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Seedling-cuttings of Pharbitis nil, a typical short-day plant,initiated floral buds under continuous light of 2200–2400lux at 24–26?C. When cultured under poor-nutritional conditions,the node bearing the first floral bud was as low as the 4thone. A close relation between floral initiation under continuouslight and retarded vegetative growth was observed. (Received September 28, 1973; )  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial aspects of floral determination in seedling terminal buds of the qualitative short-day plant Pharbitis nil were examined using a grafting assay. Floral determination in the terminal buds of 6-day-old P. nil seedlings is rapid; by 9 hr after the end of a 14-hr inductive dark period more than 50% of the induced terminal buds grafted onto uninduced stock plants produced a full complement of flower buds. When grafted at early times after the end of the dark period the terminal buds of induced plants produced three discrete populations of plants: plants with no flowers, plants with two axillary flowers at nodes 3 and 4 and a vegetative terminal shoot apex, and plants with five to seven flowers including a terminal flower. The temporal relationship among these populations of plants produced by apices grafted at different times indicates that under our conditions, the region of the terminal bud that will form the axillary buds at nodes 3 and 4 becomes florally determined prior to floral determination of the region of the terminal bud giving rise to the nodes above node 4.  相似文献   

The effect of the exogenous application of polyamines on the flowering induction of the short-day plant Pharbtis nil was investigated. Putrescine, spermidine and spermine applied on the cotyledons of 4-day seedlings had no significant effect on the flowering of this plant under conditions of full induction caused by a 16-hour-long inductive night. Under the conditions of partial induction caused by a 13-hour-long subinductive night, polyamines inhibit or stimulate flowering, depending on the time of application. Also, inhibitors of the biosynthesis of polyamines influenced the flowering process. Analysis of endogenous polyamines revealed significant fluctuations in their content in cotyledons during an inductive night, as well as under continuous light conditions. Particularly large changes occurred in spermidine and spermine levels. The putrescine level in induced seedlings was lower than in non-induced ones. However, induced seedlings contained a higher level of spermine and spermidine. The highest spermidine and spermine levels were observed at the 8th h of the night, although the total concentration of spermine during photoinduction was always 2–3 times lower than that of spermidine. A break in the inductive night, leading to a complete inhibition of flowering, had caused significant changes in the polyamine level by the end of the night. The results suggest that the flowering induction of Pharbitis nil took place at a low putrescine level and increased spermidine and spermine levels.  相似文献   

采用解剖镜和扫描电镜对牵牛复合体[牵牛Pharbitis nil(L.)Choisy、裂叶牵牛P.hederacea(L.)Choisy和圆叶牵牛P.purpurea(L.)Voigt]的叶形、萼片、果实和花粉形态进行了观察,同时对其叶绿体DNA trnL—F和核基因ITS进行了分析。结果表明,牵牛、裂叶牵牛与圆叶牵牛的外部形态,在叶形、萼片的形状及毛被、果实形态上的差异明显;花粉形态的差别也较为明显;在trnL-F和ITS序列分别构建的系统树中,牵牛、裂叶牵牛和圆叶牵牛聚为一个分支,牵牛和裂叶牵牛聚为一个小分支,ITS序列系统树的支持率为70%,trnL—F序列分子树的支持率仅为63%。根据以上不同,本研究认为牵牛、裂叶牵牛和圆叶牵牛都应作为种级处理。  相似文献   

The exposure of dark-grown Pharbitis nil seedlings to continuous R induces a rapid decrease in PHYA mRNA abundance with a half-life of about 2 h. A 5 min R pulse also induces this decline, and the effect is partially reversible by subsequent FR irradiation, confirming that the regulation of expression is mediated via the Pfr form of a phytochrome. When de-etiolated seedlings are returned to darkness after a W photoperiod, PHYA mRNA slowly reaccumulates from 20% to 50% of the dark level within 24 h. The rate of reaccumulation is greatly accelerated by the removal of Pfr with a FR pulse, resulting in reaccumulation to 100% within approximately 11 h. Without FR irradiation PHYA mRNA expression remains fully repressed for at least 11 h after the end of the photoperiod, suggesting that the controlling Pfr is highly stable.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence to indicate that the floral stimulus moves along with photosynthate in the phloem. In the present study the effect of cooling a localized region of the stem of the short-day plant Pharbitis nil Chois. on translocation was investigated. This low-temperature treatment simultaneously inhibited translocation of photosynthate and of the floral stimulus, thus further supporting the idea that the floral stimulus is transported concurrently with assimilates in the phloem.  相似文献   

