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浙江蔷薇科新分类群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了浙江蔷薇科1新亚种和1新变种,并分别附有线条图。它们是:腺瓣蔷薇(新亚种)和遂昌红腺悬钩子(新变种)。腺瓣蔷薇与模式亚种单花合柱蔷薇区别在托叶、叶柄和萼片仅密被短柔毛而无腺毛,小叶片较大,两面近无毛或疏被短柔毛,伞房花序具1~3花,花瓣宽倒卵形。遂昌红腺悬钩子与模式变种红腺悬钩子区别在于花梗、小枝和老枝密被腺毛而无柔毛,小叶片两面具腺毛,萼片较长,长13~15mm,先端长尾尖。  相似文献   

林湘  林玉立 《植物研究》1992,12(4):377-378
本文发表刺蔷薇白花一新变种,即白花刺蔷薇Rosa acicularisLindl.var.albifloris X.Lin et Y.L.Lin,var.nov.  相似文献   

曾妮  张建茹  常朝阳 《广西植物》2017,37(2):169-185
应用光学显微镜和电子显微镜,对30种中国蔷薇属植物叶表皮的微形态特征进行了观察。结果表明:叶表皮细胞一般为多边形或不规则形,垂周壁平直、平直弓状、波状、浅波状和深波状式样;该属植物的叶表皮细胞大小种间差异较大,总体来看上表皮几乎全为多边形细胞,且上表皮细胞比下表皮细胞略大;在扫描电镜下观察,大部分细胞的平周壁下陷,仅部分细胞的平周壁突起;叶表皮角质层纹饰多样、即使同一个种的上下表皮细胞角质层纹饰微形态特征也有差异;大多植物叶片表面具柔毛,均为单毛,有长柔毛和短柔毛,大部分种类的柔毛基部无特化,其基部由普通的表皮细胞围绕着,少部分种类的柔毛基部由几个特化的辐射状细胞围绕着,少数植物无毛;有些植物叶表面或叶脉上还分布有腺毛;除了单叶蔷薇亚属的小蘗叶蔷薇1个种的上下表皮均分布有气孔器外,其余蔷薇亚属的29种植物的气孔器均分布在下表皮,形状为椭圆形、宽椭圆形和长椭圆形三种,气孔器类型有无规则型、不规则四细胞型、对位四细胞型、环列型和辐射型;气孔器外拱盖内缘近平滑或呈深浅不同的波状、气孔器外拱盖纹饰光滑或粗糙,大多植物气孔器的保卫细胞两级T型加厚;另外,只有小蘗叶蔷薇的气孔器具双层外拱盖且仅上表皮被毛等特征也说明了其在演化上的特殊地位,蔷薇属植物叶表皮的这些微形态特征,在属内各组间无明确的规律性,但可为探讨该属种间的分类学及亲缘关系提供依据。  相似文献   

万煜  黄增任   《广西植物》1990,10(2):97-98
1.南宁蔷薇 新变种 图1 Rosa multiflora Thunb. var, nanningensis Y. Wan et Z. R. Huang, vat. nov. (Sect. Synstylae DC.) A typo differt pedicellis dense villosis, sepalis extus dense pubescentibus et sparse stipitato-glandulosis, stylis hispidis staminibus brevioribus. Guangxi:Nanning,14.May 1988,Y.Wan et Z.R.Huang 88050(Ho-  相似文献   

小果蔷薇Rosacymosa为蔷薇科蔓生灌木,长2—5m。小枝纤细,有钩状刺。奇数羽状复叶;小叶卵状披针形或椭圆形,边缘具内曲的锐锯齿,两面无毛;托叶线形,与叶柄分离,早落。伞房花序;花梗被柔毛;花白色;蔷薇果近球形,直径2毫米。花期5—6月;果期9—10月。其喜光、耐半荫、耐寒、耐旱、抗病、适应性强,对土壤要求不严格,生长较迅速。一般采用扦插繁殖。小果蔷薇花色纯白,花量丰富,伞房花序多花聚生,每一花序着花40—60朵,芳香诱人,5—6月花期时,整个植株表面几乎被白花覆盖,似雪地银花,蔚为壮…  相似文献   

采用常规压片法,对从新疆采集的5份疏花蔷薇进行了核型分析.结果表明:疏花蔷薇包括二倍体(2n=2x=14)和四倍体(2n=4x=28)两种核型;核不对称系数为55.14%~60.11%;核型分类包括1A、2A、1B等3种类型;分析认为,不同倍性的出现与种质在不同区域、不同生境下生长有一定相关性.其中疏花蔷薇5号为四倍体,核型信息与其他材料差异明显,核不对称系数最大,核型分类也最进化.研究结果支持刘士侠等对其表型分类的划分,即托木尔蔷薇作为疏花蔷薇在新疆的特殊地理种;而4号材料也支持《新疆植物志》的分类,即建议喀什疏花蔷薇作为疏花蔷薇的变种.  相似文献   

