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Comparative mashing trials of sorghum showed that the enzyme complex used to convert raw sorghum in brewing produced different levels of protein breakdown but reduced foaming potentials to similar degrees. Significant improvement in foaming potentials of worts were achieved when usual mashing procedures were replaced by a two-stage mashing process where late addition of gelatinized sorghum grist re-established foam stability. This late addition of part of the gelatinized grist may limit enzymic destruction of foam-stabilizing substances.  相似文献   

Comparative mashing trials of sorghum showed that the enzyme complex used to convert raw sorghum in brewing produced different levels of protein breakdown but reduced foaming potentials to similar degrees. Significant improvement in foaming potentials of worts were achieved when usual mashing procedures were replaced by a two-stage mashing process where late addition of gelatinized sorghum grist re-established foam stability. This late addition of part of the gelatinized grist may limit enzymic destruction of foam-stabilizing substances.  相似文献   

The potential of sorghum as an alternative substrate for lager beer brewing was recognized over five decades ago. Factors which appear to influence brewing with sorghum include: the variety of sorghum, storage time, steep period, germination time, duration and levels of temperature-time sequence of the kilning cycle and temperature-time regimes during mashing. Malts from sorghum varieties that have high diastatic power, amylase and starch contents are desirable. Soluble and insoluble amylases in grain sorghum contribute towards the hydrolysis of grain constituents during mashing. Optimizing conditions for malting, mashing and fermentation are therefore necessary for the production of acceptable sorghum lager beer. This review aims to update research results on lager beer brewing with sorghum.  相似文献   

A comparative study of sorghum and barley grains reveals structural and physiological differences in their aleurone, embryo and starchy endosperm cells. These differences are responsible for the observed differences in their malting characteristics. Reports on brewing trials with sorghum favour its use as an adjunct to barley malt. Nevertheless, a recent successful resolution of the incompatibility of the gelatinization and saccharification temperatures of sorghum starch through the adoption of a new mashing technique has greatly improved its extract yield. A similar report on the discovery of a Nigerian-grown sorghum variety with improved β-amylase activity as well as high diastatic power will obviously ensure better fermentable extracts. Further research on the development and trial of new sorghum varieties is strongly recommended. The purpose of this review, however, is to highlight research efforts aimed at alleviating the problems of sorghum as a brewing material.  相似文献   



To identify a biological preservative that can protect beer from microbial contamination, which often results in the production of turbidity and off-flavor.


The antimicrobial activity of a chitooligosaccharide against beer-spoilage bacteria and its effect on the fermentation performance of brewer’s yeast was studied. Chitooligosaccharide with an average 2 kDa molecular weight was the best at inhibiting all tested beer-spoilage bacteria. The application of chitooligosaccharide in the brewing process did not influence the fermentation of brewer’s yeast. The change in beer performance induced by the contamination of Lactobacillus brevis could be effectively controlled by application of chitooligosaccharide in the beer brewing process.


The experimental data suggested that chitooligosaccharide should be an excellent preservative to inhibit beer-spoilage bacteria in the brewing process and in the end product.

Hydrolysis of three varieties of unmalted sorghum by endogenous amylases produced sufficient maltose and glucose for subsequent brewing of beer. The optimal temperature and pH of the sorghum amylase activities varied between the three varleties. -Amylase was optimal when used at 60°C and pH 5 for two varieties but at 60°C and pH 6 for another. The optimal -amylase activity was between about 72°C and 75°C for all the sorghum varieties. The activities of the amylases differed considerably between the species.
Résumé L'hydrolyse de trois variétés de sorghum non maltés par des amylases endogènes produit suffisamment de maltose et de glucose pour la fermentation ultérieure du moût. Les températures et pH optimum des activités amylolytiques du sorghum varient selon la variété. Pour deux variétés, l'activité -amylolytique est optimal lors de son utillsation à 60°C et à pH 5, tandis qu'elle est optimale à 60°C et à pH 6 pour la troistème. L'activité -amylolytique est optimal à environ 72 à 75°C pour toutes les variétés de sorghum. Les activités amylolytiques varient considérablement selon les espèces.

