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A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) using ultraviolet (UV) absorbance detection method for simultaneous determination of clofibrate (I) and its major metabolite clofibric acid (II) in human plasma has been developed to support a clinical study. I, II and internal standard (I.S., III) are isolated from human plasma by 96-well solid-phase extraction (SPE) C(18)z.ccirf;AR plate and quantified by direct injection of the SPE eluent onto the HPLC with UV detection wavelength at 230 nm. Two chromatographic methods, isocratic and step gradient, have been validated from 1.0 to 100.0 microg/ml and successfully applied to plasma sample analysis for a clinical study. The lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) is 1.0 microg/ml for both I and II when 500 microl plasma sample is processed. Sample collection and preparation is conducted at 5 degrees C to minimize the hydrolysis of I to II in human plasma.  相似文献   

ZT-1 is a novel acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor. It is rapidly transformed to Huperzine A (Hup A) in vitro. A simple and rapid HPLC-UV method for the simultaneous determination of ZT-1 and its metabolite Hup A in plasma is described. The chromatographic separations were achieved on a C(18) ODS column (250 mm x 4.6 mm ID) using methanol-1 mmol/L ammonium acetate (70:30,v/v) as mobile phase. The flow rate was 0.7 mL/min, the detection wavelength was 313 nm and the column temperature was kept at 35 degrees C. Plasma samples were prepared as rapidly as possible and extracted immediately with 5 mL of chloroform:iso-propyl alcohol mixture (v/v, 9:1).The retention times of ZT-1 and Huperzine A (Hup A) were 18.7 and 14.4 min, respectively. The mean absolute recoveries of two analytes were >90%. Quantification limits were all 0.02 nmol/mL for ZT-1 and Hup A. This analytical method was reliable and convenient procedure that meets the criteria for the pharmacokinetic evaluation of ZT-1 on experimental animals.  相似文献   

Gemcitabine (dFdC) is a pyrimidine antimetabolite with broad spectrum activity against tumors. In this paper, a normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for the determination of the parent drug (dFdC) and its metabolite (dFdU) in human plasma. The described sample preparation procedure for determination of dFdC and dFdU is rapid, sensitive, reproducible and simple. The linear regression equations obtained by least square regression method, were area under the curve=0.0371 concentration (ng ml(-1))+192.53 and 1.05.10(-4) concentration (ng ml(-1))-1.2693 for dFdC and dFdU, respectively. The assay for dFdC and dFdU described in the present report has been applied to plasma samples from a bladder cancer patient.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method with ultraviolet detection has been developed to quantify NB-506 and its active metabolite in human plasma and urine. This method is based on solid-phase extraction, thereby allowing the simultaneous measurement of the drug and metabolite with the limit of quantification of 0.01 μg/ml in plasma and 0.1 μg/ml in urine. Standard curves for the compounds were linear in the concentration ranges investigated. The range for the drug in plasma was 0.01–2.5 μg/ml, and for the metabolite 0.01–1 μg/ml. In urine, the range for both compounds was 0.1–10 μg/ml. The method was validated and applied to the assay of plasma and urinary samples from phase I studies.  相似文献   

Etoposide, a highly active and widely used antineoplastic agent, is O-demethylated to its active catechol metabolite. A high-performance liquid chromatographic assay method for the simultaneous quantitation of etoposide and etoposide catechol in human plasma was established. Etoposide and etoposide catechol were extracted from plasma using chloroform and methanol followed by phase separation, evaporation of the organic phase, and reconstitution of the residue. Chromatography was accomplished using a reversed-phase phenyl analytical column (390 mm×3.9 mm I.D.) with a mobile phase of 76.6% 25 mM citric acid–50 mM sodium phosphate (pH 2.4)–23.4% acetonitrile pumped isocratically at 1 ml/min with electrochemical detection. The limit of detection for etoposide was 1.2 nM and for etoposide catechol was 0.2 nM. The precision (CV) for etoposide ranged from 0.7 to 3% and for the catechol metabolite from 1 to 6%; accuracy of predicted values ranged from 97 to 106% and 94 to 103%, respectively. The assay was linear from 0.1 to 10 μM for etoposide and from 0.005 to 0.5 μM for etoposide catechol in plasma. Recovery of etoposide and etoposide catechol ranged from 93 to 95% and 90 to 98%, respectively. Stability of etoposide and etoposide catechol in human plasma containing ascorbic acid stored at −70°C for one year was demonstrated. This assay procedure is suitable for evaluation of etoposide and etoposide catechol pharmacokinetics in plasma following etoposide administration.  相似文献   

