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The lecturer reviews the extent to which his own experiments on muscle have followed the course intended when they were planned. His observations on changes in the striation pattern were designed to reinvestigate the formation of 'contraction bands', repeatedly observed in the 19th century but neglected more recently. This phenomenon was indeed seen during active shortening, but the most important outcome consisted of two quite unexpected observations which suggested the existence of a sliding-filament system. Experiments on local activation were planned on the hypothesis that activation was conducted inward from the surface membrane along the Z line. This was apparently confirmed in the first experiments, on fibres from frog muscle, but experiments on muscle fibres from other animals, together with improvements in electron microscope technique, showed that this was a coincidence and that the Z line as such is not involved. Investigation of the transient changes of tension when a stimulated muscle fibre is suddenly shortened required a series of exploratory measurements before a useful hypothesis could be formulated. Some personal factors that have motivated scientists, including Lord Florey himself, are discussed.  相似文献   

The four colony-stimulating factors, GM-GSF, G-CSF, M-CSF and Multi-CSF, are specific glycoproteins with a likely common ancestral origin which interact to regulate the production, maturation and function of granulocytes and monocyte-macrophages. Each has been purified and produced in active recombinant form. Animal studies have shown the ability of injected CSF to increase the production and functional activity of granulocytes and macrophages in vivo and to enhance resistance to infections. These studies have led to the current extensive clinical use of CSFs to promote the formation and function of granulocytes and macrophages in a wide variety of disease situations in which there is an associated risk of serious infections. Although our knowledge of the control of haemopoiesis remains incomplete, the approaches used to develop the CSFs can be used to extend this knowledge, with the promise of the introduction into clinical medicine of additional effective therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Looking at proteins is an active process of interpretation and selection, emphasizing some features and deleting others. Multiple representations are needed, for such purposes as showing motions or conveying both the chain connectivity and the three-dimensional shape simultaneously. In studying and comparing protein structures, ideas are suggested about the determinants of tertiary structure and of folding (e.g., that Greek key beta barrels may fold up two strands at a time). The design and synthesis of new proteins "from scratch" provides a route toward the experimental testing of such ideas. It has also been a fruitful new perspective from which to look at structures, requiring such things as statistics on very narrowly defined structural categories and explicit attention to "negative design" criteria that actively block unwanted alternatives (e.g., reverse topology of a helix bundle, or edge-to-edge aggregation of beta sheets). Recently, the field of protein design has produced a rather unexpected general result: apparently we do indeed know enough to successfully design proteins that fold into approximately correct structures, but not enough to design unique, native-like structures. The degree of order varies considerably, but even the best designed material shows multiple conformations by NMR, more similar to a "molten globule" folding intermediate than to a well ordered native tertiary structure. In response to this conclusion, we are now working on systems that test useful questions with approximate structures (such as determining which factors most influence the choice of helix-bundle topology) and also analyzing how natural proteins achieve unique core conformations (e.g., for side chains on the interior side of a beta sheet, illustrated in the kinemages).  相似文献   

For centuries the thymus has remained a mysterious organ with largely unknown functions. The first demonstration of its crucial role in the development of the immune system was reported in 1961, when it was found that mice thymectomized at birth had poorly developed lymphoid tissues, impaired immune reactivities, and an inordinate susceptibility to develop infections. Although thymus lymphocytes were for a long time deemed immunoincompetent, it was shown in 1967 that they could respond to antigen by proliferating to give rise to a progeny of cells which did not secrete antibody (T cells), but which had a remarkable ability to induce bone marrow cells (B cells) to become antibody formers. This was the first unequivocal demonstration of a major division of labour among mammalian lymphocytes. Tremendous progress in our understanding of the function of the thymus and of the T cells derived from it followed. Distinct T cell subsets were characterized and shown to have an essential role in initiating and regulating a variety of immune responses. The ontogenetic events which occurred during their differentiation were mapped, and this allowed studies of the selection of the T cell repertoire. The major histocompatibility complex and associated peptides were shown to govern T cell selection and antigen activation, and the antigen-specific T cell receptor and the genes which code for it were characterized. Future studies should allow some insight into how to activate T cells more effectively for vaccination purposes, and how to switch them off to prevent autoimmune reactions and to induce tolerance to transplanted tissues.  相似文献   

