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Many studies on insect herbivores have sought to find trade-offs between utilization of alternate host plants, both to understand the prevalence of specialization and to appreciate the likelihood of sympatric speciation due to disruptive selection. To date, few studies have found trade-offs. Seventy-seven clones of the black bean aphid, Aphis fabae, were collected from field sites in East Anglia, U.K., over an area of about 10,000 km2. These clones exhibit a trade-off in fitness between two alternative hosts, broad bean and nasturtium. This pattern is maintained in the F2 generation. The predominance of broad bean in the area, the fact that clones were only sampled from one of these two hosts, and the absence of “master-of-all-trades” genotypes after recombination all point to the importance of antagonistic pleiotropy rather than linkage disequilibrium in maintaining this trade-off. It is concluded that this population presents strong evidence for a fundamental trade-off for host utilization.  相似文献   

Insecticides were sprayed in different amounts of water to control Aphis fabae Scop. attacking spring-sown field beans. The single application of each insecticide was timed to coincide with the end of aphid migration from the winter host to the crop. A tractor-mounted row-crop hydraulic sprayer was used.
In one experiment seven different insecticide sprays were compared at high volume (in 140 gal. of water per acre); the most effective were nicotine at 22.4 oz. of active constituent per acre, demeton at 5.6 oz. and demeton-methyl at 11.2 oz.
A further comparison was made of five insecticides for each of which a selected dose of active ingredient was applied in 60 gal. (medium volume) and in 10 gal. of water per acre (low volume). The amount of insecticide retained on the plant following the low-volume application was not less than that from the medium-volume spray; the efficiency of A. fabae control was not affected by the volume sprayed except with malathion which did better at the medium volume. The systemic insecticides demeton-methyl at 6 oz. of active constituents per acre, the related compound 4741 at 3 oz. and fluoroacetamide at 3 oz. stopped the aphid numbers from rising above a peak of eight per plant compared with 230 per plant for malathion (low volume) at 12 oz. 2400 per plant for lindane at 6 oz. and 3550 per plant for check treatments sprayed with wetter only. Grain yields ranged from around 4 cwt. per acre on check treatments to around 27 cwt. per acre on plots sprayed once with the systemic insecticides. There was a curvilinear relationship between grain yield and log number of A. fabae per plant.  相似文献   

Bean fields are often attacked by Aphis fabae very heavily along the edges: and on a field at Rothamsted in 1948 the sides facing the wind during the primary migration had more colonies than those in the lee of the crop (Johnson, 1950). Additional observations on the distribution of colonies were made on six bean fields at Sutton Bonington in 1950–2.
At Rothamsted in 1948 it was assumed that the more numerous colonies on the windward sides of the field followed a heavier deposition of primary migrants there, though the migrants themselves were not observed on the crop. In 1950–2 the locations of primary migrants, as well as of colonies, were recorded in three out of the six fields observed.  相似文献   

The wind direction during the primary migration of Aphis fabae Scop, gave a plausible explanation of the infestation pattern round the edge of a bean field; but it is emphasized that other factors are involved whose effects have not been adequately-assessed in this preliminary survey.  相似文献   

豆蚜在不同品种扁豆上的取食行为   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
韩文智 《昆虫学报》1990,33(1):28-34
在温室栽培不同品种的扁豆(Dolichos lablab),采用接蚜,光暗对照,隔离饲育,离体饲育,蜡膜人工饲液饲育以及用昆虫取食行为自动测试仪对其取食行为进行测试等方法来鉴定不同扁豆品种对豆蚜(Aphis craccivora Koch)的抗性,确认紫色品种对豆蚜具有拒食作用.分离,提取了扁豆所含的色素成分并对豆蚜进行生物测定,确定扁豆的红色“色素”是抗蚜的物质基础.用进一步提纯的红色“色素”对豆蚜进行取食行为测试,得出拒食强度的初步数据.  相似文献   

