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Nitromethane (NM, CH3NO2) is a widely studied energetic material, and its decomposition mechanism attracts great interest. In this work, bimolecular reactions between NO2 and nine intermediates generated during the decomposition of NM were investigated by computational chemistry methods. The mechanisms of the reactions were analyzed. The results revealed that these reactions possess small barriers and can easily occur, so they may be responsible for NO2 loss during the decomposition of NM.  相似文献   

Natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses and dissected nucleus-independent chemical shifts (NICS π z z ) were computed to evaluate the bonding (bond type, electron occupation, hybridization) and aromatic character of the three lowest-lying Si2CH2 (1-Si, 2-Si, 3-Si) and Ge2CH2 (1-Ge, 2-Ge, 3-Ge) isomers. While their carbon C3H2 analogs favor classical alkene, allene, and alkyne type bonding, these Si and Ge derivatives are more polarizable and can favor “highly electron delocalized”? and “non-classical”? structures. The lowest energy Si 2CH2 and Ge 2CH2 isomers, 1-Si and 1-Ge, exhibit two sets of 3–center 2–electron (3c-2e) bonding; a π-3c-2e bond involving the heavy atoms (C–Si–Si and C–Ge–Ge), and a σ-3c-2e bond (Si–H–Si, Ge–H–Ge). Both 3-Si and 3-Ge exhibit π and σ-3c-2e bonding involving a planar tetracoordinated carbon (ptC) center. Despite their highly electron delocalized nature, all of the Si2CH2 and Ge2CH2 isomers considered display only modest two π electron aromatic character (NICS(0) π z z =--6.2 to –8.9 ppm, computed at the heavy atom ring center) compared to the cyclic-C 3H2 (–13.3 ppm).
Graphical Abstract The three lowest Si2CH2 and Ge2CH2 isomers.

The intriguing decompositions of nitro-containing explosives have been attracting interest. While theoretical investigations have long been concentrated mainly on unimolecular decompositions, bimolecular reactions have received little theoretical attention. In this paper, we investigate theoretically the bimolecular reactions between nitromethane (CH3NO2)—the simplest nitro-containing explosive—and its decomposition products, such as NO2, NO and CO, that are abundant during the decomposition process of CH3NO2. The structures and potential energy surface (PES) were explored at B3LYP/6-31G(d), B3P86/6-31G(d) and MP2/6-311?+?G(d,p) levels, and energies were refined using CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ methods. Quantum chemistry calculations revealed that the title reactions possess small barriers that can be comparable to, or smaller than, that of the initial decomposition reactions of CH3NO2. Considering that their reactants are abundant in the decomposition process of CH3NO2, we consider bimolecular reactions also to be of great importance, and worthy of further investigation. Moreover, our calculations show that NO2 can be oxidized by CH3NO2 to NO3 radical, which confirms the conclusion reached formerly by Irikura and Johnson [(2006) J Phys Chem A 110:13974–13978] that NO3 radical can be formed during the decomposition of nitramine explosives.  相似文献   

The nature of the lithium/hydrogen bonding between (CH2)2X(X: C=CH2, O, S) and LiY/HY(Y=F, Cl, Br) have been theoretically investigated at MP2/6-311++G (d, p) level, using Bader’s “atoms in molecules (AIM)” theory and Weinhold’s “natural bond orbital (NBO)” methodology. The molecule formation density differences (MFDD) of the titled complexes are analyzed. Two kinds of geometries of the lithium/hydrogen bonded complexes are compared. As a whole, the nature of lithium bond and hydrogen bond are different. For the same electron donor and the same acceptor, lithium bond is stronger than hydrogen bond. For the same electron acceptor and different kind of donors, the interaction energies follows the n-type> π-type > pseudo-π-type order. For the same (CH2)2X, the interaction energy increases in the sequence of Y=F, Cl and Br for lithium bond systems while it decreases for hydrogen bond systems. Electron transfer plays an important role in the formation of lithium bond systems while it is less important in the hydrogen bond systems.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the decomposition of CF3OCF2O radical formed from a hydrofluoroether, CF3OCHF2 (HFE-125), in the atmosphere. The study is performed using ab initio quantum mechanical methods. Two plausible pathways of decomposition of the titled species have been considered, one involving C-O bond scission and the other occurring via F atom elimination. The geometries of the reactant, products and transition states involved in the decomposition pathways are optimized and characterized at DFT (B3LYP) level of theory using 6-311G(d,p) basis set. Single point energy calculations have been performed at G2M(CC,MP2) level of theory. Out of the two prominent decomposition channels considered, the C-O bond scission is found to be dominant involving a barrier height of 15.3 kcal mol−1 whereas the F-elimination path proceeds with a barrier of 26.1 kcal mol−1. The thermal rate constants for the above two decomposition pathways are evaluated using canonical transition state theory (CTST) and these are found to be 1.78 × 106 s−1 and 2.83 × 10−7 s−1 for C-O bond scission and F-elimination respectively at 298 K and 1 atm pressure. Transition states are searched on the potential energy surfaces involved during the decomposition channels and each of the transition states is characterized. The existence of transition states on the corresponding potential energy surface is ascertained by performing intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) calculation.  相似文献   

