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Charcoalified fossil flowers of a new genus and species (Paradinandra suecica) with affinities to Ericales s.l. (sensu lato) are described from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian-Campanian) from Southern Sweden. The flowers are pentamerous, hypogynous, and actinomorphic. Aestivation of sepals and petals is imbricate-quincuncial. The androecium consists of an outer whorl with single episepalous stamens and an inner whorl with paired epipetalous stamens. Pollen is small and probably tricolpate. Three carpels form a syncarpous ovary with numerous campylotropous ovules on parietal placentae. The styles are free for most of their length. The structure of mature fruits and seeds is unknown. Clear distinction of sepals and petals, possible dehiscence of anthers by restricted slits, presence of a nectary, and the general floral construction (salverform corolla) with a canalized access to the floral center clearly indicate insect pollination of the fossil flowers. Comparisons with extant taxa demonstrate that Paradinandra suecica shares many similarities with Ericales s.l. and in particular with members of Ternstroemiaceae, Theaceae, and Actinidiaceae. However, it is neither identical to any one genus of these families nor to any of the previously described ericalean taxa from the Cretaceous and thus provides further evidence of the diversity of Cretaceous ericalean plants.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Ericales are a major group of extant asterid angiosperms that are well represented in the Late Cretaceous fossil record, mainly by flowers, fruits and seeds. Exceptionally well preserved fossil flowers, here described as Glandulocalyx upatoiensis gen. & sp. nov., from the Santonian of Georgia, USA, yield new detailed evidence of floral structure in one of these early members of Ericales and provide a secure basis for comparison with extant taxa.


The floral structure of several fossil specimens was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), light microscopy of microtome thin sections and synchrotron-radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM). For direct comparisons with flowers of extant Ericales, selected floral features of Actinidiaceae and Clethraceae were studied with SEM.

Key Results

Flowers of G. upatoiensis have five sepals with quincuncial aestivation, five free petals with quincuncial aestivation, 20–28 stamens arranged in a single series, extrorse anther orientation in the bud, ventral anther attachment and a tricarpellate, syncarpous ovary with three free styles and numerous small ovules on axile, protruding-diffuse and pendant placentae. The calyx is characterized by a conspicuous indumentum of large, densely arranged, multicellular and possibly glandular trichomes.


Comparison with extant taxa provides clear evidence for a relationship with core Ericales comprised of the extant families Actinidiaceae, Roridulaceae, Sarraceniaceae, Clethraceae, Cyrillaceae and Ericaceae. Within this group, the most marked similarities are with extant Actinidiaceae and, to a lesser degree, with Clethraceae. More detailed analyses of the relationships of Glandulocalyx and other Ericales from the Late Cretaceous will require an improved understanding of the morphological features that diagnose particular extant groups defined on the basis of molecular data.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Actinidiaceae (Parasaurauia allonensis gen. et sp. nov.) are established for fossil flowers and fruits from the early Campanian (Late Cretaceous) Buffalo Creek Member of the Gaillard Formation in central Georgia, USA. The fossil flowers, which are exquisitely preserved as charcoal, have five imbricate, quincuncially arranged sepals and petals. The androecium consists of ten stamens with anthers that are deeply sagittate proximally. The gynoecium is tricarpellate, syncarpous, and has three free styles that emerge from an apical depression in the ovary. The fruit is trilocular and contains numerous ovules on intruded axile placentae. The structure of mature fruits is unknown. Comparisons with extant taxa clearly demonstrate that the affinities of Parasaurauia allonensis are with the Ericales, and particularly with the Actinidiaceae, which have been placed among the Ericales in recent cladistic analyses. Because Parasaurauia allonensis is not identical to any one genus of Actinidiaceae, or other member of the Ericales, phylogenetic relationships of the fossil were evaluated through a cladistic analysis using morphological and anatomical characters. Results of this analysis place Parasaurauia allonensis within the Actinidiaceae as sister to the extant genera Saurauia and Actinidia. Parasaurauia allonensis differs from extant Saurauia only in having ten rather than numerous stamens.  相似文献   

