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d-Amino acids are stereoisomers of l-amino acids. They are often called unnatural amino acids, but several d-amino acids have been found in mammalian brains. Among them, d-serine is abundant in the forebrain and functions as a co-agonist of NMDA receptors to enhance neurotransmission. d-Amino-acid oxidase (DAO), which degrades neutral and basic d-amino acids, is mainly present in the hindbrain. DAO catabolizes d-serine and, therefore, modulates neurotransmission. In the brains of mutant mice and rats lacking DAO activity, the amounts of d-serine and other d-amino acids are markedly increased. Mutant mice manifested behavioral changes characteristic of altered NMDA receptor activity, likely due to increased levels of d-serine. d-Serine and DAO have been demonstrated to play important roles in cerebellar development and synaptic plasticity. They have also implicated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and pain response. There have also been several lines of evidence correlating DAO with schizophrenia. Taken together, the experiments indicate that d-amino acids and DAO have pivotal functions in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Samson AL  Medcalf RL 《Neuron》2006,50(5):673-678
For over a decade, tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), a serine protease classically known for its profibrinolytic role in the vasculature, has been implicated in numerous aspects of the synaptic plasticity process. But despite being the most intensively studied protease of the CNS, the mechanisms and molecular mediators behind the action of t-PA on synaptic efficacy remain largely undefined. Rather than examine the role of t-PA in proteolytic remodeling of the synaptic extracellular matrix, this review will focus on the evidence that defines t-PA as a direct modulator of neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity by impacting on glutamatergic and dopaminergic pathways.  相似文献   

Little is known about age‐dependent changes in structure and function of astrocytes and of the impact of these on the cognitive decline in the senescent brain. The prevalent view on the age‐dependent increase in reactive astrogliosis and astrocytic hypertrophy requires scrutiny and detailed analysis. Using two‐photon microscopy in conjunction with 3D reconstruction, Sholl and volume fraction analysis, we demonstrate a significant reduction in the number and the length of astrocytic processes, in astrocytic territorial domains and in astrocyte‐to‐astrocyte coupling in the aged brain. Probing physiology of astrocytes with patch clamp, and Ca2+ imaging revealed deficits in K+ and glutamate clearance and spatiotemporal reorganisation of Ca2+ events in old astrocytes. These changes paralleled impaired synaptic long‐term potentiation (LTP) in hippocampal CA1 in old mice. Our findings may explain the astroglial mechanisms of age‐dependent decline in learning and memory.  相似文献   

Wolosker H  Dumin E  Balan L  Foltyn VN 《The FEBS journal》2008,275(14):3514-3526
The mammalian brain contains unusually high levels of D-serine, a D-amino acid previously thought to be restricted to some bacteria and insects. In the last few years, studies from several groups have demonstrated that D-serine is a physiological co-agonist of the N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) type of glutamate receptor -- a key excitatory neurotransmitter receptor in the brain. D-Serine binds with high affinity to a co-agonist site at the NMDA receptors and, along with glutamate, mediates several important physiological and pathological processes, including NMDA receptor transmission, synaptic plasticity and neurotoxicity. In recent years, biosynthetic, degradative and release pathways for D-serine have been identified, indicating that D-serine may function as a transmitter. At first, D-serine was described in astrocytes, a class of glial cells that ensheathes neurons and release several transmitters that modulate neurotransmission. This led to the notion that D-serine is a glia-derived transmitter (or gliotransmitter). However, recent data indicate that serine racemase, the D-serine biosynthetic enzyme, is widely expressed in neurons of the brain, suggesting that D-serine also has a neuronal origin. We now review these findings, focusing on recent questions regarding the roles of glia versus neurons in d-serine signaling.  相似文献   

Calcium homeostasis and modulation of synaptic plasticity in the aged brain   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Foster TC 《Aging cell》2007,6(3):319-325
The level of intracellular Ca2+ plays a central role in normal and pathological signaling within and between neurons. These processes involve a cascade of events for locally raising and lowering cytosolic Ca2+. As the mechanisms for age-related alteration in Ca2+ dysregulation have been illuminated, hypotheses concerning Ca2+ homeostasis and brain aging have been modified. The idea that senescence is due to pervasive cell loss associated with elevated resting Ca2+ has been replaced by concepts concerning changes in local Ca2+ levels associated with neural activity. This article reviews evidence for a shift in the sources of intracellular Ca2+ characterized by a diminished role for N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors and an increased role for intracellular stores and voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. Physiological and biological models are outlined, which relate a shift in Ca2+ regulation with changes in cell excitability and synaptic plasticity, resulting in a functional lesion of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The hippocampus is a center for learning and memory as well as a target of Alzheimer's disease in aged humans. Synaptic modulation by estrogen is essential to understand the molecular mechanisms of estrogen replacement therapy. Because the local synthesis of estrogen occurs in the hippocampus of both sexes, in addition to the estrogen supply from the gonads, its functions are attracting much attention.  相似文献   

