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Central pattern generator (CPG) circuits control cyclic motor output underlying rhythmic behaviors. Although there have been extensive behavioral and cellular studies of food-induced feeding arousal as well as satiation in Aplysia, very little is known about the neuronal circuits controlling rhythmic consummatory feeding behavior. However, recent studies have identified premotor neurons that initiate and maintain buccal motor programs underlying ingestion and egestion in Aplysia. Other newly identified neurons receive synaptic input from feeding CPGs and in turn synapse with and control the output of buccal motor neurons. Some of these neurons and their effects within the buccal system are modulated by endogenous neuropeptides. With this information we can begin to understand how neuronal networks control buccal motor output and how their activity is modulated to produce flexibility in observed feeding behavior.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic neuronal circuits that modulate energy homeostasis become mature and functional during early postnatal life. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this developmental process remains largely unknown. Here we use a mouse genetic approach to investigate the role of gamma-protocadherins (Pcdh-γs) in hypothalamic neuronal circuits. First, we show that rat insulin promoter (RIP)-Cre conditional knockout mice lacking Pcdh-γs in a broad subset of hypothalamic neurons are obese and hyperphagic. Second, specific deletion of Pcdh-γs in anorexigenic proopiomelanocortin (POMC) expressing neurons also leads to obesity. Using cell lineage tracing, we show that POMC and RIP-Cre expressing neurons do not overlap but interact with each other in the hypothalamus. Moreover, excitatory synaptic inputs are reduced in Pcdh-γ deficient POMC neurons. Genetic evidence from both knockout models shows that Pcdh-γs can regulate POMC neuronal function autonomously and non-autonomously through cell-cell interaction. Taken together, our data demonstrate that Pcdh-γs regulate the formation and functional integrity of hypothalamic feeding circuitry in mice.  相似文献   

Neuroendocrine Regulation of Egg Laying in Aplysia californica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two clusters of neurons, the bag cells, associated with thecentral nervous system of Aplysia californica play an essentialrole in the induction of egg laying by the animal. Studies concernedwith the morphology, electrophysiology, biochemistry, and functionof these cells are reviewed and discussed. The unusually favorablecharacteristics of this preparation suit it for developmentas a model neuroendocrine effector system.  相似文献   

In all vertebrates, eighth nerve fibres from the inner ear distribute to target nuclei situated in the dorsolateral wall of the rhombencephalon. In amniotes, primary auditory and vestibular nuclei are readily delineated in that acoustic nuclei lie dorsal and sometimes rostral to vestibular nuclei. Fishes and aquatic amphibians have, in addition to labyrinthine organs, hair cell receptors in the lateral line system. Eighth nerve and lateral line fibres from these sense organs project to the octavolateralis region of the rhombencephalon. In this region, the primary nuclei cannot be easily divided into functionally distinct units. However, modality-specific zones seem to be present for auditory as well as lateral line projections lie dorsal and sometimes rostral to those from vestibular organs. Projections from the primary auditory and vestibular nuclei to higher order centres follow pathways which are conservative in their architecture among vertebrates. Ascending auditory fibres project either directly or via relay nuclei to a large midbrain center, the torus semicircularis (inferior colliculus) and hence to the forebrain. In fishes and aquatic amphibians, the lateral line system also sends a projection to the midbrain and information from this system may be integrated with auditory input at that level. The organization of vestibulospinal and vestibulo-ocular pathways shows little variation throughout vertebrate phylogeny. The sense organs of the inner ear of all vertebrates and of the lateral line system of anamniotes receive an efferent innervation. In anamniotes and some reptiles, the efferent supply originates from a single nucleus (Octavolateralis Efferent Nucleus) while that of "higher" vertebrates arises from separate auditory and vestibular efferent nuclei. The biological significance of this innervation for all vertebrates is not yet understood. However, an important feature common to all is the association of the efferent system with the motor centres of the hindbrain.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Two “en passant” electrodes were implanted around the cerebrobuecal connective (CBC) of Aplysia and used to record the activity, in the unrestrained animal, under three behavioural conditions; (a) absence of feeding behaviour, (b) appetitive feeding behaviour and (c) consummatory feeding behaviour.
  • 2.2. The two simultaneous recordings were subjected to cross-correlation analysis, to subdivide spikes on the basis of their direction and speed of propagation.
  • 3.3. There was virtually no CBC activity in the absence of food and feeding behaviour.
  • 4.4. During appetitive feeding the metacerebral giant cell (MCC) was active and traffic was heaviest in the cerebral-to-buccal direction.
  • 5.5. During consummatory feeding, traffic was also sustained in the buccal-to-cerebral direction; there was a reduction in the activity of the MCC, and a peak in the activity travelling to the cerebral ganglia, in the region of higher conduction velocity, was especially pronounced.
  • 6.6. Further analysis showed this peak to have its largest amplitude during the actual ingestion of food and to be the result of the firing of several different units.
  • 7.7. CBC traffic in both directions was also activated in one case of “spontaneous” biting.



The pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis can maintain a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) as a long-term memory. Previous studies have shown that the inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) evoked in the neuron 1 medial (N1M) cell by activation of the cerebral giant cell (CGC) in taste aversion-trained snails was larger and lasted longer than that in control snails. The N1M cell is one of the interneurons in the feeding central pattern generator (CPG), and the CGC is a key regulatory neuron for the feeding CPG.

Methodology/Principle Findings

Previous studies have suggested that the neural circuit between the CGC and the N1M cell consists of two synaptic connections: (1) the excitatory connection from the CGC to the neuron 3 tonic (N3t) cell and (2) the inhibitory connection from the N3t cell to the N1M cell. However, because the N3t cell is too small to access consistently by electrophysiological methods, in the present study the synaptic inputs from the CGC to the N3t cell and those from the N3t cell to the N1M cell were monitored as the monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) recorded in the large B1 and B3 motor neurons, respectively. The evoked monosynaptic EPSPs of the B1 motor neurons in the brains isolated from the taste aversion-trained snails were identical to those in the control snails, whereas the spontaneous monosynaptic EPSPs of the B3 motor neurons were significantly enlarged.


These results suggest that, after taste aversion training, the monosynaptic inputs from the N3t cell to the following neurons including the N1M cell are specifically facilitated. That is, one of the memory traces for taste aversion remains as an increase in neurotransmitter released from the N3t cell. We thus conclude that the N3t cell suppresses the N1M cell in the feeding CPG, in response to the conditioned stimulus in Lymnaea CTA.  相似文献   

KLF4 plays an important role in orchestrating a variety of cellular events, including cell-fate decision, genome stability and apoptosis. Its deregulation is correlated with human diseases such as breast cancer and gastrointestinal cancer. Results from recent biochemical studies have revealed that KLF4 is tightly regulated by posttranslational modifications. Here we report a new finding that KLF4 orchestrates estrogen receptor signaling and facilitates endocrine resistance. We also uncovered the underlying mechanism that alteration of KLF4 by posttranslational modifications such as phosphorylation and ubiquitylation changes tumor cell response to endocrine therapy drugs. IHC analyses using based on human breast cancer specimens showed the accumulation of KLF4 protein in ER-positive breast cancer tissues. Elevated KLF4 expression significantly correlated with prognosis and endocrine resistance. Our drug screening for suppressing KLF4 protein expression led to identification of Src kinase to be a critical player in modulating KLF4-mediated tamoxifen resistance. Depletion of VHL (von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor), a ubiquitin E3 ligase for KLF4, reduces tumor cell sensitivity to tamoxifen. We demonstrated phosphorylation of VHL by Src enhances proteolysis of VHL that in turn leads to upregulation of KLF4 and increases endocrine resistance. Suppression of Src-VHL-KLF4 cascade by Src inhibitor or enhancement of VHL-KLF4 ubiquitination by TAT-KLF4 (371-420AAa) peptides re-sensitizes tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer cells to tamoxifen treatment. Taken together, our findings demonstrate a novel role for KLF4 in modulating endocrine resistance via the Src-VHL-KLF4 axis.  相似文献   



Neural activity can be affected by nitric oxide (NO) produced by spiking neurons. Can neural activity also be affected by NO produced in neurons in the absence of spiking?

Methodology/Principal Findings

Applying an NO scavenger to quiescent Aplysia buccal ganglia initiated fictive feeding, indicating that NO production at rest inhibits feeding. The inhibition is in part via effects on neurons B31/B32, neurons initiating food consumption. Applying NO scavengers or nitric oxide synthase (NOS) blockers to B31/B32 neurons cultured in isolation caused inactive neurons to depolarize and fire, indicating that B31/B32 produce NO tonically without action potentials, and tonic NO production contributes to the B31/B32 resting potentials. Guanylyl cyclase blockers also caused depolarization and firing, indicating that the cGMP second messenger cascade, presumably activated by the tonic presence of NO, contributes to the B31/B32 resting potential. Blocking NO while voltage-clamping revealed an inward leak current, indicating that NO prevents this current from depolarizing the neuron. Blocking nitrergic transmission had no effect on a number of other cultured, isolated neurons. However, treatment with NO blockers did excite cerebral ganglion neuron C-PR, a command-like neuron initiating food-finding behavior, both in situ, and when the neuron was cultured in isolation, indicating that this neuron also inhibits itself by producing NO at rest.


