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Summary After the stimulation of quiescent density-inhibited BALB/c-3T3 cells with fresh bovine calf serum, uridine kinase activity measured in cellular extracts increased between hours 3 and 6 of incubation and remained elevated through 12 h after stimulation. The addition of either partially purified platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) or platelet-poor plasma (PPP) also caused increased uridine kinase activity by 6 h, but the increased activity was not maintained and the activity returned to the prestimulated level by 12 h. However, when PDGF and PPP were added in combination an increased level of uridine kinase activity was maintained in a manner similar to that seen after the addition of serum. The components of PPP eluted in the void volume from Sephadex G-50 chromatography did not induce uridine kinase activity when present alone, although they did act synergistically with PDGF to allow the maintenance of elevated levels of uridine kinase activity over the period from 6 to 12 h after stimulation. Thymidine kinase activity was not induced by the addition of either PDGF or PPP alone, although either serum or the combination of PDGF and PPP did produce an induction of thymidine kinase activity in late G1. This work was supported by NCI Grants CA24913 and CA16084. W. W. was supported by NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship AM 1477. W. J. P. was supported by JFRA32 from the American Cancer Society. A preliminary report of this research was given at the Eighth International Cell Cycle Conference held at Research Triangle Park, NC, May 15–16, 1980.  相似文献   

Stimulation of nucleoside uptake in quiescent 3T3 cells by insulin and serum is preceded by a substantial lag phase. Our findings point to the length of the lag phase as a major target for regulation. The length of such phase varies markedly with the concentration of insulin (10?9-10?6 M) or serum (0.5–10%) but it is not eliminated by high, saturating levels of the activating agents. Further, variations in the temperature at which the stimulation process occurs 24–39°C), addition of compounds like prostaglandin E1 (1–5 μg/ml) or theophylline (0.4 mM) and differences in the age of the cultures primarily affect the length of the lag time while the final uptake rates achieved are remarkably constant. Analysis of the temporal order of the events in the lag phase reveals that there is a discrete temperature-sensitive period located in the early and middle part of the lag, while the prostaglandin E1-sensitive step(s) appear to be toward the end of the lag. The transition from the basal to the stimulated rate of uptake is abrupt. Indeed, the kinetics of activation does not fit a simple exponential law but a high power of an exponential, suggesting that the switching mechanism involves cooperative steps. Since the transition is abrupt, the nucleoside uptake system exists largely in two alternative states either switched off or on. The regulation of the lag period is by the control of the time at which this switch occurs. On the basis of the data presented here, we propose a working hypothesis of uptake stimulation.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of kinase C function were performed in an untransformed (A31) and the benzo[a]pyrene (BPA31), dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DA31), and Kirsten sarcoma virus (KA31) transformed BALB/c 3T3 mouse fibroblast cell lines. The 80-kDa kinase C dependent phosphoprotein (pp80), an in vivo marker of kinase C activity, was markedly decreased in the transformed cells although the amount of the 80-kDa substrate protein in the BPA31 cells was similar to that in the untransformed A31 cells. Total cell lysate kinase C levels were lower in the transformed cells but this difference could not account for the reduced pp80 phosphorylation. Increased affinity of kinase C for the membrane fraction in the BPA31 cells may account for decreased phosphorylation of pp80.  相似文献   

Extracellular calcium-deprivation inhibited the proliferation of BALB/c 3T3 cells and this inhibition correlated with a loss of protein kinase C activity from the particulate fraction. Addition of calcium induced proliferation of the cells with the DNA synthetic activity returning to the control rate at 18 hours following calcium addition. The level of protein kinase C activity in the particulate fraction was monitored at various times after calcium addition and increased in parallel with the DNA synthetic activity.  相似文献   

The effect of heated serum at a concentration of 10% in culture on the in vitro growth of confluent Balb/c 3T3 cells was studied in nine patients with Idiopathic Myelofibrosis and ten normal subjects. Patients showed significant increase in the mitogenic activity in comparison with normals. The growth factors conceivably implied for the observed effect are discussed. Particular attention is paid to Platelet-Derived Growth Factor from which serum mitogenic activity is primarily derived and is thought to take part in the genesis of bone marrow fibrosis.  相似文献   

