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The Escherichia coli SurA protein is a periplasmic molecular chaperone that facilitates correct folding of outer membrane porins. The peptide binding specificity of SurA has been characterized using phage display of heptameric peptides of random sequence. The consensus binding pattern of aromatic-polar-aromatic-nonpolar-proline amino acids emerges for both SurA and a SurA "core domain," which remains after deletion of a peripheral peptidyl-proline isomerase domain. Isothermal titration calorimetry with a high affinity heptameric peptide of sequence WEYIPNV yields peptide affinities in the range of 1-14 microm for both SurA and its core domain. Although the peptide consensus aromatic-polar-aromatic-nonpolar-proline occurs infrequently in E. coli proteins, the less restrictive tripeptide motif aromatic-random-aromatic appears with greater-than-random frequency in outer membrane proteins and is prevalent in the "aromatic bands" of the porin beta barrel structures. Thus, SurA recognizes a peptide motif that is characteristic of integral outer membrane proteins.  相似文献   

SurA assists the folding of Escherichia coli outer membrane proteins.   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Many proteins require enzymatic assistance in order to achieve a functional conformation. One rate-limiting step in protein folding is the cis-trans isomerization of prolyl residues, a reaction catalyzed by prolyl isomerases. SurA, a periplasmic protein of Escherichia coli, has sequence similarity with the prolyl isomerase parvulin. We tested whether SurA was involved in folding periplasmic and outer membrane proteins by using trypsin sensitivity as an assay for protein conformation. We determined that the efficient folding of three outer membrane proteins (OmpA, OmpF, and LamB) requires SurA in vivo, while the folding of four periplasmic proteins was independent of SurA. We conclude that SurA assists in the folding of certain secreted proteins.  相似文献   

The SurA protein facilitates correct folding of outer membrane proteins in gram-negative bacteria. The sequence of Escherichia coli SurA presents four segments, two of which are peptidyl-prolyl isomerases (PPIases); the crystal structure reveals an asymmetric dumbbell, in which the amino-terminal, carboxy-terminal, and first PPIase segments of the sequence form a core structural module, and the second PPIase segment is a satellite domain tethered approximately 30 A from this module. The core module, which is implicated in membrane protein folding, has a novel fold that includes an extended crevice. Crystal contacts show that peptides bind within the crevice, suggesting a model for chaperone activity whereby segments of polypeptide may be repetitively sequestered and released during the membrane protein-folding process.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria shed outer membrane vesicles composed of outer membrane and periplasmic components. Since vesicles from pathogenic bacteria contain virulence factors and have been shown to interact with eukaryotic cells, it has been proposed that vesicles behave as delivery vehicles. We wanted to determine whether heterologously expressed proteins would be incorporated into the membrane and lumen of vesicles and whether these altered vesicles would associate with host cells. Ail, an outer membrane adhesin/invasin from Yersinia enterocolitica, was detected in purified outer membrane and in vesicles from Escherichia coli strains DH5alpha, HB101, and MC4100 transformed with plasmid-encoded Ail. In vesicle-host cell co-incubation assays we found that vesicles containing Ail were internalized by eukaryotic cells, unlike vesicles without Ail. To determine whether lumenal vesicle contents could be modified and delivered to host cells, we used periplasmically expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP). GFP fused with the Tat signal sequence was secreted into the periplasm via the twin arginine transporter (Tat) in both the laboratory E. coli strain DH5alpha and the pathogenic enterotoxigenic E. coli ATCC strain 43886. Pronase-resistant fluorescence was detectable in vesicles from Tat-GFP-transformed strains, demonstrating that GFP was inside intact vesicles. Inclusion of GFP cargo increased vesicle density but did not result in morphological changes in vesicles. These studies are the first to demonstrate the incorporation of heterologously expressed outer membrane and periplasmic proteins into bacterial vesicles.  相似文献   

