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Various heterologous reporter genes have been widely used for the functional characterization of gene promoters. Many such studies often found weak to very strong silencer activities to be associated with specific parts of the basal promoter or further upstream regions. In this study, we carried out a systematic study on human blood coagulation factor IX (hFIX) and anti-coagulant protein C (hPC) genes, previously shown to have silencer activities associated with their 5'-flanking regions containing promoter sequences. With newly constructed chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter vectors carrying hFIX or hPC gene promoter sequences, we confirmed the strong silencer activities associated with the regions nt -1895 through nt -416 of the hFIX gene or with the region nt -802 through nt -82 of the hPC gene. However, no such silencer activities associated with the specific regions were found when autologous hFIX cDNA, hFIX minigenes, or hPC minigenes were used as reporters in the expression vector system. Relative levels of CAT, hFIX, and hPC proteins produced in the transient assays correlated well with their mRNA levels. Human FIX minigene constructs containing a simian virus 40 (SV40) 3'-untranslated region (UTR) taken from the CAT reporter gene showed no silencer activity, indicating that SV40 3'-UTR sequence of the CAT reporter gene does not contribute to the silencer activity. Expression vectors constructed with the beta-galactosidase gene under the control of hFIX gene promoter sequences also showed no silencer activity associated with the region nt -1895 through nt -416. These findings indicate that silencer activities associated with specific regions of promoter sequences as analyzed with CAT reporter genes may represent artifacts specific to the CAT reporter genes. Our findings strongly suggest a need for re-examination of promoter characterizations of many eukaryotic genes, which have been studied to date with CAT reporter genes.  相似文献   

Membrane-localized H+-symporting sucrose transporters (SUC or SUT proteins) are involved in sucrose loading into the phloem of source tissues and sucrose uptake into sink tissues, which are essential events in the growth and development of higher plants. While many of these sucrose transporters are localized in the phloem, others function in sink tissues. In an attempt to gain insight into which class the CsSUT1 gene from Citrus sinensis falls, we isolated a 1537-bp upstream region of this gene (CsSUT1p), inserted it upstream of the ??-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and transformed the resulting vector into Arabidopsis thaliana. Histochemical and semi-quantitative RT-PCR analyses indicated that the CsSUT1p conferred GUS expression in floral tissues and the roots of young seedlings, but not above ground vegetative tissues. In flowers, GUS expression was noted in young floral buds, as well as immature stamens and carpels. Deletion analyses indicated that a ?1052 to ?1 fragment (relative to the translational start codon at +1) of the CsSUT1p, but not a ?496 to ?1 fragment, was able to drive the same pattern of expression of a downstream reporter gene in transgenic Arabidopsis. Taken together, these results suggest that the CsSUT1 gene, like numerous SUC/SUT genes from other plant species, may play a role in the uptake of sucrose into sink tissues.  相似文献   

Efficient transfection and expression of heterologous genes in PC12 cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The PC12 pheochromocytoma cell line has been a favorite model system for cell and neurobiologists, but has proven relatively refractory to standard DNA transfection methods. We have found that the cationic lipid "lipofectin" provides a simple, gentle, and nontoxic procedure that vastly improves transfection efficiencies in PC12 cells. Transient expression of chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) driven by a Rous sarcoma virus long terminal repeat (LTR) is much more efficient using lipofectin when compared with calcium phosphate as a transfection procedure. Additionally, transient transfection of nerve growth factor (NGF)-differentiated PC12 cells proceeds with equal efficiency relative to naive, uninduced cells. Using the lipofectin procedure, the frequency of stable transfection is 100-fold higher than that reported with standard calcium phosphate precipitation protocols. To examine the effectiveness of different promoters for efficient expression of heterologous DNA in PC12 cells, three different promoter-bearing constructs were utilized. Each construct contains a different promoter sequence upstream from a chicken calsequestrin cDNA. A human cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate early promoter construct produced the highest level of expression, followed by a human beta-actin promoter construct. Expression from a mouse Moloney sarcoma virus LTR construct could not be detected. These results overcome the previous transfection problems of low efficiency and low viability that have plagued many PC12 cell investigations.  相似文献   