Younts TJ  Castillo PE 《Neuron》2011,71(3):385-387
The synaptic basis underlying food intake is poorly understood. New research shows that an animal's satiety state dictates the polarity of long-term inhibitory synaptic plasticity in the hypothalamus, which is mediated by an activity-dependent competition between endocannabinoid and nitric oxide signaling.  相似文献   

Given their trans-synaptic localization, their persistent expression at mature synapses and their distinct biochemical and adhesive properties, cadherins are uniquely poised at the synapse to mediate synaptic plasticity, the ability to change synaptic function thought to underlie learning and memory. For example recent work suggests that cadherins may recruit and stabilize AMPA receptors at the synapse via direct interactions or through complex formation, revealing cross talk between postsynaptic signaling and adhesion. Moreover, the use of small interfering RNA knockdown of cadherin, the availability of N-cadherin-deficient embryonic stem cells and the acute disruption of cadherin function with peptide application in vivo have allowed for more precise dissection of the molecular mechanisms by which cadherins function in both structural and functional plasticity.  相似文献   

Astroglia are targets for estrogen and testosterone and are apparently involved in the action of sex steroids on the brain. Sex hormones induce changes in the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein, the growth of astrocytic processes, and the degree of apposition of astroglial processes to neuronal membranes in the rat hypothalamus. These changes are linked to modifications in the number of synaptic inputs to hypothalamic neurons. These findings suggest that astrocytes may participate in the genesis of androgen-induced sex differences in synaptic connectivity and in estrogen-induced synaptic plasticity in the adult brain. Astrocytes and tanycytes may also participate in the cellular effects of sex steroids by releasing neuroactive substances and by regulating the local accumulation of specific growth factors, such as insulin-like growth factor-I, that are involved in estrogen-induced synaptic plasticity and estrogen-mediated neuroendocrine control. Astroglia may also be involved in regenerative and neuroprotective effects of sex steroids, since astroglia formation after brain injury or after peripheral nerve axotomy is regulated by sex hormones. Furthermore, the expression of aromatase, the enzyme that produces estrogen, is induced de novo in astrocytes in lesioned brain areas of adult male and female rodents. Since astroglia do not express aromatase under normal circumstances, the induction of this enzyme may be part of the program of glial activation to cope with the new conditions of the neural tissue after injury. Given the neuroprotective and growth-promoting effects of estrogen after injury, the local production of this steroid may be a relevant component of the reparative process.  相似文献   

After accumulation of data showing that resident brain cells (neurons, astrocytes, and microglia) produce mediators of the immune system, such as cytokines and their receptors under normal physiological conditions, a critical need emerged for investigating the role of these mediators in cognitive processes. The major problem for understanding the functional role of cytokines in the mechanisms of synaptic plasticity, de novo neurogenesis, and learning and memory is the small number of investigated cytokines. Existing concepts are based on data from just three proinflammatory cytokines: interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. The amount of information in the literature on the functional role of antiinflammatory cytokines in the mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and cognitive functions of mature mammalian brain is dismally low. However, they are of principle importance for understanding the mechanisms of local information processing in the brain, since they modulate the activity of individual cells and local neural networks, being able to reconstruct the processes of synaptic plasticity and intercellular communication, in general, depending on the local ratio of the levels of different cytokines in certain areas of the brain. Understanding the functional role of cytokines in cellular mechanisms of information processing and storage in the brain would allow developing preventive and therapeutic means for the treatment of neuropathologies related to impairment of these mechanisms.  相似文献   