The interactions of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) with the periplasmic chaperone Skp from Escherichia coli are not well understood. We have examined the binding of Skp to various OMPs of different origin, size, and function. These were OmpA, OmpG, and YaeT (Omp85) from Escherichia coli, the translocator domain of the autotransporter NalP from Neisseria meningitides, FomA from Fusobacterium nucleatum, and the voltage-dependent anion-selective channel, human isoform 1 (hVDAC1) from mitochondria. Binding of Skp was observed for bacterial OMPs, but neither for hVDAC1 nor for soluble bovine serum albumin. The Skp trimer formed 1:1 complexes, OMP·Skp3, with bacterial OMPs, independent of their size or origin. The dissociation constants of these OMP·Skp3 complexes were all in the nanomolar range, indicating that they are stable. Complexes of Skp3 with YaeT displayed the smallest dissociation constants, complexes with NalP the largest. OMP binding to Skp3 was pH-dependent and not observed when either Skp or OMPs were neutralized at very basic or very acidic pH. When the ionic strength was increased, the free energies of binding of Skp to OmpA or OmpG were reduced. Electrostatic interactions were therefore necessary for formation and stability of OMP·Skp3 complexes. Light-scattering and circular dichroism experiments demonstrated that Skp3 remained a stable trimer from pH 3 to pH 11. In the OmpA·Skp3 complex, Skp efficiently shielded tryptophan residues of the transmembrane strands of OmpA against fluorescence quenching by aqueous acrylamide. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a major component of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, bound to OmpA·Skp3 complexes at low stoichiometries. Acrylamide quenching of fluorescence indicated that in this ternary complex, the tryptophan residues of the transmembrane domain of OmpA were located closer to the surface than in binary OmpA·Skp3 complexes. This may explain previous observations that folding of Skp-bound OmpA into lipid bilayers is facilitated in presence of LPS.  相似文献   

Spheroplasts were used to study the early interactions of newly synthesized outer membrane protein PhoE with periplasmic proteins employing a protein cross-linking approach. Newly translocated PhoE protein could be cross-linked to the periplasmic chaperone Skp at the periplasmic side of the inner membrane. To study the timing of this interaction, a PhoE-dihydrofolate reductase hybrid protein was constructed that formed translocation intermediates, which had the PhoE moiety present in the periplasm and the dihydrofolate reductase moiety tightly folded in the cytoplasm. The hybrid protein was found to cross-link to Skp, indicating that PhoE closely interacts with the chaperone when the protein is still in a transmembrane orientation in the translocase. Removal of N-terminal parts of PhoE protein affected Skp binding in a cumulative manner, consistent with the presence of two Skp-binding sites in that region. In contrast, deletion of C-terminal parts resulted in variable interactions with Skp, suggesting that interaction of Skp with the N-terminal region is influenced by parts of the C terminus of PhoE protein. Both the soluble as well as the membrane-associated Skp protein were found to interact with PhoE. The latter form is proposed to be involved in the initial interaction with the N-terminal regions of the outer membrane protein.  相似文献   

The periplasmic chaperones Skp, SurA, and DegP are implicated in the biogenesis of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) in Escherichia coli. Here, we investigated whether these chaperones exert similar functions in Neisseria meningitidis. Although N. meningitidis does not contain a homolog of the protease/chaperone DegP, it does possess a homolog of another E. coli protein, DegQ, which can functionally replace DegP when overproduced. Hence, we examined whether in N. meningitidis, DegQ acts as a functional homolog of DegP. Single skp, surA, and degQ mutants were easily obtained, showing that none of these chaperones is essential in N. meningitidis. Furthermore, all combinations of double mutants were generated and no synthetic lethality was observed. The absence of SurA or DegQ did not affect OMP biogenesis. In contrast, the absence of Skp resulted in severely lower levels of the porins PorA and PorB but not of other OMPs. These decreased levels were not due to proteolytic activity of DegQ, since porin levels remained low in a skp degQ double mutant, indicating that neisserial DegQ is not a functional homolog of E. coli DegP. The absence of Skp resulted in lower expression of the porB gene, as shown by using a P(porB)-lacZ fusion. We found no cross-species complementation when Skp of E. coli or N. meningitidis was heterologously expressed in skp mutants, indicating that Skp functions in a species-specific manner. Our results demonstrate an important role for Skp but not for SurA or DegQ in OMP biogenesis in N. meningitidis.  相似文献   