This work was carried out at the Department of Microbiology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.  相似文献   

Li Y  Lu J  Gu G  Shi Z  Mao Z 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(10):779-785
A mathematical model describing the degradation of arabinoxylans by endo-xylanase during mashing process was developed. Endo-xylanase activities and arabinoxylans concentrations in laboratory scale mashing process at different temperature profiles were measured and then used for identifying the model parameters for Harrington barley malt. The modeling errors range for the final concentration of arabinoxylans in wort was -4% to +11.9%. The model developed was also used for predicting the other three different malts mashing processes in laboratory scale, and the prediction errors ranged from -9.5% to +13.6%. The model prediction accuracy for industrial scale mashing process was lower than that in laboratory scale. The simulation results showed that, a lower concentration of arabinoxylans could be achieved when maintaining the mashing-in at 45 degrees C and prolonging the mashing-in time.  相似文献   

Chitosan (0.1 g l(-1)), assayed in a simple medium, reduced the viability of four lactic acid bacteria isolated during the beer production process by 5 logarithmic cycles, whereas activity against seven commercial brewing yeasts required up to 1 g chitosan l(-1). Antimicrobial activity was inversely affected by the pH of the assay medium. In brewery wort, chitosan (0.1 g l(-1)) selectively inhibited bacterial growth without altering yeast viability or fermenting performance.  相似文献   

Historically, mankind and yeast developed a relationship that led to the discovery of fermented beverages. Numerous inventions have led to improved technologies and capabilities to optimize fermentation technology on an industrial scale. The role of brewing yeast in the beer-making process is reviewed and its importance as the main character is highlighted. On considering the various outcomes of functions in a brewery, it has been found that these functions are focused on supporting the supply of yeast requirements for fermentation and ultimately to maintain the integrity of the product. The functions/processes include: nutrient supply to the yeast (raw material supply for brewhouse wort production); utilities (supply of water, heat and cooling); quality assurance practices (hygiene practices, microbiological integrity measures and other specifications); plant automation (vessels, pipes, pumps, valves, sensors, stirrers and centrifuges); filtration and packaging (product preservation until consumption); distribution (consumer supply); and marketing (consumer awareness). Considering this value chain of beer production and the 'bottle neck' during production, the spotlight falls on fermentation, the age-old process where yeast transforms wort into beer.  相似文献   

The chemical, brewing and anti-microbial properties of a tropical seed,Garcinia kola, were compared with traditional hops. Treatment ofGarcinia kola with methanolic lead acetate produced a yellow precipitate from which organic acids (alpha acids) were contirmed to be present by thin-layer chromatography. Hops, however, had a higher concentration of organic acids thanGarcinia kola. Laboratory brewing trials withGarcinia kola and hops gave beers with simillar chemical properties. Organoleptically,Garcinia kola beer was as acceptable to tasters as hopped beer except that it had an improved bitterness.Garcinia kola and hop extracts exerted similar anti-microbial effects on two beer spollage micro-organisms (Lactobacillus delbruckii andCandida vini).
Résumé On a comparé les propriétés chimiques, brassicoles, et antiseptiques d'une graine tropicale,Garcinia kola, à celles des houblons traditionnels. Le traitement deGarcinia kola à l'acétate de plomb en milieu méthanolique a produit un précipité jaune dans lequel on a confirmé la présence d'acides organiques ou acides . Les houblons, toutefois, avaient une concentration plus élevée en acides organiques queGarcinia kola. Des essais de brassage au laboratoire avecGarcinia kola ont produit des bières aux propriétés chimiques sembiables. Sur le plan organolètique, la bière deGarcinia kola a été aussi acceptable pour les goûteurs que la bière de houblon à ceci prés que la première avait une amertume améliorée. Les extraits deGarcinia kola et de houblon ont exercé des effets antimicrobiens semblables sur deux microorganismes contaminant la bière (Lactobacillus delbruckii etCandida vini).

