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Phylogenetic relationships of the Santalales and relatives   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Determining relationships among parasitic angiosperms has often been difficult owing to frequent morphological reductions in floral and vegetative features. We report 18S (small-subunit) rRNA sequences for representative genera of three families within the Santalales (Olacaceae, Santalaceae, and Viscaceae) and six outgroup dicot families (Celastraceae, Cornaceae, Nyssaceae, Buxaceae, Apiaceae, and Araliaceae). Using Wagner parsimony analysis, one most parsimonius tree resulted that shows the Santalales to be a holophyletic taxon most closely related toEuronymus (Celastraceae). The santalalean taxa showed approximately 13% more transitional mutations than the group of seven other dicot species. This suggests a higher fixation rate for mutations in these organisms, possibly owing to a relaxation of selection pressures at the molecular level in parasitic vs nonparasitic plants. Outgroup relationships are generally in accord with current taxonomic classifications, such as the grouping of Nyssaceae and Cornaceae together (Cornales) and the grouping of Araliaceae with Apiaceae (Apiales). These data provide the first nucleotide sequences for any parasitic flowering plant and support the contention that rRNA sequence analysis can result in robust phylogenetic comparisons at the family level and above.  相似文献   

Natural sandalwood oil, a unique and valuable ingredient in fine perfumery, has been the focus of scientific interest for many years. Due to its scarcity and its high price, the search for novel synthetic raw materials imitating the characteristic odor profile of sandalwood oil is as challenging as ever. In this context, the preparation of the novel sandalwood odorants 26, 33, and 39 will be discussed, including their sensory properties and structure-odor relationship.  相似文献   

The stem–parasitic family Misodendraceae is composed of a single genus, Misoden–drum , of 12 species endemic to the subantarctic Nothofagus forests of Chile and Argentina. Pollen of nine species was examined in the light microscope and scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Pollen is spheroidal (P/E 1 :1), sparsely echi–nate and polyporate. Aperture number is variable within and among species ranging from (3–)4–19 pores scattered randomly over the surface. Ultrastructurally, the pollen wall is composed primarily of endexine with the ektexine represented only by spines and an occasional thin granular layer between these elements. Pollen data indicate ties with the recently resurrected santalalean family Eremolepidaceae including Lepidoceras.  相似文献   

The gene order on the X chromosome of eutherians is generally highly conserved, although an increase in the rate of rearrangement has been reported in the rodent lineage. Conservation of the X chromosome is thought to be caused by selection related to maintenance of dosage compensation. However, we herein reveal that the cattle (Btau4.0) lineage has experienced a strong increase in the rate of X-chromosome rearrangement, much stronger than that previously reported for rodents. We also show that this increase is not matched by a similar increase on the autosomes and cannot be explained by assembly errors. Furthermore, we compared the difference in two cattle genome assemblies: Btau4.0 and Btau6.0 (Bos taurus UMD3.1). The results showed a discrepancy between Btau4.0 and Btau6.0 cattle assembly version data, and we believe that Btau6.0 cattle assembly version data are not more reliable than Btau4.0. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(6): 310-315]  相似文献   

The first mistletoes: origins of aerial parasitism in Santalales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Past molecular phylogenetic work has shown that aerial parasites have evolved five times independently in the sandalwood order (Santalales), but the absolute timing of these diversifications was not addressed. DNA sequences from nuclear SSU and LSU rDNA, and chloroplast rbcL, matK and trnL-F from 39 santalalean taxa were obtained. Separate and combined data partitions were analyzed with maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Time estimates were performed with Bayesian relaxed molecular clock and penalized likelihood methods using published fossil data. Both methods gave comparable divergence dates for the major clades. These data confirm five origins of aerial parasitism, first in Misodendraceae ca. 80 Mya and subsequently in Viscaceae (72 Mya), "Eremolepidaceae" (53 Mya), tribe Amphorogyneae in Santalaceae (46 Mya), and Loranthaceae (28 Mya). The rapid adaptive radiation and speciation in Loranthaceae coincides with the appearance of savanna biomes during the Oligocene. In all clades except Misodendraceae, it appears that aerial parasites evolved from ancestors that were polymorphic for either root or stem parasitism-a condition here termed amphiphagous. Convergences in morphological features associated with the mistletoe habit have occurred such as the squamate habit, seed attachment structures, unisexual flowers, and loss of chlorophyll.  相似文献   

Among the 16 genera of the Berberidaceae Achlys is the only one with a reduced perianth, an irregular floral phyllotaxis, and variable stamen number. Early floral stages show an unstable (chaotic) arrangement of the organ primordia. Only the single carpel of the gynoecium has a more fixed position in that the placenta is formed in the adaxial half of the flower. The irregularities in the androecium may be caused by the lack of influence of a perianth on floral symmetry. On the other hand, the regular orientation of the carpel is perhaps due to the early polarity of the flower, whereby the abaxial half of the flower is larger (with further developed stamen primordia) at the time when carpel polarity is established.  相似文献   