The regulatory biology of antibody formation entered a new phase of study with the development of selective theories of immunity. The discovery of the 'one cell - one antibody' dogma and the demonstration that only a small minority of B cells possessed receptors specific for a given antigen were consistent with Burnet's clonal selection hypothesis, which was later formally proven by preparing antigen-specific lymphocytes and inducing clonal activation in vitro. Clonal analysis has aided precise study of immunoregulation for both B and T lymphocytes. Clonal activation of B cells in the absence of T cells is now possible with high cloning efficiency. It requires the combined action of certain antigens and growth factors, collectively termed B-cell stimulatory factors (BSFS). Single cell analysis has shown that most BSFS so far tested, in contrast to most claims in the literature, possess the capacity (in synergy with antigen) to: stimulate B cells out of the G0 phase into active cell cycle; promote sequential mitotic divisions; and induce differentiation to active secretory status. This is clearly true for IL-1, IL-2, and BSF-p2. These multiple actions resemble those of the colony-stimulating factors in haemopoiesis. Regulation of antibody production by T lymphocytes can also be profitably analysed in clonal systems. The immunoregulatory problem of tolerance can also be analysed by means of clonal techniques. Studies are summarized which indicate that T-cell-mediated suppression and functional silencing of toleragen-specific lymphocytes are both cooperatively involved in many tolerance models. For the B lymphocyte, tolerance can be induced without an actual deletion of the cell involved; rather, the tolerant cell appears to have received and stored a negative signal, rendering it unresponsive to normally immunogenic stimuli. Thus, a state termed 'clonal anergy' has been induced within the cell. Functional clonal deletion has also been noted in several models to T-lymphocyte tolerance, but here it is not known whether clonal anergy or actual death of the relevant cell is at work. Self-tolerance sufficient to be consistent with good health need not mean a total absence of cells with any degree of self-reactivity. Indeed, it is clear that some B cells capable of forming antibody with some degree of affinity for self-constituents exist in the body, and can be activated, for example by lipopolysaccharide. The requirement is to limit the amount, affinity and duration of autoantibody production. A model suggesting how this may be achieved is presented.  相似文献   

The secretion of radioactive peptides by dispersed porcine parathyroid cells incubated with [3H]- or [14C]amino acids, [3H]glucosamine and [3H]mannose was analyzed. After incubation, the culture medium contained radioactive parathormone, as expected, and two radioactive glycopeptides: SP I and SP II. SP I appears to be identical with parathyroidsecretoryprotein, heretofore not recognized as a glycoprotein. SP II has not been previously identified. SP I, but not SP II or parathormone, was adsorbed by Concanavalin A possibly reflecting a high mannose content of this molecule. Raising the concentration of calcium in the medium suppressed the secretion of radioactive parathormone and SP I in a similar fashion but did not affect the secretion of SP II. Our results suggest that SP I may play a fundamental role in parathyroid synthetic or secretory processes.  相似文献   

Biological control is an important method of dealing with plant and insect pests. The control of rabbits by myxomatosis and the eradication of smallpox by vaccination are unusual examples of biological control, in that they involve a vertebrate and a viral pest respectively. Myxomatosis is a benign disease in Sylvilagus rabbits in South America which is transmitted mechanically by mosquitoes. In the European rabbit, Oryctolagus, which is a pest in Australia and England, the virus from Sylvilagus produces a generalized disease that is almost always lethal. Myxomatosis was deliberately introduced into Australia in 1950 and into Europe in 1952. It was at first spectacularly successful in controlling the rabbit pest, but biological adjustments occurred in the virulence of the virus and the genetic resistances of rabbits. After 30 years of interaction, natural selection has resulted in a balance at a fairly high level of viral virulence. Smallpox has been a major scourge of mankind for over 1500 years. It spread from Asia to Europe in the Middle ages and from Europe to Africa and the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries. Jenner's cowpox vaccine provided a method of control that reduced the severity of the disease during the 19th century but failed to eliminate the disease from many countries before the 1930s. Thereafter it was eradicated from Europe and North America, but remained endemic in South America, Africa and Asia. In 1967 it was still endemic in 33 countries and W.H.O. established a programme for global eradication within 10 years. The goal was achieved in 1977. Problems of the eradication programme and reasons for its success will be described.  相似文献   

