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China harbors a high species diversity of freshwater fishes not shared with any of its neighboring nations. Freshwater fish diversity in the country has been under severe threat from human activities over the past decades, thus conservation freshwater fishes and ecosystems is urgently needed. To accumulate baseline data for guiding protection actions, the third red list assessment of Chinese freshwater fishes was carried out. Among Chinese freshwater fishes assessed, there are 355 at-risk species (22.3% of the total), including 69 ranked as Critically Endangered, 97 as Endangered, and 189 as Vulnerable. Two species are classified as Extinct and one as Regionally Extinct. China's threat level seems to be lower than the known average level found in the IUCN's global assessment of freshwater fishes, but this is an artifact of a high rate of species classified as Data Deficient. Conservation of freshwater fishes is presently facing a grim situation in China. Imperilment of Chinese freshwater fishes is primarily attributed to habitat loss and degradation arising from human perturbations, particularly river damming. Despite the adoption of protected areas setting up, captive breeding and release, and a fishing moratorium, conservation efforts for freshwater fishes are compromised by disproportional attention in China's biodiversity conservation, baseline data deficiency, insufficiently designed protection networks, and inefficient or inadequate implementation of conservation strategies. To achieve the objectives of Chinese freshwater fish conservation, it is proposed to conduct a national-scale survey of fish diversity and reassess their at-risk status, develop systematic conservation planning of freshwater fish diversity and ecosystems, prioritize strategies for protected areas development, perform genetic-based captive breeding for releasing in concert with other protection actions, and implement flexible fishing moratorium strategies in different water bodies.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems provide goods and services of critical importance to human societies, yet they are among the most heavily altered ecosystems with an overproportional loss of biodiversity. Major threats to freshwater biodiversity include overexploitation, water pollution, fragmentation, destruction or degradation of habitat, and invasions by non-native species. Alterations of natural flow regimes by man-made dams, land-use changes, river impoundments, and water abstraction often have profound impacts on lotic communities. An understanding of the functional interactions and processes in freshwater ecosystems presents a major challenge for scientists, but is crucial for effective and sustainable restoration. Most conservation approaches to date have considered single species or single level strategies. In contrast, the concept of ‘Integrative Freshwater Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation’ (IFEBC) proposed herein addresses the interactions between abiotic and biotic factors on different levels of organization qualitatively and quantitatively. It consequently results in a more holistic understanding of biodiversity functioning and management. Core questions include modeling of the processes in aquatic key habitats and their functionality based on the identification and quantification of factors which control the spatial and temporal distribution of biodiversity and productivity in aquatic ecosystems. The context and importance of research into IFEBC is illustrated using case studies from three major areas of research: (i) aquatic habitat quality and restoration ecology, (ii) the genetic and evolutionary potential of aquatic species, and (iii) the detection of stress and toxic effects in aquatic ecosystems using biomarkers. In conclusion, our understanding of the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and conservation management can greatly benefit from the methodological combination of molecular and ecological tools.  相似文献   

Various factors constrain the existence and development of inland fishes and fisheries, such as pollution, habitat degradation, alien invasive species, local user conflicts, low social priority and inadequate research and funding. In many cases, however, degradation of the environment and loss of aquatic habitat are the predominant concerns for the conservation of freshwater aquatic biota. The need for concerted effort to prevent and reduce environmental degradation, as well as protection of freshwater fishes and fisheries as renewable common pool resources or entities in their own right, are the greatest challenges facing the conservation of fishes in inland waters. Unfortunately, traditional conservation practices such as regulation of exploitation, protected areas and habitat restoration have failed to arrest the alarming increase in number of threatened freshwater fish species worldwide. This paper examines the shifting paradigm of fisheries management from rule-based regulation, through fishery enhancement towards the ecosystem approach to fisheries, with reference to inland waters, and how the emerging concept of ecosystem services coupled with traditional fish conservation management practices, institutional restructuring and integrated management planning should provide a more sustainable thrust to formulation and promotion of fish conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

