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The chondrocytes of adult articular cartilage rely upon transport phenomena within their avascular extracellular matrix for many biological activities. Therefore, changes in matrix structure which influence cytokine transport parameters may be an important mechanism involved in the chondrocyte response to tissue compression. With this hypothesis in mind, partitioning and diffusion of 3-, 10-, and 40-kDa dextrans conjugated to tetramethylrhodamine, and 430-Da tetramethylrhodamine itself, were measured within statically compressed bovine articular cartilage explants using a novel experimental apparatus and desorption fluorescence method. Partitioning and diffusion were examined as functions of solute molecular weight and matrix proteoglycan density, and diffusion was measured versus static compression up to 35% volumetric strain. In general, partition coefficients and diffusivities were found to decrease with increasing solute molecular weight. In addition, for a given solute, diffusivities decreased significantly with increasing static compression. Results therefore suggest a possible role for transport limitations of relatively large molecular weight solutes within the extracellular matrix in mediating the biological response of chondrocytes to cartilage compression.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan was shown to have the same turnover time as aggrecan in explant cultures of adult bovine articular cartilage. Inclusion of fetal calf serum in the culture medium resulted in a similar decrease in the rate of catabolism of both hyaluronan and proteoglycan. Less than 9% of the hyaluronan lost from the explants in the course of the experiment was recovered from the culture medium as hyaluronan, suggesting that the catabolism of hyaluronan involves the uptake of this glycosaminoglycan by the chondrocytes. Analysis of the molecular size of the newly synthesized hyaluronan in these cultures showed that the hyaluronan was initially synthesized as large macromolecules that were gradually depolymerized with time within the extracellular matrix. The resulting size distribution of newly synthesized hyaluronan molecules after 12 days in culture was similar to that determined for the endogenous hyaluronan. The kinetics of depolymerization of the newly synthesized hyaluronan was consistent with a random fragmentation of the macromolecule. The rate constants for the depolymerization of hyaluronan indicate that oxygen-derived radicals may be involved in the fragmentation of this macromolecule. Inclusion of either cycloheximide or proteinase inhibitors in the medium of the explant cultures resulted in a marked decrease in the rate of loss of hyaluronan from the tissue and in the inhibition of the depolymerization of the newly synthesized macromolecule. This suggests that both the catabolism and the depolymerization of hyaluronan are cell mediated and depend on metabolically active cells.  相似文献   

Solute transport phenomena mediate many aspects of the physiology and contrast agent-based clinical imaging of articular cartilage. Temperatures up to 10°C below standard body temperature (37°C) are common in articulating joints during normal activities and clinically (e.g. cold treatment of injuries). Therefore it is of interest to characterize the effects of temperature changes on solute transport parameters in cartilage. A range of fluorescent solutes including fluorescein isothiocyanate, 4 and 40kDa dextrans, myoglobin, insulin and chondroitin sulfate were prepared and used in assays of solute effective partition coefficient and effective diffusivity in bovine intermediate zone articular cartilage explants maintained at 10, 22 or 37°C. Trends for increasing partition coefficient with increasing temperature were evident for all solutes except chondroitin sulfate, with significant changes between 22 and 37°C for 4kDa dextran, insulin and myoglobin. Diffusivities of most solutes tested also tended to increase with increasing temperature, with significant changes between 10 and 22°C for FITC, 40kDa dextran and myoglobin. Oddly, insulin diffusivity decreased significantly as temperature increased from 22 to 37°C while chondroitin sulfate diffusivity exhibited no clear temperature dependence. These results highlight solute-specific temperature dependences of transport phenomena which may depend upon molecular weight, chemical structure, molecular conformation, and solute-matrix and solute-solute interactions. The articular cartilage explants themselves exhibited small but significant changes in water and glycosaminoglycan contents during experiments, underscoring the importance of solute-matrix interactions. Solute transport parameters in cartilage and their temperature dependences are therefore not easily predicted, and case-by-case experimental determination may be essential.  相似文献   

