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Cbfa1/Runx2与成骨细胞分化调控   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
成骨细胞是由间充质干细胞经骨原细胞和前成骨细胞分化而来的。近年来已鉴定转录因子Cbfal(core binding factor α1)是成骨细胞分化和骨形成的关键调控因子。在成骨细胞分化的过程中,Cbfal通过调控成骨细胞特异性细胞外基质蛋白基因的表达和成骨细胞周期参与成骨细胞的分化过程。新近发现Cbfal能通过自身的PST序列区域与Smads结合形成复合物共同参与成骨细胞的分化调控。  相似文献   

The heterotopic ossification of muscles, tendons, and ligaments is a common problem faced by orthopaedic surgeons. Runx2/Cbfa1 plays an essential role during the osteoblast differentiation and is considered as a molecular switch in osteoblast biology. RNA interference technology is a powerful tool for silencing endogenous or exogenous genes in mammalian cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of Runx2/Cbfa1-specific siRNA on osteoblast differentiation and mineralization in osteoblastic cells, and then constructed adenovirus containing siRNA against Runx2/Cbfa1 (Ad-Runx2-siRNA) to inhibit the formation of heterotopic ossification induced by BMP4, demineralized bone matrix, and trauma in animal model. Our results showed that the Runx2/Cbfa1-specific siRNA could inhibit the expression of Runx2/Cbfa1 at the level of mRNA and protein. Analysis of the expression of osteoblast maturation genes including type I collagen, osteopontin, bone sialoprotein, and osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase activity, and matrix mineralization (von kossa) revealed that osteoblast differentiation was inhibited in cultured primary mouse osteoblasts transduced with Ad-Runx2-siRNA. Furthermore, adenovirus-mediated transfer of siRNA against Runx2/Cbfa1 could inhibit the formation of heterotopic ossification induced by BMP4, demineralized bone matrix, and trauma in animal model. It is likely that the inhibition of Runx2/Cbfa1 by RNAi could be developed as a powerful approach to prevent or treat heterotopic ossification.  相似文献   

The small GTPase M-Ras is highly expressed in the central nervous system and plays essential roles in neuronal differentiation. However, its other cellular and physiological functions remain to be elucidated. Here, we clarify the novel functions of M-Ras in osteogenesis. M-Ras was prominently expressed in developing mouse bones particularly in osteoblasts and hypertrophic chondrocytes. Its expression was elevated in C3H/10T1/2 (10T1/2) mesenchymal cells and in MC3T3-E1 preosteoblasts during differentiation into osteoblasts. Treatment of C2C12 skeletal muscle myoblasts with bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) to bring about transdifferentiation into osteoblasts also induced M-Ras mRNA and protein expression. Moreover, the BMP-2 treatment activated the M-Ras protein. Stable expression of the constitutively active M-Ras(G22V) in 10T1/2 cells facilitated osteoblast differentiation. M-Ras(G22V) also induced transdifferentiation of C2C12 cells into osteoblasts. In contrast, knockdown of endogenous M-Ras by RNAi interfered with osteoblast differentiation in 10T1/2 and MC3T3-E1 cells. Osteoblast differentiation in M-Ras(G22V)-expressing C2C12 cells was inhibited by treatment with inhibitors of p38 MAP kinase (MAPK) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) but not by inhibitors of MAPK and ERK kinase (MEK) or phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. These results imply that M-Ras, induced and activated by BMP-2 signaling, participates in the osteoblastic determination, differentiation, and transdifferentiation under p38 MAPK and JNK regulation.  相似文献   

Recent studies have established specific cellular functions for different bioactive sphingolipids in skeletal muscle cells. Ceramide 1-phosphate (C1P) is an important bioactive sphingolipid that has been involved in cell growth and survival. However its possible role in the regulation of muscle cell homeostasis has not been so far investigated. In this study, we show that C1P stimulates myoblast proliferation, as determined by measuring the incorporation of tritiated thymidine into DNA, and progression of the myoblasts through the cell cycle. C1P induced phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase-3β and the product of retinoblastoma gene, and enhanced cyclin D1 protein levels. The mitogenic action of C1P also involved activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt, ERK1/2 and the mammalian target of rapamycin. These effects of C1P were independent of interaction with a putative G(i)-coupled C1P receptor as pertussis toxin, which maintains G(i) protein in the inactive form, did not affect C1P-stimulated myoblast proliferation. By contrast, C1P was unable to inhibit serum starvation- or staurosporine-induced apoptosis in the myoblasts, and did not affect myogenic differentiation. Collectively, these results add up to the current knowledge on cell types targeted by C1P, which so far has been mainly confined to fibroblasts and macrophages, and extend on the mechanisms by which C1P exerts its mitogenic effects. Moreover, the biological activities of C1P described in this report establish that this phosphosphingolipid may be a relevant cue in the regulation of skeletal muscle regeneration, and that C1P-metabolizing enzymes might be important targets for developing cellular therapies for treatment of skeletal muscle degenerative diseases, or tissue injury.  相似文献   