One of the earliest responses of quiescent mammalian cells to the addition of serum is an increase in intracellular pH (pHin). This pHin change is generally believed to be due to an increased activity of Na+/H+ exchange. A number of investigators have observed steady-state differences in pHin between cells in the presence and absence of serum. However, no one has examined differences in pHin regulation that may exist between cells chronically exposed to, or deprived of serum. In this study, we investigated the effects of serum deprivation to identify those components of pHin regulation that were associated with quiescence. To do this, we examined pHin in cells growing chronically in 10% serum as well as in cells that were either acutely (1.5-2 hr) or chronically (48 hr) deprived of serum. Intracellular pH was monitored using the fluorescence of intracellularly loaded pyranine dye. Our results indicate that the resting pHin values of chronically or acutely serum-deprived cells were not significantly different from each other yet, in both cases, were lower than those observed in cells exposed to 10% serum. Furthermore, we observed significant increases in pHin of both acutely or chronically serum-deprived cells in response to the addition of serum at various concentrations, in the presence of 24 mM bicarbonate. Chronically serum-deprived cells had slightly smaller responses and were more sensitive to lower concentrations of serum than were acutely deprived cells. Therefore, our data suggest that long-term serum deprivation affects the magnitude and sensitivity of pHin to serum stimulation and causes the loss of some form of pHin regulatory mechanism(s).  相似文献   

The 5'-termini of purified rat liver nucleolar and cytoplasmic 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) are precisely located within the homologous rDNA sequence by S1 nuclease protection mapping using an appropriate rDNA restriction fragment. The 5'-termini of nucleolar 28S rRNA are heterogeneous in length. The bulk of the nucleolar 28S rRNA map within two CTC motifs in rDNA located in the internal transcribed spacer 2 at the 50-60 and 5-15 bp upstream from the site of the homogeneous 5'-terminus of the cytoplasmic 28S rRNA. These results provide direct proof that nucleolar 28S rRNA molecules contain excess sequences at their 5'-termini and require further processing to generate the mature cytoplasmic 28S rRNA.  相似文献   

Cell lines transformed from 3T3 spontaneously, by radiation, or by treatment with chemical carcinogens, polyoma and SV40 virus produce up to 5 times more prostaglandins than their untransformed parent line. Several aspects of prostaglandin biosynthesis by MC5-5 and 3T3 were compared. When stimulated by serum, bradykinin, or thrombin, MC5-5 produced 2-to 5-fold more prostaglandins than 3T3. With the use of cells labeled with radioactive arachidonic acid in their cellular lipids, these higher levels were shown not to be due to increased availability of the prostaglandin precursor, arachidonic acid. Prostaglandin synthetase activity in microsomal fractions prepared from MC5-5 was 6 times higher than that of microsomes of untransformed cells. The increased prostaglandin levels produced by transformed cells therefore appear to be the result of elevated prostaglandin synthetase activity.  相似文献   

The addition of whole serum to G0-arrested, confluent Balb/c-3T3 cells induces them to progress through G1 and synthesize DNA after a 12-h lag period. Prior to the onset of DNA synthesis, RNA is synthesized and RNA content increases. Serum has been fractionated into two sets of growth factors: a platelet-derived growth factor present in heat-treated (100 degrees C) platelet extracts and platelet-poor plasma. Addition of whole serum, platelet-derived growth factor or platelet-poor plasma induces quiescent cells to increase their cytoplasmic RNA content, but the cells treated with platelet-poor plasma do not synthesize DNA. Messenger RNA content increases within 2 h after stimulation with whole serum or platelet-poor plasma, and after 18 h, mRNA has accumulated to a greater degree than rRNA.  相似文献   