淡水鱼类功能生态学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
在全球变化和人类活动的影响下,生物多样性正以前所未有的速度丧失,全球生物正经受第六次生物多样性危机。淡水生态系统是最脆弱的生态系统之一。淡水鱼类作为淡水生态系统的重要组成部分,承受着日趋严重的气候变化、栖息地退化、生物入侵和过度捕捞等压力,面临巨大的威胁。在此背景下,如何准确评估鱼类种群和群落对环境变化的响应,以及鱼类群落结构和功能的变化对生态系统功能的影响是淡水鱼类多样性和淡水生态系统保护的关键问题。近年来,淡水鱼类功能生态学的快速发展为解答这一问题提供了一个框架。系统地介绍了淡水鱼类功能生态学主要研究内容、方法、进展及其应用,并着重介绍了淡水鱼类功能特征及其与环境的关系、环境变化下的功能生态学响应研究。据此提出了淡水鱼类功能生态学未来的重点研究方向,指出了其在鱼类多样性保护和资源利用等领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

Many freshwater ecosystems and biotas around the world are threatened with extinction. Freshwater fishes, for example, are the most endangered vertebrates after amphibians. Exotic fish are widely recognized as a major disturbance agent for native fish. Evaluating the ecological effects of invaders presents many challenges and the problem is greatly augmented in parts of the world where the native fauna is poorly known and where exotic species are commonplace. We use the fish community of Patagonia, a small and distinct native biota dominated by exotic salmonids, as a case study to ask: what can we learn about the effects of exotic fish species from fragmentary or partial data and how do such data point the way to what needs to be learned? We review the available data and literature on the distribution and status of native and introduced fish. We compile a novel regional presence/absence species database, build fish distribution maps, describe distribution patterns of native and exotic species, and identify critical information voids. A comparative review of literature from Patagonia and Australasia, where a similar native and exotic fish fauna is found, helps us to identify research priorities and promising management strategies for the conservation of native fish fauna. We conclude that the main challenge for fish conservation in Patagonia is to identify management strategies that could preserve native species while maintaining the quality of salmonid fisheries.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are among the most diverse and dynamic ecosystems on Earth. At the same time, they are among the most threatened ecosystems but remain underrepresented in biodiversity research and conservation efforts. The rate of decline of vertebrate populations is much higher in freshwaters than in terrestrial or marine realms. Freshwater megafauna (i.e., freshwater animals that can reach a body mass ≥30 kg) are intrinsically prone to extinction due to their large body size, complex habitat requirements and slow life‐history strategies such as long life span and late maturity. However, population trends and distribution changes of freshwater megafauna, at continental or global scales, remain unclear. In the present study, we compiled population data of 126 freshwater megafauna species globally from the Living Planet Database and available literature, and distribution data of 44 species inhabiting Europe and the United States from literature and databases of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and NatureServe. We quantified changes in population abundance and distribution range of freshwater megafauna species. Globally, freshwater megafauna populations declined by 88% from 1970 to 2012, with the highest declines in the Indomalaya and Palearctic realms (?99% and ?97%, respectively). Among taxonomic groups, mega‐fishes exhibited the greatest global decline (?94%). In addition, freshwater megafauna experienced major range contractions. For example, distribution ranges of 42% of all freshwater megafauna species in Europe contracted by more than 40% of historical areas. We highlight the various sources of uncertainty in tracking changes in populations and distributions of freshwater megafauna, such as the lack of monitoring data and taxonomic and spatial biases. The detected trends emphasize the critical plight of freshwater megafauna globally and highlight the broader need for concerted, targeted and timely conservation of freshwater biodiversity.  相似文献   

Brazil has a variety of aquatic ecosystems and rich freshwater biodiversity, but these components have been constantly damaged by the expansion of unsustainable activities. An array of different conservation strategies is needed, especially the creation of protected areas (PAs, hereafter). However, Brazil's PAs are biased towards terrestrial ecosystems and we argue that current PAs have limited efficacy in the protection of freshwater biodiversity. New PAs should better consider aquatic environments, covering entire basins, rivers and other freshwater habitats. We recommend ways to implement these PAs and provide guidance to avoid social impacts. Freshwater systems in Brazil provide essential goods and services but these ecosystems are being rapidly degraded and will be lost if not adequately protected.  相似文献   