The Turonian flora from Sayreville New Jersey includes one of the world's most diverse assemblages of Cretaceous angiosperm flowers. This flora is made even more interesting by its association with a large insect fauna that is preserved by charcoalification as well as in amber. Floral diversity includes numerous representatives of Magnoliidae, Hamamelididae, Rosidae, Dilleniidae, and Asteridae (Ericales sensu lato). Included are hypogynous, five-merous flowers with uniseriate hairs on the pedicels and stamens in bundles most frequently borne opposite the petals. There is considerable variation in filament length, and some filaments are branched. On some anthers, strands of residue, suggesting the former presence of a liquid of unknown nature, partially occlude the apparent zone of dehiscence. In other cases, open anthers are fully occluded by an amorphous substance. pollen is rarely found associated with anthers, but is common on stigmatic surfaces. pollen is prolate and tricolporate with reticulate micromorphology. The superior syncarpous ovary is five-carpellate with axile/intruded parietal placentation and numerous anatropous ovules/carpel. Ovary partitions have closely spaced, parallel ascending channels (secretory canals?), and there are apparent secretory canals/cavities in receptacles, sepals, and petals. Individual stigmas are cuneiform with a central groove and eccentrically peltate. Styles are short and fused. In aggregate, the stigmas form a secondarily peltate stigma. Seeds have a reticulate sculpture pattern, a pronounced raphe, and funicular arils with sculpture similar to the seeds. phylogenetic analyses of several data matrices of extant taxa place this fossil in a monophyletic group with the modern genera Garcinia and Clusia within the Clusiaceae. As such, these fossils represent the earliest fossil evidence of the family Clusiaceae. Some modern Clusiaceae are notable, in particular, for their close relationship with meliponine and other highly derived bee pollinators; the fossil flowers share several characters that suggest a similar mode of pollination. This possibility is consistent with other floral and insect data from the same locality.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries of fossil reproductive structures from deposits of the Raritan Formation in New Jersey (Turonian, Upper Cretaceous, ~90 million years BP) include a previously undescribed representative of the Order Capparales. The fossils are usually charcoalified with three-dimensional structure and excellent anatomical details. In the present contribution, we introduce a taxon represented by fossil flowers that have a combination of characters now found in the families of the Order Capparales sensu Cronquist. The fossil species is characterized by an unique suite of characters, such as the presence of a gynophore, arrangement of the sepals, unequal petal size, monothecal anthers, and a bicarpellate gynoecium, that are found in extant families of the Order Capparales. This new taxon constitutes an important addition to our understanding of Cretaceous angiosperm diversity and represents the oldest known fossil record for the Capparales. Heretofore, the oldest known capparalean was from the Late Tertiary sediments of North America.  相似文献   

We report here on a series of fossil flowers exhibiting a mosaic of characters present in the extant monocot family Triuridaceae. Phylogenetic analyses of morphological data from a broad sample of extant monocots confirm the affinities of the fossils with modern Triuridaceae. The fossil flowers were collected from outcrops of the Raritan Formation (Upper Cretaceous, ~90 million years before present), New Jersey, USA. These are the oldest known unequivocal monocot flowers. Because other reports of "earliest" monocots are all based on equivocal character suites and/or ambiguously preserved fossil material, the Triuridaceae fossils reported here should also be considered as the oldest unequivocal fossil monocots. Flowers are minute and unisexual (only male flowers are known); the perianth is composed of six tepals, lacking stomata. The unicyclic androecium is of three stamens with dithecal, monosporangiate, extrorse anthers that open by longitudinal slits. The endothecium has U-shaped type thickenings. Pollen grains are monosulcate. The triurid fossil flowers can be separated into three distinctive species. On the basis of phylogenetic analyses of morphological characters, the fossil taxa nest within the completely saprophytic achlorophyllous Triuridaceae supporting the interpretation that the extinct plants were also achlorophyllous and saprophytic. If so, this represents the earliest known fossil occurrence of the saprophytic/mycotrophic habit in angiosperms.  相似文献   

