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Although the development of the soybean ovule has been fairlywell studied, knowledge of the sequence of events in the seedcoat during the first 3 weeks after flowering is incomplete.The goal of the present study was to document, using light microscopy,the early development of the soybean seed coat with respectto changes in structure and histochemistry. At anthesis, theseed coat consists of an outer layer of cuboidal epidermal cellssurrounding several layers of undifferentiated parenchyma (whichtogether constitute the outer integument), and an inner layerof cuboidal endothelial cells (the inner integument). At 3 dpost anthesis (dpa), the inner integument has expanded to includethree to five layers of relatively large cells with thick, heavily-stainingcell walls immediately adjacent to the endothelium. By 18 dpa,the outer integument has developed into a complex of tissuescomprised of an inner layer of thick-walled parenchyma, an outerlayer of thin-walled parenchyma containing vascular tissue whichhas grown down from the lateral vascular bundles in the hilumregion, a hypodermis of hourglass cells, and palisade layer(epidermis). The thick-walled parenchyma of the inner integumenthas become completely stretched and compressed, leaving a single,deeply staining wall layer directly above the endothelium. At21 dpa, the outermost cells of the endosperm have begun to compressthe endothelium. At 45 dpa (physiological maturity) the seedcoat retains only the palisade layer, hourglass cells, and afew layers of thin-walled parenchyma. The innermost layer ofthe endosperm, the aleurone layer, adheres to the inside ofthe seed coat. This knowledge will be invaluable in future studiesof manipulation of gene expression in the seed coat to modifyseed or seed coat characteristics. Copyright 1999 Annals ofBotany Company Soybean, Glycine max, seed coat, development, aleurone.  相似文献   

MANNING, J. C. & BRITS, G. J., 1993. Seed coat development in Leucospermum cordifolium (Knight) Fourcade (Proteaceae) and a clarification of the seed covering structures in Proteaceae . The development of the seed coat and pericarp is studied in Leucospermum cordifolium from ovule to mature seed. The ovule and seed are characterized by a tegmic pachychalaza. The pericarp is adnate to the integuments from anthesis and remains unthickened to maturity. The outer integument forms the seed coat and the seed is endotestal: the outer epidermis becomes tanniniferous and the inner epidermis develops into a crystalliferous palisade. The inner integument degenerates at an early stage. Examination of the literature reveals that the crystal palisade layer of the outer integument has been erroneously assumed to constitute an endocarp. This finding indicates that a re-interpretation of all published information on the seed coat in indehiscent Proteaceae is necessary before any speculations on the phylogenetic significance of the seed coat can be entertained.  相似文献   

The development of the floral bud, especially the ovule and seed coat, of Sinomanglietia glauca was observed. Floral buds were covered by eight to nine hypsophyll pieces. The hypsophyll nearest the tepal was closed completely and characterized by two arrays of densely stained cells with dense cytoplasm, which split longitudinally at flowering. The perianth consisted of 16 tepals arranged in three whorls. The gynoecium was composed of numerous apocarpous carpels; the ovule was anatropous with two integuments. Embryogenesis was of the Polygonum type, and the endosperm was nuclear. The inner integument degenerated during seed development. The seed of S. glauca had an endotestal seed coat comprised of a sclerotic layer derived from the inner adaxial epidermis of the outer integument and a sarcotesta derived mainly from the middle cells between the inner and outer epidermis of the outer integument. The embryo developed normally, so embryogenesis is not the cause of difficult regeneration.  相似文献   

The ovule ofGnetum gnemon has three envelopes around the nucellus. The outer one forms two clear swellings at the lateral sides during the early developmental stages. The middle envelope also shows two swellings in many cases arranged decussately with respect to those of the outer one. All these swellings become obscure or disappear later. The inner envelope arises as an annular primordium and forms several manifest lobes at the stage of pollination. it develops two proliferating structures from its middle portion, viz., a flange and a micropyle-closing tissue. The three envelopes differentiatiate into the fleshy outer, sclerenchymatic middle and compressed inner layers of the seed coat, respectively. The inner one, however, remains restricted to the apical part of the seed owing to endochalazal growth. The outer envelope is derived from both dermal and subdermal cells of the ovule primordium and, therefore, is of dual origin. The middle and inner envelopes are subdermal in origin. The present study has cleared up some conflicting reports in the previous publications.  相似文献   