Three yeast strains were isolated from a spontaneously fermented native millet (Pennisetum typhoideum) malt beer (Oyokpo). One of the yeast isolates found to have the most highly fermenting capacity was characterised and identified as a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The yeast was then utilised as the pitching yeast in a subsequent controlled fermentation of millet wort at 20°C for 120 hours. Bitter leaf (Vernonia amagdalina) extract was used as the bittering and flavouring agent. The Oyokpo beer sample produced under these conditions was found to possess both chemical and organoleptic qualities comparable to some extent, to the conventional barley malt beer. At the end of fermentation, the pH, specific gravity, alcohol content, reducing sugar content and protein content of the beer were 4.11, 1.0308, 2.81% (v/v), 4.00 (mg/ml) and 0.84 (mg/ml) respectively.  相似文献   

Glutathione in beer works as the main antioxidant compounds which correlates with beer flavor stability. High residual sugars in beer contribute to major non-volatile components which correlate to high caloric content. In this work, Saccharomyces cerevisiae GSH1 gene encoding glutamylcysteine synthetase and Scharomycopsis fibuligera ALP1 gene encoding alpha-amylase were co-expressed in industrial brewing yeast strain Y31 targeting at alpha-acetolactate synthase (AHAS) gene (ILV2) and alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH2), and new recombinant strain TY3 was constructed. The glutathione content from the fermentation broth of TY3 increased to 43.83 mg/l compared to 33.34 mg/l from Y31. The recombinant strain showed high alpha-amylase activity and utilized more than 46% of starch after 5 days growing on starch as sole carbon source. European Brewery Convention tube fermentation tests comparing the fermentation broth of TY3 and Y31 showed that the flavor stability index increased to 1.3 fold and residual sugar concentration were reduced by 76.8%, respectively. Due to the interruption of ILV2 gene and ADH2 gene, the amounts of off-flavor compounds diacetyl and acetaldehyde were reduced by 56.93% and 31.25%, comparing with the amounts of these from Y31 fermentation broth. In addition, as no drug-resistance genes were introduced to new recombinant strain, consequently, it should be more suitable for use in beer industry because of its better flavor stability and other beneficial characteristics.  相似文献   

High-ethanol-resistant yeasts, characterized as Saccharomyces sp., were isolated from Nigerian palm wine with added sucrose for high gravity brewing. The yeast isolates that survived the highest ethanol production were used to ferment brewery wort and produced 8.2 to 8.5% (v/v) ethanol; values almost double that of the control yeast from a local brewery.  相似文献   

The GPD1 gene encoding the glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was overexpressed in an industrial lager brewing yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae ssp. carlsbergensis) to reduce the content of ethanol in beer. The amount of glycerol produced by the GPD1-overexpressing yeast in fermentation experiments simulating brewing conditions was increased 5.6 times and ethanol was decreased by 18% when compared to the wild-type. Overexpression of GPD1 does not affect the consumption of wort sugars. Only minor changes in the concentration of higher alcohols, esters and fatty acids could be observed in beer produced by the GPD1-overexpressing brewing yeast. However, the concentrations of several other by-products, particularly acetoin, diacetyl and acetaldehyde, were considerably increased.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships of 24 phenotypically different strains isolated from sorghum beer in West Africa and the type cultures of the Saccharomyces sensu stricto species were investigated by universally primed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, microsatellite fingerprinting and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers. The results demonstrate that internal transcribed spacer (ITS) PCR-RFLP analysis with the endonucleases HaeIII, HpaII, ScrFI and TaqI is useful for discriminating S. cerevisiae, S. kudriavzevii, S. mikatae from one another and from the S. bayanus/S. pastorianus and S. cariocanus/S. paradoxus pairs. The sorghum beer strains exhibited the same restriction patterns as the type culture of S. cerevisiae CBS 1171. PCR profiles generated with the microsatellite primer (GTG)(5) and the universal primer N21 were almost identical for all isolates and strain CBS 1171. Despite phenotypic peculiarities, the strains involved in sorghum beer production in Ghana and Burkina Faso belong to S. cerevisiae. However, based on sequencing of the rDNA ITS1 region and Southern hybridisation analysis, these strains represent a divergent population of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The history of beer: from a staple food to a consumer product with an enormous variety of styles and tastes. Subject Categories: Biotechnology & Synthetic Biology, History & Philosophy of Science