The CH3CO-Lys-Lys-Arg-Arg-NH2 peptide (the author has named it protectin) was synthesized, and its activity was studied during different stress actions. Protectin was found to normalize the content of corticosterone and adrenalin in adrenal glands and blood after its intranasal administration to rats one day before a cold or heat shock, or hypobaric hypoxia at doses of 1–10 μg/animal and after its intravenous administration just after acute hemorrhage at doses of 0.5–2 μg/animal. The intranasal administration of protectin at doses of 1–10 μg/rat one day before the heat or cold shock was also shown to prevent a change in the content of free histamine and the activity of diamine oxidase in myocardium, which was induced by the dramatic change in the activity of the enzyme after the temperature actions.  相似文献   

A comparison of three labeling strategies for studies involving side chain methyl groups in high molecular weight proteins, using 13CH3,13CH2D, and 13CHD2 methyl isotopomers, is presented. For each labeling scheme, 1H–13C pulse sequences that give optimal resolution and sensitivity are identified. Three highly deuterated samples of a 723 residue enzyme, malate synthase G, with 13CH3,13CH2D, and 13CHD2 labeling in Ile δ1 positions, are used to test the pulse sequences experimentally, and a rationalization of each sequence’s performance based on a product operator formalism that focuses on individual transitions is presented. The HMQC pulse sequence has previously been identified as a transverse relaxation optimized experiment for 13CH3-labeled methyl groups attached to macromolecules, and a zero-quantum correlation pulse scheme (13CH3 HZQC) has been developed to further improve resolution in the indirectly detected dimension. We present a modified version of the 13CH3 HZQC sequence that provides improved sensitivity by using the steady-state magnetization of both 13C and 1H spins. The HSQC and HMQC spectra of 13CH2D-labeled methyl groups in malate synthase G are very poorly resolved, but we present a new pulse sequence, 13CH2D TROSY, that exploits cross-correlation effects to record 1H–13C correlation maps with dramatically reduced linewidths in both dimensions. Well-resolved spectra of 13CHD2-labeled methyl groups can be recorded with HSQC or HMQC; a new 13CHD2 HZQC sequence is described that provides improved resolution with no loss in sensitivity in the applications considered here. When spectra recorded on samples prepared with the three isotopomers are compared, it is clear that the 13CH3 labeling strategy is the most beneficial from the perspective of sensitivity (gains ≥2.4 relative to either 13CH2D or 13CHD2 labeling), although excellent resolution can be obtained with any of the isotopomers using the pulse sequences presented here.  相似文献   

DFT calculations have been performed on the derivatives of formula CH2OP2 to determine their total energy, the relative energy between the isomers and their geometry. Among compounds with a P-C-P linkage, the most stable one is the 2-hydroxy-1,2-diphosphirene II.1, a three-membered heterocycle with a P=C unsaturation. The phosphavinylidene(oxo)phosphorane HP=C=P(O)H IV.5 (which has the same skeleton as the experimentally obtained Mes*P=C=P(O)Mes*) lies 36.30 kcal mol-1 above it. The least stable compounds are carbenes; the singlet carbenes are more stable than the triplet ones.  相似文献   