本文介绍了黄河流域鱼类研究的历史、淡水鱼类的物种组成、整体分布格局、特有性、濒危性, 以及鱼类多样性在黄河上、中、下游等的特点。历史上对于黄河鱼类多样性的研究, 历经了四个阶段, 从最初的零星记录一直到现阶段的深入研究。综合历史记录和野外调查, 已知黄河流域分布的淡水鱼类共计147种, 隶属于12目21科78属, 其中鲤形目种类占据绝对优势。另外, 全流域黄河特有种计有27种, 受危物种24种, 分别占总数的18.37%和16.32%。同中国主要江河相比, 黄河鱼类在高级分类阶元上的多样性较高, 但物种多样性则处在较低水平; 尽管黄河特有鱼类和受危物种比例低于全国平均水平, 但上游特有鱼类和珍稀濒危鱼类的占比很高。目前黄河鱼类多样性大幅降低, 现状调查仅能采获历史记录种类的53.06%。梯级水电开发、水资源过度利用、外来物种、水域污染和过度捕捞都是威胁鱼类多样性的重要因素, 但对各河段和支流的影响不一, 应做出有针对性的保护部署。  相似文献   

Over-abstraction of water places unsustainable pressures on river ecosystems, with the impacts amplified under drought conditions. Freshwater fishes are particularly vulnerable due to associated changes in water quality, and habitat availability, condition and connectivity. Accordingly, fish assemblages are ideal indicators of the impacts of drought and over-abstraction. The Murray-Darling Basin (MDB), south-eastern Australia, terminates at the Ramsar listed Coorong and Lower Lakes, which comprise Lake Alexandrina and Lake Albert. Over-abstraction and extreme drought during the last decade has placed these lakes under severe environmental stress. The purpose of this study was to investigate shifts in fish assemblages caused by substantial water level recession and salinization in the Lower Lakes. Small-bodied fish assemblages were sampled at the beginning and several years into the drought. Off-lake habitats held diverse fish assemblages in 2003, but most sites were dry by 2009. Remaining habitats were disconnected, salinities increased substantially, and aquatic vegetation shifted from freshwater to salt-tolerant species. There was a substantial decline in the proportion of specialist species, especially diadromous and threatened species, and an emerging dominance of generalist freshwater and estuarine species. The findings warn of the inevitable ecological impact of over-allocating water for human use in drought-prone regions, and highlight the need for adequate environmental water allocations. This study also emphasises that understanding the ecological attributes of a fish species, and the subsequent assignment to a functional group, will help predict vulnerability to decline and extirpation.  相似文献   

We examined changes in the distribution of 9 native and 18 introduced freshwater fishes in the south-eastern Pyrenees watershed, Iberian Peninsula, using data from 1996, 1984–1988 and historical information. This region suffers many modifications to its freshwater ecosystems that are linked to human activity in the Mediterranean regions. Fish communities, stream physical habitat and environmental degradation were assessed at 168 sites from 11 basins in 1996. Seven native species (78%) showed decline from previous data, one of which became extirpated in the first half of the 20th century. On the other hand, introduced species are expanding. As a consequence, intact native communities are increasingly rare, declining from presence in 22% of river courses in 1984–1988 to 15% in 1996. The most typical community type is a mixture of native and introduced species occupying 30% of river courses. Stream degradation seems to be the main cause of this process because fish communities differed between degraded streams and streams suffering less impact. A principal component analysis showed that water pollution and modifications to the habitat were the two anthropogenic factors that accounted for most changes in the fish community integrity. Habitat alteration, primarily through construction of dams and water diversions, has fragmented habitats and isolated native fish communities in headwater streams. Current protection measures do not offer effective conservation of threatened species and communities. A global conservation and restoration programme from an ecosystem-based approach is essential to reverse the trend affecting native freshwater fishes in this Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Synopsis Before we can conserve freshwater fish communities, we must first elucidate the habitat uses of each species. We investigated the relationships between the habits of freshwater fishes and environmental factors in small streams located in western Toyama Prefecture, Japan. We found 30 species – 11 fluvial, 5 brackish water, 2 anadromous, 11 amphidromous, and 1 catadromous – by a semi-quantitative collecting method. Using binary data (occurrence/non-occurrence of dominant fish), we conducted logistic regression analyses to construct predictive models. Stepwise logistic regression analyses on the basis of eight biotic and abiotic factors showed that the occurrence of dominant fish was explained by environmental conditions. The flow variation, ratio of stream bed slope to the surrounding area, distance from sea, and drift plant richness were relevant. Freshwater minnow, Phoxinus oxycephalus jouyi, preferred the gentle slopes of upstream catchments. The freshwater goby, Rhinogobius flumineus, appeared to prefer steeper slopes relative to the surrounding area. In contrast, diadromous gobies preferred reaches near the sea. These suggest a correspondence between lifestyle and preferred habitat. Consequently, the maintenance of various habitat conditions is necessary for the conservation of freshwater fishes.  相似文献   



Climate change is expected to have profound effects on species' distributions into the future. Freshwater fishes, an important component of freshwater ecosystems, are no exception. Here, we project shifts in suitable conditions for Australian freshwater fishes under different climate change scenarios to identify species that may experience significant declines in habitat suitability.




