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A system of markers has been devised to track the development of 3rd and 4th instar/pharate adult greenhouse whiteflies. Instars were identified based on measurements of body width and body length. Depending upon the host plant, the product of the two measurements was exceptionally useful in distinguishing between instars. Body depth was used to divide the 3rd instar into eight stages and body depth and color and appearance of the developing adult eye were used to divide the 4th instar/pharate adult into nine stages. Under conditions of L:D 16:8 and a temperature of 26±2°C, the body depth of 3rd instars reared on greenbean increased from 0.025 (stage 1) to 0.2 mm (stage 8) and the instar duration was approximately 3 days. The body depth of 4th instars increased from approximately 0.1±0.02 (Stage 1) to 0.3±0.03 mm (Stage 5) and then remained constant or decreased slightly during adult development. Ecdysteroid titers peaked at approximately 120 fg/μg protein during Stages 3 through 6 of the 4th instar. Based on an external examination of developing 4th instars and the fluctuations in ecdysteroid titer, it appears that adult development is initiated in Stage 4 or 5 4th instars. Results from histological studies support this view. In Stage 4 nymphs, a subtle change was observed in the corneagenous cells of the eye. However, most Stage 4 4th instars possessed wing development characteristic of earlier, immature stages. In all Stage 5 insects, wing development had been initiated and the corneagenous cells had become quite distinct. In Stage 6 whiteflies, the wing buds were deeply folded and by Stage 7, spines were observed on the new cuticle, indicating that the adult cuticle was well-formed by this stage. Our study is the first to investigate the timing and regulation of the molt, to monitor ecdysteroid titers in precisely staged 4th instar whiteflies and to examine the internal anatomical changes associated with metamorphosis in these tiny homopteran insects.  相似文献   

We investigated relationships between morphological attributes and mesohabitat use in populations of Cottus carolinae. Field studies revealed significant differences between Ozark and prairie stream mesohabitats where populations of C. carolinae occurred. Features of the mesohabitat that were characteristic of each stream type correlated with intra- and inter-specific differences in morphological attributes of Cottus. The morphology of Cottus occurring in the deeper, slower, and siltier prairie stream exhibited larger head width and depth, body width and depth, and caudal peduncle width while those occurring in a shallower, faster flowing Ozark stream had longer pelvic fins, larger eyes, and deeper caudal peduncles. Each population had a morphology tailored to optimize its performance in a specific habitat. Results of laboratory based performance studies using a variable flow chamber revealed that critical current velocities (CCV) of live and preserved specimens were weakly associated with distinct combinations of morphological traits. Specimens with higher CCV measurements typically had longer pelvic fins, larger eyes, and deeper caudal fins (Ozark morphology). Those with lower CCVs had larger head width and depth, body width and depth, and caudal peduncle width (prairie morphology) in studies using cobble as the substrate. Differences in flow regimes between prairie and Ozark streams may generate specific niches for specific morphotypes, and current velocity may exert selective pressure on morphology.  相似文献   

Heterochrony, an evolutionary change in developmental processes, is one of the major proximate causes of morphological diversity of organisms. It has been reported in the medaka Oryzias latipes that higher-latitude larvae have a genetic tendency to complete fin ray formation at larger body sizes, which results in relatively shorter anal and dorsal fins in adults. However, this latitudinal, heterochronic variation in fin length in the wild may be partially explained by latitudinal differences in thermal environments, if temperatures affect the timing of fin ray formation. Common-environment experiments revealed that the body size at which fin pterygiophore (a basal skeleton of fin rays) formation was completed was larger in higher-latitude larvae than in lower-latitude larvae at all temperatures examined, supporting the proposal that fin ray formation of the former is genetically delayed. However, phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature was also evident; lower temperatures caused delayed fin ray formation until a larger body size had been achieved in both high- and low-latitude larvae. These observations suggest that habitat temperatures also contribute to the latitudinal difference in the timing of fin development, magnifying phenotypic variation in fin length across latitudes. We discuss reasons for this positive covariance between genetic and environmental effects on the latitudinal, heterochronic variation, from the viewpoint of local adaptation and evolution of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

