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Binding of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) to its receptor (uPAR) on the surface of a cancer cell is considered to be a trigger for starting cancer invasions. In addition, the somatomedin B (SMB) domain of vitronectin binds simultaneously to uPAR to construct a ternary complex of uPAR–uPA–SMB. Here we present stable structures of the solvated complexes of uPAR–uPA and uPAR–uPA–SMB obtained by classical molecular mechanics simulations, and the specific interactions between uPAR, uPA and SMB are investigated by ab initio fragment molecular orbital calculations. The result indicates that the SMB binding enhances the binding affinity between uPAR and uPA, although there is no direct contact between SMB and uPA. In particular, the specific interaction between uPAR and the Lys36 residue of uPA is significantly affected by the SMB binding. The positively charged Lys23, Lys46 and Lys61 residues of uPA have strong attractive interactions to uPAR in both the uPAR–uPA and uPAR–uPA–SMB complexes, demonstrating the importance of these residues in the specific binding between uPAR and uPA. The current results on the specific interactions are informative for proposing potent antagonists, which block the uPA and SMB bindings to uPAR.  相似文献   

Urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) activates the mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinases, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1 and 2, in diverse cell types. In this study, we demonstrate that uPA stimulates migration of MCF-7 breast cancer cells, HT 1080 fibrosarcoma cells, and uPAR-overexpressing MCF-7 cells by a mechanism that depends on uPA receptor (uPAR)-ligation and ERK activation. Ras and MAP kinase kinase (MEK) were necessary and sufficient for uPA-induced ERK activation and stimulation of cellular migration, as demonstrated in experiments with dominant-negative and constitutively active mutants of these signaling proteins. Myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) was also required for uPA-stimulated cellular migration, as determined in experiments with three separate MLCK inhibitors. When MCF-7 cells were treated with uPA, MLCK was phosphorylated by a MEK-dependent pathway and apparently activated, since serine-phosphorylation of myosin II regulatory light chain (RLC) was also increased. Despite the transient nature of ERK phosphorylation, MLCK remained phosphorylated for at least 6 h. The uPA-induced increase in MCF-7 cell migration was observed selectively on vitronectin-coated surfaces and was mediated by a beta1-integrin (probably alphaVbeta1) and alphaVbeta5. When MCF-7 cells were transfected to express alphaVbeta3 and treated with uPA, ERK was still phosphorylated; however, the cells did not demonstrate increased migration. Neutralizing the function of alphaVbeta3, with blocking antibody, restored the ability of uPA to promote cellular migration. Thus, we have demonstrated that uPA promotes cellular migration, in an integrin-selective manner, by initiating a uPAR-dependent signaling cascade in which Ras, MEK, ERK, and MLCK serve as essential downstream effectors.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that binding of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) to its high-affinity receptor (uPAR) orchestrates uPAR interactions with other cellular components that play a pivotal role in diverse (patho-)physiological processes, including wound healing, angiogenesis, inflammation, and cancer metastasis. However, notwithstanding the wealth of biochemical data available describing the activities of uPAR, little is known about the exact mode of uPAR/uPA interactions or the presumed conformational changes that accompany uPA/uPAR engagement. Here, we report the crystal structure of soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR), which contains the three domains of the wild-type receptor but lacks the cell-surface anchoring sequence, in complex with the amino-terminal fragment of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (ATF), at the resolution of 2.8 A. We report the 1.9 A crystal structure of free ATF. Our results provide a structural basis, represented by conformational changes induced in uPAR, for several published biochemical observations describing the nature of uPAR/uPA interactions and provide insight into mechanisms that may be responsible for the cellular responses induced by uPA binding.  相似文献   

Human urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR/CD87) is expressed at the invasive interface of the tumor-stromal microenvironment in many human cancers and interacts with a wide array of extracellular molecules. An anti-uPAR antibody (ATN615) was prepared using hybridoma technology. This antibody binds to uPAR in vitro with high affinity (K(d) approximately 1 nM) and does not interfere with uPA binding to uPAR. Here we report the crystal structure of the Fab fragment of ATN615 at 1.77 A and the analysis of ATN615-suPAR-ATF structure that was previously determined, emphasizing the ATN615-suPAR interaction. The complementarity determining regions (CDRs) of ATN615 consist of a high percentage of aromatic residues, and form a relatively flat and undulating surface. The ATN615 Fab fragment recognizes domain 3 of suPAR. The antibody-antigen recognition involves 11 suPAR residues and 12 Fab residues from five CDRs. Structural data suggest that Pro188, Asn190, Gly191, and Arg192 residues of uPAR are the key residues for the antibody recognition, while Pro189 and Arg192 render specificity of ATN615 for human uPAR. Interestingly, this antibody-antigen interface has a small contact area, mainly polar interaction with little hydrophobic character, yet has high binding strength. Furthermore, several solvent molecules (assigned as polyethylene glycols) were clearly visible in the binding interface between antibody and antigen, suggesting that solvent molecules may be important for the maximal binding between suPAR and ATN615 Fab. ATN615 undergoes small but noticeable changes in its CDR region upon antigen binding.  相似文献   