为了解共生菌对黑豆蚜蛋白质、氨基酸代谢的影响 ,用利福平处理黑豆蚜以除去其细胞内共生细菌 ,产生脱共生蚜虫。结果表明 ,被脱去共生菌的蚜虫与未经抗生素处理的正常蚜虫相比 ,7日龄时 ,脱共生蚜虫每毫克鲜重的总蛋白含量降低了 2 9% ,每毫克鲜重的游离氨基酸含量提高了 17%。对黑豆蚜取食的蚕豆苗韧皮部组织中必需氨基酸所占的比例进行分析后发现 ,蚕豆苗韧皮部组织中的必需氨基酸含量仅占 2 0 % ,而有共生菌的黑豆蚜组织中必需氨基酸已达到 4 4% ,脱共生后降低到 37% ,这些结果证明了黑豆蚜的胞内共生菌为其寄主提供了部分必需氨基酸。通过对游离氨基酸组成的分析发现 ,在测定的 17种氨基酸中 ,必需氨基酸中的苏氨酸在共生蚜虫中所占的比例为 2 1 6 % ,在脱共生蚜虫中仅为 16 7%。同样 ,非必需氨基酸中的酪氨酸和丝氨酸 ,在共生蚜虫中分别占总游离氨基酸的 8 9%和 5 6 % ,而在脱共生蚜虫中却分别升高到 2 1 1%和 13 6 %。这些结果表明 ,各种氨基酸比例的失调 ,造成了脱共生蚜虫蛋白质合成受阻和部分游离氨基酸的积累 ,并因此导致蚜虫发育和繁殖的失调。  相似文献   

A method is described for producing some hundreds of apterous and thousands of alate virginoparous Aphis fabae every day continuously throughout the year. Broad beans are used as the host plants, in a 'production-line' arrangement of eleven ventilated breeding cages, with additional cages for starting subcultures and rearing alatae, all contained in a portion of a small greenhouse with supplementary lighting in winter. When running smoothly, the culture requires about half an hour's work by one man per day.
An 'aphid gun', being a modified type of aspirator catcher, is described, with which large numbers of aphids could be handled and counted rapidly without damaging them.
Amodified technique for host-transference experiments is described, which permits individual leaves to be compared one with another as host-units for the aphids. Two types of small metal cages are used, both easily attached to leaves in their natural positions on growing plants. One type confines the aphids to a part of a single leaf and is used mainly for determining relative reproduction rates on different leaves. The other type encloses equal areas of two different leaves between which the aphids can move freely, and is used for determining their behavioural preferences. The principles underlying the use of such cages, the experimental procedures and the interpretation of the results obtained are discussed.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of bacterial symbionts (Buchnera spp.) in the black bean aphids (Aphis craccivora Koch), the aphids were treated with the antibiotic, rifampicin, to eliminate their intracellular symbiotic bacteria. Analysis of protein and amino acid concentration in 7‐day‐old of aposymbiotic aphids showed that the total protein content per mg fresh weight was significantly reduced by 29%, but free amino acid titers were increased by 17%. The ratio of the essential amino acids was in general only around 20% essential amino acids in phloem sap of broad bean, whereas it was 44% and 37% in symbiotic and aposymbiotic aphids, respectively, suggesting that the composition of the free amino acids was unbalanced. For example, the essential amino acid, threonine represented 21.6% of essential amino acids in symbiotic aphids, but it was only 16.7% in aposymbiotic aphids. Likewise, two nonessential amino acids, tyrosine and serine, represented 8.9% and 5.6% of total amino acids in symbiontic aphids, respectively, but they enhanced to 21.1% and 13.6% in aposymbiotic aphids. It seems likely that the elevated free amino acid concentration in aposymbiotic aphids was caused by the limited protein anabolism as the result of the unbalanced amino acid composition.  相似文献   

大豆蚜在寄主与非寄主植物上的口针刺吸行为   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
韩心丽  严福顺 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):278-283
用EPG记录法记录了大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsunra在寄主和非寄主植物上的口针刺吸行为。结果表明,大豆蚜在寄主大豆植物的韧皮部取食时间长,而在非寄主棉花、黄瓜和丝瓜植物韧皮部取食时间甚短或根本未取食;非寄主植物内部对大豆蚜的侵害存在抗性,影响取食的因素和其所在部位因非寄主植物种类的不同而不同。  相似文献   