When measuring fentanyl and midazolam simultaneously in the same plasma sample with standard high-performance liquid chromatography–ultraviolet (HPLC–UV) detection, overlap of the fentanyl peak by the midazolam peak occurs, which makes fentanyl determination impossible. We tested the hypothesis that by acidifying the methanol mobile phase with 0.02% perchloric acid, 70%, it would be possible to separate both peaks. The UV detector was set at 200 nm. Calibration curves for fentanyl (range 0–2000 pg/ml) and midazolam (range 0–400 ng/ml) were linear (r>0.99). The detection limits were 200 pg/ml (fentanyl) and 10 ng/ml (midazolam). Precision and accuracy for intra- and inter-assay variability as well as in-line validation with quality control samples (QCS) were acceptable (< 15 and 20%, respectively), except for fentanyl QCS of 200 pg/ml (17.8% precision). Although less sensitive than gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), reliable measurements of fentanyl, simultaneously with midazolam, can be performed with this HPLC–UV system.  相似文献   

A novel, highly sensitive method was developed for simultaneous determination of tramadol and its main active metabolite O-demethyltramadol (ODMT) in rat plasma. The method involves a single-step extraction procedure and a specific determination by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection, using an ethoxy analogue of tramadol (L-233) as internal standard. The dual-electrode detector was operated in the oxidation-screening mode. Absolute recoveries of tramadol and ODMT were about 80%. Calibration curves were linear over a concentration range of 10–1000 ng/ml for ODMT and 10–10 000 ng/ml for tramadol with intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation not exceeding 10% and 15%, respectively. The limit of quantification for tramadol and ODMT was lower than 15 ng/ml and 10 ng/ml using 100 μl of plasma, respectively. The described method allows an adequate characterization of the plasma vs. time profiles for both compounds.  相似文献   

A rapid and sensitive liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method has been developed and validated for the simultaneous estimation of hydrochlorothiazide, quinapril and its metabolite quinaprilat in human plasma. After solid phase extraction (SPE), the analytes and IS were chromatographed on a hypurity C8 (100mmx2.1mm i.d., 5mum particle size) column using 2muL injection volume with a run time of 2.8min. An isocratic mobile phase consisting of 0.5% (v/v) formic acid:acetonitrile (25:75, v/v) was used to separate all these drugs. The precursor and product ions of these drugs were monitored on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, operating in the multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM) without polarity switch. The proposed method was validated over the range of 5-500ng/mL for hydrochlorothiazide method and 5-1500ng/mL for quinapril and quinaprilat. Inter-batch and intra-batch precision (coefficient of variation - % CV) across five validation runs lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ), lower quality control (LQC), middle quality control (MQC), higher quality control (HQC) and upper limit of quantitation (ULOQ) was less than 15. The accuracy determined at these levels was within +/-13% in terms of relative percentage error.  相似文献   

KW-2170, 5-(3-aminopropyl) amino-7,10-dihydroxy-2-(2-hydroxethyl)-aminoethyl-6H-pyrazolo [4,5,1-de] acridin-6-one dihydroxychloride, is a novel anticancer agent under clinical development. We have established a highly sensitive method which can simultaneously quantitate KW-2170 and its two metabolites, a carboxylic (M1) and hydroxylated (M2) derivative involving the 5-position, in human and dog plasma. KW-2170 and its metabolites were extracted from plasma using a weak cation-exchange cartridge and then determined by HPLC using an electrochemical detector (ED). Over the concentration range 0.1-50 ng/ml, precision and accuracy of intra- and inter-day assay were within 11% in human plasma. In dog plasma, they were within 17% at the lower quantitation limit and within 11% at other concentrations. These three compounds were stable during the assay procedure, freeze-thawing cycles and during long-term storage. Using this methodology, the pharmacokinetics of KW-2170 in a dog could be monitored over 24 h. This method is suitable for evaluation of the detailed pharmacokinetics of KW-2170 and its metabolites in humans and dogs.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that GTS-21 can improve the learning deficits and inhibit the neuro-degeneration in patients with Alzheimer's disease. This paper describes a reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic assay with visible detection at 405 nm for determination of GTS-21 and its metabolite, 4-hydroxy-GTS-21 in rat plasma. The method uses solid-phase extraction with a Bond Elut C18 column. A quantitation limit of 1.0 ng/ml was achieved using 0.5 ml of rat plasma. In the validation study, the coefficients of variation and the relative errors of each compound were less than 10%. Also freeze-thaw and storage stability were confirmed. This method has proved to be applicable to the pharmacokinetic study of GTS-21 in rats.  相似文献   