Self-inhibitory, tonic NO production is a novel mechanism for the modulation of neural activity. Localization of this mechanism to critical neurons in different ganglia controlling different aspects of a behavior provides a mechanism by which a humeral signal affecting background NO production, such as the NO precursor L-arginine, could control multiple aspects of the behavior.  相似文献   

msec7-1, a mammalian homologue of yeast sec7p, is known as a GDP/GTP exchange factor (GEF) for the ADP ribosylation factor (ARF) family of small GTPases. Here, we report that msec7-1 overexpression in cultured Aplysia neurons leads to an extensive neuritogenesis in a GEF activity-dependent manner through the modulation of the actin cytoskeleton. Similarly, the overexpression of ARNO, another mammalin GEF, produces extensive neuritogenesis in Aplysia neurons. In addition, msec7-1 overexpression increases the number of varicosities with an altered size and shape in a GEF activity-dependent manner. The overexpression of msec7-1 in pre-synaptic sensory neurons co-cultured with post-synaptic target motor neurons leads to an increase in the amplitude of the excitatory post-synaptic potential through its GEF activity. Our results demonstrate that msec7-1 regulates neuritogenesis and synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

In the sensory pathways the first synapse is that between hair cells and primary afferent neurons and its most likely neurotransmitter candidate has long been thought to be glutamate. A number of pharmacological and electrophysiological studies have lent credence to this theory (reviewed by Bledsoe et al. 1988, Bobbin 1979, Ehrenberger and Felix 1991, Puel et al. 1991; Puel 1995) as has recent neurochemical and immunocytochemical work (reviewed by Ottersen et al. 1998; Usami et al. 2000). These recent studies reveal that the afferent hair cell synapse resembles the central glutamate synapses in many ways. Of the proteins confirmed to be involved in signal transduction and transmitter metabolism at most central synapses, many are also seen in the afferent hair cell synapse, and have an analogous compartmentation. On the other hand, there are also important differences, especially those related to the molecular mechanisms that underlie transmitter release.  相似文献   

In the mammalian retina, complementary ON and OFF visual streams are formed at the bipolar cell dendrites, then carried to amacrine and ganglion cells via nonlinear excitatory synapses from bipolar cells. Bipolar, amacrine and ganglion cells also receive a nonlinear inhibitory input from amacrine cells. The most common form of such inhibition crosses over from the opposite visual stream: Amacrine cells carry ON inhibition to the OFF cells and carry OFF inhibition to the ON cells (”crossover inhibition”). Although these synapses are predominantly nonlinear, linear signal processing is required for computing many properties of the visual world such as average intensity across a receptive field. Linear signaling is also necessary for maintaining the distinction between brightness and contrast. It has long been known that a subset of retinal outputs provide exactly this sort of linear representation of the world; we show here that rectifying (nonlinear) synaptic currents, when combined thorough crossover inhibition can generate this linear signaling. Using simple mathematical models we show that for a large set of cases, repeated rounds of synaptic rectification without crossover inhibition can destroy information carried by those synapses. A similar circuit motif is employed in the electronics industry to compensate for transistor nonlinearities in analog circuits.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5HT) is the neurotransmitter that mediates dishabituation in Aplysia. Serotonin mediates this behavioral change through the reversal of synaptic depression in sensory neurons (SNs). However, the 5HT receptors present in SNs and in particular, the receptor important for activation of protein kinase C (PKC) have not been fully identified. Using a recent genome assembly of Aplysia, we identified new receptors from the 5HT(2) , 5HT(4) , and 5HT(7) families. Using RT-PCR from isolated SNs, we found that three 5HT receptors, 5HT(1Apl(a)) , 5HT(2Apl) , and 5HT(7Apl) were expressed in SNs. These receptors were cloned and expressed in a heterologous system. In this system, 5HT(2Apl) could significantly translocate PKC Apl II in response to 5HT and this was blocked by pirenperone, a 5HT(2) receptor antagonist. Surprisingly, pirenperone did not block 5HT-mediated translocation of PKC Apl II in SNs, nor 5HT-mediated reversal of depression. Expression of 5HT(1Apl(a)) in SNs or genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinases inhibited both PKC translocation and reversal of depression. These results suggest a non-canonical mechanism for the translocation of PKC Apl II in SNs.  相似文献   

Serotonin (10?8M) produced opposite long-lasting (up to 10 min) effects on acetylcholine-elicited contractions of different buccal mass muscles of Aplysia. Contractions of the dorsal extrinsic muscle and accessory radula closer muscle were enhanced by serotonin; whereas contractions of the ventral extrinsic muscles were inhibited by serotonin. The effect of higher concentrations of serotonin on dorsal and ventral extrinsic muscles was in the same direction as at 10?8M but was greater in both magnitude and duration. The phase of feeding-protraction or retraction—during which a muscle is active—is not correlated with the direction of modulation produced by serotonin.  相似文献   

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