长豇豆的胚珠具内外两层珠被,内珠被在种子发育早期退化消失,种皮仅由外珠被发育而成。外珠被的外表皮细胞径向伸长,外壁和经向壁增厚,形成约占成熟种皮厚度一半的栅栏层;亚表皮细胞发育为骨状石细胞层。第三层细胞类似于亚表皮层但细胞壁增厚不明显,其内方的多层薄壁细胞形成海绵组织。种脐具两层栅栏细胞,外栅栏层及其以外部分由珠柄组织发育而成管胞群。本文还对脐缝和管胞群的作用以及豆科种子的吸水机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Acalyphoideae, the largest subfamily of Euphorbiaceae, are investigated with respect to ovule and seed structure on the basis of 172 species of 80 genera in all 20 tribes of Acalyphoideae sensu Webster. All species of Acalyphoideae examined have bitegmic ovules with a non-vascularized inner integument. However, noticeable differences exist among and sometimes within the genera in the thickness of the inner and outer integument, the presence or absence of vascular bundles in the outer integument, whether ovules are pachychalazal or not, the presence or absence of an aril, seed coat structure (in terms of the best-developed mechanical cell-layer), and the shape of cells constituting the exotegmen. For the latter two characters, two different types of seed coat (i.e., "exotegmic" and "exotestal") and three different types of exotegmic cell (i.e., palisadal, tracheoidal and ribbon-like) were distinguished. Comparisons showed that three tribes Clutieae, Chaetocarpeae and Pereae are distinct from the other Acalyphoideae as well as from the other Euphorbiaceae in having an exotestal seed coat with a tracheoidal exotegmen. The tribe Dicoelieae is also distinct from the other Acalyphoideae in having an exotegmic seed that is composed of ribbon-like cells of exotegmen (i.e., cells both longitudinally and radially elongated, sclerotic and pitted). The tribe Galearieae, which should be treated as a distinct family Pandaceae, is also distinct from the other Acalyphoideae in having an exotegmic seed with a tracheoidal exotegmen (i.e., cells longitudinally elongated, sclerotic and pitted). The remaining genera of Acalyphoideae always have an exotegmic seed with a palisadal exotegmen (i.e., cells radially elongated, sclerotic and pitted). The shared palisadal exotegmen supports the close affinity of Acalyphoideae (excluding five tribes) with Crotonoideae and Euphorbioideae. Within the remaining genera of Acalyphoideae, a significant diversity is found in ovule and seed morphology with respect to the thickness of the inner and outer integument, the size of chalaza, vascularization of an outer integument and an aril.  相似文献   

Development of ovule and seed in Rapateaceae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
VENTURELLI, M. & BOUMAN, F., 1988. Development of ovule and seed in Rapateaceae. The structure of the ovules and/or seeds of twelve species of Rapateaceae were studied, some additional embryological characters also being recorded. The ovules are always anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate, but they differ in the shape, size and in thickness of the outer integument. In Rapateaceae the outer integument is initiated subdermally. The seed coat of the Rapateaceae shows two mechanical layers: an endotesta with silica present as bodies or as incrustations in cell walls, in conjunction with an exotegmen with a jigsaw cell pattern complicated by a labyrinth-like sculpturing of the outer cell walls. The innermost layer of the inner integument is tanniniferous. Large hilar scars with tracheidal plates on the corresponding fruit wall and a persistent obturator are recorded in Rapateaceae. On the basis of embryological characters the family fits well into the Commelinales. Testa structure most closely resembles that of the Commelinaceae. The differences in ovule and seed structure agree with the currently accepted tribal classification.  相似文献   



The Arabidopsis outer ovule integument is a simple two-cell layered structure that grows around the developing embryo and develops into the outer layer of the seed coat. As one of the functions of the seed coat is the protection of the plant embryo, the outer ovule integument is an example for a plant organ whose morphogenesis has to be precisely regulated.  相似文献   

从胚胎学特征探讨四合木的系统位置   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文从胚胎学特征探讨了四合木的系统位置。胚胎学研究表明,四合木与蒺藜利具较近亲缘关系,但又有明显区别。表现为。四合木花药壁发育为基本型,绒毡层细胞多数具单核,心皮合生但深裂至近基部,胚株直生,具较长珠柄,无承珠盘,无珠被绒毡层,只具一列线形大孢子四分体,成熟胚囊为四细胞(四核),珠被在胚胎发育过程逐渐退化,因此,成熟种子中只具外珠被内层残迹;胚乳大部分细胞解体,而外缘胚乳细胞特化,在成熟种子中代替种皮起保护功能。因此,四合木是否应从蒺藜科分出而另列一种,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