The cytosolic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GapC) gene family of maize is differentially expressed in response to anaerobic stress. While GapC1 and GapC2 are downregulated, GapC3 and GapC4 are anaerobically induced. We have sequenced and analyzed a 3073 bp promoter fragment of GapC4. The promoter confers anaerobic induction of a reporter gene construct in a transient gene expression system in maize. Deletion analysis of the GapC4 promoter revealed a 270 bp long DNA region required for anaerobic induction. This region contains sequence motifs resembling the cis-acting sequences of the anaerobically induced maize Adh1 and Adh2 genes. Furthermore, the 3073 bp GapC4 promoter fragment displays homology to long terminal repeats of maize retrotransposons and to the 3 region of the maize anthocyanin regulatory locus C1.  相似文献   

Transformation of Penicillium expansum with the pBT6 vector yielded 8 to 34 transformants per g of DNA. Hybridization analyses revealed that homologous recombination occurred in most of the transformants. Twenty-one out of 25 transformants analysed showed hybridization patterns which were indistinguishable from that of the wild type.  相似文献   

The chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene is widely used in recombinant constructs employed to study promoter and enhancer control of gene expression. However, CAT-based assays require a laborious, multi-step procedure for quantitation of promoter activity. We have applied the recently described firefly luciferase (LUC) reporter gene to the study of the interleukin-2 (IL2) promoter and have further defined the properties of this reporter gene system. We find that IL2-LUC constructs have multiple advantages over IL2-CAT constructs. The LUC assay is highly sensitive and requires 1/10 the cells used in the CAT system. A final quantitative measure of promoter activity can be obtained within 25 h following transfection with IL2-LUC, compared to 108-160 h with IL2-CAT. Light emission significantly (fourfold) above background is detectable 3 h after induction in a direct assay of extracts from transfected cells. We have described the variability of the assay, the minimum number of transfected cells required to detect light, the stability of luciferase in cell extracts, the effect of Triton X-100 on the assay, and a rapid cell lysis procedure. The luciferase system is a simple, rapid, and sensitive method for the study of promoter activity in transfected cells, particularly for weakly expressed genes such as IL2 which give low activity in the CAT assay.  相似文献   

Treatment of the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, with ovine thyrotropin (oTSH) produced elevations in serum thyroxin (T4) that varied seasonally with a strong inverse correlation to environmental photoperiod (P less than 0.001). At 20 degrees C, oTSH (0.2 IU) increased serum T4 to levels ranging from 1.5 micrograms/100 ml in midsummer to 7.5 micrograms/100 ml in midwinter despite relatively stable resting levels throughout the two years of study. Similar rates of clearance of T4 in summer and winter suggest that an alteration in thyroid response to oTSH accounts for this change. The serum T4 response to oTSH is both photoperiod- and temperature-dependent. In laboratory studies, fish exposed to a short artificial photoperiod (LD 8:16) for one month responded to oTSH with T4 levels about twice as high as those in fish exposed to long days (LD 14:10). On the other hand the T4 response to oTSH was sharply reduced at 5 degrees C from that seen at 20 degrees C. This suggests that, in nature, seasonal changes in photoperiod and temperature have opposite effects on thyroidal responsiveness to TSH. Overall, the annual variation in the T4 response to oTSH appears to be driven by photoperiod, inasmuch as the alterations preceded major temperature changes in the wild and can be shown to occur at constant temperature in captivity. Photoperiodic induction of changes in thyroid sensitivity may aid in the maintenance of basal T4 levels under changing thermal conditions.  相似文献   

