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Investigation of superficial counterdiffusion of nitrogen against helium has been carried out to evaluate a possibility of its progress in divers (107 tests) under pressures equivalent to 32-450 m of sea water when breathing trimix being saturated in heliox at a constant ambient pressure without changing chamber environment. Breathing gas mixture contained 248-800 kPa of nitrogen, while chamber heliox media contained some additions of nitrogen (6-108 kPa). Clinical manifestations of breathing trimix (itching and gas bubble formation) were studied in divers. The development of counterdiffusion depends on the partial pressure of nitrogen not only in the breathing gas mixture but also in the chamber media. The breathing nitrogen level being increased and (or) decreased in the chamber media, the counterdiffusion symptoms grow relative to the number (%) of cases. Minimal critical values of nitrogen partial pressure gradients in the mixture which induce counterdiffusion skin lesions are 260-320 kPa on the average for the nitrogen concentration in the chamber mixture to 30 kPa. Isobaric supersaturation due to inert gases countertransport in body tissues as a result of gas-switching from heliox to trimix is responsible for the syndrome development.  相似文献   

It is possible to produce a transient supersaturation or undersaturation in tissues and blood by sequentially breathing gases with different equilibration rates. If the ambient gas pressure is sufficiently high, the induced supersaturation can produce vascular bubbles. By means of the classical perfusion-dependent model of inert gas elimination, which assumes that the effects of diffusion are minimal, the magnitude of the total inert gas pressure can be predicted. If, however, the effects of diffusion cannot be ignored, the supersaturation could be substantially larger. This paper estimates the effects of diffusion in a Krogh cylinder on the supersaturation produced by suddenly changing the inert gas partial pressure in the blood. The results of these estimates indicate that diffusion plays a role in this transient supersaturation only in long Krogh cylinders with high blood flows. The effects of diffusion are further reduced by the finite time necessary to switch the inert gases in arterial blood. The conclusions are supported by experiments that measure vascular bubble production after a switch of the inert portion of the inspired gas. These experiments further show that the formation of vascular bubbles after such a switch cannot be entirely explained by the different diffusion constants of the gases used.  相似文献   

Normal men have been found to develop pruritis and gas bubble lesions in the skin, and disruption of vestibular function, when breathing nitrogen or neon with oxygen while surrounded by helium at increased ambient pressure. This phenomenon, which occurs at stable ambient pressures, at 1 or many ATA, has been designated the "isobaric gas counterdiffusion syndrome." In a series of analyses and experiments in vivo and in vitro the cause of the syndrome has been established as due to gas accumulation and development of gas bubbles in tissues as a result of differences in selective diffusivities, for various respired and ambient gases, in the tissue substances between capillary blood and the surrounding atmosphere. The phenomenon here described in man is an initial stage of a process shown later in animals to progress to continuous, massive, lethal, intravascular gas embolization.  相似文献   

The present investigation was performed to determine whether inert gas sequencing at depth would affect decompression outcome in rats via the phenomenon of counterdiffusion. Unanesthetized rats (Rattus norvegicus) were subjected to simulated dives in either air, 79% He-21% O2, or 79% Ar-21% O2; depths ranged from 125 to 175 feet of seawater (4.8-6.3 atmospheres absolute). After 1 h at depth, the dive chamber was vented (with depth held constant) over a 5-min period with the same gas as in the chamber (controls) or one of the other two inert gas-O2 mixtures. After the gas switch, a 5- to 35-min period was allowed for gas exchange between the animals and chamber atmosphere before rapid decompression to the surface. Substantial changes in the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) were observed after the gas switch because of differences in potencies (He less than N2 less than Ar) for causing DCS and gas exchange rates (He greater than Ar greater than N2) among the three gases. Based on the predicted gas exchange rates, transient increases or decreases in total inert gas pressure would be expected to occur during these experimental conditions. Because of differences in gas potencies, DCS risk may not directly follow the changes in total inert gas pressure. In fact, a decline in predicted DCS risk may occur even as total inert gas pressure in increasing.  相似文献   

