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Nearly 900 SSRs (simple sequence repeats) were identified among 15,000 ESTs (expressed sequence tags) belonging to bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). The SSRs were defined by their minimum length, which ranged from 14 to 21 bp. The maximum length ranged from 24 to 87 bp depending upon the length of the repeat unit itself (1–7 bp). The average density of SSRs was one SSR per 9.2 kb of EST sequence screened. The trinucleotide repeats were the most abundant SSRs detected. As a representative sample, 78 primer pairs were designed, which were also used to screen the dbEST entries for Hordeum vulgare and Triticum tauschii (donor of the D-genome of cultivated wheat) using a cut-off E (expectation) value of 0.01. On the basis of in silico analysis, up to 55.12% of the primer pairs exhibited transferability from Triticum to Hordeum, indicating that the sequences flanking the SSRs are not only conserved within a single genus but also between related genera in Poaceae. Primer pairs for the 78 SSRs were synthesized and used successfully for the study of (1) their transferability to 18 related wild species and five cereal species (barley, oat, rye, rice and maize); and (2) polymorphism between the parents of four mapping populations available with us. A subset of 20 EST-SSR primers was also used to assess genetic diversity in a collection of 52 elite exotic wheat genotypes. This was done with a view to compare their utility relative to other molecular markers (gSSRs, AFLPs, and SAMPL) previously used by us for the same purpose with the same set of 52 bread wheat genotypes. Although only a low level of polymorphism was detected, relative to that observed with genomic SSRs, the study suggested that EST-SSRs can be successfully used for a variety of purposes, and may actually prove superior to SSR markers extracted from genomic libraries for diversity estimation and transferability.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

Enrichment methods were optimised in order to isolate large numbers of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), with the aim of developing a comprehensive set of loci for trait mapping and cultivar identification. Two libraries were constructed showing greater than 50% enrichment for a variety of SSR-motif types. Sequence characterisation of 1853 clones identified 859 SSR-containing clones, of which 718 were unique. Truncation of flanking sequences limited potential primer design to 366 clones. One-hundred selected SSR primer pairs were evaluated for amplification and genetic polymorphism across a panel of diverse genotypes. The efficiency of amplification was 81%. A relatively high level of SSR polymorphism was detected (67%), with a range of 2–7 alleles per locus. Mendelian segregation of alleles detected by selected SSR-locus primer pairs was demonstrated in the F1 progeny of a pair cross. Cross-species amplification was detected in a number of related pasture and turfgrass species, with high levels of transfer to other Lolium species and members of the related genus Festuca. The identity of putative SSR ortholoci in these related species was confirmed by DNA sequence analysis. These loci constitute a valuable resource of ideal markers for the molecular breeding of ryegrasses and fescues. Received: 8 May 2000 / Accepted: 13 June 2000  相似文献   

Molecular genetic marker development in perennial ryegrass has largely been dependent on anonymous sequence variation. The availability of a large-scale EST resource permits the development of functionally-associated genetic markers based on SNP variation in candidate genes. Genic SNP loci and associated haplotypes are suitable for implementation in molecular breeding of outbreeding forage species. Strategies for in vitro SNP discovery through amplicon cloning and sequencing have been designed and implemented. Putative SNPs were identified within and between the parents of the F1(NA6 × AU6) genetic mapping family and were validated among progeny individuals. Proof-of-concept for the process was obtained using the drought tolerance-associated LpASRa2 gene. SNP haplotype structures were determined and correlated with predicted amino acid changes. Gene-length LD was evaluated across diverse germplasm collections. A survey of SNP variation across 100 candidate genes revealed a high frequency of SNP incidence (c. 1 per 54 bp), with similar proportions in exons and introns. A proportion (c. 50%) of the validated genic SNPs were assigned to the F1(NA6 × AU6) genetic map, showing high levels of coincidence with previously mapped RFLP loci. The perennial ryegrass SNP resource will enable genetic map integration, detailed LD studies and selection of superior allele content during varietal development.  相似文献   