Quinapril and quinaprilat concentrations were determined in perfusate, urine, and perfusate ultrafiltrate using a specific and sensitive reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure with radiochemical detection, coupled to liquid scintillation counting spectrometry. Quinapril and quinaprilat were measured in perfusate and urine after pretreatment with acetonitrile and subsequent centrifugation. Perfusate ultrafiltrate was used as collected. Two quinapril diketopiperazine metabolites, PD 109488 and PD 113413, were separated chromatographically from quinapril, quinaprilat, and from each other. Assay performance for quinapril and quinaprilat was assessed by examining precision and accuracy of the assay over four days. Using a 100-μl sample volume, the limit of quantitation for both 3H-quinapril and 3H-quinaprilat (sp. act. ≈ 2.0 μCi/μg) was 1 ng/ml.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method was developed for the simultaneous separation and quantification of cloricromene, a coumarine derivative, and its active metabolite, cloricromene acid, in rabbit aqueous humor. The analyses were performed by high-performance liquid chromatography using a C18 reversed-phase column (Hypersil ODS) with UV detection at 318 nm. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile-water containing 1% triethylamine pH 3.5, adjusted with orthophosphoric acid. An acetonitrile gradient was necessary to achieve good separation within 13 min. Timolol was found to be a suitable internal standard. The retention times ranged from 5.72 to 11.25 min. A simple pre-treatment with acetonitrile containing 0.6% HCIO4 was used to deproteinize aqueous humor samples. The limit of quantitation ranged between 10 and 20 ng/ml. The recovery was >90%. The relationship between peak areas and concentration was linear over the range between 0.01 and 3.8 microg/ml, with r2 > 0.99. The assay provided good reproducibility and accuracy for both analytes and proved to be suitable for pharmacokinetic studies of cloricromene.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and reproducible high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for cisapride and norcisapride in human plasma is described. Samples of plasma (150 μl) were extracted using a C18 solid-phase cartridge. Regenerated tubes were eluted with 1.0 ml of methanol, dried, redissolved in 150 μl of methanol and injected. Chromatography was performed at room temperature by pumping acetonitrile–methanol–0.015 M phosphate buffer pH 2.2–2.3 (680:194:126, v/v/v) at 0.8 ml/min through a C18 reversed-phase column. Cisapride, norcisapride and internal standard were detected by absorbance at 276 nm and were eluted at 4.3, 5.3 and 8.1 min, respectively. Calibration plots in plasma were linear (r>0.998) from 10 to 150 ng/ml. Intraday precisions for cisapride and norcisapride were 3.3% and 5.4%, respectively. Interday precisions for cisapride and norcisapride were 9.6% and 9.0%, respectively. Drugs used which might be coadministered were tested for interference.  相似文献   

