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We review our recent work on the use of liposomes for the delivery of antiviral agents to human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) infected cells, and antimycobactcrial drugs to cells harboring Mycobacterium avium complex or Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Soluble CD4 has been used to target liposomes to HIV-1-infected cells. Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides have been effectively delivered into HIV-1-infected macrophages using pH-sensitive liposomes. pH-sensitive liposomes with serum stability are being developed as in vivo delivery vehicles. Liposomes encapsulating an HIV-1 protease inhibitor were more effective in inhibiting virus production in infected macrophages than the free drug. Anionic liposomes were found to inhibit HIV-1 infectivity, while cationic liposomes had a differential toxicity for HIV-1-infected macrophages. Lipophilic sulfated cyclodextrins have been synthesized as novel antiviral agents. Liposome-encapsulated ciprofloxacin treatment reduced the number of viable M. avium in macrophages more than the free antibiotic. Liposome-encapsulated paromomycin and sparfloxacin were effective against M. tuberculosis inside macrophages, including multi-drug-resistant strains. Streptomycin encapsulated in liposomes and delivered intravenously or subcutaneously reduced the number of viable M. tuberculosis in infected mice and prevented mortality.  相似文献   

Yi Y  Singh A  Shaheen F  Louden A  Lee C  Collman RG 《Journal of virology》2003,77(22):12057-12066
Macrophagetropic R5 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates often evolve into dualtropic R5X4 variants during disease progression. The structural basis for CCR5 coreceptor function has been studied in a limited number of prototype strains and suggests that R5 and R5X4 Envs interact differently with CCR5. However, differences between unrelated viruses may reflect strain-specific factors and do not necessarily represent changes resulting from R5 to R5X4 evolution of a virus in vivo. Here we addressed CCR5 domains involved in fusion for a large set of closely related yet functionally distinct variants within a primary isolate swarm, employing R5 and R5X4 Envs derived from the HIV-1 89.6(PI) quasispecies. R5 variants of 89.6(PI) could fuse using either N-terminal or extracellular loop CCR5 sequences in the context of CCR5/CXCR2 chimeras, similar to the unrelated R5 strain JRFL, but R5X4 variants of 89.6(PI) were highly dependent on the CCR5 N terminus. Similarly, R5 89.6(PI) variants and isolate JRFL tolerated N-terminal CCR5 deletions, but fusion by most R5X4 variants was markedly impaired. R5 89.6(PI) Envs also tolerated multiple extracellular domain substitutions, while R5X4 variants did not. In contrast to CCR5 use, fusion by R5X4 variants of 89.6(PI) was largely independent of the CXCR4 N-terminal region. Thus, R5 and R5X4 species from a single swarm differ in how they interact with CCR5. These results suggest that R5 Envs possess a highly plastic capacity to interact with multiple CCR5 regions and support the concept that viral evolution in vivo results from the emergence of R5X4 variants with the capacity to use the CXCR4 extracellular loops but demonstrate less-flexible interactions with CCR5 that are strongly dependent on the N-terminal region.  相似文献   

Coreceptor specificity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) strains is generally defined in vitro in cell lines expressing CCR5 or CXCR4, but lymphocytes and macrophages are the principal targets in vivo. CCR5-using (R5) variants dominate early in infection, but strains that use CXCR4 emerge later in a substantial minority of subjects. Many or most CXCR4-using variants can use both CXCR4 and CCR5 (R5X4), but the pathways that are actually used to cause infection in primary cells and in vivo are unknown. We examined several R5X4 prototype and primary isolates and found that they all were largely or completely restricted to CXCR4-mediated entry in primary lymphocytes, even though lymphocytes are permissive for CCR5-mediated entry by R5 strains. In contrast, in primary macrophages R5X4 isolates used both CCR5 and CXCR4. The R5X4 strains were also more sensitive than R5 strains to CCR5 blocking, suggesting that interactions between the R5X4 strains and CCR5 are less efficient. These results indicate that coreceptor phenotyping in transformed cells does not necessarily predict utilization in primary cells, that variability exists among HIV-1 isolates in the ability to use CCR5 expressed on lymphocytes, and that many or most strains characterized as R5X4 are functionally X4 in primary lymphocytes. Less efficient interactions between R5X4 strains and CCR5 may be responsible for the inability to use CCR5 on lymphocytes, which express relatively low CCR5 levels. Since isolates that acquire CXCR4 utilization retain the capacity to use CCR5 on macrophages despite their inability to use it on lymphocytes, these results also raise the possibility that a CCR5-mediated macrophage reservoir is required for sustained infection in vivo.  相似文献   