New methods are described for accurate measurement of multiple residual dipolar couplings in nucleic acid bases. The methods use TROSY-type pulse sequences for optimizing resolution and sensitivity, and rely on the E.COSY principle to measure the relatively small two-bond 2DCH couplings at high precision. Measurements are demonstrated for a 24-nt stem-loop RNA sequence, uniformly enriched in 13C, and aligned in Pf1. The recently described pseudo-3D method is used to provide homonuclear 1H-1H decoupling, which minimizes cross-correlation effects and optimizes resolution. Up to seven 1H-13C and 13C-13C couplings are measured for pyrimidines (U and C), including 1DC5H5, 1DC6H6, 2DC5H6, 2DC6H5, 1DC5C4, 1DC5C6, and 2DC4H5. For adenine, four base couplings (1DC2H2, 1DC8H8, 1DC4C5, and 1DC5C6) are readily measured whereas for guanine only three couplings are accessible at high relative accuracy (1DC8H8, 1DC4C5, and 1DC5C6). Only three dipolar couplings are linearly independent in planar structures such as nucleic acid bases, permitting cross validation of the data and evaluation of their accuracies. For the vast majority of dipolar couplings, the error is found to be less than ±3% of their possible range, indicating that the measurement accuracy is not limiting when using these couplings as restraints in structure calculations. Reported isotropic values of the one- and two-bond J couplings cluster very tightly for each type of nucleotide.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate emissions of greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O, and the effects of drainage and peat extraction on these processes, in Estonian transitional fens and ombrotrophic bogs. Closed-chamber-based sampling lasted from January to December 2009 in nine peatlands in Estonia, covering areas with different land-use practices: natural (four study sites), drained (six sites), abandoned peat mining (five sites) and active peat mining areas (five sites). Median values of soil CO2 efflux were 1,509, 1,921, 2,845 and 1,741 kg CO2-C ha?1 year?1 from natural, drained, abandoned and active mining areas, respectively. Emission of CH4-C (median values) was 85.2, 23.7, 0.07 and 0.12 kg ha?1 year?1, and N2O-N ?0.05, ?0.01, 0.18 and 0.19 kg ha?1 year?1, respectively. There were significantly higher emissions of CO2 and N2O from abandoned and active peat mining areas, whereas CH4 emissions were significantly higher in natural and drained areas. Significant Spearman rank correlation was found between soil temperature and CO2 flux at all sites, and CH4 flux with high water level at natural and drained areas. Significant increase in CH4 flux was detected for groundwater levels above 30 cm.  相似文献   

Quantum chemistry computations were performed at the MP2 and B3LYP levels of theory using the basis sets aug-cc-pVDZ and def2-TZVPPD to study the noble gas (Ng) compounds formed by insertion of a Ng atom (Kr, Xe, Rn) into the B–H/F and N–H/F bonds of inorganic benzene B3N3H6 and its fluorine derivative B3N3F6. The geometrical structures were optimized and vibrational analysis was carried out to demonstrate these structures being local minima on the potential energy surface. The thermodynamic properties of the formation process of Ng compounds were calculated. A series of theoretical methods based on the wavefunction analysis, including NBO, AIM and ELF methods and energy decomposition analysis, was used to investigate the bonding nature of the noble gas atoms and the properties of the Ng compounds. The N–Ng bond was found to be stronger than the B–Ng bond, but the B–Ng bond is of typical covalent character and σ-donation from the Ng atom to the ring B atom makes the predominant contribution towards stability of the B-Ng bond. NICS calculation shows that these Ng-containing compounds are of weak π-aromaticity.  相似文献   



Arsenic is a toxic and highly abundant metalloid that endangers human health through drinking water and the food chain. The most common forms of arsenic in the environment are arsenate (As(V)) and arsenite (As(III)). As(V) is a non-functional phosphate analog that enters the food chain via plant phosphate transporters. Inside cells, As(V) becomes reduced to As(III) for subsequent extrusion or compartmentation. Although much is known about As(III) transport and handling in microbes and mammals, the transport systems for As(III) have not yet been characterized in plants.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional numerical simulations of a dc discharge in a CH4/H2/N2 mixture in the regime of deposition of nanostructured carbon films are carried out with account of the cathode electron beam effects. The distributions of the gas temperature and species number densities are calculated, and the main plasmachemical kinetic processes governing the distribution of methyl radicals above the substrate are analyzed. It is shown that the number density of methyl radicals above the substrate is several orders of magnitude higher than the number densities of other hydrocarbon radicals, which indicates that the former play a dominant role in the growth of nanostructured carbon films. The model is verified by comparing the measured optical emission profiles of the H(n ≡ 3), C 2 * , CH*, and CN* species and the calculated number densities of excited species, as well as the measured and calculated values of the discharge voltage and heat fluxes onto the electrodes and reactor walls. The key role of ion–electron recombination and dissociative excitation of H2, C2H2, CH4, and HCN molecules in the generation of emitting species (first of all, in the cold regions adjacent to the electrodes) is revealed.  相似文献   