The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) has been implicated in tumor growth and metastasis. The crystal structure of uPAR revealed that the external surface is largely free to interact with a number of proteins. Additionally, due to absence of an intracellular cytoplasmic protein domain, many of the biological functions of uPAR necessitate interactions with other proteins. Here, we used yeast two-hybrid screening of breast cancer cDNA library to identify hSpry1 and HAX1 proteins as putative candidate proteins that interact with uPAR bait constructs. Interaction between these two candidates and uPAR was confirmed by GST-pull down, co-immunoprecipitation assays and confocal microscopy. These novel interactions that have been identified may also provide further evidence that uPAR can interact with a number of other proteins which may influence a range of biological functions.  相似文献   

Components of the plasminogen activation system including urokinase (uPA), its inhibitor (PAI‐1) and its cell surface receptor (uPAR) have been implicated in a wide variety of biological processes related to tissue homoeostasis. Firstly, the binding of uPA to uPAR favours extracellular proteolysis by enhancing cell surface plasminogen activation. Secondly, it promotes cell adhesion and signalling through binding of the provisional matrix protein vitronectin. We now report that uPA and plasmin induces a potent negative feedback on cell adhesion through specific cleavage of the RGD motif in vitronectin. Cleavage of vitronectin by uPA displays a remarkable receptor dependence and requires concomitant binding of both uPA and vitronectin to uPAR. Moreover, we show that PAI‐1 counteracts the negative feedback and behaves as a proteolysis‐triggered stabilizer of uPAR‐mediated cell adhesion to vitronectin. These findings identify a novel and highly specific function for the plasminogen activation system in the regulation of cell adhesion to vitronectin. The cleavage of vitronectin by uPA and plasmin results in the release of N‐terminal vitronectin fragments that can be detected in vivo, underscoring the potential physiological relevance of the process.  相似文献   

A key regulatory step for serine proteases of the trypsin clan is activation of the initially secreted zymogens, leading to an increase in activity by orders of magnitude. Zymogen activation occurs by cleavage of a single peptide bond near the N-terminus of the catalytic domain. Besides the catalytic domain, most serine proteases have N-terminal A-chains with independently folded domains. Little is known about how zymogen activation affects the interplay between domains. This question is investigated with urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), which has an epidermal growth factor domain and a kringle domain, connected to the catalytic domain by a 15-residue linker. uPA has been implicated under several pathological conditions, and one possibility for pharmacological control is targeting the conversion of the zymogen pro-uPA to active uPA. Therefore, a small-angle X-ray scattering study of the conformations of pro-uPA and uPA in solution was performed. Structural models for the proteins were derived using available atomic-resolution structures for the various domains. Active uPA was found to be flexible with a random conformation of the amino-terminal fragment domain with respect to the serine protease domain. In contrast, pro-uPA was observed to be rigid, with the amino-terminal fragment domain in a fixed position with respect to the serine protease domain. Analytical ultracentrifugation analysis supported the observed difference between pro-uPA and uPA in overall shape and size seen with small-angle X-ray scattering. Upon association of either of two monoclonal Fab (fragment antigen-binding) fragments that are directed against the catalytic domain of, respectively, pro-uPA and uPA, rigid structures were formed.  相似文献   

The low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP-1) binds and mediates the endocytosis of multiple ligands, transports the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) and other membrane proteins into endosomes, and binds intracellular adaptor proteins involved in cell signaling. In this paper, we show that in murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and L929 cells, LRP-1 functions as a major regulator of Rac1 activation, and that this activity depends on uPAR. LRP-1-deficient MEFs demonstrated increased Rac1 activation compared with LRP-1-expressing MEFs, and this property was reversed by expressing the VLDL receptor, a member of the same gene family as LRP-1, with overlapping ligand-binding specificity. Neutralizing the activity of LRP-1 with receptor-associated protein (RAP) increased Rac1 activation and cell migration in MEFs and L929 cells. The same parameters were unaffected by RAP in uPAR-/- MEFs, prepared from uPAR gene knockout embryos, and in uPAR-deficient LM-TK- cells. Untreated uPAR+/+ MEFs demonstrated substantially increased Rac1 activation compared with uPAR-/- MEFs. In addition to Rac1, LRP-1 suppressed activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) in MEFs; however, it was Rac1 (and not ERK) that was responsible for the effects of LRP-1 on MEF migration. Thus, LRP-1 regulates two signaling proteins in the same cell (Rac1 and ERK), both of which may impact on cell migration. In uPAR-negative cells, LRP-1 neutralization does not affect Rac1 activation, and other mechanisms by which LRP-1 may regulate cell migration are not unmasked.  相似文献   

Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter of the CNS. Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) is recognized as a modulator of glutamatergic neurotransmission. This attribute is exemplified by its ability to potentiate calcium signaling following activation of the glutamate-binding NMDA receptor (NMDAR). It has been hypothesized that tPA can directly cleave the NR1 subunit of the NMDAR and thereby potentiate NMDA-induced calcium influx. In contrast, here we show that this increase in NMDAR signaling requires tPA to be proteolytically active, but does not involve cleavage of the NR1 subunit or plasminogen. Rather, we demonstrate that enhancement of NMDAR function by tPA is mediated by a member of the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) family. Hence, this study proposes a novel functional relationship between tPA, the NMDAR, a LDLR and an unknown substrate which we suspect to be a serpin. Interestingly, whilst tPA alone failed to cleave NR1, cell-surface NMDARs did serve as an efficient and discrete proteolytic target for plasmin. Hence, plasmin and tPA can affect the NMDAR via distinct avenues. Altogether, we find that plasmin directly proteolyses the NMDAR whilst tPA functions as an indirect modulator of NMDA-induced events via LDLR engagement.  相似文献   

The rapid turnover of actin filaments and the tertiary meshwork formation are regulated by a variety of actin-binding proteins. Protein phosphorylation of cofilin, an actin-binding protein that depolymerizes actin filaments, suppresses its function. Thus, cofilin is a terminal effector of signaling cascades that evokes actin cytoskeletal rearrangement. When wild-type LIMK2 and kinase-dead LIMK2 (LIMK2/KD) were respectively expressed in cells, LIMK2, but not LIMK2/KD, phosphorylated cofilin and induced formation of stress fibers and focal complexes. LIMK2 activity toward cofilin phosphorylation was stimulated by coexpression of activated Rho and Cdc42, but not Rac. Importantly, expression of activated Rho and Cdc42, respectively, induced stress fibers and filopodia, whereas both Rho- induced stress fibers and Cdc42-induced filopodia were abrogated by the coexpression of LIMK2/KD. In contrast, the coexpression of LIMK2/KD with the activated Rac did not affect Rac-induced lamellipodia formation. These results indicate that LIMK2 plays a crucial role both in Rho- and Cdc42-induced actin cytoskeletal reorganization, at least in part by inhibiting the functions of cofilin. Together with recent findings that LIMK1 participates in Rac-induced lamellipodia formation, LIMK1 and LIMK2 function under control of distinct Rho subfamily GTPases and are essential regulators in the Rho subfamilies-induced actin cytoskeletal reorganization.  相似文献   

A known side-activity of the oral potassium-sparing diuretic drug amiloride is inhibition of the enzyme urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA, K(i)=7 μM), a promising anticancer target. Several studies have demonstrated significant antitumor/metastasis properties for amiloride in animal cancer models and it would appear that these arise, at least in part, through inhibition of uPA. Selective optimization of amiloride's structure for more potent inhibition of uPA and loss of diuretic effects would thus appear as an attractive strategy towards novel anticancer agents. The following report is a preliminary structure-activity exploration of amiloride analogs as inhibitors of uPA. A key finding was that the well-studied 5-substituted analogs ethylisopropyl amiloride (EIPA) and hexamethylene amiloride (HMA) are approximately twofold more potent than amiloride as uPA inhibitors.  相似文献   

Serum-free conditioned media and cell extracts from cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells were analyzed for plasminogen activator by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and enzymography on fibrin-indicator gels. Active bands of free and complexed tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) or urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) were identified by the incorporation of specific antibodies against, respectively, t-PA or u-PA in the indicator gel. The endothelial cells predominantly released a high-molecular-weight t-PA (95000–135000). This t-PA form was converted to Mr-72000 t-PA by 1.5 M NH4OH/39 mM SDS. A component with high affinity for both t-PA and u-PA could be demonstrated in serum-free conditioned medium and endothelial cell extract. The complex between this component and Mr-72000 t-PA comigrated with high-molecular-weight t-PA. From the increase in Mr of t-PA or u-PA upon complex formation, the Mr of the endothelial cell component was estimated to be 50000–70000. The reaction between t-PA or u-PA and the plasminogen activator-binding component was blocked by 5 mM p-aminobenzamidine, while the complexes, once formed, could be cleaved by 1.5 M NH4OH/39 mM SDS. These observations indicated that the active center of plasminogen activator was involed in the complex formation. It was further noted that serum-free conditioned medium of endothelial cell extract inhibited plasminogen activator activity when assayed by the fibrin-plate method. Evidence is provided that the plasminogen activator-binding component was different from a number of the known plasma serine proteinase inhibitors, the placenta inhibitor and the fibroblast surface protein, proteinase-nexin. We conclude that cultured endothelial cells produce a rapid inhibitor of u-PA and t-PA as well as a t-PA-inhibitor complex.  相似文献   