CCR5Delta32 is a loss-of-function mutation that abolishes cell surface expression of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coreceptor CCR5 and provides genetic resistance to HIV infection and disease progression. Since CXCR4 and other HIV coreceptors also exist, we hypothesized that CCR5Delta32-mediated resistance may be due not only to the loss of CCR5 function but also to a gain-of-function mechanism, specifically the active inhibition of alternative coreceptors by the mutant CCR5Delta32 protein. Here we demonstrate that efficient expression of the CCR5Delta32 protein in primary CD4(+) cells by use of a recombinant adenovirus (Ad5/Delta32) was able to down-regulate surface expression of both wild-type CCR5 and CXCR4 and to confer broad resistance to R5, R5X4, and X4 HIV type 1 (HIV-1). This may be important clinically, since we found that CD4(+) cells purified from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of individuals who were homozygous for CCR5Delta32, which expressed the mutant protein endogenously, consistently expressed lower levels of CXCR4 and showed less susceptibility to X4 HIV-1 isolates than cells from individuals lacking the mutation. Moreover, CD4(+) cells from individuals who were homozygous for CCR5Delta32 expressed the mutant protein in five of five HIV-exposed, uninfected donors tested but not in either of two HIV-infected donors tested. The mechanism of inhibition may involve direct scavenging, since we were able to observe a direct interaction of CCR5 and CXCR4 with CCR5Delta32, both by genetic criteria using the yeast two-hybrid system and by biochemical criteria using the coimmunoprecipitation of heterodimers. Thus, these results suggest that at least two distinct mechanisms may account for genetic resistance to HIV conferred by CCR5Delta32: the loss of wild-type CCR5 surface expression and the generation of CCR5Delta32 protein, which functions as a scavenger of both CCR5 and CXCR4.  相似文献   

A viral reservoir of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected, resting CD4(+) T cells persists despite suppression of plasma viremia by combination antiretroviral therapy. In a longitudinal analysis of three patients treated with a five-drug regimen, both R5 and X4 HIV-1 variants persisted in the cellular reservoir for up to 3 years.  相似文献   

Emergence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) populations that switch or broaden coreceptor usage from CCR5 to CXCR4 is intimately coupled to CD4+ cell depletion and disease progression toward AIDS. To better understand the molecular mechanisms involved in the coreceptor switch, we determined the nucleotide sequences of 253 V1 to V3 env clones from 27 sequential HIV-1 subtype B isolates from four patients with virus populations that switch coreceptor usage. Coreceptor usage of clones from dualtropic R5X4 isolates was characterized experimentally. Sequence analysis revealed that 9% of the clones from CXCR4-using isolates had originated by recombination events between R5 and X4 viruses. The majority (73%) of the recombinants used CXCR4. Furthermore, coreceptor usage of the recombinants was determined by a small region of the envelope, including V3. This is the first report demonstrating that intrapatient recombination between viruses with distinct coreceptor usage occurs frequently. It has been proposed that X4 viruses are more easily suppressed by the immune system than R5 viruses. We hypothesize that recombination between circulating R5 viruses and X4 viruses can result in chimeric viruses with the potential to both evade the immune system and infect CXCR4-expressing cells. The broadening in cell tropism of the viral population to include CXCR4-expressing cells would gradually impair the immune system and eventually allow the X4 population to expand. In conclusion, intrapatient recombination between viruses with distinct coreceptor usage may contribute to the emergence of X4 viruses in later stages of infection.  相似文献   

HIV-1 neutralizing monoclonal antibody (Mab) 2F5 recognizes a membrane-partitioning gp41 sequence. Just recently its capacity to react with cardiolipin has been demonstrated. Here, we have studied the specificity of Mab2F5-phospholipid interactions comparing partitioning into lipid bilayers with recognition of molecular species dispersed in solution. Using a liposome-based ELISA we demonstrate a preferential association with cardiolipin bilayers. When different soluble lysoderivatives were compared in their capacity to inhibit Mab2F5 binding to immobilized HIV-1 peptide epitope, only dilysocardiolipin resulted effective in blocking the process. Dilyso-cardiolipin also competed with native-functional gp41 for 2F5 recognition. Thus, our data support specific cardiolipin recognition by 2F5 that is not dependent on lipid bilayer assembly and involves the epitope-binding site. These findings might be of relevance for understanding the molecular basis of HIV-1 immune evasion.  相似文献   