Theoretical calculations using the M062X and QCISD methods were performed on the addition reactions of the aluminum germylenoid H2GeAlCl3 with ethylene. The most two stable structures of germylenoid H2GeAlCl3, i.e., the p-complex and three-membered ring structures, respectively, were employed as reactants. The calculated results indicate that, for the p-complex, H2GeAlCl3 there are two pathways, I and II, of which path I involves just one transition state, while path II involves two transition states between reactants and products. Comparing the reaction barrier heights of path I (44.6 kJ mol?1) and II (37.6 kJ mol?1), the two pathways are competitive, with similar barriers under the same conditions, while for the three-membered ring structure, another two pathways, III and IV, also exist. Path III has one transition state; however, in path IV, two transition states exist. By comparing their barrier heights, path III (barrier height 39.2 kJ mol?1) could occur more easily than path IV (barrier height 92.8 kJ mol?1). Considering solvent effects on these addition reactions, the PCM model and CH2Cl2 solvent were used in calculations, and the calculated results demonstrate that CH2Cl2 solvent is unfavorable for the reactions, except for path II. In CH2Cl2 solvent, paths II and III are more favorable than paths I and IV.  相似文献   

The spatial variation of soil greenhouse gas fluxes (GHG; carbon dioxide—CO2, methane—CH4 and nitrous oxide—N2O) remains poorly understood in highly complex ecosystems such as tropical forests. We used 240 individual flux measurements of these three GHGs from different soil types, at three topographical positions and in two extreme hydric conditions in the tropical forests of the Guiana Shield (French Guiana, South America) to (1) test the effect of topographical positions on GHG fluxes and (2) identify the soil characteristics driving flux variation in these nutrient-poor tropical soils. Surprisingly, none of the three GHG flux rates differed with topographical position. CO2 effluxes covaried with soil pH, soil water content (SWC), available nitrogen and total phosphorus. The CH4 fluxes were best explained by variation in SWC, with soils acting as a sink under drier conditions and as a source under wetter conditions. Unexpectedly, our study areas were generally sinks for N2O and N2O fluxes were partly explained by total phosphorus and available nitrogen concentrations. This first study describing the spatial variation of soil fluxes of the three main GHGs measured simultaneously in forests of the Guiana Shield lays the foundation for specific studies of the processes underlying the observed patterns.  相似文献   

The M2 proton channel is essential for the replication of the flu virus and is a known drug target. The functional mechanism of channel activation and conductance is key to both the basic biology of viral replication and the design of drugs that can withstand mutations. A quantitative model was previously developed for calculating the rate of proton transport through the M2 channel. The permeant proton was assumed to diffuse to the pore, obligatorily bind to the His37 tetrad, and then dissociate and be released to either side of the tetrad. Here the model is used to calculate the effect of a change in solvent from H2O to D2O on the rate of proton transport. The solvent substitution affects two parameters in the model: the proton diffusion constant and the pK a for proton binding to the His37 tetrad. When the known effects on these two parameters are included, the deuterium isotope effect calculated from the model is in quantitatively agreement with experimental results. This strict test of the theoretical model provides strong support for the hypothesis that the permeant proton obligatorily binds to and then unbinds from the His37 tetrad. This putatively essential role of the His37 tetrad in the functional mechanism of the M2 channel makes it a promising target for designing mutation-tolerant drugs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report a study on the structure and first hyperpolarizability of C60Cl2 and C60F2. The calculation results show that the first hyperpolarizabilities of C60Cl2 and C60F2 were 172 au and 249 au, respectively. Compared with the fullerenes, the first hyperpolarizability of C60Cl2 increased from 0 au to 172 au, while the first hyperpolarizability of C60F2 increased from 0 au to 249 au. In order to further increase the first hyperpolarizability of C60Cl2 and C60F2, Li@C60Cl2 and Li@C60F2 were obtained by introducing a lithium atom to C60Cl2 and C60F2. The first hyperpolarizabilities of Li@C60Cl2 and Li@C60F2 were 2589 au and 985 au, representing a 15-fold and 3.9-fold increase, respectively, over those of C60Cl2 and C60F2. The transition energies of four molecules (C60Cl2, Li@C60Cl2, C60F2, Li@C60F2) were calculated, and were found to be 0.17866 au, 0.05229 au, 0.18385 au, and 0.05212 au, respectively. A two-level model explains why the first hyperpolarizability increases for Li@C60Cl2 and Li@C60F2.  相似文献   

