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There is a great need of new drugs against malaria because of the increasing spread of parasite resistance against the most commonly used drugs in the field. We found that monensin, a common veterinary antibiotic, has a strong inhibitory effect in Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium yoelii sporozoites hepatocyte infection in vitro. Infection of host cells by another apicomplexan parasite with a similar mechanism of host cell invasion, Toxoplasma tachyzoites, was also inhibited. Treatment of mice with monensin abrogates liver infection with P. berghei sporozoites in vivo. We also found that at low concentrations monensin inhibits the infection of Plasmodium sporozoites by rendering host cells resistant to infection, rather than having a direct effect on sporozoites. Monensin effect is targeted to the initial stages of parasite invasion of the host cell with little or no effect on development, suggesting that this antibiotic affects an essential host cell component that is required for Plasmodium sporozoite invasion.  相似文献   

There is conflicting evidence regarding the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the process of resistance against blood-stage malaria parasites. In this study, we used two strains of mice infected with Plasmodium yoelii 17XL in order to assess the NO production profile and its possible role during the early stage of malaria infection. We found a greater elevation of NO production associated with a sharp increase in the levels of IFN-γ in infected DBA/2 mice, compared with infected BALB/c mice. This difference was associated with relatively lower parasitemia, a higher constituent ratio of infected reticulocytes, and greater survival in DBA/2 mice. Endogenous IFN-γ driving Th1 immunity was responsible for NO production. Moreover, schizonts treated in vitro with NO donors caused a delayed infection to BALB/c mice in a dose and time-dependent manner. These data, thus, suggest that NO may play an inhibitory role in Plasmodium infection.  相似文献   

Larvae of Anastrepha suspensa that were in the first day of the third instar were parasitized by females of the solitary endoparasitoid, Biosteres longicaudatus. At the end of the 6-hr oviposition period, larvae were ligated posterior to the ring gland so that some larvae had parasitoids anterior to the ligature while in others, the parasitoids were in the abdomen, posterior to the ligature. Ninety-two percent of the parasitoids anterior to the ligature hatched to the first through third instars. Parasitoids posterior to the ligature had a 75% egg hatch to the first instar only. No larval molts to the second or subsequent instars occurred in these parasitoids. Upon parabiosis to 3-day-old, unparasitized host pupae, the ligated larvae pupated and 97% of the first-instar parasitoids in these parabiosed larval abdomens molted to the second instar. Newly laid parasitoid eggs transplanted to 3-day-old pupal hosts had less than one-third of the egg hatch of those transplanted to first-day third-instar hosts. The data implicate the physiological state of the host (vis-a-vis pupation and associated events) as being an important factor in the development of the endoparasitoid.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is an obligate intracellular parasite that infects phagocytic and non-phagocytic mammalian cells by a complex process that appears to involve several discrete steps. Even though the infection process was described many years ago, the molecular mechanisms involved remain poorly understood. As fluorescent proteins have proven to be excellent tools for live-cell imaging, we used EGFP- and DsRed1-1-transfected trypomastigotes, amastigotes and epimastigotes to study the infection process in living cells. Contrary to what has been reported, our results showed that epimastigotes are as infective as trypomastigotes and amastigotes. Besides, differences in replication, differentiation and parasite release times were observed among the stages. Our results suggest that the different developmental stages use distinct attachment and invasion mechanisms. We propose that fluorescent-based plasmid expression systems are good models for studying the infection process of intracellular microorganisms and could offers insights about the molecular mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

