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Anagalids are an extinct group of primitive mammals from the Asian Palaeogene thought to be possible basal members of Glires. Anagalid material is rare, with only a handful of crania known. Here we describe the first virtual endocast of an anagalid, based on the holotype of Anagale gobiensis (AMNH 26079; late Eocene, China), which allows for comparison with published endocasts from fossil members of modern euarchontogliran lineages (i.e. primates, rodents, lagomorphs). The endocast displays traits often observed in fossorial mammals, such as relatively small petrosal lobules and a low neocortical ratio, which would be consistent with previous inferences about use of subterranean food sources based on heavy dental wear. In fact, Anagale gobiensis has the lowest neocortical ratio yet recorded for a euarchontogliran. This species was olfaction-driven, based on the relatively large olfactory bulbs and laterally expansive palaeocortex. The endocast supports previous inferences that relatively large olfactory bulbs, partial midbrain exposure and low encephalization quotient are ancestral for Euarchontoglires, although the likely fossorial adaptations of Anagale gobiensis may also partly explain these traits. While Anagale gobiensis is a primitive mammal in many aspects, some of its derived endocranial traits point towards a new, different trajectory of brain evolution within Euarchontoglires.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(8):1033-1057
The special sensory, motor, and cognitive capabilities of mammals mainly depend upon the neocortex, which is the six‐layered cover of the mammalian forebrain. The origin of the neocortex is still controversial and the current view is that larger brains with neocortex first evolved in late Triassic Mammaliaformes. Here, we report the earliest evidence of a structure analogous to the mammalian neocortex in a forerunner of mammals, the fossorial anomodont Kawingasaurus fossilis from the late Permian of Tanzania. The endocranial cavity of Kawingasaurus is almost completely ossified, which allowed a less hypothetical virtual reconstruction of the brain endocast to be generated. A parietal foramen is absent. A small pit between the cerebral hemispheres is interpreted as a pineal body. The inflated cerebral hemispheres are demarcated from each other by a median sulcus and by a possible rhinal fissure from the rest of the endocast. The encephalization quotient estimated by using the method of Eisenberg is 0.52, which is 2–3 times larger than in other nonmammalian synapsids. Another remarkable feature are the extremely ramified infraorbital canals in the snout. The shape of the brain endocast, the extremely ramified maxillary canals as well as the small frontally placed eyes suggest that special sensory adaptations to the subterranean habitat such as a well developed sense of touch and binocular vision may have driven the parallel evolution of an equivalent of the mammalian neocortex and a mammal‐like lemnothalamic visual system in Kawingasaurus . The gross anatomy of the brain endocast of Kawingasaurus supports the Outgroup Hypothesis, according to which the neocortex evolved from the dorsal pallium of an amphibian‐like ancestor, which receives sensory projections from the lemnothalamic pathway. The enlarged brain as well as the absence of a parietal foramen may be an indication for a higher metabolic rate of Kawingasaurus compared to other nonmammalian synapsids.  相似文献   

The endocast of Aegyptopithecus, a 27 million year old ape, reveals that its brain was advanced over that of prosimians and comparable to that of modern anthropoids in relative size and in having expanded visual cortex, reduced olfactory bulbs, and a central sulcus separating primary somatic sensory and motor cortex. The early appearance of those features suggests that they may have been among the adaptations responsible for the evolution of anthropoids from prosimian ancestors. The frontal lobe was relatively smaller in Aegyptopithecus than in modern anthropoids. An endocast of Dolichocebus, one of the oldest known New World monkeys (25–30 million years old), reveals visual cortex expanded as in modern anthropoids. The 19 million year old Napak frontal bone displays a hominoid rather than cercopithecoid sulcal pattern. An 18 million year old endocast of the ape Dryopithecus (Proconsul) was neither monkey-like nor primitive, as originally described, but rather apelike and essentially modern in all observable features. The oldest undoubted Old World monkey endocast, from nine million year old Mesopithecus, reveals that the brain was modern in sulcal pattern and proportions. The sulcal pattern was like that of modern colobines, but that appears to be the more primitive condition, from which features characteristic of modern cercopithecine brains have evolved. The brain of six million year old Libypithecus was similar to that of Mesopithecus. A two million year old endocast of “Dolichopithecus” arvernensis displays a modern cercopithecine sulcal pattern.  相似文献   

