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Summary We are interested in the precise localization of various DNA probes on the short arm of chromosome 11 for our research on the aniridia-Wilms' tumor association (AWTA), assigned to region 11p13 (Knudson and Strong 1972; Riccardi et al. 1978). For this purpose we have screened lymphocyte DNA and material derived from somatic cell hybrids from individuals with constitutional 11p deletions with a range of available probes: D11S12; calcitonin/CGRP (CALC1/CALC2); insulin (INS); Harvey ras 1 (HRAS 1); beta-globin gene cluster (HBBC); human insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2); parathyroid hormone (PTH); human pepsinogen A (PGA). Using this material, it has been possible to map all probes used, except insulin, outside the region 11p111-p15.1, resulting in an SRO (same regional overlap) of 11p15.1-p15.5 for most probes. We found an SRO for PGA of 11p111-q12 and an SRO for CALC2 of 11p15.1-p15.5 or 11p111-q12. We have localised the insulin gene to band 11p15.1.  相似文献   

Choroideremia (McK30310), an X-linked retinal dystrophy, causes progressive night blindness, visual field constriction, and eventual central blindness in affected males by the third to fourth decade of life. The biochemical basis of the disease is unknown, and prenatal diagnosis is not available. Subregional localization of the choroideremia locus to Xq13-22 was accomplished initially by linkage to two restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms (RFLPs), DXYS1 (Xq13-q21.1) and DXS3 (Xq21.3-22). We have now extended our linkage analysis to 12 families using nine RFLP markers between Xp11.3 and Xq26. Recombination frequencies of 0%-4% were found between choroideremia and five markers (PGK, DXS3, DXYS12, DXS72, and DXYS1) located in Xq13-22. The families were also used to measure recombination frequencies between RFLP loci to provide parameters for the program LINKMAP. Multipoint analysis with LINKMAP provided overwhelming evidence for placing the choroideremia locus within the region bounded by DXS1 (Xq11-13) and DXS17 (Xq21.3-q22). At a finer level of resolution, multipoint analysis suggested that the choroideremia locus was proximal to DXS3 (384:1 odds) rather than distal to it. Data were insufficient, however, to distinguish between a gene order that puts choroideremia between DXS3 and DXYS1 and one that places choroideremia proximal to both RFLP loci. These results provide linkage mapping of choroideremia and RFLP loci in this region that will be of use for further genetic studies as well as for clinical applications in this and other human diseases.  相似文献   

Summary A human genomic DNA fragment, pAM37 (HGM8; D21S22), was mapped to chromosome 21q2.1-q2.21 by in situ hybridization. This segment is therefore situated on the boundary of the pathological region of Down syndrome. A genomic restriction map encompassing 35 kb of chromosome 21 was derived and two restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were mapped and characterized. A homologous sequence was detected in the mouse genome but no homologous RNA was detected in a range of human tissues. This DNA segment will contribute to the linkage mapping of chromosome 21 and will facilitate delineation of the pathological region of Down syndrome.  相似文献   

The 240-kb yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) HTY146 (D7S427) containing the telomere from the q arm of human chromosome 7 was subcloned into the cosmid vector sCOS-1. Cosmid subclones were screened for DNA polymorphisms by Southern blot analysis of restriction digests of DNA from random individuals. Four distinct polymorphisms were characterized. These markers provide a resource for defining the end of the genetic map for the long arm of human chromosome 7.  相似文献   

Summary A human genomic DNA fragment, p22hom13 (D22S16), was isolated from a chromosome 22-specific library. After elimination of repetitive sequences, a single copy BamHI-EcoRI fragment was subcloned into pTZ18. By using mouse/human somatic cell hybrids and in situ hybridization, the new DNA probe was mapped to chromosome 22q13-qter. Its application in the analysis of the distal part of chromosome 22 and its diagnostic use in translocations are discussed.  相似文献   

A genomic DNA clone named CRI-S232 reveals an array of highly polymorphic restriction fragments on the X chromosome as well as a set of non-polymorphic fragments on the Y chromosome. Every individual has multiple bands, highly variable in length, in every restriction enzyme digest tested. One set of bands is found in all males, and co-segregates with the Y chromosome in families. These sequences have been regionally localized by deletion mapping to the long arm of the Y chromosome. Segregation analysis in families shows that all of the remaining fragments co-segregate as a single locus on the X chromosome, each haplotype consisting of three or more polymorphic fragments. This locus (designated DXS278) is linked to several markers on Xp, the closest being dic56 (DXS143) at a distance of 2 cM. Although it is outside the pseudoautosomal region, the S232 X chromosome locus shows linkage to pseudoautosomal markers in female meiosis. In determining the X chromosome S232 haplotypes of 138 offspring among 19 families, we observed three non-parental haplotypes. Two were recombinant haplotypes, consistent with a cross-over among the S232-hybridizing fragments in maternal meiosis. The third was a mutant haplotype arising on a paternal X chromosome. The locus identified by CRI-S232 may therefore be a recombination and mutation hotspot.  相似文献   