GIGANTEA (GI) is a key regulator of flowering time, which is closely related to the circadian clock function in Arabidopsis. Mutations in the GI gene cause photoperiod-insensitive flowering and altered circadian rhythms. We isolated the GI ortholog PnGI from Pharbitis (Ipomoea) nil, an absolute short-day (SD) plant. PnGI mRNA expression showed diurnal rhythms that peaked at dusk under SD and long-day (LD) conditions, and also showed robust circadian rhythms under continuous dark (DD) and continuous light (LL) conditions. Short irradiation with red light during the flower-inductive dark period did not change PnGI expression levels, suggesting that such a night break does not abolish flowering by affecting the expression of PnGI. In Pharbitis, although a single dusk signal is sufficient to induce expression of the ortholog of FLOWERING LOCUS T (PnFT1), PnGI mRNA expression was not reset by single lights-off signals. Constitutive expression of PnGI (PnGI-OX) in transgenic plants altered period length in leaf-movement rhythms under LL and affected circadian rhythms of PnFT mRNA expression under DD. PnGI-OX plants formed fewer flower buds than the wild type when one-shot darkness was given. In PnGI-OX plants, expression of PnFT1 was down-regulated, suggesting that PnGI functions as a suppressor of flowering, possibly in part through down-regulation of PnFT1.  相似文献   

Changes in morphology and measurements of cell doubling time were recorded for the first time in the terminal shoot apex of the short-day plant, Pharbitis nil Chois. ( Ipomea nil L.) cv. Violet, undergoing the floral transition. A treatment comprising 48 h darkness given to 4-day-old plants resulted in 100% flowering at the shoot terminal meristem. An inhibitory treatment comprising two 5 min red night-breaks during the 48 h dark period was used to discriminate between events essential for flowering, and those changes resulting from shifts from light to darkness and vice versa. Morphology was studied using both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Cell doubling times were measured using the colchicine accumulation of metaphases method. An increase in the rate of primordial initiation, a change in the divergence angle and a change in phyllotaxis occurred during the floral transition. Moreover, the apex widened and flattened following the inductive dark treatment; the cell doubling time decreased in the peripheral zone and increased in the central zone of these pre-floral meristems.  相似文献   

The signal transduction processes involved in the regulation of SAMDC gene expression by blue and red light were examined using pharmacological inhibitors of signalling pathways. Calcium and calmodulin positively regulated SAMDC gene expression in red light, whereas in blue light they regulated negatively. These results indicate that calcium homeostasis is involved in both red and blue light induction of SAMDC expression. Both signal transduction pathways also require new protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Hormones are included in the essential elements that control the induction of flowering. Ethylene is thought to be a strong inhibitor of flowering in short day plants (SDPs), whereas the involvement of abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of flowering of plants is not well understood. The dual role of ABA in the photoperiodic flower induction of the SDP Pharbitis nil and the interaction between ABA and ethylene were examined in the present experiments. Application of ABA on the cotyledons during the inductive 16-h-long night inhibited flowering. However, ABA application on the cotyledons or the shoot apices during the subinductive 12-h-long night resulted in slight stimulation of flowering. Application of ABA also resulted in enhanced ethylene production. Whereas nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) - an ABA biosynthesis inhibitor - applied on the cotyledons of 5-d-old seedlings during the inductive night inhibited both the formation of axillary and of terminal flower buds, application of 2-aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and 2,5-norbornadiene (NBD) - inhibitors of ethylene action - reversed the inhibitory effect of ABA on flowering. ABA levels in the cotyledons of seedlings exposed to a 16-h-long inductive night markedly increased. Such an effect was not observed when the inductive night was interrupted with a 15-min-long red light pulse or when seedlings were treated at the same time with gaseous ethylene during the dark period. Lower levels of ABA were observed in seedlings treated with NDGA during the inductive night. These results may suggest that ABA plays an important role in the photoperiodic induction of flowering in P. nil seedlings, and that the inhibitory effect of ethylene on P. nil flowering inhibition may depend on its influence on the ABA level. A reversal of the inhibitory effect of ethylene on flower induction through a simultaneous treatment of induced seedlings with both ethylene and ABA strongly supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Influences of plant hormones on photoperiodic flowering in Pharbitis nil, var. Violet was re-evaluated by assaying them with a newly developed perfusion technique which can directly treat mesophyll cells with sample solution. Gibberellin A3 promoted the flowering response and indole-3-acetic acid, trans-zeatin and abscisic acid inhibited it when they were perfused immediately before an inductive dark treatment. The promotion or inhibition of flowering was not or hardly observed when solutions containing these plant hormones were applied by the dropping method to surface of cotyledons or plumules of the assay plants. The detection of clear flower-promoting and -inhibiting effects of the plant hormones may be due to the improved efficiency of incorporation of applied substances into plant tissue in the perfusion technique.  相似文献   