A sample set of registered perennial ryegrass varieties was used to compare how morphological characterisation and AFLP® (AFLP® is a registered trademark of Keygene N.V.) and STS molecular markers described variety relationships. All the varieties were confirmed as morphologically distinct, and both the STS and AFLP markers exposed sufficient genetic diversity to differentiate these registered ryegrass varieties. Distances obtained by each of the approaches were compared, with special attention given to the coincidences and divergences between the methods. When correlations between morphological, AFLP and STS distances were calculated and the corresponding scatter-plots constructed, the variety relationships appeared to be rather inconsistent across the methods, especially between morphology and the molecular markers. However, some consistencies were found for closely related material. An implication could be that these molecular-marker techniques, while not yet suited to certain operations in the traditional registration of new varieties, could be suitable methods for investigating disputable distinctness situations or possible EDV (EDV= essentially derived variety. An EDV is a variety being clearly distinct from, but conforming in the expression of the essential characteristics of, an ’initial variety’ (IV) from which it is found to have been predominantly derived) relationships, subject to establishing standardised protocols and statistical techniques. Some suggestions for such a protocol, including a statistical test for distinctness, are given.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers containing simple sequence repeats (SSR) are a valuable tool for genetic analysis. Our objective is to augment the existing RFLP map of rice with simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLP). In this study, we describe 20 new microsatellite markers that have been assigned to positions along the rice chromosomes, characterized for their allelic diversity in cultivated and wild rice, and tested for amplification in distantly related species. Our results indicate that the genomic distribution of microsatellites in rice appears to be random, with no obvious bias for, or clustering in particular regions, that mapping results are identical in intersubspecific and interspecific populations, and that amplification in wild relatives ofOryza sativa is reliable in species most closely related to cultivated rice but becomes less successful as the genetic distance increases. Sequence analysis of SSLP alleles in three relatedindica varieties demonstrated the clustering of complex arrays of SSR motifs in a single 300-bp region with independent variation in each. Two microsatellite markers amplified multiple loci that were mapped onto independent rice chromosomes, suggesting the presence of duplicated regions within the rice genome. The availability of increasing numbers of mapped SSLP markers can be expected to increase the power and resolution of genome analysis in rice.  相似文献   

A new set of 148 apple microsatellite markers has been developed and mapped on the apple reference linkage map Fiesta x Discovery. One-hundred and seventeen markers were developed from genomic libraries enriched with the repeats GA, GT, AAG, AAC and ATC; 31 were developed from EST sequences. Markers derived from sequences containing dinucleotide repeats were generally more polymorphic than sequences containing trinucleotide repeats. Additional eight SSRs from published apple, pear, and Sorbus torminalis SSRs, whose position on the apple genome was unknown, have also been mapped. The transferability of SSRs across Maloideae species resulted in being efficient with 41% of the markers successfully transferred. For all 156 SSRs, the primer sequences, repeat type, map position, and quality of the amplification products are reported. Also presented are allele sizes, ranges, and number of SSRs found in a set of nine cultivars. All this information and those of the previous CH-SSR series can be searched at the apple SSR database () to which updates and comments can be added. A large number of apple ESTs containing SSR repeats are available and should be used for the development of new apple SSRs. The apple SSR database is also meant to become an international platform for coordinating this effort. The increased coverage of the apple genome with SSRs allowed the selection of a set of 86 reliable, highly polymorphic, and overall the apple genome well-scattered SSRs. These SSRs cover about 85% of the genome with an average distance of one marker per 15 cM.E. Silfverberg-Dilworth and C. L. Matasci contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry analysis showed variation of nuclear DNA content among different species of Spartina. Spartina alterniflora had the biggest genome (1763.9 Mbp) and S. cynosuroides had the smallest genome (756.35 Mbp), whereas the genomes of S. patens (969.36 Mbp) and S. spartinae (979.78 Mbp) were comparable. Mining simple sequence repeats (SSR) from 1227 expressed sequence tags (EST) generated from salt stressed S. alterniflora showed an abundance of di- and tri-nucleotide repeats. Of 100 ESSR (EST-derived SSR) loci with five or more repeats, 81 loci were successfully amplified in eight S. alterniflora genotypes and 15 (22.2%) ESSR markers were polymorphic. Eleven of the 15 polymorphic ESSRs showed amplification across six different species of Spartina while 100% cross transferability was observed with at least one species of Spartina. The average number of alleles per marker was 3.9 and 5.8 within S. alterniflora and among Spartina species, respectively. The ESSR markers discriminated different members within and between species of Spartina genus.  相似文献   

Summary Low yield in seed crops of perennial ryegrass is related to low fertilization efficiency and low temperature during anthesis. To study the effect of genotype and temperature on pollen performance, we conducted greenhouse experiments at controlled temperatures. Individual florets of four genotypes that are known to differ in seed production were hand pollinated at four temperatures (14°, 18°, 22°, 26° C) both in vivo and via a semiin-vitro method involving excised florets on agar. Pollen germination and tube growth were determined with UV-fluorescence microscopy and scored in six classes at 2 h after pollination in vitro and after 0.5, 2 and 5 h in vivo. In vitro, both genotype and temperature had a significant effect on the performance of self-pollen. Pollen tube growth increased with temperature. In cross-pollinations, the pistil parent had a significant effect on pollen tube growth, and there was also a significant pistil-by-temperature interaction. In vivo, genotype and temperature significantly affected pollen performance. The genotype-by-temperature interaction was only significant 5 h after pollination. One genotype with low seed yield was pseudoself-compatible and was a relatively poor mother after cross-pollination. The effects of genotype and temperature on the growth of self-pollen might be exploited in a breeding programme.A.G. Stephenson was on a sabbattical leave at SVP in 1987  相似文献   