It is clear that de novo protein synthesis has an important function in synaptic transmission and plasticity. A substantial amount of work has shown that mRNA translation in the hippocampus is spatially controlled and that dendritic protein synthesis is required for different forms of long‐term synaptic plasticity. More recently, several studies have highlighted a function for protein degradation by the ubiquitin proteasome system in synaptic plasticity. These observations suggest that changes in synaptic transmission involve extensive regulation of the synaptic proteome. Here, we review experimental data supporting the idea that protein homeostasis is a regulatory motif for synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Receptor trafficking and synaptic plasticity   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Long-term potentiation and long-term depression are processes that have been widely studied to understand the molecular basis of information storage in the brain. Glutamate receptors are required for the induction and expression of these forms of plasticity, and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors are involved in their modulation. Recent insights into how these receptors are rapidly moved into and out of synaptic membranes has profound implications for our understanding of the mechanisms of long-term potentiation and long-term depression.  相似文献   

During the past several years, there has been increasing interest in the effects of estrogen on neural function. This enthusiasm is driven, in part, by the results of early clinical studies suggesting that estrogen therapy given after menopause may prevent, or at least delay, the onset of Alzheimer's disease in older women. However, later clinical trials of women with probable Alzheimer's disease had contrary results. Much of the current research related to estrogen and brain function is focused in two directions. One involves clinical studies that examine the potential of estrogen in protecting against cognitive decline during normal aging and against Alzheimer's disease (neuroprotection). The other direction, which is the primary focus of this review, involves laboratory studies that examine the mechanisms by which estrogen can modify the structure of nerve cells and alter the way neurons communicate with other cells in the brain (neuroplasticity). In this review, we examine recent evidence from experimental and clinical research on the rapid effects of estrogen on several mechanisms that involve synaptic plasticity in the nervous system,including hippocampal excitability, long-term potentiation and depression related to sex and aging differences, cellular neuroprotection and probable molecular mechanisms of the action of estrogen in brain tissue.  相似文献   

Chemical transmission at central synapses is known to be highly plastic; the strength of synaptic connections can be modified bi-directionally as a result of activity at individual synapses. Long-term changes in synaptic efficacy, both increases and decreases, are thought to be involved in the development of the nervous system, and in ongoing changes in response to external cues such as during learning and addiction. Other, shorter lasting changes in synaptic transmission are also likely to be important in normal functioning of the CNS. Calcium mobilisation is an important step in multiple forms of plasticity and, although entry into neurones from the extracellular space is often the initial trigger for plasticity changes, release of calcium from intracellular stores also has an important part to play in a variety of forms of synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

钙依赖性突触的可塑性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dou Y  Yan J  Wu YY  Cui RY  Lu CL 《生理科学进展》2001,32(1):35-38
突触前和突触后细胞内钙离子([Ca^2 ]i)在短时程和长时程突触的可塑性中,发挥着重要的住处传递作用。兴奋后残留[Ca^2 ]i,可以激发短时程突触增强。突触前[Ca^2 ]i可以影响被抑制的突触前膜囊泡的更新,并准确编码突前和突触后信息,产生截然相反的长时程突触修(LTP或LTD)。  相似文献   

Mitochondria are the predominant organelle within many presynaptic terminals. During times of high synaptic activity, they affect intracellular calcium homeostasis and provide the energy needed for synaptic vesicle recycling and for the continued operation of membrane ion pumps. Recent discoveries have altered our ideas about the role of mitochondria in the synapse. Mitochondrial localization, morphology, and docking at synaptic sites may indeed alter the kinetics of transmitter release and calcium homeostasis in the presynaptic terminal. In addition, the mitochondrial ion channel BCL-xL, known as a protector against programmed cell death, regulates mitochondrial membrane conductance and bioenergetics in the synapse and can thereby alter synaptic transmitter release and the recycling of pools of synaptic vesicles. BCL-xL, therefore, not only affects the life and death of the cell soma, but its actions in the synapse may underlie the regulation of basic synaptic processes that subtend learning, memory and synaptic development.  相似文献   

Voglis G  Tavernarakis N 《EMBO reports》2006,7(11):1104-1110
The nervous system receives a large amount of information about the environment through elaborate sensory routes. Processing and integration of these wide-ranging inputs often results in long-term behavioural alterations as a result of past experiences. These relatively permanent changes in behaviour are manifestations of the capacity of the nervous system for learning and memory. At the cellular level, synaptic plasticity is one of the mechanisms underlying this process. Repeated neural activity generates physiological changes in the nervous system that ultimately modulate neuronal communication through synaptic transmission. Recent studies implicate both presynaptic and postsynaptic ion channels in the process of synapse strength modulation. Here, we review the role of synaptic ion channels in learning and memory, and discuss the implications and significance of these findings towards deciphering the molecular biology of learning and memory.  相似文献   

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