Leucocytes migrate into and out of blood vessels at multiple points during their development and maturation, and during immune surveillance. In response to tissue damage and infection, they are rapidly recruited through the endothelium lining blood vessels into the tissues. Leukaemia cells also move in and out of the bloodstream during leukaemia progression. Rho GTPases are intracellular signalling proteins that regulate cytoskeletal dynamics and are key coordinators of cell migration. Here, we describe how different members of the Rho GTPase family act in leucocytes and leukaemia cells to regulate steps of transendothelial migration. We discuss how inhibitors of Rho signalling could be used to reduce leucocyte or leukaemia cell entry into tissues.  相似文献   

Cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells have a relatively complex fibrinolytic system that is responsive to both the physiological state of the cell itself and to a variety of agents added to the culture medium. The fibrinolytic activity of these cells results from the production of both urokinase-type and tissue-type plasminogen activators and is regulated by an inhibitor capable of neutralizing their activities. The properties of these fibrinolytic components will be reviewed, and their respective roles in initiating and regulating the fibrinolytic activity of the cells will be summarized. A cDNA coding for the inhibitor has been isolated, and its sequence will be compared to that of other serine proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Ahmed N  Oliva K  Wang Y  Quinn M  Rice G 《Proteomics》2003,3(3):288-298
Expression of urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) and its receptor (uPAR) strongly correlates with a malignant tumour cell phenotype. In the multistep process of metastasis, uPA binding to uPAR influences different cellular functions. In the present study, a highly metastatic colon cancer cell line, HCT116 was transfected with an expression vector containing a 5' uPAR cDNA fragment in an antisense orientation. This construct was most effective in reducing uPAR cell surface expression as confirmed by flow cytometry analysis. Antisense transfection of HCT116 cells had no effect on proliferation but the following effects were observed: (1) a 1.3-fold decreased adhesion; (2) a two-fold decreased Erk MAP kinase activity; (3) a 2.7-fold decrease in Src kinase activity; (4) a 1.5- and two-fold decrease in uPA cell surface expression and secretion; (5) abrogation of promatrix metalloproteinase-9 secretion; and (6) a complete suppression of plasminogen-dependent matrix degradation. Using proteomic analysis, we demonstrate loss of approximately 200 proteins and quantitative differences in the expression of 141 other proteins in an antisense-clone compared to wild-type and mock-transfected control. Such changes in protein expression with the down-regulation of uPAR may be an important contributor in colon cancer progression and metastasis and may not only provide a basis to develop a proteomic data bank of uPAR-mediated signaling molecules but may also lead to the development of therapeutic approaches for the cure and better management of colon cancer.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(15):1399-1413.e5
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Plasminogen activator inhibitor‐1 (PAI‐1) is a biologically important serine protease inhibitor (serpin) that, when overexpressed, is associated with a high risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer metastasis. Several of its ligands, including vitronectin, tissue‐type and urokinase‐type plasminogen activator (tPA, uPA), affect the fate of PAI‐1. Here, we measured changes in the solvent accessibility and dynamics of an important unresolved functional region, the reactive center loop (RCL), upon binding of these ligands. Binding of the catalytically inactive S195A variant of tPA to the RCL causes an increase in fluorescence, indicating greater solvent protection, at its C‐terminus, while mobility along the loop remains relatively unchanged. In contrast, a fluorescence increase and large decrease in mobility at the N‐terminal RCL is observed upon binding of S195A‐uPA to PAI‐1. At a site distant from the RCL, binding of vitronectin results in a modest decrease in fluorescence at its proximal end without restricting overall loop dynamics. These results provide the new evidence for ligand effects on RCL conformation and dynamics and differences in the Michaelis complex with plasminogen activators that can be used for the development of more specific inhibitors to PAI‐1. This study is also the first to use electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy to investigate PAI‐1 dynamics. Significance : Balanced blood homeostasis and controlled cell migration requires coordination between serine proteases, serpins, and cofactors. These ligands form noncovalent complexes, which influence the outcome of protease inhibition and associated physiological processes. This study reveals differences in binding via changes in solvent accessibility and dynamics within these complexes that can be exploited to develop more specific drugs in the treatment of diseases associated with unbalanced serpin activity.  相似文献   

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