In Lithraea brasiliensis Marchand the exocarp is characterized by brachysclereids and the parenchymatous mesocarp by large secretory ducts; inner sclerenchymatous ridges are absent in die mesocarp. The stratified endocarp s. s. comprises a crystal layer, palisade-like brachysclereids, osteosclereids and macrosclereids. The osteosclereids are characterized by a distinct light line or linea lucida , which has hitherto also been recorded in a species of Rhus. In the partially pachychalazal seed, a typical Anacardiaceae-like hypostase typifies the chalazal part of the seed coat, while the integumentary seed coat reveals a well preserved outer epidermis, a compressed endotegmen and well developed inner cuticular layer. Our comparison of die characters of the ovule, fruit and seed of L. brasiliensis with those of various species of Rhus and other genera of the tribe Rhoeae (some closely related) presents evidence that L. brasiliensis could be most closely associated with the genus Rhus.  相似文献   

Studies on embryology and seed morphology are complementary to molecular phylogenetics and of special value at the genus level. This paper discusses the delimitation and evolutionary relationships of genera within the tribe Hydrophylleae of the Boraginaceae. The seven Nemophila species characterized by a conspicuous seed appendage are similar in embryology and seed structure. The ovule is tenuinucellate and unitegmic with a meristematic tapetum. The embryo sac penetrating the nucellar apex is of the Polygonum type, has short-lived antipodal cells, and an embryo sac haustorium. The endosperm is cellular, producing two terminal endosperm haustoria, of which the chalazal has a lateral branch. Embryogeny is of the Chenopodiad type (as in Pholistoma). The seed coat is formed from the small-celled inner epidermis of the integument. The large-celled outer epidermis of the integument disintegrates into scattered cells. Seed pits evolve from irregularly placed inner epidermal cells of the integument. The chalazal part of the ovule produces a cucullus, that functions as an ant-attracting elaiosome. Those species of Nemophila with a conspicuous cucullus form a natural genus. Nemophila is most closely related to Pholistoma. The integumentary seed pits of Nemophila might have evolved from ovular seed pits similar to those in Pholistoma.  相似文献   

Xyridaceae belongs to the xyrid clade of Poales, but the phylogenetic position of the xyrid families is only weakly supported. Xyridaceae is divided into two subfamilies and five genera, the relationships of which remain unclear. The development of the ovule, fruit and seed of Abolboda spp. was studied to identify characteristics of taxonomic and phylogenetic value. All of the studied species share anatropous, tenuinucellate and bitegmic ovules with a micropyle formed by the inner and outer integuments, megagametophyte development of the Polygonum type, seeds with a tanniferous hypostase, a helobial and starchy endosperm and an undifferentiated embryo, seed coat derived from both integuments with a tanniferous tegmen and a micropylar operculum, and fruits with a parenchymatous endocarp and mesocarp and a sclerenchymatous exocarp. Most of the ovule and seed characteristics described for Abolboda are also present in Xyris and may represent a pattern for the family. Abolboda is distinguished by the ovule type, endosperm formation and the number of layers in the seed coat, in agreement with its classification in Abolbodoideae. The following characteristics link Xyridaceae to Eriocaulaceae and Mayacaceae, supporting the xyrid clade: tenuinucellate, bitegmic ovules; seeds with a tanniferous hypostase, a starchy endosperm and an undifferentiated embryo; and a seed coat with a tanniferous tegmen. A micropylar operculum in the seeds of Abolboda is described for the first time here and may represent a synapomorphy for the xyrids. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 144–154.  相似文献   