Electric stimulation has long been used as a tool to promote connective tissue healing, but the mechanism(s) by which this is accomplished are not yet known. We have previously determined, using mass cultures of fetal bovine articular chondrocytes, a specific set of capacitively coupled electrical stimulation parameters (e.g., duration of stimulation, response time, amplitude, frequency, and duty cycle) that significantly elevated production of collagen and proteoglycan, and up-regulated type II collagen and aggrecan mRNA expression in vitro. In the present study, we applied our best signal parameters (30-min continuous stimulation (100% duty cycle) followed by a pulsed (1h on, 5h off, 4x/day) 50% (1 min on, 1 min off) duty cycle) to cultures of adult bovine articular cartilage explants and obtained similar results. Since the latter system more closely mimics the in vivo chondrocyte environment, these data argue for the utility of electric stimulation for the maintenance of adult cartilage matrix in situ.  相似文献   

An apparatus was designed for mechanical compression of cultured articular cartilage explants with acylindrical plain-ended loading head (diameter 2-5 mm) driven by a stepping motor. A load cell under the culture dish was applied for feedback regulation utilizing a microprocessor-based control unit. The operating programs allowed either continuous or cyclic loading, the latter with adjustable loading/resting ratio. The improvements in the present design compared with previously described apparatuses for similar purposes include: (1) the accurately controlled compression by a load cell and a rapid feedback circuit; (2) the wide range of selectable stresses (25 kPa-12.5 MPa) with both continuous and cyclic loading modes; (3) the ability to handle cycles as short as 1 s with 15 ms peak loading phase. Using a 4 s cycle and 0.5 MPa load for 1.5 h resulted in a significantly enhanced incorporation of radiosulphate in cultured bovine articular cartilage explants, suggesting a stimulation of proteoglycan synthesis. Light and scanning electron microscopic examinations revealed a slight depression and superficial alterations in cartilage structure at the impact site following high pressures. We expect that this apparatus will help in revealing how articular cartilage tissue and chondrocytes respond to external mechanical stimuli.  相似文献   

The effect of a physiological dose of vitamin C (100 mug/ml) on goat articular cartilage chondrocytes cultured in an alginate matrix and subjected to static pressurization of 2.4 MPa was investigated. Biochemical analyses of DNA, glycosaminoglycan (GAG), collagen and protease activity were carried out in various matrix fractions, i.e. cellular matrix (CM) and further removed matrix (FRM), and in culture medium. The treatment of chondrocytes with vitamin C after static pressure increased the GAG content in both CM and FRM (P < 0.03) as compared with control or vitamin C/ static load alone. The collagen content of chondrocytes treated with vitamin C alone and vitamin C after static load also increased significantly in FRM (P < 0.003) as compared with control and static load alone. The specific activity of protease in CM and FRM decreased after vitamin C supplementation both with and without static pressure relative to control (P < 0.003). Transmission electron-microscopic images showed a mixed population of spherical and elliptical chondrocytes when vitamin C was added after static load as compared with static load alone where only elliptical cells were seen. Abundant pericellular and collagen fibrils were seen in this group of chondrocytes as compared with all other groups and the control. The results thus show that, in vitro, vitamin C supplementation of chondrocytes after static loading has the potential to reduce the morphological and biochemical degeneration of chondrocytes caused by static loading, thereby improving the cellular health and functioning of articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Osteoarthrosis was induced in one knee joint of dogs by an established surgical procedure. Changes in the articular cartilage in the biosynthesis of collagen and other proteins were sought by radiochemical labelling in vivo, with the following findings. (1) Collagen synthesis was stimulated in all cartilage surfaces of the experimental joints at 2, 8 and 24 weeks after surgery. Systemic labelling with [3H]proline showed that over 10 times more collagen was being deposited per dry weight of experimental cartilage compared with control cartilage in the unoperated knee. (2) Type-II collagen was the radiolabelled product in all samples of experimental cartilage ranging in quality from undamaged to overtly fibrillated, and was the only collagen detected chemically in the matrix of osteoarthrotic cartilage from either dog or human joints. (3) Hydroxylysine glycosylation was examined in the newly synthesized cartilage collagen by labelling dog joints in vivo with [3H]lysine. In experimental knees the new collagen was less glycosylated than in controls. However, no difference in glycosylation of the total collagen in the tissues was observed by chemical analysis. (4) Over half the protein-bound tritium was extracted by 4 M-guanidinium chloride from control cartilage labelled with [3H]proline, compared with one-quarter or less from experimental cartilage. Two-thirds of the extracted tritium separated in the upper fraction on density-gradient centrifugation in CsCl under associative conditions. Much of this ran with a single protein band on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. The identity of this protein was unknown, although it resembled serum albumin in mobility afte disulphide-bond cleavage.  相似文献   

