hispaniola, Jamaica and Cuba) was characterized by endemic species, consistent with their geological history and the biogeography of plant lineages. These results suggest that both environmental filtering and speciation shape Caribbean SDTF tree communities.  相似文献   

We examine the influence of climate, soil properties and vegetation characteristics on soil organic carbon (SOC) along a transect of West African ecosystems sampled across a precipitation gradient on contrasting soil types stretching from Ghana (15°N) to Mali (7°N). Our findings derive from a total of 1108 soil cores sampled over 14 permanent plots. The observed pattern in SOC stocks reflects the very different climatic conditions and contrasting soil properties existing along the latitudinal transect. The combined effects of these factors strongly influence vegetation structure. SOC stocks in the first 2 m of soil ranged from 20 Mg C ha?1 for a Sahelian savanna in Mali to over 120 Mg C ha?1 for a transitional forest in Ghana. The degree of interdependence between soil bulk density (SBD) and soil properties is highlighted by the strong negative relationships observed between SBD and SOC (r> 0.84). A simple predictive function capable of encompassing the effect of climate, soil properties and vegetation type on SOC stocks showed that available water and sand content taken together could explain 0.84 and 0.86 of the total variability in SOC stocks observed to 0.3 and 1.0 m depth respectively. Used in combination with a suitable climatic parameter, sand content is a good predictor of SOC stored in highly weathered dry tropical ecosystems with arguably less confounding effects than provided by clay content. There was an increased contribution of resistant SOC to the total SOC pool for lower rainfall soils, this likely being the result of more frequent fire events in the grassier savannas of the more arid regions. This work provides new insights into the mechanisms determining the distribution of carbon storage in tropical soils and should contribute significantly to the development of robust predictive models of biogeochemical cycling and vegetation dynamics in tropical regions.  相似文献   

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