Central to issues surrounding the origin of euprimates, affinities of Paleocene Carpolestidae have been controversial. Carpolestids have been classified as plesiadapoid primates, tarsiiform euprimates, dermopterans, or the sister taxon of euprimates to the exclusion of other plesiadapiforms, based exclusively on dental or postcranial data. Newly discovered crania of Carpolestes simpsoni from the latest Paleocene of the Clarks Fork Basin, Wyoming, are the first described for the family Carpolestidae. The two best preserved skulls were studied using ultra high-resolution X-ray computed tomography. Comparison of these specimens to those of other stem primates (Plesiadapiformes) demonstrates that the diversity of cranial morphology in this group is greater than previously thought. Carpolestes differs from euprimates and is similar to other plesiadapiforms (Ignacius and Plesiadapis) in lacking a postorbital bar and having a relatively long rostrum. Carpolestes is similar to fossil euprimates and Plesiadapis in having a bullar morphology consistent with a petrosal origin, and differs from Ignacius, in which the bulla is composed of the entotympanic. Carpolestes differs from primitive euprimates and all other known plesiadapiforms in possessing a two-chambered auditory bulla, similar to that of modern Tarsius. However, Carpolestes had an internal carotid artery (ICA) that took a transpromontorial route from a posteromedially positioned posterior carotid foramen (pcf), unlike Tarsius, in which this artery takes a perbullar route from an anterolaterally positioned pcf. Carpolestes has clear grooves on the promontorium for both the promontorial and stapedial arteries, indicating that it had an unreduced internal carotid circulation, similar to that of early euprimates. Carpolestes differs from primitive euprimates and some specimens of Ignacius in not having bony tubes surrounding the branches of the ICA. Cladistic analysis of cranial data fails to support a close relationship of Carpolestidae to either tarsiiform euprimates or extant Dermoptera, but suggests a close relationship between Carpolestidae, Plesiadapidae, and Euprimates.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the morphological traits of primates were assumed to be adaptations to an arboreal way of life. However, Cartmill [1972] pointed out that a number of morphological traits characteristic of primates are not found in many other arboreal mammals. He contends that orbital convergence and grasping extremities indicate that the initial divergence of primates involved visual predation on insects in the lower canopy and undergrowth of the tropical forest. However, recent research on nocturnal primates does not support the visually-oriented predation theory. Although insects were most likely important components of the diets of the earliest euprimates, it is argued here that visual predation was not the major impetus for the evolution of the adaptive traits of primates. Recent paleobotanical research has yielded evidence that a major evolutionary event occurred during the Eocene, involving the angiosperms and their dispersal agents. As a result of long-term diffuse coevolutionary interactions with flowering plants, modern primates, bats, and plant-feeding birds all first arose around the Paleocene-Eocene boundary and became the major seed dispersers of modern tropical flora during the Eocene. Thus, it is suggested here that the multitude of resources available on the terminal branches of the newly evolved angiosperm, rain forest trees led to the morphological adaptations of primates of modern aspect.  相似文献   

This study aimed to obtain the full sequence of carbamoyl phosphate synthetase III (cps III) from, and to determine the mRNA expression of cps III in, the liver of P. annectens during aestivation in air, hypoxia or mud, or exposure to environmental ammonia (100 mmol l−1 NH4Cl). The complete coding cDNA sequence of cps III from the liver of P. annectens consisted of 4530 bp, which coded for 1,510 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 166.1 kDa. The Cps III of P. annectens consisted of a mitochondrial targeting sequence of 44 amino acid residues, a GAT domain spanning from tyrosine 45 to isoleucine 414, and a methylglyoxal synthase-like domain spanning from valine 433 to arginine 1513. Two cysteine residues (cysteine 1337 and cysteine 1347) that are characteristic of N-acetylglutamate dependency were also present. The critical Cys-His-Glu catalytic triad (cysteine 301, histidine 385 and glutamate 387) together with methionine 302 and glutamine 305 affirmed that P. annectens expressed Cps III and not Cps I. A comparison of the translated amino acid sequence of Cps III from P. annectens with CPS sequences from other animals revealed that it shared the highest similarity with elasmobranch Cps III. A phylogenetic analysis indicates that P. annectens CPS III could have evolved from Cps III of elasmobranchs. Indeed, Cps III from P. annectens used mainly glutamine as the substrate, and its activity decreased significantly when glutamine and ammonia were included together in the assay system. There were significant increases (9- to 12-fold) in the mRNA expression of cps III in the liver of fish during the induction phase (days 3 and 6) of aestivation in air. Aestivation in hypoxia or in mud had a delayed effect on the increase in the mRNA expression of cps III, which extended beyond the induction phase of aestivation, reiterating the importance of differentiating effects that are intrinsic to aestivation from those intrinsic to hypoxia. Furthermore, results from this study confirmed that environmental ammonia exposure led to a significant increase in the mRNA expression of cps III in the liver of P. annectens, alluding to the important functional role of urea not only as a product of ammonia detoxification but also as a putative internal cue for aestivation.  相似文献   