The anatomy, histochemistry, kinetics and hormonal regulationof perianth abscission in Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (Montbretia)has been investigated. The abscission zone is anatomically welldefined, with cell divisions occurring in this region at anthesis.Abscission is first detectable 3 d after perianth opening, whenthe walls of a group of cells beneath the adaxial epidermisshow reduced staining with polyanion-specific stains, and adecline in penanth break strength also occurs. Abscission isachieved by cell wall breakage in thc abscission zone, whichprogresses eccentrically from the adaxial epidermis throughthe abscission zone, rather than the separation of intact cellsas occurs in flowers of dicotyledons. Experiments on detachedflowers suggest similarities in the hormonal regulation of abscissionin Crocosmia to that of dicotyledons, in that an ethylene promotion,and possibly an auxin inhibition, mechanism may exist in Crocosmia.Ovary expansion occurs throughout the development and senescenceof unpollinated flowers, but does not appear to be the solecause of wall breakage in the abscission zone. It is suggestedthat hormonally regulated wall hydrolases weaken the cell wallsin the abscission zone, and allow wall breakage and subsequentabscission to occur. Cdrocosmia x crocosmiiflora, Montbretia, anatomy, breakstrength, cell wall changes, histochemistry, flowers, monocotyledons, perianth, senescence, ethylene, auxin  相似文献   

Bacterial genomes have been viewed as collections of genes, with each gene and genome evolving more-or-less independently through the acquisition of mutational changes. This historical view has been overturned by the finding that genomes of even closely-related taxa differ widely in gene content. Yet, genomes are more than ever-shuffling collections of genes. Some genes within a genome are more transient than others, conferring a layer of phenotypic lability over a core of genotypic stability; this core decreases in size as the taxa included become increasingly diverse. In addition, some lineages no longer experience high rates of gene turnover, and gene content alters primarily through slow rates of gene loss. More importantly, the cell and molecular biology of the bacterial cell imposes constraints on chromosome composition, maintaining a stable architecture in the face of gene turnover. As a result, genomes reflect the sum of processes that introduce variability, which is then arbitrated by processes that maintain stability.  相似文献   

The integration of different characters (e.g. morphological, ecological, and molecular) is now recognized as important in species delimitation. In particular, genetic distances between homologous genes have been suggested as one of the main tools to identify species, especially in the case of cryptic species. Quinchamalium is morphologically variable and occupies a diverse set of biomes across its distribution in the Southern Andes. Recent work based on morphology has synonymized the entire genus as a single morphospecies, Quinchamalium chilense. This widely distributed taxon presents the opportunity to find potential cryptic species. The main objective of this study was to test the existence of cryptic species, based mainly on phylogenetic gene trees, genetic distances, and geographic patterns of haplotypes from molecular markers of the nuclear (ITS) and chloroplast (trnL-F) genomes, considering climatic and morphological characteristics. The ITS phylogeny and corresponding haplotype network resulted in three lineages with strong genetic differentiation and distinct geographic patterns. These lineages were informally named Desert, Matorral, and Mountain, based on their geographic distribution in different biomes. The trnL-F chloroplast phylogeny did not distinguish Desert from Matorral, and the haplotype network showed overlap between these last two lineages. Overall, we hypothesize the existence of two cryptic species within Quinchamalium chilense (Mountain and Matorral–Desert) that correspond to genetic, climatic, and morphological differences.  相似文献   

Temporal order and the evolution of complex acoustic signals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The evolution of complex signals may be favoured by hidden preferences or pre-existing sensory biases. Females of two species of grey treefrogs (Hyla chrysoscelis and Hyla versicolor) were tested with combinations of a conspecific advertisement call and acoustic appendages. Appendages consisted of aggressive calls and segments of advertisement calls from conspecific males and males of three other species and bursts of filtered noise. When a wide variety of these acoustic appendages followed the advertisement call, the resulting compound signal was often more attractive than the same advertisement call alone. When the same appendages led advertisement calls, however, the compound signal was never more attractive and sometimes less attractive. The order effect was especially strong in tests of H. versicolor in which advertisement-call duration was decreased. These results cannot be explained by a general pre-existing bias for extra stimulation per se. Rather, order and other effects may constrain the evolution and subsequent modification of complex and extravagant signals, examples of which have been reported for a wide range of taxa.  相似文献   

While the seven classes within the phylum Mollusca are clearly defined morphologically and molecularly, relationships between them have long been contentious. Two recent phylogenomic studies take an important step forward with intriguing implications for their evolution.  相似文献   