Cotesia flavipes is an important gregarious larval endoparasitoid of several crambid stem borers, including Diatraea saccharalis. The suitability of two crambid species, Eoreuma loftini and D. saccharalis, pests of sugarcane and rice in Texas, for C. flavipes development was tested. The effect of parasitization by C. flavipes on encapsulation response was assessed in vivo in both D. saccharalis and E. loftini. The results indicated that the parasitoid developed and emerged successfully in D. saccharalis larvae. Although E. loftini larvae were readily parasitized by C. flavipes parasitoids, no wasp larvae hatched from the eggs in this host because eggs were encapsulated by the host's hemocytes. The developmental fate of the E. loftini larvae with encapsulated parasitoids was variable. Most died as abnormal fifth instars or as post-wandering prepupae, while a few developed normally to the pupal stage. In vivo experiments, there was a significant reduction in the percent of beads encapsulated in parasitized larvae in both hosts. However, the percent of beads showing melanization decreased significantly in parasitized D. saccharalis larvae but did not differ significantly in parasitized or unparasitized E. loftini larvae. Our results showed that D. saccharalis is a suitable host for C. flavipes whereas E. loftini is an unsuitable host. This study indicated that lepidopteran stem borers that are taxonomically, behaviorally, and ecologically very similar can differ in their ability to encapsulate a parasitoid species.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the developmental stages of Helicosporidium sp. is described from the early spherical cell stage to the maturation and germination of the spore. The presence of well-defined Golgi bodies and mitotic division of the nucleus suggests that this pathogen is not an ascomycete, as had been previously reported, and indicates an affinity to the Protozoa.  相似文献   

Orobanche hederae Duby and its host Hedera helix L. were collected in the North Italian Trentino-Südtirol region and analyzed for their content of polyacetylenes. Both, the host plant (Hedera) and the parasite (Orobanche) contained the polyacetylene falcarinol and two of its dehydroderivatives. The contents of polyacetylenes in Hedera decrease from roots via stems to leaves and contents in Orobanche are only about one-tenth of the contents in the Hedera roots it parasites on. Moreover, relative contents of the more polar polyacetylenes are higher in Orobanche than in Hedera, implying a bias toward the sequestration of more polar compounds.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the early stages of carposporophyte development in the marine red algaChondria tenuissima has been studied. The diploid carposporophyte grows on the gametophyte. Apical gonimoblast cells develop into diploid carpospores. The basal gonimoblast cells cease to divide and undergo considerable cytoplasmic changes before they become incorporated into the expanding fusion cell. Nucleus and plastids degenerate gradually, while mitochondria remain intact. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum becomes prominent, it seems to produce small vesicles with electron dense contents. Simultaneously, numerous mucilage sacs are formed, presumably from dilating ER cisternae. The contents of the mucilage sacs are secreted by exocytosis. The pit connections between gonimoblast cells flare out. They remain as isolated bodies without connection to a wall after fusion. Secondary pit connections occur between vegetative gametophyte cells and sterile carposporophyte cells. There are three different morphological types of pit connections.  相似文献   

Previous work has proposed rhoptry protein 2 (ROP2) as the physical link that tethers host mitochondria to the parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) surrounding the intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. A recent analysis of the ROP2 structure, however, raised questions about this model. To determine whether ROP2 is necessary, we created a parasite line that lacks the entire ROP2 locus consisting of the three closely related genes, ROP2a, ROP2b and ROP8. We show that this knockout mutant retains the ability to recruit host mitochondria in a manner that is indistinguishable from the parental strain, re-opening the question of which molecules mediate this association.  相似文献   



Impairment in mitochondrial biogenesis and function plays a key role in depression and anxiety, both of which being associated with changes in fatty acid and phospholipid metabolism. The antidepressant effects of (R,S)-ketamine have been linked to its conversion into (2S,6S;2R,6R)-hydroxynorketamine (HNK); however, the connection between structure and stereochemistry of ketamine and HNK in the mitochondrial homeostatic response has not yet been fully elucidated at a metabolic level.


We used a multi-platform, non-targeted metabolomics approach to study the change in mitochondrial metabolome of PC-12 cells treated with ketamine and HNK enantiomers. The identified metabolites were grouped into pathways in order to assess global responses.