The brain endocasts of the late Triassic (Carnian) traversodontids (Eucynodontia: Gomphodontia) Siriusgnathus niemeyerorum and Exaeretodon riograndensis from southern Brazil are described based on virtual models generated using computed tomography scan data. Their skull anatomy resembles that of other non-mammaliaform cynodonts, showing an endocranial cavity that is not fully ossified. A “V-shaped” orbitosphenoid, neither fully developed nor ossified is present in E. riograndensis. The nasal cavity is confluent with the encephalic cavity. Thus, the anterior limit of the olfactory bulbs is not definite. The brain endocast is elongated, being narrow anteriorly and wide posteriorly, with the maximum width at the parafloccular cast. The olfactory bulbs do not present a clear division between their counterparts, due to the absence of a longitudinal sulcus. A longitudinal sulcus in the forebrain delimiting the cerebral hemispheres, the pineal tube, and the parietal foramen are absent in both taxa. The large and well-developed unossified zone is partially separated from the remaining endocast by a notch formed by the supraoccipital. The encephalization quotients, as well as the endocranial volume/body mass relationships of S. niemeyerorum and E. riograndensis are within the range expected for non-mammaliaform Therapsida.  相似文献   

Cetaceans rival primates in brain size relative to body size and include species with the largest brains and biggest bodies to have ever evolved. Cetaceans are remarkably diverse, varying in both phenotypes by several orders of magnitude, with notable differences between the two extant suborders, Mysticeti and Odontoceti. We analyzed the evolutionary history of brain and body mass, and relative brain size measured by the encephalization quotient (EQ), using a data set of extinct and extant taxa to capture temporal variation in the mode and direction of evolution. Our results suggest that cetacean brain and body mass evolved under strong directional trends to increase through time, but decreases in EQ were widespread. Mysticetes have significantly lower EQs than odontocetes due to a shift in brain:body allometry following the divergence of the suborders, caused by rapid increases in body mass in Mysticeti and a period of body mass reduction in Odontoceti. The pattern in Cetacea contrasts with that in primates, which experienced strong trends to increase brain mass and relative brain size, but not body mass. We discuss what these analyses reveal about the convergent evolution of large brains, and highlight that until recently the most encephalized mammals were odontocetes, not primates.  相似文献   

New material of the early anthropoid primate Qatrania wingi and a new species of that genus are described. Several features of the dental anatomy show that Qatrania, while quite primitive relative to other anthropoids in many ways, is most likely a parapithecid primate. The new material suggests that several dental features previously thought to ally parapithecids with the catarrhine primates were actually evolved in parallel in catarrhines and some parapithecids. Furthermore, all nonparapithecid anthropoids (including platyrrhines and catarrhines) share a suite of derived dental and postcranial features not found in parapithecids. Therefore, parapithecid origins may predate the platyrrhine/catarrhine split.  相似文献   

A diverse fossil record of Cervidae (Mammalia) has been documented in the South American Pleistocene, when these animals arrived during the Great American Biotic Interchange. Using computed tomography-scanning techniques, it is possible to access the endocranial morphology of extinct species. Here, we studied the brain endocast of the extinct late Pleistocene cervid Antifer ensenadensis from southern Brazil, one of the largest forms that lived on this continent, using comparative morphology, geometric morphometrics, and encephalization quotients. The analyzed endocasts demonstrate that A. ensenadensis had a gyrencephalic brain, showing a prominent longitudinal sinus (=sagittal superior sinus), which is also observed in the large South American cervid Blastocerus dichotomus. The encephalization quotient is within the variation of extant cervids, suggesting maintenance of the pattern of encephalization from at least the late Pleistocene. Geometric morphometric analysis suggested a clear and linear allometric trend between brain endocast size and shape, and highlights A. ensenadensis as an extreme form within the analyzed cervids regarding brain morphology.  相似文献   