Using a cross-linking approach, we have analyzed the function of Skp, a presumed molecular chaperone of the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli, during the biogenesis of an outer membrane protein (OmpA). Following its transmembrane translocation, OmpA interacts with Skp in close vicinity to the plasma membrane. In vitro, Skp was also found to bind strongly and specifically to pOmpA nascent chains after their release from the ribosome suggesting the ability of Skp to recognize early folding intermediates of outer membrane proteins. Pulse labeling of OmpA in spheroplasts prepared from an skp null mutant revealed a specific requirement of Skp for the release of newly translocated outer membrane proteins from the plasma membrane. Deltaskp mutant cells are viable and show only slight changes in the physiology of their outer membranes. In contrast, double mutants deficient both in Skp and the periplasmic protease DegP (HtrA) do not grow at 37 degrees C in rich medium. We show that in the absence of an active DegP, a lack of Skp leads to the accumulation of protein aggregates in the periplasm. Collectively, our data demonstrate that Skp is a molecular chaperone involved in generating and maintaining the solubility of early folding intermediates of outer membrane proteins in the periplasmic space of Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis is a world spread zoonosis caused by members of the genus Leptospira. Although leptospires were identified as the causal agent of leptospirosis almost 100 years ago, little is known about their biology, which hinders the development of new treatment and prevention strategies. One of the several aspects of the leptospiral biology not yet elucidated is the process by which outer membrane proteins (OMPs) traverse the periplasm and are inserted into the outer membrane. The crystal structure determination of the conserved hypothetical protein LIC12922 from Leptospira interrogans revealed a two domain protein homologous to the Escherichia coli periplasmic chaperone SurA. The LIC12922 NC-domain is structurally related to the chaperone modules of E. coli SurA and trigger factor, whereas the parvulin domain is devoid of peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity. Phylogenetic analyses suggest a relationship between LIC12922 and the chaperones PrsA, PpiD and SurA. Based on our structural and evolutionary analyses, we postulate that LIC12922 is a periplasmic chaperone involved in OMPs biogenesis in Leptospira spp. Since LIC12922 homologs were identified in all spirochetal genomes sequenced to date, this assumption may have implications for the OMPs biogenesis studies not only in leptospires but in the entire Phylum Spirochaetes.  相似文献   

Watts KM  Hunstad DA 《PloS one》2008,3(10):e3359


SurA is a periplasmic peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) and chaperone of Escherichia coli and other Gram-negative bacteria. In contrast to other PPIases, SurA appears to have a distinct role in chaperoning newly synthesized porins destined for insertion into the outer membrane. Previous studies have indicated that the chaperone activity of SurA rests in its “core module” (the N- plus C-terminal domains), based on in vivo envelope phenotypes and in vitro binding and protection of non-native substrates.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we determined the components of SurA required for chaperone activity using in vivo phenotypes relevant to disease causation by uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC), namely membrane resistance to permeation by antimicrobials and maturation of the type 1 pilus usher FimD. FimD is a SurA-dependent, integral outer membrane protein through which heteropolymeric type 1 pili, which confer bladder epithelial binding and invasion capacity upon uropathogenic E. coli, are assembled and extruded. Consistent with prior results, the in vivo chaperone activity of SurA in UPEC rested primarily in the core module. However, the PPIase domains I and II were not expendable for wild-type resistance to novobiocin in broth culture. Steady-state levels of FimD were substantially restored in the UPEC surA mutant complemented with the SurA N- plus C-terminal domains. The addition of PPIase domain I augmented FimD maturation into the outer membrane, consistent with a model in which domain I enhances stability of and/or substrate binding by the core module.


Our results confirm the core module of E. coli SurA as a potential target for novel anti-infective development.  相似文献   

The bacterial Rcs phosphorelay is a stress-induced defense mechanism that controls the expression of numerous genes, including those for capsular polysaccharides, motility, and virulence factors. It is a complex multicomponent system that includes the histidine kinase (RcsC) and the response regulator (RcsB) and also auxiliary proteins such as RcsF. RcsF is an outer membrane lipoprotein that transmits signals from the cell surface to RcsC. The physiological signals that activate RcsF and how RcsF interacts with RcsC remain unknown. Here, we report the three-dimensional structure of RcsF. The fold of the protein is characterized by the presence of a central 4-stranded β sheet, which is conserved in several other proteins, including the copper-binding domain of the amyloid precursor protein. RcsF, which contains four conserved cysteine residues, presents two nonconsecutive disulfides between Cys(74) and Cys(118) and between Cys(109) and Cys(124), respectively. These two disulfides are not functionally equivalent; the Cys(109)-Cys(124) disulfide is particularly important for the assembly of an active RcsF. Moreover, we show that formation of the nonconsecutive disulfides of RcsF depends on the periplasmic disulfide isomerase DsbC. We trapped RcsF in a mixed disulfide complex with DsbC, and we show that deletion of dsbC prevents the activation of the Rcs phosphorelay by signals that function through RcsF. The three-dimensional structure of RcsF provides the structural basis to understand how this protein triggers the Rcs signaling cascade.  相似文献   