Saturation decompression is a physiological process of transition from one steady state, full saturation with inert gas at pressure, to another one: standard conditions at surface. It is defined by the borderline condition for time spent at a particular depth (pressure) and inert gas in the breathing mixture (nitrogen, helium). It is a delicate and long lasting process during which single milliliters of inert gas are eliminated every minute, and any disturbance can lead to the creation of gas bubbles leading to decompression sickness (DCS). Most operational procedures rely on experimentally found parameters describing a continuous slow decompression rate. In Poland, the system for programming of continuous decompression after saturation with compressed air and nitrox has been developed as based on the concept of the Extended Oxygen Window (EOW). EOW mainly depends on the physiology of the metabolic oxygen window—also called inherent unsaturation or partial pressure vacancy—but also on metabolism of carbon dioxide, the existence of water vapor, as well as tissue tension. Initially, ambient pressure can be reduced at a higher rate allowing the elimination of inert gas from faster compartments using the EOW concept, and maximum outflow of nitrogen. Then, keeping a driving force for long decompression not exceeding the EOW allows optimal elimination of nitrogen from the limiting compartment with half-time of 360 min. The model has been theoretically verified through its application for estimation of risk of decompression sickness in published systems of air and nitrox saturation decompressions, where DCS cases were observed. Clear dose-reaction relation exists, and this confirms that any supersaturation over the EOW creates a risk for DCS. Using the concept of the EOW, 76 man-decompressions were conducted after air and nitrox saturations in depth range between 18 and 45 meters with no single case of DCS. In summary, the EOW concept describes physiology of decompression after saturation with nitrogen-based breathing mixtures.  相似文献   

Isolated inner ear decompression sickness (DCS) is recognized in deep diving involving breathing of helium-oxygen mixtures, particularly when breathing gas is switched to a nitrogen-rich mixture during decompression. The biophysical basis for this selective vulnerability of the inner ear to DCS has not been established. A compartmental model of inert gas kinetics in the human inner ear was constructed from anatomical and physiological parameters described in the literature and used to simulate inert gas tensions in the inner ear during deep dives and breathing-gas substitutions that have been reported to cause inner ear DCS. The model predicts considerable supersaturation, and therefore possible bubble formation, during the initial phase of a conventional decompression. Counterdiffusion of helium and nitrogen from the perilymph may produce supersaturation in the membranous labyrinth and endolymph after switching to a nitrogen-rich breathing mixture even without decompression. Conventional decompression algorithms may result in inadequate decompression for the inner ear for deep dives. Breathing-gas switches should be scheduled deep or shallow to avoid the period of maximum supersaturation resulting from decompression.  相似文献   

The composition of the gas mixture secreted into the swim-bladders of several species of fish has been determined in the mass spectrometer. The secreted gas differed greatly from the gas mixture breathed by the fish in the relative proportions of the chemically inert gases, argon, neon, helium, and nitrogen. Relative to nitrogen the proportion of the very soluble argon was increased and the proportions of the much less soluble neon and helium decreased. The composition of the secreted gas approaches the composition of the gas mixture dissolved in the tissue fluid. A theory of inert gas secretion is proposed. It is suggested that oxygen gas is actively secreted and evolved in the form of minute bubbles, that inert gases diffuse into these bubbles, and that the bubbles are passed into the swim-bladder carrying with them inert gases. Coupled to a preferential reabsorption of oxygen from the swim-bladder this mechanism can achieve high tensions of inert gas in the swim-bladder. The accumulation of nearly pure nitrogen in the swim-bladder of goldfish (Carassius auratus) is accomplished by the secretion of an oxygen-rich gas mixture followed by the reabsorption of oxygen.  相似文献   

Washout of insoluble inert test gases of different diffusivity (He and SF6 or He and Ar) from dog lungs was studied during high-frequency ventilation (HFV). Test gas equilibrium and subsequent washout were performed with HFV, succeeding measurements being performed at different stroke volumes (1.5-2.5 ml/kg body wt), oscillation frequencies (10-30 Hz), and with different lung volumes (32-74 ml X kg-1). Test gas concentrations were continuously measured by a mass spectrometer. The time course of washout could be described as the sum of two exponentials. There were no consistent differences in the time courses of washout between He and SF6 or between He and Ar. It is concluded that gas mixing in the airways during HFV is not significantly limited by diffusion, and this is suggested to apply during HFV to steady-state transport of respiratory gases (e.g., O2 and CO2) as well as to the transient state of inert gas washout.  相似文献   