As far back as we can retrace history, beer has always been an important part of human life: it was and still is a valuable food staple that has been constantly improved and adapted to human needs. For most of the time, intoxication was not the main purpose and could only be achieved to a limited extent, if at all, given that beer had a low alcohol content for most of human history. Instead, beer, owing to its specific ingredients and characteristics—alcohol, carbon dioxide and a low pH value—was often the only safe liquid to drink when clean water was rare.
For most of the time, intoxication was not the main purpose and could only be achieved to a limited extent, if at all, given that beer had a low alcohol content for most of human history.
In addition, beer and other fermented foods are an important source of essential vitamins, such as vitamin B or riboflavin, trace elements and other health‐promoting ingredients. Especially for poorer people who mainly lived on bread or porridge, supplementing their diet with beer was beneficial to their health. Beer was also an important staple for certain professions, such as seafarers, who had to live of vitamin‐poor foodstuffs for longer times. Not surprisingly, many seafaring nations contributed to the spread and improvement of beer brewing (Fig 1).Open in a separate windowFigure 1Beer brewing over timeThe most important discoveries and developments during a history of 10,000 years of brewing beer.  相似文献   

Three basic samples of beers were produced: A, B and C. The grit of A and B contained as unmalted adjuncts 15% (plus 10% of saccharose) and 25% of sorghum grains or maize grits, respectively. The reference beer C was produced with barley malt only. The study of the effects of the unmalted adjuncts on the brewing and the quality of beer revealed that: (a) the use of 15 to 20% of maize or 25% of sorghum increased the content of iso-compounds in wort; (b) the combination of maize grit and saccharose improved the colour of the wort and beer; (c) the addition of 25% sorghum extended saccharification time, slowed down both wort and beer filtration and also produced wort of a darker colour and beer with a slightly bitter aftertaste.  相似文献   

In the continuous systems, such as continuous beer fermentation, immobilized cells are kept inside the bioreactor for long periods of time. Thus an important factor in the design and performance of the immobilized yeast reactor is immobilized cell viability and physiology. Both the decreasing specific glucose consumption rate (q(im)) and intracellular redox potential of the cells immobilized to spent grains during continuous cultivation in bubble-column reactor implied alterations in cell physiology. It was hypothesized that the changes of the physiological state of the immobilized brewing yeast were due to the aging process to which the immobilized yeast are exposed in the continuous reactor. The amount of an actively growing fraction (X(im)act) of the total immobilized biomass (X(im)) was subsequently estimated at approximately X(im)act = 0.12 g(IB) g(C)(-1) (IB = dry immobilized biomass, C = dry carrier). A mathematical model of the immobilized yeast biofilm growth on the surface of spent grain particles based on cell deposition (cell-to-carrier adhesion and cell-to-cell attachment), immobilized cell growth, and immobilized biomass detachment (cell outgrowth, biofilm abrasion) was formulated. The concept of the active fraction of immobilized biomass (X(im)act) and the maximum attainable biomass load (X(im)max) was included into the model. Since the average biofilm thickness was estimated at ca. 10 microm, the limitation of the diffusion of substrates inside the yeast biofilm could be neglected. The model successfully predicted the dynamics of the immobilized cell growth, maximum biomass load, free cell growth, and glucose consumption under constant hydrodynamic conditions in a bubble-column reactor. Good agreement between model simulations and experimental data was achieved.  相似文献   

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