Bioactive brassinosteroids have been localized in developing and mature pollen of anhydrously fixed rye-grass (Lolium perenne) by immunocytochemistry using polyclonal antibodies to castasterone generated in rabbits. Tricellular pollen fixed by freeze-substitution was also labelled in the starch granules. Study of the developmental sequence of the pollen through the microsporocyte, microspore, bicellular and tricellular stages showed that the brassinosteroids were increasingly sequestered in starch granules as the amyloplasts matured, supporting the view that these are storage organelles for these potent plant growth promoters. In bicellular pollen, heavy labelling was seen in the zone within 0.5 m of the starch granule, where stromal tissue remains. Thus, the stroma may be the site of synthesis of these compounds. During aqueous fixation, the brassinosteroids leached from the starch granules of tricellular pollen, indicating that they would be quickly available after imbibition to influence the physiology of germinating pollen. The results from high-performance liquid chromatography of dansylaminophenylboronates from partially purified extracts of freshly dehisced tricellular pollen of rye-grass showed 25-methylcastasterone may be a minor component, together with two unknown peaks. No specific binding of brassinolide to any soluble proteins extracted from tricellular rye-grass pollen was observed using the antibodies in gel electrophoresis or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - Rt retention time - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis We thank the Australian Research Council for support, the N.S.W. Department of Agriculture for rice seed, Professor K. Mori and the Zen-Noh Corporation for authentic brassinosteroid samples, Dr. I. Hudson for statistical advice, Dr. A. Bacic and Ms. I. Bonig for helpful discussion, and J.M.S. thanks Professor R.B. Knox for laboratory facilities.  相似文献   

Stable transformation of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was achieved by biolistic bombardment of a non embryogenic cell suspension culture, using the hpt and gusA gene. The transformation yielded on the average 5 callus lines per bombardment (1.4×106 cells). Stable integration of the genes into the plant genome was demonstrated by Southern analysis of DNA, isolated from hygromycin-resistant callus lines. The gusA reporter gene, which was regulated by the constitutive promoter of the rice gene GOS2, was expressed in both transient and stable transformation assays, indicating that this promoter is suitable for expression of a transferred gene in perennial ryegrass. Long-term GUS expression was observed in ca. 40% of the callus lines, whereas the other callus lines showed instability after 6 months and 1 year of culture.  相似文献   

Using an enrichment procedure, we have cloned microsatellite repeats from black poplar (Populus nigra L.) and developed primers for microsatellite marker analysis. Ten primer pairs, mostly for trinucleotide repeats, produced polymorphic fragments in P. nigra. Some of them also showed amplification in other poplar species. (P. deltoides, P. tricocarpa, P. tremula, P. tremuloides, P. candicans, P. lasiocarpa). The best six loci were tested on 23 P. nigra genotypes collected across Europe. The microsatellites produced up to 12 alleles per locus in this set, with observed heterozygosity between 0.32 and 0.91.  相似文献   

The increasing demands being placed on natural grasslands in the era following the appearance of Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis require that forage crops provide a reliable extended season of growth, combined with good winter survival to ensure sward longevity. The ability to tolerate sub-zero temperatures is integral to the survival of perennial forages. Since the development of freezing tolerance is crucial to the survival and productivity of over-wintering crops, forage breeding programmes require an improved understanding of the individual characteristics that contribute to tolerance to sub-zero temperatures. Photosynthesis, carbohydrate content and changes in protein composition were investigated in two varieties of Lolium perenne which differ in their response to growth at low temperature.  相似文献   

表达序列标签 (Expressed sequence tag, EST) 是鉴定基因表达规律和发现新基因的一种有效的分子生物学手段。为了能在中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis Gray) 中发现与生长和生殖内分泌调控相关的基因,我们构建了中华鲟垂体的SMART cDNA质粒文库。垂体是调节生长和生殖内分泌的重要器官。在本研究中,通过测序筛选得到了944个EST克隆,将所得EST 与 GenBank 数据库中的序列进行比对, 结果表明,802 (84.96%) 个克隆可以找到同源序列,共代表461个基因, 其中含132个已知功能基因;而 142 (15.04%) 个克隆不能找到同源序列。研究发现,在所有基因中,阿黑皮素原基因 (Proopiomelanocortin, POMC) 是出现次数最高的基因,占总EST数的10.17%, 显示出其在垂体中的重要地位。我们还发现了7个未知功能的基因并重点研究了其在心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肾脏、肌肉、精巢、卵巢和垂体等组织中的表达特异性。结果发现,4个基因:EG009334、EG009337、EG009338 和 EG009340为垂体特异性表达或垂体和卵巢特异性表达。对这些基因进一步的功能研究将有利于我们更好地了解中华鲟生长和生殖内分泌调控的分子机制。  相似文献   