A new early-to-middle Eocene cetacean from the Kala Chitta Hills of northern Pakistan is described: Attockicetus praecursor new genus and species. It is based on fragmentary cranial material, including a rostral fragment, P3–M3, endocast, and ectotympanic. Attockicetus is the first remingtonocetid from northern Pakistan, and the oldest member of its family. Attockicetus praecursor is smaller than the species of the other remingtonocetid genera, Remingtonocetus, Andrewsiphius, and Dalanistes. It is also more primitive in the retention of large protocones on the upper molars and the anterior position of the orbit. Known material for Attockicetus is fragmentary, but the taxon is important because it extends the geographic and temporal range of remingtonocetids, is one of the few remingtonocetids in which toothcrowns are preserved, and because it is probably the most plesiomorphic remingtonocetid.  相似文献   

The didelphid Caluromys shows evolutionary convergence towards prosimians in having a relatively large brain, large eyes, small litters, slow development, and agile locomotion. The selection pressures that favored the emergence of primate-like traits in Caluromys from a generalized didelphid ancestor may be analogous to the selection pressures favoring the initial divergence of primates from a primitive nonprimate ancestor, and thus Caluromys provides an independent test of the arboreal hypothesis (Smith: Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1912:553–572, 1913), the visual predation hypothesis (Cartmill: The Functional and Evolutionary Biology of Primates, pp. 97–122, 1972), and the angiosperm exploitation hypothesis (Sussman: American Journal of Primatology, in press) of primate origins. Quantitative data on free-ranging C. derbianus in Costa Rica demonstrate that it is highly arboreal, uses visually directed predation to capture arthropod prey, and makes extensive use of terminal branch foraging, where it feeds on small angiosperm products. These observations are consistent with predictions from each model of primate origins, thus suggesting that the hypotheses are not mutually exclusive but are interdependent. The initial divergence of primates probably involved exploitation of the rich angiosperm products and associated insects found in fine terminal branches; visually directed predation may have evolved as an efficient method of insect capture in the terminal branch milieu.  相似文献   

The gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), one of the world’s smallest primates, is thought to share a similar ecological niche and many anatomical traits with early euprimates. As a result, it has been considered a suitable model system for early primate physiology and behavior. Moreover, recent studies have demonstrated that mouse lemurs have comparable cognitive abilities and cortical functional organization as haplorhines. Finally, the small brain size of mouse lemurs provides us with actual lower limits for miniaturization of functional brain circuits within the primate clade. Considering its phylogenetic position and early primate-like traits, the mouse lemurs are a perfect model species to study the early evolution of primate brains.  相似文献   

Scaffold varied quaternized quinine and cinchonidine alkaloid derivatives were evaluated for their selective butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) inhibitory potential. Ki values were between 0.4–260.5 μM (non-competitive inhibition) while corresponding Kivalues to acetylcholinesterase (AChE) ranged from 7.0–400 μM exhibiting a 250-fold selectivity for BChE.Docking arrangements (GOLD, PLANT) revealed that the extended aromatic moieties and the quaternized nitrogen of the inhibitors were responsible for specific ππ stacking and π–cation interactions with the choline binding site and the peripheral anionic site of BChE’s active site.  相似文献   

Electrochemically active composite film containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and vitamin B12 was synthesized on glassy carbon, gold, and indium tin oxide electrodes by the potentiodynamic method. The presence of MWCNTs in the composite film (MWCNT–B12) modified electrode mediates vitamin B12’s redox reaction, whereas vitamin B12’s redox reaction does not occur at bare electrode. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies reveal that MWCNTs present in MWCNT–B12 film enhance electron shuttling between the reactant and electrode surface. The surface morphology of bare electrode, MWCNT film. and MWCNT–B12 composite film was studied using atomic force microscopy, which reveals vitamin B12 incorporated with MWCNTs. The MWCNT–B12 composite film exhibits promising enhanced electrocatalysis toward hydrazine. The electrocatalysis response of hydrazine at MWCNT film and MWCNT–B12 composite film was measured using cyclic voltammetry and amperometric current–time (it) curve techniques. The linear concentration range of hydrazine obtained at MWCNT–B12 composite film using the it curve technique is 2.0 μM–1.95 mM. Similarly, the sensitivity of MWCNT–B12 composite film for hydrazine determination using the it curve technique is 1.32 mA mM−1 cm−2, and the hydrazine’s limit of detection at MWCNT–B12 composite film is 0.7 μM.  相似文献   