In this report, we present evidence that R5 human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replicates more efficiently in primary CD4+ T cells than X4 HIV-1. By comparing CD3/CD28-costimulated CD4+ T-cell cultures infected by several X4 and R5 HIV-1 strains, we determined that R5-infected CD4+ T cells produce more virus over time than X4-infected CD4+ T cells. In the first comparison, we found that more cells were infected by the X4-tropic strain LAI than by the R5-tropic strain JR-CSF and yet that higher levels of viral production were detected in the R5-infected cultures. The differential viral production was partially due to the severe cytopathic effects of the X4 virus. We also compared cultures infected with the isogenic HIV-1 strains NL4-3 (X4) and 49.5 (R5). We found that fewer cells were infected by the R5 strain, and yet similar levels of viral production were detected in both infected cultures. Cell death played less of a role in the differential viral production of these strains, as the cell viability remained comparable in both X4- and R5-infected cultures over time. The final comparison involved the primary R5-tropic isolate KP1 and the primary dual-tropic isolate KP2. Although both strains infected similar numbers of cells and induced comparable levels of cytopathicity, viral production was considerably higher in the R5-infected culture. In summary, these data demonstrate that R5 HIV-1 has an increased capacity to replicate in costimulated CD4+ T cells compared to X4 HIV-1.  相似文献   

Ex vivo human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection of human lymphoid tissue recapitulates some aspects of in vivo HIV-1 infection, including a severe depletion of CD4(+) T cells and suppression of humoral immune responses to recall antigens or to polyclonal stimuli. These effects are induced by infection with X4 HIV-1 variants, whereas infection with R5 variants results in only mild depletion of CD4(+) T cells and no suppression of immune responses. To study the mechanisms of suppression of immune responses in this ex vivo system, we used aldrithiol-2 (AT-2)-inactivated virions that have functional envelope glycoproteins but are not infectious and do not deplete CD4(+) T cells in human lymphoid tissues ex vivo. Nevertheless, AT-2-inactivated X4 (but not R5) HIV-1 virions, even with only a brief exposure, inhibit antibody responses in human lymphoid tissue ex vivo, similarly to infectious virus. This phenomenon is mediated by soluble immunosuppressive factor(s) secreted by tissue exposed to virus.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type-1 regulatory protein Rev is absolutely required for the production of viral structural proteins. Splice sites have been seen to function ascis-acting repressor sequendes (CRS) and inhibit expression of the Rev-dependent RNAs. In order to analyze the role of a splice donor in Rev dependence, the wild-type 5 splice donor of HIV-1 was mutated in the context of othergag sequences. Following transient transfection, RNA expression by RT-PCR was analyzed. The unspliced RNA produced by the mutant construct still required Rev for the cytoplasmic accumulation of the RNA. Despite deletion of the wild-type 5 splice donor and thetat splice acceptor was used. A cryptic splice donor was identified by PCR and subsequent cloning of the spliced RNA. The cryptic site is 5/9 to the consensus sequence and located immediately downstream of the initiation codon (ATG) for Gag. Analysis of the RNA product containing the cryptic splice donor revealed that the Rev was required for the cytoplasmic accumulation of unspliced RNA, while spliced RNA was Rev independent. Transfection of a wild-type construct also demonstrated usage of the cryptic splice donor. These results indicate that a cryptic splice donor can be activated when the wild-type splice donor is inactivated and that the cryptic splice donor may retain Rev regulation. The findings also suggest the potential for cryptic splice sites to serve as CRS in the determining the Rev dependence of viral RNAs.  相似文献   

Summary The human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) fusion peptide, corresponding to a sequence of 23 amino acid residues at the N-terminus of the spike transmembrane subunit gp41, has the capacity to destabilize negatively charged and neutral large unilamellar vesicles, representing, respectively, the acidic and the neutral fraction of the plasma membrane lipids of viral target cells. As revealed by infrared spectroscopy, the peptide associated with the vesicles may exist in different conformations. In negatively charged membranes the structure is mainly an α-helix, while in Ca2+-neutralized negatively charged membranes the conformation switches to a predominantly extended conformation. In membranes composed of zwitterionic phospholipids and cholesterol, the peptide also adopts a predominant extended structure. The α-helical structure permeabilizes negatively charged vesicles but does not induce membrane fusion. The peptide in β-type conformation, on the other hand, permeabilizes neutral membranes and triggers fusion. As seen by31P NMR, the latter structure also exhibits the capacity to alter the lamellar organization of the membrane.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) fusionpeptide, corresponding to a sequence of 23 amino acidresidues at the N-terminus of the spike transmembranesubunit gp41, has the capacity to destabilizenegatively charged and neutral large unilamellarvesicles, representing, respectively, the acidic andthe neutral fraction of the plasma membrane lipids ofviral target cells. As revealed by infraredspectroscopy, the peptide associated with the vesiclesmay exist in different conformations. In negativelycharged membranes the structure is mainly an-helix, while in Ca2+-neutralizednegatively charged membranes the conformation switchesto a predominantly extended conformation. In membranescomposed of zwitterionic phospholipids andcholesterol, the peptide also adopts a predominantextended structure. The -helical structurepermeabilizes negatively charged vesicles but does notinduce membrane fusion. The peptide in -typeconformation, on the other hand, permeabilizes neutralmembranes and triggers fusion. As seen by31P NMR, the latter structure also exhibits thecapacity to alter the lamellar organization of the membrane.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that trans-dominant negative rev mutants are able to suppress simian immunodeficiency virus provirus replication in both transient cotransfection assays and stably transduced HUT 78 cells. These studies suggest that the efficacy of trans-dominant rev strategies in reducing viral burden may be evaluated in a simian immunodeficiency virus-rhesus macaque animal model.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of electrical stimulation on HIV-1-adsorbed MAGIC-5 (MAGIC-5/HIV-1) cells and unadsorbed MAGIC-5 (MAGIC-5) cells. When MAGIC-5 cells were stimulated by a constant d.c. potential of 1.0 V (vs Ag/Agcl) immediately after HIV-1LAI infection, infectivity was more affected by electrical stimulation than by cell membrane damage. In particular, after application of potential at 1.0 V for 5 min, about 1% of the membranes of the MAGIC-5/HIV-1LAI cells were damaged, but the infectivities of both HIV-1LAI and HIV-1NL43-luc cells decreased about 37 and 44%, respectively (p < 0.05). After application of potential at 1.0 V for 5 min, the mean fluorescence intensities (MFIs) of highly reactive oxygen species (hROS) and nitric oxide (NO) in MAGIC-5/HIV-1NL43-Luc cells were significantly increased compared with that of unstimulated MAGIC-5/HIV-1NL43-Luc cells (p < 0.01). However, the MFIs of hROS and NO in MAGIC-5 cells were also increased, to the same level, by electrical stimulation for 5 min. These results suggest that HIV-1 adsorbed onto or invading cells is damaged by direct or indirect effects of electrical stimulation, resulting in a decrease in HIV-1 infectivity. It is also suggested that hROS and NO induced by electrical stimulation are important factors for inhibiting HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