We studied CO2 and inert gas elimination in the isolated in situ trachea as a model of conducting airway gas exchange. Six inert gases with various solubilities and molecular weights (MW) were infused into the left atria of six pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs (group 1). The unidirectionally ventilated trachea behaved as a high ventilation-perfusion unit (ratio = 60) with no appreciable dead space. Excretion of higher-MW gases appeared to be depressed, suggesting a MW dependence to inert gas exchange. This was further explored in another six dogs (group 2) with three gases of nearly equal solubility but widely divergent MWs (acetylene, 26; Freon-22, 86.5; isoflurane, 184.5). Isoflurane and Freon-22 excretions were depressed 47 and 30%, respectively, relative to acetylene. In a theoretical model of airway gas exchange, neither a tissue nor a gas phase diffusion resistance predicted our results better than the standard equation for steady-state alveolar inert gas elimination. However, addition of a simple ln (MW) term reduced the remaining residual sum of squares by 40% in group 1 and by 83% in group 2. Despite this significant MW influence on tracheal gas exchange, we calculate that the quantitative gas exchange capacity of the conducting airways in total can account for less than or equal to 16% of any MW-dependent differences observed in pulmonary inert gas elimination.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the question of whether gas mixtures containing multiple inert gases provide a decompression advantage over mixtures containing a single inert gas. Unanesthetized male albino rats, Rattus norvegicus, were subjected to 2-h simulated dives at depths ranging from 145 to 220 fsw. At pressure, the rats breathed various He-N2-Ar-O2 mixtures (79.1% inert gas-20.9% O2); they were then decompressed rapidly (within 10 s) to surface pressures. The probability of decompression sickness (DCS), measured either as severe bends symptoms or death, was related to the experimental variables in a Hill equation model incorporating parameters that account for differences in the potencies of the three gases and the weight of the animal. The relative potencies of the three gases, which affect the total dose of decompression stress, were determined as significantly different in the following ascending order of potency: He less than N2 less than Ar; some of these differences were small in magnitude. With mixtures, the degree of decompression stress diminished as either N2 or Ar was replaced by He. No obvious advantage or disadvantage of mixtures over the least potent pure inert gas (He) was evident, although limits to the expectation of possible advantage or disadvantage of mixtures were defined. Also, model analysis did not support the hypothesis that the outcome of decompression with multiple inert gases in rats under these experimental conditions can be explained totally by the volume of gas accumulated in the body during a dive.  相似文献   

The physiological effects on mammals of elevated pressures (approximately 100 atmospheres) must be considered in the context of the inert gases breathed. The most striking effect of pressure per se is a central hyperexcitability manifest at first by trembling of the entremities and finally by convulsions. Paralysis and death occur at higher pressures. The primary effects of the inert gases breathed are inert gas narcosis and general anesthesia. The exciting effects of pressure per se and the depressive effects of the inert gases tend to oppose each other. Thus consciousness may be restored to anesthetized mice by raising the pressure, and conversely the threshold pressure that causes convulsions is elevated in the presence of anesthetics. These mutually antagonistic effects can be rationalized in terms of model which proposes that both anesthetics and pressure non-specifically perturb thelipid bilayer regions of neutral membranes. This model is termed the critical volume hypothesis. Anthesthetics dissolve in and expand these lipid bilayer regions, while pressure causes mechanical compression. Expansion leads to anesthesia and compression to convulsions if a critical degree of change is achieved. At elevated partial pressures of inert gas the gas-induced expansion is opposed by the compression of pressure per se. With very insoluble gases, such as helium, this expansion is so small that net compression results and the effects of helium differ little from those of pressure per se. With more soluble gases, such as nitrogen, net expansion results in inert gas narcosis and anesthesia. The critical volume hypothesis enables "safe" mixtures of "expanding" and "compressing" gases to be defined. These enable higher pressures to be better tolerated by mammals.  相似文献   