杀虫剂诱使棉蚜再猖獗的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
吴孔明  刘芹轩 《生态学报》1992,12(4):341-347
为指导棉蚜的综合防治,笔者对杀虫剂诱导棉蚜再猖獗的现象进行了研究,速灭杀丁,氧化乐果和久效磷对棉蚜田间施药试验结果表明:效果较好,但进入伏蚜发生期后,速灭杀丁处理区棉蚜种群上升极快,第3次施药手2000倍和4000倍的20%,速灭杀丁处理区棉虹种群数量分别是对照的9.05倍和7.22倍,氧化乐果施药区棉蚜密度也明显高于不 施药的对照区蚜虫密度,整个棉蚜发生阶段棉蚜的抗药性测定表明,随着用药次数增加,棉蚜对速灭杀丁抗性倍数增长迅速,第4次施药后LD56值是早春棉蚜的9.39倍。3种农药对七星瓢虫和异色标虫的毒性皆显著地对棉蚜的毒力,随着棉蚜抗药性增加,农药对瓢虫-蚜系统的破坏愈加严重,对3种农药处理后的棉蚜成,若蚜的生命表分析表明3种农药没有刺激种群增殖作用,因而可以认为速杰灭刹丁诱使棉蚜再猖獗的作用是由于棉蚜抗药性水平迅速提高和对棉田生态的破坏所致。  相似文献   

Aphis fabae gynoparae occurred in the same large proportion in simultaneous collections of all aphids alighting and probing on, and taking off from, a host plant (spindle) and a non-host (peach), and behaved similarly when approaching and leaving them in the same conditions. Most alighters took off again from leaves of both kinds within a few minutes, staying longer and probing more times on the host. In atmospheric conditions favouring local 'hovering' instead of dispersal, flying and alighting aphids became concentrated around host plants, not through any specific attraction to them, but apparently because more aphids had accumulated upon them and were now taking off.
Brevicoryne brassicae occurred in the same large proportion in simultaneous collections of aphids alighting on a host plant (cabbage) and a non-host (sugar beet). No satisfactory evidence was found of preferential alightment on cabbage and there were indications of preferential alightment on the non-host. A very small minority of the A. fabae and B. brassicae that alighted on their hosts stayed there long enough to larviposit. This minority was rather larger among alighters late in the day, but in the absolute sense, more colonization occurred during earlier periods when more aphids arrived.
The intensely dispersive type of host-finding behaviour in Myzus persicae, A. fabae and B. brassicae may be common among Aphididae. It seems ideal for the dissemination of non-persistent plant viruses, more particularly among the less-favoured host plants of each aphid. The tendency to commensal association between virus and vector provides an ecological framework which may govern the incidence of virus-vector specificity and symbiosis.  相似文献   

豆蚜有翅蚜产生的原因   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
吕利华  陈瑞鹿 《昆虫学报》1993,36(2):143-149
本文研究拥挤、寄土质量、温度和蚜型等因子对大豆蚜(Ahis glyeines)有翅蚜产生的影响。结果表明:1.大豆蚜无翅胎生成好个体间的拥挤是有翅蚜产生的主要原因。在低密度下拥挤反应随密度增大而增强,但过度拥挤会导致反应的降低。无翅若好间的拥挤不能导致其本身发育为有翅胎生蚜。 2.寄主质量能改变无翅胎生成蚜对拥挤的反应。每笼2头经成熟叶片处理的无翅胎生成蚜后代中有姻蚜的比例高于幼嫩叶片和对照(无叶片)处理,且饥饿不能促进有翅蚜的产生。3.温度能影响有翅蚜的产生。较高的温度(30℃和25℃)较21℃对有翅胎生蚌的产生有较强的抑制作用。4.不同母蚜型产生有翊蚜的能力不同。有翅胎生蚜间的拥挤也能使其在后代中产生少量的有翊蚜,但对拥挤的敏感程度低于无翅胎生蚜。  相似文献   

Experiments, in which alate aphids were marked immediately after eclosion from the last nymphal instar and observed until they took flight, gave information which, together with the measured rate of moulting and a continuous record of temperature, has been used to construct theoretical daily curves for numbers flying from a bean crop. These curves have been matched against the observed curves for the same days.
The differences between curves so constructed for a period of 17 days and the observed curves for the same period are of the same order and kind as the differences between two measured curves in different sites at the same time.
The different types of daily flight curve can thus be accounted for in terms of the rate of production of alatae by moulting, the effect of temperature on the teneral ('drying out') period and the effect of low light intensity and temperature on take-off behaviour.  相似文献   