Summary Two males and two females with different but overlapping deletions on the proximal long arm of the X chromosomes have been investigated. Their karyotypes, which have been well characterized by high resolution banding techniques, are 46,Y,del(X)(pterq21.1:: q21.33qter); 46,Y,del(X) (pterq21.2::q21.31qter); 46,X,del(X) (pterq21.31::q24.3qter) and 46,X,del (X)(pterq21.1:). A deletion panel, which makes it possible to subdivide the long arm of the X chromosome into seven subregions, has been established using the genomic DNA from the four families, and applied to the fine subregional localization of the loci for 22 DNA probes. Based on the results obtained, the possible location of the loci in question has been narrowed down considerably, in some cases to an area of only 5% of the previously assigned region; hybridization to Southern blots of a panel with well-characterized chromosome deletions is thus a powerful means of localizing DNA probes, especially with respect to the X probes.Part of the results from this investigation were published at Human Gene Mapping 9 as abstracts  相似文献   

Repeated DNA sequences in the distal long arm of the human X chromosome   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Two DNA probes from within a single large insert from a recombinant phage-DNA library that was constructed from flow-sorted chromosomes enriched for the human X chromosome were shown to hybridize with repeated X-specific and autosomal DNA sequences. The X-chromosomal repeated sequences were assigned to the distal long arm of the X chromosome by both hybrid mapping and in situ hybridization. Fine mapping places these repeats in a region of Xq28 between DX13 (DXS15, in distal Xq28) and factor VIII (F8C, in proximal Xq28). The location of the X-specific repeats makes them potentially useful for future investigations of discases mapping to the distal long arm of the X chromosome, such as the fragile X syndrome.  相似文献   

Summary Utilizing the 5-bromo-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation technique, we have recently studied the DNA replication kinetics in a dicentric X chromosome, formed by long arm-to-long arm fusion at band q23, from a 16-year-old black female with primary amenorrhea. The patient has a karyotype 45,X/46,X,dic(X)(q23).In the buccal smear the presence of X chromatin was found in 33% of the cells examined. The Barr bodies are large and 21% of them are bipartite. DNA replication studies were performed on the patient's lymphocytes by the thymidine pulse (T-pulse) method and confirmed comparatively by the BrdU pulse (B-pulse) method. The results indicate that the dicentric X chromosome is always late-replicating. The replication pattern is symmetric on both sides of the breakpoint and the replication sequence is, in order, p11, p22, q1(1–3), q22, q23, p21, and q21. This finding is comparable to those of other investigators and supports the theory that there exist two inactivation centers in the dicentric X chromosome, located on or near the q21 band.  相似文献   

A study of females with deletions of the short arm of the X chromosome   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have undertaken a clinical and molecular study of 25 females with deletions of the short arm of the X chromosome. We have determined the deletion breakpoints, the parental origin and the activation status of the deleted X chromosomes. Genotype–phenotype correlations suggest that the presence of a single copy of the DFFRX gene, previously postulated as a gene involved in the ovarian failure seen in Turner syndrome, may be compatible with normal ovarian function, and that there may be a gene for Turner-like features located in distal Xp22.3. Received: 26 November 1997 / Accepted: 18 December 1997  相似文献   

Highly polymorphic repeated DNA sequences were detected at the end of the long arm of human chromosome 18 by a recombinant DNA probe containing 56 bp of human DNA (pERT25). This was shown by hybridization of pERT25 to DNA from a panel of human X rodent somatic cell hybrids, by dot blot hybridization to flow-sorted human chromosomes, and by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes. The high degree of polymorphism detected by this 18q DNA fragment makes it potentially useful for various applications, including investigations into the genetics of trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), linkage studies, and paternity testing.  相似文献   

Summary Nine human X chromosome-specific clones have been isolated by screening an X-chromosomal genomic library with fetal muscle cDNA. Five of the clones have been localised to the short arm and four to the long arm. The short arm probes have been regionally assigned using a panel of somatic cell hybrids. They have been mapped further using a series of DNA samples from male patients with different deletions of the region Xp21, and having complex phenotypes including Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The use of these probes in the mapping of the short arm of the X chromosome is discussed.  相似文献   