Carcinogenic viruses have been discovered in numerous animal species over the last 80 years but their role in human cancer has only recently become an important issue. With EB virus involved with endemic Burkitt's lymphoma and undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma, hepatitis B virus with primary liver cancer, papilloma viruses with carcinoma of the cervix, and T-cell leukaemia virus with adult T leukaemia, 20-25% of all human cancer appears to have a virus component in its causation. By analogy with certain virus-induced animal cancers, vaccine prevention of infection should greatly reduce subsequent tumour development; vaccines against hepatitis B virus are already on trial for this purpose in populations at risk. Experiments are described in which an EB virus subunit vaccine consisting of the virus-determined membrane antigen glycoprotein molecule of molecular mass 340 kDa (MA gp340) has been prepared by two purification methods. Material from one of these has successfully protected cotton-top tamarins against a 100% lymphomagenic dose of challenge virus and investigations are under way to identify an immunogen, based on MA gp340, suitable for use in man. Genetically engineered bacterial, yeast, and mammalian cells expressing the gp340 gene are already available; this gene has also been inserted into vaccinia and varicella virus vectors. Powerful new adjuvants are also considered, together with future strategies for human vaccine studies.  相似文献   

What regulates secretion of non-stored proteins by eukaryotic cells?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Protein secretion is conventionally viewed as taking place by either of two cellular routes, a regulated pathway, involving external stimuli and secretory granules, and a presumptive ‘constitutive’ pathway, which does not involve hormonal or neuronal stimuli or the production of secretory granules. The evidence reviewed here strongly suggests that there are post-synthesis rate-limiting steps for many proteins released by the ‘constitutive’ pathway and, hence, that regulation in some sense is involved here too. The nature of these rate-limiting determinants and events is discussed.  相似文献   

The pancreas is vulnerable to ethanol toxicity, but the pathogenesis of alcoholic pancreatitis is not fully defined. The intracellular oxidative balance and the characteristics of the secretion of isolated rat pancreatic acinar cells stimulated with the cholecystokinin analogue cerulein were assayed after acute oral ethanol (4 g/kg) load. Pancreatic acinar cells from ethanol-treated rats showed a significant (p < 0.02) lower content of total glutathione and protein sulfhydryls, and higher levels of oxidized glutathione (p < 0.03), malondialdehyde, and protein carbonyls (p < 0.05). Ethanol-intoxicated acinar cells showed a lower baseline amylase output compared to controls, with the difference being significantly exacerbated by cerulein stimulation. After cerulein, the release of protein carbonyls by ethanol-treated cells was significantly increased, whereas that of protein sulfhydryls was significantly decreased. In conclusion, ethanol oxidatively damages pancreatic acinar cells; cerulein stimulation is followed by a lower output of amylase and by a higher release of oxidized proteins by pancreatic acinar cells from ethanol-treated rats. These findings may account for the decreased exocrine function, intraductular plug formation, and protein precipitation in alcoholic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

The secretion of tropoelastin by chick-embryo artery cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Chymotryptic fingerprint analyses of tropoelastin a and tropoelastin b demonstrated a very close relationship between these two polypeptides synthesized in a cell-free system under the direction of chick-embryo polyribosomal mRNA. A similar study on tropoelastin polypeptides extracted in their hydroxylated and under-hydroxylated forms from artery cells incubated with [3H]valine in the absence and presence of alpha alpha'-bipyridine or 3,4-dehydroproline confirmed this close relationship and suggested that tropoelastins a and b are likely to be the products of a single gene. Pulse-chase experiments in which the synthesis and secretion of tropoelastin by artery cells were monitored demonstrated that, after a pulse with [3H]proline, the polypeptides rapidly appeared in the medium and the half-time of tropoelastin secretion was approx. 30 min. Further pulse-chase studies, in which [3H]tropoelastin contents of subcellular fractions were determined, showed that rough and smooth microsomal fractions contained maximal amounts of tropoelastin at different times. The quantity of tropoelastin in the smooth-microsomal fraction was always only a small proportion of that in the rough-microsomal fraction, suggesting rapid translocation of the polypeptides to the plasma membrane. Incubation of the cells with 0.1 mM-colchicine did not markedly alter the rate of secretion or the distribution of tropoelastin between the subcellular fractions, whereas when 1 microM-monensin was included in the incubations the polypeptides were retained in the rough microsomal fraction. The results are consistent with the proposal that tropoelastin may follow a pathway of secretion from rough endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane via secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