The study of developmental sequences of physiological traits could be an important way of placing comparative developmental physiology (CDP) within the research agenda being forged by work on developmental plasticity. Here we focus on the concept of heterokairy defined by Spicer & Burggren in 2003 as changes in the timing of physiological development in an individual. The role of this concept in the future of the CDP is discussed. First we provide an historical perspective of the ideas that have led to the investigation of sequences in CDP. This is followed by a re-examination and clarification of the definition of physiological heterokairy before empirical case studies that (explicitly or implicitly) demonstrate physiological heterokairy are reviewed. We suggest that physiological heterokairy can be demonstrated through a wide range of invertebrate and vertebrate examples. However, care must be taken when inferring that heterokairy as a pattern is always the result of heterokairic processes as there is evidence that physiological heterokairy could result from the altered timing of both homologous or analogous physiological mechanisms. We conclude by discussing the potential link between heterokairy and heterochrony and suggest that the investigation of this link should be a major goal for workers in both CDP and developmental plasticity.  相似文献   

Ecdysone haemolymph levels and in vivo development of imaginal wing discs have been studied during the last larval instar of Pieris brassicae.During this period, β-ecdysone variations show two successive peaks, the first one related to the induction of wandering stage, and the second (main) one to pupal cuticle synthesis. The observed situation is very similar to that of Manduca sexta. Imaginal wing disc growth is composed of several genetically programmed steps that need the presence of ecdysone, but do not appear very closely linked to circulating hormone levels. It seems that ecdysone haemolymph peaks should be considered as periods where ecdysone levels are above a threshold value.  相似文献   

During the fifth larval instar of Manduca sexta the commitment of the epidermis to the synthesis of pupal cuticle is presumably affected by a small increase in ecdysteroid titre when juvenile hormone levels are minimal. Two sequential rounds of DNA synthesis without an intervening mitosis occur at about this time, resulting in polyploidy of the epidermis. There is a definite temporal correlation between the first peak of ecdysone and the second round of DNA synthesis and indirect evidence has been presented which suggests that this small increase in ecdysteroid titre actually initiates the second period of DNA synthesis. Further, it appears that large doses of ecdysteroids do not elicit the same response as smaller doses at a specific developmental stage, indicating that the different physiological effects of ecdysteroids (reprogramming and apolysis) may be dependent upon the relative concentration of the hormone. Following mitosis which takes place on approximately day 6 of the last instar, the epidermis undergoes apolysis and secretes pupal cuticle, expressing the commitment made 4.5 days earlier. These results support the ‘quantal mitosis’ theory of cytodifferentiation since the covert differentiative event occurs during a period of DNA synthesis and since mitosis precedes the expression of that event.  相似文献   

A large number of contact chemoreceptors are located on the ovipositor valves of adult female grasshoppers. These receptors play an important role in many aspects of grasshopper life such as detecting the chemical composition of the soil before and during oviposition. It is surprising, however, to find these types of receptors on the ovipositor valves of instar larvae which are not able to oviposit. Thus, these receptors may serve functions other than to search for a suitable site for egg laying. Observation under the scanning electron microscope revealed the presence of uniporous basiconic contact chemoreceptors in addition to different types of trichoid mechanoreceptors on the ovipositor valve of lubber grasshopper 3rd instar larvae. Neuroanatomical studies have shown that these sensilla are multiply innervated, containing one mechanosensory neuron and four chemosensory neurons that project locally and intersegmentally. The tip recording technique from single basiconic sensilla demonstrated mechanosensory responses to deflections of the sensillum as well as gustatory activity when in contact with different chemical solutions. The electrophysiological studies have shown that these sensilla serve as contact chemoreceptors and not as olfactory receptors.  相似文献   

Summary By using horseradish peroxydase (HRP) as a tracer, it is shown that the gonial region of the locust testis is an open compartment which is almost always freely penetrated by the tracer. During the last larval instar, however, the penetration of HRP decreases and ceases at the time when high levels of ecdysteroids are detected in the haemolymph by radioimmunoassay. A cause and effect relationship between tracer uptake and hormonal level could not be demonstrated by the experiments carried out up to now. From ultrastructural observations of the testis, it is concluded that the temporary isolation of the gonial compartment is not based upon any morphological structure which could act as a barrier. Penetration of the macromolecule is considered as the expression of an active uptake by the testis and the short period of nonpenetrability as a state of inertia whose significance remains to be discovered.  相似文献   