A recombinant DNA library enriched for portions of human chromosome 13 has been constructed from a hamster-human somatic cell hybrid that contained human chromosomes 13, 12, and 6p. A total of 733 phages were identified that contain human DNA inserts, and 46 single-copy subfragments have been derived and used as probes on Southern transfers of genomic DNA isolated from unrelated individuals. From this set, nine fragments revealing polymorphic loci (RFLP) in Msp I- or Taq I-digested DNA have been identified, of which three are polymorphic with both enzymes. Six of these probes have been shown to segregate concordantly with human chromosome 13 in a somatic cell hybrid mapping panel, and the RFLPs at these loci have been shown to behave as codominant Mendelian alleles. Additionally, hybridization to DNA isolated from cells containing various deletions of chromosome 13 has allowed regional localization. This recombinant DNA library will be useful in the study of retinoblastoma as well as in the study of the mechanisms responsible for abnormalities of this autosome.  相似文献   

Using cDNA probes for the human uvomorulin (UVO) and rat chymotrypsinogen B (CTRB) genes, we have analyzed two overlapping interstitial deletions on human chromosome 16q by Southern blot analysis. One deletion, with breakpoints at 16q22.1 and 16q22.3, results in loss of the UVO locus. The second deletion, whose breakpoints are at 16q22.1 and 16q23.2, leads to loss of the CTRB locus. Therefore, UVO resides between both proximal deletion breakpoints within band 16q22.1, whereas CTRB is located between both distal breakpoints at 16q22.3 and 16q23.2.  相似文献   

Characterization of several male-viable deletions and duplications with 20 random DNA probes has enabled us to subdivide the Xq21 region into seven discernible intervals. Almost all of the deletions spanning part of Xq21 are associated with choroideremia and mental retardation, with deafness being another common feature. The gene locus for choroideremia was assigned to interval 3 spanning the loci DXS95, DXS165, and DXS233. Genes for X-linked deafness and mental retardation were tentatively assigned to interval 2. Deletions of intervals 4 through 7 were not associated with any clinical abnormality. We have constructed a preliminary long-range restriction map of intervals 2 and 3 using field-inversion gel electrophoresis. The DXS232, DXS121, and DXS233 loci are located on the same SfiI fragment, whereas the DXS165 and DXS95 loci could not be linked to this cluster using SfiI and SalI.  相似文献   



Mice with severe non-PAR Y chromosome long arm (NPYq) deficiencies are infertile in vivo and in vitro. We have previously shown that sperm from these males, although having grossly malformed heads, were able to fertilize oocytes via intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and yield live offspring. However, in continuing ICSI trials we noted a reduced efficiency when cryopreserved sperm were used and with epididymal sperm as compared to testicular sperm. In the present study we tested if NPYq deficiency is associated with sperm DNA damage - a known cause of poor ICSI success.  相似文献   

Summary The sexual development of 14 girls with non-mosaic monocentric 46,X,iXq karyotype was studied. Seven out of eight girls were found to have immature secondary sexual characteristics and amenorrhoea, a finding greatly contrasting with that in Triplo-X girls. The relative ineffectiveness of the isochromosome Xq in maintaining fertility may be due to the absence of one short arm, which probably also carries a gonadal determinant. Alternatively, the presence of two inactivation sites on one isochromosome may render the gonadal determinants inactive at an important stage in gonadal development.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that sequence homology should exist between the short arms of the human sex chromosomes, in the regions pairing at meiosis. Out of 40 clones picked at random from a collection of non-repetitive DNA sequences derived from the human Y chromosome, we have found nine sequences which show very high homology with sequences located on the X chromosome. All nine probes originate from the euchromatic part of the Y chromosome. All the homologous sequences are located within the Xq12-Xq22-24 region. None of them map to the short arm of the X chromosome. We conclude that an important part of the euchromatic region of the Y chromosome is homologous to the middle of the X chromosome long arm, possibly as a result of recent translation event(s).  相似文献   

Juberg-Marsidi syndrome (McKusick 309590) is a rare X-linked recessive condition characterized by severe mental retardation, growth failure, sensorineural deafness, and microgenitalism. Here we report on the genetic mapping of the Juberg-Marsidi gene to the proximal long arm of the X chromosome (Xq12-q21) by linkage to probe pRX214H1 at the DXS441 locus (Z = 3.24 at theta = .00). Multipoint linkage analysis placed the Juberg-Marsidi gene within the interval defined by the DXS159 and the DXYS1X loci in the Xq12-q21 region. These data provide evidence for the genetic distinction between Juberg-Marsidi syndrome and several other X-linked mental retardation syndromes that have hypogonadism and hypogenitalism and that previously. Finally, the mapping of the Juberg-Marsidi gene is of potential interest for reliable genetic counseling of at-risk women.  相似文献   

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