'Horor autotoxicus', as it was termed by Erhlich, is a rare clinical event despite the genetic potential of every individual to mount immune responses to self-antigens. This can be explained by the fact that the developing immune system learns to recognize self-antigens and to tolerate them. The key to autoimmunity therefore lies in unravelling the mechanisms of self-tolerance. Studies of conventional models of unresponsiveness have failed to provide a definitive answer owing to the difficulty in controlling for the large number of antigen-related variables associated with self-tolerance and in following the fate of individual clones of self-reactive lymphocytes which emerge in very low numbers from the pre-immune repertoire. These problems have now been overcome by creation of transgenic mice tolerant to endogenous antigens and containing high frequencies of autoreactive T or B lymphocytes. According to the results obtained to date, different mechanisms of tolerance induction operate for self-reactive T lymphocytes compared with B lymphocytes. Thus self-tolerance in T lymphocytes appears to depend largely on clonal deletion within the thymus. By contrast, self-reactive B lymphocytes are functionally silenced without undergoing deletion provided that the transgenic B lymphocytes express both IgM and IgD on their surfaces. This dichotomy makes good sense given that the T-lymphocyte repertoire once shaped within the thymus is not subject to further mutation whereas antigen receptors on mature B lymphocytes undergo hypermutation in the periphery.  相似文献   

Opossum kidney epithelial cells synthesize and secrete two Cobalamin (Cbl) binding proteins of Mr 66,000 and 43,000. When grown on culture inserts, the apical medium contained both these proteins while the basolateral medium contained only the 43 kDa Cbl binder. Colchicine, a microtubule disruptive drug, increased two fold the apical but not the basolateral secretion of the Cbl binding proteins. Although the opossum Cbl binders did not cross react with anti-serum raised to Cbl binders from other species, the identity based on Cbl binding and size suggest that the 66 kDa and 43 kDa proteins are haptocorrin and transcobalamin II.  相似文献   

The secretory and endocytic pathways within higher cells consist of multiple membrane-bound compartments, each with a characteristic composition, through which proteins move on their way to or from the cell surface. Sorting of proteins within this system is achieved by their selective incorporation into budding vesicles and the specific fusion of these with an appropriate target membrane. Cytosolic coat proteins help to select vesicle contents, while fusion is mediated by membrane proteins termed SNAREs present in both vesicles and target membranes. SNAREs are not the sole determinants of target specificity, but they lie at the heart of the fusion process. The complete set of SNAREs is known in yeast, and analysis of their locations, interactions and functions in vivo gives a comprehensive picture of the traffic routes and the ways in which organelles such as the Golgi apparatus are formed. The principles of protein and lipid sorting revealed by this analysis are likely to apply to a wide variety of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

In a study of the vectorial secretion of proteins by bovine aortic arch endothelial cells, we found that the extracellular matrix macromolecules collagen and fibronectin as well as several matrix-degrading metalloproteinases were secreted selectively in the basal direction. In contrast, the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases showed only a weak preference for the basal direction. Three proteins at 18-35 kDa were secreted with preference apically, counter to the basal secretion of approximately 70% of the total secreted protein. As expected, rabbit synovial fibroblasts, which were used as a control, secreted proteins, including collagen, gelatin-degrading proteinases, and casein-degrading proteinases, equally in apical and basal directions. The basal secretion of collagen, fibronectin, gelatinases, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases by bovine aortic arch endothelial cells suggests that the structural and functional polarity of these cells is manifested, in part, at the level of polarized secretion of matrix-related proteins.  相似文献   

The secretion of factor B by mouse peritoneal macrophages was found to be enhanced following in vivo or in vitro stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The intravenous administration of LPS to mice of various strains caused an increased release of factor B but not the release of acid phosphatase by the peritoneal macrophages obtained from the stimulated mice. In vitro stimulation of cultured macrophages with LPS resulted in an enhanced secretion of both factor B and acid phosphatase. The dose-dependent augmentation of factor B secretion by LPS was found in the macrophages from LPS-responsive C3H/HeN mice, whereas the macrophages from LPS-unresponsive C3H/HeJ mice did not respond to either phenol-extracted LPS or butanol-extracted LPS. The ability of LPS to cause the enhancement of factor B secretion by macrophages was abolished by alkali or acid treatment of LPS, indicating that its lipid A part was responsible for the observed effect.  相似文献   

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