Twenty three polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed from approximately 2,300 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Seventy two primer pairs were designed for EST sequences containing perfect di-nucleotide motifs and characterised in 96 unrelated fish. Twenty three markers were successfully amplified with number of alleles from 2 to 18 per locus and observed and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.03 to 1.00 and 0.04 to 0.90, respectively. Loci Gmo-C280, Gmo-C283, Gmo-C290 and Gmo-C293 deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Genetic linkage disequilibrium analysis between all pairs of the loci showed significant departure from the null hypothesis between loci Gmo-C267 and Gmo-C269 and Gmo-C262 and Gmo-C291. The gene identity was determined at three of the loci, confirming the associated microsatellites as Type I markers. These microsatellite markers provide useful tools for studies of population genetics, reproductive ecology and constructing linkage maps of Atlantic cod.  相似文献   

A genetic evaluation of safflower germplasm collections derived from different geographical regions and countries will provide useful information for sustainable conservation and the utilization of genetic diversity. However, the molecular marker information is limited for evaluation of genetic diversity of safflower germplasm. In this study, we acquired 509 putative genomic SSR markers for sufficient genome coverage using next‐generation sequencing methods and characterized thirty polymorphic SSRs in safflower collection composed of 100 diverse accessions. The average allele number and expected heterozygosity were 2.8 and 0.386, respectively. Analysis of population structure and phylogeny based on thirty SSR profiles revealed genetic admixture between geographical regions contrary to genetic clustering. However, the accessions from Korea were genetically conserved in distinctive groups in contrast to other safflower gene pool. In conclusion, these new genomic SSRs will facilitate valuable studies to clarify genetic relationships as well as conduct population structure analyses, genetic map construction and association analysis for safflower.  相似文献   

Subtracted and size-selected unsubtracted cDNA libraries were created to examine gene expression in the woody tissues of Castanea dentata. A total of 50 clones were sequenced and comparisons were made to the GenBank database. Expression analysis of 20 selected clones revealed that 13 were expressed predominantly in the stem and leaf tissues, while the other seven were present in all tissues examined.  相似文献   

Sequencing of cDNA clones previously screened for ability to reveal RFLPs in bulb onion has been completed and a further 128 ESTs from 111 clones have been deposited in public databases. A putative function was assigned to 66% (84/128) of ESTs by BLASTX searches against public databases and FASTA comparisons were used to determine similarity among clones, including those which detected linked RFLP loci. Cleavage amplified polymorphisms (CAPs) and single-stranded conformation polymorphisms (SSCP) were evaluated as strategies for converting onion expressed sequence tags (ESTs) into PCR-based assays for gene mapping. We screened 14 ESTs with 8 to 12 restriction enzymes and detected two CAPs, which mapped in the ’Brigham Yellow Globe’ (BYG15–23)×’Ailsa Craig’ (AC43) mapping population. A wider survey of CAPs for ESTs among eight bulb onion populations with six frequently cutting restriction enzymes detected variation, but too little to be practical for routine gene mapping. By contrast, non-radioactive SSCP of amplicons from 3′ UTRs of ESTs was found to detect useful levels of variation within bulb onion germplasm. In addition to SSCPs, homo- and hetero-duplex polymorphisms (duplex polymorphisms) were also frequently observed on the same gels. Of a total of 31 ESTs surveyed, 26 exhibited SSCP/duplex variation among bulb onion populations. SSCP/duplex polymorphisms in 11 ESTs were mapped in the ’BYG15–23’×’AC43’ family and, of these, ten were linked to an RFLP locus revealed by the original cDNA. The SSCP/duplex assays of five additional ESTs showed Mendelian segregations in the ’Colossal Grano’×’Pukekohe Longkeeper’ (P12) F2 population. Two of these markers were linked, as predicted from linkage of their corresponding RFLPs in the ’BYG15–23’×’AC43’ family. Ninety two percent (12/13) of EST PCR products that amplified in Allium roylei exhibited marked differences in SSCP patterns from bulb onion. ESTs for invertase and sucrose-sucrose fructosyltransferase were mapped by SSCP and an ATP sulfurylase gene cloned by RT-PCR revealed SSCP/ duplex polymorphism within bulb onion. These results demonstrate that SSCP/duplex is an efficient and economical technique for exploiting onion EST information for gene mapping in onion. Received: 18 September 2000 / Accepted: 15 February 2001  相似文献   

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