Ecdysone metabolism in Pieris brassicae during the feeding last larval stage was investigated by using 3H-labeled ecdysteroid injections followed by high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC
  • 1 Abbreviations: 3DE = 3-dehydroecdysone; 3D20E = 3-dehydro-20-hydroxyecdysone; 2026E = 20,26-dihydroxyecdysone; E = ecdysone; Eoic = ecdysonoic acid; 2026E′ = 3-epi-20,26-dihydroxyecdysone; E′ = 3-epiecdysone; E′oic = 3-epiecdysonoic acid; E′8P = 3-epiecdysone 3-phosphate; 20E′ = 3-epi-20-hydroxyecdysone; 20E′3P = 3-epi-20-hydroxyecdysone 3-phosphate; FT = Fourier transform; HPLC = high-performance liquid chromatography; 20E = 20-hydroxyecdysone; 20Eoic = 20-hydroxyecdysonoic acid; NMR = nuclear magnetic resonance; NP-HPLC = normal phase HPLC; RP-HPLC = reverse phase HPLC; TFA = trifluoroacetic acid; Tris = tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane.
  • ) analysis of metabolites. Metabolites were generally identified by comigration with available references in different HPLC systems. Analysis of compounds for which no reference was available required a large-scale preparation and purification for their identification by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry. The metabolic reactions affect the ecdysone molecule at C-3, C-20, and C-26, leading to molecules which are modified at one, two, or three of these positions. At C-20, hydroxylation leads to 20-hydroxyecdysteroids. At C-26, hydroxylation leads to 26-hydroxyecdysteroids which can be further converted into 26-oic derivatives (ecdysonoic acids) by oxidation. At C-3, there are several possibilities: there may be oxidation into 3-dehydroecdysteroids, or epimerization possibly followed by phosphate conjugation. Thus, injected 20-hydroxyecdysone was converted principally into 20-hydroxyecdysonoic acid, 3-dehydro-20-hydroxyecdysone, and 3-epi-20-hydroxyecdysone 3-phosphate. Labelled ecdysone mainly gave the same metabolites doubled by a homologous series lacking the 20-hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

    The adaptive radiation of the Antarctic notothenioid ancestral benthic fish stock within the chronic freezing waters of the Southern Ocean gave rise to five highly cold adapted families. Their stenothermy, first observed from several high-latitude McMurdo Sound species, has been of increasing recent interest given the threat of rising polar water temperatures from global climate change. In this study we determined the heat tolerance in a geographically diverse group of 11 Antarctic species as their critical thermal maximum (CTMax). When acclimatized to their natural freezing water temperatures, environmental CTMaxs ranged from 11.95 to 16.17 °C, well below those of fishes endemic to warmer waters. There was a significant regional split, with higher CTMaxs in species from the more northerly and thermally variable Seasonal Pack-ice Zone. When eight of the Antarctic species were warm acclimated to 4 °C all showed a significant increase over their environmental CTMaxs, with several showing plasticity comparable in magnitude to some far more eurythermal fishes. When the accrual of heat tolerance during acclimation was followed in three high-latitude McMurdo Sound species, it was found to develop slowly in two of them, which was correlated with their low metabolic rates.  相似文献   

    Changes in prothoracic gland morphology were correlated to developmental events and ecdysteroid titres (20-hydroxyecdysone equivalents) during the last-larval instar in Spodoptera littoralis. After ecdysis to the last-larval instar the haemolymph ecdysteroid titre remained at about 45 ng/ml, when the prothoracic glands appeared quiescent. The first signs of distinct gland activity, indicated by increased cell size and radial channel formation, were observed at about 12 h prior to the cessation of feeding (36 h after the last-larval moult), accompanied by a gradual increase in ecdysteroid titre to 110 ng/ml haemolymph, at the onset of metamorphosis. During this phase ecdysteroid titres remained at a constant level (140–210 ng/ml haemolymph) and prothoracic gland cellular activity was absent for a short period. The construction of pupation cells occurred when haemolymph ecdysteroids titres increased to 700 ng/ml. A rapid increase in ecdysteroids began on the fourth night (1600 ng/ml haemolymph) reaching a maximal level (4000 ng/ml haemolymph) at the beginning of the fourth day. In freshly moulted pupae a relatively high ecdysteroid titre (1100 ng/ml haemolymph) was still observed, although during a decrease to almost negligible levels. The increase in ecdysteroid level during the third and the fourth nights of the last-larval instar was correlated with the period when almost all the prothoracic gland cells showed signs of high activity. Neck-ligation experiments indicated the necessity of head factors for normal metamorphosis up to the second to third day of the instar. The possibility that the prothoracic glands are under prothoracicotropic hormone regulation at these times is discussed.  相似文献   