Two taxa of cupulate magnoliid fossil flowers, Cronquistiflora and Detrusandra, are described from the Late Cretaceous (Turonian, ∼90 million years before present [MYBP]) Raritan (or lower Magothy) Formation of New Jersey. The fossil taxa are represented by flowers at various stages of development, associated fragments of cup-shaped floral receptacles with attached anthers, and isolated anthers. Both taxa have laminar stamens with adaxial thecae and valvate dehiscence. Pollen is boat-shaped and foveolate in anthers associated with Cronquistiflora and spherical with reticulate ornamentation in Detrusandra. Cup-shaped receptacles are externally bracteose in both taxa. The receptacle of Cronquistiflora is broader than the campanulate one of Detrusandra. Cronquistiflora also has more carpels (∼50 in a spiral vs. ∼5 in a whorl or tight spiral). In Detrusandra the carpels are surrounded by dorsiventrally flattened structures (pistillodes?) that are remote from the attachment of the stamens near the distal rim of the receptacular cupule. Detrusandra stigmas are rounded and bilobed, while those of Cronquistiflora, although bilateral in symmetry, are somewhat peltate. The fossil taxa share prominent characters with extant cupulate magnoliids (e.g., Eupomatia, Calycanthus), but also share characters with other magnoliids including Winteraceae. These fossils represent taxa that are character mosaics relative to currently recognized families. Inclusion of these fossils in existing data matrices and ensuing phylogenetic analyses effect changes in tree topologies consistent with their mosaicism relative to modern taxa. But such analyses do not definitively demonstrate the affinities of the fossils other than illustrating that these fossils are generalized magnoliids. Additional analysis of modern and fossil magnoliids is necessary to fully appreciate the phylogenetic significance and positions of these fossil taxa. However, the results of the phylogenetic analyses do introduce the possibility that extinct taxa of Magnoliales with cupulate floral receptacles were transitional between basal angiosperms and those with tricolpate pollen. The fossils provide insights into the timing of evolution of character complexes now associated with coleopteran pollination.  相似文献   

The notion of a positive relation between geographical range and speciation rate or speciation probability may go back to Darwin, but a negative relation between these parameters is equally plausible. Here, we test these alternatives in fossil and living molluscan taxa. Late Cretaceous gastropod genera exhibit a strong negative relation between the geographical ranges of constituent species and speciation rate per species per million years; this result is robust to sampling biases against small-bodied taxa and is not attributable to phylogenetic effects. They also exhibit weak inverse or non-significant relations between geographical range and (i) the total number of species produced over the 18 million year timeframe, and (ii) the number of species in a single timeplane. Sister-group comparisons using extant molluscan species also show a non-significant relation between median geographical range and species richness of genera. These results support the view that the factors promoting broad geographical ranges also tend to damp speciation rates. They also demonstrate that a strong inverse relation between per-species speciation rate and geographical range need not be reflected in analyses conducted within a single timeplane, underscoring the inadequacy of treating net speciation as a proxy for raw per-taxon rates.  相似文献   

A recent innovation in paleobotanical studies of the Cretaceous has been the use of bulk sediment disaggregation and sieving techniques. This approach has identified numerous Cretaceous floras that contain well-preserved plant fossil debris (“mesofloras”), and many of these have yielded abundant fossil angiosperm flowers, as well as angiosperm fruits, seeds and dispersed stamens. On the Atlantic Coastal Plain of eastern North America recent research has identified a new series of fossil floras of Campanian age from central Georgia. These form part of a rich sequence of mesofloras that range in age from early Aptian (or perhaps late Barremian) to Campanian. Detailed studies of fossil flowers from these floras have clarified the systematic relationships of Cretaceous angiosperms and identified source plants of several characteristic dispersed angiosperm pollen grains. Taxa referable to extant angiosperm families appear suddenly in the Albian and Cenomanian, and the number of extant angiosperm families that can be recognized increases rapidly through the Late Cretaceous. Based on the record of Cretaceous fossil flowers, “modernization” of angiosperm lineages occurred much earlier than had been inferred previously from studies of dispersed fossil pollen. Major extinct monophyletic “higher” taxa of Cretaceous angiosperms have not yet been recognized.  相似文献   

Recently discovered fossil flowers from the Cretaceous Cerro del Pueblo and flowers and fruits from the Oligocene Coatzingo Formations are assigned to the Rhamnaceae. The Cretaceous flower, Coahuilanthus belindae Calvillo-Canadell and Cevallos-Ferriz, gen. et sp. nov., is actinomorphic with fused perianth parts forming a slightly campanulate to cupulate floral cup, with sepals slightly keeled and spatulate clawed petals. The Oligocene fossils include Nahinda axamilpensis Calvillo-Canadell and Cevallos-Ferriz, gen. et sp. nov. (characterized by its campanulate bisexual flower with stamens opposite, adnate to and enfolded by petals; and with the ovary ripening into a drupe), and a winged fruit assigned to Ventilago engoto Calvillo-Canadell and Cevallos-Ferriz, sp. nov. The flowers and drupe features indicate closer affinity to Zizipheae and/or Rhamneae, while the single samaroid fruit suggests the presence of Ventilagineae. However, the unique character combination in the fossil flowers precludes placing them in extant genera. Nevertheless, the history of the family is long and can be traced back to the Campanian. A detailed phylogenetic revision of the group that uses morphological characters from both extant and fossil plants is needed to better understand the significance of these records as well as other important fossils of the family.  相似文献   