Mutations in the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) gene result in pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH), which is a chondrodysplasia characterized by early-onset osteoarthritis and short stature. COMP is a secreted pentameric glycoprotein that belongs to the thrombospondin family of proteins. We have identified a novel missense mutation which substitutes a glycine for an aspartic acid residue in the thrombospondin (TSP) type 3 calcium-binding domain of COMP in a patient diagnosed with PSACH. Immunohistochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy both show abnormal retention of COMP within characteristically enlarged rER inclusions of PSACH chondrocytes, as well as retention of fibromodulin, decorin and types IX, XI and XII collagen. Aggrecan and types II and VI collagen were not retained intracellularly within the same cells. In addition to selective extracellular matrix components, the chaperones HSP47, protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) and calnexin were localized at elevated levels within the rER vesicles of PSACH chondrocytes, suggesting that they may play a role in the cellular retention of mutant COMP molecules. Whether the aberrant rER inclusions in PSACH chondrocytes are a direct consequence of chaperone-mediated retention of mutant COMP or are otherwise due to selective intracellular protein interactions, which may in turn lead to aggregation within the rER, is unclear. However, our data demonstrate that retention of mutant COMP molecules results in the selective retention of ECM molecules and molecular chaperones, indicating the existence of distinct secretory pathways or ER-sorting mechanisms for matrix molecules, a process mediated by their association with various molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

Cartilage acidic protein 1 (CRTAC1), a novel human marker which allowed discrimination of human chondrocytes from osteoblasts and mesenchymal stem cells in culture was so far studied only on the RNA-level. We here describe its genomic organisation and detect a new brain expressed (CRTAC1-B) isoform resulting from alternate last exon usage which is highly conserved in vertebrates. In humans, we identify an exon sharing process with the neighbouring tail-to-tail orientated gene leading to CRTAC1-A. This isoform is produced by cultured human chondrocytes, localized in the extracellular matrix of articular cartilage and its secretion can be stimulated by BMP4. Of five putative O-glycosylation motifs in the last exon of CRTAC1-A, the most C-terminal one is modified according to exposure of serial C-terminal deletion mutants to the O-glycosylation inhibitor Benzyl-alpha-GalNAc. Both isoforms contain four FG-GAP repeat domains and an RGD integrin binding motif, suggesting cell-cell or cell-matrix interaction potential. In summary, CRTAC1 acquired an alternate last exon from the tail-to-tail oriented neighbouring gene in humans resulting in the glycosylated isoform CRTAC1-A which represents a new extracellular matrix molecule of articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Chondrocytes within articular cartilage experience complete unloading between loading cycles thereby utilizing mechanical signals to regulate their own anabolic and catabolic activities. Structural alterations of proteoglycans (PGs) during aging and the development of osteoarthritis (OA) have been reported; whether these can be attributed to altered load or compression is largely unknown. We report here on experiments in which the effect of intermittent loading on the fine structure of newly synthesized chondroitin sulfate (CS) in bovine articular cartilage explants was examined. Tissues were subjected for 6 days to cyclic compressive pressure using a sinusoidal waveform of 0.1, 0.5 or 1.0 Hz frequency with a peak stress of 0.5 MPa for a period of 5, 10 or 20 s, followed by an unloading period lasting 10, 100 or 1000 s. During the final 18 h of the culture, cartilage explants were radiolabeled with 50 microCi/ml D-6-[3H]glucosamine, and newly synthesized as well as endogenous CS chains were isolated after proteinase solubilization of the tissue. CS chains were depolymerized with chondroitinase ABC and ACII, and the 3H-digestion products were quantified after fractionation by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography using a CarboPac PA1 column. Intermittently applied cyclic mechanical loading did not affect the proportion of 4- and 6-sulfated disaccharide repeats, but caused a significant decrease in the abundance of the 4,6-disulfated nonreducing terminal galNAc residues. In addition, loading induced elongation of CS chains. Taken together, these data provide evidence for the first time that long-term in vitro loading results in marked and reproducible changes in the fine structure of newly synthesized CS, and that accumulation of such chains may in turn modify the physicochemical and biological response of articular cartilage. Moreover, data presented here suggest that in vitro dynamic compression of cartilage tissue can induce some of the same alterations in CS sulfation that have previously been shown to occur during the development of degenerative joint diseases such as OA.  相似文献   