First principles calculations have been performed to investigate the structural, electronic, and optical properties of germanene/MoS2 heterostructures. The results show that a weak van der Waals coupling between germanene and MoS2 layers can lead to a considerable band-gap opening (53 meV) as well as the preserved Dirac cone with a linear band dispersion of germanene. The applied external electric filed can not only enhance the interaction strength between two layers, but also linearly control the charge transfer between germanene and MoS2 layers, and consequently lead to a tunable band gap. Furthermore, the reduction in the optical absorption intensity of the heterostructures with respect to the separated monolayers has been predicted. These findings suggest that the Ge/MoS2 hybrid can be designed as the device where both finite band gap and high carrier mobility are required.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of a sandwich compound with a metal monolayer sheet between two aromatic ligands is presented. A full geometry optimization of the [Au3Cl3Tr2]2+ (1) compound, which is a triangular gold(I) monolayer sheet capped by chlorines and bounded to two cycloheptatrienyl (Tr) ligands was carried out using perturbation theory at the MP2 computational level and DFT. Compound (1) is in agreement with the 18–electron rule, the bonding nature in the complex may be interpreted from the donation interaction coming from the Tr rings to the Au array, and from the back-donation from the latter to the former. NICS calculations show a strong aromatic character in the gold monolayer sheet and Tr ligands; calculations done with HOMA, also report the same aromatic behavior on the cycloheptatrienyl fragments giving us an insight on the stability of (1). The Au –Au bond lengths indicate that an intramolecular aurophilic interaction among the Au(I) cations plays an important role in the bonding of the central metal sheet. Figure (a) Ground state geometry of complex 1; (b) Top view of compound 1 and Wiberg bond orders computed with the MP2/B1 computational method; (c) Lateral view of compound 1 and NICS values calculated with the MP2/B1 method; the values in parenthesis were obtained at the VWN/TZP level  相似文献   

The reaction mechanisms and rates for the H abstraction reactions between CH3SS and CN radicals in the gas phase were investigated with density functional theory (DFT) methods. The geometries, harmonic vibrational frequencies, and energies of all stationary points were obtained at B3PW91/6-311G(d,p) level of theory. Relationships between the reactants, intermediates, transition states and products were confirmed, with the frequency and the intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) analysis at the same theoretical level. High accurate energy information was provided by the G3(MP2) method combined with the standard statistical thermodynamics. Gibbs free energies at 298.15 K for all of the reaction steps were reported, and were used to describe the profile diagrams of the potential energy surface. The rate constants were evaluated with both the classical transition state theory and the canonical variational transition state theory, in which the small-curvature tunneling correction was included. A total number of 9 intermediates (IMs) and 17 transition states (TSs) were obtained. It is shown that IM1 is the most stable intermediate by the largest energy release, and the channel of CH3SS?+?CN?→?IM3?→?TS10?→?P1(CH2SS?+?HCN) is the dominant reaction with the lowest energy barrier of 144.7 kJ mol?1. The fitted Arrhenius expressions of the calculated CVT/SCT rate constants for the rate-determining step of the favorable channel is k =7.73?×?106? T 1.40exp(?14,423.8/T) s?1 in the temperature range of 200–2000 K. The apparent activation energy E a(app.) for the main channel is ?102.5 kJ mol?1, which is comparable with the G3(MP2) energy barrier of ?91.8 kJ mol?1 of TS10 (relative to the reactants).  相似文献   

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