    When environments differentially influence male and female performance, environmental sex determination (ESD) might evolve. The conclusion from several previous theoretical models was that reaction norms for sex determination should have a single, sharp threshold, with only females being produced in some environments and only males in others. These reaction norms can be disadvantageous in fluctuating environments, however, because they lead to sex-ratio fluctuations. We analysed the evolution of ESD, looking for equilibrium strategies in unconstrained as well as constrained strategy spaces. We identified situations where a single-threshold reaction norm is not evolutionarily stable. In these cases, we found stable strategies in the form of complex reaction norms, showing an oscillatory pattern of sex determination with respect to variation in an environmental variable. Considering that constraints could prevent such phenotypes from being realized, we found that certain randomized reaction norms, with probabilistic sex determination for a range of environments, would achieve nearly the same fitness. We also investigated reaction norms constrained to have a single threshold and found that genetic polymorphism in the environmental threshold value could evolve, producing a similar effect as a randomized reaction norm. We argue that the appearance of genetic variation can be regarded as an alternative outcome when constraints prevent the evolution of a more complex or a randomized strategy.  相似文献   

    The wing Anlagen of Tenebrio develop from epidermal cells located on the lateral margins of meso- and metathoraces. Three to four days after larval ecdysis, these cells start to proliferate slowly, continuing to do so until day 13 which corresponds to the period of the pupal commitment of the remaining epidermis. The wing Anlagen cells then proliferate rapidly until day 18.5. Three days before pupal ecdysis, the mitotic index falls suddenly while 40% of the Anlagen cells disappear owing to cell degeneration. The sudden changes observed in the mitotic index are correlated with two hemolymphatic peaks in ecdysteroid levels. Anlagen of the forewings and hindwings show similar development except for cuticular secretion at the end of the instar which is greater on the upper face of the forewings. A comparison is made with imaginal discs and histoblasts described in other holometabolous insects.  相似文献   

    Weakly electric gymnotiform fish specialize in the regulation and modulation of the action potentials that make up their multi-purpose electric signals. To produce communication signals, gymnotiform fish modulate the waveforms of their electric organ discharges (EODs) over timescales spanning ten orders of magnitude within the animal’s life cycle: developmental, reproductive, circadian, and behavioral. Rapid changes lasting milliseconds to seconds are the result of direct neural control of action potential firing in the electric organ. Intermediate-term changes taking minutes to hours result from the action of melanocortin peptides, the pituitary hormones that induce skin darkening and cortisol release in many vertebrates. Long-term changes in the EOD waveform taking days to weeks result from the action of sex steroids on the electrocytes in the electric organ as well as changes in the neural control structures in the brain. These long-term changes in the electric organ seem to be associated with changes in the expression of voltage-gated ion channels in two gene families. Electric organs express multiple voltage-gated sodium channel genes, at least one of which seems to be regulated by androgens. Electric organs also express multiple subunits of the shaker (Kv1) family of voltage-gated potassium channels. Expression of the Kv1 subtype has been found to vary with the duration of the waveform in the electric signal. Our increasing understanding of the mechanisms underlying precise control of electric communication signals may yield significant insights into the diversity of natural mechanisms available for modifying the performance of ion channels in excitable membranes. These mechanisms may lead to better understanding of normal function in a wide range of physiological systems and future application in treatment of disease states involving pathology of excitable membranes.  相似文献   

    We have previously reported that the absence of prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) signal transduction during the early last larval instar of Bombyx mori plays a role in leading to very low ecdysteroid levels in the hemolymph, inactivation of the corpora allata, as well as larval-pupal transformation. In the present study, adenylate cyclase was characterized in crude preparations of prothoracic gland cell membranes in an effort to localize the cause of refractoriness to PTTH. It was found that cyclase activity of the prothoracic glands from the day 6 last instar showed activation responses to fluoride, a guanine nucleotide analogue, as well as calmodulin (CaM) in dose-dependent fashions. The additive effects of day 5 prothoracic gland adenylate cyclase stimulation by fluoride and CaM imply that there may exist Gs protein-dependent and CaM-dependent forms of adenylate cyclase. For day 1 last instar prothoracic glands, which showed no response to stimulation by PTTH in either cAMP generation or ecdysteroidogenesis, adenylate cyclase activity exhibited far less responsiveness to Ca(2+)/CaM than did that from day 5 glands. These findings suggest that day 1 prothoracic glands may possess some lesions in the receptor-Ca(2+) influx-adenylate cyclase signal transduction pathway and these impairments in PTTH signal transduction may be, at least in part, responsible for decreased ecdysteroidogenesis.  相似文献   