Cunoniaceae in the Cretaceous of Europe: Evidence from Fossil Flowers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fossil flowers of the Cunoniaceae from Late Cretaceous sedimentsof southern Sweden are described in detail. The flowers aresmall, bisexual, actinomorphic, tetramerous with broadly attachedvalvate sepals; they have narrowly attached petals; eight stamensin two whorls; a massive, lobed nectary; a semi-inferior, syncarpousgynoecium with axile placentation; numerous ovules; separatestyles; and peltate, probably secretory, trichomes. They sharemany features with extant representatives of both the Cunoniaceaeand Anisophylleaceae. However, the gynoecium structure in particularindicates a closer relationship to the Cunoniaceae. The floralcharacters are not specific for any extant genus of the familyand therefore a new genus and species, Platydiscus peltatusgen. et sp. nov., is formally described. This is the first recordof cunoniaceous floral structures from the Northern Hemisphereand the oldest record of Cunoniaceae flowers worldwide. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Anisophylleaceae, Cunoniaceae, fossil flowers, Late Cretaceous, Oxalidales, Platydiscus peltatus gen. et sp. nov., Santonian-Campanian, southern Sweden  相似文献   

Increasingly robust understanding of angiosperm phylogeny allows more secure reconstruction of the flower in the most recent common ancestor of extant angiosperms and its early evolution. The surprising emergence of several extant and fossil taxa with simple flowers near the base of the angiosperms-Chloranthaceae, Ceratophyllum, Hydatellaceae, and the Early Cretaceous fossil Archaefructus (the last three are water plants)-has brought a new twist to this problem. We evaluate early floral evolution in angiosperms by parsimony optimization of morphological characters on phylogenetic trees derived from morphological and molecular data. Our analyses imply that Ceratophyllum may be related to Chloranthaceae, and Archaefructus to either Hydatellaceae or Ceratophyllum. Inferred ancestral features include more than two whorls (or series) of tepals and stamens, stamens with protruding adaxial or lateral pollen sacs, several free, ascidiate carpels closed by secretion, extended stigma, extragynoecial compitum, and one or several ventral pendent ovule(s). The ancestral state in other characters is equivocal: e.g., bisexual vs. unisexual flowers, whorled vs. spiral floral phyllotaxis, presence vs. absence of tepal differentiation, anatropous vs. orthotropous ovules. Our results indicate that the simple flowers of the newly recognized basal groups are reduced rather than primitively simple.  相似文献   

Vertebral and cranial remains of elapid snakes have been collected from fossil assemblages at Riversleigh, north-west Queensland, Australia; most are Miocene but one may be late Oligocene and another as young as Pliocene. The oldest specimen (probably the oldest elapid yet known anywhere) is a vertebra that can be referred provisionally to the extant taxon Laticauda (Hydrophiinae, sensu Slowinski and Keogh, 2000), implying that the basal divergences among Australasian hydrophiine lineages had occurred by the early Miocene, in contrast to most previous estimates for the age of this geographically isolated adaptive radiation. Associated vertebrae and jaw elements from a Late Miocene deposit are described as Incongruelaps iteratus nov. gen. et sp., which has a unique combination of unusual derived characters otherwise found separately in several extant hydrophiine taxa that are only distantly related. Associated vertebrae from other sites, and two parietals from a possibly Pliocene deposit, suggest the presence of several other taxa distinct from extant forms, but the amount of material (and knowledge of variation in extant taxa) is currently insufficient to diagnose these forms. The Tertiary elapids of Riversleigh thus appear to be relatively diverse taxonomically, but low in abundance and, with one exception, not referable to extant taxa below the level of Hydrophiinae. This implies that the present diversity of hydrophiine elapids (31 recognized terrestrial genera, and approximately 16 marine) represents the result of substantial extinction as well as the “cone of increasing diversity” that could be inferred from phylogenetic studies on extant forms.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(3):159-163
A remarkable new rove beetle, Protodeleaster glaber gen. et sp. nov, is described and illustrated based on two well-preserved specimens from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of Liaoning Province, China. The new genus is placed in the extant staphylinid subfamily Oxytelinae, and recent tribe Euphaniini, based on several characteristic features (e.g. a single pair of wide paratergites on abdominal segments; open procoxal fissures; contiguous mesocoxae; abdominal sternite II short and poorly sclerotized). This find from the Early Cretaceous documents the oldest fossil representative of the tribe Euphaniini. Morphologically, it resembles most closely the recent genus Platydeleaster Schülke, 2003, an unusual member of the extant Oxytelinae. According to the currently accepted hypothesis of the phylogenetic position of Euphaniini and the prior discovery of other taxa from the Late Jurassic, we suggest the tribe might have first appeared at least as early as the Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