We have examined the temporal expression of genes for extracellular matrix proteins (type I collagen, type II collagen, and the cartilage specific proteoglycan core protein) during the development of the avian mandibular arch. We detected low levels of type II collagen mRNA in the mandibular arch as early as stage 15. Type II collagen mRNA remained low but increased slightly as development progressed from stage 15 to stage 25. More dramatic increases occurred after stage 25 coincident with overt chondrogenesis. In contrast, mRNA for the core protein of cartilage specific proteoglycan was not detected prior to the onset of chondrogenesis, appeared at stage 25, and increased thereafter. Type I collagen mRNA was also present as early as stage 15 and dramatically increased after stage 28/29, coincident with initiation of osteogenesis. Using in situ hybridization, we found that type II collagen mRNA became detectable in the center of the mandible around stage 24/25 coincident with the initiation of chondrogenesis. At later stages (26-32) type II collagen mRNA was localized in the cartilaginous rudiment. The pattern of hybridization observed with the proteoglycan core protein probe at later stages of development was essentially identical to that observed with the type II collagen probe. In contrast, the probe for the alpha 1 (I) collagen mRNA was localized over the perichondrium, over differentiated bone, and in areas within the mandibular arch where bone formation had been initiated.  相似文献   

Oxidative injury in glomerular disease may oxidize extracellular matrix proteins which might modulate their interaction with mesangial cells and thereby account for the hypocellularity seen in advanced glomerulosclerosis. In this study we evaluated whether oxidation of extracellular matrix could modulate human mesangial cell apoptosis. Human mesangial cells were seeded onto plates coated with unmodified (control) or oxidized Matrigel, laminin, or type IV collagen. Mesangial cell apoptosis was increased on oxidized Matrigel as well as on oxidized laminin and type IV collagen. Mesangial cells behaved similarly on plates coated with control and oxidized forms of the integrin ligand-containing peptide GRGDSP. Cells on oxidized matrix demonstrated enhanced expression of Bax, increased fragmentation of PARP, and diminished apoptosis in the presence of the interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme inhibitor Ac-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-aldehyde. These data suggest that oxidation of extracellular matrix proteins may enhance human mesangial cell apoptosis via a mechanism that appears to involve enhanced expression of Bax and caspase activation. This may account for irreversible mesangial hypocellularity in glomerulosclerosis.  相似文献   