The production of sufficient amounts of chemically and conformationally homogenous protein is a major requirement for successful crystallization and structure determination. With membrane proteins, this constitutes a particular problem because the membrane volume is limited and the organisms are usually very sensitive to changes in membrane properties brought about by massive protein insertion. Moreover, the extraction of membrane proteins from the membrane with detergents is generally a harsh treatment, which gives rise to conformational aberrations. A number of successful procedures for functional expression followed by purification are reviewed here together with nonfunctional expression into inclusion bodies and subsequent (re)folding to produce functional proteins. Most of the data are for prokaryotic outer membrane proteins, but the outer membrane proteins of eukaryotic organelles are also considered as they do show similar features.  相似文献   

The production of sufficient amounts of chemically and conformationally homogenous protein is a major requirement for successful crystallization and structure determination. With membrane proteins, this constitutes a particular problem because the membrane volume is limited and the organisms are usually very sensitive to changes in membrane properties brought about by massive protein insertion. Moreover, the extraction of membrane proteins from the membrane with detergents is generally a harsh treatment, which gives rise to conformational aberrations. A number of successful procedures for functional expression followed by purification are reviewed here together with nonfunctional expression into inclusion bodies and subsequent (re)folding to produce functional proteins. Most of the data are for prokaryotic outer membrane proteins, but the outer membrane proteins of eukaryotic organelles are also considered as they do show similar features.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is an integral component of mammalian membranes. It has been shown to modulate membrane fluidity and dynamics and alter integral membrane protein function. However, understanding the molecular mechanisms of how cholesterol impacts protein function is complicated by limited and conflicting structural data. Because of the nature of the crystallization and cryo-EM structure determination, it is difficult to distinguish between specific and biologically relevant interactions and a nonspecific association. The only widely recognized search algorithm for cholesterol-integral-membrane-protein interaction sites is sequence based, i.e., searching for the so-called "Cholesterol Recognition/interaction Amino acid Consensus" motif. Although these motifs are present in numerous integral membrane proteins, there is inconclusive evidence to support their necessity or sufficiency for cholesterol binding. Here, we leverage the increasing number of experimental cholesterol-integral-membrane-protein structures to systematically analyze putative interaction sites based on their spatial arrangement and evolutionary conservation. This analysis creates three-dimensional representations of general cholesterol interaction sites that form clusters across multiple integral membrane protein classes. We also classify cholesterol-integral-membrane-protein interaction sites as either likely-specific or nonspecific. Information gleaned from our characterization will eventually enable a structure-based approach to predict and design cholesterol-integral-membrane-protein interaction sites.  相似文献   

The periplasmic molecular chaperone protein SurA facilitates correct folding and maturation of outer membrane proteins in Gram-negative bacteria. It preferentially binds peptides that have a high fraction of aromatic amino acids. Phage display selections, isothermal titration calorimetry and crystallographic structure determination have been used to elucidate the basis of the binding specificity. The peptide recognition is imparted by the first peptidyl-prolyl isomerase (PPIase) domain of SurA. Crystal structures of complexes between peptides of sequence WEYIPNV and NFTLKFWDIFRK with the first PPIase domain of the Escherichia coli SurA protein at 1.3 A resolution, and of a complex between the dodecapeptide and a SurA fragment lacking the second PPIase domain at 3.4 A resolution, have been solved. SurA binds as a monomer to the heptapeptide in an extended conformation. It binds as a dimer to the dodecapeptide in an alpha-helical conformation, predicated on a substantial structural rearrangement of the SurA protein. In both cases, side-chains of aromatic residues of the peptides contribute a large fraction of the binding interactions. SurA therefore asserts a recognition preference for aromatic amino acids in a variety of sequence configurations by adopting alternative tertiary and quaternary structures to bind peptides in different conformations.  相似文献   