Lampridiformes is a peculiar clade of pelagic marine acanthomorph (spiny‐rayed) teleosts. Its phylogenetic position remains ambiguous, and varies depending on the type of data (morphological or molecular) used to infer interrelationships. Because the extreme morphological specializations of lampridiforms may have overwritten the ancestral features of the group with a bearing on its relationships, the inclusion of fossils that exhibit primitive character state combinations for the group as a whole is vital in establishing its phylogenetic position. Therefore, we present an osteological data set of extant (ten taxa) and fossil (14 taxa) acanthomorphs, including early Late Cretaceous taxa for which a close relationship with extant Lampridiformes has been suggested: ?Aipichthyoidea, ?Pharmacichthyidae, and ?Pycnosteroididae. We find that all three taxa plus Lampridiformes form a clade that we call Lampridomorpha. Under this hypothesis, ?Aipichthyoidea is paraphyletic. The inclusion of fossils in the analysis changes the topology, highlighting their critical importance in phylogenetic studies of morphological characters. When fossils are included, Lampridomorpha is sister to Euacanthomorpha (all other extant acanthomorphs), concurring with most previous anatomical studies, but conflicting with most molecular results. Lampridomorpha as a whole was a major component of the earliest acanthomorph faunas, notably in the Cenomanian. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The placement of fossil calibrations is ideally based on the phylogenetic analysis of extinct taxa. Another source of information is the temporal variance for a given clade implied by a particular constraint when combined with other, well-supported calibrations. For example, the frog Beelzebufo ampinga from the Cretaceous of Madagascar has been hypothesized to be a crown-group member of the New World subfamily Ceratophryinae, which would support a Late Cretaceous connection with South America. However, phylogenetic analyses and molecular divergence time estimates based on other fossils do not support this placement. We derive a metric, Δt, to quantify temporal divergence among chronograms and find that errors resulting from mis-specified calibrations are localized when additional nodes throughout the tree are properly calibrated. The use of temporal information from molecular data can further assist in testing phylogenetic hypotheses regarding the placement of extinct taxa.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic chrysopid-like Planipennia are revised and several new genera and species are described. The new superfamily Chrysopoidea is proposed for the extant and fossil Chrysopidae, and the fossil families Liassochrysidae n. fam., Allopteridae Zhang 1991 n. sensu, Mesochrysopidae Handlirsch, 1906 n. sensu, Tachinymphidae n. fam., and Limaiidae Martins-Neto and Vulcano 1989 n. sensu. A phylogenetic analysis of the Chrysopoidea is proposed, based on the wing venation characters. With at least the four families Allopteridae, Mesochrysopidae, Tachinymphidae, and Chrysopidae, showing different wing venation patterns, the systematic diversity and morphological disparity of the Chrysopoidea are maximal during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. The Mesozoic family Limaiidae was still present during the Paleocene/Eocene suggesting a minimal impact on the Chrysopoidea of the crisis of the diversity at the K-T boundary. Other Cenozoic Chrysopoidea can be attributed to the Chrysopidae sensu stricto.  相似文献   

基于matR基因序列分析的山茶科系统关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
通过线粒体matR基因序列分析探讨了山茶科的分类学范围和系统演化关系。结果显示,传统山茶科的两个核心——山茶亚科(Theoideae或Camellioideae)和厚皮香亚科(Ternstroemioideae)不构成姐妹群关系,山茶亚科是一个支持率很高的单系类群,厚皮香亚科没有形成单系;山茶亚科下可区分出3个明显的分支,基部的分支由紫茎属(Stewartia)和舟柄茶属(Hartia)组成,木荷属(Schima)、美洲荷属(Franklirda)和美国大头茶属(Gordonia)构成第2个分支,该分支与由山茶属(Camellia)、核果茶属(Pyrenaria)、多瓣核果茶属(Parapyrenaria)、石笔木属(Tutcheria)、大头荣属(Polyspora)和圆籽荷属(Aptersperma)组成的第3个分支互为姐妹群。研究结果很好地支持了Prince和Parks等学者提出的的狭义山茶科(仅含山茶亚科)和狭义大头茶属的概念以及科下3个族(紫茎族Stewartieae、大头茶族Gordonieae和山茶族Theeae)的划分。但本研究更为清晰地揭示了科下3个族间的系统关系,即紫茎族是最基部的分支,山茶族与大头茶族间有更近的亲缘关系。同时,本文认为,厚皮香(亚)科是否为单系类群值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