We have tested whether growth factors added to serum-deprived BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts alter the casein kinase II activity measured in cell extracts. A rapid phosphocellulose chromatography method was developed that provides a 40-fold partial purification of casein kinase II activity assayed with the specific substrate peptide Arg-Arg-Glu-Glu-Glu-Thr-Glu-Glu-Glu. Using this technique, kinase activity is stimulated 1.6-2.5-fold when isolated from fibroblasts treated with insulin or insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). The activated kinase activity exhibits the specific properties of casein kinase II such as the ability to utilize [gamma-32P]GTP as phosphate donor and marked inhibition by low concentrations of heparin. Activation of casein kinase II appears specific for these hormones because epidermal growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor have no effect on the kinase activity when added to fibroblasts under conditions where they markedly stimulate [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. Increases of casein kinase II activity by insulin and IGF-I were detected within 1 min of their addition to cell cultures. IGF-I is more potent in stimulating casein kinase II than insulin in mouse fibroblasts. These results demonstrate that casein kinase II is a selective target for insulin and IGF-I action in BALB/c fibroblasts, consistent with the hypothesis that this kinase plays a role in cellular signaling by these hormones.  相似文献   

Cell lines transformed from 3T3 spontaneously, by radiation, or by treatment with chemical carcinogens, polyoma and SV40 virus produce up to 5 times more prostaglandins than their untransformed parent line. Several aspects of prostaglandin biosynthesis by MC5-5 and 3T3 were compared. When stimulated by serum, bradykinin, or thrombin, MC5-5 cells labeled with radioactive arachidonic acid in their cellular lipids, these higher levels were shown not to be due to increased availability of the prostaglandin precursor, arachidonic acid. Prostaglandin synthetase activity in microsomal fractions prepared from MC5-5 was 6 times higher than that of microsomes of untransformed cells. The increased prostaglandin levels produced by transformed cells therefore appear to be the result of elevated prostaglandin synthetase activity.  相似文献   

Concentrations of methylglyoxal bis-(guanylhydrazone) (mGBG) that inhibited serum-stimulated BALB/c-3T3 cells in late G1 caused a marked inhibition of 3H-leucine incorporation during a 20-min incubation. No decrease was observed in the incorporation of 3H-uridine during a 20-min incubation; however, the amount of acid-insoluble 3H-uridine in mGBG-treated cultures was decreased when the incubation period was longer than 20 min. The amount of the decrease in the accumulation of incorporated 3H-uridine was directly proportional to the length of the incorporation time. Between 10 and 12 h after quiescent BALB/c-3T3 cells were serum-stimulated in mGBG no additional 3H-uridine was accumulated. The stability of the incorporated 3H-uridine, as determined by acid-insoluble radioactivity remaining after the addition of actinomycin D, was less in cells cultured in mGBG. Exogenous spermine or spermidine reversed the inhibition of 3H-uridine accumulation in acid-insoluble material produced by mGBG as well as the decrease in stability of the incorporated 3H-uridine in acid-insoluble material. The effects of mGBG on both the incorporation of 3H-uridine and the stability of the incorporated 3H-uridine can apparently be accounted for by an effect on ribosomal RNA.  相似文献   

Keshava N 《Mutation research》2000,447(2):281-286
4 mm in diameter), invasiveness (smooth vs. invading margins) and other properties (piling vs. spread). In our previous report, we showed that cells from all five types grew in soft agar, transformed normal NIH 3T3 cells and formed foci on normal layer of BALB/c-3T3 cells. In this study, the neoplastic/tumorigenic potential of cells from the five different types of transformed foci was investigated in nude mice. About two million cells from each transformed focus were injected into 4-week-old nude mice. Non-transformed BALB/c-3T3 cells were used as control. The results of this study indicate that all the 45 athymic mice injected with different transformants developed tumors between 2 and 4 weeks after injection. Tumors were not observed in eight mice injected with non-transformed BALB/c-3T3 cells. All tumors were histopathologically confirmed fibrosarcomas. These findings indicate that all five morphologically different foci show tumorigenicity and that any foci of size > or =2 mm regardless of invasiveness and piling could be scored as positive during the cell transformation assay.  相似文献   