Treatment with (2R,6R)-HNK elicited the significant change in 49 metabolites and associated pathways implicated in fundamental mitochondrial functions such as TCA cycle, branched-chain amino acid biosynthetic pathway, glycoxylate metabolic pathway, and fatty acid β-oxidation. The affected metabolites included glycerate, citrate, leucine, N,N-dimethylglycine, 3-hexenedioic acid, and carnitine and attenuated signals associated with 9 fatty acids and elaidic acid. Important metabolites involved in the purine and pyrimidine pathways were also affected by (2R-6R)-HNK. This global metabolic profile was not as strongly impacted by treatment with (2S,6S)-HNK, (R)- and (S)-ketamine and in some instances opposite effects were observed.


The present data provide an overall view of the metabolic changes in mitochondrial function produced by (2R,6R)-HNK and related ketamine compounds and offer an insight into the source of the observed variance in antidepressant response elicited by the compounds.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum belongs to a group of eukaryotes expressing an ortholog of the prokaryotic T1-threonine peptidase, heat shock locus V (HslV). Bacterial HslV is a particularly well studied protease, due to its structural and biochemical similarity to the eukaryotic proteasome. Plasmodium falciparum HslV (PfHslV) is expressed in schizonts and merozoites of the asexual blood stage. Strong sequence conservation between plasmodial species, absence of HslV homologs in the human genome, and availability of specific inhibitors led us to explore its function and potential use as a drug target. In a first step, we investigated localization of PfHslV, using a bioinformatics approach and a transgenic P. falciparum line expressing a PfHslV-enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) fusion protein from the endogenous pfhslV locus. PfHslV-EYFP was found in the mitochondrial matrix under fluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. Endogenous, non-modified PfHslV was present in purified mitochondria and interference with mitochondrial membrane potential by drug treatment led to impairment of PfHslV processing. Import of heterologous EYFP into the plasmodial mitochondrion is mediated by the N-terminal 37 amino acids of PfHslV. PfHslV’s targeting sequence is also functional in human cells, demonstrating strong conservation of mitochondrial targeting in eukaryotes. In conclusion, our data shows that PfHslV is located to the plasmodial mitochondrion and presumably has vital function within this organelle which makes it an attractive target for interventions.  相似文献   

Summary In early cleavage stages ofLymnaea stagnalis, three kinds of intercellular junctions could be distinguished up to the sixth cleavage: intermediate, septate and gap junctions. The first two form junctional belts located on the cell border at the periphery of the embryo. For the purpose of our study we were most interested in gap junctions as they are alleged to be structures that allow cell-to-cell communication. Gap junctions first appear at the four cell stage. Up to the sixth cleavage no difference in the distribution pattern could be found between and within each of the four quadrants of the embryo. Some of the cell tiers along the animal-vegetal axis lack gap junctions either between the blastomeres within the tier or between the blastomeres from adjacent tiers. All gap junctions observed in freeze fracture replicas show plaques with an irregular IMP pattern. The average IMP diameter measures 12 nm (SD±2 nm). In stages fixed after the fifth cleavage, gap junctions are found between micromeres at the animal pole and the central 3D macromere. This is in agreement with the presumed interaction between these cells at this stage. The possibility of a transition of non-functional into functional gap junctions after the fifth cleavage is discussed.  相似文献   

A series of trisubstituted thiazoles have been identified as potent inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PfPKG) through template hopping from known Eimeria PKG (EtPKG) inhibitors. The thiazole series has yielded compounds with improved potency, kinase selectivity and good in vitro ADME properties. These compounds could be useful tools in the development of new anti-malarial drugs in the fight against drug resistant malaria.  相似文献   

Early stages (neonate to 7- or 8-day-old larvae) of Spodoptera exigua and Pseudaletia unipuncta were exposed to the entomogenous nematode, Steinernema feltiae, at concentrations of 0, 10, 25, 60, 100, or 200 nematodes per larva. Larvae of both species were susceptible to nematode infections. However, neonate larvae of S. exigua were significantly less susceptible to nematode infection than 3- or 8-day-old larvae at or above 50 nematodes per larva. Mortalities of neonate larvae exposed to 50 or more nematodes ranged from 68 to 74% while mortalities of 3- and 8-day-old larvae ranged from 91 to 100%. The results with P. unipuncta showed similar trends as described for S. exigua, albeit at a lower mortality level and usually with no statistical differences. Mortalities of neonate larvae exposed to 50 or more nematodes ranged from 34 to 44% while mortalities of 7-day-old larvae ranged from 32 to 91%.  相似文献   