In contrast to small (200g) apterous exules of A. fabae, large individuals (1,000g) contain twice as many embryos, more of which are well developed. Large individuals start reproducing earlier and achieve their maximum reproductive rate earlier in adult life, have a higher reproductive rate overall, and produce larger offspring. The fecundity achieved at 20° is slightly less than the number of embryos present at the adult moult, after which no more embryos are generated. Small aphids have a longer reproductive period but the same length of adult life as large aphids.The tendency of many aphids not to maximize their reproductive rate but to spread their offspring both in space and time, and thus use the heterogeneity in habitat quality, has possibly been important in determining the success of aphids.
Zusammenfasung Kleine Aptere (200g) von A. fabae enthalten nur halb so viele Embryos wie große Individuen (1,000g), bei denen die meisten Embryos gut entwickelt sind. Große Bohnenläuse beginnen früher mit der Reproduktion und erreichen das Reproduktionsmaximum eher; sie haben insgesamt eine höhere Reproduktionsrate und gebären auch größere Larven. Die Anzahl der abgesetzten Larven ist bei 20° etwas geringer als die Anzahl der Embryos, die bereits bei der Imaginalhäutung vorhanden sind; später werden keine Embryos mehr gebildet. Kleine Blattläuse setzen über einen längeren Zeitraum Larven ab, leben nach Imaginalhäutung aber nicht länger als große Läuse.Die Tendenz vieler Blattläuse, ihre Reproduktionsrate nicht zu maximieren sondern ihre Jungen räumlich und zeitlich zu verteilen und damit die heterogene Qualität des Habitats auszunutzen ist wahrscheinlich wichtig für den Erfolg der Blattläuse.

赵鼎新 《生态学报》1987,7(2):146-153
本文研究了不同龄期及不同发育期的黑襟毛瓢虫在不同食蚜量(生物量)下的发育速率,增长速率,存活率及生殖率。主要结果如下: (1)讨论了下模型(Beddinton et al.,1976)的隐含假说: 1/d=a(KaNT/1 aT _(?)N-B) (1) 其中最主要一点就是该模型没有考虑到在(食物摄入量)常数B邻域内发育速率的非连续性。为了描述此性质,我们提出了以下通式: 式中:1/d是捕食者发育速率,X是捕食者摄取的生物量,N为猎物密度。F(X(N))为一可以是线性或其他形状的函数。笔者认为发育速率在B领域的不连续性是数值反应的一个普遍规律。(2)黑襟毛瓢虫幼虫取食量与增长率的关系结果表明,三、四龄幼虫在取食量较低时能以低于上一龄期初的体重(负增长率)进入下一龄期或虫态。(3)二、三龄幼虫有很强的耐饥性,但一、四龄幼虫对饥饿较敏感(图5)。第i—1龄幼虫的取食量能影响第i龄时的存活率及发育速率(表2)。(4)幼虫及成虫的取食率对生殖均有重要影响,但取食量对卵重及其卵的孵化率影响不显著。  相似文献   

In a natural population of alienicolae of Aphis fabae Scop, on field beans in July 1952, the frequency of moulting of the last larval instar into the alate form was usually relatively high between about 04.00 and 08.00 hr. G. M. T. This high rate was followed by a decline to a lower fluctuating rate for the rest of the day. The moulting rate at night was usually very low.
The high rate of moulting in the morning, just as the temperature is rising, may be due to acceleration of nymphal development which leads to a synchronization of moulting, much as teneral development of alatae, if accelerated, produces flight peaks during the day (Johnson, Taylor & Haine 1957): data on the relations of moulting and nymphal development to temperature are, however, insufficient for making a complete analysis along these lines.
Changes in moulting rate during the rest of the day are correlated with temperature and with time, both independently. A rise of 1°C. ambient temperature is associated with an 11.6% rise in moulting rate: a fall of 1°C. with a drop of 10.5% and a lapse of 1 hr. in time by a 5.4% drop in the rate. Sunshine and humidity show no simple correlation with moulting rate.  相似文献   

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