We use MAXENT bioclimatic models to estimate the effect of climate change on the suitable conditions for 154 species of Australian freshwater fishes, of which 109 are endemic and 29 are threatened with extinction. Suitable conditions for freshwater fish species are modelled using three different Earth System climate models (ESMs) under two different emission scenarios to the year 2100. For each species, we examine potential geographic shifts in the distribution of suitable conditions from the present day to 2100 and quantify how habitat suitability may change at currently occupied sites by the end of this century.


Broadscale poleward shifts in suitable conditions are projected for Australian freshwater fishes by an average of up to 0.38° (~180 km) across all species, depending on the emission scenario. Considerable loss of suitable conditions is forecast to occur within currently recognized distributional extents by 2100, with a mean projected loss of up to 17.5% across species. Predicted geographic range shifts and declines are larger under a high-emission scenario. Threatened species are projected to be more adversely affected than nonthreatened species.

Main Conclusions

Our models identify species and geographic regions that may be vulnerable to climate change, enabling freshwater fish conservation into the future.  相似文献   

No lizards are strictly aquatic, but at least 73 species in 11 different families can be considered to regularly utilize freshwater habitats. There are no aquatic lizards in the Nearctic or Palearctic regions, whereas the Neotropics, Southeast Asia, and the Indo-Australian Archipelago support the greatest diversity of freshwater forms, particularly in the families Gymnophthalmidae, Scincidae and Varanidae. A number of larger aquatic lizards are harvested for food and for the reptile skin trade and several are CITES listed. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Freshwater environments are currently experiencing an alarming decline in biodiversity. As a result, scientists and managers must look for alternative management techniques to protect these aquatic systems. One such option that has potential to protect freshwater environments from numerous threats is the use of freshwater protected areas (FPAs). FPAs are portions of the freshwater environment partitioned to minimize disturbances and allow natural processes to govern populations and ecosystems. While similar conservation practices are well established in the terrestrial and marine environments, the use of FPAs for conservation of freshwater environments has been relatively slow. Despite this, numerous examples exist in which FPAs have been incorporated into successful management approaches for freshwater environments. In this paper, we outline some of the past success stories where FPAs have been used to protect freshwater environments, discuss some of the reasons that this technique has not proliferated to the same degree as marine protected areas, and present some of the challenges that managers and scientists must overcome if they wish to implement FPAs. We recommend that the term Freshwater Protected Area be adopted to such conservation efforts, thereby standardizing terminology and facilitating literature searches and dissemination of research findings. Furthermore, we encourage freshwater scientists, conservationists and managers to develop and implement FPAs in innovative and creative situations thereby permitting the growth of the research base for this valuable conservation technique.  相似文献   

Synopsis The diversity of fishes is declining worldwide, largely as the result of habitat alterations created by decisions that foster short-term economic gain. While the best arguments for preserving endangered fishes and ecosystems are non-economic arguments, they have been relatively ineffective. Therefore, it is necessary to provide economic arguments as well. Fish in general have high market values and are a vital source of protein for humans but these values have contributed more to their decline than to their conservation. Fish also have high value as indicators of the health of ecosystems which provide many services to humans, such as clean water. This has not prevented the degradation of aquatic ecosystems, although the value of fisheries has occasionally justified ecosystem protection. Existence values have been developed as a way of putting an economic value on some of the less tangible aspects of fish and ecosystems but they also make it possible to justify extinctions. If the continuous increase in the number of endangered fishes and aquatic ecosystems is to be halted, then the economic costs of environmental degradation to future generations must be included as part of the cost of doing business today (intergenerational value). Political action is needed to protect fishes and aquatic habitats against the day when more benign economic and philosophical systems become predominant.Invited essay  相似文献   