The Aclopinae is a small subfamily within the family Scarabaeidae. It currently comprises five extant genera with 28 species, and eight fossil genera with 25 species. The systematic position of Aclopinae within the family Scarabaeidae is uncertain, particularly because representative species of Aclopinae have been absent in previous phylogenetic studies. Here we performed phylogenetic analyses using morphological and molecular data to investigate the phylogenetic position of fossil and extant Aclopinae. For this objective, we expanded and revised a former morphological data matrix (composed of 68 characters) including all extant genera of Aclopinae. We complemented our morphological investigations with a molecular phylogenetic analysis based on four genes of several extant taxa of Aclopinae and a wide sample of diverse Scarabaeoidea. Our phylogenetic analyses show that all the type species of the fossil genera formerly included within Aclopinae do not belong within the extant Aclopinae clade and support both the exclusion of those fossil taxa and the monophyly of the extant genera of Aclopinae: Aclopus Erichson, Desertaclopus Ocampo & Mondaca, Gracilaclopus Ocampo & Mondaca, Neophanaeognatha Allsopp and Phanaeognatha Hope. Our results also show that the fossil taxa Prophaenognatha robusta Bai et al. and Ceafornotensis archratiras Woolley are closely related to Ochodaeidae, while the remaining type species of fossils formerly included in Aclopinae (Cretaclopus longipes (Ponomarenko), Holcorobeus vittatus Nikritin, Juraclopus rodhendorfi Nikolajev, Mesaclopus mongolicus (Nikolajev), and Mongolrobeus zherikhini Nikolajev) belong to a distinct lineage closely related to Diphyllostomatidae. Based on these results, the subfamily Aclopinae appears monophyletic and sister to the ‘pleurostict’ lineage. Consequently, we propose the following changes to the current classification of the fossil taxa: Holcorobeus monreali (Gómez‐Pallerola) belongs to Carabidae (incertae sedis) as proposed by the original author, and we place Ceafornotensis Woolley, Cretaclopus Nikolajev, Holcorobeus Nikritin, Juraclopus Nikolajev, Mesaclopus Nikolajev, Mongolrobeus Nikolajev and Prophaenognatha Bai et al. in Scarabaeoidea (incertae sedis). Furthermore, we provide an identification key to, and diagnoses of, the genera, illustrations of diagnostic characters and checklists of their included species. The evolutionary perspective presented provides new insights into the evolution of the pleurostict condition in Scarabaeoidea and the biogeography of this group, which is now regarded as Gondwanan, probably evolving during the Cretaceous and not from the upper Jurassic as previously assumed.  相似文献   

Although morphological data have historically favored a basal position for the Indian gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) within Crocodylia and a Mesozoic divergence between Gavialis and all other crocodylians, several recent molecular data sets have argued for a sister-group relationship between Gavialis and the Indonesian false gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii) and a divergence between them no earlier than the Late Tertiary. Fossils were added to a matrix of 164 discrete morphological characters and subjected to parsimony analysis. When morphology was analyzed alone, Gavialis was the sister taxon of all other extant crocodylians whether or not fossil ingroup taxa were included, and a sister-group relationship between Gavialis and Tomistoma was significantly less parsimonious. In combination with published sequence and restriction site fragment data, Gavialis was the sister taxon of all other living crocodylians, but the position of Tomistoma depended on the inclusion of fossil ingroup taxa; with or without fossils, preferred morphological and molecular topologies were not significantly different. Fossils closer to Gavialis than to Tomistoma can be recognized in the Late Cretaceous, and fossil relatives of Tomistoma are known from the basal Eocene, strongly indicating a divergence long before the Late Tertiary. Comparison of minimum divergence time from the fossil record with different measures of molecular distance indicates evolutionary rate heterogeneity within Crocodylia. Fossils strongly contradict a post-Oligocene divergence between Gavialis and any other living crocodylian, but the phylogenetic placement of Gavialis is best viewed as unresolved.  相似文献   

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