The developmental oogenesis of gorgonian coral was investigated at the histological level. The objective of this study was to examine and improve the understanding of Junceella juncea oogenesis using ultrastructural methods, such as histological sectioning and transmission electron microscopy. At least three types of yolk materials were observed in this study: yolk body, lipid granules and cortical alveoli. Some of the complex yolk materials were encompassed by concentric or arched layers of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex in early stage oocytes. Different types of vesicles were found in both early and late stage oocytes and some granules could be seen inside the empty vesicles. This may be a possible method for elaborating complex yolk materials. Homogeneous yolks from different types of inclusions were abundant and the autosynthesis of yolk may be a major mechanism in J. juncea oocytes. This is the first report of the ultrastructural observation of oogenesis in gorgonian coral species using transmission electron microscopy. Our study obtained relatively detailed information at the ultrastructural level, and it provides an overview of the oocyte ultrastucture of the gorgonian coral J. juncea.  相似文献   

Parasites can play an important role in the dynamics of host populations, but empirical evidence remains sparse. We investigated the role of bot fly (Cuterebra spp.) parasitism in red-backed voles (Myodes gapperi) by first assessing the impacts of the parasite on the probability of vole survival under stressful conditions as well as on the reproductive activity of females. We then identified the main factors driving both the individual risk of infection and the abundance of bot flies inside red-backed voles. Finally, we evaluated the impacts of bot fly prevalence on the growth rate of vole populations between mid-July and mid-August. Thirty-six populations of red-backed voles were sampled in the boreal forest of Québec, Canada. The presence and the abundance of parasites in voles, two host life history traits (sex and body condition), three indices of habitat complexity (tree basal area, sapling basal area, coarse woody debris volume), and vole abundance were considered in models evaluating the effects of bot flies on host populations. We found that the probability of survival of red-backed voles in live traps decreased with bot fly infection. Both the individual risk of infection and the abundance of bot flies in red-backed voles were driven mainly by vole abundance rather than by the two host life history traits or the three variables of habitat complexity. Parasitism had population consequences: bot fly prevalence was linked to a decrease in short-term growth rate of vole populations over the summer. We found that bot flies have the potential to reduce survival of red-backed voles, an effect that may apply to large portions of populations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

It has been extensively documented that exposure of amphibians and teleost fish to exogenous steroid hormones like estrogen, androgen, xenoestrogen or steroid biosynthesis inhibitors can impair their gonadal development or induce sex reversal against genotypic sex. However, the molecular pathways underlying sexual development and the effects of sex steroids or other exogenous hormones in these aquatic vertebrates remain elusive. Recently, a germ plasm-associated piRNA (piwi-interacting RNA) pathway has been shown to be a determinant in the development of animal gonadal germline cells. In the current study, we examined whether this piRNA pathway is involved in the regulation of sex steroid hormones in gonadal development. We firstly established developmental expression patterns of three key piRNA pathway genes (mael, piwi and vasa), during Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis embryogenesis and early larval development. All three genes exhibit high expression at early developmental stages and have significantly decreased expression thereafter, indicating a very active involvement of piRNA pathway at the beginning of embryogenesis. We further examined gene expression changes of those genes in frog larvae exposed to two sex steroid biosynthesis inhibitors, fadrozole and finasteride, both of which are known to result in male-biased or female-biased phenotypes, respectively. We found that fadrozole and finasteride exposures increased the expression of piRNA pathway genes such as mael and vasa at the larval stage when the expression of piRNA pathway genes is programmed to be very low. Therefore, our results indicate that the piRNA pathway is likely a common pathway by which different sex steroid hormones regulate gonadal sex differentiation.  相似文献   

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