We developed a sensitive and selective method for determining levels of sultopride, a neuroleptic drug of the substituted benzamide, in human plasma using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with UV detection and particle beam mass spectrometry (PBMS). Sutopride was extracted with tert.-butylmethyl ether using a salting-out technique. Tiapride served as an internal standard (I.S.). Sutopride and I.S. were separated by HPLC on a silica column with a mobile phase of acetonitrile-0.1 M ammonium acetate (94:6, v/v). The calibration curves were linear over the concentration range from 5 to 1000 ng/ml by HPLC with UV detection and from 10 to 1000 ng/ml with PBMS detection. The limit of quantitation was 5 ng/ml with UV detection and 10 ng/ml with PBMS detection. The absolute recovery was 92% and the within-day coefficients of variation were 2.9–7.1% at plasma concentrations from 50 to 500 ng/ml, determined by HPLC with UV detection. Using this method, we measured the plasma concentrations of sultopride with replicate analyses in four hospitalized patients and steady-state plasma levels were determined to be 161.6±30.8, 321.1±93.7, 726.5±143.1 and 1273.6±211.2 ng/ml, respectively.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive column-switching HPLC method was developed for the simultaneous determination of two furocoumarin compounds, byak-angelicin and oxypeucedanin hydrate, which are the main components of hot water extract of Angelica dahurica root (AE), in rat plasma. Plasma sample was simply deproteinated with perchloric acid. After centrifugation, the supernatant was injected into a column-switching HPLC system consisting of a clean-up column (Symmetry Shield RP 8, 20×3.9 mm I.D.) and analytical column (Symmetry C18, 75×4.6 mm I.D.) which were connected with a six-port switching valve. The flow-rate of the mobile phase (acetonitrile–water, 20:80) was maintained at 1 ml/min. Detection was carried out at wavelength 260 nm with a UV detector. The column temperature was maintained at 40°C. The calibration curves of byak-angelicin and oxypeucedanin hydrate were linear over the ranges 19.6 to 980 ng/ml (r2>0.997). The accuracy of these analytes was less than 4.4%. The intra- and inter-day relative standard deviations of byak-angelicin and oxypeucedanin hydrate were within 12.0% and 12.7%, respectively. The present method was applied for the analysis of plasma concentration from rats after administration of AE.  相似文献   

To establish pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic relationships, a selective and specific high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for the quantitation of remifentanil and its metabolite in dog plasma. The assay involves a solid-phase extraction and a reversed-phase chromatographic separation with ultraviolet detection (lambda=210 nm). The calibration curves are linear in the range of 7.89-1500 ng ml(-1). Intra-day assay variability is less than 7% for all standards evaluated. Good recovery, linearity, accuracy, and precision were achieved with the assay that proved readily applicable to pharmacokinetic studies in dogs.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop an high-performance liquid chromatographic method with ultraviolet detection for the determination of verapamil and its primary metabolite norverapamil in biological samples. Both compounds, as well as the internal standard, imipramine, were extracted from alkalinised blood, with n-hexane–isobutyl alcohol, back-extracted into 0.01 M phosphoric acid and determined using a reversed-phase column and ultraviolet monitoring at 210 nm. The average coefficient of variation obtained over the concentration range of 1–1000 ng/ml is about 3%. The detection limit is below 5 ng/ml for both compounds, and extraction recoveries close to 80%. The method was applied to a pharmacokinetic study of the drug and its active metabolite and used to analyse blood samples from verapamil treated rabbits.  相似文献   

A sensitive and selective high-performance liquid chromatographic method was developed for simultaneous determination of trans-resveratrol-3-O-glucoside (TRG) and its metabolites, trans-resveratrol-3-O-glucuronide (TRN) and trans-resveratrol (TR) in rat plasma. The plasma proteins were precipitated with acetonitrile and supernatant was evaporated to dryness. The analytes and internal standard baicalin were chromatographed on a C(18) column. The mobile phase consisted of 25% acetonitrile and 75% H(2)O adjusted with formic acid to pH 3.5. The flow-rate was 1.0 ml/min and ultraviolet detection was set at 320 nm. Standard curves were linear over the concentration range of 0.04-40 microg/ml for TRG and TRN, and 0.04-10 microg/ml for TR, respectively. The precision, expressed as the intra-day R.S.D. and inter-day R.S.D., was below 9.3% for TRG, TRN and TR. The accuracy, expressed as the relative error (RE) was within +/-7.4% for all analytes. The mean recoveries of TRG, TRN, TR and I.S. were 93.6%, 93.1%, 91.0% and 87.9%, respectively. This method was successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic study of TRG after an oral dose of 150 mg/kg to Wistar rats.  相似文献   

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