We have examined the activities of HIV-1 integrase on substrates containing mismatches, composed of deoxyuridine at different positions in either the processed or nonprocessed strand of viral DNA, within and near the conserved CA dinucleotide of the U5 end of the HIV-1 LTR. Substitution in the processed strand of either the C or A of the CA dinucleotide or of the G 5' to the CA reduced strand transfer six-, three- and seven-fold respectively. 3'-processing was also reduced by substitution at the GC but not at the A. Substitution in the nonprocessed strand of the G nucleotide at the processing site abolished strand transfer while substitution of the T had no effect. DNA binding of HIV-1 integrase was not affected by deoxyuridine substitutions. Deoxyuridine substitution outside the trinucleotide remained compatible with enzyme activity. Enzymatically generated abasic sites were created at each mismatch to determine the effect of a missing base on integrase activity. Consistent with the deoxyuridine mismatch observations, 3'-processing and strand transfer were abolished when the abasic site was substituted for either of the nucleotides of the GCA trinucleotide. Integrase was, however, able to tolerate mismatches within this trinucleotide during the disintegration reaction. Taken together, these results suggest that base-mismatched or base-deleted substrates, which can be created by the proofreading-deficient HIV-1 RT, can be tolerated by HIV-1 integrase when located outside of the GCA trinucleotide at the U5 end of the LTR.  相似文献   

In addition to the primary cell surface receptor CD4, CCR5 or another coreceptor is necessary for infections by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), yet the mechanisms of coreceptor function and their stoichiometries in the infection pathway remain substantially unknown. To address these issues, we studied the effects of CCR5 concentrations on HIV-1 infections using wild-type CCR5 and two attenuated mutant CCR5s, one with the mutation Y14N at a critical tyrosine sulfation site in the amino terminus and one with the mutation G163R in extracellular loop 2. The Y14N mutation converted a YYT sequence at positions 14 to 16 to an NYT consensus site for N-linked glycosylation, and the mutant protein was shown to be glycosylated at that position. The relationships between HIV-1 infectivity values and CCR5 concentrations took the form of sigmoidal (S-shaped) curves, which were dramatically altered in different ways by these mutations. Both mutations shifted the curves by factors of approximately 30- to 150-fold along the CCR5 concentration axis, consistent with evidence that they reduce affinities of virus for the coreceptor. In addition, the Y14N mutation specifically reduced the maximum efficiencies of infection that could be obtained at saturating CCR5 concentrations. The sigmoidal curves for all R5 HIV-1 isolates were quantitatively consistent with a simple mathematical model, implying that CCR5s reversibly associate with cell surface HIV-1 in a concentration-dependent manner, that approximately four to six CCR5s assemble around the virus to form a complex needed for infection, and that both mutations inhibit assembly of this complex but only the Y14N mutation also significantly reduces its ability to successfully mediate HIV-1 infections. Although several alternative models would be compatible with our data, a common feature of these alternatives is the cooperation of multiple CCR5s in the HIV-1 infection pathway. This cooperativity will need to be considered in future studies to address in detail the mechanism of CCR5-mediated HIV-1 membrane fusion.  相似文献   

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