The conservation and management of inland fish and freshwater ecosystems immensely contribute to global sustainable development. The existing ‘Protected Area’ (PA) network does not represent freshwater resources well and seldom considers its fish communities, while designating PAs. A study was undertaken to quantitatively assess the role played by the three terrestrial PAs (IUCN category IV) in conserving fish diversity and preserving habitat quality in the river reaches bordering the three PAs of the river Pranhita. It is a unique river system in the Indian Deccan Plateau in terms of fish diversity and community structure. Field surveys were conducted during the non-monsoon and monsoon seasons in 2020–21, that recorded 53 species including endemic and threatened fishes from river Pranhita, which represent more than one-third the number of fish species of Telangana state. The higher diversity and lower dominance index value (p < 0.01) reported in PAs compared to Eco Sensitive Zones and unprotected areas during the non-monsoon season indicate the role of intact physical habitat in providing refuges to the fish species in monsoon dependent tropical rivers. The optimal water quality revealed no significant difference (p > 0.0001) between protected and unprotected river reaches, and healthy biotic integrity assessed on the basis of fish community structure was attributed to the contiguous flow and less anthropogenic disturbance. This study supports that it can be considered as a representative zone for the conservation and protection of indigenous and endemic fish species of the Godavari Basin. The results concluded that the scope of the terrestrial PA network in India could be potentially extended to their bordering aquatic ecosystems, especially rivers to maintain pristine habitat conditions and conserve the fish genetic resources to ensure the flow of ecosystem services.  相似文献   

巢湖渔业资源现状及其对水体富营养化的响应研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
2002年至2004年期间,对巢湖鱼类资源进行调查,共发现鱼类54种,隶属16科、9目,主要以鲤科鱼类为主(35种),占64.8%,与20世纪80年代相比,鱼类种类数减少了40种,主要表现在洄游性种类急剧减少,甚至消失。渔业资源结构(渔获物)表现为以湖鲚、太湖新银鱼等小型鱼类为优势种类,在渔产量的比例不断上升,而大型鱼类(如翘嘴、鲤等)的种群结构趋于低龄化,产量呈下降趋势。结合已有的历史资料,分析巢湖渔业资源变化的影响因素,结果表明造成巢湖渔业资源结构变化受人为活动的影响主要表现在水利工程修建、过度捕捞和水体富营养化等方面。同时探讨近20年巢湖渔业捕捞产量与水体氮磷含量变化的相互关系发现,水体磷的含量变化显著影响巢湖渔业的捕捞产量。因此,合理利用巢湖渔业资源,需要减轻水体富营养化,控制捕捞强度和人为调整渔业结构使得巢湖渔业可持续发展。  相似文献   

Understanding the causes and consequences of current biogeography is of paramount importance in species ecology, evolution and conservation. Yunnan province is a scarce example to testify biogeography patterns, causes and conservation challenge for its complex geography, high biodiversity and increasing human activities. Freshwater fishes are among the most effective faunas to explain biogeography for their limited ability to disperse. In the present study, totally 375 fish species in 146 genera, 26 families and 9 orders were included. Four key areas with higher diversity were randomly distributed in the province. Six environmental parameters as minimum temperature, mean precipitation, mean altitude, altitude range, river length, maximum slope, and their any combinations could effectively explain the current fish spatial patterns. A total of 625 individuals belonging to 30 dominated genera were grouped into six communities, each showing a better use of living spaces and food. Historical event was the primary factor to determine the current spatial distribution pattern of freshwater fishes in Yunnan Province, followed by the changing environment. Relationships among fish species with different personalities finally made the fauna more stable. The biogeography will move to a confusion pattern under the increasing human intervention and consequent environment changes.  相似文献   

淡水鱼类功能多样性及其研究方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,群落功能多样性备受生态学界关注,被认为是能解决生态问题的一种重要途径。我国对于群落功能多样性主要集中在植物群落和微生物群落,而在鱼类群落方面的研究几乎是空白。我国鱼类资源正面临着严重威胁,包括水坝建设导致的鱼类通道受阻、水库形成造成鱼类产卵场功能消失、过度捕捞、水质恶化和富营养化加重、外来种入侵等因素,导致渔业资源急剧衰退,水生生态系统功能下降。以淡水鱼类群落为例,对鱼类功能多样性的数据获取及处理分析与评价、测定指标及计算方法与研究难点等进行综述,以期为鱼类资源保护提供新的理论依据和切入点。  相似文献   

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