Cyclic rebreathing of a soluble inert gas can be used to estimate lung tissue volume (Vt) and pulmonary blood flow (Qc). A recently proposed method for analyzing such cyclic data (Respir. Physiol. 48: 255-279, 1982) mathematically assumes that ventilation is a continuous process. However, neglecting the cyclic nature of ventilation may prevent the accurate estimation of Vt and Qc. We evaluated this possibility by simulating the uptake of soluble inert gases during rebreathing using a cyclic model of gas exchange. Under cyclic uptake conditions alveolar gases follow an oscillating time course, because gas concentrations tend to increase during inspiration and to decrease during expiration. We found that neglecting these alveolar gas oscillations leads to the underestimation of soluble gas uptake by blood, particularly during the early rebreathing breaths. When continuous ventilation is assumed Vt and Qc are overestimated unless rapid rebreathing rates, large tidal volumes, and gases of moderately low solubility are used. Under these conditions the amplitude of the cyclic oscillations is minimized, the alveolar time course more closely resembles that expected from continuous ventilation, and the resulting errors are minimized. Alternatively, when the effect of oscillating alveolar gas concentrations on mass transfer are considered, these estimation errors can be eliminated without restricting rebreathing rate or gas solubility. We conclude that failure to consider the effect of cyclic rebreathing on the time course of alveolar gas concentrations may result in significant errors when evaluating rebreathing data for Vt and Qc.  相似文献   

The multiple inert gas elimination technique provides a fundamental assessment of the distribution of ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) ratios in the lung. The resolution of the finer structure of this distribution is limited however. This study examines the theoretical basis of this limitation and presents an objective method for evaluating the independence of inert gas measurements. It demonstrates the linear dependence of the inert gas kernels and their filtering characteristics to be the factors most limiting information content. The limited number of gases available for measurement and experimental error are lesser limitations. At usual levels of experimental error, no more than seven different inert gases having partition coefficients between those of SF6 and acetone will provide independent information, and information content will be maximized by choosing gases with partition coefficients spaced equally on a logarithmic scale. A fivefold reduction in experimental error will not significantly alter the information content of the measurements. The analysis applies equally to other methods of multiple inert gas elimination data interpretation.  相似文献   

Series (Fowler) dead space (VD) and slope of the alveolar plateau of two inert gases (He and SF6) with similar blood-gas partition coefficients (approximately 0.01) but different diffusivities were analyzed in 10 anesthetized paralyzed mechanically ventilated dogs (mean body wt 20 kg). Single-breath constant-flow expirograms were simultaneously recorded in two conditions: 1) after equilibration of lung gas with the inert gases at tracer concentrations [airway loading (AL)] and 2) during steady-state elimination of the inert gases continuously introduced into venous blood by a membrane oxygenator and partial arteriovenous bypass [venous loading (VL)]. VD was consistently larger for SF6 than for He, but there was no difference between AL and VL. The relative alveolar slope, defined as increment of partial pressure per increment of expired volume and normalized to mixed expired-inspired partial pressure difference, was larger by a factor of two in VL than in AL for both He and SF6. The He-to-SF6 ratio of relative alveolar slope was generally smaller than unity in both VL and AL. Whereas unequal ventilation-volume distribution combined with sequential emptying of parallel lung regions appears to be responsible for the sloping alveolar plateau during AL, the steeper slope during VL is attributed to the combined effects of continuing gas exchange and ventilation-perfusion inequality coupled with sequential emptying. The differences between He and SF6 point at the contributing role of diffusion-dependent mechanisms in intrapulmonary gas mixing.  相似文献   

The multiple inert gas elimination technique (MIGT) facilitates the estimation of the distributions of ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) ratios in the experimental and clinical setting. The most relevant technical aspects and equipment and operational requirements needed to measure a mixture of inert gases in both the gas phase and the blood phase using gas chromatography are overviewed with detail. Results obtained in 3 dogs and 4 syringe-homogeneous lung models were entirely consistent with data formerly reported in the literature. Particular attention is paid to the linearity of the gas chromatograph detectors, reproducibility of inert gases sampling, and analysis of brands of heparin to detect acetone content. The errors of measurement (coefficients of variation) in blood were: 1.4 for sulfur hexafluoride; 1.8% for ethane; 2% for cyclopropane and halothane, each; 2.4% for diethyl ether; and, 3.6% for acetone. Important practical points are also emphasized in order to draw attention to potential problems and issues that should be concentrated upon to minimize the error in the measurements. It is concluded that the setting up of the MIGT is well established and validated.  相似文献   

This paper introduces nucleation theory applied to crystallizing protein solutions. It is shown that the classical approach explains the available nucleation data under most conditions used for growing protein crystals for structural studies and for industrial crystallization. However, it fails to explain most experimental data on the structure of the critical clusters. It is also shown that for open systems working out of equilibrium, such as hanging-drop and counterdiffusion techniques, the geometry of the Ostwald-Myers protein solubility diagram and the number, size, and quality of the forming crystals depend not only on supersaturation but also on the rate of development of supersaturation.  相似文献   