Seed coat development of Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil's Claw) and the possible role of the mature seed coat in seed dormancy were studied by light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Very young ovules of H. procumbens have a single thick integument consisting of densely packed thin-walled parenchyma cells that are uniform in shape and size. During later developmental stages the parenchyma cells differentiate into 4 different zones. Zone 1 is the multi-layered inner epidermis of the single integument that eventually develops into a tough impenetrable covering that tightly encloses the embryo. The inner epidermis is delineated on the inside by a few layers of collapsed remnant endosperm cell wall layers and on the outside by remnant cell wall layers of zone 2, also called the middle layer. Together with the inner epidermis these remnant cell wall layers from collapsed cells may contribute towards seed coat impermeability. Zone 2 underneath the inner epidermis consists of large thin-walled parenchyma cells. Zone 3 is the sub-epidermal layers underneath the outer epidermis referred to as a hypodermis and zone 4 is the single outer seed coat epidermal layer. Both zones 3 and 4 develop unusual secondary wall thickenings. The primary cell walls of the outer epidermis and hypodermis disintegrated during the final stages of seed maturation, leaving only a scaffold of these secondary cell wall thickenings. In the mature seed coat the outer fibrillar seed coat consists of the outer epidermis and hypodermis and separates easily to reveal the dense, smooth inner epidermis of the seed coat. Outer epidermal and hypodermal wall thickenings develop over primary pit fields and arise from the deposition of secondary cell wall material in the form of alternative electron dense and electron lucent layers. ESEM studies showed that the outer epidermal and hypodermal seed coat layers are exceptionally hygroscopic. At 100% relative humidity within the ESEM chamber, drops of water readily condense on the seed surface and react in various ways with the seed coat components, resulting in the swelling and expansion of the wall thickenings. The flexible fibrous outer seed coat epidermis and hypodermis may enhance soil seed contact and retention of water, while the inner seed coat epidermis maintains structural and perhaps chemical seed dormancy due to the possible presence of inhibitors.  相似文献   

The haploid generation of flowering plants develops within the sporophytic tissues of the ovule. After fertilization, the maternal seed coat develops in a coordinated manner with formation of the embryo and endosperm. In the arabidopsis bsister (abs) mutant, the endothelium, which is the most inner cell layer of the integuments that surround the haploid embryo sac, does not accumulate proanthocyanidins and the cells have an abnormal morphology. However, fertility is not affected in abs single mutants. SEEDSTICK regulates ovule identity redundantly with SHATTERPROOF 1 (SHP1) and SHP2 while a role in the control of fertility was not reported previously. Here we describe the characterization of the abs stk double mutant. This double mutant develops very few seeds due to both a reduced number of fertilized ovules and seed abortions later during development. Morphological analysis revealed a total absence of endothelium in this double mutant. Additionally, massive starch accumulation was observed in the embryo sac. The phenotype of the abs stk double mutant highlights the importance of the maternal-derived tissues, particularly the endothelium, for the development of the next generation.  相似文献   

TOBE, H. & PENG, C.-I, 1990. The embryology and taxonomic relationships of Bretschneidera (Bretschneideraceae). We present the first report on the embryology of Bretschneidera , the only genus of Bretschneideraceae (which are one of 15 glucosinolate-producing families), to clarify its relationships. Embryologically Bretschneidera is characterized by the following features: ovule campylotropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate; outer integument thick, multiplicative and vascularized; embryo sac formation of the Allium type; seed exalbuminous; seed coat 'exotestal' with a palisade of columellar, thick-walled exotestal cells; mesotesta thick with the inner half aerenchymatous. These features suggest that Bretschneidera is distinct from any of the taxonomically related families but resembles both Hippocastanaceae and Sapindaceae (Sapindales) more closely than Moringaceae or Capparaceae (Capparales) which have been considered alternative allies, supporting most of the modern taxonomic treatments that place Bretschneidera as a separate family in Sapindales.  相似文献   

Cross- and partially cross-pollinated capitula of Cichorium intybus (Compositae, Lactuceae) were examined for a study of normal and seedless fruit development respectively. Embryos develop according to the Asterad pattern, and the free-nuclear endosperm becomes cellular 15–17 hrs after pollination. A zone of disorganized cellular material surrounds the embryo sac at anthesis, and, in normal achenes, this zone expands as the seed develops. Initially the developing seed elongates and comes into contact with the top of the ovary by 48 hrs. In contrast to this pattern, the ovule in developing seedless achenes degenerates within 72 hrs. Irregularities, such as an abnormally proliferating endothelium, embryo formation without endosperm, and endosperm formation without an embryo often accompany this degeneration. Differentiation of the pericarp in seeded achenes begins between 48 and 72 hrs, starting at the apex and proceeding basipetally; in seedless fruits the process is similar though initiated somewhat later. The normal pericarp at maturity exhibits a pigmented exocarp, a broad mesocarp of thick-walled lignified cells, and a tenuous endocarp. In seedless achenes the fruit coat is similar except that the exocarp is colorless and the cells of the mesocarp are relatively small.  相似文献   