The petals ofAngophora flowers are compound structures consisting of two morphologically distinct components that develop along separate morphogenetic pathways. These two components are also evident in the corolline parts of the bloodwood eucalypts. In occasional flowers ofAngophora and some bloodwoods, several adjacent corolline primordia may become continuous due to interprimordial growth, but the petals are mostly free at anthesis. In other bloodwood eucalypt species all the primordia in the corolline whorl become continuous at some stage in development, resulting in an operculum that is anatomically unresolvable into its original petaline parts. The varying degrees of this continuity that are evident within individual trees (and even within single flowers) suggests that operculum formation is an epigenetic event that is determined by morphogenetic processes within the flower. It is suggested that these may relate to differing rates of growth in different regions of the bud.  相似文献   

Kreipl AT  König WA 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(14):2045-2049
The essential oil of the east African sandalwood Osyris tenuifolia was investigated by chromatographic and spectroscopic methods. Beside several already known sesquiterpenes four new compounds could be isolated by preparative gas chromatography and their structures investigated by mass spectroscopy and NMR techniques. Two of the new compounds--tenuifolene (17) and ar-tenuifolene (15)--show a new sesquiterpene backbone. 2,(7Z,10Z)-Bisabolatrien-13-ol (23) and the cyclic ether lanceoloxide (21) belong to the bisabolanes.  相似文献   

Mutational order: a major stochastic process in evolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Computer simulations in which selection acts on a quantitative character show that the randomness of mutations can contribute significantly to evolutionary divergence between populations. In different populations, different advantageous mutations occur, and are selected to fixation, so that the populations diverge even when they are initially identical, and are subject to identical selection. This stochastic process is distinct from random genetic drift. In some circumstances (large populations or strong selection, or both) mutational order can be greatly more important than random drift in bringing about divergence. It can generate a 'disconnection' between evolution at the phenotypic and genotypic levels, and can give rise to a rough 'molecular clock', albeit episodic, that is driven by selection. In the absence of selection, mutational order has little or no effect.  相似文献   

A test of the hypothesis that the members of the order Acipenseriformes (sturgeons and paddlefishes) possess a slowed rate of molecular evolution was carried out by conducting relative-rate comparisons with representatives of four groups of teleost fishes (Cypriniformes, Elopomorpha, Salmonidae, and Percomorpha) using 21 nuclear or mitochondrial protein loci and the nuclear and mitochondrial small subunit rRNA genes, obtained from the literature or our own research. In 70 out of 81 comparisons between individual taxa (86%), acipenseriform sequences showed slower rates of change than the homologous teleost loci examined. When teleost sequences are considered together, 21 of the 23 loci show slower rates of substitution in the acipenseriform lineage. Teleost proteins show 1.85 times as many unique amino acid differences as acipenseriform proteins, when both are compared with outlier sequences. These results support a hypothesis of slowed molecular evolutionary rate in the Acipenseriformes.  相似文献   

We have examined the floral morphology and ontogeny of three mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, Ap2-5, Ap2-6, and Ap2-7, that exhibit homeotic changes of the perianth organs because of single recessive mutations in the AP2 gene. Homeotic conversions observed are: sepals to carpels in all three mutants, petals to stamens in Ap2-5, and petals to carpels in Ap2-6. Our analysis of these mutants suggests that the AP2 gene is required early in floral development to direct primordia of the first and second whorls to develop as perianth rather than as reproductive organs. In addition, our results support one of the two conflicting hypotheses concerning the structures of the calyx and the gynoecium in the Brassicaceae.  相似文献   

果翅对霸王种子田间萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2007年10月将具有果翅(具翅)和剥去果翅(去翅)的霸王种子埋于阿拉善左旗不同深度(0 cm、2 cm、5 cm)土壤中,1年内每2月取样1次,调查其萌发情况.结果表明:置于地表具翅种子田间无萌发,而去翅种子在次年6月开始萌发;2 cm埋深具翅种子在次年6月开始萌发,而去翅种子次年2月即能萌发,且其萌发均显著高于同期具翅种子(除10月外);与2 cm埋深相比,5 cm埋深种子萌发较早,其他则表现相似.随埋深的增加和埋藏时间延长,去翅种子田间萌发呈增长趋势,室内萌发率则逐渐减小,而具翅种子除6~10月外田间和室内萌发均逐渐增加.埋藏1年后,去翅种子死亡率显著高于具翅种子,去翅种子为23.0%,而具翅种子为10.0%.可见,果翅可显著抑制霸王种子在田间萌发,有利于种子的田间保存,从而避开不利环境在适宜条件下萌发以获得最佳建植率.  相似文献   

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