The West African lungfish (Protopterus annectens) performs benthic, pelvic fin‐driven locomotion with gaits common to tetrapods, the sister group of the lungfishes. Features of P. annectens movement are similar to those of modern tetrapods and include use of the distal region of the pelvic fin as a “foot,” use of the fin to lift the body above the substrate and rotation of the fin around the joint with the pelvis. In contrast to these similarities in movement, the pelvic fins of P. annectens are long, slender structures that are superficially very different from tetrapod limbs. Here, we describe the musculoskeletal anatomy of the pelvis and pelvic fins of P. annectens with dissection, magnetic resonance imaging, histology and 3D‐reconstruction methods. We found that the pelvis is embedded in the hypaxial muscle by a median rostral and two dorsolateral skeletal projections. The protractor and retractor muscles at the base of the pelvic fin are fan‐shaped muscles that cup the femur. The skeletal elements of the fin are serially repeating cartilage cylinders. Along the length of the fin, repeating truncated cones of muscles, the musculus circumradialis pelvici, are separated by connective tissue sheets that connect the skeletal elements to the skin. The simplicity of the protractor and retractor muscles at the base of the fin is surprising, given the complex rotational movement those muscles generate. In contrast, the series of many repeating segmental muscles along the length of the fin is consistent with the dexterity of bending of the distal limb. P. annectens can provide a window into soft‐tissue anatomy and sarcopterygian fish fin function that complements the fossil data from related taxa. This work, combined with previous behavioral examination of P. annectens, illustrates that fin morphologies that do not appear to be capable of walking can accomplish that function, and may inform the interpretation of fossil anatomical evidence. J. Morphol. 275:431–441, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

There is a well-established allometric relationship between brain and body mass in mammals. Deviation of relatively increased brain size from this pattern appears to coincide with enhanced cognitive abilities. To examine whether there is a phylogenetic structure to such episodes of changes in encephalization across mammals, we used phylogenetic techniques to analyse brain mass, body mass and encephalization quotient (EQ) among 630 extant mammalian species. Among all mammals, anthropoid primates and odontocete cetaceans have significantly greater variance in EQ, suggesting that evolutionary constraints that result in a strict correlation between brain and body mass have independently become relaxed. Moreover, ancestral state reconstructions of absolute brain mass, body mass and EQ revealed patterns of increase and decrease in EQ within anthropoid primates and cetaceans. We propose both neutral drift and selective factors may have played a role in the evolution of brain-body allometry.  相似文献   

The morphology of the distal tibia and its joint surfaces is described in the late Eocene European Necrolemur,the middle Eocene North American Hemiacodon,and an omomyid species from the lower part of the Bridger Formation of North America. Necrolemur,like Tarsius,exhibits tibiofibular fusion, although to a less advanced degree. The Bridger omomyids, however, show no evidence of fusion but are similar to galagos in the conformation of this joint. The distal tibia of euprimates is distinguished by several derived features. These correlate with derived features of the astragalus and are functionally related to the abduction of the foot that accompanies dorsiflexion in primates. Tarsius,omomyids, and anthropoids share a suite of features which distinguish them from strepsirhines; these maybe haplorhine synapomorphies, but the polarity of these features is difficult to determine. If they are synapomorphies, abduction accompanying dorsiflexion and movement at the inferior tibiofibular joint were restricted in ancestral haplorhines. In living primates such restriction is associated with small body size and saltatorial locomotion.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(3):321-333
Exceptional variability in the shell of the pancake tortoise Malacochersus tornieri , both in the keratinous surficial scutes and the underlying bones, in addition to its remarkably fenestrated bony shell are unique among tortoises. Based on 14 individuals of different sizes and ages, the observed variation in M. tornieri was described in detail, with additional notes on the typically testudinid skull, inner ear and brain endocast using microCT‐scan data, as well as the limbs. Similar degrees of variation have not yet been described in any other extant turtle species and therefore seem notable in M. tornieri , and might be related to the species' unique lifestyle. Within the carapace, the peripherals and suprapygals are most variable in number. Furthermore, different combinations of peripherals are participating in the central plastral fontanelle and in some individuals additional bones take part in the formation of the plastron. J. Morphol. 278:321–333, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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