Runx2 and Cbfbeta are essential for skeletal development during the embryonic stage. Runx2 has two isoforms with different N-termini. We examined the functions of the Runx2 isoforms and Cbfbeta in postnatal bone development. On luciferase and electrophoretic mobility shift assays, Runx2-I was less active than Runx2-II in the absence of Cbfb, but the two Runx2 isoforms had similar activity levels in the presence of Cbfb. We generated Runx2-I transgenic mice under the control of Col1a1 promoter and Runx2-I/Cbfb and Runx2-II/Cbfb double transgenic mice. Runx2-I transgenic mice showed less severe osteopenia and fragility than Runx2-II transgenic mice due to milder inhibition of both osteoblast maturation and transition to osteocytes, even though the former mice showed higher transgene expression. However, Runx2-I/Cbfb and Runx2-II/Cbfb double transgenic mice had enhanced inhibition of osteoblast maturation, resulting in similar severity of osteopenia and fragility, although the latter mice had less osteocytes. These findings indicate that (1) Runx2-II more strongly inhibits osteoblast maturation and transition to osteocytes than Runx2-I; (2) Cbfbeta regulates Runx2 function isoform-dependently; and (3) Runx2-I activity is highly dependent on Cbfbeta. These findings demonstrate that Runx2 isoforms exert their functions through at least partly different mechanisms and Cbfbeta regulates bone development by regulating Runx2 function isoform-dependently.  相似文献   

Role of Runx genes in chondrocyte differentiation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Runx2/Cbfa1 plays a central role in skeletal development as demonstrated by the absence of osteoblasts/bone in mice with inactivated Runx2/Cbfa1 alleles. To further investigate the role of Runx2 in cartilage differentiation and to assess the potential of Runx2 to induce bone formation, we cloned chicken Runx2 and overexpressed it in chick embryos using a retroviral system. Infected chick wings showed multiple phenotypes consisting of (1) joint fusions, (2) expansion of carpal elements, and (3) shortening of skeletal elements. In contrast, bone formation was not affected. To investigate the function of Runx2/Cbfa1 during cartilage development, we have generated transgenic mice that express a dominant negative form of Runx2 in cartilage. The selective inactivation of Runx2 in chondrocytes results in a severe shortening of the limbs due to a disturbance in chondrocyte differentiation, vascular invasion, osteoclast differentiation, and periosteal bone formation. Analysis of the growth plates in transgenic mice and in chick limbs shows that Runx2 is a positive regulator of chondrocyte differentiation and vascular invasion. The results further indicate that Runx2 promotes chondrogenesis either by maintaining or by initiating early chondrocyte differentiation. Furthermore, Runx2 is essential but not sufficient to induce osteoblast differentiation. To analyze the role of runx genes in skeletal development, we performed in situ hybridization with Runx2- and Runx3-specific probes. Both genes were coexpressed in cartilaginous condensations, indicating a cooperative role in the regulation of early chondrocyte differentiation and thus explaining the expansion/maintenance of cartilage in the carpus and joints of infected chick limbs.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need to develop methods that lower costs of using recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) to promote bone induction. In this study, we demonstrate the osteogenic effect of a low-molecular weight compound, SVAK-12, that potentiated the effects of BMP-2 in inducing transdifferentiation of C2C12 myoblasts into the osteoblastic phenotype. Here, we report a specific compound, SVAK-12, which was selected based on in silico screenings of small-molecule databases using the homology modeled interaction motif of Smurf1-WW2 domain. The enhancement of BMP-2 activity by SVAK-12 was characterized by evaluating a BMP-specific reporter activity and by monitoring the BMP-2-induced expression of mRNA for osteocalcin and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), which are widely accepted marker genes of osteoblast differentiation. Finally, we confirmed these results by also measuring the enhancement of BMP-2-induced activity of ALP. Smurf1 is an E3 ligase that targets osteogenic Smads for ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation. Smurf1 is an interesting potential target to enhance bone formation based on the positive effects on bone of proteins that block Smurf1-binding to Smad targets or in Smurf1-/- knockout mice. Since Smads bind Smurf1 via its WW2 domain, we performed in silico screening to identify compounds that might interact with the Smurf1-WW2 domain. We recently reported the activity of a compound, SVAK-3. However, SVAK-3, while exhibiting BMP-potentiating activity, was not stable and thus warranted a new search for a more stable and efficacious compound among a selected group of candidates. In addition to being more stable, SVAK-12 exhibited a dose-dependent activity in inducing osteoblastic differentiation of myoblastic C2C12 cells even when multiple markers of the osteoblastic phenotype were parallelly monitored.  相似文献   

IRES-dependent translational control of Cbfa1/Runx2 expression   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The P1 and P2 promoters of the Cbfa1/Runx2 gene produce Type I and II mRNAs with distinct complex 5'-untranslated regions, respectively designated UTR1 and UTR2. To evaluate whether the 5'-UTRs impart different translational efficiencies to the two isoforms, we created SV40 promoter-UTR-luciferase reporter (luc) constructs in which the translational potential of the 5'-UTR regions was assessed indirectly by measurement of luciferase activity in transfected cell lines in vitro. In MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts, UTR2 was translated approximately twice as efficiently as the splice variants of UTR1, whereas translation of unspliced UTR1 was repressed. To determine if the UTRs conferred internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-dependent translation, we tested bicistronic SV40 promoter-Rluc-UTR-Fluc constructs in which Fluc is expressed only if the intercistronic UTR permits IRES-mediated translation. Transfection of bicistronic constructs into MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts demonstrated that both UTR2 and the spliced forms of UTR1 possess IRES activity. Similar to other cellular IRESs, activity increased with genotoxic stress induced by mitomycin C. In addition, we observed an osteoblastic maturation-dependent increase in IRES-mediated translation of both UTR2 and the spliced forms of UTR1. These findings suggest that Cbfa1 UTRs have IRES-dependent translational activities that may permit continued Cbfa1 expression under conditions that are not optimal for cap-dependent translation.  相似文献   

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