The effects of mechanical compression of calf cartilage explants on the catabolism and loss into the medium of proteoglycans and proteins radiolabeled with [35S]sulfate and [3H]proline were examined. A single 2- or 12-h compression of 3-mm diameter cartilage disks from a thickness of 1.25 to 0.50 mm, or slow cyclic compression (2 h on/2 h off) from 1.25 mm to 1.00, 0.75, or 0.50 mm for 24 h led to transient alterations and/or sustained increases in loss of radiolabeled macromolecules. The effects of imposing or removing loads were consistent with several compression-induced physical mediators including fluid flow, diffusion, and matrix disruption. Cyclic compression induced convective fluid flow and enhanced the loss of 35S- and 3H-labeled macromolecules from tissue into medium. In contrast, prolonged static compression induced matrix consolidation and appeared to hinder the diffusional transport and loss of 35S- and 3H-labeled macromolecules. Since high amplitude cyclic compression led to a sustained increase in the rate of loss of 3H- and 35S-labeled macromolecules that was accompanied by an increase in the rate of loss of [3H]hydroxyproline residues and an increase in tissue hydration, such compression may have caused disruption of the collagen meshwork. The 35S-labeled proteoglycans lost during such cyclic compression were of smaller average size than those from controls, but contained a similarly low proportion (approximately 15%) that could form aggregates with excess hyaluronate and link protein. The size distribution and aggregability of the remaining tissue proteoglycans and 35S-labeled proteoglycans were not markedly affected. The loss of tissue proteoglycan paralleled the loss of 35S-labeled macromolecules. This study provides a framework for elucidating the biophysical mechanisms involved in the redistribution, catabolism, and loss of macromolecules during cartilage compression.  相似文献   

Articular cartilage is an enduring tissue. For most individuals, articular cartilage facilitates a lifetime of pain-free ambulation, supporting millions of loading cycles from activities of daily living. Although early studies into osteoarthritis focused on the role of mechanical fatigue in articular cartilage degeneration, much is still unknown regarding its strength and endurance characteristics. The compressive strength of juvenile, bovine articular cartilage explants was determined to be loading rate-dependent, reaching a maximum strength of 29.5 ± 4.8 MPa at a strain rate of 0.10 %/sec. The fatigue and endurance properties of articular cartilage were characterized utilizing a material testing system, as well as a custom, validated instrument termed the two degrees-of-freedom endurance meter (endurometer). These instruments characterized fatigue in articular cartilage explants at loading levels ranging from 10 to 80 % strength (%S), up to 100,000 cycles. Cartilage explants displayed characteristics of fatigue – fatigue life increased as the loading magnitude decreased. All explants failed within 14,000 cycles at loading levels between 50 and 80 %S. At 10 and 20 %S, all explants endured 100,000 loading cycles. There was no significant difference in equilibrium compressive modulus between run-out explants and unloaded controls, although the pooled modulus increased in response to testing. Histological staining and biochemical assays revealed no material changes in collagen, sulfated glycosaminoglycan, or hydration content between unloaded controls and explants cyclically loaded to run-out. These results suggest articular cartilage may have a putative endurance limit of 20 %S (5.86 MPa), with implications for articular cartilage biomechanics and mechanobiology.  相似文献   

The present study tested the hypothesis that perceived exertion during prolonged exercise in hot environments is associated with changes in cerebral electrical activity rather than changes in the electromyogram (EMG) of the exercising muscles. Therefore, electroencephalogram (EEG) in three positions (frontal, central, and occipital cortex), EMG, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and core temperature were measured in 14 subjects during submaximal exercise in normal (18 degrees C, control) and hot (40 degrees C, hyperthermia) environments. RPE increased from 11 +/- 1 units at 5 min to 20 +/- 0 units at exhaustion (50 +/- 3 min) in the trial with progressive hyperthermia, whereas exercise in the control trial was maintained with a stable core temperature for 1 h without exhausting the subjects. Altered EEG activity was observed in all electrode positions, and stepwise forward-regression analysis identified core temperature and a frequency index of the EEG over the frontal cortex as the best predictors of RPE. In contrast, there were no significant correlations between RPE and any of the measured EMG parameters (median spectral frequency, root mean square, or amplitude), and the EMG parameters were not different in hyperthermia compared with control. Thus hyperthermia does not seem to affect the activation pattern of the muscles. Rather, the linear correlation among core temperature, EEG frequency index, and RPE indicates that alterations in cerebral activity may be associated with the hyperthermia-induced development of fatigue during prolonged exercise in hot environments.  相似文献   

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