Evans LT  Heide OM  King RW 《Plant physiology》1986,80(4):1025-1029
The semidian (~12 h) periodicity in the effect of far-red (FR) interruptions of the light period preceding inductive darkness on flowering in Pharbitis nil appears to be mediated by phytochrome: (a) promotion by interruptions 2 hours before inductive darkness (−2 hours) and inhibition at −8 hours are greater the higher the proportion of FR/R+FR during the interruption; (b) brief FR exposures followed by darkness are even more effective than FR throughout; (c) the effect of brief FR is reversed by subsequent R; (d) R interruptions of an FR background are most promotive at −8 hours, when FR is most inhibitory. Promotive FR interruptions at −2 or −14 hours shorten the critical dark period whereas inhibitory FR interruptions at −8 hours lengthen it. We conclude that the semidian rhythm is controlled by a `timing pool' of phytochrome FR absorbing form (Pfr) which disappears rapidly in darkness: four different estimates from our experiments indicate that Pfr was reduced to the level set by FR within 20 to 45 minutes in darkness. However, flowering may also be influenced by a `metabolic pool' of Pfr with a delayed loss in darkness, the time of which can be advanced or retarded by shifting the semidian rhythm.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant physiology》2014,171(3-4):205-212
Poor nutrition and low temperature stress treatments induced flowering in the Japanese morning glory Pharbitis nil (synonym Ipomoea nil) cv. Violet. The expression of PnFT2, one of two homologs of the floral pathway integrator gene FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), was induced by stress, whereas the expression of both PnFT1 and PnFT2 was induced by a short-day treatment. There was no positive correlation between the flowering response and the homolog expression of another floral pathway integrator gene SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CO1 and genes upstream of PnFT, such as CONSTANS. In another cultivar, Tendan, flowering and PnFT2 expression were not induced by poor nutrition stress. Aminooxyacetic acid (AOA), a phenylalanine ammonia-lyase inhibitor, inhibited the flowering and PnFT2 expression induced by poor nutrition stress in Violet. Salicylic acid (SA) eliminated the inhibitory effects of AOA. SA enhanced PnFT2 expression under the poor nutrition stress but not under non-stress conditions. These results suggest that SA induces PnFT2 expression, which in turn induces flowering; SA on its own, however, may not be sufficient for induction.  相似文献   

Sib-seedlings of 95 strains of the strictly autogamous grass Hordeum euclaston were analyzed by horizontal polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for four isoenzyme systems at a specific ontogenetic stage. We found differences in the activity of some genes among individuals of this species. Hence, an ontogenetic analysis was carried out to investigate 12 strains at five ontogenetic stages, to determine the patterns of expression of these genes during development. The differences in the presence versus absence of certain isoenzyme bands may be due to differential regulatory activation in response to environmental differences, as all plants showed the same structural genes, although these genes were active in different tissues and/or times of development. These results indicate the importance of differential gene activation in the metabolic phenotype variability of this strictly autogamous, highly homozygous species. The same structural alleles for isoenzymes showed the active form of the enzymes (phenotypic expression) to be present in different tissues and/or stages of development. Differential isoenzyme gene activation was shown to be directly responsible for the enzymatic variability (metabolic phenotype) presented by the plants, which seem to possess almost no heterozygosis.  相似文献   

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