There is abundant evidence implicating a role for intracellular pH (pHin) in the proliferative response of many cells to mitogenic agents. In mammalian cells, pHin is generally regulated by two systems: Na+/H+ exchange and HCO3- transport. Activation of Na+/H+ exchange is one of the earliest responses of mammalian cells to mitogens. In the absence of HCO3-, this activation raises the pHin. However, in the presence of HCO3-, the effect of mitogens on the pHin is unclear. HCO3- regulates pHin via mechanisms which can either acidify or alkalinize the cytosol, depending on the cell type and tissue of origin. BALB/c 3T3 mouse embryo cells are employed in the present study because they are used extensively in investigations of mammalian cell proliferation. Since these cells are of indefinite origin, there is no way to predict which HCO3- transporting system is operable in these cells and, hence, what effect HCO3- will have on the pHin and the response of pHin to mitogens. In the present article, we examine the mechanism and effect of HCO3(-)-based pHin regulation. Our results indicate that HCO3(-)-dependent pHin regulation in BALB/c 3T3 cells occurs via Na-HCO3/HCl exchange which raises pHin under physiological conditions. This activity can raise the pHin to above the set point of the activated Na+/H+ exchanger, consequently attenuating the mitogen-induced Na+/H+ exchange-mediated increases in pHin.  相似文献   

Stimulation of total inositol phosphate production, alteration of cytosolic free calcium [( Ca++]i), vinculin disruption from adhesion plaques, and DNA synthesis caused by PDGF were examined in normal and INF pretreated density arrested BALB/c-3T3 fibroblasts. In normal cells, PDGF caused an increase in total inositol phosphates, a rapid, transient increase in [Ca++]i, disappearance of vinculin from adhesion plaques, and stimulation of DNA synthesis. Pretreatment of cells with INF inhibited PDGF-stimulated increases in [Ca++]i, vinculin disruption from adhesion plaques, and DNA synthesis, but had no effect on PDGF-induced increase in total inositol phosphate levels. These findings suggest that INF prevents entry of quiescent BALB/c-3T3 cells into G1 by inhibiting PDGF-induced release of Ca++ from intracellular stores.  相似文献   

Summary Proliferatively inactive BALB/c 3T3 mouse cells in dense cultures initiate a growth-division cycle upon exposure to fresh calf serum in a low-calcium (0.01 μM) medium. If these calcium-deprived cells are not supplied with calcium sometime during the first 10 hours after serum stimulation, they will rapidly return to a proliferatively inactive state without initiating DNA synthesis. The prereplicative development of such stimulated calcium-deprived cells appears to stop at an advanced stage, because addition of calcium as late as 10 hours after serum exposure rapidly initiates DNA synthesis, and enables the culture’s DNA-synthetic activity subsequently to reach its peak value at the same time as in control cultures. Issued as NRCC No. 14999. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Treatment with 1000 units/ml of murine beta-interferon enhanced an adenylate kinaselike activity and markedly increased the level of L-alpha-phosphatidyl inositol 4-monophosphate in quiescent BALB/c-3T3 cells. The addition of platelet-derived growth factor (22 units/ml) or poly(I).poly(C) (0.3-1 microgram/ml) to the phosphorylation reaction mixture did not alter this interferon action.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus was previously shown to be internalized by murine fibroblast. We examined the intracellular events of S. aureus ingested by BALB/3T3 cells. After uptake of strains A191 and A151, isolates from atopic lesion, and a laboratory strain, Cowan I, for 1 hr, BALB/3T3 cells were incubated with 1.25 microg/ml lysostaphin. Laddering of the DNA in multiples of approximately 180 bp occurred within 4 hr following bacterial addition in BALB/3T3 cells infected with A191 and within 18 hr in BALB/3T3 cells infected with A151: histochemical staining by the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling method revealed that the rate of the fragmentation of nucleic DNA in Cowan I-infected BALB/3T3 cells at 21 hr following bacterial addition was 0.52 +/- 0.25%, significantly higher than that in the control cells. Transmission electron micrographs of BALB/3T3 cells at 4 hr following A191 addition showed that the apoptotic features, including electron-dense nucleus and plasma membrane blebbing, occurred in some cells in which many staphylococci escaped the endosome and went on to cell division. At the same time, A151 organisms enclosed with endosome membrane were static in the intact BALB/3T3 cells. The significant increase of A191 was confirmed by counting intracellular live bacteria during 2- to 6-hr incubation. These results suggest that internalized S. aureus escapes the endosome, multiplies and induces apoptosis in the fibroblast cell.  相似文献   

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