The embryology ofStegnosperma halimifolium andS. watsonii has been studied in detail. The tapetum is of the secretory type and its cells become multinucleate. Simultaneous cytokinesis in the pollen mother cells follows meiosis. The ripe pollen grains are 3-celled. The ovule is crassinucellate, bitegmic and amphitropous, with the micropyle formed by the inner integument alone. The female archesporium is one celled, and the parietal tissue 3–5 layered. The embryo sac development conforms to thePolygonum type. A central strand, 6 or 7 cells thick, differentiates inside the nucellus and extends from the base of the embryo sac to the chalazal region. The endosperm is nuclear. The embryogeny conforms to the Caryophyllad type. The seed coat is formed by the outer epidermis of the outer integument and the inner epidermis of the inner integument. Based on this evidence and other data, the status of the genus as an independent family,Stegnospermataceae (Stegnospermaceae) is confirmed. Apparently, it forms a connecting link betweenPhytolaccaceae andCaryophyllaceae.  相似文献   

Menispermaceae is one of the core groups of Ranunculales. The single fertile ovule in each ovary in Menispermaceae varies greatly in integument number, micropyle formation, and integument lobe. However, data regarding ovule morphogenesis in the family are very limited. In this study, we document ovule development of selected species in the Menispermaceae using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Ovule development in Menispermaceae shows the following characteristics. Two ovules are initiated in a young carpel, one of them degenerates gradually and the other develops into a fertile ovule in subsequent stages. Bitegmic in Sinomenium Diels. and Cocculus DC. and unitegmic in Stephania Lour. The formation of unitegmy is probably due to integumentary shifting. The annularly initiated inner integument is of dermal origin and has 2–3 cell layers in the family, but the semi-annularly initiated outer integument is of both dermal and subdermal origin. Both inner and outer integument are cup-shaped at maturity. The cup-shaped outer integument is formed due to the outer integument's extension to the concave (adaxial) side of the funiculus. The obturator is well developed and consists of 2–3 cell layers in Cocculus or 9–11 cell layers in Stephania. Ovule development of Menispermaceae suggests some common characteristics between Cocculus and Sinomenium, and derived unitegmy supports molecular data that indicate Stephania is one of the late-diverging lineages in the family. Integument lobations are present. The sterile ovule shows variations in the degeneration process. These results will provide evidence for exploring the evolution of ovules in Ranunculales.  相似文献   

TOMLINSON, P. B., TAKASO, T. & RATTENBURY, J. A., 1989. Cone and ovule ontogeny in Phyllocladus (Podocarpaceae). Cones are borne directly on phylloclades, usually in the position of basal segments or as segment appendages. Each cone consists of a series of spirally arranged bracts, of which the middle bracts each subtend a single, sessile ovule. There is no ovuliferous scale. Ovules arise as ovoid outgrowths; integument development involves periclinal divisions of hypodermal cells with the integument becoming bilobed and extended laterally. The mature ovule is flask-shaped. The integument includes an extensive middle region bounded by an inner and outer epidermis; the outer hypodermis is differentiated as two contrasted cell layers. An aril differentiates late by periclinal divisions of the outer hypodermal cells at the base of the ovule. The three outermost layers of the integument become differentiated in the mature seed as an epidermis, with thick, cutinized outer tangential walls, an outer hypodermal tanniniferous layer and a sclerotic inner layer. Each ovule is vascularized by two strands that diverge from the axial bundles delimiting the gap left by the departing bract trace.  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜对白毛新木姜子的胚胎学特征进行了研究,首次在非寄生性樟科植物中发现了细胞型胚乳。对樟科8属进行了胚胎学特征的比较。花药四室,药室壁的发育属于"基本型",周原质团型绒毡层。小孢子母细胞连续型分裂。等四面体型四分体。二细胞成熟花粉,无孔沟。雌孢原多个,一般仅一个能继续发育。蓼型胚囊。助细胞具丝状器。反足细胞宿存。大孢子母细胞和合子具极性。宿存的一个助细胞具有吸器功能。细胞型胚乳,胚胎发育属于柳叶菜型的三叶变型。种皮源于外珠被,内表皮细胞壁螺旋状加厚。胚胎学特征表明,新木姜子属与木姜子属有密切的亲缘关系。较多的双胚囊异常现象,支持樟科与Monimiaceae具有紧密关系的推测。胚胎学特征不支持将无根藤属独立为科的观点。  相似文献   

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