The maizerab17 gene is expressed in different plant parts in response to ABA and osmotic stress (J. Vilardellet al., Plant Mol Biol 14 (1990) 423–432). Here we demonstrate that 5 upstream sequences of therab17 gene confer the appropriate patterns of expression on the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT) reporter gene in transgenic tobacco plants, as well as in protoplasts derived from cultured rice cells. Specifically, a CAT construct containing a large 5 upstream fragment ofrab17 (–1330/+29) results in high levels of CAT activity in embryos, leaves and roots of transgenic plants subjected to water stress or ABA treatment. Transient expression assays in rice protoplasts transfected with CAT genes fused torab17 promoter deletions indicate that a 300 bp DNA fragment (–351/–102) is sufficient to confer ABA responsiveness upon the reporter gene. Furthermore, a 100 bp sequence (–219/–102) is capable of conferring ABA responsiveness upon a minimal promoter derived from the 35S CaMV promoter. Gel retardation experiments indicate that maize nuclear proteins bind to this fragment. This region of 100 bp contains a sequence (ACGTGGC) which has been identified as an abscisic acid response element in studies of other ABA-responsive plant genes.  相似文献   

Fluorescent protein and luciferase genes are valuable reporter genes and have been widely used for noninvasive monitoring of gene expression in living tissues and cells. We tested expression of the dual reporter genes in transient transfection of purified Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. Two copies of the enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) gene were put under the control of 3 representative T.?gondii promoters (GRA1, SAG1, and DHFR). Fluorescence from each EYFP reporter was significantly higher than that from a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter. The GRA1-EYFP reporter gave the highest fluorescence. Although both fluorescence and luciferase were expressed in the dual reporter system, the luciferase reporter was more efficient than either the EYFP or GFP reporters, and it required fewer parasites to be successfully used.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare three different luciferase genes by placing them in a single reporter vector and expressing them in the same mammalian cell type. The luciferase genes investigated were the luc genes from the fireflies Photinus pyralis (PP) and Luciola mingrelica (LM) and the lux AB5 gene, a translational fusion of the two subunits of the bacterial luciferase from Vibrio harveyi (VH). The chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene was also included in this study for comparison. The performances of the assay methods of the corresponding enzymes were evaluated using reference materials and the results of the expressed enzymes following transfection were calculated using calibration curves. All of the bioluminescent assays possess high reproducibility both within and between the batches (less than 15%). The comparison of the assay methods shows that firefly luciferases have the highest detection sensitivity (0.05 and 0.08 amol for PP and LM, respectively) whereas the VH bacterial luciferase has 5 amol and CAT 100 amol. On the other hand, the transfection of the various plasmids shows that the content of the expressed enzyme within the cells is much higher for CAT than for the other luciferase genes. VH luciferase is expressed at very low levels in mammalian cells due to the relatively high temperature of growing of the mammalian cells that seems to impair the correct folding of the active enzyme. PP and LM luciferases are both expressed at picomolar level but usually 10 to 70 times less in content with respect to CAT within the transfected cells. On the basis of these results the overall improvement in sensitivity related to the use of firefly luciferases as reporter genes in mammalian cells is about 30 to 50 times with respect to that of CAT.  相似文献   

An increasing amount of data has revealed the importance of inducible promoters in ciliate research and in ciliate-related industries. However, knowledge about these promoters and related genes is relatively sparse. Here we report a novel inducible promoter from a Tetrahymena cytoplasmic Hsp70 gene member, HSP70-2. The reported promoter was able to induce the endogenous gene up to ~9000-fold after a short heat shock treatment and this remarkable feature has been retained when a relatively short region of the promoter was introduced into a reporter construct followed by transformation. During the recovery period following a short heat shock, both the mRNA and protein levels of the reporter gene were maintained high up to two hours. A constant heat shock treatment to the transformed cells led to a stabilization of the reporter mRNA up to at least six hours and the reporter protein continued to accumulate up to around three hours. The promoter strength appears to be similar to that of the cadmium-induced metallothionein gene (MTT1) promoter. Therefore, the HSP70-2 promoter represents an attractive alternative for the over-expression of proteins in Tetrahymena, and the promoter-reporter gene construct used in this study is an ideal tool to help in understanding the regulation mechanisms of heat shock genes in ciliates.  相似文献   

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