白玉山蔷薇(Rosa baiyushanensis Q.L.Wang)为中国特有植物,仅分布于辽宁省大连市旅顺口区,被列为辽宁省二级保护植物。本种发表于1984年,模式标本是1957年6月由朱有昌采自大连旅顺白玉山。笔者通过近年来的野外调查发现,由于模式产地生境被破坏,未见到白玉山蔷薇的分布,但是在旅顺范围内距离白玉山不远的郭家沟、对庄沟一带均见到此植物。考虑到上述地方均是人为活动较频繁的区域,而且还发现此植物与原产欧洲的犬蔷薇(Rosa canina L.)同时出现,加之该地区的历史原因,笔者推断白玉山蔷薇与犬蔷薇类似,均是外来植物。通过野外观察、查阅中外植物志和比对模式标本,对其外部形态进行仔细对照研究发现,白玉山蔷薇与原产欧洲的锈红蔷薇(Rosa rubiginosa L.)没有本质区别,故将白玉山蔷薇处理为锈红蔷薇的异名。同时,考虑到白玉山蔷薇(锈红蔷薇)在某些国家被列为外来入侵种,笔者建议将白玉山蔷薇从保护名单上删除。此外,根据Rehder蔷薇属分类系统白玉山蔷薇(锈红蔷薇)和犬蔷薇在分类上均属于蔷薇属(Rosa L.)蔷薇亚属(Subgen.Eurosa)犬齿组(Sect.Caninae),这一发现填补了《中国植物志》未收录犬齿组植物的空白。同时,笔者也纠正了Flora of China将白玉山蔷薇(锈红蔷薇)划分到桂味组(Sect.Cinnamomeae)的错误。  相似文献   

安徽蔷薇属植物资源及其开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过大量的实地调查、查阅文献和腊叶标本,初步查清了安徽蔷薇属植物资源,约有13种,9变种和2型.同时,列出了其主要分布地;阐述了其生物学特性、经济价值及开发利用的现状和途径.  相似文献   

中国蔷薇属6个种的染色体研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马燕  陈俊愉   《广西植物》1992,12(4):333-336
本文对原产中国的蔷薇属6种植物(Rosa spp.)进行了染色体观察,其中1种(巨花蔷薇(Rosa gigantea(Crep)Rehd.et Wils.))为国家重点保护植物,2种(疏花蔷薇(R.laxa Retz.)、宽刺蔷薇(R.platyacantha Shrenk))为国内首次报道。观察结果如下:染色体数目为2n=2x=14或2n=3x=21,均为小型染色体(2.24—2.78μm),其中大部分长度接近,染色体长度之比小于2;属对称核型。文中讨论了一些种(变种)的染色体数目及核型。  相似文献   

万煜  黄增任   《广西植物》1990,(2):97-98
<正> 1.南宁蔷薇 新变种 图1 Rosa multiflora Thunb. var, nanningensis Y. Wan et Z. R. Huang, vat. nov. (Sect. Synstylae DC.) A typo differt pedicellis dense villosis, sepalis extus dense pubescentibus et sparse stipitato-glandulosis, stylis hispidis staminibus brevioribus. Guangxi:Nanning,14.May 1988,Y.Wan et Z.R.Huang 88050(Ho-  相似文献   

小果蔷薇精油的化学成分   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
小果蔷薇(Rosa Cymosa Tratt.)是蔷薇属植物。分布在我国江西、江苏、浙江、安徽、河南、四川、云南、贵州、福建、广东、广西、台湾等省。生于海拔250—1300米的向阳山坡,河谷,路旁,灌丛。资源较丰富,但目前尚未开发利用。该油具有清香、花香和玫瑰的甜香。用于调配化妆品、烟用等香精,具有增香和定香的作用。用  相似文献   

Persicaria changhuaensis sp. nov., belonging to P. sect. Echinocaulon (Polygonaceae), from Zhejiang, eastern China, is described and illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to P. senticosa (Meisn.) H. Gross ex Nakai and P. sagittata (L.) H. Gross ex Nakai var. sieboldii (Meisn.) Nakai, but differs from the former in having an ocrea without a reniform‐orbicular wing at apex, pubescent peduncle, triangular bracteoles, white perianth, and stamens exserted from the perianth. Compared to P. sagittata var. sieboldii, it differs in having the leaf blade triangular‐hastate, sparsely retrorsely‐prickled on abaxial veins, sparsely ciliate at the margin, pubescent peduncle, triangular bracteoles, and stamens exserted from the perianth.  相似文献   

河南玉兰属一新变种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对毛玉兰新变种Yulaniadenudata(Desr.)D.L.Fuvar.pubescensD.L.Fu,T.B.ZhaoetG.H.Tian,var.nov.进行了描述。该变种具有离生单雌蕊密被短柔毛或疏被短柔毛,果密被淡灰色细疣点特征,与玉兰原变种Y.denudata(Desr.)D.L.Fuvar.denudata具有离生单雌蕊无毛,果褐色、具白色皮孔特征相区别。  相似文献   