The structure of bacterial outer membrane proteins   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Integral membrane proteins come in two types, alpha-helical and beta-barrel proteins. In both types, all hydrogen bonding donors and acceptors of the polypeptide backbone are completely compensated and buried while nonpolar side chains point to the membrane. The alpha-helical type is more abundant and occurs in cytoplasmic (or inner) membranes, whereas the beta-barrels are known from outer membranes of bacteria. The beta-barrel construction is described by the number of strands and the shear number, which is a measure for the inclination angle of the beta-strands against the barrel axis. The common right-handed beta-twist requires shear numbers slightly larger than the number of strands. Membrane protein beta-barrels contain between 8 and 22 beta-strands and have a simple topology that is probably enforced by the folding process. The smallest barrels form inverse micelles and work as enzymes or they bind to other macromolecules. The medium-range barrels form more or less specific pores for nutrient uptake, whereas the largest barrels occur in active Fe(2+) transporters. The beta-barrels are suitable objects for channel engineering, because the structures are simple and because many of these proteins can be produced into inclusion bodies and recovered therefrom in the exact native conformation.  相似文献   

Integral membrane proteins come in two types, α-helical and β-barrel proteins. In both types, all hydrogen bonding donors and acceptors of the polypeptide backbone are completely compensated and buried while nonpolar side chains point to the membrane. The α-helical type is more abundant and occurs in cytoplasmic (or inner) membranes, whereas the β-barrels are known from outer membranes of bacteria. The β-barrel construction is described by the number of strands and the shear number, which is a measure for the inclination angle of the β-strands against the barrel axis. The common right-handed β-twist requires shear numbers slightly larger than the number of strands. Membrane protein β-barrels contain between 8 and 22 β-strands and have a simple topology that is probably enforced by the folding process. The smallest barrels form inverse micelles and work as enzymes or they bind to other macromolecules. The medium-range barrels form more or less specific pores for nutrient uptake, whereas the largest barrels occur in active Fe2+ transporters. The β-barrels are suitable objects for channel engineering, because the structures are simple and because many of these proteins can be produced into inclusion bodies and recovered therefrom in the exact native conformation.  相似文献   

Bernsel A  Viklund H  Elofsson A 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1387-1399
Compared with globular proteins, transmembrane proteins are surrounded by a more intricate environment and, consequently, amino acid composition varies between the different compartments. Existing algorithms for homology detection are generally developed with globular proteins in mind and may not be optimal to detect distant homology between transmembrane proteins. Here, we introduce a new profile-profile based alignment method for remote homology detection of transmembrane proteins in a hidden Markov model framework that takes advantage of the sequence constraints placed by the hydrophobic interior of the membrane. We expect that, for distant membrane protein homologs, even if the sequences have diverged too far to be recognized, the hydrophobicity pattern and the transmembrane topology are better conserved. By using this information in parallel with sequence information, we show that both sensitivity and specificity can be substantially improved for remote homology detection in two independent test sets. In addition, we show that alignment quality can be improved for the most distant homologs in a public dataset of membrane protein structures. Applying the method to the Pfam domain database, we are able to suggest new putative evolutionary relationships for a few relatively uncharacterized protein domain families, of which several are confirmed by other methods. The method is called Searcher for Homology Relationships of Integral Membrane Proteins (SHRIMP) and is available for download at http://www.sbc.su.se/shrimp/.  相似文献   

Mycobacterial plasma membrane proteins play essential roles in many cellular processes, yet their comprehensive proteomic profiling remains challenging. This is mainly due to obstacles related to their extraction and solubilization. To tackle this problem, we have developed a novel procedure to selectively enrich mycobacterial plasma membrane proteins based on alkaline sodium carbonate washing of crude membranes followed by Triton X-114 phase partitioning. The present study assesses the efficiency of this method by proteome analysis of plasma membrane proteins from Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Extracted proteins were separated in parallel by 1-D SDS-PAGE and 2-DE and then analyzed by LC-MS/MS and MALDI-MS/MS. Our study revealed 125 proteins, of which 54 contained 1-14 predicted transmembrane domains (TMD) including nine novel proteins. The 1-D SDS-PAGE-based proteome analysis identified 81 proteins, of which 49 (60.5%) harbored TMD. This approach also revealed many hydrophobic membrane-associated/periplasmic proteins lacking TMD, but only few soluble proteins. The identified proteins were characterized with regard to biological functions and physicochemical properties providing further evidence for the high efficiency of the prefractionation method described herein.  相似文献   

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