    The ecdysteroid titre and the body weight during the last-larval instar of Ephestia kuehniella were determined. Slightly elevated ecdysteroid titres occur during the first 12 h following the last larval-larval ecdysis (38 ng/g) and again some 120 h later, lasting about 48 h (33 ng/g). A high ecdysteroid peak (750 ng/g) with a maximum in prepupae of the eye-class A4 precedes the larval-pupal ecdysis. The basal levels between these increased ecdysteroid titres are between 13 ng/g and 15 ng/g. Compared with the body weight, the first sligtly increased ecdysteroid titre 12 h after ecdysis is associated with the beginning of food intake, the second increase at 144 h after ecdysis with reduced gain in body weight. The prepupal ecdysteroid peak occurs whilst the body weight remains constant. Correlations between the varying ecdysteroid titre and morphological and physiological events accompanying the progress in larval-pupal development are discussed.  相似文献   

    In stony corals it is often observed that specimens collected from a sheltered growth site have more open and more thinly branched growth forms than specimens of the same species from more exposed growth sites, where stronger water currents are found. This observation was explained using an abiotic computational model inspired by coral growth, in which the growth velocity depended locally on the absorption of a resource dispersed by advection and diffusion (Kaandorp and Sloot, J. Theor. Biol 209 (2001) 257). In that model a morphological range was found; as the Péclet-number (indicating the relative importance of advective and diffusive nutrient transport) was increased, more compact and spherical growth forms were found. Two unsatisfactory items have remained in this model, which we address in the present paper. First, an explicit curvature rule was responsible for branching. In this work we show that the curvature rule is not needed: the model exhibits spontaneous branching, provided that the resource field is computed with enough precision. Second, previously no explanation was given for the morphological range found in the simulations. Here we show that such an explanation is given by the conditions under which spontaneous branching occurs in our model, in which the compactness of the growth forms depends on the ratio of the rates of growth and nutrient transport. We did not find an effect of flow. This suggests that the computational evidence that hydrodynamics influences the compactness of corals in laminar flows may not be conclusive. The applicability of the Laplacian growth paradigm to understand coral growth is discussed.  相似文献   

    The fat body increases in weight throughout the last larval instar in spite of the loss in total body weight during the wandering and prepupal stages. The protein content of fat body increases dramatically and is greatly responsible for the increase in fat body weight in the wandering and prepupal stages. Lipids do not contribute significantly to the fat body weight gain except during the feeding stage. The amount of total fat body RNA increases until wandering then drops abruptly in the prepupal stage. The total amount of fat body DNA peaks before the onset of wandering and prepupal stages.  相似文献   

    Developmental changes in hemolymph ecdysteroid level, ecdysteroid synthesis by prothoracic glands (PGs) in vitro, prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) activity in brain extracts, and PTTH activity in the hemolymph were measured during the fifth larval instar of the Eri silkworm, Samia cynthia ricini. The changing patterns of hemolymph ecdysteroid level and ecdysteroid synthesis by laGs in vitro are similar to each other, with maximums on day 9. However, on this day, hemolymph ecdysteroid level was substantially higher than ecdysteroid synthesis by PGs in vitro suggesting a high PTTH activity in the hemolymph on day 9. Moreover, the changing pattern of PTTH activity in brain extracts is also similar to that of PTTH activity in the hemolymph, both peaking on day 9. However, on this day, activity in brain extracts was much smaller than PTTH activity in the hemolymph implying that most PTTH synthesized by the brain is secreted to the hemolymph and the brain stores a very little amount of PTTH. This study provides unique insights onto the hormonal regulation of ecdysteroid synthesis in the Eri silkworm and is useful for our future studies on signal transduction of insect neurolaelatides.  相似文献   

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