对毛玉兰新变种Yulania denudata(Desr.)D.L.Fuvar.pubescensD.L.Fu,T.B.ZhaoetG.H.Tian,var.nov.进行了描述。该变种具有离生单雌蕊密被短柔毛或疏被短柔毛,果密被淡灰色细疣点特征,与玉兰原变种Y.denudata(Desr.)D.L.Fuvar.denudata具有离生单雌蕊无毛,果褐色、具白色皮孔特征相区别。  相似文献   

描述了蓼科一新变种——翅果密毛野荞麦[Fagopyrum densovillosum J. L. Liu var.pterocarpum J. L. Liuet X.J.Li],并绘制了形态图。新变种瘦果较大,长2.5~3mm,宽(2~)2.5~3mm,果棱上具翅,翅宽0.5~1mm,雄蕊长于雌蕊,从而区别于原变种密毛野荞麦(Fagopyrum densovillosumJ.L.Liu);另外,新变种全株密被短毛或长毛,茎枝较粗壮,红褐色,节较密集,叶片在表面具细皱纹和小泡状突起,雄蕊长于雌蕊,而又不同于齿翅野荞麦[Fagopyrum gracilipes(Hemsl.)Damm.et Diels var. odontopterum(Gross)Sam]。  相似文献   

Digitalis minor (Scrophulariaceae) is a cardenolide-producing plant endemic to the eastern Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Menorca, and Cabrera) that occurs in two morphologically distinct varieties: D. minor var. minor (pubescent) and D. minor var. palaui (glabrous). Levels and patterns of genetic diversity in 162 individuals from 17 D. minor populations across the entire geographic range were assessed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Comigrating RAPD fragments tested were found to be homologous by Southern hybridization in both var. minor and var. palaui. To avoid bias in parameter estimation, analyses of population genetic structure were restricted to those RAPD bands that fulfilled the 3/N criterion (observed frequencies were less than 1 - [3/N] in each population) either among or within each island. Analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAs) with distances among individuals corrected for the dominant nature of RAPD (genotypic analysis) showed low values (1.57-17.55%) of between-population variability, indicating a relatively restricted population differentiation as expected for an outcrossing species such as D. minor. Nested AMOVAs demonstrated, however, a not significant partitioning of genetic diversity among Mallorca, Menorca, and Cabrera islands. Estimates of the Wright, Weir, and Cockerham and the Lynch and Milligan F(ST) from null allele frequencies corroborated AMOVA partitioning and provided evidence for population differentiation in D. minor. Our RAPD data did not show significant differences between pubescent and glabrous populations of D. minor, suggesting a failure to find a correlation between the RAPD loci and this morphological trait.  相似文献   

Edwin B. Smith 《Brittonia》1979,31(2):279-283
A linear-leaved, unicostate phase ofGalium arkansanum Gray with pubescent corollas and the abaxial midvein of the leaves glabrous is segregated from the species as var.pubiflorum. It is presently known in the pure form only from the Ouachita Mountains in Montgomery County, Arkansas  相似文献   

Glucosinolate content of leaves and roots, diversity in leaf pubescence, and resistance to two near-isogenic lines of the flea beetle Phyllotreta nemorum with or without an R-gene, were determined for 27 accessions of 7 Barbarea taxa, i.e. B. stricta, B. orthoceras, B. intermedia, B. verna, B. vulgaris var. vulgaris, the G-type of B. vulgaris var. arcuata and the P-type of B. vulgaris var. arcuata. Four variable glucosinolate biosynthetic characters were deduced. For (formally) homophenylalanine-derived glucosinolates: (1). Presence or absence of 2-hydroxylation, and if present, R- or S-configuration of 2-hydroxylation; (2). presence or absence of p-hydroxylation; and for tryptophan-derived glucosinolates: (3). presence or absence of N-methoxyglucobrassicin; and (4). presence or absence of 1,4-dimethoxyglucobrassicin. Three phenotypes of leaf-pubescence were observed; (1). glabrous to glabrate leaves; (2). glabrous to glabrate leaves with hairs along the edge; (3). pubescent leaves. The hairs were characterized as simple by scanning electron microscopy. Full resistance to a flea beetle line (ST) was found in B. vulgaris var. vulgaris and in the G-type of var. arcuata; partial resistance was found in B. verna and B. intermedia, while the remaining taxa were fully susceptible to the ST line. All investigated Barbarea taxa were susceptible to larvae from another line containing an R-gene, indicating a similar flea beetle resistance mechanism in the three resistant species. Most Barbarea taxa could be characterized by a particular combination of the investigated characters. The most aberrant was the P-type of B. vulgaris var. arcuata, and the taxonomic status of this type should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

该文描述了采自浙江南部庆元县的唇形科(Lamiaceae)香科科属(Teucrium L.)一新种:庆元香科科(T.qingyuanense),并附有线描图.庆元香科科与峨眉香科科(T.omeiense)和香科科(T.simplex)接近,与峨眉香科科的区别在于其茎、花序轴和花梗均密被倒向短柔毛,花萼外面被短柔毛和腺点...  相似文献   

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