Flood discharge results in total dissolved gas (TDG) supersaturation downstream of a dam during the flood period. Fish suffer death from gas bubble disease (GBD) caused by TDG supersaturation. Nonetheless, current studies mainly attach importance to the survival of benthic fish affected by TDG supersaturation in the Yangtze River in China. Few studies have attempted to investigate the survival of pelagic fish influenced by TDG supersaturated water and compare the tolerance characteristics to TDG supersaturation between benthic and pelagic fish. To identify the survival of fish species that inhabit the various water layers affected by TDG supersaturation, silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) (pelagic fish) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (benthic fish) were chosen to conduct an acute exposure experiment of four different TDG supersaturation levels (125%, 130%, 135% and 140%). The findings illustrated that the two fish species both exhibited evident aberrant behaviours of maladjustment in TDG supersaturated water. Obvious GBD symptoms were also found in the test fish. The survival probability of silver carp and common carp decreased with increasing levels of TDG supersaturation. The median survival time (ST50) values of the silver carp exposed to four levels of TDG supersaturated water (125%, 130%, 135% and 140%) were 26.84, 7.96, 5.56 and 3.62 h, respectively, whereas the ST50 values of common carp were 53.50, 26.00, 16.50 and 11.70 h, respectively. When compared with common carp, silver carp had a weaker tolerance to TDG-supersaturated water and were vulnerable to GBD. It shows that levels above 125% are not safe for common carp survival. In terms of the tolerance threshold value, silver carp merits further investigation because it showed lower tolerance to TDG than did common carp.  相似文献   

The air-filled tracheal system constitutes the organ for gas exchange in terrestrial insects-its finest branches, the tracheoles, contacting individual cells. In the pupal stage, in which the animal lacks significant ventilatory movement, diffusion in the gas phase of the tracheal system constitutes the only mechanism for gas transfer between the environment and the tissues, transport in the hemolymph being insignificant. We have attempted to identify the main sites of diffusional resistance in the tracheal gas system by measuring the evolution of inert gases of low solubility from the pupa of the giant silkworm moth (Hyalophora cecropia). The results are compatible wih a single model in which the resistance to diffusional gas transfer in the tracheal system is concentrated at its opening at the body surface (spiracle).  相似文献   

The heat resistance of dry bacterial spores was tested in various gases at temperatures ranging from 121.1 to 160 C (250 to 320 F). Spores of Clostridium sporogenes (PA 3679) were heated in air, carbon dioxide, and helium; spores of Bacillus subtilis 5230 were heated in these gases and also in oxygen and in nitrogen. The surrounding gas influenced the heat resistance, but the differences among gases were small. D values were about 7 min at 148.9 C (300 F); z values were about 18.3 C (33 F) for B. subtilis, and about 21.7 C (39 F) for C. sporogenes. The resistance of B. subtilis in carbon dioxide was about the same as in air, but lower than in all other gases; resistance in helium and nitrogen was about the same, and was higher than in all other gases. C. sporogenes had the least resistance in air; the resistance was about the same in carbon dioxide and helium. For B. subtilis, the gases in order of increasing heat resistance were carbon dioxide, air, oxygen, helium, and nitrogen, and for C. sporogenes, air, carbon dioxide, and helium. Neither oxygen content nor molecular weight of the gas appeared to have a marked influence on dry-heat resistance of the spores, whereas the more inert gases seemed to yield larger D values.  相似文献   

It is shown that the decompression schedules after saturation diving to the depth of 30 m designed to hold the nitrogen supersaturation for the most “slow” tissues at the acceptable levels is significantly shorter than the decompression schedules with zero supersaturation of these tissues with nitrogen and all dissolved gases. Equality of the risk for decompression sickness (DCS) onset during this decompression schedule to the risk of DCS onset under non-stop ascent to the surface after saturation diving to the depth of 6.1 m indicates that the effect of the high ambient pressure decreases the density of gas bubble seeds in tissues and the growth rate of their total volume. The DCS symptoms in the experienced divers under dangerous decompression profiles not appear due to the lower density of gas bubble seeds in their tissues relatively to the average level inherent to the many of humans.  相似文献   

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